Professor Jacqui Webster
Jacqui is committed to reducing the burden of chronic diseases globally through more effective implementation of food policy interventions. She coordinates a program of research and advocacy on food policy interventions to reduce cardiovascular diseases at the George Institute and is a Professor at the University of New South Wales. She is the Director (since 2013) of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction at the George Institute, with a remit to support countries to achieve the new global targets to reduce salt by 30% by 2025. This includes providing direct support to countries, producing and disseminating resources and extending the evidence base.
Her primary research interests are improving the effectiveness of diet-related interventions including through implementation science, public health advocacy, stakeholder engagement and evaluation of salt reduction interventions. She has extensive experience of implementing salt reduction interventions including in the UK, The Pacific Islands, Mongolia, Vietnam and Australia, contributing to saving thousands of lives globally. Her current focus is translating her experience of implementing effective salt reduction programs globally to broader food and health programs and addressing inequalities.
Jacqui is currently supported by a Heart Foundation Future Leaders Level II on Strengthening and Monitoring Food Policy Interventions. She is leading NHMRC funded programs of work to strengthen implementation of food policy in the Pacific Islands and improve food and water security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. She receives additional funding from the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, the World Health Organization, Resolve to Save Lives (Vital Strategies) and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Jacqui was awarded her PhD from Sydney Medical School at University of Sydney in 2011. She currently supervises 4 UNSW PhD studients and regular lectures on food policy and advoacy, co-design in research and research impact.
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My Research Supervision
Joseph Alvin Santos: https://www.georgeinstitute.org/people/joseph-alvin-santos
Dejen Tekle: https://www.georgeinstitute.org/people/Dejen-tekle
Emalie Rosewarne: https://www.georgeinstitute.org/people/emalie-rosewarne
Briar Mackenzie: https://www.georgeinstitute.org/people/briar-mckenzie