Professor George Shinkle
George's academic degrees are a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, an MBA from Ball State University, and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University.
George Shinkle is a Professor in the School of Management and Governance, UNSW Business School. He joined the Business School from Purdue University, where he received his PhD after successful careers in industry and business consulting. He is known for his ability to bring real-world context into the classroom.
George Shinkle's research investigates strategic goal setting, strategic agility, strategy development, and strategy implementation - particularly in turbulent environments. George has dedicated much of his international business and academic career to understanding and analysing the strategic management of organisations. George studies cross-country contexts to enlighten these topics. His research has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of World Business, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Business Venturing, the Journal of Business Ethics, Organizational Dynamics, and the Journal of Management.
George possesses a broad range of technical, management, and consulting experience from around the globe. Prior to beginning his doctoral studies, George worked at Ball Corporation, General Motors Corporation, and co-founded an international management and strategy consulting firm, Direction Associates, Inc. He has held engineering, manufacturing, customer liaison, program management, and business management positions. He was awarded the prestigious Boss Kettering Award and has three patents. He has co-authored a practitioner book on lean techniques in management.
He facilitates courses in the AGSM Executive MBA and Executive Education programs. He integrates years of real-world experience with academic theory to provide relevant, yet evidence-based perspectives. George has been recognised for outstanding facilitation in AGSM programs, received the 2019 ANZAM Innovative Management Educator of the Year Award, and has received a prestigious 3-year ARC Research Award.
He has consulted numerous businesses globally (America, Europe, Africa, and Asia). He has facilitated group activities on numerous topics including strategic planning, technology planning, competence assessment, lean manufacturing, lean management, and strategy implementation. He has coordinated numerous problem solving teams and collaborative groups and he has coached executives on leadership and strategy implementation.
George's academic degrees are a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University, an MBA from Ball State University, and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Krannert Graduate School of Management at Purdue University.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2023-2028 ARC - Industrial Transformation Training Centre under Assoc. Prof. Matthias Haeusler (25 Academics at 5 Universities and 11 Partner Organizations). Title: ARC Training Center for Next-Gen Architectural Manufacturing. Five years for $4,978,958.00
- 2014-2017 Australian Research Council Linkage Project. Lui, S., Jackson, C., Shinkle, G., & Ozdemir, S. Innovation in Australian mid-market firms: The critical role of leader cognition. Industry Partner: GE Capital. Project no. LO140100838, AU$340,000
- 2013-2015 Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA). Title: A theory of strategic goal setting for Australian business firms.
- 2012 UNSW Business School Research Grant for study of: Organizational strategy implementation: The influence of goals, processes, and leadership on performance in government organizations.
- 2011 UNSW Business School Research Grant for study of: The Effects of Economic Institutions on The Product Strategy Choices of Firms: A Study of 34 Developing Economy Environments.
- 2019 ANZAM Innovative Management Educator Award
- 2018 UNSW University Award for Teaching Excellence – Category: Design or Development of Programs
- 2017 UNSW Arc PostGraduate Research Council Supervisor Award
- 2013-2015 Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA). Title: A theory of strategic goal setting for Australian business firms.
- 2014 AGSM Executive Education: Outstanding Faculty Facilitator Award
- Strategic goal-setting and aspirations
- Strategy in dynamic environments
- Organizational control theory
- Strategy implementation
- Innovation Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- Business Models
- International business strategy
- BusinessThink 2021 August Why the workplace chameleon is a paradox for diversity and inclusion (with Jessica Yustantio)
- BusinessThink 2021 June The new rules for managing knowledge workers in a post-COVID world
- BusinessThink 2020 April What is the #1 missing link in business strategy implementation?
- BusinessThink 2019 April Three useful things to know about setting strategy
- BusinessBecause 2018 November AGSM MBA programs help executive leaders manage change in a VUCA world
- Managerial Research Report: 2018 October: A survey on the innovation of Australian Companies (Reference ARC Linkage Grant LP140100838)
- BusinessThink 2017 December How legitimate goals curtail a turn to the dark side
- Managerial Research Report: 2017 October: How managers of Mid-Market firms can harness the power of their thinking styles: Seeing the forest and the trees (Reference ARC Linkage Grant LP140100838)
- BusinessThink 2017 July When a satisfactory price beats a maximal mark-up
- South China Morning Post 2017 October Why leaders need confidence in uncertain environments byline with Julian Lorkin
- CEO Forum 2016 June quoted BT article: Companies heal thyself
- Managerial Research Report: 2016 March: Strategic goals, strategy choices, and operational governance: Managerial report on firms in Australia, USA, China, and Israel (Reference ARC Award DE130100840)
- IN:SIGHT 2015 December comments in: Three C-level roles set to boom in 2016
- Managerial Research Report: 2015 November: Innovation in Mid-Market firms – The executive report on an interview study of 35 Australian firms (Reference ARC Award DE130100840)
- BusinessThink 2015 February Tangled up in your own regulations
- BusinessThink 2014 October commented in: How to set strategy in the face of rapid change
- Managerial Research Report: 2014 September: Strategic goal setting in Australian Business firms: A managerial perspective based on interview observations (Reference ARC Linkage Grant LP140100838)
- BusinessThink 2014 April commented in: Come together: How grants, venture capital and private equity lift innovation
- Business Review Weekly 2013 June 17 Comments in: Reputation of corruption ‘a risk for Australian companies’
- Australian Mid-Market Growth Alliance Forum 2013 (May) Speaker at this public event.
My Research Supervision
- Min-Huei (Miles) Yang (2015)
- Feifei Yang (2017)
- Lingli Luo (2019)
- Mirjam Goudsmit (2020)
- Jingyi Wang
- Angel Sharma
My Teaching