Dr Karen Privat
D.Phil. University of Oxford, UK (2005)
M.Sc. University of Sheffield, UK (1999)
B.A. Lawrence University, USA (1997)
Major responsibility for managing research and training on the JEOL JXA-8500F Hyperprobe (EPMA), training and support across SEM & EDS platforms, and additional support for various instruments.
Archaeological Science - palaeodietary & palaeoenvironmental reconstruction via stable isotope analysis of floral and faunal remains; chemical analysis of artefacts using microscopy-based techniques (e.g. EPMA).
Additional active collaborations in Geology and Materials Science & Engineering
Public outreach and integration of art & science - participation in Ku-ring-gai Art+Science project and exhibition at Manly Art Gallery & Museum (December 2016-February 2017)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Infrastructure Grants:
- 2019 UNSW RIS Scheme: "High Resolution High Sensitivity Cathodoluminescence System"
Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre Staff Grants:
- 2019: "Investigation of Mummy Textiles via Variable-Pressure SEM and SEM-EDS" (with colleagues at the Nicholson Museum & Sydney Analytical, University of Sydney)
- 2018: "Three-dimensional Rendering of SEM Images for Data Visualisation and Outreach"
- 2016: "The Effects of Weathering on Obsidian Artefacts for Portable XRF Analysis" (with Sarah Kelloway, SSEAU)
- 2014: "A SEM Microstructural Investigation of Peruvian Early Green Glazed Ware: Exploring Potting Practices in Early 16th Century Peru" (with Sarah Kelloway, SSEAU)
- 2013: "The Analysis of Gordion Glasses by LA-ICP-MS" (with Helen Rutlidge, SSEAU; and Wendy Reade, University of Sydney)
- 2011: "Preparation and Three-Dimensional Chemical and Crystallographic Characterisation of Complex Samples by Electron Probe Microanalysis and Electron Backscatter Diffraction" (with Md Zakaria Quadir of EMU)
Archaeological Science:
- EPMA analysis of glass vessels to investigate raw materials, manufacturing techniques, and trade/exchange mechanisms
- SEM (& EDS) examination of ceramic vessel body and glaze morphology and composition to examine firing methodology, raw material sourcing and manufacturing logistics
- Palaeodietary and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction via light stable isotope analysis of faunal and floral remains
- Reconstruction of formation processes and investigation of economic viability of deposits via EPMA analysis (collaborations with Graham group, UNSW School of BEES)
Materials Science & Engineering:
- Development and characterisation of new industrial materials using waste streams as source components (collaborations with UNSW SMaRT Centre)
- Mentor, SEM-EDS trainer and collaborator with students from Bassman group (Harvey Mudd College, USA) via US National Science Foundation IRES grant scheme
Collaboration with Bonita Ely (UNSW Art & Design) for Ku-ring-gai pH Art+Science project, 2016: "Sight - Cite - Site"
https://youtu.be/f31l1XrPun0 (from 14:30)
My Teaching
Within UNSW MWAC, Electron Microscope Unit:
- One-on-one teaching - SEM, EDS & EPMA
- Development & delivery of teaching materials (presentations, workshops, instrument user guides)
Current or past involvement (lecturing and/or tutorials) in UNSW courses:
- BIOS3721: Hunters & Gatherers
- HIST2668
- ARTS1180: Introduction to Archaeology
- ARTS2180: Archaeology- Theories, Methods, and Practices
- CHEM6041: Advanced Instrumental Analysis