Associate Professor Hamish MacLennan
- Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Design (University of Salford, UK)
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of Salford, UK)
Title: A Study of the Performance of Office Workers Descending Multiple Flights of Stairs in High Rise Office Buildings in Trial Evacuations.
- Bachelor of Building with First Class Honours (UNSW)
- Master of Science (Building) (UNSW)
- Graduate Diploma in House and Neighbourhood Planning (UNSW)
1. Professional Experience
2014 - present - Researcher and Adjunct Associate Professor in Inclusive Design, FBE, UNSW
2014 - present - Life safety Scientist and Inclusive Design Safety Specialist - Unisearch Experts, UNSW
2007 - present - Founding Principal of Holmesfire
2007-2012 - Researcher in Inclusive Design, Surface Inclusive design Research Centre, University of Salford, UK.
1995-2007 - Founder of Holmes Fire and Safety and then Principal and Director growing the business from one to thirty four engineers with offices in San Francisco, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
1993-1995 - Lecturer in Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety at UTS
1990-1995 - Consultant and specialist on egress and evacuation Fire Code Reform Centre, Department of Trade and Commerce
1990 - 1995 - Member of NSW State Building Certification Task Force
1989 - 1995 - Member of Fire Safety Technical Subcommittee - Heritage Council of NSW
1986 - Guest Research Scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
1979-1995 - Lecturer to Associate Professor/ Head of Building/ Director of Postgraduate Research, Faculty of Design Architecture and Building UTS (Numerous research projects for the equivalent of the ABCB)
Other roles including Chief Engineer on the Sydney Opera House Stage 3.
2. Design Project Experience
- Western Sydney Stadium performance based access and circulation design
- darling Harbour Ramps and Stairs - performance based design
- Major fall incidents MCC and Sydney Casino. - case study research
- Stair safety assessment and review of railway stations on Epping Line. User based case study
- Expert witness at land and Environment Court
- Major development projects in Dubai
- Emergency crowd movement - Sydney Olympics in Homebush Bay together with a the design of a number of venues.
- Tunnels and Underground Power Station in NZ
- Over 6 international Airports
3. Research Experience
See Research activities
4. Conference Papers, etc.
See Research Activities
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
1985 - 1990 ABCB Equivalent -
1995 - Fire Code Reform Centre - Grant to UTS and VUT for the development of a full scale fire test facility at Fiskville - Department of Trade and Commerce
2007-2010 - ESPRC Research Grant to U of Salford UK dealing with study of the movement of Older Persons Outdoors - extensive case study
2017 - 2018 ABCB 4 Research Grants on Access Verification Methods UNSW
- ACEA (Consult Australia) – Gold Award – Sydney Cricket Ground, Vic Trumper Stand.
- ACEA (Consult Australia) – Gold Award – Sydney Town Hal Refurbishment – Heritage Building
- ACEA(Consult Australia) – Gold Award - Central Coast Leagues Club, Gosford, NSW.
- ACENZ – Wellington Hospital NZ
- ACENZ – Sydney Superdome – Homebush Bay NSW.
- ACENZ – Jade/AMI Stadium Christchurch NZ.
- ACENZ – Westpac Stadium, Wellington NZ.
- ACENZ – Christchurch International Airport NZ.
- IES – Passive Wayfinding System – Jade/AMI Stadium Christchurch NZ. - This involved the research, development and testing of a new passive and sustainable way guidance system for the Stadium Aisles and was highly commended by the Illuminating Engineering Society
- ACENZ – Civic Theatre Auckland, NZ.
- International Scholarship in Inclusive Design (EPSRC) – University of Salford – 2007.
Projects for ABCB - Research Reports
1. Desk audit of Ramp traversal research as a precursor for the development of a verification method for the performance design of Ramps. Completed June 2017
2. Development of Verification Method for Ramp design for wheelchair traversal. Completed August 2017
3. Desk Audit of Stair safety and traversal as a precursor for the development of a Verification Method. Completed July 2017
4. Development of Stair safety Verification Method - Completed September 2017
5. Development of an Occupant Characterisation Model for Performance Assessment of Building Access coupled with Performance Access Models - Design Handbook
6. Completion of public submissions on Stairs, Ramps and Fire safety to ABCB submitted in early 2018..
Main Conference Papers
1. MacLennan, H.A., Ormerod, M., Newton, and R., Faruk, M., (2011), Are Older People Confident Climbing Steps in Outdoor Public Places, FICCDAT, Universal Design Sessions, Toronto, Canada.
2. MacLennan, H.A. and Ormerod, M., (2011), Crowd Use of Stairs; The Challenge of Stair Climbing in Groups, ICSUS Workshop, FICCDAT, Toronto, Canada.
3. MacLennan, H.A. and Ormerod, M., (2011), Tactile Ground Surface Indicators for outdoors steps – aid or hazard? ICSUS Workshop, FICCDAT, Toronto, Canada.
4. MacLennan, H.A., (2011), Standards and Codes for Stairs – Australia and New Zealand, ICSUS Workshop, FICCDAT, Toronto, Canada.
5. Ormerod M., and MacLennan, H.A., (2011), Persons with Disabilities and Older users; Age Friendly Stairs are usable by all, ICSUS Workshop, FICCDAT, Toronto, Canada.
6. MacLennan, H.A., (2011), Are our feet too big for outdoor steps?, Open Space-People Space Conference 2011, University of Edinburgh.
7. MacLennan, H., Faruk, M., Ormerod, M., and Newton, R., (2008). “Will current emergency evacuation systems be accessible, safe and usable in 2030?” Paper published in the proceedings of CIB W070 Conference on Facilities Management, June 16-18, Edinburgh: Herriot Watt University
8. MacLennan, H., Ormerod, M., Newton, R., Faruk, M. & Abbas, Y. M., (2008), “Time is marching on. What really does determine the time it takes us all to get from ‘A’ to ‘B’?” Paper published in the proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, April 1-3, Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
9. Faruk, M., Ormerod, M., Newton, R. & Maclennan, H. A., (2008), “Tactile paving site selection criteria”, Paper published in the proceedings of CIB W070 Conference on Facilities Management, June 16-18, Edinburgh: Herriot Watt University.
10. Faruk, M., Ormerod, M., Newton, R. & MacLennan, H. A., (2008b), “Tactile paving a necessary intervention but does it really suit everyone?”, Paper published in the proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, April 1-3, Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
11. Abbas, Y. M., Ormerod, M., Newton, R., Faruk, M. & MacLennan, H., (2008), “Pedestrians: Just a simple flow?” Paper published in the proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, April 1-3, Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
12. Abbas, Y. M., Ormerod, M., Newton, R., Faruk, M. & MacLennan, H., (2008), “Patterns and trends of pedestrian casualties in UK: A case of misunderstood ergonomics?” Paper published in the proceedings of The Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, April 1-3, Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
13. Newton, R., Bright, D., Ormerod, M., MacLennan, H., Faruk, M., Abbas, Y. M., Burton, E., & Mitchell, L., (2007), “I really need to get out more”: The inclusive (universal) design of streets with older people in mind”, Paper published in the proceedings of Putting Pedestrians First: 8th Walk21 Conference, October 1-4, Toronto: Canada.
14. MacLennan H.A,, (2005), “The Innovative Management of Fire Risk in Power Generation Plants and Networks: A Case Study of an Integrated Process Focusing on Continuous Cost Effective Improvement”, Paper published in the Proceedings of Fire Risk in the 21st Century, Fire Australia 2005, Adelaide.
15. MacLennan H.A., Regan M, and Ware K., (1998), “An Engineering Model for the Estimation of Occupant Premovement and/or Response Times and the Probability of their Occurrence”, Paper published in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Human Behaviour in Fire, University of Ulster, Belfast.
16. Oluwoye J, and MacLennan HA, (1994) Designing for Safety and the Environment, Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference
17. MacLennan H.A., (1986) “Towards an Integrated Egress/ Evacuation Model Using an Open-Systems Approach”, Paper published in Fire Safety Science, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, New York, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, pp. 581-590.
Chapters in Books
1. MacLennan H.A. and Caldwell C.A. (1998), Fire Safety Design Guidelines for Heritage Buildings, NZ Historic Places Trust.
2. Nelson H.E. and MacLennan H.A., |”Emergency Movement” in eds. Di Nenno, Handbook of Fire Engineering, Society of Fire Protection Engineering and National Fire Protection
3. MacLennan H.A., (1995), “Assessing a Heritage Building for Life Safety” in eds. Saccaro Alan, Heritage on Fire Manual.
4. MacLennan H.A., (1996), Occupant Avoidance in eds. Beck V.R. et al, Indicative Fire Engineering Design Guidelines, Fire Code Reform Centre, Sydney.
5. Sproats K., Dawkins J., and MacLennan H.A., (1992), Guidelines for Energy Efficient Housing, Local Government and Shires Association, Sydney.
6. MacLennan H.A., (1991) “Occupant Response and Communications, Occupant Characteristics and Occupant Avoidance”, Sections 5, 9 and 11 of Appendix in Micro-economic Reform: Fire Regulation, Building Regulation Reform, Department of Industry Technology and Commerce, Canberra.
7. MacLennan H.A., (1990), “Occupant Avoidance” in eds. Beck V.R., Fire Engineering and Risk Assessment, Warren Centre of Advanced Engineering, University of Sydney.
8. MacLennan H.A., (1985) “Number of People in Shops”, Australian Uniform Building Regulations Co-ordinating Council, Department of Industry Technology and Commerce, Project AP11. (Research Report).
Main Refereed Reports and Journals
1. MacLennan, H.A., (2013), A Study of the Performance of Office Workers Descending Multiple Flights of Stairs in High Rise Office Buildings in Trial Evacuations, Volumes I-III, USIR.
2. Spearpoint, M., and MacLennan, H.A., (2012), The effect of an ageing and less fit population on the ability of people to egress buildings, Safety Science, doi:10.1016/jssci.2011.12.019.
3. Hamish MacLennan, Marcus Ormerod, Anand Sivan and Christian Nielsen, (2008) “Will Evacuation Systems Meet User Needs in 2030?” in eds. Ami Lustig, Elevator Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 257-267.
4. MacLennan H.A., Regan M.A., and Ware K., (1999), “An Engineering Model for the Estimation of Occupant Premovement and/or Response Times and the Probability of their Occurrence”, Journal of Fire and Materials.
5. MacLennan H.A., (1985), “The Problem with Estimating the Safe Time Required for Egress”, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.91, Part 2, H1-85-25, No.3, 12pp.
6. MacLennan H.A., (1985), “The Valuer, Fire Safety and Existing Buildings”, The Valuer, Vol XXVII, No.5, pp. 429-450.