Emeritus Professor Ian Dance

Emeritus Professor Ian Dance

Emeritus Professor
School of Chemistry

Born 1940.

B.Sc.  University of Sydney 1961.

M.Sc.  University of Sydney 1963.

Ph.D. Manchester University 1966.

Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., USA, 1968-1974.

At UNSW: Lecturer (1975), Senior Lecturer (1976), Associate Professor (1981), Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (1986), Head of School of Chemistry (1990-1993), Faculty of Science Professor (2000), Emeritus Professor (2002).

  • Books | 2007
    Dance I; Fisher K, 2007, Metal Chalcogenide Cluster Chemistry, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470166420.ch9
  • Book Chapters | 2015
    Dance IG, 2015, 'A Unified Chemical Mechanism for Hydrogenation Reactions Catalyzed by Nitrogenase', in Weigand W (ed.), Bioinspired Catalysis: Metal-Sulfur Complexes, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 249 - 288
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Dance I, 2007, 'Supramolecular Inorganic Chemistry', in The Crystal as a Supramolecular Entity, pp. 137 - 233, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9780470511459.ch5
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Willett GD; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; gao Z, 2001, 'Laser ablation mass spectrometry of binary clusters: an investigation of their relative stabilities and reactivities.', in Gelpi E (ed.), , John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 351 - 352
    Book Chapters | 1993
    Winge DR; Dameron CT; George GN; Pickering IJ; Dance IG, 1993, 'Cuprous-Thiolate Polymetalic Clusters in Biology', in Bioinorganic Chemistry of Copper, Springer Netherlands, pp. 110 - 123, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-6875-5_9
    Book Chapters | 1987
    Bishop R; Dance IG; Hawkins SC; Scudder ML, 1987, 'Molecular Determinants of a New Family of Helical Tubuland Host Diols', in Inclusion Phenomena in Inorganic, Organic, and Organometallic Hosts, Springer Netherlands, pp. 229 - 232, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-3987-5_38
    Book Chapters | 1984
    Bishop R; Dance IG; Hawkins SC; Lipari T, 1984, 'The Design and Synthesis of a Family of Multimolecular Host-Guest Inclusion Complexes', in Clathrate Compounds, Molecular Inclusion Phenomena, and Cyclodextrins, Springer Netherlands, pp. 75 - 83, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-5376-5_5
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Dance I, 2025, 'Understanding non-reducible N2 in the mechanism of Mo-nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d4dt03146f
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dance I, 2024, 'The activating capture of N2 at the active site of Mo-nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 53, pp. 14193 - 14211, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d4dt01866d
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dance I, 2024, 'The mechanism of Mo-nitrogenase: from N2 capture to first release of NH3', Dalton Transactions, 53, pp. 19360 - 19377, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d4dt02606c
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dance I, 2024, 'What triggers the coupling of proton transfer and electron transfer at the active site of nitrogenase?', Dalton Transactions, 53, pp. 7996 - 8004, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d4dt00474d
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dance I, 2023, 'The HD Reaction of Nitrogenase: a Detailed Mechanism', Chemistry - A European Journal, 29, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chem.202202502
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dance I, 2023, 'The binding of reducible N2 in the reaction domain of nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 52, pp. 2013 - 2026, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2dt03599e
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dance I, 2022, 'Calculating the chemical mechanism of nitrogenase: new working hypotheses', Dalton Transactions, 51, pp. 12717 - 12728, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2dt01920e
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dance I, 2022, 'Understanding the tethered unhooking and rehooking of S2B in the reaction domain of FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 51, pp. 15538 - 15554, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2dt02571j
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dance I, 2021, 'Structures and reaction dynamics of N2and H2binding at FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 50, pp. 18212 - 18237, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1dt03548g
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dance I, 2020, 'Computational Investigations of the Chemical Mechanism of the Enzyme Nitrogenase', ChemBioChem, 21, pp. 1671 - 1709, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201900636
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dance I, 2019, 'How feasible is the reversible S-dissociation mechanism for the activation of FeMo-co, the catalytic site of nitrogenase?', Dalton Transactions, 48, pp. 1251 - 1262, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c8dt04531c
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dance I, 2019, 'Survey of the geometric and electronic structures of the key hydrogenated forms of FeMo-co, the active site of the enzyme nitrogenase: Principles of the mechanistically significant coordination chemistry', Inorganics, 7, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/inorganics7010008
    Journal articles | 2018
    Dance I, 2018, 'Evaluations of the accuracies of DMol3 density functionals for calculations of experimental binding enthalpies of N2, CO, H2, C2H2 at catalytic metal sites', Molecular Simulation, 44, pp. 568 - 581, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2017.1413711
    Journal articles | 2018
    Dance I, 2018, 'What is the role of the isolated small water pool near FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase?', FEBS Journal, 285, pp. 2972 - 2986, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/febs.14519
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dance I, 2017, 'New insights into the reaction capabilities of His195 adjacent to the active site of nitrogenase', Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 169, pp. 32 - 43, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2017.01.005
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dance I, 2016, 'Mechanisms of the S/CO/Se interchange reactions at FeMo-co, the active site cluster of nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 45, pp. 14285 - 14300, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c6dt03159e
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dance I, 2015, 'Activation of N2, the enzymatic way', Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 641, pp. 91 - 99, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/zaac.201400120
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dance I, 2015, 'Misconception of reductive elimination of H2, in the context of the mechanism of nitrogenase', Dalton Transactions, 44, pp. 9027 - 9037, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5dt00771b
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dance I, 2015, 'Protonation of bridging sulfur in cubanoid Fe4S4 clusters causes large geometric changes: The theory of geometric and electronic structure.', Dalton Transactions, 44, pp. 4707 - 4717, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4dt03681f
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dance I, 2015, 'The pathway for serial proton supply to the active site of nitrogenase: Enhanced density functional modeling of the Grotthuss mechanism', Dalton Transactions, 44, pp. 18167 - 18186, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5dt03223g
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dance I, 2015, 'What is the trigger mechanism for the reversal of electron flow in oxygen-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenases?', Chemical Science, 6, pp. 1433 - 1443, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4sc03223c
    Journal articles | 2014
    Alwaaly A; Dance I; Henderson RA, 2014, 'Unexpected explanation for the enigmatic acid-catalysed reactivity of [Fe4S4X4]2− clusters', Chemical Communications, 50, pp. 4799 - 4802, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4cc00922c
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dance I; Henderson RA, 2014, 'Large structural changes upon protonation of Fe4S4 clusters: The consequences for reactivity', Dalton Transactions, 43, pp. 16213 - 16226, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4dt01687d
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dance I, 2014, 'ChemInform Abstract: Nitrogenase: A General Hydrogenator of Small Molecules', ChemInform, 45, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.201401271
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dance I, 2013, 'A molecular pathway for the egress of ammonia produced by nitrogenase', Scientific Reports, 3, pp. 3237, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep03237
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dance I, 2013, 'Atomic resolution liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy investigations of the dynamics of nanoparticles in ultrathin liquids', Chemical Communications, 49, pp. 10893 - 10907, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c3cc46864j
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dance I, 2013, 'The stereochemistry and dynamics of the introduction of hydrogen atoms onto FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase', Inorganic Chemistry, 52, pp. 13068 - 13077, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic401818k
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dance IG, 2012, 'Ramifications of C-centering rather than N-centering of the active site FeMo-co of the enzyme nitrogenase', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 41, pp. 4859 - 4865, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2dt00049k
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dance IG, 2012, 'Roger Bishop's research leadership in crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 65, pp. 1359 - 1360, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH12277
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dance IG, 2012, 'The controlled relay of multiple protons required at the active site of nitrogenase', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 41, pp. 7647 - 7659, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2dt30518f
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dance I, 2011, 'Erratum: A pragmatic method for location of transition states and calculation of reaction paths (Molecular Simulation (2008) 34:10)', Molecular Simulation, 37, pp. 257, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2011.553827
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dance IG, 2011, 'Calculated vibrational frequencies for FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase, bearing hydrogen atoms and carbon monoxide', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 40, pp. 6480 - 6489, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c1dt10505a
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dance IG, 2011, 'Electronic dimensions of FeMo-co, the active site of nitrogenase, and its catalytic intermediates', Inorganic Chemistry, 50, pp. 178 - 192, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic1015884
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dance IG, 2011, 'How does vanadium nitrogenase reduce CO to hydrocarbons?', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 40, pp. 5516 - 5527, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c1dt10240k
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dance IG, 2010, 'Mimicking nitrogenase', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 39, pp. 2972 - 2983, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/B922606K
    Journal articles | 2010
    McMurtrie J; Dance IG, 2010, 'Alternative metal grid structures formed by [M(terpy)(2)](2+) and [M(terpyOH)(2)](2+) complexes with small and large tetrahedral dianions, and by [Ru(terpy)(2)](0)', CrystEngComm, 12, pp. 2700 - 2710, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/B926074A
    Journal articles | 2010
    McMurtrie J; Dance IG, 2010, 'Alternative two-dimensional embrace nets formed by metal complexes of 4 '-phenylterpyridine crystallised with hydrophilic anions', CrystEngComm, 12, pp. 3207 - 3217, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c003035j
    Journal articles | 2009
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2009, 'Molecules embracing in crystals', CrystEngComm, 11, pp. 2233 - 2247
    Journal articles | 2009
    Mcmurtrie JC; Dance IG, 2009, 'Crystal packing in metal complexes of 4⿲-phenylterpyridine and related ligands: Occurrence of the 2D and 1D terpy embrace arrays', CrystEngComm, 11, pp. 1141 - 1149
    Journal articles | 2008
    Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2008, 'Tetraphenylphosphonium hydrogen oxalate', ACTA Crystallographica Section E - Structure Reports Online, 64, pp. O243 - U4772, http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S160053680706463X
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dance IG, 2008, 'A pragmatic method for location of transition states and calculation of reaction paths', Molecular Simulation, 34, pp. 923 - 929
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dance IG, 2008, 'The chemical mechanism of nitrogenase: calculated details of the intramolecular mechanism for hydrogenation of eta(2)-N-2 on FeMo-co to NH3', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 5977 - 5991
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dance IG, 2008, 'The chemical mechanism of nitrogenase: hydrogen tunneling and further aspects of the intramolecular mechanism for hydrogenation of eta(2)-N-2 on FeMo-co to NH3', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 5992 - 5998
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dean PA; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2008, 'The crystallisation and packing of [Cr(C2O4Ag(PPh3)(2))(3)] (Ph3P/Ph3PO) (MeNO2)(4)', CrystEngComm, 10, pp. 1044 - 1046
    Journal articles | 2007
    Dance I, 2007, 'Elucidating the Coordination Chemistry and Mechanism of Biological Nitrogen Fixation', ChemInform, 38, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.200743222
    Journal articles | 2007
    Dance IG, 2007, 'Elucidating the coordination chemistry and mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation', Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2, pp. 936 - 946
    Journal articles | 2007
    Dance IG, 2007, 'The mechanistically significant coordination chemistry of dinitrogen at FeMo-co, the catalytic site of nitrogenase', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, pp. 1076 - 1088, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja0644428
    Journal articles | 2007
    Harris HH; Dance IG, 2007, 'Iron-carbon clusters: Geometric structures and interconversions', Polyhedron, 26, pp. 250 - 265
    Journal articles | 2006
    Colbran SB; Mcdonagh AM; Dance IG; Lucas N; Craig DC, 2006, 'cis-[PtBr2{PPh2(4-catechol))}(2)]: synthesis, crystal structure, and computational modelling of its binding to nanocrystalline TiO2', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 680 - 685
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dance IG; Golding RM; Pascual RO; Suvanprakorn C, 2006, 'An NMR study of Solvent Interactions in a Paramagnetic System', Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 27, pp. 1752 - 1756
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dance IG, 2006, 'Mechanistic significance of the preparatory migration of hydrogen atoms around the FeMo-co active site of nitrogenase', Biochemistry, 45, pp. 6328 - 6340, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi052217h
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dance IG, 2006, 'The correlation of redox potential, HOMO energy, and oxidation state in metal sulfide clusters and its application to determine the redox level of the FeMo-co active-site cluster of nitrogenase', Inorganic Chemistry, 45, pp. 5084 - 5091
    Journal articles | 2006
    Manifar T; Rohani S; Jennings M; Hairsine D; Dance IG, 2006, 'Crystals of isomeric tritolylamines: embrace motifs in crystals, and their thermochemical properties', CrystEngComm, 8, pp. 59 - 65
    Journal articles | 2005
    Alyea E; Craig DC; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Scudder ML, 2005, 'The crystallisation of polyoxo-molybdate and -tungstate anions with phenylated phosphonium and arsonium cations, in relation to the crystal packing and species in solution', CrystEngComm, 7, pp. 491 - 503
    Journal articles | 2005
    Craig DC; Dance IG; Dean PA; Hook JM; Jenkins H; Kirby C; Scudder ML; Rajalingam U, 2005, 'A synthetic, structural, and Cd-113 NMR study of cadmium complexes of 1,3-thiazolidine-2-thionate, including the structures of Cd(C3H4NS2)(2), (Cd(C3H4NS2)(2)(C5H5N)(3)center dot C5H5N, and (Ph4P)(2)[I2Cd(mu-C3H4NS2)(2)CdI2]', Canadian Journal of Chemistry - Revue Canadienne de Chimie, 83, pp. 174 - 184, http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/v04-177
    Journal articles | 2005
    Dance IG, 2005, 'Intermolecular embraces and intermolecular energies', Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 440, pp. 265 - 293
    Journal articles | 2005
    Dance IG, 2005, 'The hydrogen chemistry of the FeMo-co active site of nitrogenase', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, pp. 10925 - 10942
    Journal articles | 2005
    Mcmurtrie JC; Dance IG, 2005, 'Engineering grids of metal complexes: development of the 2D M( terpy)(2) embrace motif in crystals', CrystEngComm, 7, pp. 216 - 229
    Journal articles | 2005
    Mcmurtrie JC; Dance IG, 2005, 'Engineering the metal-terpy grid with complexes containing 4 `-hydroxy terpyridine', CrystEngComm, 7, pp. 230 - 236
    Journal articles | 2004
    Arnby C; Jagner S; Dance IG, 2004, 'Questions for crystal engineering of halocuprate complexes: conceptsfor a difficult system', CrystEngComm, 6(46), pp. 257 - 275
    Journal articles | 2004
    Dance IG, 2004, 'The mechanism of nitrogenase. Computed details of the site and geometryof binding of alkyne and alkene substrates and intermediates', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, pp. 11852 - 11863
    Journal articles | 2004
    Dean PA; Craig DC; Dance IG; Russell VM; Scudder ML, 2004, 'A variable Ag-Cr-oxalate channel lattice:[MxAg0.5-x(H2O)(3)](@)[Ag2.5Cr(C2O4)(3)], M = K, Cs, Ag', Inorganic Chemistry, 43, pp. 443 - 449
    Journal articles | 2004
    Dean PA; Jennings M; Houle T; Craig DC; Dance IG; Hook JM; Scudder ML, 2004, 'Crystal packing in tetraphenylphosphonium salts of trithiocyanuric acidand its methanol solvate', CrystEngComm, 6(88), pp. 543 - 548, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b413145b
    Journal articles | 2004
    Igarashi R; Dos Santos P; Niehaus W; Dance IG; Dean D; Seefeldt L, 2004, 'Localization of a catalytic intermediate bound to the FeMo-cofactor ofnitrogenase', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279, pp. 34770 - 34775
    Journal articles | 2004
    Seefeldt L; Dance IG; Dean D, 2004, 'Substrate interactions with nitrogenase: Fe versus Mo', Biochemistry, 43, pp. 1401 - 1409
    Journal articles | 2003
    Chow H; Dean PA; Lucas N; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2003, 'The Subtle Tetramorphism of MePh3P+ I3-', New Journal of Chemistry, 27, pp. 704 - 713
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dance IG, 2003, 'Distance criteria for crystal packing analysis of supramolecular motifs.', New Journal of Chemistry, 27, pp. 22 - 27
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dance IG, 2003, 'Inorganic intermolecular motifs, and their energies.', CrystEngComm, 5, pp. 208 - 221
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dance IG, 2003, 'The consequences of an interstitial N atom in the FeMo cofactor of nitrogenase.', Chemical Communications, -, pp. 324 - 325
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dance IG, 2003, 'What is supramolecular?', New Journal of Chemistry, 27, pp. 1 - 2
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dean PA; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2003, 'Tetraphenylarsonium iodide, a new determination', ACTA Crystallographica Section C - Crystal Structure Communications, C59, pp. 484 - 486
    Journal articles | 2003
    Dean PA; Fisher KJ; Craig DC; Jennings M; Ohene-Fianko O; Scudder ML; Willett GD; Dance IG, 2003, 'Nanoclusters of phenylphosphonium cations and cyanoferrate anions in the gas phase, and the principles of association of these ions in crystals.', Journal of the Royal Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, -, pp. 1520 - 1528
    Journal articles | 2003
    Maharaj F; Mcdonagh AM; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 2003, 'Crystal packing principles for ferrocenyl groups linked by polyyne chains: dimorphism of Fc-C4-Fc', CrystEngComm, 5, pp. 305 - 309
    Journal articles | 2003
    Maharaj F; Russell VM; Chow H; Page MJ; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 2003, 'Polymorphs and pseudo-polymorphs: nine crystals containing [Fe(phen)3]2+ associated with [HgI4]2-', CrystEngComm, %, pp. 285 - 293
    Journal articles | 2002
    Ali B; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Craig DC, 2002, 'Dimorphs of (Ph4P)2[Cd2(SPh)6]: crystal packing analyses, and the interplay of intermolecular and intramolecular energies', Crystal Growth and Design, 2, pp. 601 - 607
    Journal articles | 2002
    Dance IG; Dean PA; Fisher KJ; Harris HH, 2002, 'Metal Cyanide Ions Mx(CN)y]+,- in the Gas Phase:  M = Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, Hg, Fe + Ag, Co + Ag', Inorganic Chemistry, 41, pp. 3560 - 3569
    Journal articles | 2002
    Dance IG; Hasselgren C; Jagner S, 2002, 'Three-coordinate [Cu(II)X3]? (X = Cl, Br), trapped in a molecular crystal', Chemistry - a European Journal, 8, pp. 1269 - 1278
    Journal articles | 2002
    Dance IG; Wenger E; Harris HH, 2002, 'Towards rational syntheses of the elusive metallocarbohedrenes: density functional prescriptions for electronic and geometric structures', Chemistry - a European Journal, 80, pp. 3497 - 3511
    Journal articles | 2002
    Day AI; Blanch RJ; Arnold AP; Lorenzo S; Lewis G; Dance IG, 2002, 'A cucurbituril-based gyroscane: a new supramolecular form.', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), 41, pp. 275 - 277
    Journal articles | 2002
    Day AI; Blanch RJ; Arnold AP; Lorenzo S; Lewis GR; Dance I, 2002, 'A Cucurbituril-Based Gyroscane: A New Supramolecular Form', Angewandte Chemie, 114, pp. 285 - 287, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/1521-3757(20020118)114:2<285::aid-ange285>3.0.co;2-6
    Journal articles | 2002
    Dean PA; Jennings M; Rajalingam U; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2002, 'Title of Article: The crystal packing of [Cd(C4H8N2S)4](BPh4)2?2MeCN, and Cd(C4H8N2S)4](CF3SO3)2. Tetraphenylborate forming an aryl box.', CrystEngComm, 4, pp. 46 - 50
    Journal articles | 2002
    Horn CJ; Berben L; Chow E; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2002, 'Supramolecular motifs in four pseudo-polymorphic crystals of [Fe(phen)3](I3)2 (solvent): solvent = acetone, CH2Cl2, CH3CN, toluene or H2O.', CrystEngComm, 4, pp. 7 - 12
    Journal articles | 2002
    Jackson P; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Gadd G; Willett GD, 2002, 'The Structure of Gas Phase Tin Oxide Ions Generated by Laser Ablation: A Combined Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry and Density Functional Theory Study', Journal of Cluster Science, 13, pp. 165 - 187
    Journal articles | 2002
    Kim S; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2002, 'Crystal engineering of hydroxy group hydrogen bonding: Design and synthesis of new diol lattice inclusion hosts', Journal of Organic Chemistry, 67, pp. 3221 - 3230, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo010787r
    Journal articles | 2002
    Lacour J; Bernardinelli G; Russell VM; Dance IG, 2002, 'Crystal packing interpretation of the association of chiral threefold propellor ions: TRISPHAT anion with a triarylcarbenium cation', CrystEngComm, 4, pp. 165 - 170
    Journal articles | 2002
    Maharaj F; Russell VM; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 2002, 'A highly symmetric lattice of tightly packed supramolecular interactions of [Fe(phen)3]2+ with [HgI3]?, [ClHgI3]2?, and Cl?.', CrystEngComm, 41, pp. 149 - 154
    Journal articles | 2002
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2002, 'Dimorphic intramolecular and intermolecular aryl motifs in symmetrical hexafaceted molecules (ArnX)3Y?(Z)?Y(XArn)3.', Chemistry - a European Journal, 8, pp. 5456 - 5468
    Journal articles | 2002
    Yi MN; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 2002, 'The generation of gaseous [CoxOy]− clusters and their reactions with alcohols: formation of homoleptic cobalt alkoxides [Co4(OR)8]−', International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 216, pp. 155 - 168
    Journal articles | 2001
    Ali B; Dance I; Scudder M; Craig D, 2001, 'Principles of crystal packing and intermolecular motifs for Ph3XSnXPh3, X = C, Si, Ge, Sn', CRYSTENGCOMM, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b103381f
    Journal articles | 2001
    Ali B; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Craig DC, 2001, 'Principles of crystal packing and intermolecular motifs for Ph3XSnXPh3 X = C, Si, Ge, Sn..', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 8
    Journal articles | 2001
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2001, 'High symmetry crystal supramolecularity: -XPh3 molecules in cubic lattices', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 1500 - 1509
    Journal articles | 2001
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2001, 'High symmetry crystal supramolecularity: -XPh3 molecules in rhombohedral lattices, using multimolecular rather than bimolecular sixfold phenyl embraces', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 1510 - 1515
    Journal articles | 2001
    Dean PA; Dance IG; Craig DC; Scudder ML, 2001, 'Bis (tetraphenylphonium) tris (oxal-ato-O,O`) germanate (IV)', ACTA Crystallographica Section C - Crystal Structure Communications, pp. 1030 - 1031
    Journal articles | 2001
    Dean PA; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 2001, 'Analyses of the crystal packing of (Ph3P)2Ag(O2C2O2)Ag(PPh3)2 and related heavily phenylated molecules: substitutional trimorphism', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 7
    Journal articles | 2001
    Harris HH; Dance IG, 2001, 'The Geometric and Electronic Structures of Niobium Carbon Clusters', Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 105, pp. 3340 - 3358
    Journal articles | 2001
    Harris HH; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 2001, 'Coordination and Dehydrogenation of PH3 by 23 Transition Metal Ions in the Gas Phase: FTICR Experiments and Density Functional Interpretations', Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 6972 - 6982
    Journal articles | 2001
    Horn C; Scudder M; Dance I, 2001, 'Contrasting crystal supramolecularity for [Fe(phen)3]I8 and [Mn(phen)3]I8: complementary orthogonality and complementary helicity', CrystEngComm, 3, pp. 1 - 1, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b008381j
    Journal articles | 2001
    Horn CJ; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2001, 'Contrasting crystal supramolecularity for [Fe(phen)3]I8 and [Mn(phen)3]I8: complementary orthogonality and complementary helicity', CrystEngComm, 1, pp. 1 - 8
    Journal articles | 2001
    Horn CJ; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2001, 'Crystal structures, crystal packing and supramolecular motifs in [Fe(phen)3]I14 and [M(phen)3]I18 (M = Fe, Ni): complementary orthogonality of [M(phen)3]2+ cations and polyiodide anions.', CrystEngComm, 2, pp. 1 - 6
    Journal articles | 2001
    Lorenzo S; Day AI; Craig DC; Blanch RJ; Arnold AP; Dance IG, 2001, 'The first endoannular metal halide-cucurbituril: cis-SnCl4(OH2)2@cucurbit[7]uril', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 7
    Journal articles | 2001
    Russell VM; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2001, 'Crystal packing motifs for mixed oxalate/phenanthroline metal complexes.', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 11
    Journal articles | 2001
    Russell VM; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2001, 'The crystal supramolecularity of metal phenanthroline complexes.', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 789 - 799
    Journal articles | 2001
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2001, 'A diamondoid supramolecular crystal lattice maintained entirely by sixfold phenyl embraces', CrystEngComm, 12, pp. 1 - 4
    Journal articles | 2001
    Yi M; Fisher K; Dance I, 2001, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Formation, Reactions and Structures of Binary Cobalt Phosphide Clusters [CoxPy] in the Gas Phase.', ChemInform, 32, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.200118002
    Journal articles | 2001
    Yi MN; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 2001, 'The formation, reactions and structures of binary cobalt phosphide clusters [CoxPy]− in the gas phase', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 73 - 82
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bowmaker GA; Boyd PDW; Rickard CEF; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'ChemInform Abstract: The [Cu8Br15]6‐ Ion, a Crystal‐Stabilized High‐Symmetry Mixed‐Valence Copper Complex with a Linear Halogen Bridge.', ChemInform, 31, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.200006023
    Journal articles | 2000
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecularity: sixfold phenyl embraces between PPh3 ligands. forming extended nets in one-, two-, and three-dimensions.', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 2000, pp. 1587 - 1594
    Journal articles | 2000
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 2000, 'Intramolecular- and supramolecular-geometry of coordinated PPh3', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 2000, pp. 1579 - 1585
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD; Zhang R; Alyea EC, 2000, 'Electrospray studies of a water soluble platinum (II) phosphine complex, chlorotris(1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane)platinum (II) chloride (TPA)3PtCl2..', European Mass Spectrometry, pp. 23 - 30
    Journal articles | 2000
    Hasselgren C; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Jagner S, 2000, 'Supramolecular Assemblies of Quaternary Ammonium Cations and Halide Anions in the Gas Phase: ESMS-FTICR Data and Computer Modelling', Chemistry - a European Journal, 6, pp. 3671 - 3678
    Journal articles | 2000
    Horn CJ; Ali B; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Craig DC, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecularity: extended aryl embraces in dimorphs of [Cu(1,10-phen)2I]I3', CrystEngComm, 2, pp. 1 - 10
    Journal articles | 2000
    Horn CJ; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs in trimorphs of [Fe(phen)3] I12', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 14
    Journal articles | 2000
    Horn CJ; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'The crystal packing of [M(phen)3]I7 (M = Mn, Fe)', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 5
    Journal articles | 2000
    Jee B; Zank J; Dance IG; Wild BL; Klufers P; Willis A, 2000, 'The crystal packing and engineering prospects of Hellwinkel`s salt:[P(2,2`-biphenylyl)2]+[P(2,2`-biphenylyl)3]¿.', CrystEngComm, 035, pp. 1 - 5
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lewin MJ; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 2000, 'New FeS clusters with NO: associative formation of [Fe5S4(NO)8]¿ and [Fe7S6(NO)10]¿, and larger clusters', Chemical Communications, 2000, pp. 947 - 948
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lewis G; Dance IG, 2000, 'Crystal Supramolecularity: Multiple phenyl embraces formed by [AsPh4]+ cations.', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 306, pp. 160 - 167, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)00164-X
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lewis G; Dance IG, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs for [Ph4P]+ salts of [M(mnt)2]2-, [M(mnt)2]-, [{M(mnt)2}2]2-, [M(mnt)3]3- and [M(mnt)3]2- (mnt2¿ = maleonitriledithiolate)', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 2000, pp. 3176 - 3185
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lewis G; Dance IG, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecularity. Multiple phenyl embraces by [PPN]+ cations.', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 299 - 306
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lorenzo S; Horn CJ; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs: columns of embracing Ph3PMe+ or Ph3PCl+ cations controlling formation of [Cu3X82¿]1? (X = Cl, Br) .', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), pp. 401 - 405
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lorenzo S; Lewis G; Dance IG, 2000, 'Supramolecular potentials and embraces for fluorous aromatic molecules', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 295 - 304
    Journal articles | 2000
    Russell VM; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'Interpenetrating non-molecular and supramolecular (10,3)-a nets occur with chiral recognition in crystalline (Ph3MeP)2[NaCr(ox)3].', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 8
    Journal articles | 2000
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 2000, 'Sixfold phenyl embraces with substituted phenyl in PPh3', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 2000, pp. 2909 - 2915
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Ung AT, 1999, 'Interpenetrating inclusion lattices: comparison of the beta-hydroquinone and ellipsoidal clathrate structures', Zhurnal strukturnoj khimii (journal of structural chemistry), 40, pp. 822 - 831, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02903443
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bowmaker GA; Boyd P; Rickard C; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1999, 'The [Cu8Br15]6¿ Ion, A high-symmetry mixed-valence copper complex with a linear halogen bridge', Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 5476 - 5477
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bowmaker GA, 1999, 'The [Cu8Br15]6- ion, a crystal-stabilized high-symmetry mixed-valence copper complex with a linear halogen bridge', Inorganic Chemistry, 38, pp. 5476 - 5477, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic990754i
    Journal articles | 1999
    Dance IG, 1999, 'Structural variability of the active site of Fe-only hydrogenase and its hydrogenated forms', Chemical Communications, 17, pp. 1655 - 1656
    Journal articles | 1999
    Fisher KJ; Hopwood FG; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1999, 'Reactions of small carbon anions with hydrogen sulfide, benzenethiol and sulfur', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 609 - 616
    Journal articles | 1999
    Greenwood PF; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1999, 'ChemInform Abstract: [MPy]+ and [MxPy] Clusters Generated by Laser Ablation and Investigated by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry.', ChemInform, 30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199906010
    Journal articles | 1999
    Horn C; Dance I; Craig D; Scudder M; Bowmaker G, 1999, 'A short but weak Cu-Cu interaction in [Cu2Br5]2-, a crystal engineered (Cu 1.5+)2 confacial bitetrahedral complex', Chemtracts, 12, pp. 617 - 619
    Journal articles | 1999
    Lorenzo S; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1999, 'The crystal supramolecularity of methyltriphenylphosphonium dichromate', Polyhedron, 18, pp. 3181 - 3185
    Journal articles | 1999
    Pickering IJ; Prince RC; George GC; Rauser WE; Wickramasinghe WA; Watson A; Dameron CT; Dance IG; Fairlie DP; Salt DE, 1999, 'X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cadmium phytochelatin and model systems', Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA - Protein Structure and Molecular, 1429, pp. 351 - 364
    Journal articles | 1999
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1999, 'Crystal supramolecularity: an unusual occurrence of benzene trapped in edge-to-edge conformation', CrystEngComm, pp. 1 - 3
    Journal articles | 1999
    Scudder ML; Goodwin HA; Dance IG, 1999, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs: two-dimensional grids of terpy embraces in [ML2]z complexes (L = terpy or aromatic¿N3¿tridentate ligand)', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 695 - 705
    Journal articles | 1998
    Ali B; Dance IG; Craig DC; Scudder ML, 1998, 'A new type of zinc sulfide cluster: Zn10S7(py)9(SO4)3.3H2O', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 1661 - 1668
    Journal articles | 1998
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1998, 'Crystal supramolecularity: elaborate 6¿, 8¿ and 12¿fold concerted phenyl embraces in compounds [M(PPh3)3]z and [M(PPh3)4]z', New Journal of Chemistry, pp. 481 - 492
    Journal articles | 1998
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1998, 'Supramolecular motifs: sextuple aryl embraces in crystalline [M(2,2`-bipy)3] and related complexes', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 1341 - 1350
    Journal articles | 1998
    Dance IG, 1998, 'Understanding structure and reactivity of new fundamental inorganic molecules: metal sulfides, metallocarbohedrenes, and nitrogenase', Chemical Communications, pp. 523 - 530
    Journal articles | 1998
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1998, 'Lanthanide-sulfur gas phase chemistry: reactions of Ln+ with S8', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 975 - 980
    Journal articles | 1998
    Greenwood PF; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1998, 'A mass spectrometric study of NixPy and CoxPy clusters formed from elemental mixtures by laser ablation', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition), pp. 6288 - 6294
    Journal articles | 1998
    Greenwood PF; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1998, '[MPy]+ and [MxPy]- Clusters Generated by Laser Ablation and Investigated by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry', Inorganic Chemistry, 37, pp. 6288 - 6294, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic980699y
    Journal articles | 1998
    Horn CJ; Dance IG; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Bowmaker GA, 1998, 'A short but weak Cu¿Cu interaction in [Cu2Br5]2¿, a crystal engineered (Cu+1.5)2 confacial bitetrahedral complex', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 120, pp. 10549 - 10550
    Journal articles | 1998
    Scudder M; Dance I, 1998, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs. Ladders, layers and labyrinths of Ph4P+ cations engaged in fourfold phenyl embraces', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 3155 - 3165, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/a803463j
    Journal articles | 1998
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1998, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs; One¿ and two¿dimensional arrays of PPh4+ cations engaged in fourfold phenyl embraces', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 3155 - 3166
    Journal articles | 1998
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1998, 'Crystal supramolecular motifs; Two¿ and three¿dimensional arrays of PPh4+ cations engaged in sixfold phenyl embraces', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 3167 - 3176
    Journal articles | 1998
    Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1998, 'Crystal supramolecularity: hexagonal arrays of suxtuple phenyl embraces amongst chemically diverse compounds', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 329 - 344
    Journal articles | 1997
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1997, 'Concerted supramolecular motifs: Inverted sextuple aryl embraces in crystalline tris(9-anthracenyl)phosphine', Polyhedron, 16, pp. 3545 - 3548
    Journal articles | 1997
    Dance IG, 1997, 'Calculated Details of a Mechanism for Conversion of N2 to NH3 at the FeMo Cluster of Nitrogenase', Chemical Communications, pp. 165 - 166
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1997, 'Carbon Phosphide Anions', European Mass Spectrometry, pp. 331 - 338
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1997, 'Gas Phase Coordination Chemistry: Copper sulfide cluster anions reacting with tertiary phosphine ligands in the gas phase', Polyhedron, 16, pp. 2731 - 2735
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1997, 'Molecular Manganese sulfide clusters formed by laser ablation', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 2557 - 2561
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 1997, 'Density functional calculations of electronic structure, geometric structure and stability manganese sulfide clusters', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 2563 - 2575
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 1997, 'Gas phase inorganic synthesis: copper sulfide cluster anions react with phosphorus, P4, to generate copper compounds with PmSn ligands', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 2381 - 2382
    Journal articles | 1997
    Hasselgren C; Dean AW; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 1997, 'Dominant cation-cation supramolecular motifs in crystals. Hexagonal arrays of sextuple phenyl embraces in halometallate salts of MePh3P+', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 2019 - 2027
    Journal articles | 1997
    Jackson P; Fisher KJ; Gadd G; Dance IG; Smith DR; Willett GD, 1997, 'The gas phase reactivity and theoretical structures of germanium ions generated by direct laser ablation', International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 164, pp. 45 - 69
    Journal articles | 1997
    Rae AD; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Dean AW; Kmetic MA; Payne NC; Vittal JJ, 1997, 'The Pseudosymmetric Structure of Pb(SPh)2', ACTA Crystallographica Section B - Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 53, pp. 457 - 465, http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0108768196015819
    Journal articles | 1996
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Gizachew D; Scudder ML; Ung AT, 1996, 'Helical Tubulate Inclusion Compounds Compounds: Size, Shape and Stoichiometry', Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 278, pp. 65 - 76, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10587259608033658
    Journal articles | 1996
    Bowmaker GA; Dance IG; Harris RI; Henderson W; Laban I; Scudder ML; Oh S, 1996, 'Crystallographic, vibrational and NMR spectroscopic characterization of the [(PhS)2Hg(u-SPh)2Hg(SPh)2]2-Ion', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 17, pp. 2381 - 2388
    Journal articles | 1996
    Bowmaker GA; Dance IG; Harris RK; Henderson W; Laban I; Scudder ML; Oh SW, 1996, 'Crystallographic, vibrational and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic characterization of the [(PhS)2Hg(μ-SPh)2Hg(SPh)2]2- ion', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 2381 - 2388, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/DT9960002381
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance I, 1996, 'Theoretical investigations of the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation at the FeMo cluster site', Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 1, pp. 581 - 586, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s007750050096
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1996, 'Reactions of 29 transition metals, in the same oxidation state and under the same conditions, with sulfur', Inorganic Chemistry, pp. 4177 - 4184
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1996, 'Concerted supramolecular motifs: Linear columns and Zig-Zag chains of multiple phenyl embraces involving Ph4P+ cations in crystals', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 19, pp. 3755 - 3769
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1996, 'Supramolecular motifs: Concerted multiple phenyl embraces between Ph4P+ cations are attractive and ubiquitous', Chemistry - a European Journal, 2, pp. 481 - 486
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance IG, 1996, 'Nanocrystal [Ti14C13] to metallocarbohedrene [Ti8C13]: Structural principles and Mechanism', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118, pp. 2699 - 2707
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dance IG, 1996, 'Ti8C12: Barrier-less transformation of the Th isomer to the Tdisomer', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118, pp. 6309 - 6310
    Journal articles | 1996
    FISHER K; DANCE I; WILLETT G; YI M, 1996, 'ChemInform Abstract: Gas‐Phase Metal Sulfide Cluster Anions.', ChemInform, 27, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199625019
    Journal articles | 1996
    FISHER KJ; DANCE IG; WILLETT GD, 1996, 'ChemInform Abstract: Gas‐Phase Inorganic Chemistry: How is it Relevant to Condensed‐Phase Inorganic Chemistry?', ChemInform, 27, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199625270
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD; Yi M, 1996, 'Gas phase metal-sulfide cluster anions', Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, pp. 709 - 718
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1996, 'Gas phase inorganic chemistry: how is it relevant to condensed phase inorganic chemistry?', Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 10, pp. 106 - 109
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1996, 'Reactions of small carbon anions with phosphorus', Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2, pp. 369 - 372
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fisher KJ; Henderson W; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1996, 'Investigation of the properties of tris(2-cyanoethyl)phosphine 9TCP) by electrospray and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resosnance mass spectromeltry', Journal of Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, pp. 4109 - 4113
    Journal articles | 1996
    Jackson P; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Gadd G, 1996, 'Mass spectrometry and density functional studies sof neutral and anionic tin clusters', International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 158, pp. 329 - 343
    Journal articles | 1995
    DANCE I; FISHER K; WILLETT G, 1995, 'ChemInform Abstract: Formation and Structures of New Metallo‐ and Metallapolysulfanes, (MSy) + (y = 2‐16).', ChemInform, 26, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199517010
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance I; Dean PAW; Fisher K, 1995, 'Selbstorganisation von Zink‐ und Cadmium‐cyaniden [Mx(CN)2x + 1], x ⩽ 27, zu Helicaten', Angewandte Chemie, 107, pp. 366 - 368, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ange.19951070322
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance I; Fisher K; Willett G, 1995, 'Bildung und Struktur neuer Metallo‐ und Metallapolysulfane [MSy]+ (y = 2–16)', Angewandte Chemie, 107, pp. 215 - 218, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ange.19951070216
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance IG; Dean PA; Fisher KJ, 1995, 'Self-Assembled Helicates of Zinc and Cadmium Cyanides, [Mx(CN)2x+1]−, x ≤ 27', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 34, pp. 314 - 316, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.199503141
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1995, 'The anomalous high reactivity of Ca+ with S8 in the gas phase: [CaS3]+ and [CaS11]+', Journal of the Chemical Society - Chemical Communications, pp. 975 - 976, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39950000975
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1995, 'formation and structures of new metallapolysulfanes [MSy]+, y =2-16', Angewandte Chemie, pp. 201 - 203
    Journal articles | 1995
    Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1995, 'the sextuple phenyl embrace, a ubiquitous concerted supramolecular motif', Journal of the Chemical Society - Chemical Communications, 1995, pp. 1039 - 1040
    Journal articles | 1995
    Fraser KA; Clegg W; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1995, 'new crystal data for Hg(SC2H5)2', ACTA Crystallographica Section C - Crystal Structure Communications, pp. 406 - 408
    Journal articles | 1995
    Gu Y; Wilson MA; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD; Ren D; Volkova IB, 1995, 'Fullerenes and shungite', Carbon, 33, pp. 862 - 863, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0008-6223(95)99784-R
    Journal articles | 1995
    Pang LSK; Prochazka L; Quezada RA; Wilson MA; Pallasser R; Fisher KJ; FitzGerald JD; Taylor GH; Willett GD; Dance IG, 1995, 'Competitive Reactions during Plasma Arcing of Carbonaceous Materials', Energy and Fuels, 9, pp. 38 - 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ef00049a006
    Journal articles | 1995
    Ung AT; Gizachew D; Bishop R; Scudder ML; Dance IG; Craig DC, 1995, 'Structure and analysis of helical tubulate inclusion compounds formed by 2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-exo-2,exo-6-diol', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 117, pp. 8745 - 8756, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00139a007
    Journal articles | 1995
    Wilson MA; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Quezada RA; Prochazka L; Pallisser R; Fitzgerald JD; Taylor GR; Pang LS, 1995, 'Effect of atmosphere, starting materials and other variables on fullerene, nanotube and nanopolyhedra production', Energy and Fuels
    Journal articles | 1994
    BISHOP R; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; KIM S; MALLICK MAI; PICH KC; SCUDDER ML, 1994, 'ChemInform Abstract: Control of Hydrogen Bonding in the Design of New Diol Lattice Inclusion Compounds', ChemInform, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199426308
    Journal articles | 1994
    Craig AG; Fisher KJ; Garbutt R; Dance IG; Derrick PJ, 1994, 'Mass Spectrometry of Nonmolecular Materials: 252Cf-Plasma Desorption and Gas-Phase Clustering of Cadmium Thiolate Compounds', Inorganic Chemistry, 33, pp. 2890 - 2912, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00091a033
    Journal articles | 1994
    DANCE I; FISHER K, 1994, 'ChemInform Abstract: Metal Chalcogenide Cluster Chemistry.', ChemInform, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199444234
    Journal articles | 1994
    DANCE I; LEE G, 1994, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Chemistry of Cadmium Chalcogenide Clusters (ECd8(E′R)16)2‐, ( E4Cd10(E′R)16)4‐, and (E4Cd17(E′R)28)2‐', ChemInform, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199423298
    Journal articles | 1994
    Journal articles | 1994
    Dance IG; Dean PAW; Fisher KJ, 1994, 'Gas-Phase Metal Cyanide Chemistry: Formation, Reactions, and Proposed Linear Structures of Copper(I) and Silver(I) Cyanide Clusters', Inorganic Chemistry, 33, pp. 6261 - 6269, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00104a041
    Journal articles | 1994
    El-Nakat JH; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1994, 'The reactions of Zn+, Cd+, Hg+ and Pb+ with benzene, substituted benzenes and thiols', Polyhedron, 13, pp. 409 - 415, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)81654-X
    Journal articles | 1994
    Gizachew D; Van Gorkom LCM; Dance IG; Hanna JV; Wilson MA, 1994, 'Cross-polarization dynamics in 2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-exo-2-exo-6-diol inclusion compounds as studied by 13C magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy', Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 3, pp. 67 - 78, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0926-2040(94)90025-6
    Journal articles | 1994
    HAWKINS SC; BISHOP R; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; RAE AD; SCUDDER ML, 1994, 'ChemInform Abstract: Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Four Alicyclic Diols Which Crystallize in Different Lattices Involving Helical Extensions.', ChemInform, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199403119
    Journal articles | 1994
    HAWKINS SC; BISHOP R; DANCE IG; LIPARI T; CRAIG DC; SCUDDER ML, 1994, 'ChemInform Abstract: 2,7‐Dimethyltricyclo(,8)undecane‐syn‐2,syn‐7‐diol: Structural Analysis of the Ellipsoidal Clathrate and Hemihydrate Crystal Forms.', ChemInform, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199403049
    Journal articles | 1994
    Mackey D; Burch WM; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1994, 'The observation of fullerenes in a technegas lung ventilation unit', Nuclear Medicine Communications, 15, pp. 430 - 434, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00006231-199406000-00006
    Journal articles | 1994
    Rose HR; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Smith DR; Willett GD; Wilson MA, 1994, 'From green algae to calcium inside buckyballs', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 29, pp. 470 - 474, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oms.1210290905
    Journal articles | 1994
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1994, 'Formation and Structure of a New Family of Organic Cocrystals', Chemistry of Materials, 6, pp. 1269 - 1281, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm00044a026
    Journal articles | 1993
    Journal articles | 1993
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Kim S; Mallick MAI; Pich KC; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Control of hydrogen bonding in the design of new diol lattice inclusion compounds', Supramolecular Chemistry, 1, pp. 171 - 178, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10610279308040663
    Journal articles | 1993
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Marchand AP; Wang Y, 1993, 'A trishomocubyl helical tubuland diol inclusion host', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 937 - 943, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/p29930000937
    Journal articles | 1993
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Ung AT, 1993, 'Helical tubulate inclusion compounds', Supramolecular Chemistry, 2, pp. 123 - 131, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10610279308038306
    Journal articles | 1993
    Dance I; Gizachew D, 1993, 'Modelling the structures of cadmium sulfide bionanocrystallites', Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 51, pp. 491 - 491, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0162-0134(93)85519-e
    Journal articles | 1993
    Dance I, 1993, 'Structural principles for copper carbohedrene clusters [cu xCy]+', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1306 - 1308, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39930001306
    Journal articles | 1993
    Dance I, 1993, 'Structures and Structural Principles for Copper Carbohedrene Clusters [Cu13C12]+ to [CU25C24]+', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115, pp. 11052 - 11053, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00076a098
    Journal articles | 1993
    Dance IG, 1993, 'M30C45, a possible super-pentagonal metallocarbohedrane with D5h symmetry', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 46, pp. 727 - 730, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9930727
    Journal articles | 1993
    EL NAKAT J; FISHER KJ; DANCE IG; WILLETT GD, 1993, 'ChemInform Abstract: Gas Phase Metal Chalcogenide Cluster Ions: A New (CoxSy)‐ Series Up to (Co38S24)‐ and Two (FexSy)‐ Series.', ChemInform, 24, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199333030
    Journal articles | 1993
    El Nakat J; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1993, 'Gas Phase Metal Chalcogenide Cluster Ions: A New [CoxSy] Series Up to [Co38S24] and Two [FexSy] Series', Inorganic Chemistry, 32, pp. 1931 - 1940, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00062a010
    Journal articles | 1993
    El-Nakat JH; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1993, 'Gas phase reactions of the negative and positive ions of gold and platinum with aromatic hydrocarbons, thiols and H2S', Polyhedron, 12, pp. 2477 - 2487, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)83073-9
    Journal articles | 1993
    Hawkins SC; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Rae AD; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Syntheses and crystal structures of four alicyclic diols which crystallise in different lattices involving helical extensions', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 1737 - 1745, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/p29930001737
    Journal articles | 1993
    Hawkins SC; Bishop R; Dance IG; Lipari T; Craig DC; Scudder ML, 1993, '2,7-dimethyltricyclo[,8]undecane-syn-2,syn-7-diol: Structural analysis of the ellipsoidal clathrate and hemihydrate crystal forms', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 1729 - 1735, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/p29930001729
    Journal articles | 1993
    Lee GSH; Fisher KJ; Vassallo AM; Hanna JV; Dance IG, 1993, 'Solid-State 113Cd NMR of Three Structural Isomers of [S4Cd10(SPh)16]4−', Inorganic Chemistry, 32, pp. 66 - 72, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00053a011
    Journal articles | 1993
    PICH KC; BISHOP R; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; RAE AD; SCUDDER ML, 1993, 'ChemInform Abstract: Preparation and Crystal Structure of exo‐2,exo‐6‐Dihydroxy‐2,6‐ dimethyl‐9‐oxabicyclo(3.3.1)nonane.', ChemInform, 24, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199337210
    Journal articles | 1993
    Pich KC; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Rae AD; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Preparation and crystal structure of exo-2, exo-6-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethyl-9-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane', Structural Chemistry, 4, pp. 41 - 51, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00672098
    Journal articles | 1993
    Pickering IJ; George GN; Dameron CT; Kurz B; Winge DR; Dance IG, 1993, 'X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Cuprous-Thiolate Clusters in Proteins and Model Systems', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 115, pp. 9498 - 9505, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00074a014
    Journal articles | 1993
    Rose HR; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Smith DR; Willett GD; Wilson MA, 1993, 'Calcium inside C60 and C70 - From coorongite, a precursor of torbanite', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 941 - 942, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39930000941
    Journal articles | 1993
    Rose HR; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Smith DR; Willett GD; Wilson MA, 1993, 'Endohedral barium and strontium fullerenes', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1361 - 1363, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39930001361
    Journal articles | 1993
    Rose HR; Smith DR; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD; Wilson MA, 1993, 'Fullerenes from kerogen by laser ablation fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 28, pp. 825 - 830, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oms.1210280803
    Journal articles | 1993
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Rae AD; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Helical tubulate inclusion compounds of ferrocene and squalene', Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 15, pp. 385 - 398, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00708755
    Journal articles | 1993
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Crystal engineering: Helical tubuland diol-phenol cocrystals', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 322 - 323, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39930000322
    Journal articles | 1993
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1993, 'Prediction and structure of polymorphic lattice inclusion compounds of 2,7-dimethyltricyclo[,8]undecane-syn-2,syn-7-diol', Tetrahedron, 49, pp. 639 - 648, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0040-4020(01)86266-9
    Journal articles | 1993
    Wilson MA; Pang LSK; Quezada RA; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1993, 'Fullerene production in alternative atmospheres', Carbon, 31, pp. 393 - 397, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0008-6223(93)90045-C
    Journal articles | 1992
    CUSICK J; DANCE I, 1992, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Characterization of (HSe)‐ and (Sex)2‐ Ions by 77Se NMR', ChemInform, 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199211004
    Journal articles | 1992
    Craig AG; Kinny D; Garbutt R; Dance IG; Derrick PJ, 1992, 'Plasma desorption mass spectrometry of non‐molecular materials: Positive and negative ions formed from [Cd(SC6H4‐2‐CH3)2]∞', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 27, pp. 1019 - 1029, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oms.1210271011
    Journal articles | 1992
    DANCE IG; FISHER KJ; WILLETT GD; WILSON MA, 1992, 'ChemInform Abstract: C60 and Liquid‐Crystal Mesophase.', ChemInform, 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199204024
    Journal articles | 1992
    Dance I, 1992, 'Geometric and electronic structures of [Ti8C12]: Analogies with C60', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1779 - 1780, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39920001779
    Journal articles | 1992
    El-Nakat JH; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1992, 'Reactions of gaseous copper and silver ions, Cu+, Ag+, with thiols', Polyhedron, 11, pp. 1125 - 1130, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)84484-8
    Journal articles | 1992
    HOPWOOD F; FISHER KJ; DANCE IG; WILLETT GD; WILSON MA; PANG LSK; HANNA JV, 1992, 'EVIDENCE FOR ENTRAPMENT OF C-60 AND C-70', ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 203, pp. 105 - FUEL, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:A1992HK16102447&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 1992
    Hopwood FG; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Wilson MA; Pang LSK; Hanna JV, 1992, 'Evidence for the entrapment of C60, C70 and odd‐numbered high‐mass carbon clusters', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 27, pp. 1006 - 1012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oms.1210271009
    Journal articles | 1992
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1992, 'Crystal structures of helical tubulate inclusion compounds formed by 2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-exo-2,exo-6-diol', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 861 - 862, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/p29920000861
    Journal articles | 1992
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1992, 'Guest control of diol inclusion host lattices', Structural Chemistry, 3, pp. 59 - 61, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00671980
    Journal articles | 1992
    WILSON MA; PANG LSK; WILLETT GD; FISHER KJ; DANCE IG, 1992, 'ChemInform Abstract: Fullerenes ‐ Preparation, Properties, and Carbon Chemistry', ChemInform, 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199243276
    Journal articles | 1992
    WILSON MA; VASSALLO AM; WILLETT GD; FISHER KJ; DANCE IG, 1992, 'ChemInform Abstract: Carbon Sixty‐Atom Soccer Ball Chemistry', ChemInform, 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199211284
    Journal articles | 1992
    Wilson MA; Pang LSK; Willett GD; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 1992, 'Fullerenes-preparation, properties, and carbon chemistry', Carbon, 30, pp. 675 - 693, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0008-6223(92)90187-2
    Journal articles | 1992
    Winge DR; Dameron C; Kurz B; George G; Pickering I; Dance I, 1992, 'Cuprous-thiolate polynuclear clusters in biology', Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 47, pp. 39 - 39, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0162-0134(92)84110-9
    Journal articles | 1991
    BAILEY TD; BANDA RMH; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; MA INL; SCUDDER ML, 1991, 'ChemInform Abstract: Mercury Polysulfide Complexes, (Hg(Sx)(Sy))2‐: Syntheses, 199Hg NMR Studies in Solution, and Crystal Structure of (Ph4P)4(Hg(S4)2)Br2.', ChemInform, 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199118029
    Journal articles | 1991
    Bailey TD; Banda RMH; Craig DC; Dance IG; Ma INL; Scudder ML, 1991, 'Mercury Polysulfide Complexes, [Hg(Sx)(Sy)]2-: Syntheses, 199Hg NMR Studies in Solution, and Crystal Structure of (Ph4P)4[Hg(S4)2]Br2', Inorganic Chemistry, 30, pp. 187 - 191, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00002a009
    Journal articles | 1991
    Banda RMH; Craig D; Dance IG; Scudder M, 1991, 'Tetrahedral HgS4 and linear HgS2 coordination in the crystal structure of Na2Hg3S4(H2O)2', Polyhedron, 10, pp. 41 - 45, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)83545-7
    Journal articles | 1991
    Bishop R; Burgess G; Craig DC; Dance IG; Lipari T; Scudder ML, 1991, 'Ritter reactions. VI. Crystal structure of a new multicyclic hydroxy amide clathrate', Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 10, pp. 431 - 442, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01061074
    Journal articles | 1991
    Cusick J; Dance I, 1991, 'The characterization of [HSe]- and [Sex]2- ions by 77Se NMR', Polyhedron, 10, pp. 2629 - 2640, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)81338-8
    Journal articles | 1991
    DANCE I, 1991, 'CORE AND SURFACE-STRUCTURES FOR METAL CHALCOGENIDE CLUSTERS AND NANOCRYSTALLITES', ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 201, pp. 440 - INOR, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:A1991FG89302335&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 1991
    DANCE IG; FISHER KJ; WILLETT GD; WILSON MA, 1991, 'C60 AND LIQUID-CRYSTAL MESOPHASE', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 95, pp. 8425 - 8428, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/j100175a002
    Journal articles | 1991
    Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Banda RMH; Scudder ML, 1991, 'Layered Structure of Crystalline Compounds AgSR', Inorganic Chemistry, 30, pp. 183 - 187, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00002a008
    Journal articles | 1991
    Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Wilson MA, 1991, 'C60 and liquid-crystal mesophase', Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95, pp. 8425 - 8428, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/j100175a002
    Journal articles | 1991
    EL NAKAT JH; DANCE IG; FISHER KJ; WILLETT GD, 1991, 'ChemInform Abstract: Gas‐Phase Copper Chalcogenide Cluster Ions, Formed by Laser Ablation.', ChemInform, 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199143004
    Journal articles | 1991
    Ei-Nakat J; Dance I; Fisher K; Willet G, 1991, 'Gas-phase silver chalcogenide ions investigated by laser-ablation Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 746 - 748, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39910000746
    Journal articles | 1991
    El Nakat JH; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD, 1991, 'Gas-Phase Copper Chalcogenide Cluster Ions, Formed by Laser Ablation', Inorganic Chemistry, 30, pp. 2957 - 2958, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00015a001
    Journal articles | 1991
    El Nakat JH; Dance IG; Rice D; Willett GD, 1991, 'Laser-Ablation FTICR Mass Spectrometry of Metal Sulfides: Gaseous Anionic [NixSy] Clusters', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 113, pp. 5141 - 5148, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00014a002
    Journal articles | 1991
    Greenwood PF; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Pang LSK; Wilson MA, 1991, 'Laser desorption fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) mass spectrometry of synthetic C60 and C70 from coalderived coke and from graphite', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 26, pp. 920 - 922, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/oms.1210261023
    Journal articles | 1991
    HERATH BANDA RM; CRAIG D; DANCE IG; SCUDDER M, 1991, 'ChemInform Abstract: Tetrahedral HgS4 and Linear HgS2 Coordination in the Crystal Structure of Na2Hg3S4(H2O)2.', ChemInform, 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199118030
    Journal articles | 1991
    Mallick MAI; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1991, '2,6-Dimethylbicyclo(3.3.1)nona-3, 7-diene-endo-2, endo-6-diol, an alicyclic diol whose crystal-structure involves two types of hydrogen-bonded columns', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 44, pp. 343 - 350, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9910343
    Journal articles | 1991
    UNG AT; SCUDDER ML; DANCE IG; BISHOP R, 1991, 'GUEST CONTROL OF DIOL INCLUSION HOST LATTICES', ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 201, pp. 327 - ORGN, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:A1991FG89400429&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 1991
    Ung AT; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1991, 'Stability of the helical tubuland inclusion lattice', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1012 - 1014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39910001012
    Journal articles | 1990
    AMINI A; BISHOP R; BURGESS G; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; SCUDDER ML, 1990, 'ChemInform Abstract: Ritter Reactions. Part 1. Combined Intramolecular Cyclization and Amide Formation.', ChemInform, 21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199012102
    Journal articles | 1990
    Journal articles | 1990
    Cusick J; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 1990, 'Synthesis and structure of the first cobalt polychalcogenide complex, [Co3(Se4)6]3-, crystallized with Ph4P+', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 43, pp. 209 - 211, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9900209
    Journal articles | 1990
    Dance IG; Garbutt RG; Bailey TD, 1990, 'Aggregated Structures of the Compounds Cd(SC6H4X-4)2 in DMF Solution', Inorganic Chemistry, 29, pp. 603 - 608, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00329a012
    Journal articles | 1990
    Dance IG; Garbutt RG; Scudder ML, 1990, 'A New Three-Dimensionally Nonmolecular Cd-S Lattice in Crystalline Cd7(SC6H4CH3-2)14(DMF)2', Inorganic Chemistry, 29, pp. 1571 - 1575, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00333a025
    Journal articles | 1990
    Hawkins SC; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Rae AD; Abdul Raof RB; Bishop R; Dance IG, 1990, 'Syntheses and crystal structures of seven alicyclic diols which crystallise with layer structures instead of the helical tubuland inclusion lattice', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 855 - 870, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/p29900000855
    Journal articles | 1990
    KIM S; BISHOP R; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; SCUDDER ML, 1990, 'ChemInform Abstract: Formation and Crystal Structure of a Novel Azabishomotwistane.', ChemInform, 21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.199028201
    Journal articles | 1990
    Kim S; Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1990, 'Formation and Crystal Structure of a Novel Azabishomotwistane', Journal of Organic Chemistry, 55, pp. 355 - 358, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jo00288a064
    Journal articles | 1990
    Lee GSH; Fisher KJ; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Dance IG, 1990, '[ECd8(E'Ph)16]2 Cluster Chemistry (E, E' = S, Se, Te)', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 112, pp. 6435 - 6437, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00173a063
    Journal articles | 1989
    Amini ; Bishop R; Burgess G; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1989, 'Ritter reactions. I: Combined intramolecular cyclization and amide formation', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 42, pp. 1919 - 1928, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9891919
    Journal articles | 1989
    BANDA RMH; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG; SCUDDER ML, 1989, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Preparation and Crystal Structure of an Anionic Silver Pentasulfide Chain in ∞(Ag(S5)‐)(Me4N+).', ChemInform, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198952033
    Journal articles | 1989
    BANDA RMH; CUSICK J; SCUDDER ML; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG, 1989, 'ChemInform Abstract: Syntheses and X‐Ray Structures of Molecular Metal Polyselenide Complexes (M(Se4)2)2‐, M: Zn, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb.', ChemInform, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198949018
    Journal articles | 1989
    BANDA RMH; DANCE IG; BAILEY TD; CRAIG DC; SCUDDER ML, 1989, 'ChemInform Abstract: Cadmium Polysulfide Complexes, (Cd(Sx)(Sy))2‐: Syntheses, Crystal and Molecular Structures, and 113Cd NMR Studies.', ChemInform, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198934034
    Journal articles | 1989
    Banda RMH; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML, 1989, 'The preparation and crystal structure of an anionic silver pentasulphide chain in ∞[Ag(S5)-](Me4N+)', Polyhedron, 8, pp. 2379 - 2383, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)80300-9
    Journal articles | 1989
    Banda RMH; Cusick J; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 1989, 'Syntheses and structures of anionic metal polyselenide complexes [(C5H5)Mo(Se4)2]- and [Sn(Se4)3]2-, crystallized with Ph4P+', Polyhedron, 8, pp. 1999 - 2001, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)86428-1
    Journal articles | 1989
    CUSICK J; SCUDDER ML; CRAIG DC; DANCE IG, 1989, 'ChemInform Abstract: Syntheses and Structures of Molecular Copper and Silver Polyselenide Complexes (M4(Se4)x(Se5)3‐x)2‐.', ChemInform, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198931035
    Journal articles | 1989
    Cusick J; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 1989, 'Syntheses and structures of molecular copper and silver polyselenide complexes [M4(Se4)x(Se5)3-inx]2-', Polyhedron, 8, pp. 1139 - 1141, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)81131-6
    Journal articles | 1989
    DANCE IG; FITZPATRICK LJ; CRAIG DC; SCUDDER ML, 1989, 'ChemInform Abstract: Monocyclic Copper and Silver Tertiary Alkanethiolates: Formation and Molecular Structures of (CuStBu)4(Ph3P)2, (AgSCMeEt2)8(Ph3P)2, and (AgStBu)14(Ph3P)4 and Structural Principles.', ChemInform, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198933279
    Journal articles | 1989
    Dance IG; Fitzpatrick LJ; Craig DC; Scudder ML, 1989, 'Monocyclic copper and silver tertiary alkanethiolates: Formation and molecular structures of (CuSBut)4(Ph3P)2, (AgSCMeEt2)8(Ph3P)2, and (AgSBut)14(Ph3P)4 and structural principles', Inorganic Chemistry, 28, pp. 1853 - 1861, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00309a019
    Journal articles | 1989
    Herath Banda RM; Cusick J; Scudder ML; Craig DC; Dance IG, 1989, 'Syntheses and X-ray structures of molecular metal polyselenide complexes [M(Se4)2]2- M = Zn, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb', Polyhedron, 8, pp. 1995 - 1998, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)86427-X
    Journal articles | 1989
    Herath Banda RM; Dance IG; Bailey TD; Craig DC; Scudder ML, 1989, 'Cadmium polysulfide complexes, [Cd(Sx)(Sy)]2-: Syntheses, crystal and molecular structures, and 113Cd NMR studies', Inorganic Chemistry, 28, pp. 1862 - 1871, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00309a020
    Journal articles | 1988
    Journal articles | 1988
    DANCE IG; GARBUTT RG; CRAIG DC; SCUDDER ML, 1988, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Different Nonmolecular Polyadamantanoid Crystal Structures of Cd(SPh)2 and Cd(SC6H4Me‐4)2. Analogies with Microporous Aluminosilicate Frameworks.', ChemInform, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198812052
    Journal articles | 1988
    DANCE IG; GARBUTT RG; CRAIG DC, 1988, 'ChemInform Abstract: Applications of Cadmium NMR to Polycadmium Compounds. Part 5. Digonally Coordinated Halide Whithin an Octametal Cage. Crystal and Solution Structures of (XCd8(SCH2CH2OH)12X3), X: Cl, Br, I.', ChemInform, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198810062
    Journal articles | 1988
    Dance IG, 1988, 'A model for the non-molecular structures of the thiolates, MSR, of copper and silver', Polyhedron, 7, pp. 2205 - 2207, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)81805-7
    Journal articles | 1988
    Grey Craig A; Kamensky I; Garbutt R; Dance IG; Derrick PJ, 1988, 'Plasma desorption mass spectra of the three-dimensionally non-molecular material [Cd(SC6H4CH3-4)2]∞ formation of cadmium-containing cluster ions', International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, 86, pp. 273 - 286, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-1176(88)80071-5
    Journal articles | 1988
    LEE GSH; CRAIG DC; MA I; SCUDDER ML; BAILEY TD; DANCE IG, 1988, 'ChemInform Abstract: (S4Cd17(SPh)28)2‐, the First Member of a Third Series of Tetrahedral (SwMx(SR)y)z‐ Clusters.', ChemInform, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198845249
    Journal articles | 1988
    Journal articles | 1988
    Lee GS; Craig DC; Ma I; Scudder ML; Bailey TD; Dance IG, 1988, '[S4Cd17(SPh)28]2, the First Member of a Third Series of Tetrahedral [SwMx(SR)y)]z- Clusters', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 110, pp. 4863 - 4864, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00222a075
    Journal articles | 1987
    , 1987, 'The Different Nonmolecular Polyadamantanoid Crystal Structures of Cd(SPh)2 and Cd(SC6H4Me-4)2: Analogies with Microporous Aluminosilicate Frameworks1', Inorganic Chemistry, 26, pp. 4057 - 4064, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00271a019
    Journal articles | 1987
    Bishop R; Dance IG; Hawkins SC; Scudder ML, 1987, 'Molecular determinants of a new family of helical tubuland host diols', Journal of Inclusion Phenomena, 5, pp. 229 - 232, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00655654
    Journal articles | 1987
    Craig DC; Dance IG, 1987, 'Molecular structure of tetrakis[benzenethiolatotrimethylplatinum(IV)], (μ3-SPh)4(PtMe3)4', Polyhedron, 6, pp. 1157 - 1159, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)80972-9
    Journal articles | 1987
    Dance IG; Garbutt RG; Craig DC; Scudder ML; Bailey TD, 1987, 'New non-molecular poly-adamantanoid crystal structures of Cd(SAr) 2. Zeolitic Cd4(SC6H4Me-4) 8, and solvated Cd8(SC6H4Br-4) 16(DMF)3 (DMF = dimethylformamide), in relation to the molecular structures of aggregates in solution', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 1164 - 1167, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39870001164
    Journal articles | 1987
    Dance IG; Garbutt RG; Craig DC, 1987, 'Digonally Coordinated Halide Within An Octametal Cage: Crystal and Solution Structures of [xcd8(sch2ch2oh)12x3], X = Cl, Br, I', Inorganic Chemistry, 26, pp. 3732 - 3740, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00269a023
    Journal articles | 1986
    CRAIG D; DANCE IG; GARBUTT R, 1986, 'ChemInform Abstract: The Three‐Dimensional, Non‐Molecular, Polyadamantanoid Structure of Cd(SPh)2.', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 17, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198622253
    Journal articles | 1986
    Craig D; Dance IG; Garbutt R, 1986, 'Die dreidimensionale, nichtmolekulare, polyadamantanartige Struktur von Cd(SPh)2', Angewandte Chemie, 98, pp. 178 - 179, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ange.19860980217
    Journal articles | 1986
    Craig D; Dance IG; Garbutt R, 1986, 'The Three‐Dimensionally Non‐Molecular Polyadamantanoid Structure of Cd(SPh)2', Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 25, pp. 165 - 166, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.198601652
    Journal articles | 1986
    DANCE IG; BISHOP R; HAWKINS SC; LIPARI T; SCUDDER ML; CRAIG DC, 1986, 'ChemInform Abstract: Modification of Tube Size and Shape in a Helical Tubuland Inclusion Lattice Formed by a New Family of Diol Hosts: Syntheses and Crystal Structures.', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 17, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198650183
    Journal articles | 1986
    Journal articles | 1986
    Dance IG; Bishop R; Hawkins SC; Lipari T; Scudder ML; Craig DC, 1986, 'Modification of tube size and shape in a helical tubuland inclusion lattice formed by a new family of diol hosts: Syntheses and crystal structures', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 1299 - 1307, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/P29860001299
    Journal articles | 1986
    Dance IG; Bishop R; Scudder ML, 1986, 'Descriptions and analyses of guest cavity size and shape in a new family of helical tubuland inclusion crystals', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 1309 - 1318, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/P29860001309
    Journal articles | 1986
    Dance IG, 1986, 'The structural chemistry of metal thiolate complexes', Polyhedron, 5, pp. 1037 - 1104, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)84307-7
    Journal articles | 1985
    Journal articles | 1985
    DANCE IG; SCUDDER ML; SECOMB R, 1985, 'C-NI8(SCH2COOET)16, A RECEPTIVE OCTAGONAL TOROID', INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 24, pp. 1201 - 1208, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00202a018
    Journal articles | 1985
    DANCE IG; SCUDDER ML; SECOMB R, 1985, 'ChemInform Abstract: C‐NI8(SCH2COOET)16, A RECEPTIVE OCTAGONAL TOROID', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 16, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198534313
    Journal articles | 1985
    Journal articles | 1985
    Journal articles | 1985
    Dance IG; Garbutt RG; Craig DC, 1985, 'Applications of Cd N.M.R. to Polycadmium Complexes. IV* Reactions of [Cd10(SCH2CH2OH)16]4+ with Chloride Ion, and the Crystal and Molecular Structure of Hexadeca(2-hydroxyethanethiolato)-tetrachloro- decacadmium [Cd10(SCH2CH2OH)16Cl4]', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 39, pp. 1449 - 1463, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9861449
    Journal articles | 1985
    Dance IG; Saunders JK, 1985, 'CdCd coupling in the 113Cd NMR spectra (including 2-dimensional COSY) of molecular polycadmium thiolate aggregates', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 96, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)87566-0
    Journal articles | 1985
    Dance IG; Scudder ML; Fitzpatrick LJ, 1985, 'Preparation, Distorted Step Structure, and Topological Analysis of (μ3-SPh)2(μ-SPh)2(CuPPh3)4(tol)2 (tol = Toluene)', Inorganic Chemistry, 24, pp. 2547 - 2550, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00210a016
    Journal articles | 1985
    Dance IG; Scudder ML; Secomb R, 1985, 'c-Ni8(SCH2COOEt)16, a Receptive Octagonal Toroid', Inorganic Chemistry, 24, pp. 1201 - 1208, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00202a018
    Journal articles | 1985
    Dance IG, 1985, 'Applications of Cd NMR to polycadmium complexes. II. [Cdx(SPh)y]2x-y species in solution in relation to metallothionein aggregates', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 108, pp. 227 - 230, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)81285-2
    Journal articles | 1985
    Danced IG; Guerney PJ; David Rae A; Scudder ML; Baker AT, 1985, 'Metal Complexes of Thiocholinate,†-SCH2CH2NMe3+. I. Preparation and Crystal Structure of Pentakis(thiocholinato)dilead(II) Hexafluorophosphate', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 39, pp. 383 - 398, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9860383
    Journal articles | 1984
    Bishop R; Dance IG; Hawkins SC; Lipari T, 1984, 'The design and synthesis of a family of multimolecular host-guest inclusion complexes', Journal of Inclusion Phenomena, 2, pp. 75 - 83, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00663241
    Journal articles | 1984
    Bowmaker GA; Clark GR; Seadon JK; Dance IG, 1984, 'The formation and structural chemistry of the hexa(μ-t-butylthiolato) pentacuprate(I) cage anion with triethylammonium and tetraethylammonium cations', Polyhedron, 3, pp. 535 - 544, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)88084-5
    Journal articles | 1984
    Bowmaker GA; Dance IG; Dohson BC; Rogers DA, 1984, 'Syntheses and Vibrational Spectra of Some Tris(alkanethiolato)mercurate(II) Complexes, and Crystal Structure of the Hexakis- (methanethiolato)dimercurate(II) Dianion', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 37, pp. 1607 - 1618, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9841607
    Journal articles | 1984
    DANCE IG; GUERNEY PJ; RAE AD; SCUDDER ML, 1984, 'ChemInform Abstract: PLANAR BRIDGING THIOLATE IN (PH3P)2CU(μ‐SPH)2CU(PPH3)2', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198401310
    Journal articles | 1984
    Dance I; Fitzpatrick L; Scudder M; Craig D, 1984, 'Novel molecular structures of (Ph3P)4(AgSBu t)14, a convoluted 28-membered monocycle, and (Ph 3P)2(AgSCMeEt2)8', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 17 - 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c39840000017
    Journal articles | 1984
    Dance IG; Choy A; Scudder ML, 1984, 'Syntheses, Properties, and Molecular and Crystal Structures of (Me4N)4[E4M10(SPh)16] (E = S, Se; M = Zn, Cd): Molecular Supertetrahedral Fragments of the Cubic Metal Chalcogenide Lattice', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 106, pp. 6285 - 6295, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00333a030
    Journal articles | 1984
    Dance IG; Fitzpatrick LJ; Scudder ML, 1984, 'Synthesis and Molecular Structure of Pentakis(triphenylphosphine) hexakis (4-chlorobenzenethiolato) hexasilver (I), Derived from a New Ag5(SR)6cage structure', Inorganic Chemistry, 23, pp. 2276 - 2281, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00183a014
    Journal articles | 1983
    Bishop R; Dance IG; Hawkins SC, 1983, 'Different crystal structures of inclusion complexes formed by syn-2,syn-7-dihydroxy-2,7-dimethyltricyclo[,8]undecane with ethyl acetate and benzene', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 889 - 891, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c39830000889
    Journal articles | 1983
    CHOUDHURY S; DANCE IG; GUERNEY PJ; RAE AD, 1983, 'ChemInform Abstract: TETRAMETHYLAMMONIUM TETRAKIS(4‐CHLOROBENZENETHIOLATO)MERCURATE(II). SYNTHESIS AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198328286
    Journal articles | 1983
    Choudhury S; Dance IG; Guerney PJ; Rae AD, 1983, 'Tetramethylammonium tetrakis(4-chlorobenzenethiolato)mercurate(II). Synthesis and molecular structure', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 70, pp. 227 - 230, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)82807-8
    Journal articles | 1983
    Journal articles | 1983
    Dance IG; Bowmaker GA; Clark GR; Seadon JK, 1983, 'The formation and crystal and molecular structures of hexa(μ-organothiolato)tetracuprate(I) cage dianions: bis-(tetramethylammonium)hexa-(μ-methanethiolato)tetracuprate(I) and two polymorphs of bis(tetramethylammonium)hexa-(μ-benzenethiolato)-tetracuprate(I)', Polyhedron, 2, pp. 1031 - 1043, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0277-5387(00)81450-3
    Journal articles | 1983
    Dance IG; Fitzpatrick LJ; Rae AD; Scudder ML, 1983, 'The Intertwined Double-(-Ag-SR-)∞-Strand Chain Structure of Crystalline (3-Methylpentane-3-thiolato)siIver, in Relation to (AgSR)8 Molecules in Solution', Inorganic Chemistry, 22, pp. 3785 - 3788, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00167a022
    Journal articles | 1983
    Dance IG; Fitzpatrick LJ; Scudder ML, 1983, 'The stereochemistry of (µ-SR)3M3 cyclic molecules, with reference to the molecular structures of (µ-SPh)3Cu3(PPh3)4 and [(µ-SPh)3Fe3Cl6]3–', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 546 - 548, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39830000546
    Journal articles | 1983
    Dance IG; Guerney PJ; Rae AD; Scudder ML, 1983, 'Planar Bridging Thiolate in (Ph3P)2Cu(μ-SPh)2Cu(PPh3)2', Inorganic Chemistry, 22, pp. 2883 - 2887, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00162a023
    Journal articles | 1983
    Dance IG; Scudder ML; Secomb R, 1983, 'Cadmium Thiolates. Tetrahedral CdS4 and Dodecahedral CdS4O4 Coordination in catena -Bis(carbethoxymethanethiolato)cadmium(II)', Inorganic Chemistry, 22, pp. 1794 - 1797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic00154a020
    Journal articles | 1982
    Bishop R; Choudhury S; Dance I, 1982, 'The syntheses and crystal structures of exo-2, exo-6-dihydroxybicyclo-[3.3.1]nonane and exo-2, exo-6-Dihydroxy-2,6-diethylbicyclo[3.3.1]-nonane which do not contain the host helical canals of crystalline exo-2, exo-6-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane', Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, pp. 1159 - 1168, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/P29820001159
    Journal articles | 1982
    Choy A; Craig D; Dance I; Scudder M, 1982, '[S4M10(SPh)16]4-(M=Zn, Cd), a molecular fragment of the sphalerite MS lattice: Structural congruence of metal sulphides and metal thiolates', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 1246 - 1247, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39820001246
    Journal articles | 1981
    DANCE IG; ABUSHAMLEH AS; GOODWIN HA, 1981, 'ChemInform Abstract: THE CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF CIS‐DICHLOROBIS(2,2′‐BIIMIDAZOLE)IRON(III) CHLORIDE MONOHYDRATE', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.198115095
    Journal articles | 1981
    Dance IG; Guerney PJ, 1981, 'Lead thiolates. the formation of water-soluble lead(II) thiolates and the crystal structure of 2-(Morpholin-4-yl)ethanethiolatolead(II) nitrate', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 34, pp. 57 - 64, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9810057
    Journal articles | 1981
    Dance IG, 1981, 'Crystallization and Structure of Bis(tetramethylammonium) Octakis(benzenethiolate)hexaargentate(I), Extending the Series of Cages [M4(SPh)6]2-, [M5(SPh)7]2-, [M6(SPh)8]2-, and [M12(SPh)16]4-', Inorganic Chemistry, 20, pp. 1487 - 1492, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50219a031
    Journal articles | 1981
    Dance IG, 1981, 'The Zinc-Benzenethiolate-Halide System. Synthesis and Structure of the Hexakis (µ-(benzenethiolato)) - bis (benzenethiolato) dichlorotetrazincate (II) Dianion', Inorganic Chemistry, 20, pp. 2155 - 2160, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50221a041
    Journal articles | 1980
    DANCE I, 1980, 'FORMATION AND STRUCTURES OF METAL-THIOLATE CLUSTER COMPLEXES', ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 179, pp. 42 - INOR, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:A1980JJ81300951&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 1980
    Dance IG; Abushamleh AS; Goodwin HA, 1980, 'The crystal and molecular structure of Cis-dichlorobis(2,2′-biimidazole)iron(III) chloride monohydrate', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 43, pp. 217 - 221, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)90532-2
    Journal articles | 1980
    Dance IG, 1980, 'Formation, Crystal Structure, and Reactions of catena-(M-SPh)[(µ-SPh)6Zn4(CH3OH)(SPh)], a Model for Zinc Thiolate Metalloenzymes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 102, pp. 3445 - 3451, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00530a023
    Journal articles | 1980
    Dance IG, 1980, '[CLZn8(SPh)16], a new, highly symmetrical caǵe containing metal atoms inside and outside an icosahedron of liǵands; x-ray crystalloǵraphic study', Journal of the Chemical Society - Series Chemical Communications, pp. 818 - 820, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39800000818
    Journal articles | 1979
    Bishop R; Dance I, 1979, 'Helical canal inclusion complexes formed by a bicyclic diol; X-ray crystal structure of exo-2, exo-6-dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylbicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-ethyl acetate inclusion complex', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 992 - 993, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39790000992
    Journal articles | 1979
    Boyd IW; Dance IG; Landers AE; Wedd AG, 1979, 'Triply bridged binuclear thiolate complexes of oxomolybdenum(V). Synthesis of [Mo2O2(SR)6Z]- (Z = OR', SR', NR'2) and crystal structures of (Et4N)[Mo2O2(SCH2CH2O)2Cl3], (Et4N)[Mo2O2(SCH2CH2O)3Cl], and (Pr3NH)[Mo2O2(SCH2CH2O)3(SCH2CH2OH)]', Inorganic Chemistry, 18, pp. 1875 - 1885, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50197a032
    Journal articles | 1979
    Dance IG; Landers AE, 1979, 'Triply Bridged Bimetallic Thiolate Complexes of Oxomolybdenum(V). Formation and Structure of Secondary Ammonium Salts of [(μ-OCH2CH2S-S,O)(M-O)(OMo(OCH2CH2S))2]2-', Inorganic Chemistry, 18, pp. 3487 - 3492, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50202a039
    Journal articles | 1979
    Dance IG, 1979, 'Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Properties of the Hexa(μ-benzenethiolato)tetra(benzenethiolatocobaltate(II)) Dianion, the Prototype Cobalt(II)-Thiolate Molecular Cluster', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101, pp. 6264 - 6273, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00515a018
    Journal articles | 1978
    Boyd IW; Dance IG; Murray KS; Wedd AG, 1978, 'Mononuclear oxo thiolato compounds of molybdenum (V)', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 31, pp. 279 - 284, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9780279
    Journal articles | 1978
    Dance IG; Wedd AG; Boyd IW, 1978, 'The formation and molecular structure of the di-μ-oxo-di[di(benzenethiolato)-oxomolybdate(V)] dianion', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 31, pp. 519 - 526, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9780519
    Journal articles | 1978
    Dance IG, 1978, 'The hepta(μ-benzenethioIato)pentametallate(I) dianions of copper and silver: Formation and crystal structures', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 31, pp. 2195 - 2206, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9782195
    Journal articles | 1977
    Dance IG; Conrad RC, 1977, 'Autoxidation catalysed by transition metal complexes. I. The coordinative mechanism for phenylmethanethiol autoxidation catalysed by Bis[dimercaptomaleonitrilato(2 -)]cobaltate(2-) [Co(mnt)2]22 in acetonitrile solution', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 30, pp. 305 - 323, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9770305
    Journal articles | 1977
    Dance IG; Isaac D, 1977, 'The crystal structure of Bis(benzothiazole-2-thiolato)bis(pyridine)cobalt(II)', Australian Journal of Chemistry, 30, pp. 2425 - 2431, http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/CH9772425
    Journal articles | 1977
    Dance IG, 1977, 'On the molecularity of crystalline cyclohexanethiolatosilver(I)', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)95625-1
    Journal articles | 1976
    Journal articles | 1976
    Dance IG; Calabrese JC, 1976, 'The crystal and molecular structure of the hexa-(μ2-benzenethiolato)tetracuprate(I) dianion', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)91127-7
    Journal articles | 1976
    Dance IG; Miller TR, 1976, 'Ready displacement of dithiolene ligands from electron-poor dithiolene complexes by weak nucleophiles', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 112 - 113, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39760000112
    Journal articles | 1976
    Dance IG, 1976, 'Formation and X-ray structure of the hexa(t-butylthiolato)pentacuprate(I) monoanion', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 68 - 69, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39760000068
    Journal articles | 1976
    Dance IG, 1976, 'The hepta(μ2-benzenethiolato)pentacuprate(I) dianion; X-ray crystal and molecular structure', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3976000103b
    Journal articles | 1975
    Dance IG; Calabrese JC, 1975, 'X-Ray structure of the hexa(μ2-arenethiolato-) tetra(arenethiolato)tetracobaltate(II) dianion, [(CoSPh) 4(μ2-SPh)6]2-, a new tetrahedral tetracobalt thiolate cluster', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 762 - 763, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39750000762
    Journal articles | 1975
    Dance IG; Cline JE, 1975, 'Correspondence', Instrumentation Science & Technology, 6, pp. 319 - 321, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10739147508543408
    Journal articles | 1974
    DANCE IG; SOLSTAD PJ, 1974, 'ChemInform Abstract: ION ASSOCIATION AND CHARGE‐TRANSFER EXCITATION BETWEEN PYRIDINIUM CATIONS AND DIANIONIC DITHIOLENE COMPLEXES', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.197402339
    Journal articles | 1974
    DANCE IG, 1974, 'ChemInform Abstract: OLIGOMER ANTIFERROMAGNETISM PART 2, UNUSUAL EXCHANGE INTERACTIONS IN THE NEUTRAL DIMER OF BIS(CIS‐1,2‐BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)‐1,2‐DITHIOLENE)IRON', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 5, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.197408069
    Journal articles | 1974
    Dance IG; Conrad RC; Cline JE, 1974, 'Machanism of cobalt dithiolene complex catalysis of thiol autoxidation in acidic acetonitrile solution', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 13 - 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39740000013
    Journal articles | 1974
    Dance IG; Miller TR, 1974, 'Reactions of Dithiolene Complexes with Amines. I. Adducts of Iron and Cobalt Complexes', Inorganic Chemistry, 13, pp. 525 - 535, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50133a006
    Journal articles | 1974
    Dance IG, 1974, 'Oligomer antiferromagnetism. III. The validity of heitler-london approximate wavefunctions, and the sub molecule model', Inorganica Chimica Acta, 9, pp. 77 - 82, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0020-1693(00)89886-2
    Journal articles | 1973
    DANCE IG; SOLSTAD PJ; CALABRESE JC, 1973, 'ChemInform Abstract: SANDWICH ION ASSOCIATE STRUCTURE OF BIS(1‐ETHYL‐4‐CARBOMETHOXYPYRIDINIUM) BIS(MALEONITRILEDITHIOLATO)NICKELATE(II)', Chemischer Informationsdienst, 4, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/chin.197346424
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG; Miller TR, 1973, 'Solvatochromic dithiolene α-di-imine nickel complexes', Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, pp. 433 - 434, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C39730000433
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG; Solstad PJ; Calabrese JC, 1973, 'Sandwich Ion Associate Structure of Bis(1-ethyl-4-carbomethoxypyridinium) Bis(maleonitriledithiolato)nickelate(II)', Inorganic Chemistry, 12, pp. 2161 - 2165, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50127a045
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG; Solstad PJ, 1973, 'Ion Association and Charge-transfer Excitation between Pyridinium Cations and Dianionic Dithiolene Complexes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95, pp. 7256 - 7261, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00803a013
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG, 1973, 'A Voltammetric Study of the Coordinative Reactions of Pyridine with Bis(maleonitriledithiolate)cobalt Complexes', Inorganic Chemistry, 12, pp. 2381 - 2388, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50128a034
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG, 1973, 'Oligomer Antiferromagnetism. I. Expediency of the Heisenberg Spin Hamiltonian in the Submolecule Model', Inorganic Chemistry, 12, pp. 2743 - 2747, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50130a001
    Journal articles | 1973
    Dance IG, 1973, 'Oligomer Antiferromagnetism. II. Unusual Exchange Interactions in the Neutral Dimer of Bis(cis-1, 2-bis(trifluoromethyl)-1, 2-dithiolene)iron', Inorganic Chemistry, 12, pp. 2748 - 2753, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50130a002
    Journal articles | 1973
    Miller TR; Dance IG, 1973, 'Reactions of Dithiolene Complexes with Amines. II. Formation and Properties of Mixed-Ligand Dithiolene α-Diimine Complexes of Nickel', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 95, pp. 6970 - 6979, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja00802a017
    Journal articles | 1968
    Balch AL; Dance IG; Holm RH, 1968, 'The Characterization of Dimeric Dithiolene Complexes', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 90, pp. 1139 - 1145, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja01007a009
    Journal articles | 1967
    Lions F; Dance IG; Lewis J, 1967, 'Mono-chelate complexes of pyridine-2-aldehyde 2′-pyridylhydrazone', Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, and Theoretical Chemistry, pp. 565 - 572, http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/J19670000565
    Journal articles | 1966
    Dance IG; Gerloch M; Lewis J; Stephens FS; Lions F, 1966, 'High-spin five-coordinate cobalt (II) [12]', Nature, 210, pp. 298, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/210298a0
    Journal articles | 1965
    Dance IG; Freeman HC, 1965, 'The Crystal Structure of Dichlorotetraaquochromium(III) Chloride Dihydrate: Primary and Secondary Metal Ion Hydration', Inorganic Chemistry, 4, pp. 1555 - 1561, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic50033a006
  • Theses / Dissertations | 2006
    Lorenzo S; Dance IG, 2006, The supramolecular chemistry of cucurbituril molecules
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Alyea EC; Craig DC; Dance IG; Fisher KJ; Willett GD; Scudder ML, 2005, 'Crystallization of Polyoxo-molybdate and -tungstate anions with Crystal Phenylated Phosphonium and Arsonium Cations, In Relation to the Packing and Species in Solution', in Pacifichem-2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. - - -, presented at PACIFICHEM 2005, Homogeneous Catalytic CH Activation and Functionalization (#142), Honolulu, Hawaii, 15 December 2005 - 20 December 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Alyea EC; Willett GD; Fisher KJ; Dance IG, 2005, 'Electrospray FT/ICR Mass Spectroscopy of Polyoxomolybdates', in Pacifichem-2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. - - -, presented at PACIFICHEM 2005, Homogeneous Catalytic CH Activation and Functionalization (#142), Honolulu, Hawaii, 15 December 2005 - 20 December 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Dance IG, 2005, 'The coordination chemistry of biological nitrogen fixation', in Abrahams B (ed.), RACI Victorian Branch Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, Melbourne, pp. 1 - 1, presented at RACI Victorian Branch Inorganic Chemistry Symposium, Melbourne, 07 December 2005
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Igarashi RY; Lee H; Laryukhin M; Dos Santos P; Dean DR; Dance IG; Hoffman BM; Seefeldt LC, 2004, 'A substrate-derived catalytic intermediate bound to Fe Mo co-factor of nitrogenase.', in Joint Meeting of the Northwest and Rocky Mountain Sections of the ACS, Logan UT USA, pp. 169 - 169, presented at Joint Meeting of the Northwest and Rocky Mountain Sections of the ACS, Logan UT USA
    Theses / Dissertations | 2003
    Mcmurtrie JC; Dance IG, 2003, The Supramolecular Chemistry of Bis-Terpyridyl and Related Metal Complexes.
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 2001, 'Gas Phase Reactions of Negative Ions', in 18th Australian and New Zealand Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Surfers Paradise, Qld, presented at 18th Australian and New Zealand Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Surfers Paradise, Qld, 04 February 2001 - 09 February 2001
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Ali BF; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Craig DC, 1999, 'PHENYL EMBRACES IN THE CRYSTAL SUPRAMOLECULARITY OF COMPOUNDS CONTAING PHS-, PH4P+, XPH3 AND SN', in ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, INT UNION CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, pp. 442 - 442, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000475706304137&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Zhang R; Fisher KJ; Dance IG; Willett GD, 1998, 'A fourier transform ICR mass spectrometry study of reactions of carbon cluster anions with sulfur and phosphorus', in Cotter RJ; Bierbaum VM; Kettamaa H (eds.), 46th ASMS cocnference mass spectrometry and allied topics, Orlando, Washington D, C, pp. 863 - 863, presented at 46th ASMS cocnference mass spectrometry and allied topics, Orlando, Washington D, C, 31 May 1998 - 04 June 1998
    Conference Papers | 1995
    Dance IG, 1995, 'Computational methods for metal sulfide clusters', in International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii, presented at International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 1996, Honolulu, Hawaii
    Conference Papers | 1994
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Ung AT, 1994, 'Helical tubuland diol - phenol co-crystals', in Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, pp. 113 - 119, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10587259408029721
    Conference Papers | 1994
    Dance I; Fisher K, 1994, 'Metal chalcogenide clusters, MXEY: Generation and structure', in Materials Science Forum, pp. 137 - 142
    Conference Papers | 1992
    Bishop R; Craig DC; Dance IG; Scudder ML; Ung AT, 1992, 'Formation and stability of the helical tubuland diol inclusion lattice', in Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, pp. 141 - 146, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10587259208025813

Royal Society of Chemistry Lecturer for Australia and New Zealand 1993/4

Panel member of the Australian Research Council 1995-1997

Burrows Lecturer, RACI, 1996

Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science 1997

Stranks lecturer (Melbourne) 1997

Albright and Wilson lecturer, University of Warwick, July 1999

3M lecturer, University of Western Ontario, May 2000

Troisieme Cycle lecturer, Universities of Geneva, Berne, Basel, Neuchatel, 2001

Dwyer lecturer (UNSW) 2002

David Craig Medal of the Australian Academy of Science (2011).

My research programs have been in four areas:

  1. Metal-thiolate and metal-chalcogenide cluster chemistry.
  2. Gas phase inorganic chemistry.
  3. Crystal supramolecular chemistry and inorganic supramolecular chemistry.
  4. The mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation.

Since formally retiring from the University of New South Wales in 2002 my research has focussed on the enzyme nitrogenase, and its mechanism.

Nitrogenase, which supports all life, breaks one of the strongest bonds in chemistry, N-N, reducing it to NH3.  The stoichiometry of the catalytic cycle under normal conditions is N2 + 8e + 8H+ → 2NH3 + H2.  The cycle requires many steps at the active site: binding of N2, eight introductions of an electron, eight introductions of a proton, breaking the N-N bond, six N-H bond formations, two dissociations of NH3, and one formation of H2, a total of 27!  The catalytic site (FeMo-co) is an Fe7CMoS9 cluster, with chelation of Mo by obligatory homocitrate, connected to surrounding protein through one cysteine ligand and one histidine ligand.   

Experimental investigation of the chemical mechanism of nitrogenase has been frustrated by inherent difficulties in trapping and structurally characterising intermediates under physiological conditions.  Computational investigations, unrestricted by these difficulties, have explored mechanistic hypotheses.  In 2008 I published a detailed 21 step chemical mechanism for the enzymatic conversion of N2 to NH3, together with predictions of the importance of H-atom tunneling in nitrogenase reactions.  My review ‘Computational Investigations of the Chemical Mechanism of the Enzyme Nitrogenase’ [ChemBioChem, 21, 1671-1709 (2020) doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201900636] published in 2020 is a critical account of the current state of computational research on this enzyme.

My computational research uses the density functional software DMol, implemented at the Australian National Computational facility on the Gadi supercomputer (the 24th most powerful computer in the world).  This allows me to routinely used metalloprotein models with up to 500 atoms included in the quantum mechanical calculations.  I have developed methodologies for incorporating the complex electronic structure of FeMo-co in simulations of reaction profiles.

The principal objective is to develop an understanding of the fundamental coordination chemistry of the unprecedented (and still synthetically unavailable) metal sulfide cluster that is the catalytic site.  This underlies the goal to develop and evaluate mechanistic hypotheses for the catalytic reduction of N2, including explanations for the substantial body of biochemical reactivity data that have been accumulated over many years for wild-type and mutant nitrogenase proteins.  Another component of this research is evaluation and explanation of some recent experimental observations of unusual chemical reactivity at the active site.