Dr Leon Terrill

Dr Leon Terrill

Senior Lecturer

BA, LLB (Hons) (Melb)


Law & Justice
School of Private & Commercial Law

Dr Leon Terrill is Director of Online Programs in the Faculty of Law & Justice. He has presented and published broadly on Indigenous land rights, native title, land tenure reform, property theory and remote Indigenous housing. His publications include Beyond Communal and Individual Ownership: Indigenous Land Reform in Australia (Routledge) and Native Title from Mabo to Akiba (Federation Press), and he is a contributing author to Sackville and Neave: Australian Property Law (LexisNexis). Leon teaches Land Law, Principles of Private Law, Legal Research and Writing, Native Title Law, Policy and Practice and Pacific Island Laws. Prior to joining UNSW, Leon worked as a senior lawyer with the Central Land Council. 

+61 2 9065 1395
Room 339 The Law Building University of New South Wales UNSW Kensington Campus Sydney NSW 2052 Australia (Access via Gate 2 off High Street)

My Teaching

Principles of Private Law

Land Law

Native Title Law, Policy and Practice

Legal Research and Writing

Pacific Islands Laws (USP)