Dr Lisa Asper
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science
About me:
My laboratory group investigates visual perception. Research includes investigation of binocular summation in amblyopia, perceptual learning, yoked prism, and repeatability of binocular vision testing procedures. I hope to branch out to investigate visual perception in early dementia in the near future.
OD (Southern California College of Optometry, 1980)
PhD (UNSW, 2004)
My Research Goals:
- Investigate binocularity
- Investigate visual perception in groups such as the elderly, those with dementia, those with ocular disease
- Investigate the effect of vertical yoked prisms on visual perception and action
Completed Student Projects (PhD and Honours)
- Perceptual learning in contrast discrimination
- Development of interocular and spatial interactions
- The effect of vertical yoked prisms on gait
- The effect of vertical yoked prisms on lateral heterophoria
- Posture and eyestrain when using smart phones
- Investigation of activities that may or may not affect cycloplegia
- Investigation into the repeatabiltiy of binocular vision testing
Professional affiliations and service positions
Member, Optometry Australia
Research Groups
- Binocular Vision
- Development and maturation of the visual system, amblyopia, colour vision
- Digital devices (smartphones and computers), eye strain and dry eye
+61 2 9385 4639
School of Optometry and Vision Science
Level 3, Room 3.011
North Wing, Rupert Myers Building
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision