Dr Lukasz Swiatek
Lukasz Swiatek lectures in the School of the Arts and Media (within the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture) at UNSW Sydney. He draws on a wealth of practical industry experience in both his teaching and research.
Over the years, he has taught a range of undergraduate and postgraduate (junior and senior) courses in media studies, communication, and international and global studies. He supervises PhD, Masters and Honours students. With various colleagues, he has co-led extracurricular programs for students (that have developed their leadership capabilities and enterprise skills), as well as facilitated industry events. His learning and teaching blog receives hundreds of visitors from around the world each year.
Currently, he mainly undertakes research in:
- media and communication (looking at professional communication, as well as the implications of developments in various technologies – such as artificial intelligence (AI) – on communities, organisations and communicators),
- higher education (focusing on cultural competence and practitioner advancement), and
- cultural studies (investigating different aspects of social status and public recognition – including accolades and celebrity – as well as entertainment).
Previously, he worked in publishing and news (as a reporter and editor), and in integrated communication (combining public relations and advertising), in both the corporate and not-for-profit sectors.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Recent grants include:
(1) 2021: ADA Research Fellowship
(2) 2021: School of the Arts and Media Research Grant
(3) 2020: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Grant (with U. Edgington)
(4) 2020: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Grant (with J. Coburn, A. Ducasse, M. Northcote, L. Partridge, and N. Samarawickrema)
(5) 2019: School of the Arts and Media Research Grant
Recent awards include:
(1) 2019: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Fellowship
(2) 2017: The University of Sydney’s Rita and John Cornforth Medal for PhD Achievement (now the Rita and John Cornforth Medal for Research Excellence)
(3) 2017: Massey University Business School Service, Teaching, Administration and Research Award
(4) 2015: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Postgraduate Teaching Fellowship, the University of Sydney
(5) 2014: Excellence in Teaching (Practice) Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the University of Sydney