Mr Daniel Yu

Mr Daniel Yu


BArchComp (2016), University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia

MPhilArch (2018), University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Built Environment

Daniel is an Associate Lecturer in the School of Built Environment within the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture at the University of New South Wales. Specialising in advanced computational design workflows, Daniel has received a Bachelor of Architectural Computing, with Distinction, and a Masters of Philosophy in Architecture from the University of New South Wales. His master research examines the translation of Slime Molds for parametric infrastructure planning through artificial organic simulations and topographical analysis. Previously in Daniel’s work as a post-graduate research associate in the Computational Design program at the University of New South Wales, he has been involved in numerous research projects developing analytical and optimisation processes for the built environment. Daniel’s research focuses on Urban Infrastructure and Planning, Environmental Analysis and Optimisation, Performance Architecture, Biomimetics, and Sustainability. He is currently a PhD candidate focussing on Urban Heat Islands.

  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Dunn K; Haeusler MH; Yu KD; Zavoleas Y; Undery G; Firth CS, 2022, 'Building Bio-Shelters Using Industry 4.0 Data-Driven Hybrid Fabrication Technologies', in Impact of Artificial Reefs on the Environment and Communities, IGI Global, pp. 196 - 221,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Yu D, 2019, 'Cycle Path Generation Using Digital Slime Molds', in Computational Design From Promise to Practice
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Schaefer N; Sedano F; Bishop MJ; Dunn K; Haeusler MH; Yu KD; Zavoleas Y; Dafforn KA, 2023, 'Facilitation of non-indigenous ascidian by marine eco-engineering interventions at an urban site', Biofouling, 39, pp. 80 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Haeusler MH; Gardner N; Yu DK; Oh C; Huang B, 2021, '(Computationally) designing out waste: Developing a computational design workflow for minimising construction and demolition waste in early-stage architectural design', International Journal of Architectural Computing, 19, pp. 594 - 611,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zavoleas Y; Haeusler M; Dunn K; Bishop M; Dafforn K; Schaefer N; Sedano F; Yu DK, 2020, 'Designing Bio-Shelters: Improving Water Quality and Biodiversity in the Bays Precinct through Dynamic Data-Driven Approaches', Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 5-2020, pp. 521 - 532,
  • Conference Papers | 2024
    Lahtinen A; Gardner N; Ramosjaime C; Yu K, 2024, 'VISUALISING SYDNEY’S URBAN GREEN: A Web Interface for Monitoring Vegetation Coverage in the Greater Sydney Area between 1992 and 2022 using Google Earth Engine', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, pp. 515 - 524,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Gardner N; Haeusler M; Yu D; Barton J; Dunn K; Huang T, 2022, 'Revisiting Shoei Yoh: Developing a workflow for a browser-based 3Dmodel environment to create an immersive digital archive', in Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sydney, presented at CAADRIA, Sydney, 09 April 2022,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Jovanovic L; Meng L; Doherty B; Gardner N; Hank Haeusler M; Daniel Yu K, 2022, 'Automated Code Compliance Checking: A computational workflow for verifying model, parameter and regulatory compliance', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, pp. 319 - 328
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Rogers S; Rubennach T; Doherty B; Gardner N; Haeusler MH; Yu KD, 2022, 'Running, Running, Stop Applying graph theory to pathfinding analysis to improve circulation efficiency in vertical high schools', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, pp. 19 - 28
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Yu D; Haeusler M; Irger M; Tohidi A, 2022, 'Designing out heat – Developing a computer-aided street layout tool to address urban heat in existing streets and suburbs', in Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sydney, presented at CAADRIA, Sydney, 09 April 2022,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Zhang GH; Meng L; Gardner N; Yu D; Haeusler M, 2022, 'Transit Oriented Development Assistive Interface (TODAI) - A Machine Learning Powered Computational Urban Design Tool for TOD', in Proceedings of the 27th CAADRIA Conference, Sydney, Australia, Sydney, presented at CAADRIA, Sydney, 09 April 2022,
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2021
    Gardner N; Haeusler M; Dunn K; Huang T; Barton J; Yu D; Firth C; Iwamoto M; Inoue T; Momoeda Y, 2021, Revisiting Shoei Yoh, Revisiting Shoei Yoh, 30 November 2021 - 02 February 2022, at:
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Gardner N; Haeusler M; Yu DK, 2021, 'Parametricising sound for early-stage design: An information design problem?', Madeira, Portugal, presented at Euronoise 2021, Madeira, Portugal, 25 October 2021 - 27 October 2021
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Dunn K; Haeusler M; Zavoleas Y; Bishop M; Dafforn K; Sedano F; Yu D; Schaefer N, 2019, 'Recycled Sustainable 3D Printing Materials for Marine Environments', in Souza X; Castro H (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADE/Sigradi & University of Porto, University of Porto, Portugal, pp. 583 - 592, presented at eCAADe 37/Sigradi 23: Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, University of Porto, Portugal, 11 September 2019 - 13 September 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Haeusler M; Yu D; Fabbri A; Simon K, 2018, 'Data Influenced Infrastructure Generation - Combining holistic urban datasets through a digital slime mold algorithm for cycle path generation', in Kępczyńska-Walczak A; Białkowski S (ed.), Computing for a better tomorrow - 36th eCAADe, Lodz, Poland, pp. 647 - 656, presented at Computing for a better tomorrow - 36th eCAADe, Lodz, Poland, 19 September 2018 - 21 September 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Yu D; Haeusler M; Fabbri A; Simon K, 2018, 'BiCycle Pathway Generation Through a Weighted Digital Slime Mold Algorithm via Topographical Analysis', in Learning, Adapting and Prototyping, Proceedings of the 23 rd International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2018, Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, pp. 381 - 390, presented at Learning, Adapting and Prototyping - Proceedings of the 23rd CAADRIA Conference, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 17 May 2018 - 19 May 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Haeusler MH; Fabbri A; Yu K; Simon K, 2017, 'Digital Slime Mold infrastructure generation for Master Planning via topographical analysis.', in : 3rd Annual International Conference on Urban Planning and Property Development (UPPD 2017), Singapore, presented at : 3rd Annual International Conference on Urban Planning and Property Development (UPPD 2017), Singapore, 09 October 2017 - 10 October 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Haeusler MH; Yu K; Fabbri A, 2017, 'Parametric master planning via topological analysis using GIS data', in Cursi S; Elahmar S; Gargaro S; Fioravanti A; Loffreda G; Novembri G; Trento A (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Rome, presented at 35th eCAADe Conference, Rome, 20 September 2017 - 22 September 2017,

UNSW Built Environment Scholar (2015)
The UNSW Built Environment Undergraduate Scholar's Program was established as a means of acknowledging the Faculty's highest achieving students. Every year the top 20 students are identified based on their excellent academic performance.

UNSW Undergraduate Dean's List Award (2014-2016)
The Dean's list recognises and celebrates the academic excellence of our high achieving undergraduate and postgraduate students. Undergraduate Dean's List Honours are awarded to students who have achieved a weighted average mark of 80 in a semester and who have completed at least 18 units of credit in that semester.

Director of Computational Design Prize (2015)

Director of Architecture Discipline Prize - Computational Design (2016)