Mr Guy Lobwein

Mr Guy Lobwein

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Art & Design

Guy Lobwein is a visual artist, academic, and researcher. For over a decade, his work and teaching has focused on the use of digital technologies in contemporary art practice, exploring experimental creative approaches to game engines and virtual reality.

His work, exhibited internationally and nationally, considers the intersections between screen culture, immersion, conflict, and politics. He has received numerous accolades, including the Experimental Award at the Brisbane Portrait Prize and the Bryan-Manton Art Prize. His research, which similarly focuses on experimental technologies, utilises game-making tools to create critically reflective experiences. Notably, Guy is the lead virtual reality researcher and artist on Future Stories, an ARC Discovery project that gives young people in long-term hospital care the opportunity to create their own bespoke virtual world.

With this background as a practicing contemporary artist and researcher, his teaching focuses on digital experimentation and interdisciplinary practice. Through blending art theory and studio practice with digital game tools, he endeavours to help students find their own unique voices within the realm of digital art practice.

UNSW Art & Design
  • Books | 2021
    Mu GM; Lobwein G, 2021, Journey to Resilience: Kaya's First Day of School, Queensland University of Technology,
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Lobwein G; McKewen D, 2024, 'Expanded Experience: An ‘Artist-Bricoleur’ Approach to Writing VR in Contemporary Art', in Screenwriting for Virtual Reality: Story, Space and Experience, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 205 - 229,
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Balfour M; Cattoni J; Sextou P; Herbert A; Seear L; Lobwein G; Gibson M; Penton J, 2022, 'Future stories: co-designing virtual reality (VR) experiences with young people with a serious illness in hospital', Research in Drama Education, 27, pp. 458 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mu M; Lobwein G, 2022, 'Journey to Resilience : Feng and the Phoenix Fruit', ,

Experimental Artist Award, Brisbane Portrait Prize - 2023

Bryan-Manton Art Prize - 2021