Ms Liza McDonough

Ms Liza McDonough

Adjunct Fellow Levels A-C
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Campbell M; Treble PC; McDonough LK; Naeher S; Baker A; Grierson PF; Wong H; Andersen MS, 2024, 'Combustion Completeness and Sample Location Determine Wildfire Ash Leachate Chemistry', Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Chapman RG; Laffan S; McDonough LK; Markowska M; Baker A, 2024, 'Spatiotemporal variation in cave percolation waters: A functional approach', Journal of Hydrology, 631,
    Journal articles | 2024
    He YQ; McDonough LK; Zainab SM; Guo ZF; Chen C; Xu YY, 2024, 'Microplastic accumulation in groundwater: Data-scaled insights and future research', Water Research, 258,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kaushal N; Lechleitner FA; Wilhelm M; Azennoud K; Bühler JC; Braun K; Brahim YA; Baker A; Burstyn Y; Comas-Bru L; Fohlmeister J; Goldsmith Y; Harrison SP; Hatvani IG; Rehfeld K; Ritzau M; Skiba V; Stoll HM; Szucs JG; Tanos P; Treble PC; Azevedo V; Baker JL; Borsato A; Chawchai S; Columbu A; Endres L; Hu J; Kern Z; Kimbrough A; Koç K; Markowska M; Martrat B; Ahmad SM; Nehme C; Novello VF; Pérez-Mejías C; Ruan J; Sekhon N; Sinha N; Tadros CV; Tiger BH; Warken S; Wolf A; Zhang H; Asrat A; Honiat C; Riechelmann DFC; Scholz D; Liu D; Fleitmann D; Hennhoefer D; İmer EÜ; Moseley GE; Utida G; Cheng H; Green H; Hu HM; Apaéstegui J; Esper J; Wassenburg JA; Olguin JA; Oster JL; Pajón Morejón JM; Torner J; Wendt KA; Tan L; Sha L; McDonough LK; Surić M; Jacobson MJ; Cisneros M; Griffiths ML; Weber M; Scroxton N; Wilcox PS; Edwards RL; Belli R; Breitenbach SFM; Band ST; Steidle SD; Carolin SA; Johnston VE; Duan W, 2024, 'SISALv3: A global speleothem stable isotope and trace element database', Earth System Science Data, 16, pp. 1933 - 1963,
    Journal articles | 2024
    McDonough LK; Treble PC; Marjo C; Campbell M; Frisia S; Baker A; Vongsvivut J; Klein AR; Kovacs-Kis V, 2024, 'Fire-induced shifts in stalagmite organic matter mapped using Synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy', Organic Geochemistry, 195,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Campbell M; McDonough L; Treble P; Baker A, 2023, 'Using Cave Formations to Investigate Ancient Wildfires', Eos, 104,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Campbell M; McDonough L; Treble PC; Baker A; Kosarac N; Coleborn K; Wynn PM; Schmitt AK, 2023, 'A Review of Speleothems as Archives for Paleofire Proxies, With Australian Case Studies', Reviews of Geophysics, 61,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McDonough LK; Andersen MS; Behnke MI; Rutlidge H; Oudone P; Meredith K; O’Carroll DM; Santos IR; Marjo CE; Spencer RGM; McKenna AM; Baker A, 2022, 'A new conceptual framework for the transformation of groundwater dissolved organic matter', Nature Communications, 13, pp. 2153,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McDonough LK; Treble PC; Baker A; Borsato A; Frisia S; Nagra G; Coleborn K; Gagan MK; Zhao JX; Paterson D, 2022, 'Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite', Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 325, pp. 258 - 277,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Meredith KT; Saunders KM; McDonough LK; McGeoch M, 2022, 'Hydrochemical and isotopic baselines for understanding hydrological processes across Macquarie Island', Scientific Reports, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McDonough L; Behnke M; Spencer R; Marjo C; Andersen M; Meredith K; Rutlidge H; Oudone P; O'Carroll D; McKenna A; Baker A, 2021, 'Molecular insights into the unique degradation trajectory of natural dissolved organic matter from surface to groundwater', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McDonough LK; Meredith KT; Nikagolla C; Banati RB, 2021, 'The influence of water–rock interactions on household well water in an area of high prevalence chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu)', npj Clean Water, 4,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rutlidge H; McDonough LK; Oudone P; Andersen MS; Meredith K; Chinu K; Peterson M; Baker A, 2021, 'Characterisation of groundwater dissolved organic matter using LC[sbnd]OCD: Implications for water treatment', Water Research, 188,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McDonough LK; Meredith KT; Nikagolla C; Middleton RJ; Tan JK; Ranasinghe AV; Sierro F; Banati RB, 2020, 'The water chemistry and microbiome of household wells in Medawachchiya, Sri Lanka, an area with high prevalence of chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu)', Scientific Reports, 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McDonough LK; O'Carroll DM; Meredith K; Andersen MS; Brügger C; Huang H; Rutlidge H; Behnke MI; Spencer RGM; McKenna A; Marjo CE; Oudone P; Baker A, 2020, 'Changes in groundwater dissolved organic matter character in a coastal sand aquifer due to rainfall recharge', Water Research, 169,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McDonough LK; Rutlidge H; O'Carroll DM; Andersen MS; Meredith K; Behnke MI; Spencer RGM; McKenna AM; Marjo CE; Oudone P; Baker A, 2020, 'Characterisation of shallow groundwater dissolved organic matter in aeolian, alluvial and fractured rock aquifers', Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 273, pp. 163 - 176,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McDonough LK; Santos IR; Andersen MS; O’Carroll DM; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Oudone P; Bridgeman J; Gooddy DC; Sorensen JPR; Lapworth DJ; MacDonald AM; Ward J; Baker A, 2020, 'Changes in global groundwater organic carbon driven by climate change and urbanization', Nature Communications, 11, pp. 1279,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Meredith KT; Baker A; Andersen MS; O& apos; Carroll DM; Rutlidge H; McDonough LK; Oudone P; Bryan E; Zainuddin NS, 2019, 'Isotopic and chromatographic fingerprinting of the sources of dissolved organic carbon in a shallow coastal aquifer', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Meredith KT; Baker A; Andersen MS; O'Carroll DM; Rutlidge H; McDonough LK; Oudone P; Bryan E; Zainuddin NS, 2019, 'Isotopic and chromatographic fingerprinting of the sources of dissolved organic carbon in a shallow coastal aquifer', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Oudone P; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Cheong S; Meredith K; McDonough L; Marjo C; Baker A, 2019, 'Characterisation and controls on mineral-sorbed organic matter from a variety of groundwater environments', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    McDonough L; Santos I; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Oudone P; Baker A, 2018, 'Changes in global groundwater organic carbon driven by climate change and urbanization', ,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AN; Boulter PG; Roddis D; McDonough L; Patterson M; Rodriguez del Barco M; Mattes A; Knibbs LD, 2016, 'In-vehicle nitrogen dioxide concentrations in road tunnels', Atmospheric Environment, 144, pp. 234 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McDonough LK; Iverach CP; Beckmann S; Manefield M; Rau GC; Baker A; Kelly BFJ, 2016, 'Spatial variability of cave-air carbon dioxide and methane concentrations and isotopic compositions in a semi-arid karst environment', Environmental Earth Sciences, 75,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Baker A; Chapman R; Treble P; Tadros C; Mcdonough L; Berthelin R; Hartmann A; Markowska M; Mariethoz G, 2024, Are twelve years of hydrological monitoring at a SE Australian alpine cave enough to provide insights into the speleothem paleoenvironmental record?, ,
    Preprints | 2024
    Campbell M; Treble PC; McDonough LK; Naeher S; Baker A; Grierson PF; Wong H; Andersen MS, 2024, Combustion completeness and sample location determine wildfire ash leachate chemistry,
    Other | 2023
    Campbell M; McDonough L; Treble P; Baker A; Kosarac N; Coleborn K; Wynn P; Schmitt A, 2023, Speleothems as archives for palaeofire proxies,
    Preprints | 2023
    Chapman R; Baker A; McDonough L; Markowska M; Laffan S, 2023, Spatiotemporal Variation in Cave Percolation Waters: A Functional Approach,
    Other | 2023
    McDonough L; Treble P; Baker A; Borsato A; Frisia S; Campbell M; Nagra G; Coleborn K; Gagan M; Zhao J-X; Paterson D, 2023, An annually resolved stalagmite record of fire frequency for the last 250 years in south west Australia,
    Preprints | 2022
    Campbell M; McDonough L; Treble P; Baker A; Kosarac N; Coleborn K; Wynn PM; Schmitt A, 2022, Speleothems as Archives for Palaeofire Proxies,
    Preprints | 2021
    McDonough L; Treble P; Baker A; Borsato A; Frisia S; Nagra G; Coleborn K; Gagan M; Fakra S; PATERSON D, 2021, Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite,
    Conference Posters | 2018
    Andersen M; Rutlidge H; Oudone P; McDonough L; Huang H; Nawzad S; Brugger C; Mustonen O; Marjo C; Meredith K; O'Carroll D; Baker A, 2018, 'Processes controlling natural organic matter in groundwater.', Adelaide, presented at Australian Geoscience Council Convention (AGCC), Adelaide, 14 October 2018 - 18 October 2018,
    Conference Posters | 2018
    Marjo C; Marjo C; Meredith K; McDonough L; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Baker A; Oudone P, 2018, 'Microbiological processing of natural groundwater organic matter', In Daejeon, Republic of Korea, presented at 45th IAH Congress in Daejeon, Korea, In Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 09 September 2018 - 14 September 2018,
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    McDonough L; Oudone P; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Chapelle F; Baker A, 2018, 'Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater', presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, 12 August 2018 - 17 August 2018
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Rutlidge H; McDonough L; Oudone P; Andersen M; Baker A; Meredith K; O'Carroll D; Marjo C; Mustonen O, 2018, 'Natural organic matter in groundwater: Carbon source or sink?', presented at 45th IAH, Daejeon, Korea, 09 September 2018 - 14 September 2018,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Baker A; Duan W; Rutlidge H; McDonough L; Oudone P; Meredith K; Andersen MS; O'Carroll D; Coleborn K, 2017, 'Dissolved organic matter in the unsaturated zone: the view from the cave', New Orleans, presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    McDonough L; Oudone P; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Baker A, 2017, 'Factors affecting dissolved organic carbon in coastal groundwater systems', presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    McDonough L; Oudone P; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; O'Carroll D; Andersen MS; Baker A, 2017, 'The effect of microbial activity and adsorption processes on groundwater dissolved organic carbon character and concentration', New Orleans, presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    McDonough L; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Oudone P; Meredith K; Marjo C; Baker A, 2017, 'Groundwater Organic Matter: Carbon Source or Sink?', presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference, Sydney, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017
    Conference Posters | 2017
    McDonough L; Rutlidge H; Meredith K; Santos I; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Baker A, 2017, 'Factors Affecting the Fate of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Groundwater', San Francisco, presented at American Chemical Society Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 02 April 2017 - 06 April 2017,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Meredith KJ; Andersen MS; O'Carroll D; Baker ANDY; Bryan E; Zainuddin N; Rutlidge H; McDonough L, 2017, 'Tracing organic carbon processes in a shallow coastal sandy aquifer', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Oudone P; Marjo C; Meredith K; McDonough L; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Baker A, 2017, 'The role of dissolved organic matter and groundwater biogeophysical processes in the carbon budget.', University of New South Wales, Kingsford, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia, presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference 2017, University of New South Wales, Kingsford, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia, 11 November 2017,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Oudone P; McDonough L; Meredith K; Rutlidge H; Andersen M; O'Carroll D; Baker A, 2017, 'Sorption of Groundwater Dissolved Organic Carbon onto Minerals', New Orleans, presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Rutlidge H; Oudone P; McDonough L; Andersen MS; Baker A; Meredith K; O'Carroll D, 2017, 'Insights in groundwater organic matter from Liquid Chromatography-Organic Carbon Detection', presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, 11 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,

Lorant Eotvos Prize (2014)

My research involves determining the molecular character of different sources of organic matter in groundwater and how it is processed using organic matter characterisation techniques and isotopic analyses. The terrestrial surface water carbon cycle is a significant carbon sink, but the cycling of organic carbon in groundwater is largely unquantified. This research will help guide policy which will enable the management of the groundwater resource as part of the carbon economy.