Professor Hazel Easthope
PhD (sociology) University of Tasmania
BA (Hons 1) University of Sydney
Certificate in Executive Management and Development, UNSW
Dr Hazel Easthope
Deputy Director, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW Australia
PhD (University of Tasmania), BA(Hons) (University of Sydney)
Hazel Easthope is the Deputy Director of the City Futures Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. She has qualifications in sociology and human geography and researches in the areas of urban studies and housing. She has a particular research interest in residential satisfaction and the intersections between mobility, identity and home. Much of her research focuses on the development, management, governance and planning implications of private apartment buildings and estates and the lived experiences of their residents. Her interests in this area span property title and ownership structures, estate governance and management, urban renewal and housing redevelopment, building retrofits and upgrades, and resident relationships.
She regularly consults with government, community and peak body stakeholders. This has led to invitations from a range of academic, industry and peak body organisations to present her research findings and provide policy advice.
Key words: Urban, housing, place, strata, apartments.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Constructing Building Integrity: Raising standards through professionalism (ARC Linkage) 2021-2024
Co-design Guide for Transforming Ageing Apartment Buildings (ARC Linkage) 2021-2024
Reassembling the City: Understanding resident-led collective property sales (ARC Discovery) 2020-2023
Australian Housing Data Analytic Platform (Australian Housing Data Commons) 2020-2023
Cracks in the Compact City: Defects in strata (ARC Linkage) 2018-2021
Inquiry into Housing in a Circular Economy (AHURI) 2021-2022
Sustainable Apartment Housing: New build and retrofit (AHURI) 2021-2022
Predicting Risk to Inform Policy and Practice (AHURI) 2021-2022
Waterloo Housing Estate Redevelopment: Assessment of residents' health needs and circumstances pilot study (Maridulu Bundyari Gumal Healthy Urban Environments) 2021
Australasian Strata Insights (Strata Community Association) 2018, 2020, 2022
ARC Future Fellowship 2013-2017
Planning Institute of Australia Cutting Edge Research and Teaching Award 2014 & 2016
UNSW Rising Star Award 2016
Strata Community Association Presidents' Award 2012
Australasian Editor, Housing Studies journal
UNSW-AHURI Centre Director
Technical Support Group to the Commonhold Council, UK
Research and Development Board Advisory Group, Strata Community Association, Australia
Research Committee, Foundation for Community Association Research, USA
Residential Apartment Sector Sustainability Reference Group, City of Sydney Council
Urban Icon Research Platform Steering Committee, Urban Development Institute of Australia
My Research Supervision
Rana Shakaa
Spatializing Art: A tool and a strategy in place making
Susan Tracey
Women in Placemaking
Abdullah Alshehri
The Connection Between Transit-oriented Development and Saudi's Housing Preferences
Zhang Yunzheng
New Danwei Compunds in China's Less Developed Cities: Urban space under new collectivism
Alessandra Buxton
Sharing Spaces, Moving Places: The experiences of young single women in share housing in Greater Sydney
My Teaching
PLAN1003 Urban Society, History & Theory