Professor Kim Beswick
BSc (Mathematics & Physics)
Dip Ed
PhD (Mathematics Education)
Kim Beswick BSc, Dip Ed, PhD, Head of the School of Education, and Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of New South Wales having moved from the University of Tasmania in January 2019. Prior to joining UNSW Kim was Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) where she also held a range of leadership roles including as Associate Dean (Research).
Her research interests centre on the beliefs and knowledge that underpin the practice of mathematics teachers and how professional learning can provide a catalyst for change. She is particularly interested in how teachers’ beliefs and knowledge relate to their expectations of and aspirations for their students. Kim is committed to enhancing the quality of mathematics education for all students including those in low socioeconomic communities and rural and regional areas, and those with histories of low attainment.
Kim has attracted more than $13M in competitive research funding including an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (2014-2019). Kim has published more than 110 peer reviewed publications, is Associate Editor of the Journal of Mathematics Education, and a member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education and the Australian Mathematics Teacher.
She has served on a range of national and international committees in relation to mathematics education and teacher education, including as a member of the International Assessments Joint National Advisory Committee (the key advisory body to support Australia's participation in international assessments of school students, including PISA and TIMSS) (2012-2013), and the Australian Government's Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group in 2014. She was Chair of the Subcommittee for Mathematics and Statistics Education in Schools of the Australian Academy of Science's National Committee for Mathematical Sciences' work to develop a Decadal Plan for the Mathematical Sciences (2012-2015), elected to the International Committee of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education in 2014, and was appointed to the Australian Research Council College of Experts in the same year. She is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee on Mathematical Sciences, Australia’s representative on the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, and Convenor of the 15th quadrennial International Congress on Mathematics Education to be held in Sydney in 2024.
Kim’s work is closely connected with practice in schools and classrooms as evidenced by a wide range of non-university research partners that include all state Departments of Education, almost all Catholic dioceses, a range of TAFE institutions and associations and societies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. She has maintained strong links with the mathematics teaching profession through contributions to the Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT) including President 2005-2007, and the AAMT as President (2012-2014), journal editor (2008-2010). She was awarded life membership of AAMT in 2017. Her tertiary teaching expertise was recognised by a UTAS Teaching Excellence Award in 2006 and, in 2008, an Australian Learning and Teaching Council citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. She received the Research Award of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia in 2014.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Geiger, V., Beswick, K., Fielding, J., Scheiner, T., Kaiser, G., & Goos, M. (2022-2024). Enabling students' critical mathematical thinking. ARC DP220101015, $382 715.
Beswick. K., Blundell, H., Bedford, M., Baker, S., & Beadman, M. (2022-2023). Country Universities Centre evaluation. NSW Department of Education, DOE02460/21, $269 260.
Beswick, K., Eacott, S., Roberts, P., MacDonald, A., Brown, M., Durksen., T., Fenton. A., Holden, R., Loughland, T., Lowe, K., Morrisey, C., Mularczyk, L., Pino-Pasternak, D., & Winslade, M. (2022-2023). NSW Ambassador Schools Research Centre. NSW Department of Education, $1 805 901.
Faragher, R., Beswick, K., & Cuskelly, M. (2021-2024). Reasonable adjustments to maths for students with intellectual disabilities. Australian Research Council, LP200300740. $173 369.
Beswick, K., Piccoli, A., Roberts, P., Holden, R., Eacott, S., Loughland, T., & Alonzo, D. (2020-2021). Rural and Remote Education (RaRE) project. New South Wales Department of Education. $787 000.
Beswick, K., Fraser, S. & Geiger, V. (2018-2021). Principals as STEM leaders. Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. $2.6M.
Muir, T., Murphy, C., Oates, G. & Beswick, K. (2018). Birth to Level 10 numeracy guide. Victorian Department of Education and Training. $180 000.
Faragher, R., Beswick, K., Nankervis, K., & Cuskelly, M. (2018-2019). Learning year level appropriate curriculum: Secondary mathematics for students with Down Syndrome. University of Queensland. $47 256.
Callingham, R., Beswick, K., Anderson, J., Watt. H., Geiger, V., Hurrell, D., Hurst, C., Goos, M., & Muir, T. (2016-2017). Best practice in mathematics education. Office of the Chief Scientist. $492 964.
Beswick, K. (2015-2019). Integrating teachers’ knowledge and affect to improve mathematics teaching and raise attainment. Australian Research Council, FT140101351. $733 489
Beswick, K., Fraser, S., Callingham, R., Thomas, G., Seen, A., Kilpatrick, S., Muir, T., Chick, H., Reaburn, R., de Leon de la Barra, B., & Sterling, L. (2014-2017). Towards educating mathematics professionals encompassing science and technology (TEMPEST). Australian Government Department of Education. $1 738 070
Beswick, K., Chick, H., Muir, T., Reaburn, R., Fitzallen, N., & Wells, J. (2014). Teaching Secondary Mathematics. Tasmanian Department of Education, $44 163.
Beswick, K., Fraser, S., Seen, A., Hilder, E., Penesis, I., & Thomas, G. (2012-2014). Inspiring Mathematics and Science in Teacher Education (IMSITE). Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) Office of Learning and Teaching. Grant led by UQ and involving University of Sydney, James Cook University, University of Wollongong, University of Newcastle and UTAS. $2.2M
Kilpatrick, S., Beswick, K., Fraser, S. (co-leads), Chin, C., Fitzallen, N., Fluck, A., Penesis, I., Leon de la Barra, B., Ranmuthugala, D., Seen, A., & Thomas, G. (2013). Evaluating and selecting Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) resources: capacity building for teachers in regional and rural schools. DIICCSRTE, Australian Mathematics and Science Partnership Program, $378 550.
Callingham, R., Hay, I., Beswick, K., Chick, H., & Nicholson, T. (2013-2015). Powerful knowledge: Mapping out standards of teachers’ knowledge for teaching Mathematics and English to achieve the goals of the curriculum. ARC Discovery grant (DP130103144), $181 000.
Fraser, S., Beswick, K., Callingham, R., Hay, I., Moltow, D., Chick, H., Brett, P., & Muir, T. (2013-2014). Improving literacy and numeracy across Years 5-8 in response the outcomes of NAPLAN results in Years 7 and 9, Tasmanian Department of Education, $200 000.
Kilpatrick, S., Beswick, K., Penesis, I., Thomas, G., Callingham, R., Skalicky, J., Fitzallen, N., & Leon de la Barra, B. (2013). Development of mathematics pathways for VET students to articulate to related higher education courses. Office of Learning and Teaching (DIISRTE), $219 000.
Hay, I., Beswick, K., Cranston, N., Allen, J., & Watson, J. (2011-2014). Student retention beyond the compulsory schooling years in rural, regional and disadvantaged communities. ARC Linkage grant (LP110200828) with The Tasmanian Department of Education, $384 098.
Callingham, R. & Beswick, K. (2010-2012). Building the Culture of Evidence-Based Practice in Teacher Preparation for Mathematics Teaching. Australian Learning and Teaching Priority Projects grant, $335 000.
Watson, J. & Beswick, K. (2010). Numeracy Summer School, Tasmanian Department of Education, $4000.
Beswick, K. (2007). Building Mathematics Teaching and Leadership Capacity. SiMERR Tasmania/Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, $14 000.
Beswick, K. (2005-2008). Critical friend for five clusters in rounds 1 and 3 of the Australian Schools Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) Project. Australian Catholic University, $47 015.
Watson, J., Beswick, K., & Brown, N. (2005-2007). Providing the Mathematical Foundation for an Innovative Australia within Reform Based Learning Environments (MARBLE). ARC Linkage grant (LP0560543) with The Tasmanian Department of Education and Catholic Education Office, $396,483
Watson, J., Brown, N., Fluck, A., Beswick, K. (2005-2007). The National Centre of Science, ICT and Mathematics for Rural and Regional Australia (SiMERR Australia): Tasmanian hub, $120 000.
Beswick, K. (2005). Mathematics Professional Learning, Scotch Oakburn College, $1710.
Watson, J. & Beswick, K. (2004-2006). Being Numerate in the Middle Years, Tasmanian Department of Education, $72 000.
Beswick, K. (2004). Numeracy for Students with Particular Learning Requirements K-8, Australian Government Quality Teacher Program, $3210.
Barrett, M., Bridge, D., Andrews, R., Beswick, K., & Swabey, K. (2003). Effective teaching and learning practices for students with learning difficulties initiatives, Department of Education, $50 000.
2017: Life membership of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers
2014: Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Research Award
2012: Office of Learning and Teaching, Teaching Excellence Award
2008: Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning.
- Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA)
- International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)
- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
- Mathematical Association of Tasmania (MAT)
- Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Academic editorial roles:
- Associate Editor - Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (2015 - 2022)
- Editorial board member - International Journal of Science and Mathematics Teacher Education (2015 - )
- Editorial board member - Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom (2005-2007, 2011- )
- Co-editor - Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2015)
- Co-editor - Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (2007)
- Co-editor - Australian Mathematics Classroom (2008-2011)
Other International engagement:
- Convenor of the 2024 International Congress of Mathematics Education to be held in Sydney in 2024, (2020-2024).
- Australia’s representative on the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction, (2018- )
- Member of the International Committee of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2015-2018)
- Member of the survey team for the International Conference on Mathematics Education addressing the topic, Assistance of students with mathematical learning difficulties – How can research support practice? (2016)
- Member of the organizing committee for the Mathematical Literacy Topic Study Group at the International Conference on Mathematics Education (2013-2016)
- Chair of the Local Organising Committee for the 39th annual conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (2014-2015)
Other National Engagement:
- Member of the Numeracy Expert Group advising the Australian Council for Educational Research on the ongoing development and implementation of the numeracy assessment for pre-service teachers (2016- )
- Member of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) reference group on primary specialisations (2016)
- Writer of the AITSL outcome statement for the primary mathematics specialisation (2016)
- Member of the survey team on Assistance of students with mathematical learning difficulties – How can research support practice? for the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education (2016)
- Chair of the Queensland College of Teachers’ Numeracy Expert Panel for the second monitoring cycle for initial teacher education (2015-2016)
- Member of the AITSL numeracy panel for benchmark setting for the Accreditation of Initial Teacher Education Programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (2015-2016)
- Member of the Australian Government’s Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group (2014)
- Member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts, (2014-2016)
- Member of the Education Advisory Committee of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (2012-2013)
- Chair of the Subcommittee for Mathematics and Statistics Education in Schools of the Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee for Mathematical Sciences’ work to develop a decadal plan for the mathematical sciences (2012-2015)
- Member of the Subcommittee for Mathematics and Statistics Education in Universities of the Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee for Mathematical Sciences’ work to develop a decadal plan for the mathematical sciences (2012-2015)
- President – Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (2012-2014)
- Member of the International Assessments Joint National Advisory Committee (the key advisory body to support Australia’s participation in international assessments of school students, including PISA and TIMSS (2012-2014)
- Chair of joint organising committee of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia and the 21st biennial conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (2005-2007)
- President of Mathematical Association of Tasmania (2005-2007)