Mr Darrin Falk
Mr Darrin Falk is a Senior Technology Officer at nthalmic. Previously, Darrin has served as the Senior Technology Officer for the Brien Holden Vision Institute, where he was responsible for the development of new clinical, metrology, optical and other scientific instrumentation and software. With a passion for engineering, he has gained extensive experience in electronic, software, mechanical, optical and biomedical engineering. Darrin has supervised and provided guidance, teaching and technical assistance for PhD and MSc students and has actively participated in the design, planning and execution of scientific research projects.
Working in the ophthalmic field over the past 20 years, Darrin has developed numerous instruments and software applications. One notable highlight is a novel peripheral ocular wavefront aberrometer capable of measuring 11 fields in under 500ms. This instrument has been used in 25+ clinical trials, and data from the device has been used in 20+ publications. Other instruments include an OCT-based contact lens profilometer, a lens power mapping instrument, a liquid-jet aesthesiometer and an optically equivalent model eye used to evaluate the optical performance of intraocular and contact lenses. Software developed by Darrin includes applications for optical design, metrology, instrument control, data analysis, databasing and embedded systems.
Darrin holds an academic appointment as an Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, where he currently supervises a PhD candidate.
Darrin is a co-inventor on 3 patents, and co-authored 8 papers and 20+ scientific abstracts in the areas of contact lenses, vision correction devices and ophthalmic instrumentation. Darrin was educated at the University of New South Wales, graduating with a Master of Biomedical Engineering (2012). He also holds trade qualifications as an Aircraft Mechanic in Avionics and worked in this role at Qantas Airways before moving to the ophthalmic field in 2000.
- Publications
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- Grants
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- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision