Professor Janaki Amin

Professor Janaki Amin

Visiting Professorial Fellow

BSc (Hons), MHP (Hons), PhD

Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute

Janaki’s training and research is based in the fields of epidemiology and biostatistics. Her primary activities and interests include design and analysis of clinical trials and data linkage studies, analysis of cohort studies and training and student supervision. She is also a Professor of Public Health at Macquarie University and Director of the Epidemiology and Data Systems Branch, Health Protection, NSW Health.

Research Interests:
Major fields of research include data linkage studies examining morbidity and mortality in population-based cohorts of people with hepatitis B and C; clinical trials and cohort studies of therapies for the treatment of HIV, hepatitis C and STIs. These studies have encompassed populations with poor access to therapeutics, people who inject drugs and the LGBTQI+ community. More recently her research has focused on enhancement of surveillance systems and the analysis of routinely collected data to assess the impact of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

Broad Research Areas:
Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Biostatistics


+61 (0)2 9385 0000
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Bin Usman Shah SH; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Valerio H; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Corrigendum to “Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales” [JHEP Reports 4 (2022)] (JHEP Reports (2022) 4(10), (S2589555922001240), (10.1016/j.jhepr.2022.100552))', JHEP Reports, 6,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Broady TR; Valerio H; Alavi M; Wheeler A; Silk D; Martinello M; Conway A; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Treloar C; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment among people who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 128,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Burns K; Ellis LA; Neto ADA; Amin J, 2024, 'Workforce Psychological Distress and Absenteeism in Australia: The Correlates of Industry, Age, and Gender', Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheng Q; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Shih STF; Silk D; Conway A; Treloar C; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Bath N; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Leadbeatter K; Day E; Habraken N; Dawson O; Degenhardt L; Scott C; Tillakeratne S; Marks P; Jayasinghe I; Martinez M; Reid H; Gleeson V; Van Dyk J; Mercade GE; Marshall AD; Obeid S; Wheeler A; Hooshyar SH; Catlett B; Verich A; Erratt A; Wheeler A; Ezard N; Reid D; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Lam T; Datta P; Wade A; Spruce S; Cock V; Cornwell M; Zohrab K; Christmass M; Connelly C; Cooper A; Montebello M; Cherry R; Dyer J; Arawal S; Press E; Horasak N; Lewis R; Carthew A; Morris D; Donohue K; Griffiths K; Lana JD; Shin S; Graf C; Hampson A; Qian S; Brown D; Lautier A; Curran C; Burns C; Raidu R; Stolzenhein K; Brabender W; Somes K; Abram N; Turne R; Larter S; Goodberg F; Luksza J; Hall M; Hazelwood S; Ismay C; McClurg B; Mincham C; Barlow K; Hoskins A; Salisbury K; Markham J; Talmet J; Dunn S; Mitchell A; McKinnon A; Smyth F; Snell L; Laing E; Clark M; Dorigo J, 2024, 'Health-Related Quality of Life of People Who Inject Drugs: The Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage Study', Value in Health, 27, pp. 216 - 225,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Christie V; Riley L; Green D; Amin J; Skinner J; Pyke C; Gwynne K, 2024, 'Improving Breast Cancer Outcomes for Indigenous Women in Australia', Cancers, 16,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dias-Karunaratne N; Whop L; Ward J; Vujovich-Dunn C; Amin J; Dakiniewich A; Dyda A, 2024, 'Representation of marginalised populations in digital surveillance for notifiable conditions in Australia: a systematic review', Perspectives in Public Health, 144, pp. 162 - 173,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hajarizadeh B; Carson JM; Byrne M; Grebely J; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in the prison setting: The SToP-C study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31, pp. 21 - 34,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Munari SC; Wilkinson AL; Asselin J; Owen L; Read P; Finlayson R; Martin S; Bell C; O’Connor CC; Carter A; Guy R; McNulty A; Varma R; Chow EPF; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Stoove M; Goller JL; Hocking J; Hellard ME; Aung HL; Dimech W; Apostolellis A; Cogle A; Quinn B; Bradley C; Coase D; Heath-Paynter D; Lewis D; Nolan D; Huddy E; Sanguineti E; Douglas F; Amin J; Davies J; Doumany J; Bastian L; Charleton M; Gunathilake M; Campbell M; Pony M; Alliance S; Roth N; Cunningham P; Rees T; Baillie G; Nguyen T; Polkinghorne V; Traeger M; Watson N, 2024, 'Chlamydia retesting remains low among young women in Australia: an observational study using sentinel surveillance data, 2018–2022', Sexual Health, 21,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Tillakeratne S; Pearson SA; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Law M; George J; Amin J; Matthews G; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Valerio H, 2024, 'Trends in viral hepatitis liver-related morbidity and mortality in New South Wales, Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 51,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Marshall AD; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Law M; Tillakeratne S; George J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C treatment uptake among females of childbearing age in New South Wales, Australia: A population-based study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1080 - 1092,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Valerio H; Marshall AD; Conway A; Treloar C; Carter L; Martinello M; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Prain B; Alavi M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C testing, treatment, and current hepatitis C infection among men and women who inject drugs: The ETHOS engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 127,
    Journal articles | 2024
    van der Kooi S; Beard F; Dey A; McIntyre P; Imai C; Amin J, 2024, 'Pertussis notifications decline in Australia during COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions, 2020-2021', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 48,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Burns K; Schroeder EA; Fung T; Ellis LA; Amin J, 2023, 'Industry differences in psychological distress and distress-related productivity loss: A cross-sectional study of Australian workers', Journal of Occupational Health, 65,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Cunningham EB; Shih S; Amin J; Bruneau J; Artenie AA; Powis J; Litwin AH; Cooper C; Dalgard O; Hellard M; Bruggmann P; Marks P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Read P; Hajarizadeh B; Dunlop AJ; Conway B; Feld JJ; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Dore G; Crawford S; Swan T; Byrne J; Coordinating Centre—Amanda Erratt ML; Marks P; Shaw I; Siriragavan S; Quiene S; Petoumenos K; Schmid P; Castro E; Moriggia A; Daulouede JP; Fraser C; Feld J; Gane E; Matthews G; Kronborg I; Shaw D; Norton B; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Dillon J; Kessler S; Knapp C; Oprandi L; Messina P; Pantic M; Le Cam M; Maitre C; Andreassen J; Melkeraaen I; Tollefsen MM; Pagarigan H; Milne R; Mason K; Kaznowski D; Zou L; Bouchard R; Kotsoros B; Muir M; Milloy J; Oliver V; Noonan T; Sevehon A; Hazelwood S; Hall M; Hagenauer M; Liddle R; Ferguson C; Agyemang L; Patel H; Soloway I; Cerocchi O; Lacalamita M; Fragomeli V; Gilliver R; Lothian R; Cleary S; Johnston L; Middleton S; D'Amico R; McGovern B; Anderson J; Zhong Z; Keane F; Tatsch F; Brainard D; McHutchison J, 2023, 'Patient-Reported Outcomes During and After Hepatitis C Virus Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among People Who Inject Drugs', Value in Health, 26, pp. 883 - 892,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Christie V; Riley L; Green D; Snook K; Henningham M; Rambaldini B; Amin J; Pyke C; Varlow M; Goss S; Skinner J; O’Shea R; McCowen D; Gwynne K, 2023, 'Does breast cancer policy meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in Australia? a review', International Journal for Equity in Health, 22,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dahm MR; Bull R; Sadow L; Tran D; Zurynski Y; Amin J; Hadley F; Harrison LJ; Waniganayake M; Wong S; Degotardi S, 2023, 'Readability and beyond - Health literacy and numeracy and COVID-19 communications in early childhood education: Are we communicating effectively?', Patient Education and Counseling, 114,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dasgupta P; Amin J; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2023, 'News Coverage of Face Masks in Australia During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: Topic Modeling Study', JMIR Infodemiology, 3,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dharan NJ; Jin F; Vaccher S; Bavinton B; Yeung B; Guy R; Carr A; Zablotska I; Amin J; Read P; Templeton DJ; Ooi C; Martin SJ; Ryder N; Smith DE; McNulty A; Brown K; Price K; Holden J; Grulich AE, 2023, 'Characteristics of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Seroconversions in a Large Prospective Implementation Cohort Study of Oral HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis in Men Who Have Sex with Men (EPIC-NSW)', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76, pp. E622 - E628,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Di Ciaccio PR; Van Leeuwen MT; Amin J; Vajdic CM; McGregor S; Poynten IM; Templeton DJ; Law M; Grulich AE; Polizzotto MN; Jin F, 2023, 'Second Primary Cancers in People with HIV/AIDS: A National Data Linkage Study of Incidence and Risk Factors', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 93, pp. 25 - 33,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Liu B; Stepien S; Qian J; Gidding H; Nicolopoulos K; Amin J; Cheng A; Macartney K, 2023, 'Comparative effectiveness of four COVID-19 vaccines, BNT162b2 mRNA, mRNA-1273, ChAdOx1 nCov-19 and NVX-CoV2373 against SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) infection', Vaccine, 41, pp. 5587 - 5591,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Taflan P; Simpson PL; Wilson M; Jones J; Donovan B; Amin J; Nathan S; Butler T, 2023, 'Sexually transmissible infections (STI) and HIV testing and diagnosis among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adolescents in contact with the Australian justice system: a cross-sectional study', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 303 - 314,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tang D; Tran Y; McMahon C; Turner J; Amin J; Sinha K; Alam MN; Wuthrich V; Sherman KA; Garcia P; Mitchell R; Braithwaite J; Leigh G; Lim S; Shekhawat GS; Rapport F; Ferguson M; Gopinath B, 2023, 'A protocol for the Hearing impairment in Adults: A Longitudinal Outcomes Study (HALOS)', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Amin J; Vaccher S; Templeton DJ; Bavinton B; Jin F; Zablotska I; Matthews G; Ogilvie E; Yeung B; Ooi C; Dharan N; Baker DA; Read P; Guy R; Grulich AE, 2022, 'Low Prior Exposure and Incidence of Hepatitis C in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Negative Gay and Bisexual Men Taking Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): Findings from the Expanded PrEP Implementation in Communities–New South Wales Prospective Implementation Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75, pp. 1497 - 1502,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Carson JM; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Following Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment in the Prison Setting: The SToP-C Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75, pp. 1809 - 1819,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Christie V; Amin J; Skinner J; Green D; Littlejohn K; Gwynne K, 2022, 'Comparison of Study Quality as Determined by Standard Research and Community Engagement Metrics: A Pilot Study on Breast Cancer Research in Urban, Rural, and Remote Indigenous Communities', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Christie V; Rice M; Dracakis J; Green D; Amin J; Littlejohn K; Pyke C; McCowen D; Gwynne K, 2022, 'Improving breast cancer outcomes for Aboriginal women: A mixed-methods study protocol', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Conway A; Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall AD; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Prain B; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Reid D; Gorton C; Lam T; Christmass M; Wade A; Montebello M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'A Testing Campaign Intervention Consisting of Peer-Facilitated Engagement, Point-of-Care HCV RNA Testing, and Linkage to Nursing Support to Enhance Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake among People Who Inject Drugs: The ETHOS Engage Study', Viruses, 14,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Davis BP; Amin J; Franklin N; Beggs PJ, 2022, 'Salmonellosis in Australia in 2020: possible impacts of COVID-19 related public health measures', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 46,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Davis BPF; Amin J; Graham PL; Beggs PJ, 2022, 'Climate variability and change are drivers of salmonellosis in Australia: 1991 to 2019', Science of the Total Environment, 843,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Degotardi S; Waniganayake M; Bull R; Wong S; Dahm MR; Hadley F; Harrison L; Sadow L; Amin J; Donovan M; Tran D; Zurynski Y, 2022, 'Using a multidisciplinary, multi-method and collaborative research design to investigate the health communication power of the early childhood sector', Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 47, pp. 245 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Imai C; Amin J; Prgomet M; Pearce C; Georgiou A, 2022, 'An Increase in Antibiotic Prescribing for Respiratory Tract Infections Through Telehealth Consultations: Retrospective Study in Australian General Practice', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lystad RP; Pulido DF; Peters L; Johnstone M; Ellis LA; Braithwaite J; Wuthrich V; Amin J; Cameron CM; Mitchell RJ, 2022, 'Feasibility of Monitoring Health and Well-being in Emerging Adults: Pilot Longitudinal Cohort Study', JMIR Formative Research, 6,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mihrshahi S; Dharmayani PNA; Amin J; Bhatti A; Chau JY; Ronto R; Turnip D; Taylor M, 2022, 'Higher Prevalence of Food Insecurity and Psychological Distress among International University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Australian Perspective', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Valerio H; Dore GJ, 2022, 'Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales', JHEP Reports, 4,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Conway A; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Grebely J; ETHOS Engage Study Group , 2022, 'Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study.', Int J Drug Policy, 105, pp. 103706,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Valerio H; Conway A; Alavi M; Treloar C; Silk D; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Degenhardt L; Christmass M; Montebello M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'Awareness of hepatitis C virus infection status among people who inject drugs in a setting of universal direct-acting antiviral therapy: The ETHOS Engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 110,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wheeler A; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Martinello M; Barocas JA; Colledge-Frisby S; Treloar C; Amin J; Henderson C; Read P; Matthews GV; Dunlop AJ; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Alavi M; Murray C; Marks P; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'Prevalence and factors associated with hospitalisation for bacterial skin infections among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage Study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wong IKJ; Grulich AE; Poynten IM; Polizzotto MN; van Leeuwen MT; Amin J; McGregor S; Law M; Templeton DJ; Vajdic CM; Jin F; Law M, 2022, 'Time trends in cancer incidence in Australian people living with HIV between 1982 and 2012', HIV Medicine, 23, pp. 134 - 145,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bavinton BR; Vaccher S; Jin F; Prestage GP; Holt M; Zablotska-Manos IB; Guy R; Amin J; Templeton DJ; Yeung B; Hammoud MA; Lewis D; Baker D; Dharan N; McNulty AM; Grulich AE, 2021, 'High Levels of Prevention-Effective Adherence to HIV PrEP: An Analysis of Substudy Data from the EPIC-NSW Trial', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 87, pp. 1040 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chan C; Fraser D; Vaccher S; Yeung B; Jin F; Amin J; Dharan NJ; Carr A; Ooi C; Vaughan M; Holden J; Power C; Grulich AE; Bavinton BR, 2021, 'Overcoming barriers to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) coverage in Australia among Medicare-ineligible people at risk of HIV: Results from the MI-EPIC clinical trial', Sexual Health, 18, pp. 453 - 459,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Christie V; Green D; Amin J; Pyke C; Littlejohn K; Skinner J; McCowen D; Gwynne K, 2021, 'What is the evidence globally for culturally safe strategies to improve breast cancer outcomes for indigenous women in high income countries? A systematic review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chutiyami M; Wyver S; Amin J, 2021, 'Parent engagement with the New South Wales child health home-based record: A cross-sectional survey and a retrospective chart review', Child: Care, Health and Development, 47, pp. 635 - 644,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chutiyami M; Wyver S; Amin J, 2021, 'Predictors of Parent Use of a Child Health Home-Based Record and Associations with Long-Term Child Health/Developmental Outcomes: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children from 2004 to 2016', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 59, pp. e70 - e76,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Hellard M; Bruneau J; Feld JJ; Cooper C; Powis J; Litwin AH; Marks P; Dalgard O; Conway B; Moriggia A; Stedman C; Read P; Bruggmann P; Lacombe K; Dunlop A; Applegate TL; Matthews GV; Fraser C; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2021, 'Reinfection Following Successful Direct-acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C Virus Infection among People Who Inject Drugs', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 72, pp. 1392 - 1400,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Grulich AE; Jin F; Bavinton BR; Yeung B; Hammoud MA; Amin J; Cabrera G; Clackett S; Ogilvie E; Vaccher S; Vickers T; McNulty A; Smith DJ; Dharan NJ; Selvey C; Power C; Price K; Zablotska I; Baker DA; Bloch M; Brown K; Carmody CJ; Carr A; Chanisheff D; Doong N; Finlayson R; Lewis DA; Lusk J; Martin S; Ooi C; Read P; Ryder N; Smith D; Tuck Meng Soo C; Templeton DJ; Vlahakis E; Guy R, 2021, 'Long-term protection from HIV infection with oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in gay and bisexual men: findings from the expanded and extended EPIC-NSW prospective implementation study', The Lancet HIV, 8, pp. e486 - e494,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; McManus H; Butler T; Cunningham EB; Vickerman P; Martin NK; McHutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Chambers GM; Grant L; Mcgrath C; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Loveday S; Tamaddoni M; Obeid S; Estivill Mercade G; Martinez M; Donnelly R; Bowman J; Trevethan L; Lagios K; Murrell T; Bath N; Tawil V; Stevens A; Topp L; Churchill A; Pinnock K; Drew S; Harrod M; Smith A; Williams R; Cooper B; Somes K; Burns C; Kaur A; Lobo C; Conroy K; McCredie L; Café C; Anlezark J; Rawlinson W; Yeang M; Wynn M; Willenborg C, 2021, 'Evaluation of hepatitis C treatment-as-prevention within Australian prisons (SToP-C): a prospective cohort study', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6, pp. 533 - 546,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Jin F; Amin J; Guy R; Vaccher S; Selvey C; Zablotska I; Holden J; Price K; Yeung B; Ogilvie E; Quichua GC; Clackett S; McNulty A; Smith D; Templeton DJ; Bavinton B; Grulich AE, 2021, 'Adherence to daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in a large-scale implementation study in New South Wales, Australia', AIDS, 35, pp. 1987 - 1996,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Lau A; Kong FYS; Fairley CK; Templeton DJ; Amin J; Phillips S; Law M; Chen MY; Bradshaw CS; Donovan B; McNulty A; Boyd MA; Timms P; Chow EPF; Regan DG; Khaw C; Lewis DA; Kaldor J; Ratnayake M; Carvalho N; Hocking JS, 2021, 'Azithromycin or doxycycline for asymptomatic rectal chlamydia trachomatis', New England Journal of Medicine, 384, pp. 2418 - 2427,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mwasakifwa GE; Amin J; Kelleher A; Boyd MA, 2021, 'Inflammatory biomarkers and soft tissue changes among patients commencing second-line antiretroviral therapy after first-line virological failure', AIDS, 35, pp. 2289 - 2298,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Shajahan S; Amin J; Phillips JK; Hildreth CM, 2021, 'Relationship between sex and cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis', PLoS ONE, 16,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Law M; McManus H; Tillakeratne S; Bajis S; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Amin J; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; George J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2021, 'Opportunities to Enhance Linkage to Hepatitis C Care Among Hospitalized People With Recent Drug Dependence in New South Wales, Australia: A Population-based Linkage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. 2037 - 2044,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Law M; Tillakeratne S; Amin J; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; George J; Matthews GV; Hajarizadeh B; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2021, 'High hepatitis C treatment uptake among people with recent drug dependence in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 74, pp. 293 - 302,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Reid D; Gorton C; Lam T; Dore G; Grebely J, 2021, 'Progress towards Elimination of Hepatitis C Infection among People Who Inject Drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E69 - E78,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Artenie AA; Cunningham EB; Dore GJ; Conway B; Dalgard O; Powis J; Bruggmann P; Hellard M; Cooper C; Read P; Feld JJ; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Litwin AH; Marks P; Matthews GV; Quiene S; Erratt A; Bruneau J; Grebely J, 2020, 'Patterns of drug and alcohol use and injection equipment sharing among people with recent injecting drug use or receiving opioid agonist treatment during and following hepatitis c virus treatment with directacting antiviral therapies: An international study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70, pp. 2369 - 2376,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chutiyami M; Wyver S; Amin J, 2020, 'Is parent engagement with a child health home-based record associated with parents perceived attitude towards health professionals and satisfaction with the record? A cross-sectional survey of parents in New South Wales, Australia', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 1 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chutiyami M; Wyver S; Amin J, 2020, 'Is parent engagement with a child health home-based record influenced by early child development and first-born status? hypotheses from a high-income countries’ perspective', Medical Hypotheses, 137,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Litwin AH; Gane E; Cooper C; Lacombe K; Hellard M; Read P; Powis J; Dalgard O; Bruneau J; Matthews GV; Feld JJ; Dillon JF; Shaw D; Bruggmann P; Conway B; Fraser C; Marks P; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2020, 'Adherence to once-daily and twice-daily direct-acting antiviral therapy for Hepatitis C infection among people with recent injection drug use or current opioid agonist therapy', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71, pp. E115 - E124,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dore G; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; Mcmanus H; Butler T; Vickerman P; Martin N; Mchutchison J; Brainard D; Treloar C; Lloyd A, 2020, 'Declining HCV incidence following rapid HCV treatment scale-up in a prison network in Australia: Evidence of treatment as prevention from the SToP-C study', JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, 73, pp. S127 - S127,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lau A; Kong FYS; Fairley CK; Templeton DJ; Amin J; Boyd MA; Bradshaw C; Chen MY; Donovan B; Khaw C; Lewis DA; McNulty A; Regan DG; Ratnayake M; Hocking JS, 2020, 'Factors Associated with Early Resumption of Condomless Anal Sex among Men Who Have Sex with Men after Rectal Chlamydia Treatment', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 47, pp. 389 - 394,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lystad RP; Pulido DF; Peters L; Johnstone M; Ellis LA; Braithwaite J; Wuthrich V; Amin J; Cameron CM; Mitchell RJ, 2020, 'Monitoring health and well-being in emerging adults: Protocol for a pilot longitudinal cohort study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mcmanus H; Grulich AE; Amin J; Selvey C; Vickers T; Bavinton B; Zablotska I; Vaccher S; Jin F; Holden J; Price K; Yeung B; Cabrera Quichua G; Ogilvie E; Mcnulty A; Smith D; Guy R, 2020, 'Comparison of Trends in Rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections before vs after Initiation of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis among Men Who Have Sex with Men', JAMA Network Open, 3, pp. e2030806,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mwasakifwa GE; Amin J; White CP; Center JR; Kelleher A; Boyd MA, 2020, 'Early changes in bone turnover and inflammatory biomarkers and clinically significant bone mineral density loss over 48 weeks among HIV-infected patients with virological failure of a standard first-line antiretroviral therapy regimen in the SECOND-LINE study', HIV Medicine, 21, pp. 492 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Matthews G; Law M; McManus H; Amin J; Janjua N; Krajden M; Tillakeratne S; Gleeson V; George J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore G, 2020, 'Opportunities to enhance linkage to hepatitis C care among people hospitalised for injection drug use-related complications: a population-based study', JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, 73, pp. S807 - S808,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Alavi M; Law MG; Valerio H; Grebely J; Amin J; Hajarizadeh B; Selvey C; George J; Dore GJ, 2019, 'Declining hepatitis C virus-related liver disease burden in the direct-acting antiviral therapy era in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 71, pp. 281 - 288,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chutiyami M; Wyver S; Amin J, 2019, 'Are parent-held child health records a valuable health intervention? A systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Grebely J; Cunningham EB; Dalgard O; Hajarizadeh B; Conway B; Powis J; Bruneau J; Feld J; Read P; Cooper C; Amin J; Bruggmann P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Hellard M; Marks P; Dunlop A; Moriggia A; Applegate T; Litwin A; Matthews G; Dore G, 2019, 'SAT-232-Reinfection following successful HCV DAA therapy among people with recent injecting drug use', Journal of Hepatology, 70, pp. e732 - e733,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jin F; Vajdic CM; Law M; Amin J; Van Leeuwen M; McGregor S; Poynten IM; Templeton DJ; Grulich AE; Cunningham P; Han A, 2019, 'Incidence and time trends of anal cancer among people living with HIV in Australia', AIDS, 33, pp. 1361 - 1368,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Alavi M; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Larney S; Law MG; George J; Degenhardt L; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Mortality trends among people with hepatitis B and C: A population-based linkage study, 1993-2012', BMC Infectious Diseases, 18,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Alavi M; Janjua NZ; Chong M; Grebely J; Aspinall EJ; Innes H; Valerio H; Hajarizadeh B; Hayes PC; Krajden M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Goldberg DJ; Hutchinson SJ; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Trends in hepatocellular carcinoma incidence and survival among people with hepatitis C: An international study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25, pp. 473 - 481,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Alavi M; Janjua NZ; Chong M; Grebely J; Aspinall EJ; Innes H; Valerio HM; Hajarizadeh B; Hayes PC; Krajden M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Goldberg DJ; Hutchinson SJ; Dore GJ, 2018, 'The contribution of alcohol use disorder to decompensated cirrhosis among people with hepatitis C: An international study', Journal of Hepatology, 68, pp. 393 - 401,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cunningham EB; Amin J; Feld JJ; Bruneau J; Dalgard O; Powis J; Hellard M; Cooper C; Read P; Conway B; Dunlop AJ; Norton B; Litwin AH; Hajarizadeh B; Thurnheer MC; Dillon JF; Weltman M; Shaw D; Bruggmann P; Gane E; Fraser C; Marks P; Applegate TL; Quiene S; Siriragavan S; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2018, 'Adherence to sofosbuvir and velpatasvir among people with chronic HCV infection and recent injection drug use: The SIMPLIFY study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 62, pp. 14 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Bretana N; Dore GJ; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Luciani F; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Dolan K, 2018, 'Longitudinal injecting risk behaviours among people with a history of injecting drug use in an Australian prison setting: The HITS-p study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 54, pp. 18 - 25,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Cunningham EB; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Bruneau J; Hellard M; Litwin AH; Marks P; Quiene S; Siriragavan S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop A; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Dillon JF; Read P; Gane E; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Sofosbuvir and velpatasvir for hepatitis C virus infection in people with recent injection drug use (SIMPLIFY): an open-label, single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3, pp. 153 - 161,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Grulich AE; Guy R; Amin J; Jin F; Selvey C; Holden J; Schmidt HMA; Zablotska I; Price K; Whittaker B; Chant K; Cooper C; McGill S; Telfer B; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie EE; Dharan NJ; Hammoud MA; Vaccher S; Watchirs-Smith L; McNulty A; Smith DJ; Allen DM; Baker D; Bloch M; Bopage RI; Brown K; Carr A; Carmody CJ; Collins KL; Finlayson R; Foster R; Jackson EY; Lewis DA; Lusk J; O'Connor CC; Ryder N; Vlahakis E; Read P; Cooper DA; Smith D; Ooi C; Martin S; Soo TM; Templeton D; Townson D; Forssman B; Doong N; Han Thai G; Anderson B; MacLeod H; Parkhill N; Cooper D; Finlayson R; Law M, 2018, 'Population-level effectiveness of rapid, targeted, high-coverage roll-out of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men: the EPIC-NSW prospective cohort study', The Lancet HIV, 5, pp. e629 - e637,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lamoury FMJ; Bajis S; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall AD; Martinello M; Ivanova E; Catlett B; Mowat Y; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Ezard N; Cock V; Hayllar J; Persing DH; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Dore GJ; Applegate TL; Grebely J, 2018, 'Evaluation of the Xpert HCV Viral Load Finger-Stick Point-of-Care Assay', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 217, pp. 1889 - 1896,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lamoury FMJ; Hajarizadeh B; Soker A; Martinez D; Quek C; Cunningham P; Catlett B; Cloherty G; Marks P; Amin J; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2018, 'Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Virus Core Antigen Assay in Plasma and Dried Blood Spot Samples', Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 20, pp. 621 - 627,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mwasakifwa GE; Moore C; Carey D; Amin J; Penteado P; Losso M; Lim P-L; Mohapi L; Molina J-M; Gazzard B; Cooper DA; Boyd M, 2018, 'Relationship between untimed plasma lopinavir concentrations and virological outcome on second-line antiretroviral therapy (vol 32, pg 357, 2018)', AIDS, 32, pp. 683 - 683,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mwasakifwa GE; Moore C; Carey D; Amin J; Penteado P; Losso M; Lim PL; Mohapi L; Molina JM; Gazzard B; Cooper DA; Boyd M, 2018, 'Relationship between untimed plasma lopinavir concentrations and virological outcome on second-line antiretroviral therapy', AIDS, 32, pp. 357 - 361,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Pett SL; Amin J; Horban A; Andrade-Villanueva J; Losso M; Porteiro N; Madero JS; Belloso W; Tu E; Silk D; Kelleher A; Harrigan R; Clark A; Sugiura W; Wolff M; Gill J; Gatell J; Clarke A; Ruxrungtham K; Prazuck T; Kaiser R; Woolley I; Alberto Arnaiz J; Cooper D; Rockstroh JK; Mallon P; Emery S; Fisher M; Rockstroh J; Stellbrink J; Merlin K; Yeung J; Fsadni B; Marks K; Suzuki K; Rismanto N; Salomon H; Rubio AE; Chibo D; Birch C; Swenson L; Chan D; Berg T; Obermeier M; Schuelter E; Aragon SS; Luebke N; Coughlan S; Dean J; Iwatani Y; Teran GR; Avila S; Sirivichayakul S; Naphassanant M; Ubolyam S; Kaye S; Land S; Walker S; Haubrich R; DeJesus E; Berthon-Jones N; Espinosa N; Courtney-Vega K; Absar N; Haskelberg H; Robson R; Donaldson A; Guelman D; Gambardella L; Valdovinos M; Arnaiz J; Beleta H; Ramos N; Targa M; Späth B; Boesecke C; Engelhardt A; Perry N; Beckthold B; Drummond F; Lefevre E; Corr S; Grant C; Lupo S; Peroni L; Sanchez M; De Paz Sierra M; Viloria G; Parlante A; Bissio E; Luchetti P; Confalonieri V; Warley E; Vieni I; Vilas C; Zarate A; Mayer G; Elliot J; Hagenauer M; Kelley M; Bloch M; Cooper D, 2018, 'Week 96 results of the randomized, multicentre Maraviroc Switch (MARCH) study', HIV Medicine, 19, pp. 65 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Vanderven HA; Wragg K; Ana-Sosa-Batiz F; Kristensen AB; Jegaskanda S; Wheatley AK; Wentworth D; Wines BD; Hogarth PM; Rockman S; Kent SJ; INSIGHT FLU005 Pilot Study Writing Group , 2018, 'Anti-Influenza Hyperimmune Immunoglobulin Enhances Fc-Functional Antibody Immunity During Human Influenza Infection.', J Infect Dis, 218, pp. 1383 - 1393,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Waziry R; Amin J; Law M; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Reply to: “Direct antiviral agents and risk of HCC: Waiting for Godot”', Journal of Hepatology, 68, pp. 616 - 617,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zablotska IB; Selvey C; Guy R; Price K; Holden J; Schmidt HM; McNulty A; Smith D; Jin F; Amin J; Cooper DA; Grulich AE; Hammoud M, 2018, 'Erratum: Correction: expanded HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation in communities in new South Wales, Australia (EPIC-NSW): design of an open label, single arm implementation trial (BMC public health (2018) 18 1 (210))', BMC public health, 18, pp. 297,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zablotska IB; Selvey C; Guy R; Price K; Holden J; Schmidt HM; McNulty A; Smith D; Jin F; Amin J; Cooper DA; Grulich AE; Parkhill N; Chant K; Cooper C; Crooks L; Allen D; Baker D; Bloch M; Bopage R; Brown K; Carr A; Carmody C; Collins K; Finlayson R; Foster R; Jackson E; Lewis D; Lusk J; O'Connor C; Ryder N; Vlahakis E; Read P; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie E; Vaccher S; Hammoud M; Watchirs-Smith L; Wabe N, 2018, 'Expanded HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation in communities in New South Wales, Australia (EPIC-NSW): Design of an open label, single arm implementation trial', BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Alavi M; Amin J; Grebely J; Law MG; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Matthews GV; Larney S; Degenhardt L; Dore GJ, 2017, 'O23 Characterisation of populations with hepatitis C to improve access to antiviral therapy programs: a population-based linkage study', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 9 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Amara AB; Else LJ; Carey D; Khoo S; Back DJ; Amin J; Emery S; Puls RL, 2017, 'Comparison of dried blood spots versus conventional plasma collection for the characterization of efavirenz pharmacokinetics in a large-scale global clinical trial-the ENCORE1 study', Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 39, pp. 654 - 658,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Boyd MA; Amin J; Mallon PWG; Kumarasamy N; Lombaard J; Wood R; Chetchotisakd P; Phanuphak P; Mohapi L; Azwa I; Belloso WH; Molina JM; Hoy J; Moore CL; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2017, 'Body composition and metabolic outcomes after 96 weeks of treatment with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir plus either nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors or raltegravir in patients with HIV with virological failure of a standard first-line antiretroviral therapy regimen: a substudy of the randomised, open-label, non-inferiority SECOND-LINE study', The Lancet HIV, 4, pp. e13 - e20,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cunningham E; Amin J; Bretana NA; Luciani F; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Hajarizadeh B; Dore GJ; Lloyd A; Grebely J, 2017, 'P10 Injecting risk behaviours among people who inject drugs in an Australian prison setting, 2005–2014: the HITS-p study', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 15 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Bretana NA; Amin J; Betz-Stablein B; Dore GJ; Luciani F; Teutsch S; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Haber P; Rawlinson W; Treloar C; Maher L, 2017, 'Ongoing incident hepatitis C virus infection among people with a history of injecting drug use in an Australian prison setting, 2005-2014: The HITS-p study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 24, pp. 733 - 741,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Dalgard O; Amin J; Hellard M; Foster GR; Bruggmann P; Conway B; Backmund M; Robaeys G; Swan T; Marks PS; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Weltman M; Shaw D; Dunlop A; Bruneau J; Midgard H; Bourgeois S; Thurnheer MC; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Shaw I; Siriragavan S; Horschik T; Sharma S; Eevers A; Andreassen J; Melkeraaen I; Widder N; Lesneuck K; Kotsoros B; Hazelwood S; Holland R; Axten D; Von Bibra S; Powis J; Mason K; Ryder S; Jack K; Scheidegger C; Huber C; Ferguson C; Staehelin C; Lacalamita M; Fragomeli V; Sevehon A, 2017, 'Adherence to response-guided pegylated interferon and ribavirin for people who inject drugs with hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3 infection: The ACTIVATE study', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 420,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Grebely J; Dalgard O; Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Foster GR; Bruggmann P; Conway B; Backmund M; Robaeys G; Swan T; Amin J; Marks PS; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Weltman M; Shaw D; Dunlop A; Hellard M; Bruneau J; Midgard H; Bourgeois S; Staehelin C; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Efficacy of response-guided directly observed pegylated interferon and self-administered ribavirin for people who inject drugs with hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3 infection: The ACTIVATE study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 47, pp. 177 - 186,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Grebely J; Lamoury FMJ; Hajarizadeh B; Mowat Y; Marshall AD; Bajis S; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Edwards M; Gorton C; Ezard N; Persing D; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Catlett B; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2017, 'Evaluation of the Xpert HCV Viral Load point-of-care assay from venepuncture-collected and finger-stick capillary whole-blood samples: a cohort study', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2, pp. 514 - 520,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; Butler T; Vickerman P; Martin NK; McHutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2017, 'O6 Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in two maximum-security prisons in New South Wales, Australia: the StoP-C study', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 2 - 3,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; McManus H; Estes C; Razavi H; Gray RT; Alavi M; Amin J; McGregor S; Sievert W; Thompson A; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Chronic hepatitis C burden and care cascade in Australia in the era of interferon-based treatment', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 32, pp. 229 - 236,
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    Lau A; Kong F; Fairley CK; Donovan B; Chen M; Bradshaw C; Boyd M; Amin J; Timms P; Tabrizi S; Regan DG; Lewis DA; McNulty A; Hocking JS, 2017, 'Treatment efficacy of azithromycin 1 g single dose versus doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days for the treatment of rectal chlamydia among men who have sex with men - a double-blind randomised controlled trial protocol', BMC Infectious Diseases, 17, pp. 35,
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    Lee WS; Kristensen AB; Rasmussen TA; Tolstrup M; Østergaard L; Søgaard OS; Wines BD; Mark Hogarth P; Reynaldi A; Davenport MP; Emery S; Amin J; Cooper DA; Kan VL; Fox J; Gruell H; Parsons MS; Kent SJ, 2017, 'Anti-HIV-1 ADCC antibodies following latency reversal and treatment interruption', Journal of Virology, 91, pp. 10.1128/jvi.00603 - 10.1128/jvi.00617,
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    Lee WS; Kristensen AB; Tolstrup M; Østergaard L; Søgaard OS; Wines BD; Hogarth PM; Reynaldi A; Davenport M; Emery S; Amin J; Cooper DA; Kan V; Fox J; Grüll H; Parsons MS; Kent SJ; Rasmussen TA, 2017, '13 HIV-1-specific ADCC following anti-latency therapy and analytical treatment interruption', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 10 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Madhavi V; Kulkarni A; Shete A; Lee WS; McLean MR; Kristensen AB; Ghate M; Wines BD; Hogarth PM; Parsons MS; Kelleher A; Cooper DA; Amin J; Emery S; Thakar M; Kent SJ, 2017, 'Effect of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy on HIV-1-specific Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Responses in Subtype B- and Subtype C-Infected Cohorts', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 75, pp. 345 - 353,
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    Madhavi V; Wines BD; Amin J; Emery S; Lopez E; Kelleher A; Center RJ; Mark Hogarth P; Chung AW; Kent SJ; Stratov I, 2017, 'HIV-1 Env- and Vpu-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity responses associated with elite control of HIV', Journal of Virology, 91, pp. 10.1128/jvi.00700 - 10.1128/jvi.00717,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Midgard H; Hajarizadeh B; Cunningham EB; Conway B; Backmund M; Bruggmann P; Bruneau J; Bourgeois S; Dunlop A; Foster GR; Hellard M; Robaeys G; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Amin J; Marks PS; Quiene S; Dore GJ; Dalgard O; Grebely J, 2017, 'Changes in risk behaviours during and following treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs: The ACTIVATE study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 47, pp. 230 - 238,
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    Teeraananchai S; Kerr SJ; Amin J; Ruxrungtham K; Law MG; Han A, 2017, 'Life expectancy of HIV-positive people after starting combination antiretroviral therapy: a meta-analysis', HIV Medicine, 18, pp. 256 - 266,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Waziry R; Grebely J; Amin J; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Matthews GV; Law M; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Survival following hospitalization with hepatocellular carcinoma among people notified with hepatitis B or C virus in Australia (2000-2014)', Hepatology Communications, 1, pp. 736 - 747,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Waziry R; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Amin J; Law M; Danta M; George J; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Hepatocellular carcinoma risk following direct-acting antiviral HCV therapy: A systematic review, meta-analyses, and meta-regression', Journal of Hepatology, 67, pp. 1204 - 1212,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Achhra AC; Mwasakifwa G; Amin J; Boyd MA, 2016, 'Efficacy and safety of contemporary dual-drug antiretroviral regimens as first-line treatment or as a simplification strategy: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet HIV, 3, pp. e351 - e360,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Alavi M; Law MG; Grebely J; Amin J; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Dore GJ; Han A, 2016, 'Time to decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma after an HBV or HCV notification: A population-based study', Journal of Hepatology, 65, pp. 879 - 887,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Dickinson L; Amin J; Else L; Boffito M; Egan D; Owen A; Khoo S; Back D; Orrell C; Clarke A; Losso M; Phanuphak P; Carey D; Cooper DA; Emery S; Puls R, 2016, 'Comprehensive Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacogenetic Evaluation of Once-Daily Efavirenz 400 and 600 mg in Treatment-Naïve HIV-Infected Patients at 96 Weeks: Results of the ENCORE1 Study', Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 55, pp. 861 - 873,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hajarizadeh B; Lamoury FMJ; Feld JJ; Amin J; Keoshkerian E; Matthews GV; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Applegate TL, 2016, 'Alanine aminotransferase, HCV RNA levels and pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrogenic cytokines/chemokines during acute hepatitis C virus infection', Virology Journal, 13, pp. 32,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lamoury FMJ; Hajarizadeh B; Keoshkerian E; Feld JJ; Amin J; Teutsch S; Matthews GV; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Applegate TL; Grebely J; Dolan K, 2016, 'HIV infection is associated with higher levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and eotaxin among people with recent hepatitis C virus infection', BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, pp. 241,
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    Martinello M; Amin J; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2016, 'Prevalence and disease burden of HCV coinfection in HIV cohorts in the Asia pacific region: A systematic review and meta-analysis', AIDS Reviews, 18, pp. 69 - 80
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    Moore CL; Gidding HF; Jin F; Mao L; Petoumenos K; Zablotska IB; Poynten IM; Prestage G; Law MG; Grulich AE; Amin J; Han A, 2016, 'Patterns of Drug Use and Drug-related Hospital Admissions in HIV-Positive and -Negative Gay and Bisexual Men', AIDS and Behavior, 20, pp. 2372 - 2386,
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    Moore CL; Gidding HF; Law MG; Amin J; Han A, 2016, 'Poor record linkage sensitivity biased outcomes in a linked cohort analysis', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 75, pp. 70 - 77,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Moore CL; Grulich AE; Prestage G; Gidding HF; Jin F; Mao L; Petoumenos K; Zablotska IB; Poynten IM; Law MG; Amin J; Han A, 2016, 'Hospitalisation rates and associated factors in community-based cohorts of HIV-infected and -uninfected gay and bisexual men', HIV Medicine, 17, pp. 327 - 339,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Moore CL; Grulich AE; Prestage G; Gidding HF; Jin F; Petoumenos K; Zablotska IB; Poynten IM; Mao L; Law MG; Amin J; Han A, 2016, 'Hospitalization for anxiety and mood disorders in HIV-infected and -uninfected gay and bisexual men', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 73, pp. 589 - 597,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Moore CL; Grulich AE; Prestage G; Gidding HF; Jin F; Petoumenos K; Zablotska IB; Poynten IM; Mao L; Law MG; Amin J, 2016, 'Hospitalization for Anxiety and Mood Disorders in HIV-Infected and -Uninfected Gay and Bisexual Men.', J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 73, pp. 589 - 597,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pett SL; Amin J; Horban A; Andrade-Villanueva J; Losso M; Porteiro N; Madero JS; Belloso W; Tu E; Silk D; Kelleher A; Harrigan R; Clark A; Sugiura W; Wolff M; Gill J; Gatell J; Fisher M; Clarke A; Ruxrungtham K; Prazuck T; Kaiser R; Woolley I; Arnaiz JA; Cooper D; Rockstroh JK; Mallon P; Emery S; Cooper D; Tu E; Silk D, 2016, 'Maraviroc, as a switch option, in HIV-1-infected individuals with stable, well-controlled HIV replication and R5-tropic virus on their first Nucleoside/Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor plus ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor regimen: Week 48 Results of the randomized, multicenter March study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 63, pp. 122 - 132,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Waziry R; Grebely J; Amin J; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Matthews GV; Law M; Dore GJ; Han A, 2016, 'Trends in hepatocellular carcinoma among people with HBV or HCV notification in Australia (2000–2014)', Journal of Hepatology, 65, pp. 1086 - 1093,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Alavi M; Spelman T; Matthews GV; Haber PS; Day C; van Beek I; Walsh N; Yeung B; Bruneau J; Petoumenos K; Dolan K; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ; Hellard M; Grebely J; Marks P; Amin J; Doab A; Carroll T; Teutsch S; Li H; Oon A; Cameron B; Lloyd A; White P; Rawlinson W; Jacqueline Flynn ; Goy K; Nguyen O; von Bibra S; Ffrench R; McCaughan G; Madden A; Farrell G; Crofts N; Sievert W; Baker D; Jacka B; Pan Y; Shaw D; Sasadeusz J; Crawford D; Phung N; George J; Bloch M; Hughes B; Mollison L; Roberts S; Desmond P; Acraman B, 2015, 'Injecting risk behaviours following treatment for hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs: The Australian Trial in Acute Hepatitis C', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 976 - 983,
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    Amin J; Becker S; Belloso W; Boffito M; Cooper D; Crabtree-Ramirez B; Duncombe C; Foulkes S; Hill A; Jessen H; Kumar S; Lee MP; Nwizu C; Read T; Rooney J; Schaffer K; Shahar E; Winston A; Wolff M; Young B; Abela C; Avihingsanon A; Boyd M; Carey D; Clarke A; Courtney-Vega K; Delfino M; Donaldson A; Emery S; Espinosa N; Johannesen T; Lin E; Losso M; Moricz A; Pett S; Phanupak P; Puls R; Pussadee K; Sutheerasak P; Tomlins L; Ubolyam S; bin Raja Azwa RIS; Bissio E; Calanni L; Chetchotisakd P; Doong N; Elliott J; Gazzard B; Kelly M; Laplume H; del Carmen Luna N; Lupo S; Messina OG; Mohapi L; Moore R; Nolan D; Orrell C; Perez C; Phanuphak P; Rockstroh J; Rowling D; Supparatpinyo K; Smith D; Villanueva JA; Vlahakis E; Kelleher T; Cunningham P; Merlin K; Yeung J; Shaik A; Fsadni B; Carrera A; Lograsso M; Gulick R; Dunn D; Dolan M; Emery S; Kelleher A, 2015, 'Efficacy and safety of efavirenz 400 mg daily versus 600 mg daily: 96-week data from the randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority ENCORE1 study', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 15, pp. 793 - 802,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Amin J; Boyd MA; Kumarasamy N; Moore CL; Losso MH; Nwizu CA; Mohapi L; Kerr SJ; Sohn AH; Teppler H; Renjifo B; Molina JM; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2015, 'Erratum: Raltegravir Non-Inferior to Nucleoside Based Regimens in SECOND-LINE Therapy with Lopinavir/Ritonavir over 96 Weeks: A Randomised Open Label Study for the Treatment Of HIV-1 Infection (PLoS ONE (2015)10:2 (e0118228) Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118228 ))', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0140623,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Amin J; Boyd MA; Kumarasamy N; Moore CL; Losso MH; Nwizu CA; Mohapi L; Kerr SJ; Sohn AH; Teppler H; Renjifo B; Molina JM; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2015, 'Raltegravir non-inferior to nucleoside based regimens in second-line therapy with lopinavir/ritonavir over 96 weeks: A randomised open label study for the treatment of HIV-1 infection', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0118228,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Aspinall EJ; Hutchinson SJ; Janjua NZ; Grebely J; Yu A; Alavi M; Amin J; Goldberg DJ; Innes H; Law M; Walter SR; Krajden M; Dore GJ; Han A, 2015, 'Trends in mortality after diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection: An international comparison and implications for monitoring the population impact of treatment', Journal of Hepatology, 62, pp. 269 - 277,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Boyd MA; Moore CL; Molina JM; Wood R; Madero JS; Wolff M; Ruxrungtham K; Losso M; Renjifo B; Teppler H; Kelleher AD; Amin J; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2015, 'Baseline HIV-1 resistance, virological outcomes, and emergent resistance in the SECOND-LINE trial: An exploratory analysis', The Lancet HIV, 2, pp. e42 - e51,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dickinson L; Amin J; Else L; Boffito M; Egan D; Owen A; Khoo S; Back D; Orrell C; Clarke A; Losso M; Phanuphak P; Carey D; Cooper DA; Emery S; Puls R, 2015, 'Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Comparison of Once-Daily Efavirenz (400 mg vs. 600 mg) in Treatment-Naive HIV-Infected Patients: Results of the ENCORE1 Study', Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 98, pp. 406 - 416,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2015, 'Patterns of hepatitis C Virus RNA levels during acute infection: The InC3 study', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0122232,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Geskus RB; Dore GJ; Grebely J; InC , 2015, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C virus RNA levels in early chronic infection: the InC3 study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 22, pp. 708 - 717,
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    Hey-Cunningham WJ; Murray JM; Natarajan V; Amin J; Moore CL; Emery S; Cooper DA; Zaunders J; Kelleher AD; Koelsch KK; PINT study team ; Danta M, 2015, 'Early antiretroviral therapy with raltegravir generates sustained reductions in HIV reservoirs but not lower T-cell activation levels.', AIDS, 29, pp. 911 - 919,
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    Lamoury FMJ; Jacka B; Bartlett S; Bull RA; Wong A; Amin J; Schinkel J; Poon AF; Matthews GV; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2015, 'The influence of hepatitis C virus genetic region on phylogenetic clustering analysis', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0131437,
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    Larney S; Grebely J; Falster M; Swart A; Amin J; Degenhardt L; Burns L; Vajdic C, 2015, 'Diagnosis of hepatitis c virus infection after entry to opioid substitution therapy', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, pp. e122 - e122,
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    Larney S; Grebely J; Falster M; Swart A; Amin J; Degenhardt L; Burns L; Vajdic CM, 2015, 'Opioid substitution therapy is associated with increased detection of hepatitis C virus infection: A 15-year observational cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 148, pp. 213 - 216,
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    Lee FJ; Amin J; Carr A, 2015, 'Limited reporting of major harms in studies of initial combination antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review', AIDS, 29, pp. 921 - 929,
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    Swart A; Meagher NS; Van Leeuwen MT; Zhao K; Grulich A; Mao L; Randall DA; Degenhardt L; Burns L; O'Connell D; Amin J; Vajdic CM, 2015, 'Examining the quality of name code record linkage: What is the impact on death and cancer risk estimates? A validation study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 39, pp. 141 - 147,
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    Vajdic CM; Marashi Pour S; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'Corrigendum to "The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 152C (2015) 264-271] DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.03.026', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 154, pp. 304,
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    Vajdic CM; Pour SM; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 152, pp. 264 - 271,
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    Winston A; Amin J; Clarke A; Else L; Amara A; Owen A; Barber T; Jessen H; Avinghsanon A; Chetchotisakd P; Khoo S; Cooper DA; Emery S; Puls R; Puls R; Carey D; Cunningham P; Kelleher A, 2015, 'Cerebrospinal fluid exposure of efavirenz and its major metabolites when dosed at 400 mg and 600 mg once daily: A randomized controlled trial', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 60, pp. 1026 - 1032,
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    Yuneti ON; Sawitri AAS; Wulandari LPL; Muliawan P; Widyanthini DN; Kathy PK; Amin J; Mathers B; Kaldor JM; Merati TP; Wirawan DN, 2015, 'P16.18 Influence of baseline characteristics on the increase cd4 >350 cells/mm3 among HIV/AIDS patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in indonesia', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 91, pp. A218.1 - A218,
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    Alavi M; Law MG; Grebely J; Thein HH; Walter S; Amin J; Dore GJ; Han A, 2014, 'Lower life expectancy among people with an HCV notification: A population-based linkage study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 21, pp. e10 - e18,
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    Amin J; Becker S; Belloso W; Boffito M; Cooper D; Crabtree-Ramirez B; Duncombe C; Emery S; Foulkes S; Hill A; Jessen H; Kumar S; Lee MP; Losso M; Nwizu C; Phanuphak P; Ripin D; Read T; Rooney J; Schaffer K; Shahar E; Winston A; Wolff M; Young B; Abela C; Boyd M; Carey D; Clarke A; Courtney-Vega K; Dazo C; Delfino M; Donaldson A; Espinosa N; Johannesen T; Kaew-On P; Lin E; Moricz A; Taylor J; Phanupak P; Puls RL; Pussadee K; Sutheerasak P; Tomkins L; Ubolyam S; Shah Bin Raja Azwa RI; Bissio E; Calanni L; Casiro A; Chetchotisakd P; Contarelli J; Doong N; Elliott J; Gazzard B; Kelly M; Del Carmen Luna N; Lupo S; Messina OG; Mohapi L; Moore R; Nolan D; Orrell C; Perez C; Pett S; Rockstroh J; Supparatpinyo K; Smith D; Villanueva JA; Vlahakis E; Kelleher T; Cunningham P; Merlin K; Yeung J; Shaik A; Fsadni B; Carrera A; Lograsso M; Gulick R; Crabtree-Ramiraz B; Winston E; Dunn D; Dolan M; Cooper D; Kelleher A, 2014, 'Efficacy of 400 mg efavirenz versus standard 600 mg dose in HIV-infected, antiretroviral-naive adults (ENCORE1): A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial', The Lancet, 383, pp. 1474 - 1482,
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    Amin J; Law MG; Puls R; Kelleher A; Cooper DA; Emery S; Han A, 2014, 'Comparison of central and local HIV-1 RNA quantification from two international clinical trials', AIDS, 28, pp. 2480 - 2483,
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    Grebely J; Page K; Sacks-Davis R; van der Loeff MS; Rice TM; Bruneau J; Morris MD; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Cox AL; Kim AY; Mcgovern BH; Schinkel J; George J; Shoukry NH; Lauer GM; Maher L; Lloyd AR; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Prins M, 2014, 'The effects of female sex, viral genotype, and IL28B genotype on spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus infection', Hepatology, 59, pp. 109 - 120,
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    Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Geskus RB; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Lauer G; Shoukry NH; Hahn J; Shiboski S; Rice TM; Alavi M; Bouchard R; Aneja J; Teutsch S; White B; Wells B; Zang G; Matthews G; Marks P; Yeung B; Prince LE; Roy E; Bates A; Enriquez J; Chow S; McCredie L; Aitken C; Doyle J; Spelman T; Evans J, 2014, 'Interferon lambda 3 genotype predicts hepatitis C virus RNA levels in early acute infection among people who inject drugs: The InC3 Study', Journal of Clinical Virology, 61, pp. 430 - 434,
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    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Applegate T; Matthews GV; Amin J; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Rawlinson W; Lloyd A; Kaldor J; Dore GJ; Dolan K, 2014, 'Dynamics of HCV RNA Levels During Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection', Journal of Medical Virology, 86, pp. 1722 - 1729,
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    Haskelberg H; Cordery DV; Amin J; Kelleher AD; Cooper DA; Emery S; Post J, 2014, 'HLA Alleles association with changes in bone mineral density in HIV-1-infected adults changing treatment to tenofovir-emtricitabine or abacavir-lamivudine', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e93333,
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    Haskelberg H; Mallon PWG; Hoy J; Amin J; Moore C; Phanuphak P; Ferret S; Belloso WH; Boyd MA; Cooper DA; Emery S; Cooper D, 2014, 'Bone mineral density over 96 weeks in adults failing first-line therapy randomised to raltegravir/lopinavir/ritonavir compared to standard second-line therapy', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes,
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    Haskelberg H; Mallon PWG; Hoy J; Amin J; Moore C; Phanuphak P; Ferret S; Belloso WH; Boyd MA; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2014, 'Bone mineral density over 96 weeks in adults failing first-line therapy randomized to raltegravir/lopinavir/ ritonavir compared with standard second-line therapy', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 67, pp. 161 - 168,
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    Haskelberg H; Pocock N; Amin J; Ebeling PR; Emery S; Carr A; Post J; Medland N; Boyd M, 2014, 'Hip structural parameters over 96 weeks in HIV-infected adults switching treatment to tenofovir-emtricitabine or abacavir-lamivudine', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e94858,
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    Lee FJ; Amin J; Carr A, 2014, 'Efficacy of initial antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infection in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 114 studies with up to 144 weeks' follow-up', PLoS ONE, 9,
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    Luciani F; Bretaña NAR; Teutsch S; Amin J; Topp L; Dore GJ; Maher L; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Bretana N, 2014, 'A prospective study of hepatitis C incidence in Australian prisoners', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109, pp. 1695 - 1706,
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    Luciani F; Bretaña NAR; Teutsch S; Amin J; Topp L; Dore GJ; Maher L; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Bretana N, 2014, 'A prospective study of hepatitis C incidence in Australian prisoners', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 109, pp. 1695 - 1706,
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    Moore CL; Amin J; Gidding HF; Law MG; Han A, 2014, 'A new method for assessing how sensitivity and specificity of linkage studies affects estimation', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e103690,
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    Muscatello DJ; Amin J; MacIntyre CR; Newall AT; Rawlinson WD; Sintchenko V; Gilmour R; Thackway S, 2014, 'Inaccurate ascertainment of morbidity and mortality due to influenza in administrative databases: A population-based record linkage study', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e98446,
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    Deans GD; Raffa JD; Lai C; Fischer B; Krajden M; Amin J; Walter SR; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Tyndall MW, 2013, 'Mortality in a large community-based cohort of inner-city residents in Vancouver, Canada', CMAJ Open, 1, pp. e68 - e76,
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    Leenders FJ; Amin J; Bloch M; Pett SL; Marriott D; Carr AD, 2013, 'Skeletal muscle toxicity associated with raltegravir-based combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adults', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 62, pp. 525 - 533,
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    Matthews GV; Ali RJ; Avihingsanon A; Amin J; Hammond RA; Bowden S; Lewin SR; Sasadeusz JJ; Littlejohn M; Locarnini SL; Ruxrungtham K; Dore GJ, 2013, 'Quantitative HBsAg and HBeAg Predict Hepatitis B Seroconversion after Initiation of HAART in HIV-HBV Coinfected Individuals', PLoS One, 8, pp. e61297,
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    Phetsouphanh C; Xu Y; Amin J; Seddiki N; Procopio F; Sekaly RP; Zaunders JJ; Kelleher AD, 2013, 'Characterization of Transcription Factor Phenotypes within Antigen-Specific CD4+ T Cells Using Qualitative Multiplex Single-Cell RT-PCR', PLoS ONE, 8,
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    Rodger AJ; Lodwick RK; Schechter M; Deeks SG; Amin J; Gilson RJC; Paredes R; Bakowska E; Engsig FN; Phillips AN, 2013, 'Mortality in well controlled HIV in the continuous antiretroviral therapy arms of the SMART and ESPRIT trials compared with the general population', AIDS, 27, pp. 973 - 979,
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    Wildan T; Amin J; Bowe D; Gerber B; Saeed NR, 2013, 'Dental foundation year 2 training in oral and maxillofacial surgery units - the trainees' perspective', BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 51, pp. E155 - E164,
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    Achhra AC; Amin J; Sabin C; Chu H; Dunn D; Kuller LH; Kovacs JA; Cooper DA; Emery S; Law MG, 2012, 'Reclassification of risk of death with the knowledge of D-dimer in a cohort of treated HIV-infected individuals', AIDS, 26, pp. 1707 - 1717,
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    Achhra AC; Amin J, 2012, 'Race and CD4 + T-cell count in HIV prognosis and treatment', Future Virology, 7, pp. 193 - 203,
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    Brown D; Hance KW; Rogers C; Sansbury ; Albert P; Murphy G; Laiyemo A; Wang Z; Cross A; Schatzkin A; Danta M; Srasu ; Amin J; Law MG; Breit SN; Lanza E; Brown , 2012, 'Serum Macrophage Inhibitory Cytokine-1 (MIC-1/GDF15): A Potential Screening Tool for the Prevention of Colon Cancer?', Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 21, pp. 337 - 346,
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    Cordery D; Martin A; Kelleher AD; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2012, 'The influence of HLA supertype on thymidine analogue associated with low peripheral fat in HIV.', AIDS, 26, pp. 2337 - 2344,
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    Gidding HF; Law MG; Amin J; Ostapowicz G; Weltman MD; Macdonald GAM; Sasadeusz JJ; Haber PS; George J; Dore GJ; Han A, 2012, 'Hepatitis C treatment outcomes in Australian clinics', Medical Journal of Australia, 196, pp. 633 - 637,
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    Grebely J; Matthews GV; Petoumenos K; Yeung B; Day C; Lloyd AR; Beek IV; Kaldor JM; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Haber PS; Alavi M; Van Beek I; Amin J; Dolan K; Rawlinson W; Flynn J; Marks P; Acraman B; Bloch M; Li H; Madden A; George J, 2012, 'Effect of pegylated interferon-a-2a treatment on mental health during recent hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 27, pp. 957 - 965,
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    Haskelberg H; Hoy J; Amin J; Ebeling PR; Emery S; Carr AD, 2012, 'Changes in Bone Turnover and Bone Loss in HIV-Infected Patients Changing Treatment to Tenofovir-Emtricitabine or Abacavir-Lamivudine', PLoS ONE, 7, pp. e38377,
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    Hsu DC; Zaunders J; Plit ML; Leeman C; Ip S; Iampornsin T; Pett SL; Bailey MR; Amin J; Ubolyam S; Avihingsanon A; Ananworanich J; Ruxrungtham K; Cooper DA; Kelleher AD, 2012, 'A novel assay detecting recall response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Comparison with existing assays', Tuberculosis, 92, pp. 321 - 327,
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    Thein H; Walter SR; Gidding HF; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Dore GJ; Han A, 2012, 'Survival after diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma and potential impact of treatment in a hepatitis B or C infected cohort', Hepatology Research, 42, pp. 1175 - 1186,
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    Wren LH; Chung AW; Isitman G; Kelleher AD; Parsons MS; Amin J; Cooper DA; Stratov SI; Navis M; Kent SJ, 2012, 'Specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity responses associated with slow progression of HIV infection', Immunology, 138, pp. 116 - 123,
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    Achhra A; Phanuphak P; Amin J, 2011, 'Long-term immunological outcomes in treated HIV-infected individuals in high-income and low-middle income countries', Current opinion in HIV & AIDS, 6, pp. 258 - 265,
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    Achhra AC; Zhou J; Choi JY; Hoy J; Zhang F; Templeton DJ; Merati T; Woolley I; Petoumenos K; Amin J, 2011, 'The clinical significance of CD4 counts in asian and caucasian HIV-infected populations: Results from TAHOD and AHOD', Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care, 10, pp. 160 - 170,
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    Byakwaga H; Purcell DJ; French MA; Amin J; Lewin S; Haskelberg H; Kelleher AD; Garsia RJ; Boyd MA; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2011, 'Intensification of antiretroviral therapy with raltegravir or addition of hyperimmune bovine colostrum in HIV-infected patients with suboptimal CD4 + T-cell response: A randomized controlled trial', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 204, pp. 1532 - 1540,
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    Chung AW; Navis M; Isitman G; Wren L; Silvers J; Amin J; Kent SJ; Stratov I, 2011, 'Activation of NK cells by ADCC antibodies and HIV disease progression', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 58, pp. 127 - 131,
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    Cordery DV; Humphries A; Amin J; Kelleher AD; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2011, 'The influence of HLA supertype on thymidine analogue induced body composition changes in STEAL', ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 16, pp. A20 - A21,
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    Gidding HF; Amin J; Dore GJ; Law MG, 2011, 'Hospitalization rates associated with hepatitis B and HIV co-infection, age and sex in a population-based cohort of people diagnosed with hepatitis C', Epidemiology and Infection, 139, pp. 1151 - 1158
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    Gidding HF; Dore GJ; Amin J; Law MG, 2011, 'Trends in all cause and viral liver disease-related hospitalizations in people with hepatitis B or C: a population-based linkage study', BMC Public Health, 11, pp. 52
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    Gidding HF; Law MG; Amin J; MacDonald GJ; Sasadeusz JJ; Jones TL; Strasser SI; George J; Dore GJ, 2011, 'Predictors of deferral of treatment for hepatitis C infection in Australian clinics', The Medical Journal of Australia, 194, pp. 398 - 402
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    Haskelberg H; Hoy J; Amin J; Ebeling PR; Emery S; Carr A, 2011, 'Lower fat mass and lower bone formation predict greater bone loss with tenofovir in HIV-infected adults', ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 16, pp. A6 - A7,
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    Jackson A; Hill A; Puls R; Else L; Amin J; Back D; Lin E; Khoo S; Emery S; Morley R; Gazzard B; Boffito M, 2011, 'Pharmacokinetics of plasma lopinavir/ritonavir following the administration of 400/100 mg, 200/150 mg and 200/50 mg twice daily in HIV-negative volunteers', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 66, pp. 635 - 640,
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    Kariminia A; Chokephaibulkit K; Pang J; Lumbiganond P; Hansudewechakul R; Amin J; Kumarasamy N; Puthanakit T; Kurniati N; Yusoff N; Saphonn V; Fong SM; Razali K; Nallusamy R; Sohn A; Sirisanthana V, 2011, 'Cohort profile: The TREAT Asia pediatric HIV observational database', International Journal of Epidemiology, 40, pp. 15 - 24,
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    Kumarasinghe G; Herrera C; Stuart S; Victor A; Amin J; Hayward C; MacDonald P; Danta M, 2011, 'Noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in cardiac disease', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 26, pp. 54 - 54,
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    Martin A; Amin J; Emery S; Baker D; Carr AD; Cooper DA; Bloch M, 2011, 'Predictors of limb fat gain in HIV positive patients following a change to tenofovir-emtricitabine or Abacavir-Lamivudine', PLoS One, 6, pp. Article number e26885,
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    Thein HH; Walter SR; Gidding HF; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Dore GJ, 2011, 'Trends in incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma after diagnosis of hepatitis B or C infection: A population-based cohort study, 1992-2007', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18, pp. e232 - e241,
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    Walter SR; Thein H; Gidding HF; Amin J; George J; Dore GJ, 2011, 'Risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in a cohort infected with hepatitis B or C', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH), 26, pp. 1757 - 1764,
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    Walter SR; Thein HH; Amin J; Gidding HF; Ward K; Law MG; George J; Dore GJ, 2011, 'Trends in mortality after diagnosis of hepatitis B or C infection: 1992-2006', Journal of Hepatology, 54, pp. 879 - 886,
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    Wildan T; Amin J; Saeed N, 2011, 'Relevance of Dental Foundation Year 2 training in maxillofacial units', British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 49, pp. S25 - S25,
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    Achhra A; Amin J; Law MG; Emery S; Gerstoft J; Gordin F; Vjecha M; Neaton JD; Cooper DA, 2010, 'Immunodeficiency and the risk of serious clinical endpoints in a well-studied cohort of treated HIV-infected patients.', AIDS, 24, pp. 1877 - 1886
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    Amin J; De lazzari E; Emery S; Martin A; Martinez E; Carr AD; Gatell J; Cooper DA, 2010, 'Simplification with fixed-dose tenofovir-emtricitabine or abacavir-lamivudine in treatment experienced, virologically suppressed adults with HIV infection: combined analysis of two randomised, non-inferiority trials Bicombo and Steal.', Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research, 1, pp. 1001 - 1013,
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    Amin J; Martin A; Bloch M; Carr A, 2010, 'Reply to Landman and Soonawala', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 50, pp. 1200 - 1201,
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    Carey DL; Amin J; Boyd MA; Petoumenos K; Emery S, 2010, 'Lipid profiles in HIV-infected adults receiving atazanavir and atazanavir/ritonavir: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 65, pp. 1878 - 1888
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    Cordery D; Hesse K; Amin J; Cooper DA; Hesse , 2010, 'Raltegravir and unboosted atazanavir dual therapy in virologically suppressed antiretroviral treatment-experienced HIV patients', Antiviral Therapy, 15, pp. 1035 - 1038
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    Danta M; Kumarasinghe G; Stuart S; Victor A; Amin J; Hayward C; Macdonald P, 2010, 'Liver elastography in cardiac disease (LECD) study', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 25, pp. A24 - A25,
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    Gidding HF; Amin J; Dore GJ; Ward K; Law MG, 2010, 'Hospital-related morbidity in people notified with hepatitis C: A population-based record linkage study in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 53, pp. 43 - 49
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    Grebely J; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Matthews G; Suppiah V; Applegate TL; Yeung B; Marks P; Rawlinson WD; Lloyd AROLA; Booth D; Kaldor JM; George J; Dore GJ; Amin J; Cameron B; Acraman B; Dolan K; Bloch M; Van Beek I; Li H; Madden A, 2010, 'Potential Role for Interleukin-28B Genotype in Treatment Decision-Making in Recent Hepatitis C Virus Infection', Hepatology, 52, pp. 1216 - 1224,
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    Jackson AGA; Hill A; Else LJ; Back DJ; Morley R; Puls R; Amin J; Lin E; Boffito M, 2010, 'Pharmacokinetics of plasma lopinavir/ritonavir following the administration of 400/100, 200/150, and 200/50 mg twice daily in HIV‐negative volunteers', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 13,
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    Martin A; Amin J; Cooper DA; Carr AD; Kelleher AD; Bloch M; Baker D; Woolley I; Emery S, 2010, 'Abacavir does not affect circulating levels of inflammatory or coagulopathic biomarkers in suppressed HIV: a randomized clinical trial', AIDS, 24, pp. 2657 - 2663
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    Salmon A; Van Beek I; Amin J; Kaldor JM; Maher L, 2010, 'The impact of a supervised injecting facility on ambulance call-outs in Sydney, Australia', Addiction, 105, pp. 676 - 683,
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    Van Leeuwen MT; Webster AC; Mccredie MR; Stewart JH; McDonald S; Amin J; Kaldor JM; Chapman JR; Vajdic CM; Grulich AE, 2010, 'Effect of reduced immunosuppression after kidney transplant failure on risk of cancer: population based retrospective cohort study.', British Medical Journal (BMJ), 340, pp. c570,
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    Yan C; Hanafi I; Kelleher AD; Carr AD; Amin J; Mcnally L; Cunningham PH, 2010, 'Lack of correlation between three commerical platforms for the evaluation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viral load at the clinically critical lower limit of quantification', Journal of Clinical Virology, 49, pp. 249 - 253
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    Zheng H; Ehrlich F; Amin J, 2010, 'Economic evaluation of the direct healthcare cost savings resulting from the use of walking interventions to prevent coronary heart disease in Australia', International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 10, pp. 187 - 201,
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    Zheng H; Ehrlich F; Amin J, 2010, 'Productivity loss resulting from coronary heart disease in Australia', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 8, pp. 179 - 189
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    Zheng H; Ehrlich F; Amin J, 2010, 'Quantifying the effect size of walking interventions to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease: Meta-analysis', International Journal of Body Composition Research, 8, pp. S51 - S59,
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    Alcantara S; Reece J; amarasena T; De Rose R; Manitta J; Amin J; Kent SJ, 2009, 'Thrombocytopenia is strongly associated with simian AIDS in pigtail macaques', JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 51, pp. 374 - 379
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    Carr AD; Amin J, 2009, 'Efficacy and tolerability of initial antiretroviral therapy: A systematic review', AIDS, 23, pp. 343 - 353
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    Martin A; Bloch MT; Amin J; Baker DL; Cooper DA; Emery S; Carr AD, 2009, 'Simplification of Antiretroviral Therapy with Tenofovir-Emtricitabine or Abacavir-Lamivudine: A Randomized, 96-Week Trial', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 49, pp. 1591 - 1601
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    Nguyen VT; Amin J; Law MG; Dore GJ, 2009, 'Predictors and survival in hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, pp. 436 - 442,
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    Razali K; Amin J; Dore GJ; Law MG, 2009, 'Modelling and calibration of the hepatitis C epidemic in Australia', Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 18, pp. 253 - 270
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    Salmon A; Van Beek I; Amin J; Grulich A; Maher L, 2009, 'High HIV testing and low HIV prevalence among injecting drug users attending the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33, pp. 280 - 283,
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    Stewart J; Vajdic CM; Van Leeuwen MT; Amin J; Webster A; McDonald S; Chapman JR; Grulich AE; Mccredie M, 2009, 'The pattern of excess cancer in dialysis and transplantation', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 24, pp. 3225 - 3231,
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    Vajdic CM; Van Leeuwen MT; Webster A; Mccredie M; Stewart J; Chapman JR; Amin J; Grulich AE; McDonald S, 2009, 'Cutaneous melanoma is related to immune suppression in kidney transplant recipients', Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 18, pp. 2297 - 2303,
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    Van Leeuwen MT; Grulich AE; McDonald S; Mccredie M; Amin J; Stewart J; Webster A; Chapman JR; Vajdic CM, 2009, 'Immunosuppression and other risk factors for lip cancer after kidney transplantation', Cancer epidemiology biomarkers and prevention, 18, pp. 561 - 569,
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    Van Leeuwen MT; Grulich AE; Webster A; Mccredie M; Stewart JS; McDonald S; Amin J; Kaldor JM; Chapman JR; Vajdic CM, 2009, 'Immunosuppression and other risk factors for early and late non-Hodgkin lymphoma after kidney transplantation', Blood, 114, pp. 630 - 637,
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    Zheng H; Orsini N; Amin J; Wolk A; Nguyen VT; Ehrlich F, 2009, 'Quantifying the dose-response of walking in reducing coronary heart disease risk: Meta-analysis', European Journal of Epidemiology, 24, pp. 181 - 192,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Matthews G; Avihingsanon A; Lewin S; Amin J; Rerknimitr R; Petcharapirat P; Marks PB; Sasadeusz J; Cooper DA; Bowden S; Locarnini S; Ruxrungtham K; Dore GJ, 2008, 'A randomized trial of combination hepatitis B therapy in HIV/HBV coinfected antiretroviral naive individuals in Thailand', Hepatology, 48, pp. 1062 - 1069
    Journal articles | 2008
    Nguyen VT; Razali K; Amin J; Law MG; Dore GJ, 2008, 'Estimates and projections of hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma in Australia among people born in Asia-Pacific countries', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 23, pp. 922 - 929,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Amin J; Law MG; Micallef JM; Jauncey ME; Van Beek IA; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ, 2007, 'Potential biases in estimates of hepatitis C RNA clearance in newly acquired hepatitis C infection among a cohort of injecting drug users', Epidemiology and Infection, 135, pp. 144 - 150
    Journal articles | 2007
    Amin J; Law MG, 2007, 'Causes of death in hepatitis B and C: a methodological issue', Lancet, 370, pp. 1033,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Amin J; O Connell DL; Bartlett M; Tracey E; Kaldor JM; Law MG; Dore GJ, 2007, 'Liver cancer and hepatitis B and C in New South Wales, 1990-2002: a linkage study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 475 - 482
    Journal articles | 2007
    Macdonald V; Dore GJ; Amin J; Van Beek IA, 2007, 'Predictors of completion of a hepatitis Bvaccination schedule in attendees at a primary health care centre.', Sexual Health, 4, pp. 27 - 30
    Journal articles | 2007
    Micallef JM; Macdonald V; Jauncey ME; Amin J; Rawlinson WD; Van Beek IA; Kaldor JM; White PA; Dore GJ, 2007, 'High Incidence of hepatitis C virus reinfection within a cohort of injecting drug users', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 14, pp. 413 - 418
    Journal articles | 2006
    Amin J; Dore GJ; O Connell DL; Bartlett M; Tracey E; Kaldor JM; Law MG, 2006, 'Cancer incidence in people with hepatitis B or C infection: A large community-based linkage study', Journal of Hepatology, 45, pp. 197 - 203
    Journal articles | 2006
    Amin J; Law MG; Bartlett M; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ, 2006, 'Causes of death after diagnosis of hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection: a large community-based linkage study', Lancet, 368, pp. 938 - 945
    Journal articles | 2006
    Amin J; Law MG; Dore G, 2006, 'Mortality in patients with hepatitis B or hepatitis C - Authors' reply', Lancet, 368, pp. 1767,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Brown DA; Stephan C; Ward RL; Law MG; Hunter M; Bauskin AR; Amin J; Jung K; Diamandis E; Hampton GM; Russell PJ; Giles GG; Breit SN, 2006, 'Measurement of serum levels of macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 combined with prostate-specific antigen improves prostate cancer diagnosis', Clinical Cancer Research, 12, pp. 89 - 96
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dwyer D; Workman C; Hales GP; Amin J; Cooper DA; Miller J; Emery S, 2006, 'Enfuvirtide in HIV-1-infected individuals changing therapy to a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor sparing regimen: The ALLIANCE Study', Antiviral Therapy, 11, pp. 409 - 419
    Journal articles | 2006
    Hamlyn E; McAllister J; Winston A; Sinclair B; Amin J; Carr AD; Cooper DA, 2006, 'Is screening for sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men who receive non-occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis worthwhile?', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82, pp. 21 - 23
    Journal articles | 2006
    Winston A; Amin J; Hales GP; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2006, 'Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor fold change or plasma concentration as a predictor of virological response over 48 weeks in highly treatment experienced HIV-positive individuals', AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 22, pp. 338 - 341
    Journal articles | 2006
    Winston A; Amin J; Marriott D; Mallon PW; Carr AD; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2006, 'Minor changes in calculated creatinine clearance and anion-gap are associated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing highly active antiretroviral therapy', HIV Medicine, 7, pp. 105 - 111
    Journal articles | 2005
    Amin J; Law MG; O Connell DL; Bartlett M; Tracey E; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ, 2005, 'Cancer incidence in people with hepatitis B or C infection: A population based cohort study', Journal of Hepatology, 42, pp. 88 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Grulich AE; Cunningham PH; Munier CM; Prestage G; Amin J; Ringland C; Whitby D; Kippax SC; Kaldor JM; Rawlinson WD, 2005, 'Sexual behaviour and human herpesvirus 8 infection in homosexual men in Australia.', Sexual Health, 2, pp. 13 - 18
    Journal articles | 2005
    Hallinan R; Byrne A; Amin J; Dore GJ, 2005, 'Hepatitis C virus prevalence and outcomes among injecting drug users on opioid replacement therapy', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 20, pp. 1082 - 1086
    Journal articles | 2005
    Winston A; Bloch MT; Carr AD; Amin J; Mallon PW; Ray J; Marriott D; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2005, 'Atazanavir trough plasma concentration monitoring in a cohort of HIV-1-positive individuals receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 56, pp. 380 - 387
    Journal articles | 2005
    Winston A; Hales GP; Amin J; van Schaick E; Cooper DA; Emery S, 2005, 'The normalized inhibitory quotient of boosted protease inhibitors is predictive of viral load response in treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected individuals', AIDS, 19, pp. 1393 - 1399
    Journal articles | 2005
    Winston A; McAllister J; Amin J; Cooper DA; Carr AD, 2005, 'The use of a triple nucleoside-nucleotide-regimen for occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis', HIV Medicine, 6, pp. 191 - 197
    Journal articles | 2004
    Amin J; Kaye M; Skidmore S; Pillay D; Cooper DA; Dore GJ, 2004, 'HIV and hepatitis C coinfection within the CAESAR study', HIV Medicine, 5, pp. 174 - 179
    Journal articles | 2004
    Hallinan R; Amin J; Dore GJ, 2004, 'Hepatitis C virus incidence among injecting drug users on opioid replacement therapy', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 28, pp. 576 - 578
    Journal articles | 2004
    Jauncey ME; Micallef JM; Gilmour S; Amin J; White PA; Rawlinson WD; Kaldor JM; Van Beek IA; Dore GJ, 2004, 'Clearance of hepatitis C virus after newly acquired infection ininjection drug users', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, pp. 1270 - 1274
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin A; Smith DE; Carr AD; Ringland C; Amin J; Emery S; Hoy JF; Workman C; Doong N; Freund J; Cooper DA, 2004, 'Reversibility of lipoatrophy in HIV-infected patients 2 years after switching from a thymidine analogue to abacavir: the MITOX Extension Study', AIDS, 18, pp. 1029 - 1036,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Moyle GJ; Sawyer W; Law MG; Amin J; Hill A, 2004, 'Changes in hematologic parameters and efficacy of thymidine analogue-based, highly active antiretroviral therapy: A meta-analysis of six prospective, randomized, comparative studies', Clinical Therapeutics, 26, pp. 92 - 97
    Journal articles | 2003
    Amin J; Moore A; Carr A; French MA; Law M; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2003, 'Combined Analysis of Two-Year Follow-Up from Two Open-Label Randomized Trials Comparing Efficacy of Three Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Backbones for Previously Untreated HIV-1 Infection: OzCombo 1 and 2', HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 4, pp. 252 - 261,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Amin J; Moore A; Carr AD; French MA; Law MG; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2003, 'Combined analysis of two-year follow-up from two open-label randomized trials comparing efficacy of three nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor backbones for previously untreated HIV-1 infection: OzCombo 1 and 2', HIV Clinical Trials, 4, pp. 252 - 261
    Journal articles | 2003
    MICALLEF J; JAUNCEY M; AMIN J; RAWLINSON W; GILMOUR S; VANBEEK I; KALDOR J; WHITE P; DORE G, 2003, '229 Hepatitis C virus reinfection within a cohort of injecting drug users', Hepatology, 38, pp. 266 - 266,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Carr AD; Amin J; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Insulin resistance and HIV-related lipoatrophy', Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 1716,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Carr AD; Workman C; Smith DE; Hoy JF; Doong N; Amin J; Law MG; Cooper DA, 2002, 'For the MITOX investigators: Abacavir substitution for nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV lipoatrophy: a randomized trial', Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 207 - 215
    Journal articles | 2002
    Carr AD; Workman C; Smith DE; Hoy JF; Hudson J; Doong N; Martin A; Amin J; Freund J; Law MG; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Abacavir substitution for nucleoside analogs in patients with HIV lipoatrophy', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 207 - 215
    Journal articles | 2002
    French M; Amin J; Roth N; Carr A; Law M; Emery S; Drummond F; Cooper D; investigators* OBOO2, 2002, 'Randomized, open-Label, comparative trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of three antiretroviral drug combinations including two nucleoside analogues and nevirapine for previously untreated HIV-1 Infection: The OzCombo 2 study', HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 3, pp. 177 - 185,
    Journal articles | 2002
    French MA; Amin J; Roth N; Law MG; Emery S; Drummond F, 2002, 'Randomized, open-label, comparative trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of three antiretroviral drug combinations including two nucleoside analogues and nevirapine for previously untreated HIV-1 infection: The OzCombo 2 Study', HIV Clinical Trials, 3, pp. 177 - 185
    Journal articles | 2002
    Mikhailof N; Carr A; Amin J; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Insulin resistance and HIV-related lipoatrophy [1] (multiple letters)', Journal of the American Medical Association, 288, pp. 1716,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Miller J; Brown DA; Amin J; Kent-Hughes J; Law MG; Cooper DA; Carr AD, 2002, 'A randomised, double-blind study of gemfibrozil for the treatment of protease inhibitor-associated hypertriglyceridaemia', AIDS, 16, pp. 2195 - 2200
    Journal articles | 2001
    Amin J; Gilbert GL; escott R; heath T; Burgess MA, 2001, 'Hepatitis A epidemiology in Australia: national seroprevalence and notifications', Medical Journal of Australia, 174, pp. 338 - 341
    Journal articles | 2000
    Amin J; McIntyre P; Gidding H; Turnbull F; Burgess M, 2000, 'Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Australia, 1993-1998', Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report
    Journal articles | 2000
    Gidding HF; Amin J; McIntyre PB, 2000, 'Notifications of vaccine preventable diseases in Australia. Quarterly report (January-March 2000).', Communicable diseases intelligence, 24, pp. 239 - 241
    Journal articles | 2000
    McIntyre P; Amin J; Gidding H; Hull B; Torvaldsen S; Tucker A; Turnbull F; Burgess M, 2000, 'Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Australia, 1993-1998.', Commun Dis Intell, Suppl, pp. v - 83,
    Journal articles | 2000
    McIntyre P; Amin J; Gidding H; Hull B; Torvaldsen S; Tucker A; Turnbull F; Burgess M, 2000, 'Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Australia, 1993-1998.', Communicable diseases intelligence, 24, pp. 276 - 277
    Journal articles | 2000
    McIntyre P; Amin J; Gidding H; Hull B; Torvaldsen S; Tucker A; Turnbull F; Burgess M, 2000, 'Vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination coverage in Australia, 1993-1998.', Communicable diseases intelligence, Suppl
    Journal articles | 1999
    Amin J; Wong M, 1999, 'Measles-mumps-rubella immunisation, autism and inflammatory bowel disease: update', Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report
    Journal articles | 1999
    Heath T; Amin J; Morrell SL, 1999, 'Hepatitis A in Australia in the 1990s: future directions in surveillance and control', Communicable Diseases Intelligence, 23, pp. 113 - 120
    Journal articles | 1999
    Thomson J; Lin M; Halliday L; Preston G; McIntyre P; Gidding H; Amin J; Roberts L; Higgins K; Brooke F; Milton A; O'Brien E; Witteveen D; Crerar S, 1999, 'Australia's notifiable diseases status, 1998. Annual report of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.', Communicable diseases intelligence, 23, pp. 277 - 305
    Journal articles | 1998
    Amin J; Hueston L; Dwyer DE; Capon A, 1998, 'Ross River virus infection in the north-west outskirts of the Sydney basin', Communicable Diseases Intelligence Quarterly Report, 22, pp. 101 - 102
    Journal articles | 1998
    Amin J; McIntyre PB; Heath TC, 1998, 'Measles vaccine, inflammatory bowel disease and pervasive developmental disorder: is there cause for concern?', Communicable diseases intelligence, 22, pp. 58 - 59
  • Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Alavi M; Valerio H; Law M; Lockart I; Danta M; Grebely J; Amin J; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Dore G, 2022, 'Incidence and risk factors of hepatitis C liver morbidity and mortality in the era of direct-acting antiviral therapies: a population-based linkage study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ENGLAND, London, Vol. 77, pp. S568 - S569, presented at International Liver Congress, ENGLAND, London, 22 June 2022 - 26 June 2022,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Carson J; Dore G; Lloyd A; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham EB; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin N; Treloar C; Matthews G; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral treatment in the prison setting: the SToP-C study', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier BV, Vol. 77, pp. S565 - S565,
    Preprints | 2022
    Dasgupta P; Amin J; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2022, News Coverage of Face Masks in Australia During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: Topic Modeling Study (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    Imai C; Amin J; Prgomet M; Pearce C; Georgiou A, 2022, Antibiotic prescribing for respiratory tract infections through telehealth consultations: A retrospective study in Australian general practice. (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    Liu B; Stepien S; Qian J; Gidding H; Nicolopoulos K; Amin J; Cheng A; Macartney K, 2022, Comparative effectiveness of four COVID-19 vaccines, BNT162b2 mRNA, mRNA-1273, ChAdOx1 nCov-19 and NVX-CoV2373 against SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) infection,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Dore G, 2022, 'Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales: a population-based data linkage study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S302 - S302,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Innes H; Dore G, 2022, 'Liver-related mortality among people with hepatitis B and C: a validation study using linked healthcare administrative datasets', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S560 - S560,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Conway A; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study', in International Journal of Drug Policy,
    Preprints | 2021
    Christie V; Green D; Amin J; Pyke C; Littlejohn K; Skinner J; McCowen D; Gwynne K, 2021, What is the Evidence Globally for Culturally Safe Therapies to Improving Breast Cancer Outcomes for Indigenous Women in High Income Countries? A Systematic Review,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Conway A; Valerio H; Peacock A; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Harrod ME; Henderson C; Read P; Gilliver R; Amin J; Christmass M; Dunlop AJ; Montebello M; Whitton G; Reid D; Lam T; Alavi M; Silk D; Marshall AD; Dore GJ; Treloar C; Grebely J, 2021, 'OPIOID OVERDOSE AND NALOXONE ACCESS AMONG PEOPLE WHO RECENTLY USED OPIOIDS OR RECEIVED OPIOID AGONIST TREATMENT IN AUSTRALIA: THE ETHOS ENGAGE STUDY', in DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, WILEY, pp. S59 - S60,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    He S; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Law M; Amin J; George J; Danta M; Dore G, 2021, 'comparison of hbv-related hcc incidence between entecavir and tenofovir treated cohorts: a population-based study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 75, pp. S515 - S516,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Lau A; Kong F; Fairley C; Templeton D; Amin J; Phillips S; Law M; Chen M; Bradshaw C; Donovan B; McNulty A; Boyd M; Timms P; Chow E; Regan D; Khaw C; Lewis D; Kaldor J; Ratnayake M; Carvalho N; Hocking J, 2021, 'O11.2 Treatment efficacy of 1g azithromycin versus 100mg doxycycline bi-daily for seven days for asymptomatic rectal Chlamydia trachomatis', in STI treatment, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A40.2 - A40, presented at Abstracts for the STI & HIV World Congress, July 14–17 2021,
    Preprints | 2021
    Lystad RP; Fajardo Pulido D; Peters L; Johnstone M; Ellis LA; Braithwaite J; Wuthrich V; Amin J; Cameron CM; Mitchell RJ, 2021, Feasibility of Monitoring Health and Well-being in Emerging Adults: Pilot Longitudinal Cohort Study (Preprint),
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Di Ciaccio PR; Jin F; Law M; Van Leeuwen MT; Grulich A; Amin J; Vajdic C; McGregor S; Polizzotto MN, 2020, 'The role of lymphomas in subsequent primary cancers in people with HIV/AIDS: An Australian national population-based data linkage study', in Blood, American Society of Hematology, Vol. 136, pp. 32 - 32, presented at 62nd American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, 05 December 2020 - 08 December 2020,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Bavinton B; Vaccher S; Holt M; Guy R; Prestage G; Jin F; Amin J; Templeton D; Selvey C; Zablotska-Manos I; Lusk J; Ogilvie E; Vickers T; Smith D; Grulich A, 2019, 'USE OF CONDOMS FOR THE PREVENTION OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STIS) AMONG HIV PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS (PREP) USERS', in SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Vol. 95, pp. A206 - A206,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Grebely J; Cunningham EB; Dalgard O; Hajarizadeh B; Conway B; Powis J; Bruneau J; Feld J; Read P; Cooper C; Amin J; Bruggmann P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Hellard M; Marks P; Dunlop A; Moriggia A; Applegate T; Litwin A; Matthews G; Dore G, 2019, 'Reinfection following successful HCV DAA therapy among people with recent injecting drug use', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E732 - E733, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    He S; Dore G; Law M; Heahter V; Grebely J; Amin J; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Danta M; Alavi M, 2019, 'IMPROVED SURVIVAL FOLLOWING HEPATITIS C-RELATED HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA DIAGNOSIS IN THE DIRECT-ACTING ANTIVIRAL THERAPY ERA IN NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, Vol. 70, pp. 906A - 906A, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, MA, Boston, 08 November 2019 - 12 November 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    He S; Dore G; Law M; Valerio H; Grebely J; Amin J; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Danta M; Alavi M, 2019, 'Improved survival after hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis in the direct-acting antiviral therapy era in New South Wales, Australia', in JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 34, pp. 82 - 82,
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Vaccher S; Guy R; Templeton D; Zablotska-Manos I; Clackett S; Holt M; Prestage G; Amin J; Selvey C; Jin F; Grulich A; Bavinton B, 2019, 'Pre-exposure prophylaxis use among trans and gender diverse people: Characteristics and behaviour from the EPIC-NSW trial', Vancouver, Canada, presented at STI & HIV World Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 14 July 2019
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Vaccher S; Holt M; Prestage G; Amin J; Selvey C; Zablotska-Manos I; Guy R; Jin F; Carr A; Grulich A; Bavinton B, 2019, 'Methamphetamine users in the EPIC-NSW study report high adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)', Perth, Western Australia, presented at Australian HIV and AIDS Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 17 September 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Degenhardt L; Dore G; Grebely J, 2019, 'Uptake of testing, linkage to care, and treatment for hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E42 - E42, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,
    Conference Posters | 2018
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Betz-Stablein B; Dore GJ; Luciani F; Teutsch S; Bretana NA; Dolan K; Lloyd AR; Grebely J, 2018, 'Ongoing incident hepatitic c virus infection among people with a history of injecting drug use in an Australian prison setting', Vol. 1, pp. 278 - 280,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Dalgard O; Grebely J; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop A; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin A; Dillon J; Read P; Gane E; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in People with Recent Injecting Drug Use (Simplify): An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Phase 4, Multicentre Trial', in HEROIN ADDICTION AND RELATED CLINICAL PROBLEMS, PACINI EDITORE, Vol. 20, pp. 14 - 14,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; Butler T; Vickerman P; Martin N; Mchutchison JG; Brainard D; Treloar C; Lloyd A; Dore G, 2018, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in four prisons in New South Wales, Australia: The SToP-C study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S187 - S188, presented at International Liver Congress (ILC), FRANCE, Paris, 11 April 2018 - 15 April 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Lamoury F; Bajis S; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall A; Martinello M; Ivanova E; Catlett B; Mowat Y; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Ezard N; Cock V; Hayllar J; Persing D; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Dore G; Applegate T; Grebely J, 2018, 'Evaluation of the Xpert fingerstick HCV viral load assay', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S167 - S167, presented at International Liver Congress (ILC), FRANCE, Paris, 11 April 2018 - 15 April 2018,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Vaccher S; Amin J; Guy R; Jin F; Selvey C; Zablotska-Manos I; Holden J; Price K; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie E; McNulty A; Smith D; Cooper D; Grulich A, 2018, 'Baseline preferences for daily and non-daily PrEP dosing in EPIC-NSW', in Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference Handbook, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference, Sydney, Australia, 26 September 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Bretana NA; Luciani F; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Grebely J, 2017, 'Injecting risk behaviours among people with a history of injecting drug use in an Australian prison setting, 2005-2014: the HITS-p study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. S488 - S488, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop AJ; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer CM; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin A; Dillon J; Read P; Gane E; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir in people with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and recent injecting drug use: the SIMPLIFY study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S513 - S513, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop AJ; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin AH; Dillon JF; Read P; Gane ED; Dore GJ, 2017, 'EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF SOFOSBUVIR/VELPATASVIR IN PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTION AND RECENT INJECTING DRUG USE: THE SIMPLIFY STUDY', in DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, WILEY, Vol. 36, pp. 34 - 34,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Grebely J; Lamoury F; Hajarizadeh B; Mowat Y; Marshall A; Bajis S; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Edwards M; Gorton C; Ezard N; Persing D; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Catlett B; Dore G; Applegate TL, 2017, 'Field evaluation of Xpert (R) HCV Viral Load point-of-care test for detection of hepatitis C virus infection by venipuncture-collected and finger-stick capillary whole-blood samples', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. S709 - S709, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; Butler T; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Mchutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in two maximum-security prisons in New South Wales, Australia: the SToP-C study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. S274 - S274, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Lamoury FM; Hajarizadeh B; Soker A; Martinez D; Quek C; Cunningham P; Catlett B; Cloherty GA; Marks P; Amin J; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2017, 'Hepatitis C virus core antigen and dried blood spots as simplified hepatitis C virus diagnostic tools', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S710 - S710, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Waziry R; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Amin J; Law M; Danta M; George J; Dore GJ, 2017, 'No evidence for higher risk of hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence or recurrence following direct-acting antiviral HCV therapy: a systematic review, meta-analyses, and meta-regression', presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Alavi M; Janjua N; Yu A; Grebely J; Aspinall E; Innes H; Valerio H; Hayes P; Krajden M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Goldberg D; Hutchinson S; Dore G, 2016, 'DOES ALCOHOL DEPENDENCY EXPLAIN DIFFERENCES IN RATES OF DECOMPENSATED CIRRHOSIS AMONG PEOPLE WITH A HEPATITIS C NOTIFICATION? AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, SPAIN, Barcelona, Vol. 64, pp. S462 - S463, presented at EASL International Liver Congress, SPAIN, Barcelona, 13 April 2016 - 17 April 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Butler T; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; McHutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Lloyd AR; Dore G, 2016, 'Hepatitis C virus exposure, infection and associated risk behaviours in two maximum-security prisons in New South Wales, Australia', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, pp. 385A - 386A, presented at 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), MA, Boston, 11 November 2016 - 15 November 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Lamoury F; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Soker A; Martinez D; Cunningham P; Cloherty GA; Marks P; Matthews G; Amin J; Grebely J; Dore G; Applegate TL, 2016, 'Hepatitis C virus core antigen: A simplified treatment monitoring tool among those with recent Hepatitis C virus infection, including for post-treatment relapse', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, pp. 415A - 415A, presented at 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), MA, Boston, 11 November 2016 - 15 November 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Waziry R; Grebely J; Amin J; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Matthews G; Law M; Dore G; Law M, 2016, 'Survival following hepatocellular carcinoma among people with HBV or HCV in New South Wales, Australia between 2000 and 2014', presented at 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), MA, Boston, 11 November 2016 - 15 November 2016
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Zablotska I; Grulich AE; Guy R; Amin J; Selvey C; Schmidt H-M; Price K; Cooper D, 2016, 'Expanded PrEP implementation in communities in NSW, Australia (EPIC-NSW): evidence-based implementation study', in JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, Vol. 19,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Foster G; Bruggmann P; Backmund M; Robaeys G; Swan T; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Weltman M; Shaw D; Dunlop A; Hellard M; Bruneau J; Bourgeois S; Thurnheer C; Dore GJ; Group OBOTACTIVATES, 2015, 'P0848 : Efficacy of response-guided pegylated interferon and ribavirin therapy for people who inject drugs with HCV genotype 2/3 infection: The activate study', presented at 50th International Liver Congress of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, AUSTRIA, Vienna, 22 April 2015 - 26 April 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Waziry RK; Grebely J; Amin J; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; George J; Matthews G; Law M; Dore G; Law M, 2015, 'Trends in end-stage liver disease among people notified with HBV or HCV in New South Wales, Australia: 2000-2014', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, CA, San Francisco, pp. 1121A - 1121A, presented at 66th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), CA, San Francisco, 13 November 2015 - 17 November 2015
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Alavi M; Law M; Grebely J; Thein H-H; Amin J; Dore GJ; Law M, 2014, 'Time to hepatocellular carcinoma after notification of hepatitis B or C infection: a population-based cohort study, 1992-2007', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, MA, Boston, pp. 921A - 922A, presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 07 November 2014 - 11 November 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Hajarizadeh B; Grady B; Page K; Kim AY; Mcgovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate T; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Geskus RB; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2014, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C virus RNA levels in early chronic infection: The InC3 study', in Journal of Viral Hepatitis, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, MA, Boston, pp. 708 - 717, presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 07 November 2014 - 11 November 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Hajarizadeh B; Grady BP; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox A; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris MD; Amin J; Schinkel J; Applegate TL; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2014, 'Patterns of hepatitis C virus RNA levels during acute infection: the InC3 study', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, MA, Boston, pp. 898A - 899A, presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 07 November 2014 - 11 November 2014
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Muscatello DJ; Amin J; MacIntyre CR; Newall AT; Rawlinson WD; Sintchenko V; Gilmour R; Thackway S, 2014, 'Under-ascertainment of Illness due to Influenza in Administrative Databases, a Population-based Record Linkage Study', in Online J Public Health Inform, University of Illinois at Chicago Library, Vol. 6, pp. e169,
    Theses / Dissertations | 2014
    Muscatello DJ, 2014, Improving seasonal and pandemic influenza surveillance, epidemiology and disease burden estimation in populations using administrative and vital statistics databases and population surveys
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Aspinall E; Grebely J; Hutchinson S; Innes H; Walter S; Amin J; Yu A; Goldberg D; Krajden M; Law M; Dore G; Law M, 2013, '965 TRENDS IN MORTALITY AFTER DIAGNOSIS OF HEPATITIS C INFECTION – AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. s397 - s398, presented at International Liver Congress / 48th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 24 April 2013 - 28 April 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Grebely J; Page K; Sacks-Davis R; van der Loeff MS; Rice TM; Bruneau J; Morris MD; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Cox AL; Kim AY; McGovern BH; George J; Shoukry N; Lauer G; Maher L; Lloyd AR; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Prins M; Group OBOTIS, 2013, '461 SPONTANEOUS CLEARANCE OF ACUTE HCV INFECTION IS ASSOCIATED WITH FEMALE SEX, IL28B GENOTYPE AND HCV GENOTYPE 1 INFECTION', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. s189, presented at International Liver Congress / 48th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 24 April 2013 - 28 April 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Hajarizadeh B; Page K; Kim AY; McGovern BH; Cox AL; Rice TM; Sacks-Davis R; Bruneau J; Morris M; Amin J; Grady B; Schinkel J; Maher L; Hellard M; Lloyd AR; Prins M; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Group OBOTIS, 2013, '1157 EARLY HCVRNA DYNAMICS AND FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH EARLY HCVRNA LEVEL DURING ACUTE HCV INFECTION', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. s470 - s471, presented at International Liver Congress / 48th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 24 April 2013 - 28 April 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Lee FJ; Amin J; Carr A, 2013, 'Serious clinical outcomes are under-reported in prospective studies of initial antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected adults', in ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, INT MEDICAL PRESS LTD, BELGIUM, Brussels, pp. A18 - A19, presented at 15th International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reaction in HIV, BELGIUM, Brussels, 15 October 2013 - 17 October 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Ebeling PR; Haskelberg H; Hoy J; Amin J; Emery S; Carr A, 2011, 'LOWER FAT MASS AND LOWER BONE FORMATION PREDICT GREATER BONE LOSS WITH TENOFOVIR IN HIV-INFECTED ADULTS', in OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, SPRINGER LONDON LTD, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, pp. S614 - S615, presented at IOF Regionals 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting / ANZBMS Annual Scientific Meeting held with the JSBMR, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, 04 September 2011 - 08 September 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Kumarasinghe G; Herrera CL; Stuart SE; Victor A; Amin J; Hayward CS; Macdonald PS; Danta M, 2011, 'NONINVASIVE ASSESSMENT OF LIVER FIBROSIS IN CARDIAC DISEASE', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, CA, San Francisco, pp. 899A - 900A, presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), CA, San Francisco, 04 November 2011 - 08 November 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Danta M; Kumarasinghe G; Victor A; Stuart SE; Amin J; Hayward CS; Macdonald PS, 2010, 'LIVER ELASTOGRAPHY IN CARDIAC DISEASE (LECD) STUDY', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, MA, Boston, pp. 961A - 961A, presented at 61st Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 29 October 2010 - 02 November 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Puls RL; Brown D; Fahey P; Amin J; Breit S; Carr A, 2010, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1) serum levels in the Lipodystrophy Case Definition Study', in ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, INT MEDICAL PRESS LTD, ENGLAND, London, pp. A28 - A29, presented at 12th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV, ENGLAND, London, 04 November 2010 - 06 November 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Puls RL; Brown D; Fahey P; Amin J; Breit S; Carr A, 2010, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1) serum levels in the Lipodystrophy Case Definition Study', in ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, INT MEDICAL PRESS LTD, ENGLAND, London, pp. A28 - A29, presented at 12th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV, ENGLAND, London, 04 November 2010 - 06 November 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Carey D; Amin J; Emery S, 2009, 'Lipid profiles in HIV-infected adults receiving atazanavir and atazanavir/ritonavir in randomized trials: systematic review and meta-analysis', in ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, INT MEDICAL PRESS LTD, PA, Philadelphia, pp. A58 - A58, presented at 11th International Workshop on AdverseDrug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV, PA, Philadelphia, 26 October 2009 - 28 October 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Grulich A; McCredie M; Van Leeuwen MT; Amin J; Stewart J; McDonald S; Webster A; Kaldor J; Chapman J; Vajdic C, 2008, 'Rates of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related cancers are increased in renal transplant recipients and return to low levels on cessation of immune suppression', in Transplantation, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, Vol. 86, pp. 295 - 295, presented at XXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Sydney, 10 August 2008 - 14 August 2008,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Nguyen VT; Amin J; Law MG; Dore GJ, 2008, 'Predictors and survival in hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma in New South Wales', in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. A343 - A343,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Vajdic C; Van Leeuwen MT; Amin J; McDonald S; McCredie M; Stewart J; Webster A; Kaldor J; Chapman J; Grulich A, 2008, 'Risk of cutaneous melanoma does not increase over time after renal transplantation', in Transplantation, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, Vol. 86, pp. 296 - 296, presented at XXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Sydney, 10 August 2008 - 14 August 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Van Leeuwen MT; Grulich A; Webster A; McDonald S; McCredie M; Stewart J; Amin J; Kaldor J; Chapman J; Vajdic C, 2008, 'Currency of receipt of immunosuppressive agents and other risk factors for lip cancer following renal transplantation', Sydney, presented at XXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Sydney, 10 August 2008 - 14 August 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Van Leeuwen MT; Vajdic C; Webster A; McDonald S; McCredie M; Stewart J; Amin J; Kaldor J; Chapman J; Grulich A, 2008, 'Risk for Non-Hodgkin lymphoma following renal transplantation is associated with currency of receipt of immunosuppression and reverts to normal on cessation', in Transplantation, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, Vol. 86, pp. 294 - 294, presented at XXII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, Sydney, 10 August 2008 - 14 August 2008,
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Nguyen VT; Razali K; Amin J; Law MG; Dore GJ, 2006, 'Estimates of Hepatitis B-Realted Liver Cancer Among Vietnam Born Population in Australia', in 18th Annual ASHM Conference, 18th Annual ASHM Conference, Melbourne, pp. 152 - 153, presented at 18th Annual ASHM Conference, Melbourne, 11 October 2006 - 14 October 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2003
    Micallef JM; Jauncey M; Amin J; Rawlinson W; Gilmour S; van Beek I; Kaldor JM; White PA; Dore GJ, 2003, 'Hepatitis C virus reinfection within a cohort of injecting drug users.', in HEPATOLOGY, W B SAUNDERS CO, MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON, Vol. 38, pp. 266A - 266A, presented at 54th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Disease, MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON, 24 October 2003 - 28 October 2003,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Amin J; Carr A; Hill A; Emery S; Law M; Cooper DA, 2002, 'Haematological changes in patients randomized to HAART regimens containing either zidovudine or stavudine', in ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, INT MEDICAL PRESS LTD, CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, pp. L60 - L60, presented at 4th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO, 22 September 2002 - 25 September 2002,
    Preprints |
    Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Byrne M; Marks P; Amin J; McManus H; Butler T; Cunningham EB; Vickerman P; Martin NK; McHutchison JG; Brainard DM; Treloar C; Chambers GM; Grant L; Mcgrath C; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Group S-CS, Reduced Hepatitis C Incidence Associated with Rapid Treatment Scale-Up in Australian Prisons: Treatment-as-Prevention in the SToP-C Study,