Professor Donna Green
PhD, University of California, Berkeley 2004.
I am an environmental scientist with international recognition for world-leading multidisciplinary applied research on the interconnected human impacts of climate change, energy policy and air pollution. My team investigates how best to balance ways to improve indoor air quality from outdoor air pollution (such as from traffic, bushfires or industry) against the increasingly recognised risks from indoor air (eg. airborne diseases such as COVID-19). I lead research and practical collaborations with engineers, legal and policy practitioners, and public health experts to design effective, evidence-based solutions.
My CleanAir Schools program was recently awarded the Clean Air Society Australia & New Zealand Innovation & Excellence in Air Quality Award, see more at:
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Current research interests include: indoor air quality, renewable energy policy and climate impacts.
More info available at
My Teaching
Peak Carbon: Energy and Climate Policy GEOS2241 (T3)