Dr Dhanushi Rupasinghe
Research Fellow
BSc (Arcadia University, 2009), MSc (Arcadia University, 2011), PhD (UNSW, 2024)
Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute
I am a biostatistician working on large HIV observational databases (TAHOD, TAHOD-LITE, TAHOD-CC, SRN-AP, and TB-SRN). I am currently a Research Fellow at the Biostatistics and Databases Program. I have experience in analyzing multi-regional epidemiological datasets and prior experience working on genetic-linkage studies. My research interests and experience include observational cohorts in HIV, liver, and diabetes.
I am also a coordinator and mentor of the Fogarty-IeDEA Mentorship Program (FIMP). I have supervised candidates in this program from concept development to manuscript stage.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision