Associate Professor Ellen Rock

Associate Professor Ellen Rock

Associate Professor
Law & Justice
School of Global & Public Law

Ellen is an Associate Professor in the UNSW Faculty of Law & Justice and a member of the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. Ellen's research focuses on themes of government corruption, public trust and accountability structures, investigating the different legal and non-legal mechanisms used to control government power. Her research on these topics has been published by leading academic publishers and law journals. Ellen has recently taken on the role of co-director of the Administrative Law & Justice Project in the G+T Centre, and is an editor of the Routledge Frontiers in Accountability Studies book series.

Before her move to academia, Ellen worked as a practicing litigator specialising in administrative law and government liability at Corrs Chambers Westgarth. She currently holds an appointment as an independent legal adviser to the NSW Legislative Council Regulation Committee, assisting the Committee in scrutiny of delegated legislation.

Ellen teaches Administrative Law at UNSW and is available to supervise higher degree research students.