Professor John Myburgh

Professor John Myburgh

Conjoint Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Professor John A Myburgh AO, DSc, is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of New South Wales; Director of the Division of Critical Care at the George Institute for Global Health and Senior Intensive Care Physician at the St George Hospital, Sydney.

He holds a National Health and Medical Research Council Level 3 Leadership Fellowship and an honorary Professorial appointment at the Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

He has an extensive research track record over 25 years and is regarded as a national and international expert in catecholamine neurophysiology and pharmacology, trials of clinical management of traumatic brain injury, fluid resuscitation and in the development and co-ordination of over 35 clinical trials in Intensive Care Medicine.

He has published over 250 refereed research publications, (including 12 papers in the New England Journal of Medicine) and 45 book chapters and monographs. His current h-index is 44, calculated from 244 publications in SCOPUS, yielding over 17000 citations, with a citation trajectory of 900 to 2300 citations per annum from  2010 to the present.

He has been a Chief Investigator on 16 Project Grants and 2 Enabling Grants; Associate Investigator on 5 Project Grants, 1 Centre of Research Excellence grant, awarded 2 Practitioner Fellowships and a Leadership Fellowships from the National Health and Medical Research Council for a total of over A$46M since 1998. In addition to 1 Medical Research Future Fund grant, 13 international, 25 institutional peer-reviewed grants and 5 unrestricted commercial grants, total cumulative research funding raised to the present is over A$85M.

He is a Foundation Member and Past-Chairman of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group. He was instrumental in the establishment of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre at the Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. 

In 2006, he was appointed to establish the Division of Critical Care and Trauma at the George Institute for Global Health and has developed programs of research including new opportunities for clinician-researchers that includes 14 PhD, post-doctoral and masters’ students and 10 Honorary positions.

He has delivered over 400 presentations at national and international scientific meetings since 1994, including over 50 plenary presentations at major scientific congresses.

He has received five major awards for research including the International Sepsis Forum Award in 2007, two University of New South Wales Research Excellence awards in 2010 and 2013. He was listed on the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Honour Roll in 2013 and National Health and Medical Research Council Peer Review Honour Roll in 2015.

He is the immediate past Secretary-General for the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine.

He has reviewed manuscripts for 26 national and international journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet) and sits on 2 journal editorial boards. He has assessed grants for 12 funding agencies including the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom and the Canadian Institute for Health Research.

In addition to his research profile, he has made a substantive contribution to education in Intensive Care Medicine, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels over the last 25 years. He was instrumental in establishing the College of Intensive Care Medicine, serving as a Fellowship examiner for twelve years, on the Board for ten years and as the first elected President from 2010-2012.

In the 2014 Queen’s Birthday honours, he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service to medicine as an intensive care medical practitioner, educator and researcher, and as an international innovator in patient management.

In 2015, he was made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science.

In 2017, he was awarded the College of Intensive Care Medicine Medal.

In 2019, he was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) from the Faculty of Medicine, UNSW

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  • Book Chapters | 2016
    Hammond NE; Saxena MK; Myburgh JA, 2016, 'Fluid resuscitation', in Surgical Intensive Care Medicine, Third Edition, pp. 47 - 53,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Myburgh J; Hammond NE, 2016, 'Choice of resuscitation fluids', in Oxford Textbook of Critical Care, Oxford University Press,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Gordon AC; Myburgh JA, 2013, 'Vasodilators and antihypertensives', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Seventh Edition, pp. 923 - 934,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Saxena MK, 2013, 'Severe head injuries', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Seventh Edition, pp. 762 - 776,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Myburgh JA, 2013, 'Inotropes and vasopressors', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Seventh Edition, pp. 912 - 922,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Myburgh JA, 2009, 'Inotropes and vasopressors', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Elsevier, pp. 921 - 934,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Myburgh JA, 2009, 'Severe head injury', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Elsevier, pp. 765 - 782,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Myburgh JA, 2009, 'Vasodilators and antihypertensives', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Elsevier, pp. 935 - 946,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Upton RN; Myburgh JA; Morris RG, 2009, 'Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug monitoring in critical illness', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Elsevier, pp. 887 - 901,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Myburgh J, 2006, 'Homeostasis after massive multiple trauma', in Anaesthesia and Orthopaedic Surgery, edn. 1st, MacGraw Hill, USA, pp. 7 - 28
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Myburgh J, 2003, 'Cerebral perfusion presure monitoring in traumatic brain injury - a reappraisal of clinical applications', in Gullo A (ed.), APICE Yearbook, edn. Original, Springer-Verlag, Italy, pp. 237 - 252
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Myburgh J, 2003, 'Severe Head Injury', in Bersten AD (ed.), Intensive Care Manual 5th edition, edn. 5th, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, pp. 689 - 709
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Myburgh J, 2003, 'Vasodilators and antihypertensives', in Bersten AD (ed.), Intensive Care Manual 5th edition, edn. 5th, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, pp. 857 - 869
    Book Chapters | 1998
    Lewis SB; Wong M; Myburgh J; Reilly P, 1998, 'Determining Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Thresholds in Severe Head Trauma', in Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring in Brain Injury, Springer Nature, pp. 174 - 176,
    Book Chapters | 1998
    Myburgh JA; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 1998, 'A Comparison of the Effects of Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Dopamine on Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Utilisation', in Intracranial Pressure and Neuromonitoring in Brain Injury, Springer Nature, pp. 19 - 21,
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Ramanan M; Hammond N; Billot L; Delaney A; Devaux A; Finfer S; Li Q; Micallef S; Venkatesh B; Young PJ; Myburgh J; PLUS Investigators , 2025, 'Serum chloride concentration and outcomes in adults receiving intravenous fluid therapy with a balanced crystalloid solution or 0.9% sodium chloride.', Intensive Care Med,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Abdul-Aziz MH; Hammond NE; Brett SJ; Cotta MO; De Waele JJ; Devaux A; Di Tanna GL; Dulhunty JM; Elkady H; Eriksson L; Hasan MS; Khan AB; Lipman J; Liu X; Monti G; Myburgh J; Novy E; Omar S; Rajbhandari D; Roger C; Sjövall F; Zaghi I; Zangrillo A; Delaney A; Roberts JA, 2024, 'Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusions of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Adults with Sepsis or Septic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', JAMA, 332, pp. 638 - 648,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Anstey MH; Maxwell N; Rickard CM; Hammond NE; Knowles S; McGain F; Freeman-Sanderson A; Ganu S; Howe B; Litton E; Mackle D; Saxena M; Seppelt I; Towns M; Yarad E; Gao A; Li Y; Myburgh J; Nangla C; Butt F; Duke G; Hunter S; Evans J; Parker D; Loughnan C; Thomas B; Gilder E; Robertson M; McMahon E; Ali F; Cowdrey KA; McArthur C; Chen Y; Simmonds C; McConnochie R; O'Connor C; El-Khawas K; Hill D; Cattigan C; Horton M; Trickey J; Knott C; Smith J; Boschert C; Sara T; Nand K; Ramanan M; Marella P; Affleck J; Simpson S; Ellem K; McKenna T; Nourse M; Leung K; Edmunds T; McDonald B; Mehrtens J; Cross R; Wong H; Twardowski P; France D; Hanlon G; Barrett J; Palermo A; Pellicano S; Eroglu E; Bihari S; Brown J; Grear L; Jin X; French C; Bates S; Marshall F; McEldrew R; McCullough J; Tallott M; Gough M; Nalos M; Younger L; Krishnamurphy R; Trent L; How J; Stuart A; Chadwick L; Bhadange N; Tyler S; Sosnowski K; Morrison L; Sutton J; Soar N; Lee D; Doyle M; Jongebloed K; Finnis M; Wilson J; Williams T; Song R; Lai V; Girijadevi D; Habraken H, 2024, 'How often are infusion sets for central venous catheters changed in Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Units? A point prevalence survey', Australian Critical Care, 37, pp. 495 - 498,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Brown A; Ferrando-Vivas P; Popa M; de la Fuente GM; Pappachan J; Cuthbertson BH; Drikite L; Feltbower R; Gouliouris T; Sale I; Shulman R; Tume LN; Myburgh J; Woolfall K; Harrison DA; Mouncey PR; Rowan K; Pathan N, 2024, 'Use of selective gut decontamination in critically ill children: PICnIC a pilot RCT and mixed-methods study', Health Technology Assessment, 28,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheung W; Naganathan V; Myburgh J; Saxena MK; Blyth F; Seppelt I; Parr M; Hooker C; Kerridge I; Nguyen N; Kelly S; Skowronski G; Hammond N; Attokaran A; Chalmers D; Gandhi K; Kol M; McGuinness S; Nair P; Nayyar V; Orford N; Parke R; Shah A; Wagh A, 2024, 'Corrigendum to: A survey of Australian public opinion on using comorbidity to triage intensive care patients in a pandemic', Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 48, pp. 487,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheung W; Naganathan V; Myburgh J; Saxena MK; Fiona B; Seppelt I; Parr M; Hooker C; Kerridge I; Nguyen N; Kelly S; Skowronski G; Hammond N; Attokaran A; Chalmers D; Gandhi K; Kol M; McGuinness S; Nair P; Nayyar V; Orford N; Parke R; Shah A; Wagh A, 2024, 'A survey of Australian public opinion on using comorbidity to triage intensive care patients in a pandemic', Australian Health Review, 48, pp. 459 - 468,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cook D; Deane A; Lauzier F; Zytaruk N; Guyatt G; Saunders L; Hardie M; Heels-Ansdell D; Alhazzani W; Marshall J; Muscedere J; Myburgh J; English S; Arabi YM; Ostermann M; Knowles S; Hammond N; Byrne KM; Chapman M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Al-Fares A; Reis G; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Hall R; Meade M; Hand L; Duan E; Clarke F; Dionne JC; Tsang JLY; Rochwerg B; Karachi T; Lamontagne F; D'Aragon F; St Arnaud C; Reeve B; Geagea A; Niven D; Vazquez-Grande G; Zarychanski R; Ovakim D; Wood G; Burns KEA; Goffi A; Wilcox ME; Henderson W; Forrest D; Fowler R; Adhikari NKJ; Ball I; Mele T; Binnie A; Trop S; Mehta S; Morgan I; Loubani O; Vanstone M; Fiest K; Charbonney E; Cavayas YA; Archambault P; Rewa OG; Lau V; Kristof AS; Khwaja K; Williamson D; Kanji S; Sy E; Dennis B; Reynolds S; Marquis F; Lellouche F; Rahman A; Hosek P; Barletta JF; Cirrone R; Tutschka M; Xie F; Billot L; Thabane L; Finfer S, 2024, 'Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis during Invasive Mechanical Ventilation', New England Journal of Medicine, 391, pp. 9 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Daubney ER; D'Urso S; Cuellar-Partida G; Rajbhandari D; Peach E; De Guzman E; McArthur C; Rhodes A; Meyer J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Cohen J; Schirra HJ; Venkatesh B; Evans DM, 2024, 'A Genome-Wide Association Study of Serum Metabolite Profiles in Septic Shock Patients', Critical Care Explorations, 6, pp. E1030,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dennis B; Deane A; Lauzier F; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Hammond N; Finfer S; Arabi Y; Marshall J; Saunders L; Heels-Ansdell D; Myburgh J; Knowles S; Muscedere J; Ostermann M; Rajbhandari D; English S; Matic K; Venkatesh B; Al Fares A; Guyatt G; Alhazzani W; Mumtaz H; Poole A; Xie F; Thabane L; Hall R; Cook D, 2024, 'Protocol implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from a randomized trial of stress ulcer prophylaxis', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Donaldson LH; Hammond NE; Smyth KL; Agarwal S; Taylor S; Bompoint S; Coombes J; Bennett-Brook K; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2024, 'Sepsis associated acute kidney injury is common among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with septic shock and has poor outcomes: A nested cohort study', Nephrology, 29, pp. 1000 - 1004,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Donaldson LH; Vlok R; Sakurai K; Burrows M; McDonald G; Venkatesh K; Bagshaw SM; Bellomo R; Delaney A; Myburgh J; Hammond NE; Venkatesh B, 2024, 'Quantifying the Impact of Alternative Definitions of Sepsis-Associated Acute Kidney Injury on its Incidence and Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Critical Care Medicine, 52, pp. 1264 - 1274,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dulhunty JM; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Rajbhandari D; Billot L; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; Liu X; McGuinness S; Mysore J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Myburgh JA; Lipman J, 2024, 'Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis: The BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 332, pp. 629 - 637,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hadley-Brown K; Hailstone L; Devane R; Chan T; Devaux A; Davis JS; Hammond N; Li Q; Litton E; Myburgh J; Poole A; Santos J; Seppelt I; Tong SYC; Udy A; Venkatesh B; Young PJ; Delaney AP, 2024, 'Prophylactic Antibiotics in Adults With Acute Brain Injury Who Are Invasively Ventilated in the ICU: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.', Chest,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kean IRL; Clark JA; Zhang Z; Daubney E; White D; Ferrando-Vivas P; Milla G; Cuthbertson B; Pappachan J; Klein N; Mouncey P; Rowan K; Myburgh J; Gouliouris T; Baker S; Parkhill J; Pathan N, 2024, 'Short-duration selective decontamination of the digestive tract infection control does not contribute to increased antimicrobial resistance burden in a pilot cluster randomised trial (the ARCTIC Study)', Gut, 73, pp. 910 - 921,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Vanstone MG; Krewulak K; Taneja S; Swinton M; Fiest K; Burns KEA; Debigare S; Dionne JC; Guyatt G; Marshall JC; Muscedere JG; Deane AM; Finfer S; Myburgh JA; Gouskos A; Rochwerg B; Ball I; Mele T; Niven DJ; English SW; Verhovsek M; Cook DJ, 2024, 'Patient-important upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU: A mixed-methods study of patient and family perspectives', Journal of Critical Care, 81,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Vlok R; Buscher H; Delaney A; Garside T; McDonald G; Chatoor R; Myburgh J; Nair P, 2024, 'Anticoagulation and associated complications in veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26, pp. 332 - 363,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walsham J; Hammond N; Blumenthal A; Cohen J; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Evans D; Peake S; Kruger P; McCullough J; Johnk L; Ghelani D; Billot L; Shan S; Meyer J; Rajbhandari D; Koch C; Bellomo R; Burrell LM; Young M; Roberts M; Mackenzie L; Medley G; Dalton J; Venkatesh B, 2024, 'Fludrocortisone dose–response relationship in septic shock: a randomised phase II trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 2050 - 2060,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Young PJ; Devaux A; Li Q; Billot L; Davis JS; Delaney A; Finfer SR; Hammond NE; Micallef S; Seppelt IM; Venkatesh B; Myburgh JA; Gordon A; Cuthbertson B; Fowler R; Murthy S; Pattison N; Iredell J; Taylor C; Young D; van der Poll T; Roberts I; Boschert C; Broadfield E; Chimunda T; Fletcher J; Knott C; Porwal S; Smith J; Bhonagiri D; Leijten M; Narayan S; Sanchez D; Saunders P; Sherriff C; Barrett J; Hanlon G; Jelly-Butterworth S; O’Donnell J; Watson J; Bihari S; Brown J; Comerford S; Laver R; McIntyre JA; Shrestha T; Xia J; Bates S; Fennessy G; French C; Kootayi S; Marshall F; McEldrew R; McGain F; Morgan R; Mulder J; Tippett A; Towns M; Barker E; Donovan S; Ellis K; Gaur A; Gibbons H; Gregory R; Hair E; Keehan M; Naumoff J; Turner E; Brinkerhoff G; Bush D; Cazzola F; Havill K; Healey P; Poulter A; Sunkara K; Aneman A; Choit R; Dobell-Brown K; Guo K; Lee J; Lombardo L; Manalil Z; Miller J; Rogers J; Stewart A; Yanga J; Gresham R; Lowrey J; Masters K; Whitehead C; Zaratan B; Grigg M; Harward M; Jones C; Mackay J; Meyer J; Saylor E, 2024, 'Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 56 - 67,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zampieri FG; Cavalcanti AB; Di Tanna GL; Damiani LP; Hammond NE; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Venkatesh B; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2024, 'Balanced crystalloids versus saline for critically ill patients (BEST-Living): a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12, pp. 237 - 246,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Anstey MH; Trent L; Bhonagiri D; Hammond NE; Knowles S; McGain F; Freeman-Sanderson A; Ganu S; Howe B; Litton E; Mackle D; Saxena M; Seppelt I; Towns M; Yarad E; Gao A; Li Y; Myburgh J; Nangla C; Butt F; Duke G; Hunter S; Evans J; Parker D; Loughnan C; Thomas B; Gilder E; Robertson M; McMahon E; Ali F; Cowdrey KA; McArthur C; Chen Y; Simmonds C; McConnochie R; O'Connor C; El-Khawas K; Hill D; Cattigan C; Horton M; Trickey J; Knott C; Smith J; Boschert C; Sara T; Nand K; Ramanan M; Marella P; Affleck J; Simpson S; Ellem K; McKenna T; Nourse M; Leung K; Edmunds T; McDonald B; Mehrtens J; Cross R; Wong H; Twardowski P; France D; Hanlon G; Barrett J; Palermo A; Pellicano S; Eroglu E; Bihari S; Brown J; Grear L; Jin X; French C; Bates S; Marshall F; McEldrew R; McCullough J; Tallott M; Gough M; Nalos M; Younger L; Krishnamurphy R; How J; Stuart A; Chadwick L; Bhadange N; Tyler S; Sosnowski K; Morrison L; Sutton J; Soar N; Lee D; Doyle M; Jongebloed K; Finnis M; Wilson J; Williams T; Song R; Lai V; Girijadevi D; Habraken H; Browne A, 2023, 'How much do we throw away in the intensive care unit? An observational point prevalence study of Australian and New Zealand ICUs', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 78 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond N; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis” [Crit Care Resusc 23(3) (2021) 273–284](10.51893/2021.3.oa4))', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 60,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cook DJ; Swinton M; Krewulak KD; Fiest K; Dionne J; Debigare S; Guyatt G; Taneja S; Alhazzani W; Burns KEA; Marshall JC; Muscedere J; Gouskos A; Finfer S; Deane AM; Myburgh J; Rochwerg B; Ball I; Mele T; Niven D; English S; Verhovsek M; Vanstone M, 2023, 'What counts as patient-important upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU? A mixed-methods study protocol of patient and family perspectives', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Deane AM; Alhazzani W; Guyatt G; Finfer S; Marshall JC; Myburgh J; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Saunders L; Knowles S; Lauzier F; Chapman MJ; English S; Muscedere J; Arabi Y; Ostermann M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Thabane L; Billot L; Heels-Ansdell D; Al-Fares AA; Hammond NE; Hall R; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Reis G; Xie F; Cook DJ, 2023, 'REVISE: R e-Ev aluating the i nhibition of S tress e rosions in the ICU: A randomised trial protocol', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Delaney A; Tian DH; Higgins A; Presneill J; Peake S; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Thompson K; Taylor C; Donaldson L; Santos JA; Hammond N, 2023, 'The Association Between Days Alive and Out of Hospital and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Sepsis', CHEST Critical Care, 1, pp. 100024 - 100024,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dennis BB; Thabane L; Heels-Ansdell D; Dionne JC; Binnie A; Tsang J; Guyatt G; Ahmed A; Lauzier F; Deane A; Arabi Y; Marshall J; Zytaruk N; Saunders L; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Muscedere J; English S; Ostermann M; Hardie M; Knowles S; Cook D, 2023, 'Proton pump inhibitors in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19: protocol for a substudy of the Re-EValuating the Inhibition of Stress Erosions (REVISE) Trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Heels-Ansdell D; Billot L; Thabane L; Alhazzani W; Deane A; Guyatt G; Finfer S; Lauzier F; Myburgh J; Young P; Arabi Y; Marshall J; English S; Muscedere J; Ostermann M; Venkatesh B; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Hammond N; Knowles S; Saunders L; Poole A; Al-Fares A; Xie F; Hall R; Cook D, 2023, 'REVISE: re-evaluating the inhibition of stress erosions in the ICU—statistical analysis plan for a randomized trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li JXL; Wang X; Henry A; Anderson CS; Hammond N; Harris K; Liu H; Loffler K; Myburgh J; Pandian J; Smyth B; Venkatesh B; Carcel C; Woodward M, 2023, 'Sex differences in pain expressed by patients across diverse disease states: individual patient data meta-analysis of 33,957 participants in 10 randomized controlled trials', Pain, 164, pp. 1666 - 1676,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Myburgh JA; Seppelt IM; Finfer SR, 2023, 'Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract and Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation - Reply', JAMA, 329, pp. 1030 - 1031,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pathan N; Woolfall K; Popa M; de la Fuente GM; Ferrando-Vivas P; Brown A; Gouliouris T; Tume LN; Shulman R; Cuthbertson BH; Sale I; Feltbower RG; Myburgh J; Pappachan J; Harrison D; Mouncey P; Rowan K; Fulham C; James M; Beadon K; Postlethwaite C; Pond J; Hargadon-Lowe A; Cassidy J; Robbins C; Milner P; Dwarakanathan B; De Queiroz JG; Daubney E; White D; Davis P; Dodge L; Moody F, 2023, 'Selective digestive tract decontamination to prevent healthcare associated infections in critically ill children: the PICNIC multicentre randomised pilot clinical trial', Scientific Reports, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pirracchio R; Annane D; Waschka AK; Lamontagne F; Arabi YM; Bollaert P-E; Billot L; Du B; Briegel J; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Hyvernat H; Keh D; Li Y; Liu L; Meduri GU; Mirea L; Myburgh JA; Sprung CL; Tilouche N; Tongyoo S; Venkatesh B; Zheng R; Delaney A, 2023, 'Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Low-Dose Hydrocortisone in Adults with Septic Shock.', NEJM Evid, 2, pp. EVIDoa2300034,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Brown A; Ferrando P; Popa M; De La Fuente GM; Pappachan J; Cuthbertson B; Drikite L; Feltbower R; Gouliouris T; Sale I; Shulman R; Tume LN; Myburgh J; Woolfall K; Harrison DA; Mouncey PR; Rowan KM; Pathan N, 2022, 'Use of selective gut decontamination in critically ill children: Protocol for the Paediatric Intensive Care and Infection Control (PICnIC) pilot study', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Donaldson LH; Hammond NE; Agarwal S; Taylor S; Bompoint S; Coombes J; Bennett-Brook K; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2022, 'Outcomes following severe septic shock in a cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a nested cohort study from the ADRENAL trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 24, pp. 20 - 28,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Feng Y; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Perkovic V; Jardine M; Wang AY; Gallagher M, 2022, 'A Novel Risk Prediction Model for Severe Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Fluid Resuscitation', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Finfer S; Micallef S; Hammond N; Navarra L; Bellomo R; Billot L; Delaney A; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Li Q; Biostat M; MacKle D; Mysore J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2022, 'Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults', New England Journal of Medicine, 386, pp. 815 - 826,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hammond NE; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Garside T; Vlok R; Mahendran S; Adigbli D; Finfer S; Gao Y; Goodman F; Guyatt G; Santos JA; Venkatesh B; Yao L; Di Tanna GL; Delaney A, 2022, 'Association between Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract and In-Hospital Mortality in Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA, 328, pp. 1922 - 1934,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hammond NE; Zampieri FG; Di Tanna GL; Garside T; Adigbli D; Cavalcanti AB; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Delaney A, 2022, 'Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults - A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.', NEJM Evid, 1, pp. EVIDoa2100010,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mentzelopoulos SD; Chen S; Nates JL; Kruser JM; Hartog C; Michalsen A; Efstathiou N; Joynt GM; Lobo S; Avidan A; Sprung CL; Ely W; Kompanje EJO; Mer M; Feldman C; Metaxa V; Shinall MC; Myburgh J; Vrettou CS, 2022, 'Derivation and performance of an end-of-life practice score aimed at interpreting worldwide treatment-limiting decisions in the critically ill', Critical Care, 26,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Moran BL; Myburgh JA; Scott DA, 2022, 'The complications of opioid use during and post–intensive care admission: A narrative review', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 50, pp. 108 - 126,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Moran BL; Scott DA; Holliday E; Knowles S; Saxena M; Seppelt I; Hammond N; Myburgh JA, 2022, 'Pain assessment and analgesic management in patients admitted to intensive care: an Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 24, pp. 224 - 232,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Myburgh JA; Seppelt IM; Goodman F; Billot L; Correa M; Davis JS; Gordon AC; Hammond NE; Iredell J; Li Q; Micallef S; Miller J; Mysore J; Taylor C; Young PJ; Cuthbertson BH; Finfer SR, 2022, 'Effect of Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract on Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 328, pp. 1911 - 1921,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ramanan M; Kumar A; Billot L; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2022, 'Recruitment characteristics of randomised trials in critical care: A systematic review', Clinical Trials, 19, pp. 673 - 680,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Robba C; Badenes R; Battaglini D; Ball L; Brunetti I; Jakobsen JC; Lilja G; Friberg H; Wendel-Garcia PD; Young PJ; Eastwood G; Chew MS; Unden J; Thomas M; Joannidis M; Nichol AD; Lundin A; Hollenberg J; Hammond N; Saxena M; Annborn M; Solar M; Taccone FS; Dankiewicz J; Nielsen N; Pelosi P; Belohlávek J; Callaway C; Cariou A; Cronberg T; Erlinge D; Hovdenes J; Kirkegaard H; Levin H; Morgan MPG; Nordberg P; Oddo M; Rylander C; Storm C; Ullén S; Wise MP; Rowan K; Harrison D; Mouncey P; Shankar-Hari M; Young D; Lange T; Palmér K; Karlsson UB; Heissler S; Bass F; Myburgh J; Taylor C; Bellino A; Abel-all M; Finfer B; Koch C; Li Y; O’Connor A; Pilowsky J; Schneider T; Tippett A; Ady B; Broadley T; Brown A; Melgaard L; Morgan M; Singh V; Symons R; Becker K; Van Sante N; Saleova V; Zerzanova S; Sefir-Kribel S; Lübeck U; Negri M; Carrara M; Fernando K; Mackle D; Navarra L; Riley J; Westerheim E; Flatebø M; Ceric A; Haxhija Z; Terling L; Bossmar L; Jergle L; Månsson HH; Maillard SA; Zagar AV; Jodlauk C; Hill H; Scrivens J; Ainscough K; Fahey C; Bellomo R, 2022, 'Ventilatory settings in the initial 72 h and their association with outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: a preplanned secondary analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2) trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 48, pp. 1024 - 1038,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Robba C; Badenes R; Battaglini D; Ball L; Sanfilippo F; Brunetti I; Jakobsen JC; Lilja G; Friberg H; Wendel-Garcia PD; Young PJ; Eastwood G; Chew MS; Unden J; Thomas M; Joannidis M; Nichol A; Lundin A; Hollenberg J; Hammond N; Saxena M; Martin A; Solar M; Taccone FS; Dankiewicz J; Nielsen N; Grejs AM; Ebner F; Pelosi P; Bělohlávek J; Callaway C; Cariou A; Cronberg T; Erlinge D; Hovdenes J; Kirkegaard H; Levin H; Morgan MPG; Nordberg P; Oddo M; Rylander C; Storm C; Ullén S; Wise MP; Rowan K; Harrison D; Mouncey P; Shankar-Hari M; Young D; Lange T; Palmér K; Karlsson UB; Heissler S; Bass F; Myburgh J; Taylor C; Bellino A; Abel-all M; Finfer B; Koch C; Li Y; O’Connor A; Pilowsky J; Schneider T; Tippett A; Ady B; Broadley T; Brown A; Melgaard L; Morgan M; Singh V; Symons R; Becker K; Sante N; Saleova V; Zerzanova S; Sefir-Kribel S; Lübeck U; Carrara M; Fernando K; Mackle D; Navarra L; Riley J; Westerheim E; Flatebø M; Ceric A; Haxhija Z; Terling L; Bossmar L; Jergle L; Månsson HH; Maillard SA; Zagar AV; Jodlauk C; Scrivens J; Ainscough K; Fahey C; Bellomo R; Peck L; Young H, 2022, 'Oxygen targets and 6-month outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest: a pre-planned sub-analysis of the targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (TTM2) trial', Critical Care, 26,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Thompson KJ; Young PJ; Venkatesh B; Cohen J; Finfer SR; Grattan S; Hammond NE; Jan S; Li Q; Di Tanna GL; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Rajbhandari D; Taylor CB, 2022, 'Long-term costs and cost-effectiveness of adjunctive corticosteroids for patients with septic shock in New Zealand', Australian Critical Care, 35, pp. 241 - 250,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zampieri FG; Cavalcanti AB; Di Tanna GL; Damiani LP; Hammond NE; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2022, 'Protocol for balanced versus saline trialists: living systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (BEST-Living study)', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 24, pp. 128 - 136,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Hammond NE; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Navarra L; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2021, 'The plasma-lyte 148 versus saline (PLUS) statistical analysis plan: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of the effect of intensive care fluid therapy on mortality', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 24 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Finfer S; Goodman F; Gordon A; Myburgh J; Seppelt I, 2021, 'SuDDICU Protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Gordon A; Al-Beidh F; Correa M; Davis J; Finfer S; Glass P; Goodman F; Hammond N; Iredell J; Miller J; Murthy S; Rose L; Seppelt I; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2021, 'Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit Patients (SuDDICU) crossover, cluster randomized controlled trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 183 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2021, 'Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: A phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 273 - 284,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bulle EB; Peake SL; Finnis M; Bellomo R; Delaney A; Peake C; Cameron PA; Higgins AM; Holdgate A; Howe BD; Webb SAR; Williams P; Cooper DJ; Cross A; Gomersall C; Graham C; Holdgate A; Jacobs I; Johanson S; Jones P; Kruger P; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Nichol A; Pettilä V; Rajbhandari D; Williams A; Williams J; Williams P; Bennett V; Board J; McCracken P; McGloughlin S; Nanjayya V; Teo A; Hill E; Jones P; O'Brien E; Sawtell F; Schimanski K; Wilson D; Bolch S; Eastwood G; Kerr F; Peak L; Young H; Edington J; Fletcher J; Smith J; Ghelani D; Nand K; Sara T; Cross A; Flemming D; Grummisch M; Fulton E; Grove K; Harney A; Milburn K; Millar R; Mitchell I; Rodgers H; Scanlon S; Coles T; Connor H; Dennett J; Van Berkel A; Barrington-Onslow S; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Dryburgh J; Tankel A; Braitberg G; O'Bree B; Shepherd K; Vij S; Allsop S; Haji D; Haji K; Vuat J; Bone A; Elderkin T; Orford N; Ragg M; Kelly S; Stewart D; Woodward N; Harjola VP; Okkonen M; Sutinen S; Wilkman E; Fratzia J; Halkhoree J; Treloar S; Ryan K; Sandford T; Walsham J; Jenkins C; Williamson D, 2021, 'Time to antimicrobial therapy in septic shock patients treated with an early goal-directed resuscitation protocol: A post-hoc analysis of the ARISE trial', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 33, pp. 409 - 417,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cohen J; Blumenthal A; Cuellar-Partida G; Evans DM; Finfer S; Li Q; Ljungberg J; Myburgh J; Peach E; Powell J; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Senabouth A; Venkatesh B, 2021, 'The relationship between adrenocortical candidate gene expression and clinical response to hydrocortisone in patients with septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 974 - 983,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dankiewicz J; Cronberg T; Lilja G; Jakobsen JC; Levin H; Ullen S; Rylander C; Wise MP; Oddo M; Cariou A; Bělohlavek J; Hovdenes J; Saxena M; Kirkegaard H; Young PJ; Pelosi P; Storm C; Taccone FS; Joannidis M; Callaway C; Eastwood GM; Morgan MPG; Nordberg P; Erlinge D; Nichol AD; Chew MS; Hollenberg J; Thomas M; Bewley J; Sweet K; Grejs AM; Christensen S; Haenggi M; Levis A; Lundin A; During J; Schmidbauer S; Keeble TR; Karamasis GV; Schrag C; Faessler E; Smid O; Otahal M; Maggiorini M; Wendel Garcia PD; Jaubert P; Cole JM; Solar M; Borgquist O; Leithner C; Abed-Maillard S; Navarra L; Annborn M; Unden J; Brunetti I; Awad A; McGuigan P; Olsen RB; Cassina T; Vignon P; Langeland H; Lange T; Friberg H; Nielsen N, 2021, 'Hypothermia versus normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest', New England Journal of Medicine, 384, pp. 2283 - 2294,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hammond N; Zampieri F; Garside T; Adigbli D; Di Tanna GL; Cavalcanti A; Machado F; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice T; Semler M; Young P; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Delaney A, 2021, 'Balanced crystalloids compared to normal saline for fluid therapy in critically ill adult patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Higgins AM; Peake SL; Ao RB; Ao DJC; Delaney A; Howe BD; Nichol AD; Webb SA; Williams PJ; Harris AH, 2021, 'The cost-effectiveness of early goal-directed therapy: an economic evaluation alongside the ARISE trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 329 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Maiden MJ; Bone A; Fitzpatrick M; Hammond N; Knowles S; Gao A; Li Y; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Grattan S; Nangla C; Duke G; Shelton A; Kokotsis N; Parker D; McGuinness S; Parke R; Gilder E; Butler M; Cowdrey KA; Ryan S; Woollett M; Duffy K; McArthur C; Newby L; Chen Y; McConnochie R; Simmonds C; Richardson A; Hill D; Dwivedi J; Saxena M; Brennan K; Hedges S; Varghese M; Abel S; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Salerno T; Hunter S; Ramanan M; Johnson B; Swift R; Mathew J; Baby J; Gentile A; James G; Connew C; Annetts K; Sarode V; Simpson S; Ellem K; McKenna T; Rai S; van Haren F; Spiller S; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Lukas G; Shepherd K; Percy N; Hanlon G; Barrett J; O’Donnell J; Litton E; Palermo A; Pellicano S; Eroglu E; Regli A; Bihari S; Matheson E; Shrestha T; Jin X; Laver R; French C; Bates S; Towns M; Yang Y; Winearls J; Tallott M; Martinez A; Gough M; Harvey P; Bhadange N; Ryan K; Treay S; Sosnowski K; Morrison L; Sutton J; Cooper M; Welsh D; Isabel KJ; Leditschke A; Williams T; Song R; Lai V; Girijadevi D; Liang J; Hacking D; Meyer J, 2021, 'Physical restraint of patients in Australia and New Zealand intensive care units', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 234 - 236,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ramanan M; Billot L; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2021, 'An evaluation of factors that may influence clinicians’ decisions not to enroll eligible patients into randomized trials in critical care', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Taylor C; Yang L; Finfer S; Machado FR; YouZhong A; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; McIntyre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J; Thompson K; Hammond NE, 2021, 'An international comparison of the cost of fluid resuscitation therapies', Australian Critical Care, 34, pp. 23 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tejerina EE; Pelosi P; Robba C; Penuelas O; Muriel A; Barrios D; Frutos-Vivar F; Raymondos K; Du B; Thille AW; Rios F; Gonzalez M; del-Sorbo L; del Carmen Marin M; Pinheiro BV; Soares MA; Nin N; Maggiore SM; Bersten A; Amin P; Cakar N; Suh GY; Abroug F; Jibaja M; Matamis D; Zeggwagh AA; Sutherasan Y; Anzueto A; Esteban A, 2021, 'Evolution Over Time of Ventilatory Management and Outcome of Patients With Neurologic Disease*', CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 49, pp. 1095 - 1106,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Thompson K; Venkatesh B; Hammond N; Taylor C; Finfer S; Bompoint S; Carcel C; Cohen J; Jan S; Myburgh J; Peters SAE; Rajbhandari D, 2021, 'Sex differences in response to adjunctive corticosteroid treatment for patients with septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 246 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Annane D; Pirracchio R; Billot L; Waschka A; Chevret S; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B; Delaney A, 2020, 'Effects of low-dose hydrocortisone and hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone in adults with septic shock: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e040931,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cohen J; Bellomo R; Billot L; Burrell LM; Evans DM; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Li Q; Liu D; McArthur C; McWhinney B; Moore J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Pretorius C; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Saxena M; Ungerer JPJ; Young MJ; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Plasma Cortisol, Aldosterone, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations in Patients with Septic Shock Do Not Predict Treatment Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality A Nested Cohort Study', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 202, pp. 700 - 707,
    Journal articles | 2020
    D'Urso S; Rajbhandari D; Peach E; De Guzman E; Li Q; Medland SE; Gordon SD; Martin NG; Ligthart S; Brown MA; Powell J; McArthur C; Rhodes A; Meyer J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Blumenthal A; Cohen J; Venkatesh B; Cuellar-Partida G; Evans DM, 2020, 'Septic Shock: A Genomewide Association Study and Polygenic Risk Score Analysis', Twin Research and Human Genetics, 23, pp. 204 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hammond NE; Finfer SR; Li Q; Taylor C; Cohen J; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Harward M; Joyce C; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Perner A; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Venkatesh B; Cowdrey KA; Gilder E; Long S; McCarthy L; McGuinness S; Parke R; Benefield K; Chen Y; McConnochie R; Newby L; Eastwood G; Jones D; Peck L; Young H; Boschert C; Edington J; Fletcher J; Smith J; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Bewley J; Cole L; Grimmer L; Howie L; James S; Kozlowski M; Phillips V; Shah S; Sweet K; Webster D; Bailey I; Ellem K; McKenna T; Henderson S; Knight D; Mehrtens J; Minto E; Noble S; Ansari Z; Bates S; French C; Gantner D; Koottayi SV; McGain F; Mulder J; Tippett A; Towns M; Boyd C; Calder V; Harris K; Scott C; Wright S; De Keulenaer B; Litton E; Palermo A; Regli A; Bone A; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Fraser M; Chonghaile MN; Orford N; Salerno T; Gough M; Paxton J; Tallott M; Winearls J; Bastick M; Cameron R; Ellis K; Gaur A; Gregory R; Naumoff J; White M; Bhadange N; Bhende N; Bhutada U; Krishnan A; Nunn R; Ochola J, 2020, 'Health-related quality of life in survivors of septic shock: 6-month follow-up from the ADRENAL trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1696 - 1706,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jakobsen JC; Dankiewicz J; Lange T; Cronberg T; Lilja G; Levin H; Bělohlávek J; Callaway C; Cariou A; Erlinge D; Hovdenes J; Joannidis M; Nordberg P; Oddo M; Pelosi P; Kirkegaard H; Eastwood G; Rylander C; Saxena M; Storm C; Taccone FS; Wise MP; Morgan MPG; Young P; Nichol A; Friberg H; Ullén S; Nielsen N, 2020, 'Targeted hypothermia versus targeted normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A statistical analysis plan', Trials, 21,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lilja G; Nielsen N; Ullén S; Blennow Nordstrom E; Dankiewicz J; Friberg H; Heimburg K; Jakobsen JC; Levin H; Callaway C; Cariou A; Eastwood GM; Helbok R; Hovdenes J; Kirkegaard H; Leithner C; Morgan MPG; Nordberg P; Oddo M; Pelosi P; Rylander C; Saxena M; Taccone FS; Siranec M; Wise MP; Young PJ; Cronberg T, 2020, 'Protocol for outcome reporting and follow-up in the Targeted Hypothermia versus Targeted Normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest trial (TTM2)', Resuscitation, 150, pp. 104 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Luethi N; Bailey M; Higgins A; Howe B; Peake S; Delaney A; Bellomo R, 2020, 'Gender differences in mortality and quality of life after septic shock: A post-hoc analysis of the ARISE study', Journal of Critical Care, 55, pp. 177 - 183,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ramanan M; Billot L; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Does asymmetry in patient recruitment in large critical care trials follow the Pareto principle?', Trials, 21, pp. 378,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ramanan M; Stolz A; Rooplalsingh R; Billot L; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'An evaluation of the quality and impact of the global research response to the COVID-19 pandemic', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 380 - 380.e1,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Thompson KJ; Taylor CB; Venkatesh B; Cohen J; Hammond NE; Jan S; Li Q; Myburgh J; Rajbhandari D; Saxena M; Kumar A; Finfer SR, 2020, 'The cost-effectiveness of adjunctive corticosteroids for patients with septic shock', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 22, pp. 191 - 199,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yastrebov K; Aneman A; Schulz L; Hamp T; McCanny P; Parkin G; Myburgh J; Aneman E, 2020, 'Comparison of echocardiographic and invasive measures of volaemia and cardiac performance in critically ill patients', Scientific Reports, 10, pp. 4863,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dankiewicz J; Cronberg T; Lilja G; Jakobsen JC; Bělohlávek J; Callaway C; Cariou A; Eastwood G; Erlinge D; Hovdenes J; Joannidis M; Kirkegaard H; Kuiper M; Levin H; Morgan MPG; Nichol AD; Nordberg P; Oddo M; Pelosi P; Rylander C; Saxena M; Storm C; Taccone F; Ullén S; Wise MP; Young P; Friberg H; Nielsen N, 2019, 'Targeted hypothermia versus targeted Normothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (TTM2): A randomized clinical trial—Rationale and design', American Heart Journal, 217, pp. 23 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hammond NE; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Glass P; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Finfer S, 2019, 'The Plasma-Lyte 148 versus Saline (PLUS) study protocol amendment', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 21, pp. 284 - 286
    Journal articles | 2019
    Higgins AM; Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cooper DJ; Delaney A; Harris AH; Howe BD; Nichol AD; Webb SA; Williams PJ, 2019, 'Quality of Life and 1-Year Survival in Patients with Early Septic Shock: Long-Term Follow-Up of the Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation Trial', Critical Care Medicine, 47, pp. 765 - 773,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kaufmann T; Granholm A; Keus F; Myburgh J; Perner A; Møller MH; van der Horst ICC, 2019, 'Foresight over hindsight: Mandatory publication of clinical research protocols prior to conduct', Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 63, pp. 267 - 269,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lessard Bonaventure P; Lauzier F; Zarychanski R; Boutin A; Shemilt M; Saxena M; Zolfagari P; Griesdale D; Menon DK; Stanworth S; English S; Chassé M; Fergusson DA; Moore L; Kramer A; Robitaille A; Myburgh J; Cooper J; Hutchinson P; Turgeon AF, 2019, 'Red blood cell transfusion in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: an international survey of physicians’ attitudes', Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 66, pp. 1038 - 1048,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Glass P; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Billot L; Dulhunty JM, 2019, 'A protocol for a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis: BLING III', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 21, pp. 63 - 68
    Journal articles | 2019
    Myburgh J, 2019, 'Adverse effects of bolus fluid resuscitation—short-term benefit but long-term harm', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 7, pp. 555 - 556,
    Journal articles | 2019
    O'Brien Z; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Mårtensson J, 2019, 'Sex and mortality in septic severe acute kidney injury', Journal of Critical Care, 49, pp. 70 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Picetti E; Rossi S; Abu-Zidan FM; Ansaloni L; Armonda R; Baiocchi GL; Bala M; Balogh ZJ; Berardino M; Biffl WL; Bouzat P; Buki A; Ceresoli M; Chesnut RM; Chiara O; Citerio G; Coccolini F; Coimbra R; Di Saverio S; Fraga GP; Gupta D; Helbok R; Hutchinson PJ; Kirkpatrick AW; Kinoshita T; Kluger Y; Leppaniemi A; Maas AIR; Maier RV; Minardi F; Moore EE; Myburgh JA; Okonkwo DO; Otomo Y; Rizoli S; Rubiano AM; Sahuquillo J; Sartelli M; Scalea TM; Servadei F; Stahel PF; Stocchetti N; Taccone FS; Tonetti T; Velmahos G; Weber D; Catena F, 2019, 'WSES consensus conference guidelines: Monitoring and management of severe adult traumatic brain injury patients with polytrauma in the first 24 hours', World Journal of Emergency Surgery, 14,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Udy AA; Finnis M; Jones D; Delaney A; MacDonald S; Bellomo R; Peake S, 2019, 'Incidence, patient characteristics, mode of drug delivery, and outcomes of septic shock patients treated with vasopressors in the arise trial', Shock, 52, pp. 400 - 407,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Glass P; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J, 2019, 'Hydrocortisone Compared with Placebo in Patients with Septic Shock Satisfying the Sepsis-3 Diagnostic Criteria and APROCCHSS Study Inclusion Criteria: A Post Hoc Analysis of the ADRENAL Trial', Anesthesiology, 131, pp. 1292 - 1300,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Young PJ; Bailey MJ; Bass F; Beasley RW; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; van Haren FMP; Harward ML; Henderson SJ; Mackle DM; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Myburgh JA; Saxena MK; Turner AM; Webb SAR; Bellomo R, 2019, 'Randomised evaluation of active control of temperature versus ordinary temperature management (REACTOR) trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 45, pp. 1382 - 1391,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Aubron C; Kandane-Rathnayake RK; Andrianopoulos N; Westbrook A; Engelbrecht S; Ozolins I; Bailey M; Murray L; Cooper DJ; Wood EM; McQuilten ZK; Pettilä V; Nichol A; Phillips LE; Street A; French C; Orford N; Santamaria J; Bellomo R; Vallance S; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Newby L; Simmonds C; Parke R; Buhr H; Goldsmith D; O'Sullivan K; Mercer I; Gazzard R; Tauschke C; Hill D; Fletcher J; Boschert C; Koch G; Ernest D; Eliott S; Howe B; Hawker F; Ellem K; Duff K; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Milliss D; O'Bree B; Shepherd K; Ihle B; Ho S; Graan M; Bernsten A; Ryan E; Botha J; Vuat J; Kinmonth A; Fraser M; Richards B; Tallott M; Whitbread R; Freebairn R; Thomas L; Parr M; Micallef S; Deshpande K; Wood J; Williams T; Tai J; Boase A; Galt P; King B; Price R; Tomlinson J; Cole L; Seppelt I; Weisbrodt L; Gresham R; Nikas M; Laing J; Bell J; McHugh G; Hancock D; Kirkham S; Shehabi Y; Campbell M; Stockdale V; Peake S; Williams P; Sharley P; O'Connor S; Stephens D; Thomas J; Sistla R; McAllister R; Marsden K; MacIsaac C; Barge D; Caf T; Finfer S; Tan L; Bird S; Webb S, 2018, 'Day or overnight transfusion in critically ill patients: does it matter?', Vox Sanguinis, 113, pp. 275 - 282,
    Journal articles | 2018
    B V; S F; J C; D R; Y A; R B; L B; M C; P G; M H; C J; Q L; C M; A P; A R; K T; S W; J M, 2018, 'Adjunctive Glucocorticoid Therapy in Patients with Septic Shock', Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bion J; Antonelli M; Blanch LL; Curtis JR; Druml C; Du B; Machado FR; Gomersall C; Hartog C; Levy M; Myburgh J; Rubenfeld G; Sprung C, 2018, 'Correction to: White paper: statement on conflicts of interest (Intensive Care Medicine, (2018), 44, 10, (1657-1668), 10.1007/s00134-018-5349-8)', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 2021,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bion J; Antonelli M; Blanch LL; Curtis JR; Druml C; Du B; Machado FR; Gomersall C; Hartog C; Levy M; Myburgh J; Rubenfeld G; Sprung C, 2018, 'White paper: statement on conflicts of interest', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1657 - 1668,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cooper DJ; Nichol AD; Bailey M; Bernard S; Cameron PA; Pili-Floury S; Forbes A; Gantner D; Higgins AM; Huet O; Kasza J; Murray L; Newby L; Presneill JJ; Rashford S; Rosenfeld JV; Stephenson M; Vallance S; Varma D; Webb SAR; Trapani T; McArthur C, 2018, 'Effect of Early Sustained Prophylactic Hypothermia on Neurologic Outcomes Among Patients With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury The POLAR Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 320, pp. 2211 - 2220,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Erratum to: Intravenous fluid therapy in critically ill adults (Nature Reviews Nephrology, (2018), 14, 9, (541-557), 10.1038/s41581-018-0044-0)', Nature Reviews Nephrology, 14, pp. 717,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Intravenous fluid therapy in critically ill adults', Nature Reviews Nephrology, 14, pp. 541 - 557,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Maiden MJ; Finnis ME; Peake S; McRae S; Delaney A; Bailey M; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Haemoglobin concentration and volume of intravenous fluids in septic shock in the ARISE trial', Critical Care, 22,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Myburgh J, 2018, 'Patient-centered outcomes and resuscitation fluids', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 862 - 863,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Myburgh JA, 2018, 'Intracranial pressure thresholds in severe traumatic brain injury: Pro', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1315 - 1317,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Nair P; Venkatesh B; Hoechter DJ; Buscher H; Kerr S; Center JR; Myburgh JA, 2018, 'Vitamin D Status and Supplementation in Adult Patients Receiving Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 46, pp. 589 - 595,
    Journal articles | 2018
    O'Brien Z; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Mårtensson J, 2018, 'Higher versus Lower Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Intensity in Critically ill Patients with Liver Dysfunction', Blood Purification, 45, pp. 36 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Parker SL; Saxena M; Gowardman J; Lipman J; Myburgh J; Roberts JA, 2018, 'Population pharmacokinetics of intravenous paracetamol in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury', Journal of Critical Care, 47, pp. 15 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Presneill J; Gantner D; Nichol A; McArthur C; Forbes A; Kasza J; Trapani T; Murray L; Bernard S; Cameron P; Capellier G; Huet O; Newby L; Rashford S; Rosenfeld JV; Smith T; Stephenson M; Varma D; Vallance S; Walker T; Webb S; Cooper DJ, 2018, 'Statistical analysis plan for the POLAR-RCT: The Prophylactic hypOthermia trial to Lessen trAumatic bRain injury-Randomised Controlled Trial', TRIALS, 19,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Reddi B; Finnis M; Udy AA; Maiden M; Delaney A; Bellomo R; Peake S, 2018, 'The relationship between the change in central venous pressure and intravenous fluid volume in patients presenting to the emergency department with septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1591 - 1592,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Roberts I; Shakur H; Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Hunt B; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2018, 'Hydroxyethyl starch solutions and patient harm', The Lancet, 391, pp. 736,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Roberts I; Shakur H; Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Hunt B; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2018, 'Should hydroxyethyl starch be banned? – Authors' reply', The Lancet, 392, pp. 119,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Rygård SL; Butler E; Granholm A; Møller MH; Cohen J; Finfer S; Perner A; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B; Delaney A, 2018, 'Low-dose corticosteroids for adult patients with septic shock: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1003 - 1016,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Shehabi Y; Bellomo R; Kadiman S; Ti LK; Howe B; Reade MC; Khoo TM; Alias A; Wong YL; Mukhopadhyay A; McArthur C; Seppelt I; Webb SA; Green M; Bailey MJ; Ibrom E; Maher C; Mashonganyika C; McKee H; Bennett V; Cooper DJ; Vallance S; Eastwood G; Peck L; Young H; Eliott S; Mercer I; Sidhu J; Whitfield A; Ding G; Hatfield P; Smith K; Coles T; Dennett J; Summers T; Ruther A; Anderson R; Jones E; Milliss D; Wong H; Botha J; Allsop S; Kanhere M; Wood J; Hogan C; Tai J; Williams T; Buckley A; Garrett P; McDonald S; Cuzner C; Weisbrodt L; Bass F; Edhouse P; Sana M; Shehabi Y; Chamberlain J; Bicknell A; Roberts B; Casey E; Cheng A; Inskip D; Myburgh J; Holmes J; Santamaria J; Smith R; Nair P; Reynolds C; Johnson B; Sterba M; Wong KK; Venugopal S; Rai V; Shahnaz M; Ramoo V; Jose S; Ozturk O; Ramlee SNZ; Foon BS; Amran R; Narula RKA; Md Ramly ES; Hapiz KA; I-Liang L; Morad MHC; Ali MN; Raihan HN; Azizum SI; Suzana Y; Haryati H; Zawati SS; Ismeev JN; Zulkarnain MA; Omar M; Omar SA; Ismail SR; Hassan N; Zakaria Z; Mohtar S; Ahmad M, 2018, 'Sedation intensity in the first 48 hours of mechanical ventilation and 180-day mortality: A multinational prospective longitudinal cohort study', Critical Care Medicine, 46, pp. 850 - 859,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Thompson K; Taylor C; Jan S; Li Q; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Venkatesh B; Finfer S, 2018, 'Health-related outcomes of critically ill patients with and without sepsis', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1249 - 1257,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Correa M; Glass P; Harward M; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J; Saxena M, 2018, 'Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 797 - 808,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Cohen J; Billot L, 2018, 'Long-Term outcomes of the ADRENAL trial', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 1744 - 1745,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock Reply', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 379, pp. 895 - 895,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wang Y; Gallagher M; Li Q; Lo S; Cass A; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bouman C; Faulhaber-Walter R; Kellum JA; Palevsky PM; Ronco C; Saudan P; Tolwani A; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Renal replacement therapy intensity for acute kidney injury and recovery to dialysis independence: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 33, pp. 1017 - 1024,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Cohen J; Webb S; McArthur C; Joyce C; Bellomo R; Rhodes A; Perner A; Arabi Y; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Thompson K; Correa M; Harward M, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock (Adrenal) trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 183 - 191
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cheung W; Myburgh J; McGuinness S; Chalmers D; Parke R; Blyth F; Seppelt I; Parr M; Hooker C; Blackwell N; DeMonte S; Gandhi K; Kol M; Kerridge I; Nair P; Saunders NM; Saxena MK; Thanakrishnan G; Naganathan V, 2017, 'A cross-sectional survey of Australian and New Zealand public opinion on methods to triage intensive care patients in an influenza pandemic', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 254 - 265.e6,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fullerton JN; Thompson K; Shetty A; Iredell JR; Lander H; Myburgh JA; Finfer S, 2017, 'New sepsis definition changes incidence of sepsis in the intensive care unit', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 9 - 13.e21,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fullerton JN; Thompson K; Shetty A; Iredell JR; Lander H; Myburgh JA; Finfer S, 2017, 'New sepsis definition changes incidence of sepsis in the intensive care unit', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 19, pp. 9 - 13
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gillies MA; Sander M; Shaw A; Wijeysundera DN; Myburgh J; Aldecoa C; Jammer I; Lobo SM; Pritchard N; Grocott MPW; Schultz MJ; Pearse RM, 2017, 'Current research priorities in perioperative intensive care medicine', Intensive Care Medicine, 43, pp. 1173 - 1186,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gotmaker R; Peake SL; Forbes A; Bellomo R, 2017, 'Mortality is Greater in Septic Patients with Hyperlactatemia Than with Refractory Hypotension', Shock, 48, pp. 294 - 300,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hammond NE; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Glass P; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Finfer S, 2017, 'The plasma-lyte 148 v saline (PLUS) study protocol: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of the effect of intensive care fluid therapy on mortality', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 239 - 246
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Finfer S; Machado FR; An YZ; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; Li Y; McIntryre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Patterns of intravenous fluid resuscitation use in adult intensive care patients between 2007 and 2014: An international cross-sectional study', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0176292,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Marshall JC; Bosco L; Adhikari NK; Connolly B; Diaz JV; Dorman T; Fowler R; Meyfroidt G; Nakagawa S; Pelosi P; Vincent J-L; Vollman K; Zimmerman J, 2017, 'What is an intensive care unit? A report of the task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine', JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, 37, pp. 270 - 276,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Marshall JC, 2017, 'Global Collaboration in Acute Care Clinical Research: Opportunities, Challenges, and Needs.', Crit Care Med, 45, pp. 311 - 320,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Myburgh J, 2017, 'The evolution of intensive care medicine: a personal journey', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 19, pp. 287 - 289
    Journal articles | 2017
    Møller MH; Laake JH; Myburgh JA; Alhazzani W; Perner A, 2017, 'The Magic Bullet in Sepsis or the Inflation of Chance Findings?', Chest, 152, pp. 222 - 223,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Naganathan V; Cheung W; Myburgh J, 2017, 'SURVEY OF AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND PUBLIC ON CRITERIA TO TRIAGE PATIENTS IN AN INFLUENZA PANDEMIC', Innovation in Aging, 1, pp. 298 - 298,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Patel A; Pieper K; Myburgh JA; Perkovic V; Finfer S; Yang Q; Li Q; Billot L, 2017, 'Reanalysis of the crystalloid versus hydroxyethyl starch trial (CHEST)', New England Journal of Medicine, 377, pp. 298 - 300,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Peake SL; Delaney A; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Bennett V; Board J; McCracken P; McGloughlin S; Nanjayya V; Teo A; Hill E; Jones P; O'Brien E; Sawtell F; Schimanski K; Wilson D; Bolch S; Eastwood G; Kerr F; Peak L; Young H; Edington J; Fletcher J; Smith J; Ghelani D; Nand K; Sara T; Cross A; Flemming D; Grummisch M; Purdue A; Fulton E; Grove K; Harney A; Milburn K; Millar R; Mitchell I; Rodgers H; Scanlon S; Coles T; Connor H; Dennett J; Van Berkel A; Barrington-Onslow S; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Dryburgh J; Tankel A; Braitberg G; O'Bree B; Shepherd K; Vij S; Allsop S; Haji D; Haji K; Vuat J; Bone A; Elderkin T; Orford N; Ragg M; Kelly S; Stewart D; Woodward N; Harjola VP; Okkonen M; Pettilä V; Sutinen S; Wilkman E; Fratzia J; Halkhoree J; Treloar S; Ryan K; Sandford T; Walsham J; Jenkins C; Williamson D; Burrows J; Hawkins D; Tang C; Dimakis A; Holdgate A; Micallef S; Parr M; White H; Morrison L; Sosnowski K; Ramadoss R; Soar N; Wood J; Franks M; Williams A; Hogan C; Song R; Tilsley A; Rainsford D; Wells R; Dowling J; Galt P; Lamac T; Lightfoot D, 2017, 'Potential Impact of the 2016 Consensus Definitions of Sepsis and Septic Shock on Future Sepsis Research', Annals of Emergency Medicine, 70, pp. 553 - 561.e1,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Perner A; Gordon AC; Angus DC; Lamontagne F; Machado F; Russell JA; Timsit JF; Marshall JC; Myburgh J; Shankar-Hari M; Singer M, 2017, 'The intensive care medicine research agenda on septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 43, pp. 1294 - 1305,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rhodes A; Evans LE; Alhazzani W; Levy MM; Antonelli M; Ferrer R; Kumar A; Sevransky JE; Sprung CL; Nunnally ME; Rochwerg B; Rubenfeld GD; Angus DC; Annane D; Beale RJ; Bellinghan GJ; Bernard GR; Chiche JD; Coopersmith C; De Backer DP; French CJ; Fujishima S; Gerlach H; Hidalgo JL; Hollenberg SM; Jones AE; Karnad DR; Kleinpell RM; Koh Y; Lisboa TC; Machado FR; Marini JJ; Marshall JC; Mazuski JE; McIntyre LA; McLean AS; Mehta S; Moreno RP; Myburgh J; Navalesi P; Nishida O; Osborn TM; Perner A; Plunkett CM; Ranieri M; Schorr CA; Seckel MA; Seymour CW; Shieh L; Shukri KA; Simpson SQ; Singer M; Thompson BT; Townsend SR; Van der Poll T; Vincent JL; Wiersinga WJ; Zimmerman JL; Dellinger RP, 2017, 'Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016', Intensive Care Medicine, 43, pp. 304 - 377,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rowan KM; Angus DC; Bailey M; Barnato AE; Bellomo R; Canter RR; Coats TJ; Delaney A; Gimbel E; Grieve RD; Harrison DA; Higgins AM; Howe B; Huang DT; Kellum JA; Mouncey PR; Music E; Peake SL; Pike F; Reade MC; Sadique MZ; Singer M; Yealy DM, 2017, 'Early, goal-directed therapy for septic shock - A patient-level meta-analysis', New England Journal of Medicine, 376, pp. 2223 - 2234,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Taylor CB; Hammond NE; Laba TL; Watts N; Thompson K; Saxena M; Micallef S; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Drivers of choice of resuscitation fluid in the intensive care unit: A discrete choice experiment', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 134 - 141
    Journal articles | 2017
    Thompson K; Hammond N; Eastwood G; Festa M; Glass P; Rajbhandari D; Seppelt I; Taylor C; Watts N; Myburgh J, 2017, 'The Australian and New Zealand intensive care society clinical trials group point prevalence program, 2009-2016', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 88 - 93
    Journal articles | 2017
    Udy AA; Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Starr T; Paul SK; Lipman J; Peck L; Young H; Boschert C; Fletcher J; Smith J; Nand K; Sara T; Harney A; Rodgers H; Van Haren F; Clarke S; Durham D; Hannan C; Matheson E; Schwartz K; Thomas K; Bone A; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Salerno T; Cameron R; Ellis K; Hatter S; Sanap M; Soar N; Wood J; Chan K; Heffernan A; Lai NA; Moss C; Sheehy K; Duroux M; Ratcliffe M; Shone S; Warhurst T; Dunlop R; Stuart J; Cooper D; McAllister R; Cheng A; Inskip D; Miller J; Knowles S; Reynolds C; Rudham S; Baker S; Hepburn K; Roberts B; Woods P; Chatterjee I; Smith J; Cullen M; Kong J; Nayyar V; Whitehead C; Leung P; Gilder E; McCarthy L; McGuiness S; Parke R; Benefield K; Chen Y; McArthur C; Newby L; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Noble S; Chadwick L; Freebain R; Hogan C; Kazemi A; Rust L; Song R; Tilsley A; Williams A; Durning J; Frengley R; La Pine M; McCracken G; Sharma SB; Andrews L; Dinsdale R; Hunt A; Hurford S; Mackle D; Ongley J, 2017, 'Association between augmented renal clearance and clinical outcomes in patients receiving β-lactam antibiotic therapy by continuous or intermittent infusion: a nested cohort study of the BLING-II randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical trial', International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 49, pp. 624 - 630,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Young PJ; Bailey MJ; Beasley RW; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; Haren FM; Harward ML; Henderson SJ; Mackle DM; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Myburgh JA; Saxena MK; Turner A; Webb SAR; Bellomo R, 2017, 'Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the randomised evaluation of active control of temperature versus ordinary temperature management (REACTOR) trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 81 - 87
    Journal articles | 2016
    Amin P; Fox-Robichaud A; Divatia JV; Pelosi P; Altintas D; Eryüksel E; Mehta Y; Suh GY; Blanch L; Weiler N; Zimmerman J; Vincent J-L; Council of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine , 2016, 'The Intensive care unit specialist: Report from the Task Force of World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine.', J Crit Care, 35, pp. 223 - 228,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bellomo R; Mårtensson J; Kaukonen KM; Lo S; Gallagher M; Cass A; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2016, 'Epidemiology of RBC transfusions in patients with severe acute kidney injury: Analysis from the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level study', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 892 - 900,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bellomo R; Mårtensson J; Lo S; Kaukonen KM; Cass A; Gallagher M, 2016, 'Femoral Access and Delivery of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Dose', Blood Purification, 41, pp. 11 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Blanch L; Abillama FF; Amin P; Christian M; Joynt GM; Myburgh J; Nates JL; Pelosi P; Sprung C; Topeli A; Vincent JL; Yeager S; Zimmerman J, 2016, 'Triage decisions for ICU admission: Report from the Task Force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine', Journal of Critical Care, 36, pp. 301 - 305,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cotta MO; Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Myburgh J; Lipman J, 2016, 'Should β-lactam antibiotics be administered by continuous infusion in critically ill patients? A survey of Australia and New Zealand intensive care unit doctors and pharmacists', International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 47, pp. 436 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2016
    International Consortium of Investigators for Fairness in Trial Data Sharing ; Devereaux PJ; Guyatt G; Gerstein H; Connolly S; Yusuf S, 2016, 'Toward Fairness in Data Sharing.', N Engl J Med, 375, pp. 405 - 407,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Myburgh J; Abillama F; Chiumello D; Dobb G; Jacobe S; Kleinpell R; Koh Y; Martin C; Michalsen A; Pelosi P; Torra LB; Vincent JL; Yeager S; Zimmerman J, 2016, 'End-of-life care in the intensive care unit: Report from the Task Force of World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine', Journal of Critical Care, 34, pp. 125 - 130,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Myburgh J, 2016, 'End of life care in the intensive care unit: Remarks on the Italian situation: REPLY', Journal of Critical Care, 36, pp. 294,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2016, 'Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline for Fluid Resuscitation in Intensive Care (vol 367, pg 1901, 2012)', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 374, pp. 1298 - 1298
    Journal articles | 2016
    Perner A; Gordon AC; De Backer D; Dimopoulos G; Russell JA; Lipman J; Jensen JU; Myburgh J; Singer M; Bellomo R; Walsh T, 2016, 'Sepsis: frontiers in diagnosis, resuscitation and antibiotic therapy', Intensive Care Medicine, 42, pp. 1958 - 1969,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ramanan M; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Venkatesh B, 2016, 'Publication of secondary analyses from randomized trials in critical care', New England Journal of Medicine, 375, pp. 2105 - 2106,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ridgeon E; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Weatherall M; Jahan R; Arawwawala D; Bell S; Butt W; Camsooksai J; Carle C; Cheng A; Cirstea E; Cohen J; Cranshaw J; Delaney A; Eastwood G; Eliott S; Franke U; Gantner D; Green C; Howard-Griffin R; Inskip D; Litton E; Macisaac C; McCairn A; Mahambrey T; Moondi P; Newby L; O’Connor S; Pegg C; Pope A; Reschreiter H; Richards B; Robertson M; Rodgers H; Shehabi Y; Smith I; Smith J; Smith N; Tilsley A; Whitehead C; Willett E; Wong K; Woodford C; Wright S; Young P, 2016, 'Validation of a classification system for causes of death in critical care: An assessment of inter-rater reliability', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 18, pp. 50 - 54
    Journal articles | 2016
    Roberts JA; Abdul-Aziz MH; Davis JS; Dulhunty JM; Cotta MO; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Lipman J, 2016, 'Continuous versus intermittent β-lactam infusion in severe sepsis: A meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 194, pp. 681 - 691,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sundararajan K; Flabouris A; Thompson C; Seppelt I, 2016, 'Hospital overnight and evaluation of systems and timelines study: A point prevalence study of practice in Australia and New Zealand', Resuscitation, 100, pp. 1 - 5,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Taylor C; Thompson K; Finfer S; Higgins A; Jan S; Li Q; Liu B; Myburgh J, 2016, 'Hydroxyethyl starch versus saline for resuscitation of patients in intensive care: long-term outcomes and cost-effectiveness analysis of a cohort from CHEST', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 4, pp. 818 - 825,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Westhall E; Rossetti AO; Van Rootselaar AF; Kjaer TW; Horn J; Ullén S; Friberg H; Nielsen N; Rosén I; Aneman A; Erlinge D; Gasche Y; Hassager C; Hovdenes J; Kjaergaard J; Kuiper M; Pellis T; Stammet P; Wanscher M; Wetterslev J; Wise MP; Cronberg T, 2016, 'Standardized EEG interpretation accurately predicts prognosis after cardiac arrest', Neurology, 86, pp. 1482 - 1490,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Angus DC; Barnato AE; Bell D; Bellomo R; Chong CR; Coats TJ; Davies A; Delaney A; Harrison DA; Holdgate A; Howe B; Huang DT; Iwashyna T; Kellum JA; Peake SL; Pike F; Reade MC; Rowan KM; Singer M; Webb SAR; Weissfeld LA; Yealy DM; Young JD, 2015, 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of early goal-directed therapy for septic shock: the ARISE, ProCESS and ProMISe Investigators', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1549 - 1560,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bass F; Hammond N; Bird S; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2015, 'Changes in blood glucose concentrations over time when administering intravenous insulin in post cardiac surgery in adult intensive care patients', Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 3,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Chesnut RM; Bleck TP; Citerio G; Classen J; Cooper DJ; Coplin WM; Diringer MN; Grände PO; Hemphill JC; Hutchinson PJ; Le Roux P; Mayer SA; Menon DK; Myburgh JA; Okonkwo DO; Robertson CS; Sahuquillo J; Stocchetti N; Sung G; Temkin N; Vespa PM; Videtta W; Yonas H, 2015, 'A Consensus-Based Interpretation of the Benchmark Evidence from South American Trials: Treatment of Intracranial Pressure Trial', Journal of Neurotrauma, 32, pp. 1722 - 1724,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cronberg T; Lilja G; Horn J; Kjaergaard J; Wise MP; Pellis T; Hovdenes J; Gasche Y; Åneman A; Stammet P; Erlinge D; Friberg H; Hassager C; Kuiper M; Wanscher M; Bosch F; Cranshaw J; Kleger GR; Persson S; Undén J; Walden A; Winkel P; Wetterslev J; Nielsen N, 2015, 'Neurologic function and health-related quality of life in patients following targeted temperature management at 33°C vs 36°C after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest a randomized clinical trial', JAMA Neurology, 72, pp. 634 - 641,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Starr T; Paul SK; Lipman J; Peck L; Young H; Boschert C; Fletcher J; Smith J; Nand K; Sara T; Harney A; Rodgers H; Van Haren F; Clarke S; Durham D; Hannan C; Matheson E; Schwartz K; Thomas K; Bone A; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Salerno T; Cameron R; Ellis K; Hatter S; Sanap M; Soar N; Wood J; Chan K; Heffernan A; Lai NA; Moss C; Sheehy K; Duroux M; Ratcliffe M; Shone S; Warhurst T; Dunlop R; Stuart J; Udy A; Cooper D; McAllister R; Cheng A; Inskip D; Miller J; Knowles S; Reynolds C; Rudham S; Baker S; Hepburn K; Roberts B; Woods P; Chatterjee I; Cullen M; Kong J; Nayyar V; Whitehead C; Leung P; Gilder E; McCarthy L; McGuiness S; Parke R; Benefield K; Chen Y; McArthur C; Newby L; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Noble S; Chadwick L; Freebain R; Hogan C; Kazemi A; Rust L; Song R; Tilsley A; Williams A; Andrews L; Dinsdale R; Hunt A; Hurford S; Mackle D; Ongley J; Young P; Durning J; Frengley R; La Pine M; McCracken G; Sharma SB, 2015, 'A multicenter randomized trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam infusion in severe sepsis', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 192, pp. 1298 - 1305,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Finfer S; Chittock D; Li Y; Foster D; Dhingra V; Bellomo R; Cook D; Dodek P; Hebert P; Henderson W; Heyland D; Higgins A; McArthur C; Mitchell I; Myburgh J; Robinson B; Ronco J; Blair D; Norton R; Potter J; McDonald E; Peto R; Sandercock P; Sprung C; Young JD; Li Q; Bompoint S; Billot L; Crampton L; Darcy F; Jayne K; Kumarasinghe V; Little L; McEvoy S; MacMahon S; Pandey S; Ryan S; Shukla R; Vijayan B; Atherton S; Bell J; Hadfield L; Hourigan C; Newby L; Simmonds C; Buhr H; Eccleston M; McGuinness S; Parke R; Bates S; Goldsmith D; Mercer I; O’Sullivan K; Gazzard R; Hill D; Tauschke C; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Elliott S; Ernest D; Hamilton A; Ashley R; Bailey A; Crowfoot E; Gissane J; Ranse J; Whiting J; Douglas K; Milliss D; Tan J; Wong H; Blythe D; Palermo A; Hardie M; Harrigan P; McFadyen B; Micallef S; Parr M; Boase A; Tai J; Williams A; Cole L; Seppelt I; Weisbrodt L; Whereat S; Flanagan A; Liang J; Bass F; Campbell M; Hammond N; Nicholson L; Shehabi Y; Foote J; Peake S; Williams P; Deans R; Fourie C; Lassig-Smith M, 2015, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: long-term follow-up of a subgroup of patients from the NICE-SUGAR study', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1037 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Saxena M; Liu B; Finfer S; Glass P; Seppelt I; Willenberg L; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Resuscitation fluid use in Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Units between 2007 and 2013', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1611 - 1619,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liang S; Saxena M; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Impact of high temperature on long-term outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review of observational studies', AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE, 28, pp. 42 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Myburgh JA, 2015, 'Fluid resuscitation in acute medicine: What is the current situation?', Journal of Internal Medicine, 277, pp. 58 - 68,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nair P; Venkatesh B; Lee P; Kerr S; Hoechter DJ; Dimeski G; Grice J; Myburgh J; Center JR, 2015, 'A randomized study of a single dose of intramuscular cholecalciferol in critically ill adults', Critical Care Medicine, 43, pp. 2313 - 2320,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nichol A; Gantner D; Presneill J; Murray L; Trapani T; Bernard S; Cameron P; Capellier G; Forbes A; McArthur C; Newby L; Rashford S; Rosenfeld JV; Smith T; Stephenson M; Varma D; Walker T; Webb S; Cooper DJ, 2015, 'Protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial of early and sustained prophylactic hypothermia in the management of traumatic brain injury.', Crit Care Resusc, 17, pp. 92 - 100,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Perner A; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Ten ‘short-lived’ beliefs in intensive care medicine', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1703 - 1706,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Raghunathan K; Murray PT; Beattie WS; Lobo DN; Myburgh J; Sladen T; Kellum JA; Mythen MG; Shaw AD, 2015, 'Erratum: Choice of fluid in acute illness: What should be given? An international consensus (British Journal of Anaesthesia (2014) 113 (772-783) DOI: 10.1093/bja/aeu301)', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 114, pp. 175,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena M; Young P; Pilcher D; Bailey M; Harrison D; Bellomo R; Finfer S; Beasley R; Hyam J; Menon D; Rowan K; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Early temperature and mortality in critically ill patients with acute neurological diseases: trauma and stroke differ from infection', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 823 - 832,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena MK; Taylor C; Billot L; Bompoint S; Gowardman J; Roberts JA; Lipman J; Myburgh J, 2015, 'The effect of paracetamol on core body temperature in acute traumatic brain injury: A randomised, controlled clinical trial', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0144740,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena MK; Taylor C; Hammond N; Young P; Mysore J; Billot L; Myburgh A; Myburgh J, 2015, 'A multicentre audit of temperature patterns after traumatic brain injury', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 17, pp. 129 - 134
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Cass A; Finfer S; Gattas D; Myburgh J; Chadban S; Hirakawa Y; Ninomiya T; Li Q; Lo S; Barzi F; Sukkar L; Jardine M; Gallagher MP, 2015, 'Health-related quality of life in survivors of acute kidney injury: The Prolonged Outcomes Study of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented Level Replacement Therapy study outcomes', Nephrology, 20, pp. 492 - 498,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wang AY; Lo S; Gallagher M; Cass A; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bouman C; Faulhaber-Walter R; Kellum JA; Palevsky PM; Ronco C; Saudan P; Tolwani A; Bellomo R, 2015, 'RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY INTENSITY FOR ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AND RECOVERY TO DIALYSIS INDEPENDENCE', NEPHROLOGY, 20, pp. 86 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Young P; Bailey M; Beasley R; Henderson S; Mackle D; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Mehrtens J; Myburgh J; Psirides A; Reddy S; Bellomo R; Hunt A; Hurford S; Navarra L; Jason-Smith A; Andrews L; Hitchings L; Closey D; Parker K; Minto E; Morris A; McConnochie R; Chen Y; Newby L; Parke R; McCarthy L; Gilder E; Lammert A; Long S; Cowdrey KA; Perner A; Morgan J; Forbes A, 2015, 'Effect of a buffered crystalloid solution vs saline on acute kidney injury among patients in the intensive care unit: The SPLIT randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 314, pp. 1701 - 1710,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Young P; Saxena M; Bellomo R; Freebairn R; Hammond N; Van Haren F; Holliday M; Henderson S; Mackle D; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Weatherall M; Webb S; Beasley R, 2015, 'Acetaminophen for fever in critically III patients with suspected infection', New England Journal of Medicine, 373, pp. 2215 - 2224,
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    2015, '33rd Congress of the Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10 June 2015.', Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 59 Suppl 121, pp. 1 - 60,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bass F; Bird S; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2014, 'Time-course evaluation of blood glucose changes in response to insulin delivery in critically ill patients', Critical care (London, England), 18, pp. P440 - P440,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2014, 'Open Letter to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency concerning the licensing of hydroxyethyl starch solutions for fluid resuscitation', Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 58, pp. 365 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2014, 'Open letter to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency concerning the licensing of hydroxyethyl starch solutions for fluid resuscitation', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 112, pp. 595 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Kim I; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2014, 'Erratum: “The relationship between hypophosphataemia and outcomes during low-intensity and high-intensity continuous renal replacement therapy” in the March 2014 issue of the Journal (Crit Care Resusc 2014; 16: 34–41) (Critical Care and Resuscitation (2014) 16(1) (34–44), (S1441277223014412), (10.1016/S1441-2772(23)01441-2))', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 139,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Kim I; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2014, 'The relationship between hypophosphataemia and outcomes during low-intensity and high-intensity continuous renal replacement therapy', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 34 - 41
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Mitchell I; Ashley R; Gissane J; Malchukova K; Ranse J; Raza A; Nand K; Sara T; Millis D; Tan J; Wong H; Harrigan P; Crowfoot E; Hardie M; Bhonagiri D; Micallef S; Brieva J; Lintott M; Gresham R; Nikas M; Weisbrodt L; Shehabi Y; Bass F; Campbell M; Stockdale V; Ankers S; O'Connor A; Potter J; Totaro R; Rajbhandari D; Dhiacou V; Jovanovska A; Munster F; Nair P; Breeding J; Burns C; Banerjee A; Morrison M; Pfeffercorn C; Ritchie A; Buhr H; Eccleston M; Parke R; Bell J; Newby L; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Kalkoff M; West C; Morgan J; Rudder L; Sutton J; Garrett P; Groves N; McDonald S; Jennifer Palmer A; Joyce C; Harwood M; Helyar J; Mackie B; Lipman J; Boots R; Bertenshaw C; Deans R; Fourie C; Lassig-Smith M; Flabouris A; Edwards J; O'Connor S; Rivett J; Turner A; Field T; Marsden K; Mathlin C; Goldsmith D; Mercer I; O'Sullivan K; Edington J; Boschert C; Smith J; Ihle B; Graan M; Ho S; Botha J; Fowler N; McInness J; Pratt N; Orford N, 2014, 'Calorie intake and patient outcomes in severe acute kidney injury: Findings from The Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level of Replacement Therapy (RENAL) study trial', Critical Care, 18, pp. r45,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Sheinkestel C, 2014, 'Daily protein intake and patient outcomes in severe acute kidney injury: Findings of the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level of replacement therapy (RENAL) trial', Blood Purification, 37, pp. 325 - 334,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Mortality in patients with hypovolemic shock treated with colloids or crystalloids [2]', JAMA, 311, pp. 1067 - 1068,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bion J; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2014, 'Hydroxyethyl starch: Putting patient safety first', Intensive Care Medicine, 40, pp. 256 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Chawla LS; Ince C; Chappell D; Gan TJ; Kellum JA; Mythen M; Shaw AD; ADQI XII Fluids Workgroup , 2014, 'Vascular content, tone, integrity, and haemodynamics for guiding fluid therapy: a conceptual approach.', Br J Anaesth, 113, pp. 748 - 755,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Duncan EM; Cuthbertson BH; Prior ME; Marshall AP; Wells EC; Todd LE; Bolsover D; Newlands RS; Webster F; Rose L; Campbell MK; Bellingan G; Seppelt IM; Francis JJ, 2014, 'The views of health care professionals about selective decontamination of the digestive tract: An international, theoretically informed interview study', Journal of Critical Care, 29, pp. 634 - 640,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gallagher M; Cass A; Bellomo R; Finfer S; Gattas D; Lee J; Lo S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Parke R; Rajbhandari D; Mitchell I; Taylor E; Whyte R; Raza A; Nand K; Sara T; Millis D; Wong H; Harrigan P; Hardie M; Whitaker D; Bhonagiri D; Micallef S; Ellem K; Lintott M; Cole L; Cuzner C; Weisbrodt L; Whereat S; Shehabi Y; Bass F; Edhouse P; Jenkins M; Bird S; O'Connor A; Totaro R; Honeysett L; Inskip D; Sidoli R; Nair P; Reynolds C; Banerjee A; Kong J; Skelly C; Brown J; Gilder E; McArthur C; Newby L; Simmonds C; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Sugden D; Kalkoff M; McGregor K; Shaw C; Morgan J; Gregory K; Sutton J; Garrett P; Buckley A; McDonald S; Joyce C; Harward M; Sexton G; Perkins K; Lipman J; Dunlop R; Lassig-Smith M; Starr T; Flabouris A; O'Connor S; Rivett J; Turner A; McAllister R; Trubody V; Eastwood G; Peck L; Fletcher J; Ihle B; Ho S; Micallef J; Murray L; Botha J; Allsop S; Vuat J; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Walker C; Galt P; Gillies A; Harley N; Barge D; Caf T; Jordon A; Santamaria J; Holmes J; Smith R; Scheinkestel C; Donaldson H; Jun M, 2014, 'Long-Term Survival and Dialysis Dependency Following Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care: Extended Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial', PLoS Medicine, 11, pp. e1001601,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Goldstein S; Bagshaw S; Cecconi M; Okusa M; Wang H; Kellum J; Mythen M; Shaw AD; ADQI XII Investigators Group , 2014, 'Pharmacological management of fluid overload.', Br J Anaesth, 113, pp. 756 - 763,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hammond NE; Billot L; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data comparative analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 v 4% albumin for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients: Statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 206 - 213
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hoste EA; Maitland K; Brudney CS; Mehta R; Vincent J-L; Yates D; Kellum JA; Mythen MG; Shaw AD; ADQI XII Investigators Group , 2014, 'Four phases of intravenous fluid therapy: a conceptual model.', Br J Anaesth, 113, pp. 740 - 747,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Jun M; Bellomo R; Cass A; Gallagher M; Lo S; Lee J, 2014, 'Timing of renal replacement therapy and patient outcomes in the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level of replacement therapy study', Critical Care Medicine, 42, pp. 1756 - 1765,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kellum JA; Mythen MG; Shaw AD, 2014, 'The 12th consensus conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI XII).', Br J Anaesth, 113, pp. 729 - 731,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2014, 'Resuscitation Fluids', Survey of Anesthesiology, 58, pp. 164 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Peake SL; Delaney A; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cooper DJ; Higgins AM; Holdgate A; Howe BD; Webb SAR; Williams P, 2014, 'Goal-directed resuscitation for patients with early septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 371, pp. 1496 - 1506,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Raghunathan K; Murray PT; Beattie WS; Lobo DN; Myburgh J; Sladen R; Kellum JA; Mythen MG; Shaw AD, 2014, 'Choice of fluid in acute illness: What should be given? An international consensus', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 113, pp. 772 - 783,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Reddy SK; Bailey MJ; Beasley RW; Bellomo R; Henderson SJ; M Mackle D; McArthur CJ; Mehrtens JE; Myburgh JA; McGuinness SP; Psirides AJ; Young PJ, 2014, 'A protocol for the 0.9%saline versus plasma-lyte 148 for intensive care fluid therapy (SPLIT) study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 274 - 279
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rochwerg B; Alhazzani W; Sindi A; Heels-Ansdell D; Thabane L; Fox-Robichaud A; Mbuagbaw L; Szczeklik W; Alshamsi F; Altayyar S; Ip W-C; Li G; Wang M; Wludarczyk A; Zhou Q; Guyatt GH; Cook DJ; Jaeschke R; Annane D; Fluids in Sepsis and Septic Shock Group , 2014, 'Fluid resuscitation in sepsis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.', Ann Intern Med, 161, pp. 347 - 355,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rosner MH; Ostermann M; Murugan R; Prowle JR; Ronco C; Kellum JA; Mythen MG; Shaw AD; ADQI XII Investigators Group , 2014, 'Indications and management of mechanical fluid removal in critical illness.', Br J Anaesth, 113, pp. 764 - 771,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Saxena MK; Hammond N; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data meta-analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4-0.42 versus crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in patients with severe sepsis: A statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 96 - 115,;res=IELHEA;dn=312745606203494
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Ninomiya T; Lo S; Cass A; Jardine M; Gallagher M, 2014, 'Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor usage and acute kidney injury: A secondary analysis of RENAL study outcomes', Nephrology, 19, pp. 617 - 622,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bellomo R; Lipcsey M; Calzavacca P; Haase M; Haase-Fielitz A; Licari E; Tee A; Cole L; Cass A; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2013, 'Early acid-base and blood pressure effects of continuous renal replacement therapy intensity in patients with metabolic acidosis', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 429 - 436,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bihari S; Peake SL; Seppelt I; Williams P; Bersten A, 2013, 'Sodium administration in critically ill patients in Australia and New Zealand: A multicentre point prevalence study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 294 - 300
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bion J; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch: putting patient safety first', Intensive Care Medicine, pp. 1 - 4,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bion JF; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2013, 'Open letter to EMA - Hydroxyethyl Starch', BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 111,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Blyth C; Webb S; Kok J; Dwyer DE; van Hal S; Foo H; Ginn AN; Kesson AM; Seppelt I; Iredell JR; Parr MJ; et A; Shehabi Y; Numa A; Williams G; Rawlinson W; Myburgh J, 2013, 'The impact of bacterial and viral co-infection in severe influenza', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 7, pp. 168 - 176,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bradford CM; Finfer S; O'Connor A; Yarad E; Firth R; McCallister R; Harrington T; Steinfort B; Faulder K; Assaad N; Morgan M, 2013, 'A randomised controlled trial of induced hypermagnesaemia following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 119 - 125
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L; Vallance S, 2013, 'Albumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: Is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?', Journal of Neurotrauma, 30, pp. 512 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Delaney A; Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Holdgate A; Howe B; Higgins A; Presneill J; Webb S, 2013, 'Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation trial statistical analysis plan', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 25, pp. 406 - 415,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Delaney AP; Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Holdgate A; Howe B; Higgins A; Presneill J; Webb S, 2013, 'The Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE) trial statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 162 - 171
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Lipman J, 2013, 'Continuous infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics in severe sepsis: A multicenter double-blind, randomized controlled trial', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56, pp. 236 - 244,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Lipman J, 2013, 'Reply to Soman et al', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 57, pp. 323 - 324,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Starr T; Udy AA; Paul SK; Lipman J, 2013, 'A protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous beta-lactam infusion compared with intermittent beta-lactam dosing in critically ill patients with severe sepsis: The BLING II study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 179 - 185
    Journal articles | 2013
    Esteban A; Frutos-Vivar F; Muriel A; Ferguson ND; Peñuelas O; Abraira V; Raymondos K; Rios F; Nin N; Apezteguía C; Violi DA; Thille AW; Brochard L; González M; Villagomez AJ; Hurtado J; Davies AR; Du B; Maggiore SM; Pelosi P; Soto L; Tomicic V; D'Empaire G; Matamis D; Abroug F; Moreno RP; Soares MA; Arabi Y; Sandi F; Jibaja M; Amin P; Koh Y; Kuiper MA; Bülow H-H; Zeggwagh AA; Anzueto A, 2013, 'Evolution of mortality over time in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.', Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 188, pp. 220 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2013, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6 % hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4 and 130/0.42) in acutely ill patients: Systematic review of effects on mortality and treatment with renal replacement therapy', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 558 - 568,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Hammond NE; Saxena MK; Taylor C; Young P; Seppelt I; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2013, 'Temperature management of non-elective intensive care patients without neurological abnormalities: A point prevalence study of practice in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 228 - 233
    Journal articles | 2013
    Huang DT; Angus DC; Barnato A; Gunn SR; Kellum JA; Stapleton DK; Weissfeld LA; Yealy DM; Peake SL; Delaney A; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Higgins A; Holdgate A; Howe B; Webb SA; Williams P; Osborn TM; Mouncey PR; Harrison DA; Harvey SE; Rowan KM, 2013, 'Harmonizing international trials of early goal-directed resuscitation for severe sepsis and septic shock: Methodology of ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 1760 - 1775,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Mitchell RJ; Curtis K; Holland AJA; Balogh ZJ; Evans J; Wilson KL, 2013, 'Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs for major paediatric trauma in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 45, pp. 279 - 284,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Patient-centered outcomes and trials of hydroxyethyl starch', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2013, 'Causes of death after fluid bolus resuscitation: New insights from FEAST', BMC Medicine, 11,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J; Mcintyre LA, 2013, 'New insights into fluid resuscitation', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 998 - 1001,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J, 2013, 'ACP Journal Club. Review: hydroxyethyl starch increases mortality and acute kidney injury in critically ill patients', Annals of internal medicine, 158,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J, 2013, 'Advances in fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients: Implications for clinical practice', Current Opinion in Critical Care, 19, pp. 279 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and saline did not differ for mortality at 90 days in ICU patients', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2013, 'Resuscitation Fluids REPLY', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 369, pp. 2462 - 2463
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2013, 'Resuscitation fluids', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 1243 - 1251,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 2462 - 2463,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Nielsen N; Wetterslev J; Cronberg T; Erlinge D; Gasche Y; Hassager C; Horn J; Hovdenes J; Kjaergaard J; Kuiper M; Pellis T; Stammet P; Wanscher M; Wise MP; An̊eman A; Al-Subaie N; Boesgaard S; Bro-Jeppesen J; Brunetti I; Bugge JF; Hingston CD; Juffermans NP; Koopmans M; Kbøer L; Langørgen J; Lilja G; Mløler JE; Rundgren M; Rylander C; Smid O; Werer C; Winkel P; Friberg H, 2013, 'Targeted temperature management at 33°c versus 36°c after cardiac arrest', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 2197 - 2206,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Parke RL; Eastwood GM; McGuinness SP, 2013, 'Oxygen therapy in non-intubated adult intensive care patients: a point prevalence study', CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION, 15, pp. 287 - 293
    Journal articles | 2013
    Saxena MK; Taylor CB; Hammond NE; Young PJ; Seppelt IM; Glass P; Myburgh JA, 2013, 'Temperature management in patients with acute neurological lesions: An Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 110 - 118
    Journal articles | 2013
    Thomas E; Bhurawala H; Liu A, 2013, 'Medication for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and criminality [5]', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Webb SAR; Cohen J; Bellomo R; McArthur C; Joyce CJ; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Harward M, 2013, 'The ADRENAL study protocol: Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 83 - 88
    Journal articles | 2013
    Willenberg L; Curtis K; Taylor C; Jan S; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2013, 'The variation of acute treatment costs of trauma in high-income countries', Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 21,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Young PJ; Weatherall M; Saxena MK; Bellomo R; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; van Haren FMP; Henderson SJ; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Mackle D; Myburgh JA; Webb SAR; Beasley RW, 2013, 'Statistical analysis plan for the HEAT trial: A multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous paracetamol in intensive care unit patients with fever and infection', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 279 - 286
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cheung W; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Parr MJ; Blackwell N; DeMonte S; Gandhi K; Hoyling L; Mullany D; Nair PS; Passer M; Reynolds C; Saunders N; Saxena M; Thanakrishnan G, 2012, 'A multicentre evaluation of two intensive care unit triage protocols for use in an influenza pandemic', Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 178 - 181,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cheung WK; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Parr MJ; Blackwell N; al E, 2012, 'Development and evaluation of an influenza pandemic intensive care unit triage protocol', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 185 - 189
    Journal articles | 2012
    Daniel BS; Skowronski G; Myburgh J; Hersch M; Murrell DF, 2012, 'Concurrent Management of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis with Thermal Water Spray and Non-Stick Dressings', Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica, 20, pp. 210 - 212
    Journal articles | 2012
    Finfer SR; Liu B; Chittock DR; Norton R; Myburgh J; Mcarthur CJ; Mitchell I; Foster DE; Dhingra VK; Henderson WR; Ronco JJ; Bellomo R; Cook D; Mcdonald E; Dodek PM; Hebert PC; Heyland DK; Robinson BG, 2012, 'Hypoglycemia and risk of death in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1108 - 1118,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2012, 'Fluid Resuscitation With 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) in Acutely Ill Patients', Survey of Anesthesiology, 56, pp. 216 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Hammond NE; Saxena M; Young P; Taylor C; Seppelt I; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2012, 'Temperature management for patients without brain injury in Australia and New Zealand ICUs: a point prevalence study', Critical care (London, England), 16, pp. P58 - P58,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cass A; Parr MJ; et A, 2012, 'Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation in intensive care', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1901 - 1911,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J; Li Q; Heritier S; Dan A; Glass P, 2012, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Crystalloid Versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial (CHEST).', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 44 - 52
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J, 2012, 'The role of hydroxyethyl starch in resuscitation in the ICU', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 251 - 252,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Peake SL; Chapman M; Davies A; Moran JL; O'Connor S; Ridley E; Williams P; Parr MJ, 2012, 'Enteral nutrition in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units: a point-prevalence study of prescription practices', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 148 - 153
    Journal articles | 2012
    Shehabi Y; Bellomo R; Reade MC; Bailey M; Bass F; Howe B; McArthur C; Seppelt IM; Webb S; Weisbrodt L, 2012, 'Early intensive care sedation predicts long-term mortality in ventilated critically ill patients', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186, pp. 724 - 731,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Taylor CB; Jan S; Myburgh JA, 2012, 'Exploring the economics of helicopter rescue in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 488 - 489,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Taylor CB; Liu B; Bruce E; Burns B; Jan S; Myburgh J, 2012, 'Primary scene responses by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in New South Wales Australia 2008-2009', BMC Health Services Research, 12, pp. 402,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Young P; Hodgson C; Dulhunty J; Saxena M; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Davies A; Finfer S; Kruger P; Lipman J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Seppelt I; Streat S; Tate R; Webb S, 2012, 'End points for Phase II trials in intensive care: Recommendations from the Australian and New Zealand clinical trials group consensus panel meeting', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 211 - 215
    Journal articles | 2012
    Young PJ; Saxena MK; Bellomo R; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; van Haren FMP; Henderson SJ; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Mackle D; Myburgh JA; Weatherall M; Webb SAR; Beasley RW, 2012, 'The HEAT trial: A protocol for a multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trial of IV paracetamol in ICU patients with fever and infection', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 290 - 296
    Journal articles | 2011
    Davies AR; Morrison SS; Ridley EJ; Bailey M; Banks MD; Cooper DJ; Hardy G; McIlroy K; Thomson A; ASAP Study Investigators , 2011, 'Nutritional therapy in patients with acute pancreatitis requiring critical care unit management: a prospective observational study in Australia and New Zealand.', Crit Care Med, 39, pp. 462 - 468,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Fitzharris M; Yu J; Hammond N; Taylor C; Wu Y; Finfer SR; Myburgh J; Hammond , 2011, 'Injury in China: a systematic review of injury surveillance studies conducted in Chinese hospital emergency departments', BMC Emergency Medicine, 11(1), pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Fitzharris M; Zhong W; Myburgh J; Xuezhong Y; Yu J; Hammond N; Finfer SR; Taylor C; Wu Y; Hammond , 2011, 'The status of trauma registry systems in Chinese hospitals', Injury Prevention, 17, pp. 419 - 421,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Hammond NE; Saxena MK; Taylor C; Seppelt I; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2011, 'Temperature management of patients with sepsis and inflammation in Australian and New Zealand ICUs: a point prevalence study', Critical care (London, England), 15, pp. P17 - P17,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Olldashi F; Kerçi M; Zhurda T; Ruçi K; Banushi A; Traverso MS; Jiménez J; Balbi J; Dellera C; Svampa S; Quintana G; Piñero G; Teves J; Seppelt I; Mountain D; Balogh Z; Zaman M; Druwé P; Rutsaert R; Mazairac G; Pascal F; Yvette Z; Chancellin D; Okwen P; Djokam-Liapoe J; Jangwa E; Mbuagbaw L; Fointama N; Baillie F; Jiang JY; Gao GY; Bao YH; Morales C; Sierra J; Naranjo S; Correa C; Gómez C; Herrera J; Caicedo L; Rojas A; Pastas H; Miranda H; Constaín A; Perdomo M; Muñoz D; Duarte A; Vásquez E; Ortiz C; Ayala B; Delgado H; Benavides G; Rosero L; Mejía-Mantilla J; Varela A; Calle M; Castillo J; García A; Ciro J; Villa C; Panesso R; Flórez L; Gallego A; Puentes-Manosalva F; Medina L; Márquez K; Romero AR; Hernández R; Martínez J; Gualteros W; Urbina Z; Velandia J; Benítez F; Trochez A; Villarreal A; Pabón P; López H; Quintero L; Rubiano A; Tamayo J; Piñera M; Martínez D; Martínez H; Casola E; Domínguez M; Herrera C; Iraola M; Rojas O; Pastrana I; Rodríguez D; De La Campa SA; Fortún T; Larrea M; Aragón L; Madrazo A; Svoboda P; Izurieta M; Daccach A; Altamirano M; Ortega A; Cárdenas B, 2011, 'The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: An exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 377,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Pettila V; Westbrook AJ; Nichol AD; Bailey M; Wood E; Syres GA; Phillips LE; Street A; French C; Murray L; Orford N; Santamaria JD; Bellomo R; Cooper DS; Parr MJ; Myburgh J, 2011, 'Age of red blood cells and mortality in the critically ill', Critical Care, 15, pp. R116,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Saxena M; Young P; Beasley R; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Pilcher D; Finfer S; Harrison D; Myburgh J; Rowan K, 2011, 'Early peak temperature and mortality in critically ill patients with or without infection', Critical Care, 15,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Saxena MK; Hammond NE; Taylor C; Young P; Reade MC; Bellomo R; Myburgh J, 2011, 'A survey of fever management in febrile intensive care patients without neurological injury', Critical care (London, England), 15, pp. P18 - P18,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Taylor CB; Stevenson M; Jan S; Liu B; Tall G; Middleton PM; Fitzharris M; Myburgh J, 2011, 'An investigation into the cost, coverage and activities of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the state of New South Wales, Australia', Injury : International Journal of the Care of the Injured, 42, pp. 1088 - 1094,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Webb SAR; Aubron C; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Howe B; McArthur C; Morrison S; Seppelt I, 2011, 'Critical care services and the H1N1 (2009) influenza epidemic in Australia and New Zealand in 2010: the impact of the second winter epidemic', CRITICAL CARE, 15,
    Journal articles | 2010
    , 2010, 'Transfusion practice and guidelines in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Intensive Care Medicine, 36, pp. 1138 - 1146,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Cuthbertson BH; Francis J; Campbell MK; MacIntyre L; Seppelt I; Grimshaw J, 2010, 'A study of the perceived risks, benefits and barriers to the use of SDD in adult critical care units (The SuDDICU study)', Trials, 11,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dulhunty JM; Webb SAR; Paterson DL; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Roberts JA; Lipman J, 2010, 'A survey of antibiotic prescribing practices in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 12, pp. 162 - 170
    Journal articles | 2010
    Finfer SR; Liu B; Taylor C; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cook DL; Du B; McArthur C; Myburgh J, 2010, 'Resuscitation fluid use in critically ill adults: An international cross-sectional study in 391 intensive care units', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 14, pp. R185,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Jones D; Mcevoy S; Merz T; Higgins A; Bellomo R; Cooper J; Hollis SJ; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Taylor C; Liu B; Norton R; Finfer SR, 2010, 'International albumin use: 1995 to 2006', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 38
    Journal articles | 2010
    Jun M; Lambers Heerspink HJ; Ninomiya T; Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Palevsky PM; Kellum JA; Perkovic V; Cass A, 2010, 'Intensities of renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 5, pp. 956 - 963,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Marshall JC; Abraham E; Adikhari N; Aikawa N; al Rahma HN; Amin P; Angus DC; Annane D; Argent A; Bernard GR; Bertolini G; Bhagwanjee S; Burns KA; Calandra T; Ceraso D; Chan K; Chiche J-D; Cobb JP; Cook DJ; Cuthbertson BH; da Silva E; de Backer D; Dellinger RP; Divatia JV; Fedson D; Festa M; Ferguson ND; Finfer S; Fowler R; Gomerall C; Granton J; Hammer B; Hudson LD; Jimenez E; Kissoon N; Koh Y; Kumar A; Langer M; Latronico N; Levy MM; Lowry S; Mamdani M; Marsh B; McAuley DF; Meduri GU; Menon D; Mira J-P; Morales-Alava F; Moreno R; Morrison L; Myburgh J; Opal S; Perkins G; Perner A; Randolph A; Reinhart K; Rello J; Rice T; Rowan K; Sanchez-Nava VM; Schuettler J; Shukri K; Slutsky AS; Sprung C; Sybrecht GW; Taylor BI; Thompson AE; Thompson BT; Tomicic V; Ugarte S; van der Poll T; Vernon DD; Vincent J-L; Walsh T; Webb S; Welte T; Yung M, 2010, 'InFACT: a global critical care research response to H1N1', LANCET, 375, pp. 11 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2010
    McLachlan CS; Taylor CB; Li Y; Willenberg L; Matthews S; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2010, 'Severe falciparum malaria patients transferred "late" to a high level icu in india represents a difficult research capture point to comment on predictors of mortality and related organ dysfunction', Singapore Medical Journal, 51, pp. 752 - 753
    Journal articles | 2010
    Myburgh J, 2010, 'Norepinephrine: More of a neurohormone than a vasopressor', Critical Care, 14,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Nichol AD; Bailey M; Cooper DJ; POLAR ; EPO Investigators , 2010, 'Challenging issues in randomised controlled trials.', Injury, 41 Suppl 1, pp. S20 - S23,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Olldashi F; Kerçi M; Zhurda T; Ruçi K; Banushi A; Traverso MS; Jiménez J; Balbi J; Dellera C; Svampa S; Quintana G; Piñero G; Teves J; Seppelt I; Mountain D; Hunter J; Balogh Z; Zaman M; Druwé P; Rutsaert R; Mazairac G; Pascal F; Yvette Z; Chancellin D; Okwen P; Djokam-Liapoe J; Jangwa E; Mbuagbaw L; Fointama N; Pascal N; Baillie F; Jiang JY; Gao GY; Bao YH; Morales C; Sierra J; Naranjo S; Correa C; Gómez C; Herrera J; Caicedo L; Rojas A; Pastas H; Miranda H; Constaín A; Perdomo M; Muñoz D; Duarte A; Vásquez E; Ortiz C; Ayala B; Delgado H; Benavides G; Rosero L; Mejía-Mantilla J; Varela A; Calle M; Castillo J; García A; Ciro J; Villa C; Panesso R; Flórez L; Gallego A; Puentes-Manosalva F; Medina L; Márquez K; Romero AR; Hernández R; Martínez J; Gualteros W; Urbina Z; Velandia J; Benítez F; Trochez A; Villarreal A; Pabón P; López H; Quintero L; Rubiano A; Tamayo J; Piñera M; Navarro Z; Rondón D; Bujan B; Palacios L; Martínez D; Hernández Y; Fernández Y; Casola E; Delgado R; Herrera C; Arbolaéz M; Domínguez M; Iraola M; Rojas O; Enseñat A; Pastrana I; Rodríguez D; De La Campa SA, 2010, 'Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): A randomised, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet, 376, pp. 23 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Reade MC; Delaney A; Bailey MJ; Harrison DA; Yealy DM; Jones PG; Rowan KM; Bellomo R; Angus DC, 2010, 'Prospective meta-analysis using individual patient data in intensive care medicine', Intensive Care Medicine, 36, pp. 11 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Robertson MS; Nichol AD; Higgins AM; Bailey MJ; Presneill JJ; Cooper DJ; Webb SA; McArthur C; MacIsaac CM, 2010, 'Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the critically ill: a point prevalence survey of current practice in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION, 12, pp. 9 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Goldsmith D; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Bhonagiri ABD; Blythe D; Botha J; Cade J; Dobb G; Eddington J; Flabouris A; French C; Garrett P; Henderson S; Ihle B; Joyce C; Kalkoff M; Lipman J; McArthur C; McGinness S; Milliss D; Mitchell I; Morgan J; Nair P; Orford N; Raza A; Shehabi Y; Tobin A; Totaro R; Turner A; Wright C, 2009, 'Screening and study enrolment in the randomized evaluation of normal vs. augmented level (RENAL) replacement therapy trial', Blood Purification, 27, pp. 199 - 205,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Su S, 2009, 'Intensity of continuous renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 1627 - 1638,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Morimatsu H; Presneill J; French C; Cole L; Story D; Uchino S; Naka T; Finfer S; Cooper DJ; Myburgh J, 2009, 'Effects of saline or albumin resuscitation on standard coagulation tests.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 250 - 256
    Journal articles | 2009
    Davies AR; Jones D; Bailey M; Beca J; Bellomo R; Blackwell N; Forrest P; Gattas D; Granger E; Herkes R; Jackson A; McGuinness S; Nair P; Pellegrino V; Pettilä V; Plunkett B; Pye R; Torzillo P; Webb S; Wilson M; Ziegenfuss M, 2009, 'Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for 2009 influenza A(H1N1) acute respiratory distress syndrome', JAMA, 302, pp. 1888 - 1895,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Bellomo R; Blair D; Su SYS; Foster D; Dhingra V; Cook D; Dodek P; Henderson WR; Hébert PC; Heyland DK; McArthur C; McDonald E; Mitchell I; Myburgh JA; Nor-ton R; Potte J; Robinson BG, 2009, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically Ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 360, pp. 1283 - 1297,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Cass A; Gallagher M; Lee J; Su S; Bellomo R, 2009, 'The RENAL (Randomised Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level of Replacement Therapy) study: statistical analysis plan.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 58 - 66
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Heritier S, 2009, 'The NICE-SUGAR (Normoglycaemia in Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation) Study: statistical analysis plan.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 46 - 57
    Journal articles | 2009
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR, 2009, 'Albumin is a blood product too - is it safe for all patients?', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 11, pp. 67 - 70
    Journal articles | 2009
    Myburgh J, 2009, 'Reply to Oud', Intensive Care Medicine, 35, pp. 1311,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Myburgh JA; Chittock DR, 2009, 'Differences in outcome between the NICE-SUGAR and Leuven trials: biological mechanisms of intensive glucose control in critically ill patients.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 178 - 179
    Journal articles | 2009
    Nichol AD; Cooper DJ; POLAR Study Investigators on behalf of the ANZICS-Clinical Trials Group ; EPO Study Investigators on behalf of the ANZICS-Clinical Trials Group , 2009, 'Can we improve neurological outcomes in severe traumatic brain injury? Something old (early prophylactic hypothermia) and something new (erythropoietin).', Injury, 40, pp. 471 - 478,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Peake SL; Bailey MR; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cross A; Delaney A; Finfer SR; Higgins A; Jones DA; Myburgh J; Syres GA; Webb S; Williams P, 2009, 'Australasian resuscitation of sepsis evaluation (ARISE): A multi-centre, prospective, inception cohort study', Resuscitation, 80, pp. 811 - 818
    Journal articles | 2009
    Taylor CB; Stevenson M; Jan S; Middleton PM; Myburgh J, 2009, 'The cost effectiveness of helicopters for out-of-hospital transport', Injury Extra, 40, pp. 146 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Webb SAR; Pettilä V; Seppelt I; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Cooper DJ; Cretikos M; Davies AR; Finfer S; Harrigan PWJ; Hart GK; Howe B; Iredell JR; McArthur C; Mitchell I; Morrison S; Nichol AD; Paterson DL; Peake S; Richards B; Stephens D; Turner A; Yung M, 2009, 'Critical care services and 2009 H1N1 influenza in Australia and New Zealand', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 1925 - 1934,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dulhunty JM; Lipman J; Finfer S, 2008, 'Does severe non-infectious SIRS differ from severe sepsis? Results from a multi-centre Australian and New Zealand intensive care unit study', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 1654 - 1661,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Jones D; George C; Hart GK; Bellomo R; Martin J, 2008, 'Introduction of medical emergency teams in Australia and New Zealand: a multi-centre study.', Crit Care, 12, pp. R46,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Marik P; Myburgh J; Annane D; Vincent J; Pastores S; Meduri G; Beishuizen A, 2008, 'What Conclusions Should Be Drawn between Critical Care Physician Management and Patient Mortality in the Intensive Care Unit?', Annals of Internal Medicine, 149, pp. 770 - 771
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Cooper DA; Finfer SR; Venkatesh B; Jones DR; Higgins A; Bishop N; Higlett T, 2008, 'Epidemiology and 12-month outcomes from traumatic brain injury in Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Trauma: Injury Infection and Critical Care, 64, pp. 854 - 862,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Delaney A; Angus D; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cooper DJ; Finfer SR; Harrison D; Huang D; Peake SL; Reade M; Webb S; Yealy D, 2008, 'bench-to-bedside review: The Evalution of Complex interventions in critical care', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 12, pp. 210 - 218
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR, 2008, 'Investigator-initiated research in Intensive Care Medicine : achievement through collaboration', Resuscitation, 78, pp. 245 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Hicks P; Cooper DJ; Webb S, 2008, 'The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock. An assessment by the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 36, pp. 149 - 151
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Higgins A; Lipman J; Ramakrishnan N; Santamaria J, 2008, 'A comparison of epinephrine and norepinephrine in critically ill patients', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 2226 - 2234
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Warrilow SJ; Reade M; Bellomo R, 2008, 'Guidance in sepsis management : navigating uncharted waters', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 12, pp. 428 - 430,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; van Heerden P, 2008, 'What`s in a name?', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 10, pp. 332 - 333
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'Design and Challenges of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs Augmented level Replacement Therapy (RENAL)Trial: High dose vs Standard Dose Hemofiltration in Acute Renal Failure', Blood Purification, 26, pp. 407 - 416
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'Renal replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury in Critically ill Patients : A Survey of Prescribing Practices in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 10, pp. 225 - 230
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'Standardised terminology for guidelines, protocols, regimens, procedures and processes: the other side of the `Bundle`', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 10, pp. 152 - 153
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'The Evidence for small-volume resuscitation with hyperoncotic albumin in critical illness', Critical Care, 12, pp. 143 - 144
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 10, pp. 6 - 8
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'The case for adrenaline', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 10, pp. 178 - 179
    Journal articles | 2007
    Finfer SR; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2007, 'Albumin supplementation and organ function', Critical Care Medicine, 35, pp. 987 - 988
    Journal articles | 2007
    Jones DA; Cooper J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Higgins A; Peake SL; Jenkins ID; Mcneil JJ, 2007, 'Advancing intensive care research in Australia and New Zealand: development of the binational ANZIC Research Centre', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 198 - 204
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh J; Cooper JS; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Norton R; Bishop N; Lo S; Vallance S, 2007, 'Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury', New England Journal of Medicine, 357, pp. 874 - 884
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R, 2007, 'The Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group', ICU Management, 7, pp. 43 - 44
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh J, 2007, 'Catecholamines for shock: the quest for high quality evidence', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 352 - 356
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh JA; Cooper DJ; Finfer S, 2007, 'Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in traumatic brain injury - Reply', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 357, pp. 2635 - 2636
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh JA; Cooper DJ; Finfer S, 2007, 'The authors reply [7]', New England Journal of Medicine, 357, pp. 2635 - 2636
    Journal articles | 2007
    Peake S; Moran J, 2007, 'The outcome of sepsis and septic shock presenting to the Emergency Department in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care, 11, pp. P73 - P73,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cross A; Delaney A; Finfer SR; George CP; Higgins A; Jones DA; Moran JL; Myburgh J; Syres GA; Webb S; Williamson P, 2007, 'The outcome of patients with sepsis and septic shock presenting to emergency departments in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 8 - 18
    Journal articles | 2007
    Skowronski G; Myburgh J, 2007, 'The maturation of academic Intensive Care Medicine in Australia and New Zealand: Time to capitalise on progress', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 35, pp. 169 - 170,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Bellomo R; Morimatsu H; French C; Cole L; Story D; Uchino S; Naka T; SAFE Study Investigators , 2006, 'The effects of saline or albumin resuscitation on acid-base status and serum electrolytes.', Crit Care Med, 34, pp. 2891 - 2897,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Maas AIR; Murray G; Henney H; Kassem N; Legrand V; Mangelus M; Muizelaar JP; Stocchetti N; Knoller N, 2006, 'Efficacy and safety of dexanabinol in severe traumatic brain injury: results of a phase III randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical trial', LANCET NEUROLOGY, 5, pp. 38 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Felton T; Blundell A; Lipman J, 2006, 'Estimate of the Number of Patients Eligible for Treatment with Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated) Based on Differing International Indications: Post-hoc Analysis of an Inception Cohort Study in Australia and New Zealand', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 34, pp. 184 - 190
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR, 2006, 'The Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) (ISRCTN04968275) and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation (SUGAR) Study: Design and conduct of an international multi-centre, open label, randomized controlled trial of two target ranges...', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 172, pp. 1358 - 1359
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Maas A; Murray G; Henney H; Kassem N; Legrand V; Mangelus M; Muizelaar J; Stocchetti N, 2006, 'Efficacy and safety of dexanabinol in severe traumatic brain injury: results of a phase III randomised, placebo-controlled, clinical trial', Lancet Neurology, 5, pp. 38 - 45
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Mitchell I; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Higlett T, 2006, 'Management of blood glucose in the critically ill in Australia and New Zealand: a practice survey and inception cohort study', Intensive Care Medicine, 32, pp. 867 - 874
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J, 2006, 'An appraisal of selection and use of catecholamines in septic shock - old becomes new again', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 8, pp. 353 - 360
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J, 2006, 'Effect of baseline serum albumin concentration on outcome of resuscitation with albumin or saline in patients in intensive care units: analysis of data from the saline versus albumin flud evaluation (SAFE) study', British Medical Journal: International, 333, pp. 1044 - 1046
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chapman M; Myburgh J; Kluger M; Runciman W, 2005, 'Crisis management during anaesthesia: pulmonary oedema', Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14
    Journal articles | 2005
    Chapman MJ; Myburgh J; Kluger M; Runciman W, 2005, 'Pulmonary oedema: crisis management druing anesthesia', Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14, pp. e8 - e11
    Journal articles | 2005
    Cooper DJ; Bishop N; Cade J; Finfer SR; Gallus AS; Myburgh J, 2005, 'Thromboprophylaxis for intensive care patients in Australia and New Zealand: a brief survey report', Journal of Critical Care, 20, pp. 354 - 356
    Journal articles | 2005
    Kluger M; Visvanathan T; Myburgh J; Westhorpe R, 2005, 'Regurgitation, vomiting and aspiration: crisis management', Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14, pp. e4 - e8
    Journal articles | 2005
    Kulkarni A; Saxena M; Price G; O Leary MJ; Jacques TC; Myburgh J, 2005, 'Cmparison of agreement between capillary and arterial blood glucose measurements in intensive are patients', Intensive Care Medicine, 31, pp. 142 - 145
    Journal articles | 2005
    Kulkarni A; Saxena M; Price G; O'Leary MJ; Jacques T; Myburgh JA, 2005, 'Analysis of blood glucose measurements using capillary and arterial blood samples in intensive care patients', Intensive Care Medicine, 31, pp. 142 - 145,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Myburgh J; Chapman MJ; Szekely SM; Osborne GA, 2005, 'Sepsis: crisis management during anaesthesia', Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14, pp. e22 - e22
    Journal articles | 2005
    Myburgh J, 2005, 'Driving cerebral perfusion with pressors: how, which, when?', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 7, pp. 200 - 205
    Journal articles | 2005
    Myburgh J, 2005, '`Triple H` Therapy for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: Real Therapy of Chasing Numbers?', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 7, pp. 206 - 212
    Journal articles | 2005
    Myburgh JA, 2005, 'Unravelling the ethical rules and regulations for research in intensive care medicine.', Crit Care Resusc, 7, pp. 282 - 283,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer S; Bellomo R; Lipman J; French C; Dobb G; Myburgh J, 2004, 'Erratum: Adult-population incidence of severe sepsis in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units (Intensive Care Medicine (2004) 30 (589-596))', Intensive Care Medicine, 30, pp. 1252,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Lipman J; French CJ; Dobb GJ, 2004, 'Adult-population incidence of severe sepsis in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Intensive Care Medicine, 30, pp. 589 - 596
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh J, 2004, 'A comparison of Saline and Albumin for Fluid Resuscitation in the Intensive Care Unit', New England Journal of Medicine, 350, pp. 2247 - 2256
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh J, 2004, 'Quantifying cerebral autoregulation in health and disease', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 6, pp. 59 - 67
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh JA, 2004, 'Defining emerging evidence for osmotherapy in traumatic brain injury.', Crit Care Resusc, 6, pp. 161 - 163,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Norton RS, 2003, 'Efficacy of albumin in critically ill patients', British Medical Journal: International, 326, pp. 559 - 560
    Journal articles | 2003
    Lucey M; Myburgh J, 2003, 'Antibiotic prophylaxis for external ventricular drains in neurosurgical patients - an audit of compliance with a clinical management protocol', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 5, pp. 182 - 185
    Journal articles | 2003
    Lucey M; Myburgh J, 2003, 'Recombinant activated Factor VII for exsanguinating haemorrhage post bilateral lung transplantation for extracorporeal lung support-dependent respiratory failure.', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 31, pp. 465 - 469
    Journal articles | 2003
    Myburgh J; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2003, 'The effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine infusion on cerebral autoregulation during propofol anaestheisa in an ovine model', Intensive Care Medicine, 29, pp. 817 - 824
    Journal articles | 2003
    Myburgh J; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2003, 'The effects of infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine on cerebral autoregulation during isoflurane anaesthesia in an ovine model', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 31, pp. 259 - 266
    Journal articles | 2003
    Myburgh J, 2003, 'The Saline vs Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) Study (ISRCTN76588266): Design and conduct of a multi-centre, blinded randomized controlled trial of intravenous fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients', British Medical Journal: International, 326, pp. 559 - 560
    Journal articles | 2003
    Myburgh JA; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2003, 'The effect of infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine on cerebral autoregulation under propofol anaesthesia in an ovine model', Intensive Care Medicine, 29, pp. 817 - 824,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Parker GB, 2003, 'Commentry', Evidence-Based Mental Health, 6, pp. 60 - 60,
    Journal articles | 2002
    French CJ; Bellomo R; Finfer SR; Lipman J; Chapman M; Boyce NW; Goldsmith D; Hawker F; Mitchell I; Whiting J; Bersten A; Hunt T; Richards B; Tallot M; Freebairn R; Clarke J; Dewse M; Joyce C; Limpus T; Sharley P; Creed S; Couchman B; Perrott J; Turner A; Robertson M; Boyce C; Marich A; Dobb G; Williams T; Pinder M; Roberts B; Myburgh J; Girling K; Green A; Rachakonda S; Simmons EG, 2002, 'Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusion in Australasian intensive care practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, pp. 548 - 551,
    Journal articles | 2002
    McGregor C; Ali R; White JM; Thomas P; Gowing L, 2002, 'A comparison of antagonist-precipitated withdrawal under anesthesia to standard inpatient withdrawal as a precursor to maintenance naltrexone treatment in heroin users: Outcomes at 6 and 12 months', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 68, pp. 5 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Myburgh J; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2002, 'Cerebrovascular effects of infusions of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia.', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 30, pp. 725 - 733
    Journal articles | 2002
    Myburgh J; Upton RN; Ludbrook GL; Grant C; Martinez A, 2002, 'Cerebrovascular carbon dioxide reactivity: effects of propofol or isoflurane anaesthesia', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 30, pp. 413 - 421
    Journal articles | 2002
    Myburgh JA; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2002, 'The cerebrovascular effects of adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine infusions under propofol and isoflurane anaesthesia in sheep', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 30, pp. 725 - 733,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Bernard GR; Vincent JL; Laterre PF; LaRosa SP; Dhainaut JF; Lopez-Rodriguez A; Steingrub JS; Garber GE; Helterbrand JD; Ely EW; Fisher CJ; Recombinant human protein C Worldwide Evaluation in Severe Sepsis (PROWESS) study group , 2001, 'Efficacy and safety of recombinant human activated protein C for severe sepsis.', N Engl J Med, 344, pp. 699 - 709,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Menon DK; Matta BF; Gupta AK; Swami A; Myburgh JA; Upton RN; Cremer OL; Moons KGM; Kalkman CJ; Politis P; Zakynthinos E; Kotanidou A; Andrianakis I; Roussos C, 2001, 'Propofol use in head-injury patients [5] (multiple letters)', Lancet, 357, pp. 1708 - 1709,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Myburgh JA; Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A, 2001, 'Epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine infusions decrease propofol concentrations during continuous propofol infusion in an ovine model', Intensive Care Medicine, 27, pp. 276 - 282,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Myburgh JA; Upton RN, 2001, 'Propofol use in head-injury patients.', Lancet, 357, pp. 1709 - 1710,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Myburgh JA, 2001, 'Osmotherapy in traumatic brain injury--overused and dangerous.', Crit Care Resusc, 3, pp. 73 - 74,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Myburgh JA, 2001, 'Treatment options for refractory intracranial hypertension: the evidence-based cupboard is bare.', Crit Care Resusc, 3, pp. 222 - 223,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Silvester W; Bellomo R; Cole L, 2001, 'Epidemiology, management, and outcome of severe acute renal failure of critical illness in Australia.', Crit Care Med, 29, pp. 1910 - 1915,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bellomo R; Chapman MG; Finfer SR; Hickling K; Myburgh J, 2000, 'Low-dose dopamine in patients with early renal dysfunction: a placebo-controlled randomised trial Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Clinical Trials Group', Lancet, pp. 2139 - 2143
    Journal articles | 2000
    Burger A; Bellomo R; Chapman M; Finfer S; Hickling K; Myburgh J, 2000, 'Low-dose dopamine in patients with early renal dysfunction: A placebo-controlled randomised trial', Lancet, 356, pp. 2139 - 2143,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Liu JF; Watson DI; Devitt PG; Mathew G; Myburgh J; Jamieson GG, 2000, 'Risk factor analysis of post-operative mortality in oesophagectomy.', Dis Esophagus, 13, pp. 130 - 135,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Myburgh JA; Lewis SB, 2000, 'Mannitol for resuscitation in acute head injury: effects on cerebral perfusion and osmolality.', Crit Care Resusc, 2, pp. 14 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Myburgh JA, 2000, 'Defending cerebral perfusion pressure in traumatic brain injury: the goalposts keep moving.', Crit Care Resusc, 2, pp. 105 - 106,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Myburgh JA, 2000, 'Quantifying and improving functional survival in traumatic brain injury.', Crit Care Resusc, 2, pp. 242 - 244,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Flabouris A; Myburgh J, 1999, 'The utility of open lung biopsy in patients requiring mechanical ventilation', Chest, 115, pp. 811 - 817,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Myburgh JA, 1999, 'An appraisal of the impact of management guidelines in traumatic brain injury.', Crit Care Resusc, 1, pp. 55 - 62,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Lewis SB; Wong M; Myburgh J; Reilly P, 1998, 'Determining Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Thresholds in Severe Head Trauma', Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplement, 1998, pp. 174 - 176,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Upton RN; Grant C; Martinez A; Myburgh JA, 1998, 'A Comparison of the Effects of Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Dopamine on Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Utilisation', Acta Neurochirurgica, Supplement, 1998, pp. 19 - 21,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Cruz J; Lewis SB; Myburgh JA; Thornton EL; Reilly PL, 1997, 'Relevant limitations of near-infrared spectroscopy [3]', Critical Care Medicine, 25, pp. 555 - 556,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Lewis SB; Myburgh JA; Thornton EL; Reilly PL, 1997, 'Relevant limitations of near-infrared spectroscopy - Reply', CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 25, pp. 556 - 556,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Lewis SB; Myburgh JA; Thornton EL; Reilly PL, 1996, 'Cerebral oxygenation monitoring by near-infrared spectroscopy is not clinically useful in patients with severe closed-head injury: A comparison with jugular venous bulb oximetry', Critical Care Medicine, 24, pp. 1334 - 1338,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Lewis SB; Myburgh JA; Reilly PL, 1995, 'Detection of cerebral venous desaturation by continuous jugular bulb oximetry following acute neurotrauma', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 23, pp. 307 - 314,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Hasibeder W; Myburgh JA, 1992, 'P50 in critical illness', Intensive Care Medicine, 18, pp. 380 - 381,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Myburgh JA; Webb RK; Worthley LIG, 1992, 'Ventilation/perfusion indices do not correlate with the difference between oxygen consumption measured by the Fick principle and metabolic monitoring systems in critically ill patients', Critical Care Medicine, 20, pp. 479 - 482,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Myburgh JA, 1992, 'Derived oxygen saturations are not clinically useful for the calculation of oxygen consumption', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 20, pp. 460 - 463,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Griggs WM; Myburgh JA; Worthley LIG, 1991, 'A prospective comparison of a percutaneous tracheostomy technique with standard surgical tracheostomy', Intensive Care Medicine, 17, pp. 261 - 263,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Griggs WM; Myburgh JA; Worthley LIG, 1991, 'Urgent airway access - An indication for percutaneous tracheostomy?', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 19, pp. 586 - 587,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Griggs WM; Worthley LIG; Myburgh JA, 1991, 'Percutaneous tracheostomy', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 19, pp. 131 - 132
    Journal articles | 1991
    Griggs WM; Worthley LIG; Myburgh JA, 1991, 'Surgical pros and cons II', Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics, 172, pp. 307 - 308
    Journal articles | 1991
    Myburgh JA; Webb RK; Worthley LIG, 1991, 'The P50 is reduced in critically ill patients', Intensive Care Medicine, 17, pp. 355 - 358,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Griggs WM; Worthley LI; Gilligan JE; Thomas PD; Myburg JA, 1990, 'A simple percutaneous tracheostomy technique.', Surg Gynecol Obstet, 170, pp. 543 - 545,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Runciman WB; Myburgh JA; Upton RN, 1990, 'Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the critically ill', Bailliere's Clinical Anaesthesiology, 4, pp. 271 - 303,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Mandell BB; Dall G; Batchelor GB; Myburgh JA, 1988, 'DETENTION OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN SOUTH AFRICA', The Lancet, 331, pp. 1170 - 1171,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Abdul-Aziz M; Hammond N; Brett S; Cotta M; De Waele J; Di Tanna GL; Dulhunty J; Elkady H; Eriksson L; Hasan S; Lipman J; Monti G; Myburgh J; Novy E; Rajbhandari D; Roger C; Santos JA; Sjövall F; Zaghi I; Zangrillo A; Delaney A; Roberts J, 2023, Prolonged infusion versus intermittent infusion dosing of beta-lactam antibiotics in critically ill patients with sepsis: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,
    Preprints | 2023
    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Walsham J, 2023, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Fludrocortisone Dose Response Relationship in Septic Shock (FluDReSS) trial,
    Preprints | 2023
    Hailstone L; Hadley-Brown K; Devane R; Davis J; Hammond N; Li Q; Litton E; Myburgh J; Santos J; Seppelt I; Tong SYC; Udy A; Venkatesh B; Young P; Delaney A, 2023, Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia in adults with acute brain injury who are invasively ventilated in the ICU: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis,
    Preprints | 2023
    Vlok R; Buscher H; Delaney A; Garside T; Myburgh J; Nair P, 2023, Anticoagulation and associated complications in Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Adult Patients: A Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,
    Preprints | 2023
    Young P; Devaux A; Li Q; Billot L; Davis J; Delaney A; Finfer S; Hammond N; Micallef S; Seppelt I; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J, 2023, Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a Post-Hoc analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Feng Y; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Perkovic V; Jardine M; Wang AY; Gallagher M; Hong D, 2022, 'POS-019 A NOVEL RISK PREDICTION MODEL FOR SERVE ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS RECEIVING FLUID RESUSCITATION', in Kidney International Reports, Elsevier BV, Vol. 7, pp. S8 - S8,
    Preprints | 2022
    Hammond N; Myburgh J; Di Tanna GL; Garside T; Vlok R; Mahendran S; Adigbli D; Finfer S; Goodman F; Guyatt G; Venkatesh B; Seppelt I; Delaney A, 2022, Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Invasively Ventilated Patients in an Intensive Care Unit: A protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,
    Preprints | 2022
    Zampieri F; Cavalcanti A; Tanna GLD; Damiani L; Hammond N; Machado F; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice T; Semler M; Young P; Finfer S, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for Balanced versus Saline trialists living systematic review individual patient and aggregated data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (BEST-Living Study),
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Finfer S; Micallef S, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Plasma-Lyte 148® versUs Saline Study (PLUS) trial,
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Myburgh J; Goodman F; Finfer S; Seppelt I; Gordon A; Cuthbertson B, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit (SuDDICU) study,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Naganathan V; Cheung W; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Survey of Australian and New Zealand public opinion on criteria to triage intensive care patients in an influenza pandemic with regards to older people and people with chronic disease', in AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING, WILEY, Vol. 36, pp. 50 - 50,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Nair P; Venkatesh B; Lee P; Kerr S; Hoechter DJ; Dimeski G; Grice J; Myburgh J; Center JR, 2015, 'Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic evaluation of a single dose of intramuscular cholecalciferol in critically ill adults', in ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 59, pp. 53 - 53,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Vallance S; Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L, 2014, 'ALBUMIN RESUSCITATION FOR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: IS INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION THE CAUSE OF INCREASED MORTALITY?', in JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA, MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC, HUNGARY, Budapest, pp. A16 - A17, presented at 11th Symposium of the International-Neurotrauma-Society, HUNGARY, Budapest, 19 March 2014 - 23 March 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Cass A; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Gatta D; Chadban S; Jardine M; Lo S; Barzi F; Gallagher M, 2014, 'PREDICTORS OF HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN SURVIVORS FOLLOWING ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: A SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF POST-RENAL STUDY OUTCOMES', in NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. 107 - 108, presented at 51st Congress of the European-Renal-Association(ERA)/European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Association (EDTA), NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 31 May 2014 - 03 June 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Liu B; Finfer S; Glass P; Saxena M; Seppelt I; Willenberg L; Myburgh J, 2013, 'A TIME SERIES EVALUATION OF CRYSTALLOID AND COLLOID RESUSCITATION PRACTICES IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND INTENSIVE CARE UNITS: PRELIMINARY DATA', in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, SPRINGER, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S213 - S213, presented at ESICM 26th Annual Congress, FRANCE, Paris, 05 October 2013 - 09 October 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Cass A; Finfer S; Gattas D; Lee J; Lo S; Mcguinness S; Myburgh J; Parke R; Rajbhandari D, 2012, 'LONG TERM OUTCOMES OF SEVERE AKI: RESULTS OF THE POST-RENAL STUDY', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 45 - 46,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Lee J; Lo S; Mcarthur C; Macguiness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Sheinkestel C, 2011, 'FLUID BALANCE AND PATIENT OUTCOMES IN AKI: ANALYSIS OF THE RENAL STUDY PARTICIPANTS', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 57 - 57,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Myburgh J, 2007, 'Catecholamines for shock - the quest for high quality evidence', in Seppelt I (ed.), JFICM/ANZICS 2007 ASM: The Heart of the Matter, JFICM/ANZICS 2007 ASM: The Heart of the Matter, Sydney, pp. 21 - 29, presented at JFICM/ANZICS 2007 ASM: The Heart of the Matter, Sydney, 01 June 2007 - 03 June 2007
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Myburgh J, 2006, 'An appraisal of the selection and use of catecholamines in septic shock: the old becomes new', in 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting, Annual Scientific Meeting 2006, Sofitel, Melbourne, pp. 73 - 86, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting 2006, Sofitel, Melbourne, 09 June 2006 - 11 June 2006
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Myburgh J, 2005, '`Triple H` Therapy in subarachnoid haemorrhage: real therapy for chasing numbers?', in Ramakrishnan N; Seppelt L (ed.), Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, pp. 81 - 91, presented at Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, 10 June 2005 - 12 June 2005
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Finfer S; Norton R; Bellomo R; Boyce N; French J; Myburgh J, 2004, 'The SAFE study: Saline vs. albumin for fluid resuscitation in the critically ill (Retraction in: Vox Sanguinis (2004) 87:2 (142))', in Vox Sanguinis, Supplement
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Myburgh J, 2003, 'Vasopressors in septic shock: what`s all the fuss about?', in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Symposium, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Symposium, Sydney, presented at Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Symposium, Sydney

  1. Boots ASA Young Investigator Award.  Australian Society of Anaesthetists (1990).
  2. 75th Jubilee medal for Outstanding Graduates, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (1997).
  3. Best Basic Science Paper, 24th Annual Scientific Meeting, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society. (1999).
  4. International Sepsis Forum Award: “A comparison of adrenaline and noradrenaline in critically ill patients”: best abstract at the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress. (2007).
  5. St George Clinical School Research Excellence Award: for recognition of valuable contributions to research. (2010).
  6. Practitioner Fellowship. National Health and Medical Research Council (2012-2016).
  7. Malcolm Schonell Medal, St George Hospital. (2012).
  8. Honour Roll: Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society. (2013).
  9. St George Clinical School Research Excellence Award: publication of the year. (2013).
  10. Officer of the Order of Australia (AO). Queen’s Birthday Honours. (2014).
  11. Practitioner Fellowship Level 2 - Promotion out of synchrony. National Health and Medical Research Council (2015-2019).
  12. Fellowship of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences. (2015).
  13. Peer Review Honour Roll: External Assessor Outstanding Contribution. National Health and Medical Research Council. (2015).
  14. Impact award. The George Institute for Global Health. (2015).
  15. Ernest Henry Starling Oration Medal. University College London. (2016).
  16. Australian of the Year: nominee. (2017).
  17. College Medal. College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand. (2017).