Professor Jan Breckenridge

Professor Jan Breckenridge

Head of School

Bachelor of Social Studies (Hons) Sydney University , PhD UNSW

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Social Sciences

Jan Breckenridge is a Professor and Head of the School of Social Sciences and the Co-Convener of the UNSW Gendered Violence Research Network, UNSW.  She is also a Research Fellow of the UNSW Australian Human Rights Institute (AHRI). Jan has undertaken extensive work and research in the areas of gendered violence. Select research areas include domestic, family and sexual violence and workplace responses; economic and financial abuse; homelessness and the potential of safe at home programs for women and children affected by domestic and family violence. Jan’s research is oriented towards maximum impact in innovative social policy development, service provision and outcome measurement of effectiveness. Jan leads an evidence informed knowledge-exchange stream ‘Gendered Violence and Organisations’, which provides expert advice to government, private and third sector organisations on best practice policies and organisational response to employees and the management of customers affected by domestic and family violence, sexual assault and sexual harassment.

+61 2 9065 7041 (School Office)
Level 1 Room 118 Morven Brown
  • Books | 2020
    Breckenridge J, 2020, Foreword
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Breckenridge JM, 2004, Point of Contact - Evaluation Report, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Breckenridge JM, 2004, Point of Contact - Frontline Response Framework PADV Stage One, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - Values Exercises Book 10, Original, Federal Government, Adelaide, S.A.
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - Family and Domestic Violence: An Overview. Book 4, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - Frontline Response Framework. Book 3, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - How to Use the Point of Contact - Training Resource - Book 1, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide, S.A.
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - Resource List Book 11, 1, Federal Government, Adelaide
    Books | 2004
    Ralfs C; Cunningham J; Jennings K; Breckenridge JM; Carden P, 2004, Point of Contact - Training Programs - Book 2, Original, Federal Government, Adelaid,e, S.A.
  • Book Chapters | 2020
    Wong T; Breckenridge J; Salter M; Lamb R; James M; Tzioumi D, 2020, 'Sibling sexual abuse: Responding to everyone involved. New South Wales case study: Clinicians’ experiences of providing services to families affected by sibling sexual abuse: An exploration of service engagement and best practice strategies.', in Improved Accountability The Role of Perpetrator Intervention Systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS), Sydney, pp. 171 - 187
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Breckenridge J; James K; Jops P, 2015, '"Rights, relationship and reciprocity": Ethical research practice with refugee women from Burma in New Delhi, India', in Social Science Research Ethics for a Globalizing World: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives, pp. 167 - 186
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Braaf R; Barrett-Meyering I, 2014, 'Responding to Domestic Violence in the Wake of Disasters: Exploring the Effects on Services and Workers', in Roeder L (ed.), Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation In Humanitarian Emergencies – Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century, Springer, USA, pp. 125 - 139
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Shaw E, 2014, 'The “Mother” in Attachment Theory and Attachment Informed Psychotherapy: How Being Pregnant and Becoming a Mother Impacts the Therapy Relationship', in Bueskens P (ed.), Mothering and Psychotherapy: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives., Demeter Press, Toronto, pp. 113 - 135,,+Sociological+and+Feminist+Perspectives
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Shaw E, 2014, 'The “Mother” in Attachment Theory and Attachment Informed Psychotherapy: How Being Pregnant and Becoming a Mother Impacts the Therapy Relationship', in Bueskins P (ed.), Mothering and Psychotherapy: Clinical, Sociological and Feminist Perspectives, Demeter Press, Ontario Canada, pp. 113 - 135
    Book Chapters | 2014
    James KM; Breckenridge J; Barrett Meyering I; Braaf R, 2014, 'Responding to Domestic Violence in the Wake of Disasters: Exploring the Effects on Services and Workers', in Roeder LW (ed.), Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies, Springer, New York, pp. 125 - 138,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    James KM; Breckenridge J; Braaf R; Barrett Meyering I, 2014, 'Responding to Domestic Violence in the Wake of Disasters: Exploring the Workers Perceptions of the Effects of Cyclone Yasi on Women', in Roeder LW (ed.), Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies: Risks and Risk Reduction, Springer, New York, pp. 113 - 124,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    James KM; Breckenridge J; Sety M, 2014, 'Understanding the risk of domestic violence during and post natural disasters: Literature Review', in Roeder LW (ed.), Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies, Springer, New York, pp. 99 - 112,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    James KM; Breckenridge JM, 2013, 'Child sexual assault - the contribution of social work to the legal process', in Swain P; Rice S (ed.), In the Shadow of the Law, Federation Press, Melbourne, pp. 74 - 89
    Book Chapters | 2013
    James KM; Breckenridge JM, 2013, 'Contributing to the prevention of domestic violence-related homicide A multi-systemic practice response framework', in Nakray K (ed.), Gender Based Violence and Public Health: International perspectives on budgets and policies, Routledge, USA, pp. 197 - 212,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Breckenridge JM; Salter M, 2012, 'Gender, Use and Abuse - Sexually abused women in alcohol and drug treatment', in Nakray K (ed.), Gender Based Violence and Public Health: International perspectives on budgets and policies, edn. 1st, Routledge, USA, pp. 108 - 122,
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Breckenridge JM; Ralfs C, 2005, '`Point of Contact` Front-line workers Responding to hildren Living with Domestic Violence', in Humphreys C; Stanley N (ed.), Domestic Violence and Child Protection, edn. First, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, UK, pp. 110 - 123
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Breckenridge JM, 2002, 'The Socio-Legal Relationship in Child Sexual Assault', in Swain Phillip A (ed.), The Socio-Legal Relationship in Child Sexual Assault, edn. Original, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 74 - 89
    Book Chapters | 1999
    Breckenridge JM, 1999, 'Subjugation and silences: the role of the professions in silencing victims of sexual and domestic violence', in Innovative responses to sexual and domestic violence: challenging silence, edn. Original, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 6 - 32
    Book Chapters | 1995
    Breckenridge JM, 1995, 'The socio-legal relationship in child sexual assault', in In the shadow of the law- the legal context of social work in practice, edn. Original, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 29 - 45
    Book Chapters | 1994
    Breckenridge J, 1994, 'Intervention in Child Welfare - An Inflicted Evil or a Solicited Response?', in Welfare and Social Policy in Australia, Harcourt-Brace, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 1992
    Breckenridge J; Bereen R, 1992, 'Dealing with mother-blame: Workers' responses to incest and child sexual abuse', in Crimes of Violence -Australian responses to rape and child sexual assault, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney, pp. 86 - 97
    Book Chapters | 1992
    Breckenridge J; Greer P, 1992, ''They throw the rule book away'- Sexual assault in Aboriginal communities', in Crimes of Violence - Australian responses to rape and child sexual assault, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney, pp. 189 - 196
    Book Chapters | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, 'An exotic phenomena? Incest and child rape', in Crimes of Violence- Australian responses to rape and child sexual assault, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney, pp. 18 - 38
  • Edited Books | 1999
    Breckenridge J; Laing L, (ed.), 1999, Challenging Silence - Innovative responses to sexual and domestic violence, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney
    Edited Books | 1992
    Breckenridge J; Carmody M, (ed.), 1992, Crimes of Violence - Australian responses to rape and child sexual assault, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Kayis-Kumar A; Lim Y; Noone J; Walpole M; Breckenridge J; Book L, 2023, 'Identifying and supporting financially vulnerable women experiencing economic abuse: a grounded theory approach', eJournal of Tax Research,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bennett Moses L; Breckenridge J; Gibson J; Lyons G, 2022, 'Technology-Facilitated Domestic and Family Violence: Protecting the Privacy and Safety of Victim-Survivors', Law, Technology and Humans, 3, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Valentine K, 2021, 'Organisational policies and responses to employee disclosures of domestic and family violence and sexual assault: What constitutes best practice?', Evidence Base, 2021, pp. 1 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cortis N; Smyth C; valentine K; Breckenridge J; Cullen P, 2021, 'Adapting Service Delivery during COVID-19: Experiences of Domestic Violence Practitioners', The British Journal of Social Work, 51, pp. 1779 - 1798,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Gendera S; Valentine K; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'The significance of technology as both a resource in enhancing safety, and a means of perpetrating violence: the implications for policy and practice', Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 5, pp. 413 - 429,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Poon AWC; Lappin JM; Cassidy A; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Scoping Review of Family Interventions That Support the Physical Health of Caregivers', Research on Social Work Practice, 31, pp. 234 - 243,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smyth C; Cullen P; Breckenridge J; Cortis N; valentine K, 2021, 'COVID-19 lockdowns, intimate partner violence and coercive control', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 359 - 373,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McGrory J; Breckenridge J; Mowll J, 2020, 'Women who use alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy: exploring the complexity of client engagement and their compliance with human service expectations', Journal of Social Work Practice, 34, pp. 81 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Postmus JL; Hoge GL; Breckenridge J; Sharp-Jeffs N; Chung D, 2020, 'Economic Abuse as an Invisible Form of Domestic Violence: A Multicountry Review', Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 21, pp. 261 - 283,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Breckenridge J; Yang T; Poon AWC, 2019, 'Is gender important? Victimisation and perpetration of intimate partner violence in mainland China', Health and Social Care in the Community, 27, pp. 31 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jops P; Lenette C; Breckenridge J, 2019, 'Lessons of Survival: Exploring the Social Networks and Coping Mechanisms of Chin Refugee Women in Delhi', Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 17, pp. 509 - 528,
    Journal articles | 2019
    MacGinley M; Breckenridge J; Mowll J, 2019, 'A scoping review of adult survivors’ experiences of shame following sexual abuse in childhood', Health and Social Care in the Community, 27, pp. 1135 - 1146,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yang T; Poon AWC; Breckenridge J, 2019, 'Estimating the Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in Mainland China – Insights and Challenges', Journal of Family Violence, 34, pp. 93 - 105,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cale JL; Tzoumakis S; Leclerc B; Breckenridge J, 2016, 'Patterns of Intimate Partner Violence victimization among Australia and New Zealand female university students: An initial examination of child maltreatment and self-reported depressive symptoms across profiles', Australia and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 50, pp. 582 - 601,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hameed S; Breckenridge J; Bennett P; Mafileo T; Simeon L; Steven H, 2016, 'Local Context Matters: Developing Good Practice in Workplace Responses to Family and Sexual Violence in Papua New Guinea', SAGE Open, 6, pp. 2158244016657142,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Jops P; Breckenridge J; Lenette CD, 2016, 'A context of risk: Uncovering the lived experiences of Chin refugee women who are negotiating a livelihood in Delhi, India.', Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 32, pp. 84 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2016
    valentine K; Breckenridge J, 2016, 'Responses to family and domestic violence: supporting women?', Griffith Law Review, 25, pp. 30 - 44,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Hamer J, 2014, 'Traversing the maze of ‘evidence’ and ‘good practice’ in domestic and family violence provision in Australia', Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Issues Paper, pp. 1 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Journal articles | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Shaw E, 2014, 'The “Mother” in Attachment Theory and Attachment Informed Psychotherapy: How Being Pregnant and Becoming a Mother Impacts the Therapy Relationship', Psychotherapy in Australia, 20, pp. 28 - 37
    Journal articles | 2012
    Breckenridge JM; James KM, 2012, 'Therapeutic Responses to Communities Affected by Disasters: The Contribution of Family Therapy', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 33, pp. 242 - 256,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Breckenridge JM; Salter M; Shaw E, 2012, 'Use and Abuse:understanding the intersections of childhood ause, alcohol and drug use and mental health', Mental Health and Substance Use, 5, pp. 314 - 327,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Breckenridge JM; James KM, 2009, 'Educating Social Work Students in Multifaceted Interventions for Trauma', Social Work Education, 29, pp. 259 - 275
    Journal articles | 2007
    Breckenridge JM, 2007, 'Leaving Violent Relationships and Avoiding Homelessness - providing a choice for women and their children', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18 (5-6), pp. 90 - 93
    Journal articles | 2006
    Baldry E; Bratel J; Breckenridge JM, 2006, 'Domestic Violence and Children with Disabilities: Working Towards Enhancing Social Work Practice', Australian Social Work, 59, pp. 185 - 197
    Journal articles | 2006
    Breckenridge JM, 2006, '`Speaking of Mothers...`How Does the Literature Portray Mothers Who have a history of Child Sexual Abuse?', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 15, pp. 57 - 74
    Journal articles | 2005
    Breckenridge JM; Cunningham J; Jennings K, 2005, 'Respond sa `evaluation report`', Respond sa adult childhood sexual abuse service evaluation report
    Journal articles | 1997
    Breckenridge JM; Baldry E, 1997, 'Workers dealing with Mother Blame in Child Sexual Assault Cases', Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, pp. 65 - 80
  • Reports | 2024
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2024, Intersections between domestic and family violence, motor vehicles and insurance
    Conference Presentations | 2024
    Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J; Book L, 2024, 'Identifying and supporting financially vulnerable women experiencing economic abuse: A grounded theory approach', presented at 35th Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference, Melbourne, 18 January 2024 - 19 January 2024
    Reports | 2023
    Breckenridge J; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2023, Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment experienced by LGBTIQ+ people in the NSW public sector, GVRN - UNSW
    Reports | 2023
    Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M; Opdam J; Monastiriotis M; Nair G, 2023, Legal responses to economic and financial abuse in the context of intimate partner violence, GVRN - UNSW, Sydney,,
    Conference Presentations | 2023
    Kayis-Kumar A; Lim Y; Noone J; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2023, 'Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse as part of domestic and family violence: An exploratory study', presented at 15th International Conference Tax Administration, Sydney, 04 April 2023 - 05 April 2023,
    Reports | 2023
    Salter M; Woodlock D; Whitten T; Tyler M; Naldrett G; Breckenridge J; Nolan J; Peleg N, 2023, Identifying and understanding child sexual offending behaviours and attitudes among Australian men, UNSW, Sydney,
    Reports | 2022
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2022, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse and Older People in the Context of Domestic and Family Violence,,
    Reports | 2022
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2022, Rapid Evidence Review: Interventions for adult survivors of child sexual abuse experiencing complex trauma
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Suchting M; Burton M; Dubler N, 2021, Safe at Home Operational Framework, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Australian Capital Territory, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Tasmania, Gendered Violence Network UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse and Disability in the Context of Domestic and Family Violence,,
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse in First Nations Communities,,
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2021, Rapid Evidence Review: Professional Standards and Sexual Harassment,
    Reports | 2021
    Breckenridge J; Singh S; Lyons G; Suchting M, 2021, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse Across Cultural Contexts,,
    Reports | 2021
    Cripps K; Breckenridge J; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Western Australia, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney
    Reports | 2021
    Cripps K; Breckenridge J; Whitten T; Dubler N; Burton M; Suchting M, 2021, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report - Northern Territory, Gendered Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Durham University, presented at 112th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham University, 31 August 2021
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Monash Law School, presented at The Critical Tax Symposium, Monash Law School, 15 July 2021
    Reports | 2021
    Salter M; Wong T; Breckenridge J; Scott S; Cooper S; Peleg N, 2021, Production and distribution of child sexual abuse materials by parental figures, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, ACT, 616
    Reports | 2020
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – New South Wales, Gender Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2020
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – South Australia, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney
    Reports | 2020
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Victoria, Gendered Violence Research Network, Sydney
    Reports | 2020
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K; valentine K; Whitten T; Burton M; Dubler N; Suchting M, 2020, National Audit of Keeping Women Safe in their Homes/Safe at Home Programs: Jurisdictional Report – Queensland, Gendered Violence Research Network UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2020
    Breckenridge J; Lyons G; Singh S; Suchting M, 2020, Understanding Economic and Financial Abuse in Intimate Partner Relationships,,
    Reports | 2020
    Chung D; Upton-Davis K; Cordier R; Campbell E; Wong T; Salter M; Austen S; O’Leary P; Breckenridge J; Vlais R; Green D; Pracilio A; Young A; Gore A; Watts L; Wilkes-Gillan S; Speyer R; Mahoney N; Anderson S; Bissett T, 2020, Improved accountability: The role of perpetrator intervention systems, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS), Sydney,
    Other | 2020
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Datasets - National Survey of the Family and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Workforces Dataverse,
    Reports | 2020
    Smyth C; Cortis N; Cama E; Giuntoli G; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, Evaluation of 1800RESPECT – Final Report, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,
    Reports | 2020
    Wong T; Giuntoli G; valentine K; Breckenridge J; Mao L, 2020, Evaluation of four community-based men’s behaviour change program pilots, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2020
    Wong WKT; Breckenridge J; valentine K, 2020, The Emergency Accommodation for Men (TEAM) Program Evaluation, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Breckenridge J; Cripps K, 2019, 'Revisiting Safe at Home Responses to Domestic and Family Violence - what factors contribute to better safety and housing outcomes for women?', presented at National Housing Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory, 27 August 2019 - 30 August 2019
    Reports | 2019
    Breckenridge J; Suchting M; Singh S; Lyons G; Dubler N, 2019, Intersections between mental health and sexual assault and abuse: an Evidence Check Rapid Review,
    Reports | 2019
    Breckenridge J; Yeophantong P; Suchting M, 2019, Enhancing Women’s Voice to STOP Sexual Harassment: Mid-Term Review Report, CARE Australia
    Reports | 2019
    Breckenridge J; Zmudzki F; Newton BJ; Delaney M; valentine K, 2019, Evaluation of the Integrated Domestic and Family Violence Service Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Breckenridge J; valentine K; Cripps K, 2019, 'Revisiting Safe at Home Responses to Domestic and Family Violence - what factors contribute to better safety and housing outcomes for women?', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Kensington, NSW., 09 September 2019 - 11 September 2019
    Reports | 2019
    Gendera S; Jops P; Broady T; valentine K; Breckenridge J, 2019, Evaluation of the technology trial (Keeping Women Safe in Their Homes), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Reports | 2019
    Yeophantong P; Breckenridge J; Suchting M, 2019, Enhancing Women’s Voice to STOP Sexual Harassment: Methodology Briefing Paper, CARE Australia
    Reports | 2018
    Cortis N; Blaxland M; Breckenridge J; valentine K; Mahoney N; Chung D; Cordier R; Chen Y; Green D, 2018, National Survey of Workers in the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Sectors, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Durbach A; Breckenridge J; Singh S, 2018, Breckenridge, J., Durbach, A. & Singh, S. (2018). PLuS Alliance Project – Responding to and preventing sexual assault and harassment: The UNSW case study. Sydney: UNSW Sydney.
    Theses / Dissertations | 2017
    Jops PT, 2017, Negotiating Survival: Uncovering the Lived Experiences of Chin Refugee Women in Delhi, India who Engage in Risky Livelihoods
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge J; Rees S; valentine K; Seisdedos Murray S; Murray S, 2016, Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women: final report, ANROWS, Sydney, ANROWS Horizons, 04/2016
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge JM; Chung D; Spinney A; Zuffrey C, 2016, National mapping and meta-evaluation outlining key features of effective "safe at home" programs that enhance safety and prevent homelessness for women and their children who have experienced domestic and family violence: Final Report, Autralian National research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), Australia, Two
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge JM; Chung D; Spinney A; Zuffrey C, 2016, National mapping and meta-evaluation outlining key features of effective “safe at home” programs that enhance safety and prevent homelessness for women and their children who have experienced domestic and family violence : Key findings and future directions, Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), Australia, Three
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge JM; Flax G, 2016, Service and support needs of specific population groups that have experienced child sexual abuse: Report for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Commonwealth of Australia, Sydney
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge JM; Rees S; vakentine K; Murray S, 2016, Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women: Key findings and future directions, Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), Australia
    Reports | 2016
    Breckenridge JM; Rees S; valentine K; Murray S, 2016, Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration,coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women: State of KNowledge paper, Australian National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), Australia,
    Reports | 2015
    Breckenridge J; Cale JL; Hameed S; McCaskie L; Tzoumakis S, 2015, Implementation of domestic violence clauses: An employer's perspective, Gendered Violence Research Network
    Reports | 2015
    Breckenridge JM; Chung D; Spinney A; Zuffrey C, 2015, National mapping and meta-evaluation outlining key features of effective "safe at home" programs that enhance safety and prevent homelessness for women and their children who have experienced domestic and family violence: State of Knowledge, Australian National Research organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS), Australia, One
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    valentine K; Breckenridge J; Rees S, 2015, 'Integrated responses to family and domestic violence and sexual assault: Ideas and evidence', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, Sydney, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2015
    Reports | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Bennett P, 2014, Training ‘Warrior Women’ - Evaluation of a Pilot Self-Defence Course for ‘Staying Home Leaving Violence’ Clients, Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN), UNSW, Sydney, One
    Reports | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Browning L; Wearing M, 2014, Breaking the Silence: School-based Primary Prevention of Men’s Violence against Women, Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN), UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Walden I; Flax G, 2014, Staying Home Leaving Violence Evaluation Final Report, Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN), UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2014
    Breckenridge JM; Zmudzki F, 2014, Addendum report: Commentary on SHLV Program Cost, Gendered Violence Research Network (GVRN), UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2013
    Breckenridge JM; Browning L; Wearing M, 2013, School-based primary prevention of men’s violence against women: a good practice literature review, Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies, UNSW, Sydney
    Reports | 2013
    Breckenridge JM; Hamer J, 2013, The state of research on domestic and family violence and sexual assault in Australia since 2000 – Part B., Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies, UNSW, Sydney, Part B
    Reports | 2013
    Breckenridge JM; Hamer J, 2013, The state of research on domestic and family violence and sexual assault in Australia since 2000- Part A, Centre for Gender Related Violence Studies, UNSW, Sydney, Part A
    Reports | 2011
    Breckenridge JM; Hamer J; Salter M, 2011, Staying Home Leaving Violence Evaluation Strategy - Final Report, UNSW, Sydney, Staying Home Leaving Violence Evaluation Strategy - Final Report
    Reports | 2010
    Breckenridge JM; Huppert S, 2010, Keeping Children with a Disability Safely in Their Families: Intensive Family Support Programs, UNSW, Sydney, Keeping Children with a Disability Safely in Their Families: Intensive Family Support Programs
    Reports | 2010
    Breckenridge JM, 2010, ‘Use and abuse’: Understanding the intersections of child abuse, drug use and mental health, UNSW, Sydney
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Breckenridge JM; Laing L, 2004, 'Listening to Mothers and their Children - Implications for Counselling in Child Sexual Assault', in IFSW ; IASSW ; AASW ; AASWWE (eds.), Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 130 - 130, presented at Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 02 October 2004 - 05 October 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Breckenridge JM; Ralfs C, 2004, 'Hearing the Voices of Children Living with Domestic Violence', in IFSW ; IASSW ; AASW ; AASWWE (eds.), Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 43 - 43, presented at Global Social Work Congress 2004 - Reclaiming Civil Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 02 October 2004 - 05 October 2004
    Theses / Dissertations | 2004
    Pe-Pua R; Haque RA; Barnes DM; Breckenridge JM, 2004, Purdah of the Heart and the Eyes: An Examination of Purdah as an Institution in Pakistan
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Breckenridge JM, 2003, 'Point of Contact: responding to kids and DV - a front line response framework', in BASPCAN (ed.), BASPCAN 5th National Congress, Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, pp. 55 - 55, presented at Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, 20 July 2003 - 23 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Breckenridge JM, 2003, 'The Impact of a Mother`s Own History of Child Sexual Assault in their Child`s Therapy: help or hindrance?', in BASPCAN (ed.), BASPCAN 5th National Congress, Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, pp. 112 - 112, presented at Baspcan Congress 2003 - 5th National Congress, York, England, 20 July 2003 - 23 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Breckenridge JM, 2003, '`Point of Contact` - responding to children who are affected by domestic violence - a non therapeutic front-line response framework', in Scientific Committee, Many Voices, Many Choices (ed.), Many Voices, Many Choices, 9th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Many Voices, Many Choices, 9th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Sydney, pp. 41 - 42, presented at Many Voices, Many Choices, 9th Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Sydney, 24 November 2003 - 27 November 2003
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Breckenridge JM; Davidson J, 2002, 'Selecting Strengths - The impact of mother`s own history of child sexual assault in their child`s therapy`', in Chun E; et al (ed.), AASWWE/AASW (WA), AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, presented at AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, 29 September 2002 - 02 October 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Breckenridge JM; Davidson J, 2002, 'The Impact of Mother`s Own History of Child Sexual Assault in their Child`s therapy - Help or Hindrance?', in Expanding our Horizons, Expanding our Horizons, Sydney, pp. 1 - 27, presented at Expanding our Horizons, Sydney, 18 February 2002 - 22 February 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Breckenridge JM; Pittaway E, 2002, 'Working with Refugees around torture and trauma - developing Practice Electives that cope with the complexities of the work in this area.', in Chun E; et al (ed.), AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, presented at AASWWE/AASW (WA), Western Australia, 29 September 2002 - 02 October 2002
    Theses / Dissertations | 1996
    Breckenridge JM, 1996, Of Subjugation and Silences¿`
    Other | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, Conclusion: Crimes of Violence - Australian responses to rape and child sexual assault, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney,
    Other | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, Introduction - Changing Attitudes: Sexual Assault and Society, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney,
    Other | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, Introduction Part IV - Breaking New Ground:Addressing Specific Needs, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney,
    Other | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, Part II Introduction - Meeting Challenges: Guidelines for Sexual Assault Workers, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney,
    Other | 1992
    Breckenridge J, 1992, Part III Introduction - Vanquishing Shame: The Organisation of Support Groups, Allen and Unwin, North Sydney,

2019 - Dean's Award for Society Impact
2015 - UNSW Staff Excellence Award in Work, Health and Safety – GV & Work Program
2014 - Dean's Award for Research Excellence
2014 - ARC Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision
2010 - UNSW Staff Award for Excellence in Community Engagement

Co-Convener, UNSW Gendered Violence Research Network, which brings together over 60 UNSW research affiliates and internal members, with over 1000 followers on Twitter and 1,500 external subscribers. Jan co-chaired the first significant event of the GVRN - the Inaugural Asia Pacific Conference on Gendered Violence and Violations (2015), a three day conference which brought together 330 delegates from 20 countries, with 20 keynote speeches, 80 paper presentations and 7 pre-conference master classes covering a range of themes. These themes included investigating different forms of interventions and engaging with policy and legal responses, in an effort to combine research excellence and practitioner knowledge, and to promote policy discussion with the goal of reducing and mitigating the harmful effects of gendered violence.


Select Current and Recent Research Projects

  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI) Economic and Financial Abuse - establishing the evidence base and role of financial institutions 2020 - 2024 funded by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI) Insurers responding to DFV experienced by employees and customers  - mapping best practice 2020-2022 funded by Allianz Insurance 
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), kylie valentine, Kylie Cripps National Safe at Home Program Audit and the Development of an Operational Response Framework Commonwealth Department of Social Services – Category 2 Select Tender, 2017-2020
  • kylie valentine (Lead CI), Jan Breckenridge, Limin Mao and Gianfranco Giuntoli Evaluation of four community-based men’s behaviour change program pilots Women NSW, Department of Family and Community Services – Category 2 Select Tender, 2017-2019
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), kylie valentine, Natasha Cortis, National DFV and Sexual Assault Workforce Survey, Commonwealth Department of Social Services – Category 2 Select Tender, 2017-2018.
  • kylie valentine (Lead CI), Jan Breckenridge, Kylie Cripps, Kathryn Flanagan, Kylie Cripps, Lucinda Burns The provision of integrated housing support for families, including those affected by DFV Category 1 AHURI National Housing Research Program 2016-2018
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), Rapid Evidence Review – effectiveness of services delivered to victims and survivors of CSA, Attorney General’s Department/Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – Category 2 Select Tender, 2015
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), kylie valentine, Susan Rees Meta-evaluation of existing interagency partnerships, collaboration, coordination and/or integrated interventions and service responses to violence against women, Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety – Category 1 Grant, 2015
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), Donna Chung, Angela Spinney, Carole Zufferey National mapping and meta-evaluation outlining key features of effective "safe at home" programs, Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety – Category 1 Grant, 2015

Gendered Violence & Organisations Program (established 2015) – Specialist policy advice, development and provision of innovative and tailored training and eLearning for government, private and third-sector organisations:

This project built on two research projects:

  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), Safe at Home, Safe at Work – DV Workplace Rights and Entitlements Project, Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations – Commissioned Research, 2010-2013.
  • Jan Breckenridge (Lead CI), Family and Sexual Violence in the Workplace Strategies Project, Papua New Guinea [Phases 1 and 2], World Bank/IFC – Category 3 Competitive Tender, 2014-2015.

The GV & Work Program has received overwhelmingly positive evaluations of our development of best practice awareness and response training delivered to over 40 organisations. A current suite of e-learning modules is available in the areas of awareness and response to DFV (customers and employees), Sexual assault and sexual harassment, including University campuses.


Jan is a member of a number of National and International Advisory Groups, Networks and Centres. Select Examples include:

  • Co-Convener, UNSW Gendered Violence Research Network, which brings together over 100 UNSW research affiliates and internal members, with over 2000 followers on Twitter and 1,500 external subscribers. 
  • Research Fellow, Australian Human Rights Institute, UNSW (2019 - Current)
  • Research Fellow, Research Centre on Violence at West Virginia University (2017 - Current)
  • Foundation Member, Gendered Violence Research PLuS Alliance Network (2018 - Current)
  • Invited Member, Commonwealth Bank National Customer Advocate Community Council (2018 - Current)


My Research Supervision


My Teaching


Areas of HDR supervision:
Trauma, domestic and sexual violence, gender, child abuse and child protection, welfare intervention and practice, qualitative research methodology

Current HDR supervision:

  • Sophie Yates PhD Social Sciences (Politics) Understanding the gender power dimensions of family violence: An analysis of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence
  • Jessica Russ-Smith PhD Scientia Scholar
  • Amelia Wheeler PhD Social Sciences (Social Work) Meaningful child inclusive practice in Family Court mediation and family dispute resolution
  • Jennette McGrory PhD Social Sciences (Social Work)
  • Samantha Lyneham PhD Social Sciences (Criminology)
  • Marie-Claire Cheron-Sauer Professional Doctorate (Social Work)
  • Gillian Adams Professional Doctorate (Social Work)

Recent HDR completions:

  • Paula Jops PhD Social Sciences (Sociology) Negotiating survival: uncovering the lived experiences of Chin refugee women in Delhi, India who engage in risky livelihoods. UNSW Sydney 2017
  • Jennifer Brown PhD Social Sciences (Social Work) Parents’ Experiences of their adolescent’s mental health treatment.  A constructivist grounded theory investigation of parents’ experiences of their child’s treatment in a residential adolescent mental health service. UNSW Sydney 2017
  • Jen Hamer PhD Social Sciences (Sociology) [Not] Just a Piece of Paper – ontological practice and ethical obligations in the recognition of prior learning (RPL). UNSW Sydney 2013
  • Cheryl Fletcher, PhD Social Sciences (Social Work), Single by Choice - the stories of single women using doner insemination to achieve their family of choice (UNSW Sydney 2013)
  • Paul Andrews PhD Social Sciences (Social Work) Gay men talk about the place of extra-relational sex in their committed relationships: Orientations for the therapeutic terrain (UNSW Sydney 2010)
  • Jean Burke PhD Social Sciences (Social Work) The role of community and social ties in the prevention of post-natal HIV transmission to children in East Africa (UNSW Sydney 2008)
  • Riffat Haque PhD Social Sciences (Women’s and Gender Studies) Practices of purdah in Pakistan – increasing women’s agency and mobility? (UNSW Sydney 2003)
  • Diana Coholic PhD Social Sciences (Social Work) Spirituality and Social Work Practice – What constitutes best practice? (UNSW Sydney 2001)
  • Rachel Margolius PhD Social Sciences (Sociology) The experiences of Young People and Homelessness (UNSW Sydney 2001)