Professor David Peiris

Professor David Peiris

Conjoint Professor

2011    Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sydney

2006    Master of International Public Health, University of Sydney

2006    Fellowship Advanced Rural General Practice, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)

2003    Graduate Diploma Rural General Practice, RACGP

2002    Fellowship of the RACGP

1995    Bachelor of Medicine/ Surgery, Honours, University of Sydney

Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

David is the Chief Scientist for the George Institute for Global Health and plays a lead role in developing and implementing our research strategy. He is a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney and works clinically as a GP. He is a 2024-2028 NHMRC Investigator Fellow (Level 2).

David joined The George Institute in 2006 and is passionate about strengthening primary health care worldwide. He is focussed on overcoming the challenges of delivering affordable, high-quality health services and programs to communities across the globe. His research is underpinned by health systems science, a dynamic and emerging discipline that includes health services research, health policy and systems research and implementation science.

David has published extensively in health systems research and leads several grants testing innovative strategies to improve access to high-quality primary health care. He is a former Australian Harkness Fellow in Healthcare policy, based at the Harvard School of Public Health and was the elected co-chair of the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases committee for hypertension control from 2012 to 2015. He sits on several government, non-government and research advisory committees. He is a commissioner on two Lancet commissions focussed on evidence-based implementation in global halth and pandemic preparedness.

  • Books | 2018
    Peiris D, 2018, National Guide to a Preventive Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Peiris D, (ed.), The RACGP,
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Seneviratne M; Peiris D, 2019, 'Digital health in low- and middle-income countries', in Revolutionizing Tropical Medicine Point-of-Care Tests, New Imaging Technologies and Digital Health, John Wiley & Sons,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Peiris DNACCHOTRACOGP, 2018, 'Chapter 1.2 Overweight and Obesity Prevention', in National Guide to a Preventive Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, The RACGP, pp. 12 - 15,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Peiris DNACCHOTRACOGP, 2018, 'Chapter 1.3 Physical Activity', in National Guide to a Preventive Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, The RACGP, pp. 16 - 19,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Peiris DNACCHOTRACOGP, 2018, 'Chapter 12 Vascular Health', in National Guide to a Preventive Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, The RACGP,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    O’Grady C; Patel B; Candlin S; Candlin CN; Peiris D; Usherwood T, 2016, '‘It’s just statistics… I’m kind of a glass half-full sort of guy’: The Challenge of Differing Doctor-Patient Perspectives in the Context of Electronically Mediated Cardiovascular Risk Management', in Communicating Risk, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 285 - 303
    Book Chapters | 2015
    O’Grady C, Patel B, Candlin S, Candlin CN, Peiris D, Usherwood T , 2015, 'It’s just statistics ... I’m kind of a glass half-full sort of guy’: The challenge of differing doctor-patient perspectives in the context of electronically-mediated cardiovascular risk management', in Communicating in Professions and Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, London
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Raghu A; Praveen D; Peiris D; Tarassenko L; Clifford G, 2015, 'Lessons from the evaluation of a clinical decision support tool for cardiovascular disease risk management in rural india', in Technologies for Development, Springer, Cham, pp. 199 - 209
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Liu H, Peiris D, Hayman N, Fewquandie B, Senior T, Brown A, Cass A , 2010, 'Chapter 4: Is there a safe and high quality care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples: A perspective from the Kanyini Vascular Collaboration', in Windows on Safety and Quality in Health Care, Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Zhang X; Liu T; Li Z; Yang J; Hou H; Hao T; Zhang P; Hu C; Bao M; Ye P; Xiong S; Tian W; Yan G; Zhang J; Wang Y; Jiang W; Ge A; Pan Y; Praveen D; Peiris D; Feng X; Ding D; Yan LL; Xu X; Zhang H; Wang Y; Tian W; Tian M, 2025, 'Using primary and routinely collected data to determine prevalence and patterns of multimorbidity in rural China: a representative cross-sectional study of 6474 Chinese adults', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 54,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gadsden T; Sood T; Purwar P; Peiris D; Nambiar D; Downey LE, 2024, 'Impact of COVID-19 on essential service provision for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health in the Southeast Asia region: a systematic review', The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jun M; Wick J; Neuen BL; Kotwal S; Badve SV; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Nallaiah K; Jardine MJ; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Ronksley PE, 2024, 'The Prevalence of CKD in Australian Primary Care: Analysis of a National General Practice Dataset', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 312 - 322,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kallakuri S; Gara S; Godi M; Yatirajula SK; Paslawar S; Daniel M; Peiris D; Maulik PK, 2024, 'Learnings From Implementation of Technology-Enabled Mental Health Interventions in India: Implementation Report', JMIR Medical Informatics, 12,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Maulik PK; Daniel M; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Ghosh A; Billot L; Mukherjee A; Sagar R; Kant S; Chatterjee S; Essue BM; Raman U; Praveen D; Thornicroft G; Saxena S; Patel A; Peiris D, 2024, 'Mental Health Care Support in Rural India: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Psychiatry, 81, pp. 1061 - 1070,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mukherjee A; Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Lempp H; Raman U; Essue BM; Sagar R; Singh R; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik PK, 2024, 'Using formative research to inform a mental health intervention for adolescents living in Indian slums: the ARTEMIS study', Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mukherjee A; Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Lempp H; Raman U; Kumar A; Essue BM; Sagar R; Singh R; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik PK, 2024, 'Protocol for process evaluation of ARTEMIS cluster randomised controlled trial: An intervention for management of depression and suicide among adolescents living in slums in India', BMJ Open, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nelson MR; Banks E; Brown A; Chow CK; Peiris DP; Stocks NP; Davies AO R; Raffoul N; Kalman L; Bradburn E; Jennings G, 2024, '2023 Australian guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk', Medical Journal of Australia, 220, pp. 482 - 490,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Neuen BL; Jun M; Wick J; Kotwal S; Badve SV; Jardine MJ; Gallagher M; Chalmers J; Nallaiah K; Perkovic V; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Woodward M; Ronksley PE, 2024, 'Estimating the population-level impacts of improved uptake of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional observational study using routinely collected Australian primary care data', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 43,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Peiris D; Feyer AM; Barnard J; Billot L; Bouckley T; Campain A; Cordery D; de Souza A; Downey L; Elshaug AG; Ford B; Hanfy H; Hales L; Khalaj BH; Huckel Schneider C; Inglis J; Jan S; Jorm L; Landon B; Lujic S; Mulley J; Pearson SA; Schierhout G; Sivaprakash P; Stanton C; Stephens A; Willcox D, 2024, 'Overcoming silos in health care systems through meso-level organisations – a case study of health reforms in New South Wales, Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 44,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rajan D; Jakab M; Schmets G; Azzopardi-Muscat N; Winkelmann J; Peiris D; Di Ruggiero E; Naledi T; Jantsch AG; Trindade T; Gitahi N; Lessof S; Khalid F; Dalil S; Figueras J, 2024, 'Political economy dichotomy in primary health care: bridging the gap between reality and necessity', The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 42,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Tao X; Mao L; Zhang P; Ma X; Liang Z; Sun K; Peiris D, 2024, 'Barriers and facilitators to primary care management of type 2 diabetes in Shijiazhuang City, China: a mixed methods study', BMC Primary Care, 25, pp. 84,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Tesema AG; Joshi R; Abimbola S; Mirkuzie AH; Berlina D; Collins T; Peiris D, 2024, 'Readiness for non-communicable disease service delivery in Ethiopia: an empirical analysis', BMC Health Services Research, 24,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wallace H; Wick J; Ketema DB; Neuen BL; Jardine M; Lin J; Nelson CL; Pearson S; Peiris D; Woodward M; Ronksley PE; Gallagher MP; Kotwal SS; Jun M, 2024, 'Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonists in Australian Primary Care Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) Stratified by CKD Status', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 35, pp. 10.1681/asn.2024f7q40fk1,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xiong S; Jiang W; Wang Y; Hu C; Yang J; Bao M; Hou H; Li F; Liu T; Zhang X; Ma Y; Ye P; Wang Q; Chen Z; Mao L; Peiris D; Tian M, 2024, 'Using routinely collected data to determine care cascades of hypertension and type-2 diabetes management in China: a cross-sectional study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 45, pp. 101019,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xiong S; Jiang W; Wang Y; Wang G; Zhang X; Hu C; Bao M; Li F; Yang J; Hou H; Peng N; Wang Q; Jiang R; Liu T; Wang J; Ma Y; Ye P; Mao L; Peiris D; Tian M, 2024, 'Co-designing interventions to strengthen the primary health care system for the management of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in China', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 49, pp. 101131,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xiong S; Jiang W; Zhang X; Wang Y; Hu C; Bao M; Li F; Yang J; Hou H; Peng N; Wang Q; Jiang R; Wang J; Liu T; Ye P; Ma Y; Li B; Chen Z; Li Q; Du X; Lung T; Si L; Mao L; Peiris D; Tian M, 2024, 'Strengthening China’s National Essential Public Health Services Package for hypertension and diabetes care: protocol for an interrupted time series study with mixed-methods process evaluation and health economic evaluation', BMC Public Health, 24, pp. 2563,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xu Z; Zhang D; Zhao Y; Ghosh A; Peiris D; Li Y; Wong SYS, 2024, 'The Chinese version of patient experience with treatment and self-management (PETS vs. 2.0): translation and validation in patients with multimorbidity in primary care in Hong Kong', Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 8,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhang P; Tao X; Ma Y; Zhang Y; Ma X; Song H; Liu Y; Patel A; Jan S; Peiris D, 2024, 'Improving the management of type 2 diabetes in China using a multifaceted digital health intervention in primary health care: the SMARTDiabetes cluster randomised controlled trial', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 49,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ajisegiri WS; Abimbola S; Tesema AG; Odusanya OO; Peiris D; Joshi R, 2023, '“We just have to help”: Community health workers' informal task-shifting and task-sharing practices for hypertension and diabetes care in Nigeria', Frontiers in Public Health, 11,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bouckley T; Peiris D; Nambiar D; Mishra S; Sood T; Schierhout G, 2023, 'Addressing health equity within the implementation of health system reforms: A scoping review', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 33
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bouckley T; Peiris D; Nambiar D; Schierhout G, 2023, 'Health equity implementation expectations and challenges in a multi-level system reform initiative', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 33
    Journal articles | 2023
    Campain A; Mulley J; Angell B; Ewald D; Carter B; Rose V; Wilcox K; Wheeler M; Peiris D, 2023, 'The Winter Strategy – a Multifaceted Integrated Care Intervention to Support People with Chronic and Complex Care Needs during the Australian Winter Period', International Journal of Integrated Care, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Coorey G; Campain A; Mulley J; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Harris M; Zwar N; Peiris D, 2023, 'Management of cardiovascular disease risk in people with comorbid mental illness: A cross sectional study in Australian general practice', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 613 - 615,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Daniel M; Kaur A; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Tewari A; Sagar R; Kant S; Peiris D; Maulik PK, 2023, 'The systematic medical appraisal, referral and treatment (SMART) mental health programme: Formative research informing a cluster randomized controlled trial', SSM - Mental Health, 3,
    Journal articles | 2023
    De Souza A; Schneider CH; Schierhout G; Peiris D, 2023, 'Innovating Health Governance in Australian Integrated Care', International Journal of Integrated Care, 23, pp. 385 - 385,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gnanenthiran SR; Tan I; Atkins ER; Avolio A; Bennett B; Chapman N; Chow CK; Freed R; Gnjidic D; Hespe C; Kaur B; Liu HM; Patel A; Peiris D; Reid CM; Schlaich M; Sharman JE; Stergiou GS; Usherwood T; Gianacas C; Rodgers A; Schutte AE, 2023, 'Transforming blood pressure control in primary care through a novel remote decision support strategy based on wearable blood pressure monitoring: The NEXTGEN-BP randomized trial protocol', American Heart Journal, 265, pp. 50 - 58,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hirst JE; Votruba N; Billot L; Arora V; Rajan E; Thout SR; Peiris D; Patel A; Norton R; Mullins E; Sharma A; Kennedy S; Jha V; Praveen D, 2023, 'A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tao X; Zhang P; Zhang X; Mao L; Peiris D, 2023, 'Features, functions, and quality of mobile applications for type 2 diabetes care in China: Systematic search of app stores', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 180,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tyagi J; Wang S; Ingale S; Kaur M; Schierhout G; Peiris D; Miranda J; Bhaumik S; mathauer I; Rosenburg M; Si L; Jan S, 2023, 'Role of purchasing agreements for quality of chronic disease care: systematic scoping review', Population Medicine, 5, pp. 426 - 426,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Xiong S; Jiang W; Meng R; Hu C; Liao H; Wang Y; Cai C; Zhang X; Ye P; Ma Y; Liu T; Peng D; Yang J; Gong L; Wang Q; Peiris D; Mao L; Tian M, 2023, 'Factors associated with the uptake of national essential public health service package for hypertension and type-2 diabetes management in China's primary health care system: a mixed-methods study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 31, pp. 100664,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yakubu K; Blacklock C; Adebayo KO; Peiris D; Joshi R; Mondal S, 2023, 'Social networks and skilled health worker migration in Nigeria: An ego network analysis', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38, pp. 457 - 472,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yakubu K; Campain A; Abimbola S; Bouckley T; Peiris D; Joshi R; Shanthosh J, 2023, 'Promoting equitable health workforce distribution through improved migration governance: A mixed methods study of African health professionals' perceptions in Australia', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38, pp. 1789 - 1815,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yakubu K; Shanthosh J; Adebayo KO; Peiris D; Joshi R, 2023, 'Scope of health worker migration governance and its impact on emigration intentions among skilled health workers in Nigeria', PLOS Global Public Health, 3,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ajisegiri WS; Abimbola S; Tesema AG; Odusanya OO; Peiris D; Joshi R, 2022, 'The organisation of primary health care service delivery for non-communicable diseases in Nigeria: A case-study analysis', PLoS ONE, 17,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ajisegiri WS; Peiris D; Abimbola S; Odusanya OO; Tesema AG; Joshi R; Angell B, 2022, 'It is not all about salary: A discrete-choice experiment to determine community health workers' motivation for work in Nigeria', BMJ Global Health, 7,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bailie J; Cunningham F; Abimbola S; Laycock A; Bainbridge R; Bailie R; Conte K; Passey M; Peiris D, 2022, 'Methodological pluralism for better evaluations of complex interventions: lessons from evaluating an innovation platform in Australia', Health Research Policy and Systems, 20,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bharati J; Zavaleta-Cortijo C; Bressan T; Shingada A; Obrador G; Sola L; Peiris D; Miranda JJ; Jha V, 2022, 'The environment and kidney health: challenges and opportunities', Salud Publica de Mexico, 64, pp. 46 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Blumenberg C; Peiris D; de Mola CL; Sinnadurai M; Tian M; Beleigoli AM; Lazo-Porras M; Diez-Canseco F; Paredes M; Labán-Seminario LM; Zafra-Tanaka JH; Praveen D; Miranda JJ, 2022, 'Going digital: opportunities and barriers in the use of technology for health research', Salud Publica de Mexico, 64, pp. 22 - 30,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Campain A; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Rogers K; Chow CK; Lung T; Jun M; Pollock C; Cass A; Sullivan D; Comino E; Peiris D; Jardine M, 2022, 'Prior Cardiovascular Treatments—A Key Characteristic in Determining Medication Adherence After an Acute Myocardial Infarction', Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Coorey G; Campain A; Mulley J; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Harris M; Zwar N; Parker S; Coiera E; Peiris D, 2022, 'Utilisation of government-subsidised chronic disease management plans and cardiovascular care in Australian general practices', BMC Primary Care, 23,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Downey LE; Gadsden T; Vilas VDR; Peiris D; Jan S, 2022, 'The impact of COVID-19 on essential health service provision for endemic infectious diseases in the South-East Asia region: A systematic review', The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, 1,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gadsden T; Downey LE; Vilas VDR; Peiris D; Jan S, 2022, 'The impact of COVID-19 on essential health service provision for noncommunicable diseases in the South-East Asia region: A systematic review', The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia, 1,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hespe CM; Giskes K; Harris MF; Peiris D, 2022, 'Findings and lessons learnt implementing a cardiovascular disease quality improvement program in Australian primary care: a mixed method evaluation', BMC Health Services Research, 22,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Joshi R; Besigye I; Heredia-Pi I; Sharma M; Peiris D; Mash RJ; Reyes-Morales H; Goodyear-Smith F; John R; Ortega-Altamirano DV; Orozco-Núñez E; Ávila-Burgos L; Jeyakumar R; Serván-Mori E; Upadhyaya S; Arora V; Praveen D, 2022, 'How do diverse low-income and middle-income countries implement primary healthcare team integration to support the delivery of comprehensive primary health care? A mixed-methods study protocol from India, Mexico and Uganda', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kang A; Sukkar L; Hockham C; Jun M; Young T; Scaria A; Foote C; Neuen BL; Cass A; Pollock C; Comino E; Lung T; Pecoits-Filho R; Rogers K; Jardine MJ; Chow C; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Ssullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Wilson R, 2022, 'Risk factors for incident kidney disease in older adults: an Australian prospective population-based study', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 808 - 817,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Miranda JJ; Beran D; Diez-Canseco F; Buse K; Mendoza W; Peiris D, 2022, 'How does research influence health policies?', Gaceta Sanitaria, 36, pp. 201 - 203,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Miranda JJ; Lazcano E; Peiris D, 2022, 'Addressing the challenges of noncommunicable diseases and injuries in Latin America and Asia-Pacific countries', Salud Publica de Mexico, 64, pp. 3 - 5,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mukherjee A; Daniel M; Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Devarapalli S; Raman U; Thornicroft G; Essue BM; Praveen D; Sagar R; Kant S; Saxena S; Patel A; Peiris D; Maulik PK, 2022, 'Protocol for process evaluation of SMART Mental Health cluster randomised control trial: an intervention for management of common mental disorders in India', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mukherjee A; Daniel M; Kaur A; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Essue B; Raman U; Thornicroft G; Saxena S; Peiris D; Maulik PK, 2022, 'Operational challenges in the pre-intervention phase of a mental health trial in rural India: reflections from SMART Mental Health', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ramani-Chander A; Joshi R; Van Olmen J; Wouters E; Delobelle P; Vedanthan R; Miranda JJ; Oldenburg B; Sherwood S; Rawal LB; Mash RJ; Irazola VE; Martens M; Lazo-Porras M; Liu H; Agarwal G; Waqa G; Marcolino MS; Esandi ME; Ribeiro ALP; Probandari A; González-Salazar F; Shrestha A; Sujarwoto S; Levitt N; Paredes M; Sugishita T; Batal M; Li Y; Haghparast-Bidgoli H; Naanyu V; He FJ; Zhang P; Mfinanga SG; De Neve JW; Daivadanam M; Siddiqi K; Geldsetzer P; Klipstein-Grobusch K; Huffman MD; Webster J; Ojji D; Beratarrechea A; Tian M; Postma M; Owolabi MO; Birungi J; Antonietti L; Ortiz Z; Patel A; Peiris D; Schouw D; Koot J; Nakamura K; Tampubolon G; Thrift AG, 2022, 'Applying systems thinking to identify enablers and challenges to scale-up interventions for hypertension and diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: Protocol for a longitudinal mixed-methods study', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tesema AG; Peiris D; Abimbola S; Ajisegiri WS; Narasimhan P; Mulugeta A; Joshi R, 2022, 'Community health extension workers’ training and supervision in Ethiopia: Exploring impact and implementation challenges for non-communicable disease service delivery', PLOS Global Public Health, 2, pp. e0001160 - e0001160,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tesema AG; Peiris D; Joshi R; Abimbola S; Fentaye FW; Teklu AM; Kinfu Y, 2022, 'Exploring complementary and competitive relations between non-communicable disease services and other health extension programme services in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis', BMJ Global Health, 7,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wyber R; Lizama C; Wade V; Pearson G; Carapetis J; Ralph AP; Bowen AC; Peiris D, 2022, 'Improving primary prevention of acute rheumatic fever in Australia: consensus primary care priorities identified through an eDelphi process', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Xiong S; Cai C; Jiang W; Ye P; Ma Y; Liu H; Li B; Zhang X; Wei T; Sun H; Hone T; Peiris D; Mao L; Tian M, 2022, 'Primary health care system responses to non-communicable disease prevention and control: A scoping review of national policies in Mainland China since the 2009 health reform', The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 31, pp. 100390,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yakubu K; Abimbola S; Durbach A; Balane C; Peiris D; Joshi R, 2022, 'Utility of the Right to Health for Addressing Skilled Health Worker Shortages in Low-and Middle-Income Countries', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11, pp. 2404 - 2414,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yakubu K; Durbach A; van Waes A; Mabunda SA; Peiris D; Shanthosh J; Joshi R, 2022, 'Governance systems for skilled health worker migration, their public value and competing priorities: an interpretive scoping review', Global Health Action, 15, pp. 2013600,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Chatterjee S; Sagar R; Kumar A; Lempp H; Raman U; Singh R; Essue B; Billot L; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik PK, 2022, 'An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project', Trials, 23,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhang X; Padhi A; Wei T; Xiong S; Yu J; Ye P; Tian W; Sun H; Peiris D; Praveen D; Tian M, 2022, 'Community prevalence and dyad disease pattern of multimorbidity in China and India: a systematic review', BMJ Global Health, 7,
    Journal articles | 2022
    de Oliveira Costa J; Gillies MB; Schaffer AL; Peiris D; Zoega H; Pearson SA, 2022, 'Changes in antidepressant use in Australia: A nationwide analysis (2015–2021)', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ajisegiri WS; Abimbola S; Tesema AG; Odusanya OO; Ojji DB; Peiris D; Joshi R, 2021, 'Aligning policymaking in decentralized health systems: Evaluation of strategies to prevent and control non-communicable diseases in Nigeria', PLOS Global Public Health, 1,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Angell B; Dodd R; Palagyi A; Gadsden T; Abimbola S; Prinja S; Jan S; Peiris D, 2021, 'Primary health care financing interventions: A systematic review and stakeholder-driven research agenda for the Asia-Pacific region', BMJ Global Health, 4, pp. e001481,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bailie J; Laycock AF; Conte KP; Matthews V; Peiris D; Bailie RS; Abimbola S; Passey ME; Cunningham FC; Harkin K; Bainbridge RG, 2021, 'Principles guiding ethical research in a collaboration to strengthen Indigenous primary healthcare in Australia: Learning from experience', BMJ Global Health, 6,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bailie J; Peiris D; Cunningham FC; Laycock A; Bailie R; Matthews V; Conte KP; Bainbridge RG; Passey ME; Abimbola S, 2021, 'Utility of the AHRQ Learning Collaboratives Taxonomy for Analyzing Innovations from an Australian Collaborative', Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 47, pp. 711 - 722,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bailie J; Potts BA; Laycock AF; Abimbola S; Bailie RS; Cunningham FC; Matthews V; Bainbridge RG; Conte KP; Passey ME; Peiris D, 2021, 'Collaboration and knowledge generation in an 18-year quality improvement research programme in Australian Indigenous primary healthcare: A coauthorship network analysis', BMJ Open, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Scaria A; Mulley J; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Redfern J, 2021, 'An internet-based intervention for cardiovascular disease management integrated with primary care electronic health records: Mixed methods evaluation of implementation fidelity and user engagement', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Daniel M; Maulik PK; Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Devarapalli S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Billot L; Thornicroft G; Praveen D; Raman U; Sagar R; Kant S; Essue B; Chatterjee S; Saxena S; Patel A; Peiris D, 2021, 'An integrated community and primary healthcare worker intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of common mental disorders in rural India: protocol for the SMART Mental Health programme', Trials, 22, pp. 179,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dodd R; Palagyi A; Jan S; Abdel-All M; Nambiar D; Madhira P; Balane C; Tian M; Joshi R; Abimbola S; Peiris D, 2021, 'Organisation of primary health care systems in low- and middle-income countries: Review of evidence on what works and why in the Asia-Pacific region', BMJ Global Health, 4, pp. e001487,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Downey LE; Harris M; Jan S; Miraldo M; Peiris D; Buse K, 2021, 'Global health system resilience is in everyone's interest', The BMJ, 375,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hespe CM; Harris MF; Peiris DP, 2021, 'Implementing cardiovascular disease preventive care guidelines in general practice: an opportunity missed', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. 189 - 189.e1,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Koff E; Pearce S; Peiris DP, 2021, 'Collaborative Commissioning: regional funding models to support value-based care in New South Wales', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. 297 - 301.e1,
    Journal articles | 2021
    MacKay D; Freeman N; Boyle JA; Campbell S; McLean A; Peiris D; Corpus S; Connors C; Moore E; Wenitong M; Silver B; McIntyre HD; Shaw JE; Brown A; Kirkham R; Maple-Brown L; Chitturi S; Eades S; Inglis C; Dempsey K; Lynch M; Skinner T; Wright R; O’Dea K; Oats J; Zimmett P; Sinha A; Hanley AJ; Whitbread C; Barzi F; Davis B; Mein J; McDermott R; Canuto K, 2021, 'Improving systems of prenatal and postpartum care for hyperglycemia in pregnancy: A process evaluation', International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 155, pp. 179 - 194,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Palagyi A; Dodd R; Jan S; Nambiar D; Joshi R; Tian M; Abimbola S; Peiris D, 2021, 'Organisation of primary health care in the Asia-Pacific region: Developing a prioritised research agenda', BMJ Global Health, 4, pp. e001467,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Peiris D; Ghosh A; Manne-Goehler J; Jaacks LM; Theilmann M; Marcus ME; Zhumadilov Z; Tsabedze L; Supiyev A; Silver BK; Sibai AM; Norov B; Mayige MT; Martins JS; Lunet N; Labadarios D; Jorgensen JMA; Houehanou C; Guwatudde D; Gurung MS; Damasceno A; Aryal KK; Andall-Brereton G; Agoudavi K; McKenzie B; Webster J; Atun R; Bärnighausen T; Vollmer S; Davies JI; Geldsetzer P, 2021, 'Cardiovascular disease risk profile and management practices in 45 low-income and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional study of nationally representative individual-level survey data', PLoS Medicine, 18,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Peiris D; Sharma M; Praveen D; Bitton A; Bresick G; Coffman M; Dodd R; El-Jardali F; Fadlallah R; Flinkenflögel M; Goodyear-Smith F; Hirschhorn LR; Munar W; Palagyi A; Saif-Ur-Rahman KM; Mash R, 2021, 'Strengthening primary health care in the COVID-19 era', WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, 10, pp. S6 - S25,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Schierhout G; Praveen D; Patel B; Li Q; Mogulluru K; Ameer MA; Patel A; Clifford GD; Joshi R; Heritier S; Maulik P; Peiris D, 2021, 'Why do strategies to strengthen primary health care succeed in some places and fail in others? Exploring local variation in the effectiveness of a community health worker managed digital health intervention in rural India', BMJ Global Health, 6, pp. e005003,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tesema AG; Abimbola S; Mulugeta A; Ajisegiri WS; Narasimhan P; Joshi R; Peiris D, 2021, 'Health system capacity and readiness for delivery of integrated non-communicable disease services in primary health care: A qualitative analysis of the Ethiopian experience', PLOS Global Public Health, 1, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tewari A; Kallakuri S; Devarapalli S; Peiris D; Patel A; Maulik PK, 2021, 'SMART Mental Health Project: process evaluation to understand the barriers and facilitators for implementation of multifaceted intervention in rural India', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 15, pp. 15,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Thurber KA; Barrett EM; Agostino J; Chamberlain C; Ward J; Wade V; Belfrage M; Maddox R; Peiris D; Walker J; Baffour B; Wenitong M; Law C; Senior T; Priest N; Freeman K; Schramm T, 2021, 'Risk of severe illness from COVID-19 among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: the construct of ‘vulnerable populations’ obscures the root causes of health inequities', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 658 - 663,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Webster R; Usherwood T; Joshi R; Saini B; Armour C; Critchley S; Di Tanna GL; Galgey S; Hespe CM; Jan S; Karia A; Kaur B; Krass I; Laba TL; Li Q; Lo S; Peiris DP; Reid C; Rodgers A; Shiel L; Strathdee J; Zamora N; Patel A, 2021, 'An electronic decision support-based complex intervention to improve management of cardiovascular risk in primary health care: a cluster randomised trial (INTEGRATE)', Medical Journal of Australia, 214, pp. 420 - 427,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wyber R; Bowen AC; Ralph AP; Peiris D, 2021, 'Primary Prevention of Acute Rheumatic Fever', Australian Journal of General Practice, 50, pp. 265 - 269,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wyber R; Kelly A; Lee AM; Mungatopi V; Kerrigan V; Babui S; Black N; Wade V; Fitzgerald C; Peiris D; Ralph AP, 2021, 'Formative evaluation of a community-based approach to reduce the incidence of Strep A infections and acute rheumatic fever', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 449 - 454,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Agostino JW; Wong D; Paige E; Wade V; Connell C; Davey ME; Peiris DP; Fitzsimmons D; Burgess CP; Mahoney R; Lonsdale E; Fernando P; Malamoo L; Eades S; Brown A; Jennings G; Lovett RW; Banks E, 2020, 'Cardiovascular disease risk assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged under 35 years: a consensus statement', Medical Journal of Australia, 212, pp. 422 - 427,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ajisegiri W; Azeb T; Joshi R; Odusanya O; Peiris D; Abimbola S, 2020, 'Is decentralisation effective for prevention and control of NCDs in Nigeria?', Africa health,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bailie J; Laycock AF; Peiris D; Bainbridge RG; Matthews V; Cunningham FC; Conte KP; Abimbola S; Passey ME; Bailie RS, 2020, 'Using developmental evaluation to enhance continuous reflection, learning and adaptation of an innovation platform in Australian Indigenous primary healthcare', Health Research Policy and Systems, 18, pp. 45,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Neubeck L; Redfern J, 2020, 'A realist evaluation approach to explaining the role of context in the impact of a complex eHealth intervention for improving prevention of cardiovascular disease', BMC Health Services Research, 20, pp. 764,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Scaria A; Mulley J; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Redfern J, 2020, 'An Internet-Based Intervention for Cardiovascular Disease Management Integrated With Primary Care Electronic Health Records: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Implementation Fidelity and User Engagement (Preprint)', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Foote C; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Campain A; Kang A; Young T; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Rogers K; Jun M; Jardine M; Harris M, 2020, 'Examining outcomes in chronic Disease in the 45 and Up Study (the EXTEND45 Study): Protocol for an Australian Linked Cohort Study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e15646,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Foote C; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Campain A; Kang A; Young T; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Rogers K; Jun M; Jardine M, 2020, 'Examining outcomes in chronic disease in the 45 and up study (the EXTEnD45 study): Protocol for an Australian linked cohort study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e15646,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hespe CM; Campain A; Webster R; Patel A; Rychetnik L; Harris MF; Peiris DP, 2020, 'Implementing cardiovascular disease preventive care guidelines in general practice: an opportunity missed', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 327 - 328,
    Journal articles | 2020
    MacKay D; Kirkham R; Freeman N; Murtha K; Van Dokkum P; Boyle J; Campbell S; Barzi F; Connors C; O'Dea K; Oats J; Zimmet P; Wenitong M; Sinha A; Hanley AJ; Moore E; Peiris D; McLean A; Davis B; Whitbread C; McIntyre HD; Mein J; McDermott R; Corpus S; Canuto K; Shaw JE; Brown A; Maple-Brown L; Webster V; Graham S; Bell D; Keeler K; Wapau C; Zachariah M; Barrett J; Dias T; Vine K; Davis B; Chitturi S; Eades S; Inglis C; Dempsey K; Lynch M; Skinner T; Wright R, 2020, 'Improving systems of care during and after a pregnancy complicated by hyperglycaemia: A protocol for a complex health systems intervention', BMC Health Services Research, 20, pp. 814,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Maulik PK; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Bhattacharya A; Peiris D; Patel A, 2020, 'The Systematic Medical Appraisal Referral and Treatment Mental Health Project: Quasi-Experimental Study to Evaluate a Technology-Enabled Mental Health Services Delivery Model Implemented in Rural India (Preprint)', Journal of Medical Internet Research,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Maulik PK; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Bhattacharya A; Peiris D; Patel A, 2020, 'The systematic medical appraisal referral and treatment mental health project: Quasi-experimental study to evaluate a technology-enabled mental health services delivery model implemented in Rural India', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22, pp. e15553,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Patel B; Peiris DP; Patel A; Jan S; Harris MF; Usherwood T; Panaretto K; Lung T, 2020, 'A computer-guided quality improvement tool for primary health care: cost-effectiveness analysis based on TORPEDO trial data', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 73 - 78,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Redfern J; Coorey G; Mulley J; Scaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Pitt C; Weir K; Forbes J; Parker S; Bampi F; Coenen A; Enright G; Wong A; Nguyen T; Harris M; Zwar N; Chow CK; Rodgers A; Heeley E; Panaretto K; Lau A; Hayman N; Usherwood T; Peiris D, 2020, 'A digital health intervention for cardiovascular disease management in primary care (CONNECT) randomized controlled trial', npj Digital Medicine, 3, pp. 117,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Redfern J; Coorey G; Mulley J; Scaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Pitt C; Weir K; Forbes J; Parker S; Bampi F; Coenen A; Enright G; Wong A; Nguyen T; Harris M; Zwar N; Chow CK; Rodgers A; Heeley E; Panaretto K; Lau A; Hayman N; Usherwood T; Peiris D, 2020, 'A digital health intervention for cardiovascular disease management in primary care (CONNECT) randomized controlled trial.', NPJ Digit Med, 3, pp. 117,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Sukkar L; Kang A; Hockham C; Young T; Jun M; Foote C; Pecoits-Filho R; Neuen B; Rogers K; Pollock C; Cass A; Sullivan D; Wong G; Knight J; Peiris D; Gallagher M; Jardine M, 2020, 'Incidence and associations of chronic kidney disease in community participants with diabetes: A 5-year prospective analysis of the EXTEND45 study', Diabetes Care, 43, pp. 982 - 990,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Tesema A; Joshi R; Abimbola S; Ajisegiri W; Narasimhan P; Peiris D, 2020, 'Addressing barriers to primary health-care services for noncommunicable diseases in the African Region', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 98, pp. 906 - 908,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Tesema AG; Ajisegiri WS; Abimbola S; Balane C; Kengne AP; Shiferaw F; Dangou JM; Narasimhan P; Joshi R; Peiris D, 2020, 'How well are non-communicable disease services being integrated into primary health care in Africa: A review of progress against World Health Organization's African regional targets', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0240984,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Vogel JP; Tendal B; Giles M; Whitehead C; Burton W; Chakraborty S; Cheyne S; Downton T; Fraile Navarro D; Gleeson G; Gordon A; Hunt J; Kitschke J; McDonald S; McDonnell N; Middleton P; Millard T; Murano M; Oats J; Tate R; White H; Elliott J; Roach V; Homer CSE; McGowan S; Ballenden N; Barrett TL; Beavis V; Saunders JB; Buchanan T; Buchanan-Grey M; Casey D; Cowie M; Doyle J; Frydenberg M; Gnjidic D; Green S; Greenland R; Griffin K; Groombridge S; Hardy L; Hodak A; Holley A; Jovanovska V; Knight S; Michaels K; Morley P; Morphet J; Nou S; Russo P; Sarson M; Young A; Norris S; Morris-Donovan B; Gurry S; Hudson E; Hurley S; Primmer D; Timms S; Whicker S; Mukherjee S; Agostino J; Booth K; Burr L; Byers L; Cameron P; Cooper M; Cheng A; Fowler P; Glanville A; Leder K; McGloughlin S; McMullan B; McPhee E; Mitchell B; Morgan M; Myles P; O’Donnell C; Parr M; Phillips J; Randall R; Varndell W; Whyte I; William L; Brightwell R; Condon L; Deshpande A; Ehm A; Ferrie M; Muller J; Pullin L; Robinson E; Witt A; Larkins S; Morgan M; Taylor G; Agostino J; Burgess P; Agar M; Peiris D; Pearson S; Matthews G; McCarthy S, 2020, 'Clinical care of pregnant and postpartum women with COVID-19: Living recommendations from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60, pp. 840 - 851,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Webster R; Usherwood T; Joshi R; Saini B; Armour C; di Tanna GL; Hespe C; Jan S; Krass I; Laba TL; Li Q; Lo S; Peiris D; Reid C; Rodgers A; Patel A, 2020, 'Abstract 13354: Effectiveness of a Complex Intervention Based on Electronic Decision Support to Improve Management of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Primary Healthcare: A Cluster-randomised Controlled Trial', Circulation, 142,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Xie Y; Baker J; Young T; Jun M; Sukkar L; Campain A; Kang A; Cass A; Hu J; Peiris D; Pollock C; Wong G; Zoungas S; Rogers K; Jardine M; Hockham C, 2020, 'Therapy escalation following an elevated hba1c in adults aged 45 years and older living with diabetes in Australia: A real-world observational analysis', Diabetes Care, 43, pp. e185 - e187,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zhang H; Rogers K; Sukkar L; Jun M; Kang A; Young T; Campain A; Cass A; Chow CK; Comino E; Foote C; Gallagher M; Knight J; Liu B; Lung T; McNamara M; Peiris D; Pollock C; Sullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Jardine M; Hockham C, 2020, 'Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of diabetes in Australian adults aged ≥45 years: A cohort study using linked routinely-collected data', Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology, 22, pp. 100240,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Abimbola S; Patel B; Peiris D; Patel A; Harris M; Usherwood T; Greenhalgh T, 2019, 'The NASSS framework for ex post theorisation of technology-supported change in healthcare: Worked example of the TORPEDO programme', BMC Medicine, 17, pp. 233,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bailie J; Laycock A; Matthews V; Peiris D; Bailie R, 2019, 'Emerging evidence of the value of health assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the primary healthcare setting', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25, pp. 1 - 5,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Neubeck L; Mulley J; Redfern J, 2019, 'An Internet-Based Intervention Integrated with the Primary Care Electronic Health Record to Improve Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Control: a Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Acceptability, Usage Trends and Persuasive Design Characteristics', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. S140 - S140,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Neubeck L; Mulley J; Redfern J, 2019, 'Persuasive design features within a consumer-focused eHealth intervention integrated with the electronic health record: A mixed methods study of effectiveness and acceptability', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0218447,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dodd R; Ramanathan S; Angell B; Peiris D; Joshi R; Searles A; Webster J, 2019, 'Strengthening and measuring research impact in global health: Lessons from applying the FAIT framework', Health Research Policy and Systems, 17, pp. 48,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Joshi R; Peiris D, 2019, 'Task-sharing for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases', The Lancet Global Health, 7, pp. e686 - e687,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Liu H; Mohammed A; Shanthosh J; News M; Laba TL; Hackett ML; Peiris D; Jan S, 2019, 'Process evaluations of primary care interventions addressing chronic disease: A systematic review', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e025127,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Peiris D; Praveen D; Mogulluru K; Ameer MA; Raghu A; Li Q; Heritier S; MacMahon S; Prabhakaran D; Clifford GD; Joshi R; Maulik PK; Jan S; Tarassenko L; Patel A, 2019, 'Smarthealth India: A stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial of a community health worker managed mobile health intervention for people assessed at high cardiovascular disease risk in rural India', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0213708,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Peiris D; Wright L; Corcoran K; News M, 2019, 'Community-based chronic disease prevention and management for Aboriginal people in New South Wales, Australia: Mixed methods evaluation of the 1 deadly step program', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7, pp. e14259,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Peiris D; Wright L; News M; Rogers K; Redfern J; Chow C; Thomas D, 2019, 'A smartphone app to assist smoking cessation among aboriginal Australians: Findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7, pp. e12745,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Redfern J; Usherwood T; Coorey G; Mulley J; Scaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Chow C; Peiris D, 2019, 'P5307A consumer-direct digital health intervention for cardiovascular risk management in primary care: the Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) randomised controlled trial', European Heart Journal, 40,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Rosenthal M; Shortell S; Shah ND; Peiris D; Lewis VA; Barrera JA; Usadi B; Colla CH, 2019, 'Physician practices in Accountable Care Organizations are more likely to collect and use physician performance information, yet base only a small proportion of compensation on performance data', Health Services Research, 54, pp. 1214 - 1222,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Selak V; Webster R; Stepien S; Bullen C; Patel A; Thom S; Arroll B; Bots ML; Brown A; Crengle S; Dorairaj P; Elley CR; Grobbee DE; Harwood M; Hillis GS; Laba TL; Neal B; Peiris D; Rafter N; Reid C; Stanton A; Tonkin A; Usherwood T; Wadham A; Rodgers A, 2019, 'Reaching cardiovascular prevention guideline targets with a polypill-based approach: A meta-Analysis of randomised clinical trials', Heart, 105, pp. 42 - 48,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Webster R; Hespe C; Campain A; Patel A; Peiris D, 2019, 'P5319Evidence-practice gaps in the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors in the Australian General Practice population', European Heart Journal, 40,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Webster R; Parker G; Heritier S; Joshi R; Yeates K; Lopez-Jaramillo P; Miranda JJ; Oldenburg B; Ovbiagele B; Owolabi M; Peiris D; Praveen D; Salam A; Schwalm JD; Thankappan KR; Thomas N; Tobe S; Vedanthan R; Mohammad M, 2019, 'Strategic, Successful, and Sustained Synergy: The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Hypertension Program', Global Heart, 14, pp. 391 - 394,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Winters N; Langer L; Nduku P; Robson J; O'Donovan J; Maulik P; Paton C; Geniets A; Peiris D; Nagraj S, 2019, 'Using mobile technologies to support the training of community health workers in low-income and middle-income countries: Mapping the evidence', BMJ Global Health, 4, pp. e001421,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bailie J; Cunningham FC; Bainbridge RG; Passey ME; Laycock AF; Bailie RS; Larkins SL; Brands JSM; Ramanathan S; Abimbola S; Peiris D, 2018, 'Comparing and contrasting ‘innovation platforms’ with other forms of professional networks for strengthening primary healthcare systems for Indigenous Australians', BMJ global health, 3, pp. e000683,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Haverkamp MH; Peiris D; Mainor AJ; Westert GP; Rosenthal MB; Sequist TD; Colla CH, 2018, 'ACOs with risk-bearing experience are likely taking steps to reduce low-value medical services', American Journal of Managed Care, 24, pp. e216 - e221
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hespe C; Rychetnik L; Peiris D; Harris M, 2018, 'Informing implementation of quality improvement in Australian primary care', BMC health services research, 18, pp. 287,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Patel B; Usherwood T; Harris M; Patel A; Panaretto K; Zwar N; Peiris D, 2018, 'What drives adoption of a computerised, multifaceted quality improvement intervention for cardiovascular disease management in primary healthcare settings? A mixed methods analysis using normalisation process theory', Implementation Science, 13, pp. 140,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Peiris D; Miranda JJ; Mohr DC, 2018, 'Going beyond killer apps: building a better mHealth evidence base', BMJ Global Health, 3, pp. e000676,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Peiris D; Prabhakaran D, 2018, 'Developing cardiovascular disease risk programs in India—Why location and wealth matter', PLoS Medicine, 15,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Praveen D; Peiris D; MacMahon S; Mogulluru K; Raghu A; Rodgers A; Chilappagari S; Prabhakaran D; Clifford GD; Maulik PK; Atkins E; Joshi R; Heritier S; Jan S; Patel A, 2018, 'Cardiovascular disease risk and comparison of different strategies for blood pressure management in rural India', BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 1264,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Seneviratne MG; Hersch F; Peiris DP, 2018, 'HealthNavigator: a mobile application for chronic disease screening and linkage to services at an urban Primary Health Network', Australian journal of primary health, 24, pp. 116 - 122
    Journal articles | 2017
    Angell B; Laba T; Lung T; Brown A; Eades S; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Billot L; Hillis G; Webster R; Patel A; Jan S, 2017, 'Healthcare expenditure on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians at high risk of cardiovascular disease', International journal for equity in health, 16, pp. 108,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bailie J; Matthews V; Laycock A; Schultz R; Burgess CP; Peiris D; Larkins S; Bailie R, 2017, 'Improving preventive health care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary care settings', Globalization and health, 13, pp. 48
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bennett A; Chow CK; Chou M; Dehbi H; Webster R; Salam A; Patel A; Neal B; Peiris D; Thakkar J, 2017, 'Efficacy and Safety of Quarter-Dose Blood Pressure–Lowering Agents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials', Hypertension, pp. HYPERTENSIONAHA. - 117.09202
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bennett A; Chow CK; Chou M; Dehbi HM; Webster R; Salam A; Patel A; Neal B; Peiris D; Thakkar J; Chalmers J; Nelson M; Reid C; Hillis GS; Woodward M; Hilmer S; Usherwood T; Thom S; Rodgers A; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Efficacy and Safety of Quarter-Dose Blood Pressure-Lowering Agents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials', Hypertension, 70, pp. 85 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chalasani S; Peiris DP; Usherwood T; Redfern J; Neal BC; Sullivan DR; Colagiuri S; Zwar NA; Li Q; Patel A, 2017, 'Reducing cardiovascular disease risk in diabetes: a randomised controlled trial of a quality improvement initiative', The Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 436 - 441
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chow CK; Thakkar J; Bennett A; Hillis G; Burke M; Usherwood T; Vo K; Rogers K; Atkins E; Webster R; Chalmers J; Rodgers A; Patel A; Neal B; Peiris D; Woodward M; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Quarter-dose quadruple combination therapy for initial treatment of hypertension: placebo-controlled, crossover, randomised trial and systematic review', The Lancet, 389, pp. 1035 - 1042,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Clemson L; Mackenzie L; Roberts C; Poulos R; Tan A; Lovarini M; Sherrington C; Simpson JM; Willis K; Lam M; Peiris D; White F, 2017, 'Integrated solutions for sustainable fall prevention in primary care, the iSOLVE project: a type 2 hybrid effectiveness-implementation design', Implementation science, 12, pp. 12,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Coorey GM; Neubeck L; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Parker S; Lau AYS; Chow C; Panaretto K; Harris M; Zwar N; Redfern J, 2017, 'Implementation of a consumer-focused eHealth intervention for people with moderate-to-high cardiovascular disease risk: protocol for a mixed-methods process evaluation', BMJ open, 7, pp. e014353,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Geng EH; Peiris D; Kruk ME, 2017, 'Implementation science: Relevance in the real world without sacrificing rigor', PLoS medicine, 14, pp. e1002288
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hyun KK; Redfern J; Patel A; Brieger D; Sullivan D; Harris M; Usherwood T; MacMahon S; Lyford M; Woodward M; Peiris D, 2017, 'Gender inequalities in cardiovascular risk factor assessment and management in primary healthcare', Heart, 103, pp. 500 - 506,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hyun KK; Redfern J; Patel A; Peiris D; Brieger D; Sullivan D; Harris M; Usherwood T; MacMahon S; Lyford M, 2017, 'Gender inequalities in cardiovascular risk factor assessment and management in primary healthcare', Heart, pp. heartjnl-2016-310216
    Journal articles | 2017
    Matthews V; Burgess CP; Connors C; Moore E; Peiris D; Scrimgeour D; Thompson SC; Larkins S; Bailie R, 2017, 'Integrated Clinical Decision Support Systems Promote Absolute Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: An Important Primary Prevention Measure in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care', Frontiers in public health, 5, pp. 233
    Journal articles | 2017
    Patel B; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Li Q; Harris M; Panaretto K; Zwar N; Patel A, 2017, 'Impact of sustained use of a multifaceted computerized quality improvement intervention for cardiovascular disease management in Australian primary health care', Journal of the American Heart Association, 6, pp. e007093,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Peiris D, 2017, 'Can ‘meso-tier’healthcare organizations enhance health system performance?-lessons from US Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and a discussion of the implications for Australia', International Journal of Integrated Care, 17
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pimperl A; Groene O; Mousquès J; Peiris D; Hildebrandt H, 2017, 'What can we learn from the US experiences on Accountable Care Organizations? Reflections from Germany, the UK, France and Australia', International Journal of Integrated Care, 17
    Journal articles | 2017
    Redfern J; Hyun K; Atkins E; Chow C; Briffa T; Patel B; Zwar N; Usherwood T; Li Q; Patel A; Peiris D, 2017, 'Utilisation of Medicare-funded schemes for people with cardiovascular disease', Australian journal of primary health, 23, pp. 482 - 488,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Richtering SS; Hyun K; Neubeck L; Coorey G; Chalmers J; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Chow CK; Redfern J, 2017, 'eHealth Literacy: Predictors in a Population With Moderate-to-High Cardiovascular Risk', JMIR human factors, 4, pp. e4,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Richtering SS; Morris R; Soh S; Barker A; Bampi F; Neubeck L; Coorey G; Mulley J; Chalmers J; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Redfern J, 2017, 'Examination of an eHealth literacy scale and a health literacy scale in a population with moderate to high cardiovascular risk: Rasch analyses', PloS one, 12, pp. e0175372,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Riddell MA; Edwards N; Thompson SR; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Praveen D; Johnson C; Kengne AP; Liu P; McCready T; Ng E; Rodgers A; Jan S; MacMahon S; Joshi R; Neal B; Patel A; Webster R; Peiris D; Maulik PK; Li X; Mohammad M, 2017, 'Developing consensus measures for global programs: lessons from the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Hypertension research program', Globalization and health, 13, pp. 17 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Vedanthan R; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Herasme OI; Joshi R; Lopez-Jaramillo P; Thrift AG; Webster J; Webster R; Yeates K; Gyamfi J; Peiris D; Praveen P; Trieu K; Johnson C, 2017, 'Innovative approaches to hypertension control in low-and middle-income countries', Cardiology clinics, 35, pp. 99 - 115,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Yeates K; Campbell N; Maar MA; Perkins N; Liu P; Sleeth J; Smith C; McAllister C; Hua-Stewart D; Wells G; Tobe SW, 2017, 'The Effectiveness of Text Messaging for Detection and Management of Hypertension in Indigenous People in Canada: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.', JMIR Res Protoc, 6, pp. e244,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Affan ET; Praveen D; Wu JHY; Chow CK; Peiris D; Patel A; Neal BC, 2016, 'Prevalence of dysglycaemia in rural Andhra Pradesh: 2005, 2010, and 2014', Journal of Diabetes, 8, pp. 816 - 823,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Coorey G; Neubeck L; Peiris D; Mulley J; Heeley E; Redfern J, 2016, 'Incorporating Principles of Persuasive System Design into the Development of a Consumer-Focussed E-health Strategy Targeting Lifestyle Behaviour Change', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S327 - S328
    Journal articles | 2016
    Davy C; Cass A; Brady J; DeVries J; Fewquandie B; Ingram S; Mentha R; Simon P; Rickards B; Togni S; Liu H; Peiris D; Askew D; Kite E; Sivak L; Hackett M; Lavoie J; Brown A, 2016, 'Facilitating engagement through strong relationships between primary healthcare and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40, pp. 535 - 541,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Farshid A; Brieger D; Hyun K; Hammett C; Ellis C; Rankin J; Lefkovits J; Chew D; French J, 2016, 'Characteristics and Clinical Course of STEMI Patients who Received no Reperfusion in the Australia and New Zealand SNAPSHOT ACS Registry', Heart Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. 132 - 139,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hayek A; Joshi R; Usherwood T; Webster R; Kaur B; Saini B; Armour C; Krass I; Laba TL; Reid C; Shiel L; Hespe C; Hersch F; Jan S; Lo S; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Patel A, 2016, 'An integrated general practice and pharmacy-based intervention to promote the use of appropriate preventive medications among individuals at high cardiovascular disease risk: Protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Implementation Science, 11, pp. 129,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hyun K; Redfern J; Peiris D; Patel A; Brieger D; Sullivan D; Harris M; Woodward M, 2016, 'Gender Inequalities in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management in Australian Primary Health Care: Results from the TORPEDO Study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S319
    Journal articles | 2016
    Jha V; Arici M; Collins AJ; Garcia-Garcia G; Hemmelgarn BR; Jafar TH; Pecoits-Filho R; Sola L; Swanepoel CR; Tchokhonelidze I; Wang AYM; Kasiske BL; Wheeler DC; Spasovski G; Agodoa L; Ahmad G; Anantharaman V; Arogundade F; Ashuntantang G; Ballal S; Bamgboye E; Banchuin C; Bogov B; Bunnag S; Chailimpamontri W; Chawanasuntorapoj R; Claure-Del Granado R; Eiam-Ong S; Gomez L; Gómez R; Goumenos D; Phan HAH; Imonje V; Ingsathit A; Jarraya F; Jiwakanon S; Kantachuvesiri S; Khanna U; Kher V; Kitositrangsikun K; Liu ZH; Lorvinitnun P; Nseka N; Obrador GT; Okpechi I; Onsuwan D; Ophascharoensuk V; Osafo C; Peiris D; Pichaiwong W; Praditpornsilpa K; Rajapurkar M; Rychlik I; Saadi G; Polo VS; Sangthawan P; Suwan N; Tesar V; Thirakhupt P; Trakarnvanich T; Tsukamoto Y; Tungsanga K; Vanichakarn S; Vazelov E; Wanner C; Were A; Zakharova E, 2016, 'Understanding kidney care needs and implementation strategies in low- and middle-income countries: conclusions from a “Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes” (KDIGO) Controversies Conference', Kidney International, 90, pp. 1164 - 1174,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Liu H; Muhunthan J; Hayek A; Hackett M; Laba TL; Peiris D; Jan S, 2016, 'Examining the use of process evaluations of randomised controlled trials of complex interventions addressing chronic disease in primary health care-a systematic review protocol', Systematic Reviews, 5, pp. 138,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Miranda JJ; Bernabé-Ortiz A; Diez-Canseco F; Málaga G; Cárdenas MK; Carrillo-Larco RM; Lazo-Porras M; Moscoso-Porras M; Pesantes MA; Ponce V; Araya R; Beran D; Busse P; Boggio O; Checkley W; García PJ; Huicho L; León-Velarde F; Lescano AG; Mohr DC; Pan W; Peiris D; Perel P; Rabadán-Diehl C; Rivera-Chira M; Sacksteder K; Smeeth L; Trujillo AJ; Wells JCK; Yan LL; García HH; Gilman RH, 2016, 'Towards sustainable partnerships in global health: The case of the CRONICAS Centre of Excellence in Chronic Diseases in Peru', Globalization and Health, 12,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Neubeck L; Coorey G; Peiris D; Mulley J; Heeley E; Hersch F; Redfern J, 2016, 'Development of an integrated e-health tool for people with, or at high risk of, cardiovascular disease: The Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) web application', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 96, pp. 24 - 37,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Neubeck L; Lowres N; Ladak L; Kamaladasa Y; Peiris D; Zwar N; Freedman B, 2016, 'Feasibility of Practice Nurses Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Using Smartphone ECG During Flu-Vaccinations', Global Heart, 2, pp. e9 - e10
    Journal articles | 2016
    Neubeck L; Lowres N; Ladak L; Kamaladasa Y; Peiris D; Zwar N; Freedman B, 2016, 'OC07_02 Feasibility of Practice Nurses Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Using Smartphone ECG During Flu-Vaccinations', Global Heart, 11, pp. e9 - e10,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Orchard J; Lowres N; Freedman SB; Ladak L; Lee W; Zwar N; Peiris D; Kamaladasa Y; Li J; Neubeck L, 2016, 'Screening for atrial fibrillation during influenza vaccinations by primary care nurses using a smartphone electrocardiograph (iECG): A feasibility study', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 23, pp. 13 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Orchard J; Lowres N; Freedman SB; Ladak L; Lee W; Zwar N; Peiris D; Kamaladasa Y; Li J; Neubeck L, 2016, 'Screening for atrial fibrillation during influenza vaccinations by primary care nurses using a smartphone electrocardiograph (iECG): A feasibility study', European journal of preventive cardiology, 23, pp. 13 - 20
    Journal articles | 2016
    Peiris D; Phipps-Taylor MC; Stachowski CA; Kao LS; Shortell SM; Lewis VA; Rosenthal MB; Colla CH, 2016, 'ACOs holding commercial contracts are larger and more efficient than noncommercial ACOs', Health Affairs, 35, pp. 1849 - 1856,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Peiris D; Sun L; Patel A; Tian M; Essue B; Jan S; Zhang P, 2016, 'Systematic medical assessment, referral and treatment for diabetes care in China using lay family health promoters: Protocol for the SMARTDiabetes cluster randomised controlled trial', Implementation Science, 11, pp. 116,
    Journal articles | 2016
    WTobe S; Attaran A; de Villiers A; Featherstone A; Forrest J; Kalyesubula R; Kamwesiga J; Kengne AP; Lopez PC; Mills E; Mukasa B; Muldoon K; Tayari JC; Yaya S; Kien Keat N; Casas JL; McCready T; McKee M; Ng E; Nieuwlaat R; Zainal AO; Yusoff K; Yusuf S; Campbell N; Kilonzo K; Liu P; Marr M; Yeates K; Feng X; He F; Jan S; Li X; Lin CP; Ma J; Ma Y; MacGregor G; Nowson C; Wang H; Wu Y; Yan L; Yuan J; Zhang J; Goudge J; Kabudula C; Limbani F; Masilela N; Myakayaka N; Thorogood M; Gómez-Olivé FX; Arabshahi S; Chow C; Evans R; Joshi R; Kalyanram K; Kartik K; Mahal A; Maulik P; Oldenburg B; Riddell M; Srikanth V; Suresh O; Thankappan K; Thirunavukkarasu S; Thomas N; Thrift AG; Varma R; Clifford G; Heritier S; MacMahon S; Patel A; Peiris D; Prabhakaran D; Praveen D; Rodgers A; Salam A; Thom S; Webster R; Johnson C; Krishnan A; Mohan S; Neal B; Reddy KS; Shivashankar R; Sudhir T; Faletoese S; Ieremia M; Moodie M; Pillay A; Schultz J; Siitia J; Snowdon W; Sukhu A; Ulberg C; Viali S; Webster J; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Cárdenas MK; Diez-Canseco F; Gilman RH; Mohammad M, 2016, 'The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Supports 15 Major Studies in Hypertension Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 600 - 605,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Webster R; Patel A; Selak V; Billot L; Bots ML; Brown A; Bullen C; Cass A; Crengle S; Raina Elley C; Grobbee DE; Neal B; Peiris D; Poulter N; Prabhakaran D; Rafter N; Stanton A; Stepien S; Thom S; Usherwood T; Wadham A; Rodgers A, 2016, 'Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication ('polypills') compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries', International Journal of Cardiology, 205, pp. 147 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yadav L; Tewari A; Jain A; Essue B; Peiris D; Woodward M; Kotwal P; Lindley R; Jan S; Chantler T; Webster P; Norton R; Rath S, 2016, 'Protocol-based management of older adults with hip fractures in Delhi, India: A feasibility study', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Coorey G; Mulley J; Peiris D; Neubeck L; Weir K; Wong A; Redfern J, 2015, 'Important factors for implementing a clinical trial in primary care', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. S456 - S457
    Journal articles | 2015
    Joshi R; Patel A; Peiris D; Saini B; Usherwood T; Armor C; Webster R; Lo S; Rodgers A; Laba T, 2015, 'INTegrated Electronic General practice support tool, phaRmacy led intervention And combination Therapy Evaluation trial (INTEGRATE)', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. S385
    Journal articles | 2015
    Laba TL; Howard K; Rose J; Peiris D; Redfern J; Usherwood T; Cass A; Patel A; Jan S, 2015, 'Patient Preferences for a Polypill for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases', Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 49, pp. 528 - 539,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu H; Laba TL; Massi L; Jan S; Usherwood T; Patel A; Hayman NE; Cass A; Eades AM; Lawrence C; Peiris DP, 2015, 'Facilitators and barriers to implementation of a pragmatic clinical trial in Aboriginal health services', Medical Journal of Australia, 203, pp. 24 - 28,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu H; Massi L; Eades AM; Howard K; Peiris D; Redfern J; Usherwood T; Cass A; Patel A; Jan S; Laba TL, 2015, 'Implementing Kanyini GAP, a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in Australia: Findings from a qualitative study', Trials, 16,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu H; Massi L; Laba T; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Patel A; Cass A; Eades A; Redfern J; Hayman N, 2015, 'Patients’ and providers’ perspectives of a polypill strategy to improve cardiovascular prevention in Australian primary health care: a qualitative study set within a pragmatic randomized, controlled trial', Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, pp. CIRCOUTCOMES. - 115.001483
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu H; Massi L; Laba TL; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Patel A; Cass A; Eades AM; Redfern J; Hayman N; Howard K; Brien JA; Jan S, 2015, 'Patients' and providers' perspectives of a polypill strategy to improve cardiovascular prevention in Australian Primary Health Care', Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 8, pp. 301 - 308,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Brown A; Jan S; Neal B; Hillis GS; Rafter N; Tonkin A; Webster R; Billot L; Bompoint S; Burch C; Burke H; Hayman N; Molanus B; Reid CM; Shiel L; Togni S; Rodgers A, 2015, 'A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 22, pp. 920 - 930,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Brown A; Jan S; Neal B; Hillis GS; Rafter N; Tonkin A, 2015, 'Kanyini Guidelines Adherence with the Polypill (Kanyini GAP) Collaboration. A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk', Eur J Prev Cardiol, 22, pp. 920 - 930
    Journal articles | 2015
    Peiris D; Thompson SR; Beratarrechea A; Cárdenas MK; Diez-Canseco F; Goudge J; Gyamfi J; Kamano JH; Irazola V; Johnson C; Kengne AP; Keat NK; Miranda JJ; Mohan S; Mukasa B; Ng E; Nieuwlaat R; Ogedegbe O; Ovbiagele B; Plange-Rhule J; Praveen D; Salam A; Thorogood M; Thrift AG; Vedanthan R; Waddy SP; Webster J; Webster R; Yeates K; Yusoff K; Featherstone A; McCready T; Jan S; Chow C; Neal B; Gómez-Olivé FX; Myakayaka N; Kabudula C; Limbani F; Masilela N; Thorogoo M; Rodgers A; Stephen Jan A; Joshi R; MacMahon S; Maulik P; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Ponce-Lucero V; Kimaiyo S; Kofler C; Gebregziabher M; Warth S; Attaran A; Yaya S; Mills E; Muldoon K; de Villiers A; Forrest J; Kalyesubula R; Kamwesiga J; Lopez PC; Tayari JC; Lopez P; Casas JL; McKee M; Zainal AO; Yusuf S; Campbell N; Kilonzo K; Liu P; Marr M; Tobe S; Feng X; Yuan J; He F; MacGregor G; Li X; Wu Y; Yan L; Lin CP; Zhang J; Ma J; Ma Y; Wang H; Nowson C; Moodie M; Kalyanram K; Kartik K; Sudhir T; Evans R; Arabshahi S; Mahal A; Heritier S; Oldenburg B; Riddell M; Srikanth V; Suresh O; Thankappan K; Mohammad M, 2015, 'Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: Findings from a global implementation research programme', Implementation Science, 10, pp. 158,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Peiris D; Usherwood T; Panaretto K; Harris M; Hunt J; Redfern J; Zwar N; Colagiuri S; Hayman N; Lo S; Patel B; Lyford M; Macmahon S; Neal B; Sullivan D; Cass A; Jackson R; Patel A, 2015, 'Effect of a computer-guided, quality improvement program for cardiovascular disease risk management in primary health care: The treatment of cardiovascular risk using electronic decision support cluster-randomized trial', Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 8, pp. 87 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Raghu A; Praveen D; Peiris D; Tarassenko L; Clifford G, 2015, 'Engineering a mobile health tool for resource-poor settings to assess and manage cardiovascular disease risk: SMARThealth study', BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Raghu A; Praveen D; Peiris D; Tarassenko L; Clifford G, 2015, 'Implications of cardiovascular disease risk assessment using the WHO/ISH risk prediction charts in rural India', PLoS ONE, 10,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Truelove M; Patel A; Bompoint S; Brown A; Cass A; Hillis GS; Peiris D; Rafter N; Reid CM; Rodgers A; Tonkin A; Usherwood T; Webster R, 2015, 'The Effect of a Cardiovascular Polypill Strategy on Pill Burden', Cardiovascular Therapeutics, 33, pp. 347 - 352,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wong A; Neubeck L; Coorey G; Mulley J; Weir K; Peiris D; Redfern J, 2015, 'E-health, patient-centred goal-setting and cardiovascular disease', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. S454 - S455
    Journal articles | 2014
    Coorey G; Neubeck L; Peiris D; Hersch F; Patel B; Lyford M; Wechsler J; Tan L; Redfern J, 2014, 'O142 The use of journey mapping and persona creation to inform design of an e-health strategy to support cardiovascular disease prevention', Global Heart, 9, pp. e39 - e39,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Coorey G; Neubeck L; Peiris D; Hersch F; Patel B; Lyford M; Wechsler J; Tan L; Redfern J, 2014, 'The use of journey mapping and persona creation to inform design of an e-health strategy to support cardiovascular disease prevention', Global Heart, 1, pp. e39
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fathima M; Peiris D; Naik-Panvelkar P; Saini B; Armour CL, 2014, 'Effectiveness of computerized clinical decision support systems for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care: A systematic review', BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 14,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Joshi R; Alim M; Kengne AP; Jan S; Maulik PK; Peiris D; Patel AA, 2014, 'Task shifting for non-communicable disease management in low and middle income countries - A systematic review', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e103754,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Laba TL; Hayes A; Lo S; Peiris DP; Usherwood T; Hillis GS; Rafter N; Reid CM; Tonkin AM; Webster R; Neal BC; Cass A; Patel A; Rodgers A; Jan S, 2014, 'An economic case for a cardiovascular polypill? A cost analysis of the Kanyini GAP trial', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 671 - 673,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Neubeck L; Peiris D; Coorey G; Hersch F; Patel B; Lyford M; Wechsler J; Tan L; Redfern J, 2014, 'A User-Centred Design Process Informs The Development of A Web-Based Cardiovascular Prevention Program', Global Heart, 1, pp. e124
    Journal articles | 2014
    Neubeck L; Peiris D; Coorey G; Hersch F; Patel B; Lyford M; Wechsler J; Tan L; Redfern J, 2014, 'PM306 A User-Centred Design Process Informs The Development of A Web-Based Cardiovascular Prevention Program', Global Heart, 9, pp. e124 - e124,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Orchard J; Freedman SB; Lowres N; Peiris D; Neubeck L, 2014, 'iPhone ECG screening by practice nurses and receptionists for atrial fibrillation in general practice: The GP-SEARCH qualitative pilot study', Australian Family Physician, 43, pp. 315 - 319
    Journal articles | 2014
    Patel B; Patel A; Jan S; Usherwood T; Harris M; Panaretto K; Zwar N; Redfern J; Jansen J; Doust J; Peiris D, 2014, 'A multifaceted quality improvement intervention for CVD risk management in Australian primary healthcare: a protocol for a process evaluation', Implementation science : IS, 9, pp. 187,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Patel B; Usherwood T; Harris M; Panaretto K; Redfern J; Jansen J; McKinn S; Lyford M; Patel A; Peiris D, 2014, 'PT253 Understanding the impact of a multifaceted quality improvement intervention to improve cardiovascular disease risk management in Australian Primary Health Care: The TORPEDO study process evaluation', Global Heart, 9, pp. e214 - e215,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Patel B; Usherwood T; Harris M; Panaretto K; Redfern J; Jansen J; McKinn S; Lyford M; Patel A; Peiris D, 2014, 'Understanding the impact of a multifaceted quality improvement intervention to improve cardiovascular disease risk management in Australian Primary Health Care: The TORPEDO study process evaluation', Global Heart, 1, pp. e214 - e215
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peiris D; Praveen D; Johnson C; Mogulluru K, 2014, 'Use of mHealth Systems and Tools for Non-Communicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review', Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research, 7, pp. 677 - 691,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peiris D; Usherwood T; Panaretto K; Harris M; Hunt J; Zwar N; Redfern J; Cass A; Colagiuri S; Hayman N; Patel A, 2014, 'O105 Effect Of A Multi-Faceted Quality Improvement Intervention To Improve Cardiovascular Disease Risk Identification And Management In Australian Primary Health Care: The Torpedo Cluster-Randomised Trial', Global Heart, 9, pp. e28 - e28,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peiris D; Usherwood T; Panaretto K; Harris M; Hunt J; Zwar N; Redfern J; Cass A; Colagiuri S; Hayman N, 2014, 'Effect Of A Multi-Faceted Quality Improvement Intervention To Improve Cardiovascular Disease Risk Identification And Management In Australian Primary Health Care: The Torpedo Cluster-Randomised Trial', Global Heart, 1, pp. e28
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peiris D; Williams C; Holbrook R; Lindner R; Reeve J; Das A; Maher C, 2014, 'A web-based clinical decision support tool for primary health care management of back pain: development and mixed methods evaluation', JMIR research protocols, 3
    Journal articles | 2014
    Praveen D; Patel A; Raghu A; Clifford GD; Maulik PK; Abdul AM; Mogulluru K; Tarassenko L; MacMahon S; Peiris D, 2014, 'SMARTHealth India: Development and field evaluation of a mobile clinical decision support system for cardiovascular diseases in rural India', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Redfern J; Usherwood T; Harris MF; Rodgers A; Hayman N; Panaretto K; Chow C; Lau AYS; Neubeck L; Coorey G; Hersch F; Heeley E; Patel A; Jan S; Zwar N; Peiris D, 2014, 'A randomised controlled trial of a consumer-focused e-health strategy for cardiovascular risk management in primary care: The Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) study protocol', BMJ Open, 4, pp. e004523,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Laba T; Bleasel J; Brien J; Cass A; Howard K; Peiris D; Redfern J; Salam A; Usherwood T; Jan S, 2013, 'Strategies to improve adherence to medications for cardiovascular diseases in socioeconomically disadvantaged populations: a systematic review', International journal of cardiology, 167, pp. 2430 - 2440
    Journal articles | 2013
    Peiris D; Agaliotis M; Patel B; Patel A, 2013, 'Validation of a general practice audit and data extraction tool', Australian Family Physician, 42, pp. 816 - 818
    Journal articles | 2013
    Praveen D; Patel A; McMahon S; Prabhakaran D; Clifford GD; Maulik PK; Joshi R; Jan S; Heritier S; Peiris D; MacMahon S, 2013, 'A multifaceted strategy using mobile technology to assist rural primary healthcare doctors and frontline health workers in cardiovascular disease risk management: Protocol for the SMARTHealth India cluster randomised controlled trial', Implementation Science, 8, pp. 137,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Redfern J; Chow CK, 2013, 'Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in australia: A blueprint for reform: An integrated national approach represents the greatest opportunity to further reduce cardiovascular disease burden', Medical Journal of Australia, 198, pp. 70 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Burns K; Turnbull F; Patel A; Peiris D, 2012, 'Opinions of community pharmacists on the value of a cardiovascular polypill as a means of improving medication compliance', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 20, pp. 155 - 163,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Heeley E; Anderson C; Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Weekes A; Chalmers J, 2012, 'Disparities between prescribing of secondary prevention therapies for stroke and coronary artery disease in general practice', International Journal of Stroke, 7, pp. 649 - 654,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Knott RJ; Cass A; Heeley EL; Chalmers JP; Peiris DP; Clarke PM, 2012, 'How fair is Medicare? The income-related distribution of Medicare benefits with special focus on chronic care items', Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 625 - 630,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Knott RJ; Cass A; Heeley EL; Chalmers JP; Peiris DP; Clarke PM, 2012, 'How fair is Medicare? The income-related distribution of Medicare benefits with special focus on chronic care items', The Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 625 - 630
    Journal articles | 2012
    Peiris D; Brown A; Howard M; Rickards BA; Tonkin A; Ring I; Hayman N; Cass A, 2012, 'Building better systems of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Findings from the Kanyini health systems assessment', BMC Health Services Research, 12,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Peiris D; Usherwood T; Panaretto K; Harris MF; Hunt J; Patel B; Zwar NA; Redfern J; MacMahon S; Colagiuri S; Hayman N; Patel A, 2012, 'The Treatment of cardiovascular Risk in Primary care using Electronic Decision support (TORPEDO) study: intervention development and protocol for a cluster randomised, controlled trial of an electronic decision support and quality improvement intervention in Australian primary healthcare', BMJ Open, 2, pp. e002177,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Jan S; Usherwood T; Brien JA; Peiris D; Rose J; Hayman N; Howard K; Redfern J; Laba T; Cass A; Patel A, 2011, 'What determines adherence to treatment in cardiovascular disease prevention? Protocol for a mixed methods preference study', BMJ Open, 1,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Laba T; Massi L; Liu H; Eades A; Howard K; Peiris D; Redfern J; Usherwood T; Cass A; Patel A, 2011, 'Implementing a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in Australia: lessons learnt from the Kanyini', medicine, 364, pp. 1685 - 1687
    Journal articles | 2011
    Peiris D; Redfern J; Groenestein P; Heeley E; Webster R; Usherwood T; Turnbull F; Patel A, 2011, 'HealthTracker Decision Support for Primary Care Practitioners: Development and Validation Testing', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 20, pp. S248
    Journal articles | 2011
    Peiris D; Usherwood T; Weeramanthri T; Cass A; Patel A, 2011, 'New tools for an old trade: A socio-technical appraisal of how electronic decision support is used by primary care practitioners', Sociology of Health and Illness, 33, pp. 1002 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Turnbull F; Arima H; Heeley E; Cass A; Chalmers J; Morgan C; Patel A; Peiris D; Weekes A; Anderson C, 2011, 'Gender disparities in the assessment and management of cardiovascular risk in primary care: The AusHEART study', European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 18, pp. 498 - 503,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Harper RW, 2010, 'Acute coronary syndromes: consensus recommendations for translating knowledge into action', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193, pp. 552 - 552,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Heeley EL; Anderson CS; Patel AA; Cass A; Peiris DP; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'Cardiovascular risk perception and evidence-practice gaps in Australian general practice REPLY', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193, pp. 127 - 128,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Heeley EL; Anderson CS; Patel AA; Cass A; Peiris DP; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'In reply', Medical Journal of Australia, 193, pp. 127 - 128,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Heeley EL; Peiris DP; Patel AA; Cass A; Weekes A; Morgan C; Anderson CS; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'Cardiovascular risk perception and evidence-practice gaps in Australian general practice (the AusHEART study)', Medical Journal of Australia, 192, pp. 254 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Liu H; Patel A; Brown A; Eades S; Hayman N; Jan S; Ring I; Stewart G; Tonkin A; Weeramanthri T; Wade V; Rodgers A; Usherwood T; Neal B; Peiris D; Burke H; Reid C; Cass A; Ring I, 2010, 'Rationale and design of the Kanyini guidelines adherence with the polypill (Kanyini-GAP) study: A randomised controlled trial of a polypill-based strategy amongst Indigenous and non Indigenous people at high cardiovascular risk', BMC Public Health, 10, pp. 458,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Niall JF, 2010, 'Acute coronary syndromes: consensus recommendations for translating knowledge into action', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193, pp. 552 - 553,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Peiris D; Mohsin M; Jenkins A; Hughes C; Cass A, 2010, 'Robust data to close the gap: Current vascular and maternal/newborn indicators as measures of progress in Aboriginal health in New South Wales', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 34, pp. 563 - 571,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Prescribing of secondary prevention measures in Australian General Practice is lower in patients following an ischaemic stroke compared to those with a previous myocardial infarction', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S280 - S281
    Journal articles | 2009
    Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Morgan C; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Current prescribing of Blood Pressure lowering and statin therapies in Australian general practice according to risk level using new guidelines for cardiovascular risk assessment', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S280
    Journal articles | 2009
    Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Morgan C; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Prescribing Of Secondary Prevention Measures In Australian General Practice Is Lower In Patients Following A Stroke Compared To Those With A Previous Myocardial Infarction', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 27, pp. 30
    Journal articles | 2009
    Patel A; Peiris D; Groenestein P, 2009, 'Cardiovascular risk assessment', Australian Doctor, pp. 25 - 32
    Journal articles | 2009
    Peiris D; Joshi R; Webster R; Groenestein P; Usherwood T; Turnbull F; Lipman A; Heeley E; Patel A, 2009, 'A novel electronic decision support system to assist General Practitioners in cardiovascular disease risk management—A pilot evaluation', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S269
    Journal articles | 2009
    Peiris DP; Joshi R; Webster RJ; Groenestein P; Usherwood TP; Heeley E; Turnbull FM; Lipman A; Patel AA, 2009, 'An electronic clinical decision support tool to assist primary care providers in cardiovascular disease risk management: Development and mixed methods evaluation', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 11,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Peiris DP; Patel AA; Cass A; Howard MP; Tchan ML; Brady JP; De Vries J; Rickards BA; Yarnold DJ; Hayman NE; Brown AD, 2009, 'Cardiovascular disease risk management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in primary health care settings: Findings from the Kanyini Audit', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 304 - 309,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Turnbull F; Arima H; Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Morgan C; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Cardiovascular risk management among female and male patients in Australian General Practice: The AusHEART study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S272
    Journal articles | 2009
    Webster R; Heeley E; Peiris D; Bayram C; Cass A; Patel A, 2009, 'Identifying the gaps in cardiovascular risk management', Med J Aust, 191, pp. 324 - 329
    Journal articles | 2009
    Webster RJ; Heeley EL; Peiris DP; Bayram C; Cass A; Patel AA, 2009, 'Gaps in cardiovascular disease risk management in Australian general practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 324 - 329,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Brown A; Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Howard M; Tchan M; Rickards B; Yarnold D; Hayman N; Lawrence C, 2008, 'The Identification and Management of Vascular Diseases and Their Risk Factors in Eight Indigenous Primary Health Care Services—The Results of the Kanyini Vascular Collaboration Audit study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 17, pp. S157
    Journal articles | 2008
    Peiris D; Brown A; Cass A, 2008, 'Addressing inequities in access to quality health care for indigenous people', CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 179, pp. 985 - 986,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Peiris D; Murray J; Scully D; Tilakawardane V; Hetaraka-Stevens L; Patel A, 2008, 'Evaluation of the First 12 Months of a Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Assessment and Treatment Program at Tāmaki Healthcare Primary Health Organisation, Auckland, New Zealand', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 17, pp. S156
    Journal articles | 2008
    Peiris D; Murray J; Scully D; Tilakawardene V; Hetaraka-Stevens L; Stewart T; Patel A, 2008, 'Cardiovascular risk management at a Māori-led primary health organisation - Findings from a cross-sectional audit', New Zealand Medical Journal, 121
    Journal articles | 2006
    Peiris D; Wirtanen C; Hall J, 2006, 'Aeromedical evacuations from an east Arnhem Land community 2003-2005: The impact on a primary health care centre', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 14, pp. 270 - 274,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Hirst JE; Votruba N; Billot L; Arora V; Thout SR; Peiris D; Patel A; Norton R; Mullins E; Sharma A; Kennedy S; Jha V; Praveen D, 2023, A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral, and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial,
    Preprints | 2023
    Jun M; Wick J; Neuen B; Kotwal S; Badve S; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Nallaiah K; Jardine M; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Ronksley P, 2023, The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Australian primary care: analysis of a national general practice dataset,
    Preprints | 2023
    Kallakuri S; Gara S; Godi M; Yatirajula SK; Paslawar S; Daniel M; Peiris D; Maulik PK, 2023, Learnings From Implementation of Technology-Enabled Mental Health Interventions in India: Implementation Report (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2023
    Neuen B; Jun M; Wick J; Kotwal S; Badve S; Jardine M; Gallagher M; Chalmers J; Nallaiah K; Perkovic V; Peiris D; Rodgers A; Woodward M; Ronksley P, 2023, Estimating the population-level kidney benefits of improved uptake of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with chronic kidney disease in Australian primary care,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Preprints | 2023
    Tao X; Mao L; Zhang P; Ma X; Liang Z; Sun K; Peiris D, 2023, Barriers and Facilitators to Primary Care Management of Type 2 Diabetes in China: A Mixed Methods Study,
    Preprints | 2022
    Ghosh A; Billot L; Daniel M; Maulik P; Peiris D, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for the SMART Mental Health study,
    Preprints | 2022
    Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Chatterjee S; Sagar R; Kumar A; Lempp H; Raman U; Singh R; Essue B; Billot L; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik P, 2022, An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project,
    Preprints | 2021
    Hespe C; Giskes K; Harris M; Peiris D, 2021, Lessons Learnt Implementing a Cardiovascular Disease Quality Improvement Intervention in Australian Primary Care: A Mixed Method Evaluation,
    Preprints | 2021
    de Oliveira Costa J; Gillies M; Schaffer A; Peiris D; Zoega H; Pearson S-A, 2021, Changes in antidepressant use in Australia: A nationwide analysis prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic (2015-2021),
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Webster R; Usherwood T; Joshi R; Saini B; Armour C; di Tanna GL; Hespe C; Jan S; Krass I; Laba TL; Li Q; Lo S; Peiris D; Reid C; Rodgers A; Patel A, 2020, 'Effectiveness of a Complex Intervention Based on Electronic Decision Support to Improve Management of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Primary Healthcare: A Cluster-randomised Controlled Trial', in CIRCULATION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, Vol. 142,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Hespe C; Campain A; Webster R; Peiris D; Patel A, 2019, 'Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk identification and management in Australian primary care. Why an implementation strategy is needed', in AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, CSIRO PUBLISHING, Vol. 25, pp. XX - XX,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Redfern J; Usherwood T; Coorey G; Mulley J; Scaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Chow C; Peiris D, 2019, 'A consumer-direct digital health intervention for cardiovascular risk management in primary care: the Consumer Navigation of Electronic Cardiovascular Tools (CONNECT) randomised controlled trial', in EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, FRANCE, Paris, pp. 3206 - 3206, presented at Congress of the European-Society-of-Cardiology (ESC) / World Congress of Cardiology, FRANCE, Paris, 31 August 2019 - 04 September 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Webster R; Hespe C; Campain A; Patel A; Peiris D, 2019, 'Evidence-practice gaps in the screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors in the Australian General Practice population', in EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, FRANCE, Paris, Vol. 40, pp. 3216 - 3216, presented at Congress of the European-Society-of-Cardiology (ESC) / World Congress of Cardiology, FRANCE, Paris, 31 August 2019 - 04 September 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Coorey G; Peiris D; Neubeck L; Usherwood T; Mulley J; Forbes J; Hafiz N; Redfern J, 2018, 'Absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk estimation within a consumer-focused eHealth programme', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 41 - 42
    Reports | 2018
    D P, 2018, The Future of Health – Health System Editorial for the National Australia Bank, NAB,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Foote C; Jun M; Sukkar L; Kang A; Rogers K; Baker J; Scaria A; Pecoits-Filho R; Cass A; Sullivan D; Gallagher M; Pollock C; Wong G; Knight J; Peiris D; Jardine M, 2018, 'KIDNEY FUNCTION, GLUCOSE-LOWERING TREATMENT AND HBA1C LEVELS IN PEOPLE WITH PREVALENT DIABETES: A POPULATION-BASED COHORT STUDY (EXTEND45)', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 23, pp. 38 - 38
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Palagyi A; Dodd R; Jan S; Balane C; Abdell-All M; Nambiar D; Madira P; Joshi R; Abimbola S; Praveen D; Prinja S; Pan C; Liu Y; Tian M; Peiris D, 2018, 'Organisation and Financing of Primary Health Care: Evidence Gaps and Research Priorities in Low- and Middle-income Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region', presented at 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Liverpool, UK, 08 October 2018 - 12 October 2018
    Reports | 2018
    Peiris D WL, 2018, Going Digital to Deliver a Healthier Australia – A health policy report, The George Institute, The George Institute for Global Health and the Consumers Health Forum,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Peiris D; Shipway C; Saberi V; Jones W, 2018, 'Is Australia ready for Accountable Care? - academic, policy and service provider perspectives', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, UBIQUITY PRESS LTD, Vol. 18,
    Reports | 2017
    News M MA, 2017, What is the role of telehealth in addressing rural primary health care challenges? - a rapid appraisal of the literature, Report to NSW Rural Doctors Network
    Reports | 2017
    Peiris D NM, 2017, Accountable Care Organisations – An Evidence Check, The Sax Institute for the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation,
    Reports | 2017
    Peiris D, Wright L, News M, Rogers K, Nalliah K , 2017, Can’t Even Quit – development and evaluation of a mobile application to support smoking cessation for Aboriginal people in NSW, Evaluation Report to NSW Health
    Reports | 2016
    Peiris D, Wright L, Corcoran K, News M, Turnbull F , 2016, 1 Deadly Step – process evaluation of a chronic disease screening program in NSW Aboriginal communities, Evaluation Report to the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation,
    Reports | 2014
    Howard M; Ingram S; Liu H; Mentha R; Peiris D, 2014, To your door: Factors that influence Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples seeking care, Kanyini Qualitative Study Monograph Series, 1
    Reports | 2014
    Howard SI; Lavoie⁸ J; Liu H; Mentha R; Peiris D; Simon P; Rickards B; Togni S, 2014, Complex needs and limited resources: Influences on the provision of primary healthcare to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living with chronic, Kanyini Qualitative Study Monograph Series,
    Reports | 2014
    Howard SI; Liu H; Mentha R; Peiris D; Simon P; Rickards B; Togni S, 2014, The fork in the road: Exploring factors which influence whether Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living with chronic disease remain engaged with health services, Kanyini Qualitative Study Monograph Series,
    Reports | 2014
    Peiris D PA, 2014, How to Treat: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management, Australian Doctor
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Panaretto KS; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Harris M; Hunt J; Patel A, 2012, 'HealthTracker: does electronic decision support improve identification and management of cardiovascular risk in australian primary health care', in CIRCULATION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, U ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai, pp. E808 - E808, presented at World Congress of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, U ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai, 18 April 2012 - 21 April 2012,
    Reports | 2012
    Redfern J, Chow CK, Brieger D, Briffa T, Chew D, Ferry C, Leeder S, Peiris D, Turnbull F , 2012, National secondary prevention of coronary disease summit: Full technical report, On behalf of the National Secondary Prevention of Coronary Disease Summit participants,
    Reports | 2011
    Peiris D , 2011, Expert Commentary CVD Risk: Guiding Lipid Management, National Prescribing Service Case Study 67 Report
    Reports | 2009
    Patel A PD, 2009, How to Treat: Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment, Australian Doctor
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Preprints |
    Downey LE; Gadsden T; Vilas VDR; Peiris D; Jan S, The Impact of COVID-19 on Essential Health Service Provision for Endemic Infectious Diseases in the South-East Asia Region: A Systematic Review,
    Preprints |
    Gadsden T; Downey LE; Vilas VDR; Peiris D; Jan S, The Impact of Covid-19 on Essential Health Service Provision for Noncommunicable Diseases in the South-East Asia Region: A Systematic Review,
    Preprints |
    Redfern J; Coorey G; Mulley J; Ascaria A; Neubeck L; Hafiz N; Pitt C; Weir KK; Forbes J; Parker S; Bampi F; Coenen A; Enright G; Wong A; Nguyen T; Harris M; Zwar N; Chow CK; Rodgers A; Heeley EL; Panaretto K; Lau A; Hayman N; Usherwood T; Peiris D, Effectiveness of an Integrated Responsive Web Application for Cardiovascular Disease Management in Primary Care: 1 Year Multicenter, Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial,
    Preprints |
    Tao X; Zhang X; Mao L; Zhang P; Peiris D, Status, Functions, and Quality of Mobile Applications for Type 2 Diabetes Care in China: Survey Based on App Markets,

Current NHMRC/MRFF grants

2024-2028 NHMRC Investigator Grant Leadership Level 2 - A National Continuous Quality Improvement Program for Chronic Disease Management and Prevention in Partnership with the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services Sector

2023-2027 NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - Adolescent resilience-building in urban slums - a multifaceted trial of life skills education in India (ANUMATI) Chief Investigators: Peiris D, Maulik K, Christensen H, Bryant Rm Sagar R, Yatirajula S, Daniel M, Ghosh A, Billot L, Downey L, Kallakuri S

2023-2027 NHMRC Synergy Grant - How can health districts and networks cultivate anti-racist hospitals? Chief Investigators: MacKean T, Peiris D, Paradies Y, Mohamed J, Porykali B, Rogers K, Quilty S, Baum F

2022-2026 Medical Research Future Fund Primary Health Care Research- Transforming blood pressure control in primary care using the next generation of wearable blood pressure devices: The NEXTGEN-BP randomised trial Chief Investigators: Schutte A, Patel A, Gnanenthiran S, Hespe C, Peiris D, Shclaich M, Di Tanna GL, Sharman J, Gnjidic D, Atkins E Freed R, Liu H, Chapman N, Tan I, Bennett B

2020 – 2025 NHMRC Partnership Projects: Development and evaluation of regional health care alliances to improve health system performance in New South Wales – Patient Centred Co-commissioning Groups Chief Investigators: Peiris D, Elshaug A, Jorm L, Jan S, Billot L, Pearson S, Schierhout G, Landon B, Huckel Schneider C

2019 -2024 NHMRC Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: Scaling up evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of hypertension and diabetes in rural China Chief Investigators: Peiris D, Li Z, Xin D, Chen Z, Tian M, Mao L, Li B, Lung T, Li Q





2024-2028 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Ivestigator Grant Level 2


National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowship Level 2/ Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow


Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy and Practice, Commonwealth Fund, USA


RACGP/MDA National Best General Practice Research Article published in the Australian Family Physician in 2014


Ralph Reader Prize for best clinical presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Presented at the World Congress of Cardiology, Melbourne.


National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australian Primary Health Care Fellowship


iMedicalApps & Medicine 2.0 mHealth award for best mHealth paper at the Medicine 2.0 conference, London


Finalist Diana Forsythe Award, American Medical Informatics Association for best paper/presentation that exemplifies the intersection of medical informatics and social sciences 


NHMRC- National Heart Foundation Translating Research into Practice Fellowship Level 2


Cross Cultural Public Health Research Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney


Early in Career Public Health Award, Public Health Association of Australia


Clinical Excellence Commission Ian O’Rourke PhD scholarship in patient safety


David Game prize for highest overall mark in the 2000 RACGP examination for South Australia & the Northern Territory

My Teaching

2019 - ongoing UNSW, School of Population Health Guest Lecturer
2013-ongoing University of Sydney, School of Public Health Guest Lecturer 
2012-ongoing University Western Sydney, School of Medicine Year 1 students, Lecture on cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal communities