Mr Kirill Koshelev
2022 Ph.D. in physics, Australian National University, "Advanced trapping of light in resonant dielectric metastructures for nonlinear optics"
2017 M.Sc. in physics, St. Petersburg Academic University, "Quantum-size and spatial dispersion effects on the optical properties of metamaterials based on layered media"
2015 B.Sc. in physics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, "Optical Excitation of Dissipationless Current in a Single-Channel Quantum Ring"
Dr Kirill Koshelev is an internationally recognised early-career researcher working on the theoretical and numerical models for a broad range of cross-field applications of optics and photonics, from nonlinear optics to laser generation. In 2022-2024 Dr Koshelev held a Postdoctoral Fellow position at Australian National University. Dr Koshelev’s publications include more than 40 papers in peer-review journals from the first quartile, with above 8000 citations.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2025 ARC DP DECRA "Chiral photonics with resonant meta-structures"
2024 Emerging Leader collection by Journal of Optics. In recognition of contributions to optically resonant nanostructures for nonlinear nanophotonics;
2023 Bragg Gold Medal For Excellence In Physics by Australian Institute of Physics. For the most outstanding PhD thesis in physics by a student from an Australian University;
2023 Jagadishwar Mahanty Prize by Jagadishwar Mahanty Endowment Fund. For the most outstanding thesis in Research School of Physics of Australian National University;
2023, 2022, 2021 World’s top 2% of most important scientists across all fields by Stanford University. For reaching citation metrics among top 2% scientists in the world;
2022 JG Crawford Prize by Australian National University. For the quality of the graduate work on the basis of academic excellence;
2020 Postgraduate Student Prize by Australian and New Zealand Optical Society. For outstanding accomplishments during postgraduate study to the field of optics and photonics in Australia and New Zealand;
2020 Graduate Student Scholarship by IEEE Photonics Society. For outstanding research excellence and contributions to the Society’s publications and conferences;
2020 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship by SPIE. For potential long-range contributions to optics, photonics and related field;
2020 Robert and Helen Crompton Award by Robert and Helen Crompton Endowment Fund. To support a research visit to an overseas institution;
2019 Best Poster Award at ICMAT conference by ACS Photonics;
2018 Research Training Program International Scholarship by Australian Government. For outstanding achievements during bachelor and master research and coursework;
2018 Young Scientist Award at PIERS conference;
2018 Best Student Paper Award at PIERS conference;
2016 Best Student Paper Award at PIERS conference;
2016 Optics and Photonics Travel Scholarship by SPIE. For travel to the U.S.A. for participation in SPIE conference.
My Teaching
Semester II of 2023 Lecturer PHYS1201 (17% contribution) at Research School of Physics, Australian National University