Dr John Louis Daniels

Honorary Professor


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Sydney

Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, United Kingdom

Medicine & Health
Intl Ctr for Future Health Sys

I hold the position of Honorary Professor in the International Centre for Future Health Systems. Over the past 42 years as a medical clinician/ executive administrator/researcher, I  have had senior executive level input and involvement in Public Health and Indigenous health policy formulation as well as in health services development. During that period, I have contributed to policy initiatives in major strategic areas of concern in those subject domains in Australia, have provided advice in various capacities, including as a senior bureaucrat in the capacity of Deputy Chief Health Officer and as acting as NSW Chief Health Officer, to heads of government at the national and state levels.

 I have a national and international reputation in Indigenous Health and co authored the WHO Declaration on the Health and Survival of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in 1999. In 2020, I was awarded an Order of Australia ( OAM ) for my contributions in Indigenous and Public Health. 

I have been an investigator on  Australian National Health and Medical Research Council ( NHMRC) and  Australian Research Council  ( ARC)  grants with a combined total of $6,991,043.
I held an Honorary Professorship at the University of Wollongong Australia  between 2013-2023 at the former Australian Health Services Research Institute. 

I have been a grant application reviewer for the NHMRC and ARC in Australia and for the International Pandemic Institute in Liverpool, United Kingdom.  I have conducted peer reviews for journal submissions to the MJA, ANZPH and the Australian Journal of Primary Health.

I have been the chief medical officer to the former National Aboriginal and Islander Health Organisation  and its successor organisation, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, the chief medical officer to the Aboriginal Health Resource Council and its successor organisation, the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW as well as the director of health services and research at the Aboriginal Medical Service, Redfern.

I have been a director of the Sydney Local Health District and an Official Visitor to the Rozelle Hospital.

I have held the positions of NSW and National President of the Doctors Reform Society.

I served on the Australian Social Security Appeals Tribunal ( now a division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal) from 1983-1999.

PAST ARC and NHMRC Research Grants and Grants from Other Sources


NHMRC 1059038 ( University of Sydney) “ Burns in Aboriginal Children” Ivers R, Potokar T, Lo S, Daniels J, Clapham K et al


ARC 140100004 (University of Wollongong) “ The Efficacy and Appropriateness of Focus Group Discussions for Health Services Research in Aboriginal Contexts” Clapham K, Daniels J

and Dawson A.



NHMRC 519246  ( University of Adelaide ) Risk indicators for periodontal disease in an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population  Roberts-Johnson K. Daniels J, Barthold PM



NHMRC 512685 ( University of Sydney) Ear health, hearing, speech and language development in urban Aboriginal children Eades S, Oates K, McIntyre P, Daniels J, Woolfenden S


NHMRC 457459 (University of Sydney)    Determining the clinical validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) amongst urban Aboriginal children Williamson A,  Dadds M,  Eades S, Daniels, J, Raphael B, Redman S


NHMRC 402485 ( University of NSW) Mortality and survival in a cohort from Redfern Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS), Sydney, from 1972-2017 Taylor R, Morrell S, Daniels J. NSW Health ( University of NSW) associated grant, same investigators.



 NHMRC 361621 NHMRC/Canadian Institutes of Health Research/NZ HRC (International Collaborative  Indigenous Health Research Partnership Grant)   (University of NSW)  Kaldor J, Anderson N, Eades S, Wilkes E,  Daniels J, Lawrence C, Shipp M, Ratima M et al



NHMRC 358457  ( University of Sydney) Study of environment on Aboriginal resilience and child health   Craig J, Taylor R,  Eades S, Daniels J et al






I was awarded an Order of Australia in June 2020 ( OAM) for my contributions in Indigenous Health, Public Health and Health Services administration generally.

My current areas of focus concern the diversity of considerations arising from ongoing developments in the health sciences including the application of classical computing, laser computing and quantum technologies to advances in cellular biology, disease prevention, treatment modalities, health service delivery, diagnostics, and health sector performance/administration/financing. My focus extends to the broad potential implications for fundamental and transformative change in almost all areas of human activity both as a consequence of innovations in health care directly and indirectly as the product of technological/ knowledge advances in domains external to the health sector.