Professor Jacqui Webster

Professor Jacqui Webster

Conjoint Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Jacqui is committed to reducing the burden of chronic diseases globally through more effective implementation of food policy interventions. She coordinates a program of research and advocacy on food policy interventions to reduce cardiovascular diseases at the George Institute and is a Professor at the University of New South Wales. She is the Director (since 2013) of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Population Salt Reduction at the George Institute, with a remit to support countries to achieve the new global targets to reduce salt by 30% by 2025. This includes providing direct support to countries, producing and disseminating resources and extending the evidence base. 

Her primary research interests are improving the effectiveness of diet-related interventions including through implementation science, public health advocacy, stakeholder engagement and evaluation of salt reduction interventions. She has extensive experience of implementing salt reduction interventions including in the UK, The Pacific Islands, Mongolia, Vietnam and Australia, contributing to saving thousands of lives globally. Her current focus is translating her experience of implementing effective salt reduction programs globally to broader food and health programs and addressing inequalities.

Jacqui is currently supported by a Heart Foundation Future Leaders Level II on Strengthening and Monitoring Food Policy Interventions.  She is leading NHMRC funded programs of work to strengthen implementation of food policy in the Pacific Islands and improve food and water security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia.  She receives additional funding from the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, the World Health Organization, Resolve to Save Lives (Vital Strategies) and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Jacqui was awarded her PhD from Sydney Medical School at University of Sydney in 2011. She currently supervises 4 UNSW PhD studients and regular lectures on food policy and advoacy, co-design in research and research impact.

+61 2 8052 4520
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Rosewarne E; Tonkin T; Trindall A; Santos JA; Patay D; McCausland R; Spencer W; Corby C; Coombes J; Mackean T; Leslie G; Earle N; Baldry E; Shanthosh J; Madden T; Deane AM; Weatherall L; Moore B; Bennett-Brook K; Webster J, 2025, 'Food intake in an Australian Aboriginal rural community facing food and water security challenges: A cross-sectional survey', Nutrition and Dietetics, 82, pp. 86 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Weatherall L; Trindall A; Tonkin T; Santos JA; Patay D; McCausland R; Spencer W; Leslie G; Baldry E; Bennett-Brook K; Coombes J; Mackean T; Shanthosh J; Madden T; Moore B; Deane AM; Earle N; GDip CC; Nathan M; Young SL; Rosewarne E; Webster J, 2025, 'Measuring Food and Water Security in an Aboriginal Community in Regional Australia', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 33,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Booth L; Santos JA; Hoek AC; Webster J; Pettigrew S, 2024, 'Population Subgroups at Risk of Unhealthy Changes in Food and Beverage Consumption During COVID-19 Lockdowns', International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 31, pp. 163 - 168,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Charlton KE; Pretorius B; Shakhane R; Naidoo P; Cimring H; Hussain K; Nojilana B; Webster J, 2024, 'Compliance of the food industry with mandated salt target levels in South Africa: Towards development of a monitoring and surveillance framework', Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 126,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Desson Z; Sharman JE; Searles A; Schutte AE; Delles C; Olsen MH; Ordunez P; Hure A; Morton R; Figtree G; Webster J; Jennings G; Redfern J; Nicholls SJ; McNamara M; Deeming S; Doyle K; Ramanathan S, 2024, 'Improving the accuracy of blood pressure measuring devices in Australia: a modelled return on investment study', Journal of Human Hypertension, 38, pp. 177 - 186,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ghammachi N; Kissock K; Hoek A; Bullen J; Webster J; Neal B; Trieu K, 2024, 'P172 WHAT ARE CONSUMERS’ KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND BEHAVIORS RELATED TO REDUCED-SODIUM SALT? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW', Journal of Hypertension, 42, pp. e124 - e124,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Khalesi S; Williams E; Johnson DW; Webster J; Fewings A; Vandelanotte C, 2024, 'Barriers and enablers to salt intake reduction in Australian adults with high blood pressure', British Journal of Nutrition, 132, pp. 815 - 822,
    Journal articles | 2024
    McKenzie BL; Mustapha FI; Battumur BE; Batsaikhan E; Chandran A; Michael V; Webster J; Trieu K, 2024, 'Strengthening national salt reduction strategies using multiple methods process evaluations: case studies from Malaysia and Mongolia', Public Health Nutrition, 27,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mckenzie B; Lo Y-R; Mustapha F; Battumur B-E; Batsaikhan E; Sukhbaatar B; Untoro J; Chandran A; Michael V; Webster J; Trieu K, 2024, 'Strengthening national salt reduction strategies using mixed methods process evaluations - case studies from Malaysia and Mongolia', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Moala Silatolu A; Santos JA; Palu A; Nand D; Deo A; Kama A; Lolohea S; Vakaloloma U; Seru L; Naivunivuni P; Kumar S; Tawakilai H; Vimatemate E; Sanif M; Misavu A; Prasad AU; Patay D; Woodward M; Rogers K; Reeve E; Bell C; Webster J; Waqa G; McKenzie BL, 2024, 'Salt and sugar intakes of adults in the central division of Fiji: findings from a nutrition survey in 2022', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 46,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Palu A; Crowther J; Hart AC; Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Pettigrew S; Hoek AC; Trieu K; Webster J, 2024, 'Changes in food behaviours during the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in Australia', Nutrition and Dietetics,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Palu A; Santos JA; Silatolu AM; Deo A; Bell C; Waqa G; Webster J; McKenzie BL, 2024, 'Energy, nutrient and overall healthiness of processed packaged foods in Fiji, a comparison between 2018 and 2020', BMC Public Health, 24,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Waqa G; Bell C; Santos JA; Rogers K; Silatolu AM; Reeve E; Palu A; Deo A; Webster J; McKenzie B, 2024, 'Assessing Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours toward Salt and Sugar Consumption in the Central Division of Fiji', Nutrients, 16,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bolton KA; Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Reimers J; Nowson C; Neal B; Webster J; Woodward M; Dunford E; Armstrong S; Bolam B; Grimes C; Santos JA, 2023, 'Outcomes of a state-wide salt reduction initiative in adults living in Victoria, Australia', European Journal of Nutrition, 62, pp. 3055 - 3067,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng HL; Garden FL; Skilton MR; Johnson C; Webster J; Grimes CA; Ivers RQ; Steinbeck KS, 2023, 'Impact of growth, gonadal hormones, adiposity and the sodium-to-potassium ratio on longitudinal adolescent measures of blood pressure at puberty', Journal of Human Hypertension, 37, pp. 835 - 843,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Grimes CA; Bolton KA; Lim K; Khokhar D; Santos JA; Trieu K; Margerison C; Reimers J; Armstrong S; Bolam B; Rosewarne E; Dunford EK; Jan S; Woodward M; Neal B; Nowson C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2023, 'Evaluation of a Salt-Reduction Consumer Awareness Campaign Targeted at Parents Residing in the State of Victoria, Australia', Nutrients, 15, pp. 991,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Grimes CA; Bolton KA; Trieu K; Reimers J; Armstrong S; Bolam B; Beckford K; Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Dunford EK; Jan S; Webster J; Neal B; Nowson C; Woodward M; Santos JA, 2023, 'Evaluation of a state-wide intervention on salt intake in primary schoolchildren living in Victoria, Australia', Public Health Nutrition, 26, pp. 1456 - 1467,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Johnson C; Thout SR; Nidhuram S; Hart A; Hoek AC; Rogers K; Shivashankar R; Ide N; Chatterjee S; Webster J; Praveen D, 2023, 'Protocol for the implementation and evaluation of a community-based behavior change intervention to reduce dietary salt intake in India', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 25, pp. 175 - 182,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Patay D; Ralston R; Palu A; Jones A; Webster J; Buse K, 2023, 'Fifty shades of partnerships: a governance typology for public private engagement in the nutrition sector', Globalization and Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pettigrew S; Booth L; Dunford E; Scapin T; Webster J; Wu J; Tian M; Praveen D; Sacks G, 2023, 'An examination of public support for 35 nutrition interventions across seven countries', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77, pp. 235 - 245,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Di Tanna GL; Shahid M; Grimes C; Bolton KA; Webster J; Neal B; Woodward M; Coyle D; Trieu K; Santos JA, 2023, 'Changes in sodium levels in Australian packaged foods between 2014 and 2019: an interrupted time series analysis of the impact of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy strategy', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20, pp. 71,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Hart AC; Trieu K; Tekle D; Ide N; Jones A; Ni Mhurchu C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2023, 'Review of national nutrition standards with salt-related criteria for publicly funded institutions around the world', Nutrition Reviews, 81, pp. 647 - 657,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tekle DY; Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Trieu K; Buse K; Palu A; Thow AM; Jan S; Webster J; Santos JA, 2023, 'Do Food and Nutrition Policies in Ethiopia Support the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases through Population-Level Salt Reduction Measures? A Policy Content Analysis', Nutrients, 15, pp. 1745,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Webster J; Moala A; McKenzie B; Santos JA; Palu A; Deo A; Lolohea S; Sanif M; Naivunivuni P; Kumar S; Vimatemate E; Tawakilai H; Seru L; Woodward M; Patay D; Nand D; Kama A; Reeve E; Waqa G; Bell C, 2023, 'Food insecurity, COVID-19 and diets in Fiji – a cross-sectional survey of over 500 adults', Globalization and Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang P; Zhang J; Li Y; Dong L; He FJ; Brown M; Pettigrew S; Webster J; Yamamoto R; Nishida C; Liu A; Yang X; Zhang B; Ding G; Wang H, 2023, 'Sodium content targets for pre-packaged foods, China: a quantitative study and proposal', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 101, pp. 453 - 469,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bernabe-Ortiz A; Trieu K; Markland M; Wu JHY; Saavedra-Garcia L; Hart AC; Yu J; Thout SR; Miranda JJ; Webster J, 2022, 'The potential scalability of salt substitutes as an intervention to lower population sodium levels', Salud Publica de Mexico, 64, pp. 6 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Campbell NRC; Whelton PK; Orias M; Wainford RD; Cappuccio FP; Ide N; Neal B; Cohn J; Cobb LK; Webster J; Trieu K; He FJ; McLean RM; Blanco-Metzler A; Woodward M; Khan N; Kokubo Y; Nederveen L; Arcand JA; MacGregor GA; Owolabi MO; Lisheng L; Parati G; Lackland DT; Charchar FJ; Williams B; Tomaszewski M; Romero CA; Champagne B; L’Abbe MR; Weber MA; Schlaich MP; Fogo A; Feigin VL; Akinyemi R; Inserra F; Menon B; Simas M; Neves MF; Hristova K; Pullen C; Pandeya S; Ge J; Jalil JE; Wang JG; Wideimsky J; Kreutz R; Wenzel U; Stowasser M; Arango M; Protogerou A; Gkaliagkousi E; Fuchs FD; Patil M; Chan AWK; Nemcsik J; Tsuyuki RT; Narasingan SN; Sarrafzadegan N; Ramos ME; Yeo N; Rakugi H; Ramirez AJ; Álvarez G; Berbari A; Kim CI; Ihm SH; Chia YC; Unurjargal T; Park HK; Wahab K; McGuire H; Dashdorj NJ; Ishaq M; Ona DID; Mercado-Asis LB; Prejbisz A; Leenaerts M; Simão C; Pinto F; Almustafa BA; Spaak J; Farsky S; Lovic D; Zhang XH, 2022, '2022 World Hypertension League, Resolve To Save Lives and International Society of Hypertension dietary sodium (salt) global call to action', Journal of Human Hypertension, 37,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cappuccio FP; Campbell NRC; He FJ; Jacobson MF; MacGregor GA; Antman E; Appel LJ; Arcand JA; Blanco-Metzler A; Cook NR; Guichon JR; L’Abbè MR; Lackland DT; Lang T; McLean RM; Miglinas M; Mitchell I; Sacks FM; Sever PS; Stampfer M; Strazzullo P; Sunman W; Webster J; Whelton PK; Willett W, 2022, 'Sodium and Health: Old Myths and a Controversy Based on Denial', Current Nutrition Reports, 11, pp. 172 - 184,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Davies A; Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Rangan A; Webster J; Santos JA, 2022, 'Australian Ready Meals: Does a Higher Health Star Rating Mean Lower Sodium Content?', Nutrients, 14, pp. 1269,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Khalesi S; Williams E; Irwin C; Johnson DW; Webster J; Mccartney D; Jamshidi A; Vandelanotte C, 2022, 'Reducing salt intake: a systematic review and meta-analysis of behavior change interventions in adults', Nutrition Reviews, 80, pp. 723 - 740,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McKenzie BL; Harris K; Peters SAE; Webster J; Woodward M, 2022, 'The association of energy and macronutrient intake with all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and dementia: findings from 120 963 women and men in the UK Biobank', British Journal of Nutrition, 127, pp. 1858 - 1867,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McKenzie BL; Waqa G; Hart AC; Moala Silatolu A; Palagyi A; Norton R; McLean R; Webster J, 2022, 'Gender roles, generational changes and environmental challenges: An intersectional interpretation of perceptions on healthy diets among iTaukei women and men in Fiji', Public Health Nutrition, 25, pp. 3146 - 3157,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McKenzie BL; Waqa G; Mounsey S; Johnson C; Woodward M; Buse K; Thow AM; McLean R; Webster J, 2022, 'Incorporating a gender lens into nutrition and health-related policies in Fiji: analysis of policies and stakeholder perspectives', International Journal for Equity in Health, 21, pp. 148,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mounsey S; Waqa G; McKenzie B; Reeve E; Webster J; Bell C; Thow AM, 2022, 'Strengthening implementation of diet-related non-communicable disease prevention strategies in Fiji: a qualitative policy landscape analysis', Globalization and Health, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Patay D; Trieu K; McKenzie B; Ramanathan S; Hure A; Bell C; Thow AM; Allender S; Reeve E; Palu A; Woodward M; Waqa G; Webster J, 2022, 'Research protocol for impact assessment of a project to scale up food policies in the Pacific', Health Research Policy and Systems, 20, pp. 117,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ramani-Chander A; Joshi R; Van Olmen J; Wouters E; Delobelle P; Vedanthan R; Miranda JJ; Oldenburg B; Sherwood S; Rawal LB; Mash RJ; Irazola VE; Martens M; Lazo-Porras M; Liu H; Agarwal G; Waqa G; Marcolino MS; Esandi ME; Ribeiro ALP; Probandari A; González-Salazar F; Shrestha A; Sujarwoto S; Levitt N; Paredes M; Sugishita T; Batal M; Li Y; Haghparast-Bidgoli H; Naanyu V; He FJ; Zhang P; Mfinanga SG; De Neve JW; Daivadanam M; Siddiqi K; Geldsetzer P; Klipstein-Grobusch K; Huffman MD; Webster J; Ojji D; Beratarrechea A; Tian M; Postma M; Owolabi MO; Birungi J; Antonietti L; Ortiz Z; Patel A; Peiris D; Schouw D; Koot J; Nakamura K; Tampubolon G; Thrift AG, 2022, 'Applying systems thinking to identify enablers and challenges to scale-up interventions for hypertension and diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: Protocol for a longitudinal mixed-methods study', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Reeve E; Lamichhane P; McKenzie B; Waqa G; Webster J; Snowdon W; Bell C, 2022, 'The tide of dietary risks for noncommunicable diseases in Pacific Islands: an analysis of population NCD surveys', BMC Public Health, 22,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Rosewarne E; Chislett WK; McKenzie B; Mhurchu CN; Boelsen-Robinson T; Blake M; Webster J, 2022, 'Understanding Enablers and Barriers to the Implementation of Nutrition Standards in Publicly Funded Institutions in Victoria', Nutrients, 14, pp. 2628,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Rosewarne E; Hoek AC; Palu A; Trieu K; Taylor C; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Ide N; Buse K; Webster J, 2022, 'Advancing Health Research Impact through a Systemic Multi-Sectoral Approach: A Protocol for Introducing Reduced-Sodium Salts and Salty Condiments in Vietnam', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 12937,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Trieu K; Tekle D; Mhurchu CN; Jones A; Ide N; Yamamoto R; Nishida C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2022, 'A Global Review of National Strategies to Reduce Sodium Concentrations in Packaged Foods', Advances in Nutrition, 13, pp. 1820 - 1833,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Santos JA; Bolton KA; Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Di Tanna GL; Woodward M; Webster J; Grimes C; Santos JA, 2022, 'Agreement between 24-hour urine and 24-hour food recall in measuring salt intake in primary school children in Australia', Nutrition Journal, 21, pp. 68,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Webster J; Santos JA; Hogendorf M; Trieu K; Rosewarne E; Mckenzie B; Allemandi L; Enkhtungalag B; Do HTP; Naidoo P; Farrand C; Waqanivalu T; Cobb L; Buse K; Dodd R; Santos JA, 2022, 'Implementing effective salt reduction programs and policies in low- and middle-income countries: learning from retrospective policy analysis in Argentina, Mongolia, South Africa and Vietnam', Public Health Nutrition, 25, pp. 805 - 816,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Webster J; Waqa G; Thow AM; Allender S; Lung T; Woodward M; Rogers K; Tukana I; Kama A; Wilson D; Mounsey S; Dodd R; Reeve E; McKenzie BL; Johnson C; Bell C, 2022, 'Scaling-up food policies in the Pacific Islands: protocol for policy engagement and mixed methods evaluation of intervention implementation', Nutrition Journal, 21, pp. 8,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hart AC; Rosewarne E; Spencer W; McCausland R; Leslie G; Shanthosh J; Corby C; Bennett-Brook K; Webster J, 2021, 'Indigenous community-led programs to address food and water security: Protocol for a systematic review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 6366,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hure AJ; Ramanathan S; Deeming S; Figtree GA; Jennings G; Webster J; Morton RL; Redfern J; Doyle K; Nicholls SJ; Blows S; Kellick C; McNamara M; Searles A, 2021, 'Translation and Impact of Funded Australian Cardiovascular Research: A Review With Perspective', Heart Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. 1442 - 1448,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kirschbaum TK; Theilmann M; Sudharsanan N; Manne-Goehler J; Lemp JM; De Neve JW; Marcus ME; Ebert C; Chen S; Aryal KK; Bahendeka SK; Norov B; Damasceno A; Dorobantu M; Farzadfar F; Fattahi N; Gurung MS; Guwatudde D; Labadarios D; Lunet N; Rayzan E; Moghaddam SS; Webster J; Davies JI; Atun R; Vollmer S; Bärnighausen T; Jaacks LM; Geldsetzer P, 2021, 'Targeting hypertension screening in low-and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional analysis of 1.2 million adults in 56 countries', Journal of the American Heart Association, 10,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McKenzie BL; Coyle DH; Santos JA; Burrows T; Rosewarne E; Peters SAE; Carcel C; Jaacks LM; Norton R; Collins CE; Woodward M; Webster J; Santos JA, 2021, 'Investigating sex differences in the accuracy of dietary assessment methods to measure energy intake in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 113, pp. 1241 - 1255,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Peiris D; Ghosh A; Manne-Goehler J; Jaacks LM; Theilmann M; Marcus ME; Zhumadilov Z; Tsabedze L; Supiyev A; Silver BK; Sibai AM; Norov B; Mayige MT; Martins JS; Lunet N; Labadarios D; Jorgensen JMA; Houehanou C; Guwatudde D; Gurung MS; Damasceno A; Aryal KK; Andall-Brereton G; Agoudavi K; McKenzie B; Webster J; Atun R; Bärnighausen T; Vollmer S; Davies JI; Geldsetzer P, 2021, 'Cardiovascular disease risk profile and management practices in 45 low-income and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional study of nationally representative individual-level survey data', PLoS Medicine, 18,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Chislett WK; McKenzie B; Reimers J; Jolly KA; Corben K; Trieu K; Webster J, 2021, 'Stakeholder perspectives on the effectiveness of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership: a qualitative study', BMC Nutrition, 7, pp. 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Moore M; Chislett W-K; Jones A; Trieu K; Webster J, 2021, 'An Evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s Advocacy and Policy Strengthening Strategy', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Moore M; Chislett WK; Jones A; Trieu K; Webster J, 2021, 'An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s advocacy strategy for policy change', Health Research Policy and Systems, 19, pp. 100,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Hoek A; Grimes C; Nowson C; Webster J; Bolton KA; Santos JA, 2021, 'Are there socio-demographic differences in salt behaviours and fruit and vegetable consumption in Australian adults? A nationally representative cross-sectional survey', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Santos JA; Hoek A; Grimes C; Nowson C; Webster J; Bolton KA; Santos JA, 2021, 'Are there socio-demographic differences in salt behaviours and fruit and vegetable consumption in Australian adults? A nationally representative cross-sectional survey', Nutrition Journal, 20, pp. 77,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Santos JA; McKenzie B; Rosewarne E; Hogendorf M; Trieu K; Woodward M; Cobb LK; Dodd R; Webster J; Santos JA, 2021, 'Strengthening Knowledge to Practice on Effective Salt Reduction Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries', Current Nutrition Reports, 10, pp. 211 - 225,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Santos JA; Tekle D; Rosewarne E; Flexner N; Cobb L; Al-Jawaldeh A; Kim WJ; Breda J; Whiting S; Campbell N; Neal B; Webster J; Trieu K; Santos JA, 2021, 'A Systematic Review of Salt Reduction Initiatives around the World: A Midterm Evaluation of Progress towards the 2025 Global Non-Communicable Diseases Salt Reduction Target', Advances in Nutrition, 12, pp. 1768 - 1780,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Shahid M; Waqa G; Pillay A; Kama A; Tukana IN; McKenzie BL; Webster J; Johnson C, 2021, 'Packaged food supply in Fiji: Nutrient levels, compliance with sodium targets and adherence to labelling regulations', Public Health Nutrition, 24, pp. 4358 - 4368,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Song J; Brown MK; Tan M; MacGregor GA; Webster J; Campbell NRC; Trieu K; Ni Mhurchu C; Cobb LK; He FJ, 2021, 'Impact of color-coded and warning nutrition labelling schemes: A systematic review and network meta-analysis', PLoS Medicine, 18,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Taylor C; Hoek AC; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb LK; Jan S; Webster J, 2021, 'The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam', Archives of Public Health, 79,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Trieu K; Ospanova F; Tazhibayev S; Jewell J; Breda J; Santos JA; Webster J, 2021, 'Sodium and potassium intakes in the Kazakhstan population estimated using 24-h urinary excretion: evidence for national action', European Journal of Nutrition, 60, pp. 1537 - 1546,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yin X; Liu H; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Miranda JJ; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Li KC; Pearson S-A; Neal B; Tian M, 2021, 'Availability, Formulation, Labeling, and Price of Low-sodium Salt Worldwide: Environmental Scan (Preprint)', JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yin X; Liu H; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Miranda JJ; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Li KC; Pearson SA; Neal B; Tian M, 2021, 'Availability, formulation, labeling, and price of low-sodium salt worldwide: Environmental scan', JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7, pp. e27423,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yin X; Tian M; Sun L; Webster J; Trieu K; Huffman MD; Jaime Miranda J; Marklund M; Wu JHY; Cobb LK; Chu H; Pearson SA; Neal B; Liu H, 2021, 'Barriers and facilitators to implementing reduced-sodium salts as a population-level intervention: A qualitative study', Nutrients, 13, pp. 3225,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bolton KA; Webster J; Dunford EK; Jan S; Woodward M; Bolam B; Neal B; Trieu K; Reimers J; Armstrong S; Nowson C; Grimes C, 2020, 'Sources of dietary sodium and implications for a state-wide salt reduction program in Victoria, Australia', British Journal of Nutrition, 123, pp. 1165 - 1175,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Campbell NRC; Flores G; Blanco-Metzler A; Webster J, 2020, 'Argentina regulates a warning label on packages of salt', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22, pp. 123,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dodd R; Reeve E; Sparks E; George A; Vivili P; Tin STW; Buresova D; Webster J; Thow AM, 2020, 'The politics of food in the Pacific: Coherence and tension in regional policies on nutrition, the food environment and non-communicable diseases', Public Health Nutrition, 23, pp. 168 - 180,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dodd R; Santos JA; Tan M; Campbell NRC; Ni Mhurchu C; Cobb L; Jacobson MF; He FJ; Trieu K; Osornprasop S; Webster J, 2020, 'Effectiveness and Feasibility of Taxing Salt and Foods High in Sodium: A Systematic Review of the Evidence', Advances in Nutrition, 11, pp. 1616 - 1630,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Grimes CA; Khokhar D; Bolton KA; Trieu K; Potter J; Davidson C; Dunford EK; Jan S; Woodward M; Bolam B; Neal B; Nowson C; Webster J, 2020, 'Salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors (KABS) among victorian adults following 22-months of a consumer awareness campaign', Nutrients, 12, pp. 1216,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kaur J; Kaur M; Chakrapani V; Webster J; Santos JA; Kumar R, 2020, 'Effectiveness of information technology-enabled 'SMART Eating' health promotion intervention: A cluster randomized controlled trial', PLoS ONE, 15,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McKenzie BL; Coyle DH; Burrows T; Rosewarne E; Peters SAE; Carcel C; Collins CE; Norton R; Woodward M; Jaacks LM; Webster J, 2020, 'Gender differences in the accuracy of dietary assessment methods to measure energy intake in adults: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis', BMJ open, 10, pp. e035611,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McKenzie BL; Santos JA; Geldsetzer P; Davies J; Manne-Goehler J; Gurung MS; Sturua L; Gathecha G; Aryal KK; Tsabedze L; Andall-Brereton G; Bärnighausen T; Atun R; Vollmer S; Woodward M; Jaacks LM; Webster J; Santos JA, 2020, 'Evaluation of sex differences in dietary behaviours and their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors: A cross-sectional study of nationally representative surveys in seven low- And middle-income countries', Nutrition Journal, 19, pp. 3,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mohammadifard N; Marateb H; Mansourian M; Khosravi A; Abdollahi Z; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Petersen K; Sarrafzadegan N, 2020, 'Can methods based on spot urine samples be used to estimate average population 24 h sodium excretion? Results from the Isfahan Salt Study', Public Health Nutrition, 23, pp. 202 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Overwyk KJ; Quader ZS; Maalouf J; Bates M; Webster J; George MG; Merritt RK; Cogswell ME, 2020, 'Dietary Sodium Intake and Health Indicators: A Systematic Review of Published Literature between January 2015 and December 2019', Advances in Nutrition, 11, pp. 1174 - 1200,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Petersen KS; Malta D; Rae S; Dash S; Webster J; McLean R; Thout SR; Campbell NRC; Arcand JA, 2020, 'Further evidence that methods based on spot urine samples should not be used to examine sodium-disease relationships from the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (November 2018 to August 2019)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22, pp. 1741 - 1753,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Chislett W-K; McKenzie B; Reimers J; Jolly K-A; Corben K; Trieu K; Webster J, 2020, 'Stakeholder Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Hoek AC; Sacks G; Wolfenden L; Wu J; Reimers J; Corben K; Moore M; Ni Mhurchu C; Webster J, 2020, 'A comprehensive overview and qualitative analysis of government-led nutrition policies in Australian institutions', BMC Public Health, 20, pp. 1038,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Huang L; Farrand C; Coyle D; Pettigrew S; Jones A; Moore M; Webster J, 2020, 'Assessing the healthy food partnership’s proposed nutrient reformulation targets for foods and beverages in Australia', Nutrients, 12, pp. 1346,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Farrand C; Reimers J; Potter J; Davidson C; Darrigan N; Joldeski E; Armstrong S; Webster J, 2020, 'Unpack the Salt: An Assessment of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s Media Advocacy Activities to Highlight the Salt Content of Different Foods', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Farrand C; Reimers J; Potter J; Davidson C; Darrigan N; Joldeski E; Armstrong S; Webster J, 2020, 'Unpack the Salt: An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership's media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods', Nutrition Journal, 19, pp. 102,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Farrand C; Reimers J; Potter J; Davidson C; Darrigan N; Joldeski E; Armstrong S; Webster J, 2020, 'Unpack the Salt: An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Trieu K; Farrand C; Reimers J; Potter J; Davidson C; Darrigan N; Joldeski E; Armstrong S; Webster J, 2020, 'Unpack the Salt: An evaluation of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership’s media advocacy activities to highlight the salt content of different foods', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Santos JA; Li KC; Huang L; Mclean R; Petersen K; Di Tanna GL; Webster J, 2020, 'Change in mean salt intake over time using 24-h urine versus overnight and spot urine samples: a systematic review and meta-analysis', Nutrition Journal, 19,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Tekle DY; Santos JA; Trieu K; Thout SR; Ndanuko R; Charlton K; Hoek AC; Huffman MD; Jan S; Webster J, 2020, 'Monitoring and implementation of salt reduction initiatives in Africa: A systematic review', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22, pp. 1355 - 1370,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Trieu K; Michael V; Mustapha F; Lo Y-R; Webster J, 2020, 'Midterm Evaluation of Malaysia’s National Salt Reduction Strategy – Lessons Learned on Adapting Salt Reduction ‘Best Buys’ to the Local Context', Current Developments in Nutrition, 4, pp. nzaa043_139 - nzaa043_139,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wainer Z; Carcel C; Hickey M; Schiebinger L; Schmiede A; McKenzie B; Jenkins C; Webster J; Woodward M; Hehir A; Solomon B; de Costa C; Lukaszyk C; Colville DJ; Dempsey E; Wright GM; Mishra GD; Fisher JRW; Kulkarni J; Mitchell JA; Hutchison K; Thompson K; Jorm L; Chappell L; van der Meulen M; Henry A; DiGiacomo M; Huxley R; Ivers R; Peters S; Rogers WA; Wang X; Norton R, 2020, 'Sex and gender in health research: updating policy to reflect evidence', Medical Journal of Australia, 212, pp. 57 - 62.e1,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Webster J; Waqa G; Thow A-M; Allender S; Lung T; Woodward M; Rogers K; Tukana I; Kama A; Wilson D; Mounsey S; Dodd R; Reeve E; McKenzie B; Johnson C; Bell C, 2020, 'Scaling-Up Food Policies in the Pacific Islands: Protocol for Policy Engagement and Mixed Methods Evaluation of Intervention Implementation', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yin X; Liu H; Trieu K; Webster J; Farrand C; Li KC; Pearson S; Tian M, 2020, 'The effectiveness, feasibility, and acceptability of low-sodium salts worldwide: An environmental scan protocol', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 22, pp. 2258 - 2265,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bolton KA; Trieu K; Woodward M; Nowson C; Webster J; Dunford EK; Bolam B; Grimes C, 2019, 'Dietary intake and sources of potassium in a cross-sectional study of Australian adults', Nutrients, 11, pp. 2996,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Campbell NRC; Webster J; Blanco-Metzler A; He FJ; Tan M; MacGregor GA; Cappuccio FP; Arcand JA; Trieu K; Farrand C; Jones A; Whelton PK; Zhang XH, 2019, 'Packages of sodium (Salt) sold for consumption and salt dispensers should be required to have a front of package health warning label: A position statement of the World Hypertension League, national and international health and scientific organizations', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, pp. 1623 - 1625,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Daivadanam M; Ingram M; Annerstedt KS; Parker G; Bobrow K; Dolovich L; Gould G; Riddell M; Vedanthan R; Webster J; Absetz P; Alvesson HM; Androutsos O; Chavannes N; Cortez B; Devarasetty P; Fottrell E; Gonzalez-Salazar F; Goudge J; Herasme O; Jennings H; Kapoor D; Kamano J; Kasteleyn MJ; Kyriakos C; Manios Y; Mogulluru K; Owolabi M; Lazo-Porras M; Silva W; Thrift A; Uvere E; Webster R; Van Der Kleij R; Van Olmen J; Vardavas C; Zhang P; Praveen P, 2019, 'The role of context in implementation research for non-communicable diseases: Answering the 'how-to' dilemma', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0214454,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dodd R; Ramanathan S; Angell B; Peiris D; Joshi R; Searles A; Webster J, 2019, 'Strengthening and measuring research impact in global health: Lessons from applying the FAIT framework', Health Research Policy and Systems, 17, pp. 48,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Farrand C; MacGregor G; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2019, 'Potential use of salt substitutes to reduce blood pressure', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, pp. 350 - 354,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Frank SM; Webster J; McKenzie B; Geldsetzer P; Manne-Goehler J; Andall-Brereton G; Houehanou C; Houinato D; Gurung MS; Bicaba BW; McClure RW; Supiyev A; Zhumadilov Z; Stokes A; Labadarios D; Sibai AM; Norov B; Aryal KK; Karki KB; Kagaruki GB; Mayige MT; Martins JS; Atun R; Bärnighausen T; Vollmer S; Jaacks LM, 2019, 'Consumption of fruits and vegetables among individuals 15 years and older in 28 low- And middle-income countries', Journal of Nutrition, 149, pp. 1252 - 1259,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Johnson C; Santos JA; Sparks E; Raj TS; Mohan S; Garg V; Rogers K; Maulik PK; Prabhakaran D; Neal B; Webster J; Santos JA, 2019, 'Sources of dietary salt in North and South India estimated from 24 hour dietary recall', Nutrients, 11, pp. 318,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Limbani F; Goudge J; Joshi R; Maar MA; Jaime Miranda J; Oldenburg B; Parker G; Pesantes MA; Riddell MA; Salam A; Trieu K; Thrift AG; Van Olmen J; Vedanthan R; Webster R; Yeates K; Webster J; Pozas AF; Patel A; Pillay A; Cotrez B; Salinas CA; Nowson C; Johnson C; Villalpando CG; Garcia-Ulloa C; Litzelman D; Praveen D; Hua D; Kakoulis D; Fottrell E; Vucovich EC; Salazar FG; Musa H; Chemusto H; Haghparast-Bidgoli H; Mutabazi JC; Schultz J; Odenkirchen J; Zavala-Loayza J; Gyamfi J; Bobrow K; Neira L; Maple-Brown L; Lazo M; Daivadanam M; Wijemanne N; Almeda-Valdes P; Camacho-Lopez P; Delobelle P; Zhang P; Saulson R; Guggilla R; Kirkham R; Angeles R; Mohan S; Tobe S; Jha S; Lei S; Irazola V; Ma Y; Shenderovich Y; Mohammad M, 2019, 'Process evaluation in the field: Global learnings from seven implementation research hypertension projects in low-and middle-income countries', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 953,
    Journal articles | 2019
    McKenzie B; Santos JA; Johnson C; Peters SAE; Woodward M; Webster J, 2019, 'Sex Differences in Diet and Cardio-Metabolic Diseases in the Pacific Islands', 2018 Annual Meeting of the Nutrition Society of New Zealand, pp. 20 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2019
    McKenzie B; Trieu K; Grimes CA; Reimers J; Webster J, 2019, 'Understanding barriers and enablers to state action on salt: Analysis of stakeholder perceptions of the vichealth salt reduction partnership', Nutrients, 11, pp. 184,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Paterson K; Hinge N; Sparks E; Trieu K; Santos JA; Tarivonda L; Snowdon W; Webster J; Johnson C; Santos JA, 2019, 'Mean dietary salt intake in vanuatu: A population survey of 755 participants on Efate Island', Nutrients, 11, pp. 916,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Petersen KS; Rae S; Venos E; Malta D; Trieu K; Santos JA; Thout SR; Webster J; Campbell NRC; Arcand JA, 2019, 'Paucity of high-quality studies reporting on salt and health outcomes from the science of salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (April 2017 to March 2018)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, pp. 307 - 323,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santos JA; Mckenzie B; Trieu K; Farnbach S; Johnson C; Schultz J; Thow AM; Snowdon W; Bell C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2019, 'Contribution of fat, sugar and salt to diets in the Pacific Islands: a systematic review', Public Health Nutrition, 22, pp. 1858 - 1871,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santos JA; Rosewarne E; Hogendorf M; Trieu K; Pillay A; Ieremia M; Naseri LTT; Tukana I; Snowdon W; Petersen K; Webster J; Santos JA, 2019, 'Estimating mean population salt intake in Fiji and Samoa using spot urine samples', Nutrition Journal, 18, pp. 55,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santos JA; Sparks E; Thout SR; McKenzie B; Trieu K; Hoek A; Johnson C; McLean R; Arcand JA; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Santos JA, 2019, 'The Science of Salt: A global review on changes in sodium levels in foods', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, pp. 1043 - 1056,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santos JAR; Christoforou A; Trieu K; McKenzie BL; Downs S; Billot L; Webster J; Li M, 2019, 'Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sparks E; Paterson K; Santos JA; Trieu K; Hinge N; Tarivonda L; Snowdon W; Johnson C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2019, 'Salt-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors on Efate Island, Vanuatu', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, pp. 1027,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Thout SR; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Trieu K; Johnson C; McLean R; Arcand JA; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2019, 'The Science of Salt: Updating the evidence on global estimates of salt intake', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 21, pp. 710 - 721,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Crino M; Sacks G; Dunford E; Trieu K; Webster J; Vandevijvere S; Swinburn B; Wu JY; Neal B, 2018, 'Measuring the healthiness of the packaged food supply in Australia', Nutrients, 10, pp. 702,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kaur J; Kaur M; Webster J; Kumar R, 2018, 'Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial on information technology-enabled nutrition intervention among urban adults in Chandigarh (India): SMART eating trial', Global Health Action, 11, pp. 1419738,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Malta D; Petersen KS; Johnson C; Trieu K; Rae S; Jefferson K; Santos JA; Wong MMY; Raj TS; Webster J; Campbell NRC; Arcand JA, 2018, 'High sodium intake increases blood pressure and risk of kidney disease. From the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (August 2016 to March 2017)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20, pp. 1654 - 1665,
    Journal articles | 2018
    McKenzie B; Santos JA; Trieu K; Thout SR; Johnson C; Arcand JA; Webster J; McLean R, 2018, 'The science of salt: A focused review on salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and gender differences', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 20, pp. 850 - 866,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Nowson C; Lim K; Land MA; Webster J; Shaw JE; Chalmers J; Flood V; Woodward M; Grimes C, 2018, 'Salt intake and dietary sources of salt on weekdays and weekend days in Australian adults', Public Health Nutrition, 21, pp. 2174 - 2182,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sparks E; Farrand C; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Trieu K; Reimers J; Davidson C; Johnson C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2018, 'Sodium Levels of Processed Meat in Australia: Supermarket Survey Data from 2010 to 2017', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sparks E; Farrand C; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Trieu K; Reimers J; Davidson C; Johnson C; Webster J; Santos JA, 2018, 'Sodium levels of processed meat in australia: Supermarket survey data from 2010 to 2017', Nutrients, 10, pp. 1686,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Trieu K; Ieremia M; Santos J; Neal B; Woodward M; Moodie M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Faumuina T; Webster J, 2018, 'Effects of a nationwide strategy to reduce salt intake in Samoa', Journal of Hypertension, 36, pp. 188 - 198,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Trieu K; Jan S; Woodward M; Grimes C; Bolam B; Nowson C; Reimers J; Davidson C; Webster J, 2018, 'Protocol for the Process Evaluation of a Complex, Statewide Intervention to Reduce Salt Intake in Victoria, Australia.', Nutrients, 10, pp. E998 - E998,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Trieu K; Jan S; Woodward M; Grimes C; Bolam B; Nowson C; Reimers J; Davidson C; Webster J, 2018, 'Protocol for the process evaluation of a complex, statewide intervention to reduce salt intake in Victoria, Australia', Nutrients, 10, pp. 998,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Trieu K; Ospanova F; Sharmanov T; Santos JA; Jewell J; Breda J; Webster J, 2018, 'MEAN URINARY SALT EXCRETION IN TWO KAZAKHSTAN REGIONS - ONE OF THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD', JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 36, pp. E334 - E334,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Trieu K; Webster J; Jan S; Hope S; Naseri T; Ieremia M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Moodie M, 2018, 'Process evaluation of Samoa's national salt reduction strategy (MASIMA): What interventions can be successfully replicated in lower-income countries?', Implementation Science, 13, pp. 107,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Webster J; Pillay A; Suku A; Gohil P; Santos JA; Schultz J; Wate J; Trieu K; Hope S; Snowdon W; Moodie M; Jan S; Bell C; Santos JA, 2018, 'Process evaluation and costing of a multifaceted population-wide intervention to reduce salt consumption in Fiji', Nutrients, 10, pp. 155,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Arcand JA; Wong MMY; Santos JA; Leung AA; Trieu K; Thout SR; Webster J; Campbell NRC; Santos JA, 2017, 'More evidence that salt increases blood pressure and risk of kidney disease from the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (April–July 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 813 - 823,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Barberio AM; Sumar N; Trieu K; Lorenzetti DL; Tarasuk V; Webster J; Campbell NRC; McLaren L, 2017, 'Population-level interventions in government jurisdictions for dietary sodium reduction: A Cochrane Review', International Journal of Epidemiology, 46, pp. 1551 - 1563,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Daniels S; Cappuccio FP; Lisheng L; Kaczorowski J; Jula A; Atrey A; Touyz R; Ramirez A; Correa-Rotter R; Weber M; Webster J; Legetic B; Campbell N; Hankey G; Waqanivalu T; Anderson C; Appel L; Cogswell M; Loustalot F; Cook N; L'Abbe M; MacGregor G; McLean R; Rabi D; Khalsa T; Leung A; Woodward M; Arcand J; Johnson C; Niebylski M; Gelfer M; Ordunez P; Alpert B; Padwal R; Cloutier L; Stergiou G; O'Brien E; MacKay D; Myers M; Flynn J; Feber J; Rakotz M; Dionne J; Mangat B, 2017, 'Recommended standards for assessing blood pressure in human research where blood pressure or hypertension is a major focus', Journal of Human Hypertension, 31, pp. 487 - 490,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dunford EK; Poti JM; Xavier D; Webster JL; Taillie LS, 2017, 'Color-coded front-of-pack nutrition labels—an option for US packaged foods?', Nutrients, 9,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Farrand C; Charlton K; Crino M; Santos J; Rodriguez-Fernandez R; Ni Mhurchu C; Webster J, 2017, 'Know your noodles! assessing variations in sodium content of instant noodles across countries', Nutrients, 9, pp. 612,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Grimes CA; Kelley SJ; Stanley S; Bolam B; Webster J; Khokhar D; Nowson CA, 2017, 'Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to dietary salt among adults in the state of Victoria, Australia 2015', BMC Public Health, 17, pp. 532,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hope SF; Webster J; Trieu K; Pillay A; Ieremia M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Neal B; Moodie M, 2017, 'A systematic review of economic evaluations of population-based sodium reduction interventions', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0173600,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jaenke R; Barzi F; McMahon E; Webster J; Brimblecombe J, 2017, 'Consumer acceptance of reformulated food products: A systematic review and meta-analysis of salt-reduced foods', Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57, pp. 3357 - 3372,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Johnson C; Mohan S; Rogers K; Shivashankar R; Thout SR; Gupta P; He FJ; MacGregor GA; Webster J; Krishnan A; Maulik PK; Srinath Reddy K; Prabhakaran D; Neal B, 2017, 'Mean dietary salt intake in urban and rural areas in India: A population survey of 1395 persons', Journal of the American Heart Association, 6, pp. e004547,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Johnson C; Mohan S; Rogers K; Shivashankar R; Thout SR; Gupta P; He FJ; Macgregor GA; Webster J; Krishnan A; Maulik PK; Reddy KS; Prabhakaran D; Neal B, 2017, 'The association of knowledge and behaviours related to salt with 24-h urinary salt excretion in a population from north and south India', Nutrients, 9, pp. 144,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Johnson C; Santos JA; McKenzie B; Thout SR; Trieu K; McLean R; Petersen KS; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'The Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of the implementation of salt reduction interventions (September 2016–February 2017)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 928 - 938,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Johnson C; Thout SR; Mohan S; Dunford E; Farrand C; Wu JH; He FJ; Shivashankar R; Webster J; Krishnan A; Garg V; Maulik PK; Prabhakaran D; Neal B, 2017, 'Labelling completeness and sodium content of packaged foods in India', Public Health Nutrition, 20, pp. 2839 - 2846,
    Journal articles | 2017
    McMahon E; Barzi F; Gunther A; Webster J; Brimblecombe J, 2017, 'Reducing salt in bread does not affect sales in remote indigenous community stores', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 90 - 90,
    Journal articles | 2017
    McMahon E; Webster J; Brimblecombe J, 2017, 'Effect of 25% sodium reduction on sales of a top‐selling bread in remote indigenous australian community stores: A controlled intervention trial', Nutrients, 9, pp. 214,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Neal B; Crino M; Dunford E; Gao A; Greenland R; Li N; Ngai J; Mhurchu CN; Pettigrew S; Sacks G; Webster J; Wu JHY; Ni Mhurchu C, 2017, 'Effects of different types of front-of-pack labelling information on the healthiness of food purchases—a randomised controlled trial', Nutrients, 9, pp. 1284,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Peters SAE; Dunford E; Ware LJ; Harris T; Walker A; Wicks M; van Zyl T; Swanepoel B; Charlton KE; Woodward M; Webster J; Neal B, 2017, 'The sodium content of processed foods in South Africa during the introduction of mandatory sodium limits', Nutrients, 9, pp. 404,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Petersen KS; Johnson C; Mohan S; Rogers K; Shivashankar R; Thout SR; Gupta P; He FJ; Macgregor GA; Webster J; Santos JA; Krishnan A; Maulik PK; Reddy KS; Gupta R; Prabhakaran D; Neal B; Santos JA, 2017, 'Estimating population salt intake in India using spot urine samples', Journal of Hypertension, 35, pp. 2207 - 2213,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Petersen KS; Wu JHY; Webster J; Grimes C; Woodward M; Nowson CA; Neal B, 2017, 'Estimating mean change in population salt intake using spot urine samples', International Journal of Epidemiology, 46, pp. 1542 - 1550,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pillay A; Trieu K; Santos JA; Sukhu A; Schultz J; Wate J; Bell C; Moodie M; Snowdon W; Ma G; Rogers K; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'Assessment of a salt reduction intervention on adult population salt intake in Fiji', Nutrients, 9, pp. 1350,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Santos JA; Trieu K; Raj TS; Arcand JA; Johnson C; Webster J; McLean R, 2017, 'The Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of the implementation of salt reduction interventions (March–August 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 439 - 451,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Santos JA; Webster J; Land MA; Flood V; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Neal B; Petersen KS; Santos JA, 2017, 'Dietary salt intake in the Australian population', Public Health Nutrition, 20, pp. 1887 - 1894,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Trieu K; McMahon E; Santos JA; Bauman A; Jolly KA; Bolam B; Webster J; Santos JA, 2017, 'Review of behaviour change interventions to reduce population salt intake', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, pp. 17,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Trieu K; McMahon E; Santos JA; Webster J, 2017, 'Review of behaviour change interventions to reduce population salt intake', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 8, pp. 118 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Vedanthan R; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Herasme OI; Joshi R; Lopez-Jaramillo P; Thrift AG; Webster J; Webster R; Yeates K; Gyamfi J; Peiris D; Praveen P; Trieu K; Johnson C, 2017, 'Innovative approaches to hypertension control in low-and middle-income countries', Cardiology clinics, 35, pp. 99 - 115,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Webster J; Crickmore C; Charlton K; Steyn K; Wentzel-Viljoen E; Naidoo P, 2017, 'South Africa’s salt reduction strategy: Are we on track, and what lies ahead?', South African Medical Journal, 107, pp. 20 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Webster J; Waqanivalu T; Arcand JA; Trieu K; Cappuccio FP; Appel LJ; Woodward M; Campbell NRC; McLean R, 2017, 'Understanding the science that supports population-wide salt reduction programs', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 569 - 576,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Whalan S; Farnbach S; Volk L; Gwynn J; Lock M; Trieu K; Brimblecombe J; Webster J, 2017, 'What do we know about the diets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia? A systematic literature review', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, pp. 579 - 584,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Wong MMY; Arcand JA; Leung AA; Thout SR; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2017, 'The science of salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (December 2015–March 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 19, pp. 322 - 332,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Arcand J; Webster J; Johnson C; Raj TS; Neal B; Mclean R; Trieu K; Wong MMY; Leung AA; Campbell NRC, 2016, 'Announcing "Up to Date in the Science of Sodium"', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 85 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Arcand J; Wong MMY; Trieu K; Leung AA; Campbell NRC; Webster J; Johnson C; Raj TS; Mclean R; Neal B, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of Salt and Health Outcomes (June and July 2015)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 371 - 377,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Christoforou A; Trieu K; Land MA; Bolam B; Webster J, 2016, 'State-level and community-level salt reduction initiatives: A systematic review of global programmes and their impact', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 70, pp. 1140 - 1150,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Do HTP; Santos JA; Trieu K; Petersen K; Le MB; Lai DT; Bauman A; Webster J; Santos JA, 2016, 'Effectiveness of a Communication for Behavioral Impact (COMBI) Intervention to Reduce Salt Intake in a Vietnamese Province Based on Estimations From Spot Urine Samples', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 1135 - 1142,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Eyles H; Shields E; Webster J; Mhurchu CN, 2016, 'Achieving the WHO sodium target: Estimation of reductions required in the sodium content of packaged foods and other sources of dietary sodium', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104, pp. 470 - 479,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Huang L; Crino M; Wu JH; Woodward M; Land M-A; McLean R; Webster J; Enkhtungalag B; Nowson CA; Elliott P; Cogswell M; Toft U; Mill JG; Furlanetto TW; Ilich JZ; Hong YH; Cohall D; Luzardo L; Noboa O; Holm E; Gerbes AL; Senousy B; Pinar Kara S; Brewster LM; Ueshima H; Subramanian S; Teo BW; Allen N; Choudhury SR; Polonia J; Yasuda Y; Campbell NR; Neal B; Petersen KS, 2016, 'Reliable Quantification of the Potential for Equations Based on Spot Urine Samples to Estimate Population Salt Intake: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.', JMIR Res Protoc, 5, pp. e190,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Huang L; Crino M; Wu JHY; Woodward M; Barzi F; Land MA; McLean R; Webster J; Enkhtungalag B; Neal B, 2016, 'Mean population salt intake estimated from 24-h urine samples and spot urine samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Epidemiology, 45, pp. 239 - 250,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Johnson C; Raj TS; Trieu K; Arcand JA; Wong MMY; McLean R; Leung A; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Systematic Review of Quality Clinical Salt Outcome Studies June 2014 to May 2015', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 832 - 839,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Jones A; Magnusson R; Swinburn B; Webster J; Wood A; Sacks G; Neal B, 2016, 'Designing a Healthy Food Partnership: Lessons from the Australian Food and Health Dialogue', BMC Public Health, 16, pp. 651,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Land MA; Webster JL; Ma G; Li M; Su'a SAF; Ieremia M; Viali S; Faeamani G; Bell AC; Quested C; Neal BC; Eastman CJ, 2016, 'Salt intake and iodine status of women in Samoa', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 25, pp. 142 - 149,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Land MA; Wu JHY; Selwyn A; Crino M; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Webster J; Nowson C; Jeffery P; Smith W; Flood V; Neal B, 2016, 'Effects of a community-based salt reduction program in a regional Australian population', BMC Public Health, 16, pp. 388,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mclaren L; Sumar N; Barberio AM; Trieu K; Lorenzetti DL; Tarasuk V; Webster J; Campbell NRC, 2016, 'Population-level interventions in government jurisdictions for dietary sodium reduction', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Nowson CA; Lim K; Grimes CA; O'Halloran S; Land MA; Webster J; Shaw J; Chalmers J; Smith W; Flood V; Woodward M; Neal B, 2016, 'Dietary salt intake and discretionary salt use in an Australian population sample: 2011 and 2014', Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, 4, pp. 44 - 44,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Rodriguez-Fernandez R; Farrand C; Kusuma P; Webster J, 2016, 'PS017 Estimation of Salt Intake by 24-Hour Urinary Sodium Excretion: Findings from the Cardiovascular Outcomes in a Papuan Population and Estimation of Risk (Copper) Study', Global Heart, 11, pp. e19 - e19,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Trieu K; McLean R; Johnson C; Santos JA; Angell B; Arcand JA; Raj TS; Campbell NRC; Wong MMY; Leung AA; Neal B; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of the Implementation of Salt Reduction Interventions (June–October 2015)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 487 - 494,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Trieu K; McLean R; Johnson C; Santos JA; Raj TS; Campbell NRC; Webster J, 2016, 'The Science of Salt: A Regularly Updated Systematic Review of the Implementation of Salt Reduction Interventions (November 2015 to February 2016)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 1194 - 1204,
    Journal articles | 2016
    WTobe S; Attaran A; de Villiers A; Featherstone A; Forrest J; Kalyesubula R; Kamwesiga J; Kengne AP; Lopez PC; Mills E; Mukasa B; Muldoon K; Tayari JC; Yaya S; Kien Keat N; Casas JL; McCready T; McKee M; Ng E; Nieuwlaat R; Zainal AO; Yusoff K; Yusuf S; Campbell N; Kilonzo K; Liu P; Marr M; Yeates K; Feng X; He F; Jan S; Li X; Lin CP; Ma J; Ma Y; MacGregor G; Nowson C; Wang H; Wu Y; Yan L; Yuan J; Zhang J; Goudge J; Kabudula C; Limbani F; Masilela N; Myakayaka N; Thorogood M; Gómez-Olivé FX; Arabshahi S; Chow C; Evans R; Joshi R; Kalyanram K; Kartik K; Mahal A; Maulik P; Oldenburg B; Riddell M; Srikanth V; Suresh O; Thankappan K; Thirunavukkarasu S; Thomas N; Thrift AG; Varma R; Clifford G; Heritier S; MacMahon S; Patel A; Peiris D; Prabhakaran D; Praveen D; Rodgers A; Salam A; Thom S; Webster R; Johnson C; Krishnan A; Mohan S; Neal B; Reddy KS; Shivashankar R; Sudhir T; Faletoese S; Ieremia M; Moodie M; Pillay A; Schultz J; Siitia J; Snowdon W; Sukhu A; Ulberg C; Viali S; Webster J; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Cárdenas MK; Diez-Canseco F; Gilman RH; Mohammad M, 2016, 'The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Supports 15 Major Studies in Hypertension Prevention and Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 600 - 605,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Webster J; Bolam B, 2016, 'The State of Salt: How state-based initiatives can drive national action on salt reduction in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40, pp. 203,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Webster J; Crickmore C; Charlton K; Steyn K; Wentzel-Viljoen E; Naidoo P, 2016, 'South Africa's salt reduction strategy: Are we on track, and what lies ahead?', South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde, 107, pp. 20 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Webster J; Su'a SAF; Ieremia M; Bompoint S; Johnson C; Faeamani G; Vaiaso M; Snowdon W; Land MA; Trieu K; Viali S; Moodie M; Bell C; Neal B; Woodward M, 2016, 'Salt Intakes, Knowledge, and Behavior in Samoa: Monitoring Salt-Consumption Patterns Through the World Health Organization's Surveillance of Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors (STEPS)', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 18, pp. 884 - 891,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zhou B; Webster J; Fu LY; Wang HL; Wu XM; Wang WL; Shi JP, 2016, 'Intake of low sodium salt substitute for 3 years attenuates the increase in blood pressure in a rural population of North China - A randomized controlled trial', International Journal of Cardiology, 215, pp. 377 - 382,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Campbell NRC; Correa-Rotter R; Cappuccio FP; Webster J; Lackland DT; Neal B; Macgregor GA, 2015, 'Proposed nomenclature for salt intake and for reductions in dietary salt', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 17, pp. 247 - 251,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Christoforou A; Snowdon W; Laesango N; Vatucawaqa S; Lamar D; Alam L; Lippwe K; Havea IL; Tairea K; Hoejskov P; Waqanivalu T; Webster J, 2015, 'Progress on Salt Reduction in the Pacific Islands: From Strategies to Action', Heart Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. 503 - 509,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Downs SM; Christoforou A; Snowdon W; Dunford E; Hoejskov P; Legetic B; Campbell N; Webster J, 2015, 'Setting targets for salt levels in foods: A five-step approach for low- and middle-income countries', Food Policy, 55, pp. 101 - 108,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dunford EK; Guggilla RK; Ratneswaran A; Webster JL; Maulik PK; Neal BC, 2015, 'The adherence of packaged food products in Hyderabad, India with nutritional labelling guidelines', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24, pp. 540 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Enkhtungalag B; Batjargal J; Chimedsuren O; Tsogzolmaa B; Anderson CS; Webster J, 2015, 'Developing a national salt reduction strategy for Mongolia.', Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 5, pp. 229 - 237,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Johnson C; Raj TS; Trudeau L; Bacon SL; Padwal R; Webster J; Campbell NRC, 2015, 'The science of salt: A systematic review of clinical salt studies 2013 to 2014', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 17, pp. 401 - 411,
    Journal articles | 2015
    McMahon E; Webster J; O'Dea K; Brimblecombe J, 2015, 'Dietary sodium and iodine in remote Indigenous Australian communities: Will salt-reduction strategies increase risk of iodine deficiency? A cross-sectional analysis and simulation study Energy balance-related behaviours', BMC Public Health, 15, pp. 1318,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nowson C; Lim K; Grimes C; O’Halloran S; Land MA; Webster J; Shaw J; Chalmers J; Smith W; Flood V; Woodward M; Neal B, 2015, 'Dietary salt intake and discretionary salt use in two general population samples in Australia: 2011 and 2014', Nutrients, 7, pp. 10501 - 10512,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Peiris D; Thompson SR; Beratarrechea A; Cárdenas MK; Diez-Canseco F; Goudge J; Gyamfi J; Kamano JH; Irazola V; Johnson C; Kengne AP; Keat NK; Miranda JJ; Mohan S; Mukasa B; Ng E; Nieuwlaat R; Ogedegbe O; Ovbiagele B; Plange-Rhule J; Praveen D; Salam A; Thorogood M; Thrift AG; Vedanthan R; Waddy SP; Webster J; Webster R; Yeates K; Yusoff K; Featherstone A; McCready T; Jan S; Chow C; Neal B; Gómez-Olivé FX; Myakayaka N; Kabudula C; Limbani F; Masilela N; Thorogoo M; Rodgers A; Stephen Jan A; Joshi R; MacMahon S; Maulik P; Bernabe-Ortiz A; Ponce-Lucero V; Kimaiyo S; Kofler C; Gebregziabher M; Warth S; Attaran A; Yaya S; Mills E; Muldoon K; de Villiers A; Forrest J; Kalyesubula R; Kamwesiga J; Lopez PC; Tayari JC; Lopez P; Casas JL; McKee M; Zainal AO; Yusuf S; Campbell N; Kilonzo K; Liu P; Marr M; Tobe S; Feng X; Yuan J; He F; MacGregor G; Li X; Wu Y; Yan L; Lin CP; Zhang J; Ma J; Ma Y; Wang H; Nowson C; Moodie M; Kalyanram K; Kartik K; Sudhir T; Evans R; Arabshahi S; Mahal A; Heritier S; Oldenburg B; Riddell M; Srikanth V; Suresh O; Thankappan K; Mohammad M, 2015, 'Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: Findings from a global implementation research programme', Implementation Science, 10, pp. 158,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Trieu K; Neal B; Hawkes C; Dunford E; Campbell N; Rodriguez-Fernandez R; Legetic B; Mclaren L; Barberio A; Webster J, 2015, 'Salt reduction initiatives around the world-A systematic review of progress towards the global target', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0130247,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Webster J; Trieu K; Dunford E; Nowson C; Jolly K-A; Greenland R; Reimers J; Bolam B, 2015, 'Salt reduction in Australia: from advocacy to action.', Cardiovasc Diagn Ther, 5, pp. 207 - 218,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Campbell NRC; Appel LJ; Cappuccio FP; Correa-Rotter R; Hankey GJ; Lackland DT; Macgregor G; Neal B; Niebylski ML; Webster J; Willis KJ; Woodward M, 2014, 'A Call for Quality Research on Salt Intake and Health: From the World Hypertension League and Supporting Organizations', Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 16, pp. 469 - 471,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Charlton K; Webster J; Kowal P, 2014, 'To legislate or not to legislate? A comparison of the UK and South African approaches to the development and implementation of salt reduction programs', Nutrients, 6, pp. 3672 - 3695,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dunford E; Trevena H; Goodsell C; Ng KH; Webster J; Millis A; Goldstein S; Hugueniot O; Neal B, 2014, 'FoodSwitch: A mobile phone app to enable consumers to make healthier food choices and crowdsourcing of national food composition data', JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Elliott T; Trevena H; Sacks G; Dunford E; Martin J; Webster J; Swinburn B; Moodie AR; Neal BC, 2014, 'A systematic interim assessment of the Australian Government's food and health dialogue', Medical Journal of Australia, 200, pp. 92 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Johnson C; Mohan S; Praveen D; Woodward M; Maulik PK; Shivashankar R; Amarchand R; Webster J; Dunford E; Thout SR; MacGregor G; He F; Srinath Reddy K; Krishnan A; Prabhakaran D; Neal B, 2014, 'Protocol for developing the evidence base for a national salt reduction programme for India', BMJ Open, 4,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Land MA; Jeffery P; Webster J; Crino M; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Nowson C; Smith W; Flood V; Neal B, 2014, 'Protocol for the implementation and evaluation of a community-based intervention seeking to reduce dietary salt intake in Lithgow, Australia', BMC Public Health, 14, pp. 357,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Land MA; Webster J; Christoforou A; Johnson C; Trevena H; Hodgins F; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Barzi F; Smith W; Flood V; Jeffery P; Nowson C; Neal B, 2014, 'The association of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to salt with 24-hour urinary sodium excretion', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11, pp. 47,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Land MA; Webster J; Christoforou A; Praveen D; Jeffery P; Chalmers J; Smith W; Woodward M; Barzi F; Nowson C; Flood V; Neal B, 2014, 'Salt intake assessed by 24 h urinary sodium excretion in a random and opportunistic sample in Australia', BMJ Open, 4, pp. e003720,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Thomas B; Potter J; Sacks G; Webster J, 2014, 'PW256 Evaluation of national food reformulation initiatives: a proposed evaluation tool', Global Heart, 9, pp. e309 - e309,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Trevena H; Dunford E; Neal B; Webster J, 2014, 'The Australian Food and Health Dialogue - The implications of the sodium recommendation for pasta sauces', Public Health Nutrition, 17, pp. 1647 - 1653,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Webster J; Dunford E; Kennington S; Neal B; Chapman S, 2014, 'Drop the Salt! Assessing the impact of a public health advocacy strategy on Australian government policy on salt', Public health nutrition, 17, pp. 212 - 218,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Webster J; Land MA; Christoforou A; Eastman CJ; Zimmerman M; Campbell NRC; Neal BC, 2014, 'Reducing dietary salt intake and preventing iodine deficiency: Towards a common public health agenda', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 507 - 508,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Webster J; Snowdon W; Moodie M; Viali S; Schultz J; Bell C; Land MA; Downs S; Christoforou A; Dunford E; Barzi F; Woodward M; Neal B, 2014, 'Cost-effectiveness of reducing salt intake in the Pacific Islands: Protocol for a before and after intervention study', BMC Public Health, 14, pp. 107,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Webster J; Trieu K; Dunford E; Hawkes C, 2014, 'Target salt 2025: A global overview of national programs to encourage the food industry to reduce salt in foods', Nutrients, 6, pp. 3274 - 3287,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dunford E, 2013, 'Progress with a global branded food composition database', Food Chemistry, 140, pp. 451 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Eyles H; Webster J; Jebb S; Capelin C; Neal B; Ni Mhurchu C, 2013, 'Impact of the UK voluntary sodium reduction targets on the sodium content of processed foods from 2006 to 2011: Analysis of household consumer panel data', Preventive Medicine, 57, pp. 555 - 560,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Land MA; Christoforou A; Downs S; Webster J; Billot L; Li M; Peña-Rosas JP; Neal B, 2013, 'Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Neal B; Sacks G; Swinburn B; Vandevijvere S; Dunford E; Snowdon W; Webster J; Barquera S; Friel S; Hawkes C; Kelly B; Kumanyika S; L'Abbé M; Lee A; Lobstein T; Ma J; Macmullan J; Mohan S; Monteiro C; Rayner M; Sanders D; Walker C, 2013, 'Monitoring the levels of important nutrients in the food supply', Obesity Reviews, 14, pp. 49 - 58,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Powles J; Fahimi S; Micha R; Khatibzadeh S; Shi P; Ezzati M; Engell RE; Lim SS; Danaei G; Mozaffarian D, 2013, 'Global, regional and national sodium intakes in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis of 24 h urinary sodium excretion and dietary surveys worldwide', BMJ OPEN, 3,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dunford E; Webster J; Metzler AB; Czernichow S; Mhurchu CN; Wolmarans P; Snowdon W; L'Abbe M; Li N; Maulik PK; Barquera S; Schoj V; Allemandi L; Samman N; De Menezes EW; Hassell T; Ortiz J; De Ariza JS; Rahman AR; De Núñez L; Garcia MR; Van Rossum C; Westenbrink S; Thiam LM; MacGregor G; Neal B, 2012, 'International collaborative project to compare and monitor the nutritional composition of processed foods', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 19, pp. 1326 - 1332,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dunford E; Webster J; Woodward M; Czernichow S; Yuan WL; Jenner K; Ni Mhurchu C; Jacobson M; Campbell N; Neal B, 2012, 'The variability of reported salt levels in fast foods across six countries: Opportunities for salt reduction', CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 184, pp. 1023 - 1028,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Enkhjargal T; Enkhtungalag B; Sodnomtseren B; Tuya E; Batjargal J; Narantuya D; Tsogzolmaa B; Land M-A; Webster J, 2012, '665 24 HOUR URINARY EXCRETION OF SALT IN MONGOLIANS', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e193 - e193,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Enkhtungalag B; Enkhjargal T; Batjargal J; Bayandorj T; Narantuya D; Land M-A; Govind S; Webster J, 2012, '1043 SALT INTAKE AND SOURCES OF SALT IN THE DIET IN ULAANBAATAR CITY, MONGOLIA', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e304 - e304,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Hawkes C; Webster J, 2012, 'National Approaches to Monitoring Population Salt Intake: A Trade-Off between Accuracy and Practicality?', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e46727,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Jeffery P; Nowson C; Riddell L; Land M-A; Shaw J; Webster J; Chalmers J; Smith W; Flood V; Neal B, 2012, '1118 QUANTIFYING SALT AND POTASSIUM INTAKE IN VICTORIAN ADULTS', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e327 - e327,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Land M-A; Webster J; Chalmers J; Smith W; Jeffery P; Barzi F; Nowson C; Flood V; Neal B, 2012, '1119 CORRELATION OF SALT INTAKE WITH KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOURS IN AUSTRALIAN ADULTS', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e327 - e327,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Neal B; Webster J; Czernichow S, 2012, 'Sanguine about salt reduction', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 19, pp. 1324 - 1325,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Webster J; Snowdon W; Laesango N; Vatucawaqa S; Lamar D; Alam L; Lippwe K; Havea IL; Waqanivalu T, 2012, '1058 PROGRESS ON SALT REDUCTION IN PACIFIC ISLANDS', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e307 - e308,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dunford EK; Eyles H; Mhurchu CN; Webster JL; Neal BC, 2011, 'Changes in the sodium content of bread in Australia and New Zealand between 2007 and 2010: Implications for policy', Medical Journal of Australia, 195, pp. 346 - 349,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Land M-A; Webster J; Flood V; Neal B, 2011, 'S-002 HIGH SALT CONSUMPTION LEVELS IN LITHGOW, AUSTRALIA', Journal of Hypertension, 29, pp. e50 - e50,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ni Mhurchu C; Capelin C; Dunford EK; Webster JL; Neal BC; Jebb SA, 2011, 'Sodium content of processed foods in the United Kingdom: Analysis of 44,000 foods purchased by 21,000 households1-3', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 93, pp. 594 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Webster JL; Dunford EK; Hawkes C; Neal BC, 2011, 'Salt reduction initiatives around the world', Journal of Hypertension, 29, pp. 1043 - 1050,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dunford E; Webster J; Barzi F; Neal B, 2010, 'Nutrient content of products served by leading Australian fast food chains', Appetite, 55, pp. 484 - 489,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Webster J; Dunford E; Barzi F; Neal B, 2010, 'Just add a pinch of salt! - Current directions for the use of salt in recipes in Australian magazines', European Journal of Public Health, 20, pp. 96 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Webster JL; Dunford EK; Neal BC, 2010, 'A systematic survey of the sodium contents of processed foods (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 91, (413-20))', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92, pp. 1003,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Webster JL; Dunford EK; Neal BC, 2010, 'A systematic survey of the sodium contents of processed foods', American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91, pp. 413 - 420,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Webster JL; Li N; Dunford EK; Nowson CA; Neal BC, 2010, 'Consumer awareness and self-reported behaviours related to salt consumption in Australia', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 19, pp. 550 - 554
    Journal articles | 2009
    LI N; YAN L; WEBSTER J; DUNFORD E; NEAL B; WU Y, 2009, 'Action on salt and health: An evidence-based advocacy approach to make salt reduction a national priority in China', International Journal of Cardiology, 137, pp. S127 - S128,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Webster J; Dunford E; Huxley R; Li N; Nowson CA; Neal B, 2009, 'The development of a national salt reduction strategy for Australia', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 18, pp. 303 - 309
    Journal articles | 2002
    Webster J, 2002, 'The UK Food Standards Agency: Putting the consumer first', International Journal of Consumer Studies, 26, pp. 210 - 216,
  • Conference Abstracts | 2024
    Ghammachi N; Kissock K; Hoek A; Bullen J; Webster J; Neal B; Trieu K, 2024, 'WHAT ARE CONSUMERS' KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND BEHAVIORS RELATED TO REDUCED-SODIUM SALT? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW', in JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, CO, Cartagena de Indias, Vol. 42, presented at 30th Congress of the International-Society-of-Hypertension (ISH), CO, Cartagena de Indias, 19 September 2024 - 22 September 2024,
    Conference Abstracts | 2024
    Mckenzie B; Lo Y-R; Mustapha F; Battumur B-E; Batsaikhan E; Sukhbaatar B; Untoro J; Chandran A; Michael V; Webster J; Trieu K, 2024, 'Strengthening national salt reduction strategies using mixed methods process evaluations - case studies from Malaysia and Mongolia', in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, Vol. 83,
    Preprints | 2024
    Waqa G; Bell C; Santos JA; Rogers K; Silatolu AM; Reeve E; Palu A; Deo A; Webster J; McKenzie B, 2024, Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours toward salt and sugar consumption in the Central Division of Fiji,
    Preprints | 2023
    Desson Z; Sharman J; Searles A; Schutte A; Delles C; Olsen M; Ordunez P; Hure A; Morton R; Figtree E; Webster J; Jennings G; Redfern J; Nicolls S; McNamara M; Deeming S; Doyle K; Ramanathan S, 2023, Improving the accuracy of blood pressure measuring devices in Australia: a modelled return on investment study,
    Reports | 2023
    Earle N; Spencer W; McCausland R; Futeran P; Webster J; Leslie G, 2023, Walgett's Drinking Water: Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper,,
    Preprints | 2023
    Silatolu AM; Santos JA; Palu A; Nand D; Deo A; Kama A; Lolohea S; Vakaloloma U; Seru L; Naivunivuni P; Kumar S; Tawakilai H; Vimatemate E; Sanif M; Misavu A; Prasad AU; Patay D; Woodward M; Rogers K; Reeve E; Bell C; Webster J; Waqa G; McKenzie BL, 2023, Salt and Sugar Intakes of Adults in the Central Division of Fiji – Findings from a Nutrition Survey of over 500 People,
    Reports | 2023
    Tonkin T; Deane A; Trindall A; Weatherall L; Madden T; Moore B; Earle N; Nathan M; Young S; McCausland R; Leslie G; Bennett-Brook K; Corby C; Webster J; Rosewarne E, 2023, Yuwaya Ngarra-li Community Briefing Report: Key Findings from the Food and Water Security Surveys in Walgett,
    Preprints | 2022
    Patay D; Trieu K; McKenzie B; Ramanathan S; Hure A; Colin B; Thow A-M; Allender S; Reeve E; Palu A; Woodward M; Waqa G; Webster J, 2022, Research protocol for impact assessment of a project to scale up food policies in the Pacific,
    Preprints | 2022
    Reeve E; Lamichhane P; McKenzie B; Waqa G; Webster J; Snowdon W; Bell C, 2022, The tide of dietary risks for noncommunicable diseases in Pacific Islands: an analysis of population NCD surveys,
    Reports | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Hunnisett C; Bennett-Brook K; Coombes J; Corby C; Feeny E; Leslie G; McCausland R; McKenzie B; Webster J; Spencer W, 2021, A community in action: How Walgett is redefining food systems,,
    Reports | 2021
    Rosewarne E; Hunnisett C; Bennett-Brook K; Coombes J; Corby C; Leslie G; McCausland R; McKenzie B; Spencer W; Feeny E; Webster J, 2021, Whose paradigm counts? An Australia-Pacific perspective on unheard voices in food and water systems,,
    Preprints | 2021
    Taylor C; Hoek A; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb L; Jan S; Webster J, 2021, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,
    Preprints | 2020
    Rosewarne E; Chislett W-K; McKenzie B; Reimers J; Jolly K-A; Corben K; Trieu K; Webster J, 2020, Stakeholder Perspectives on the Effectiveness of the Victorian Salt Reduction Partnership: A Qualitative Study,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Shahid M; Waqa G; Pillay A; Kama A; Tukana I; McKenzie B; Webster J; Johnson C, 2020, 'Packaged food supply in FIji: Nutrients levels, compliance with salt targets and adherence to labelling regulations', in Proceedings of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Nutrients - Nutritional and Microbiota Effects on Chronic Disease, MDPI, pp. 6987 - 6987, presented at The 1st International Electronic Conference on Nutrients - Nutritional and Microbiota Effects on Chronic Disease, 02 November 2020 - 15 November 2020,
    Preprints | 2020
    Taylor C; Hoek A; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb L; Jan S; Webster J, 2020, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,
    Preprints | 2020
    Taylor C; Hoek AC; Deltetto I; Peacock A; Ha DTP; Sieburg M; Hoang D; Trieu K; Cobb LK; Jan S; Webster J, 2020, The cost-effectiveness of government actions to reduce sodium intake through salt substitutes in Vietnam,
    Reports | 2018
    Trieu K; Webster J; Jewell J, 2018, Using dietary intake modelling to achieve population salt reduction - A guide to developing a country-specific salt reduction model, The World Health Organization,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Trieu K; Ieremia M; Santos J; Neal B; Woodward M; Moodie M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Faumuina T; Webster J, 2017, 'EFFECTS OF MASIMA: A NATIONWIDE STRATEGY TO REDUCE SALT INTAKE IN SAMOA', in ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, KARGER, pp. 729 - 729,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Trieu K; Eyles H; Webster J, 2016, 'Salt reduction in Australia and New Zealand: How do we compare with the rest of the world?', in Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, Elsevier BV, pp. 26 - 27,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013

My Research Supervision

Joseph Alvin Santos:

Dejen Tekle:

Emalie Rosewarne:

Briar Mackenzie: