Professor Marc Wilkins

Professor Marc Wilkins

School of Biotech & Biomolecular Science

About Me

In 1994, Marc Wilkins developed the concept of the proteome and coined the term. In 1997 he co-wrote and co-edited the first book on proteomics (4,000+ copies sold). This, and a series of other seminal works, substantially contributed to the establishment of the proteome and of proteome research. Proteomics is now widely adopted, is included in biochemistry textbooks and is part of the undergraduate curriculum.

Marc has published >260 peer-reviewed research papers, review papers and book chapters and has edited 2 books.  Marc's research has tackled many of the key issues in proteomics. A particular strength has been the capacity to combine large-scale analytical techniques with complex bioinformatics to open new avenues for biological investigation.

Current research interests are (i) the role of protein methylation in the proteome, and (ii) large-scale analysis of protein-protein interactions, studied with crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS). Recent highlights, both published in P.N.A.S. describe the complete protein methylation network in yeast and the largest study to date of human protein-protein interactions and structure through use of XL-MS. Marc is also an active researcher in genomics and transcriptomics, where his extended team has technical expertise in next-generation sequencing and the bioinformatic analysis of resulting data. Highlights include the koala genome project, in Nature Genetics, and collaborative work in the RNA Atlas published in Nature Biotechnology. You can find all Marc's publications and citations here.

Marc leads an ARC-funded proteomics and systems biology lab (lab web site here). His group is part of the recently announced MACSYS ARC Centre of Excellence (announcement here), a 7 year $35M project. Marc is the UNSW node leader for this Centre. 

Marc was the Director of the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics - the largest genomics facility at any Australian university, from 2011 to 2022. This Centre was funded by NCRIS, EIF Super Science, ARC LIEF and the NSW State Government SLF and RAAP schemes. A special highlight for the Centre was its analysis of >1,000,000 samples for the genomics community. 

Marc co-founded Proteome Systems Pty Ltd in 1999. Recently renamed to Tyrian Diagnostics, this proteomic diagnostics company was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and has developed technology for rapid point-of-care diagnostic testing . Marc is also a co-founder of Regeneus Pty Ltd, a regenerative medicine company which uses autologous adult stem cells to treat a range of musculoskeletal disorders. This company was listed on the ASX in 2013. 

Professional Experience

  • 2022 - Deputy Dean (research and enterprise), Faculty of Science
  • 2016 - 2022 Executive Management, Genomics, Bioplatforms Australia 
  • 2011 - 2022 Director, Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics
  • 2008 - 2022 Director, NSW Systems Biology Initiative (bioinformatics group)
  • 2005 - Professor of Systems Biology, UNSW
  • 1999 - 2005 Vice President Bioinformatics then Head of Proteomics, Proteome Systems Limited

Honours and Awards

  • Awarded a Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) in October 2017 for outstanding contributions to research in proteomics, post-translational modifications and protein interaction networks.
  • ASBMB Beckman Coulter Discovery Science Award 2012 for distinguished contributions to the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.
  • Elected as Council Member of the Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO) 2009-2011, 2011-2014, 2015-2018, 2019-2021, 2022-2024.
  • Elected to the Management Committee (ordinary member) of the Australasian Proteomics Society (2019-2021, 2022-2024). Organising committee of the society's annual conference. 
  • Senior Editor of PROTEOMICS (2004-2013).
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Boards of the Macquarie University Biomolecular Discovery Research Centre (2019-), UNSW Integrated Materials Design Centre (IMDC, 2015-2017), EMBL Australia Bioinformatics Advisory Committee (2011-2015), Victorian Life Science Computational Initiative (VLSCI) (2009-2015), the Macquarie University Biomolecular Frontiers Centre of Research Excellence (2009-2018), the NHMRC Australian Proteomics Computational Facility (APCF) (2007-2011) and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics (2006-2011). 
  • Contributions to policy in NSW State Government on the NSW Health Genomics Strategy (2018-2023), the Australian National Genomics Policy framework (2017), New Zealand Government genomics research strategy (2017) and member of the Australian Government's Expert Task Force for Bioinformatics (2003-2005).


We ask research questions about regulatory systems inside the eukaryotic cell. We use a combination of proteomics, genome editing and genetics, phenotypic screening and a range of standard biochemistry and molecular biology techniques in our work. 

1. What is the regulatory network of histone methylation?

Histone methylation is a crucial process that affects the compaction and relaxation of chromatin, and thus gene expression in the cell. The sites of histone methylation are understood and the enzymes responsible are known, at least in the model system of yeast. However we know little about how the four 'writer' enzymes and the four 'eraser' enzymes are actually regulated and how they work as a single integrated system. We are exploring:

  • Are the histone methyltransferases and demethylases phosphorylated?
  • If phosphorylation on these enzymes affect their activity and if so, how?
  • What kinases are responsible for this phosphorylation?
  • Do the modification of writer and eraser enzyme control where they act, on chromatin in the genome?

We aim to connect the cell's signalling system with its histone-based system of gene regulation in this project.

The project is supported by ARC Discovery Project grant 2020: The Regulatory Network of Histone Methylating and Demethylating Enzymes.

Recent papers on protein methylation:

2. Do post-translational modifications of ribosomes regulate translational specificity?

Ribosomal proteins carry quite extensive post-translational modifications, including methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitinylation. The role of these is very poorly understood, which is remarkable given the essential process of translation in the cell. We are exploring:

  • What is the totality of modifications in the eukaryotic ribosome?
  • When do these change?
  • What is the function of the modifications?
  • Do the modifications lead to a change in ribosomal specificity; especially a change in the mRNAs chosen for translation?

The project is supported by ARC Discovery Project grant 2022: The effect of methylation and phosphorylation on ribosome function.

3. Large-scale analysis of protein interactions and structure with crosslinking mass spectrometry

Recent, breakthroughs in crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) have made it possible to measure thousands of protein-protein interactions in a single sample, and also generate low-resolution measurements of structure for single proteins. The low-resolution measurements are very useful in association with AI-driven protein modelling. Together, these generate a 'protein interactome', and 'structural proteome', which reflects the biological state of a system at a point in time. Use of heavy isotope-based techniques with XL-MS allows protein interactomes and aspects of the structural proteome to be compared. We are exploring: 

  • The optimisation of techniques for XL-MS.
  • The roles of gene expression and protein post-translational modifications in the regulation of the protein interactome.
  • The role of alternate splicing of mRNA and resulting isoforms in regulating the protein interactome.

Recent papers on crosslinking mass spectrometry:

  • Cross-linking mass spectrometry discovers, evaluates, and corroborates structures and protein-protein interactions in the human cell. Bartolec TK, Vázquez-Campos X, Norman A, Luong C, Johnson M, Payne RJ, Wilkins MR, Mackay JP, Low JKK. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Apr 25;120(17):e2219418120. (this is an outstanding collaboration between our PhD student Tara Bartolec and ex-PhD student Jason Low).
  • Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the Yeast Nucleus Reveals Extensive Protein-Protein Interactions Not Detected by Systematic Two-Hybrid or Affinity Purification-Mass Spectrometry. Bartolec TK, Smith DL, Pang CNI, Xu YD, Hamey JJ, Wilkins MR. Anal Chem. 2020 92(2):1874-1882.
  • Characterization of the Interaction between Arginine Methyltransferase Hmt1 and Its Substrate Npl3: Use of Multiple Cross-Linkers, Mass Spectrometric Approaches, and Software Platforms. Smith DL, Götze M, Bartolec TK, Hart-Smith G, Wilkins MR. Anal Chem. 2018 90(15):9101-9108.


I am always happy to have enthusiastic students join the lab! Meet some of our current lab members here

Previous lab members for whom I've had the pleasure to supervise include 38 honours students (6 who won the UNSW University Medal), 16 PhD students and 5 Masters by Research students. I have been a secondary supervisor to 7 higher degree students. 

Students in my lab can obtain experience in the following areas:

  • Wet lab - proteomics of protein methylation, regulation of histone and non-histone protein methyltransferases, proteome-scale crosslinking mass spectrometry for network generation, large-scale monitoring of changes in protein-protein interactions via crosslinking mass spectrometry
  • Dry lab - bioinformatics tool development for proteomics, bioinformatics of next-generation sequencing (genome assembly, transcriptomics)


I teach into 8 undergraduate courses; most of my lecturing is into BIOC3111 (Molecular Biology of Proteins). 

(+61 2) 9385 3633
Room 2112, Building E26 Biological Sciences South
  • Books | 2007
    2007, Proteome Research: Concepts, Technology and Application, Wilkins MR; Appel RD; Williams KK; Hochstrasser DF, (eds.), Springer Publishing Company, Heidelberg
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Pang I, 2019, 'Protein Post-Translational Modification Prediction', in Encyclopedia of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pp. 15 - 27,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Wong J; Pang I; Wilkins M; Tree J, 2018, 'Systems-level analysis of bacterial regulatory small RNA networks', in Systems Biology, Springer, pp. 97 - 127
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Protein–Protein Interactions – Interpreting Data from Large-Scale Screens', in Encyclopedia of Biophysics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 2083 - 2086,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Interpreting data from large-scale screens.', in Roberts G (ed.), Encyclopedia of Biophysics, Springer, 11,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Bek EJ; Wilkins MR, 2008, 'Using Yeast to Study Protein-Protein Interactions Relevant to Disease', in Witt S (ed.), Yeast as a model for Human Disease, Signpost Research Press, pp. 145 - 176
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Wilkins MR, 2008, 'Biomarker Identification: The Role of Experimental Design, Statistics, and Data Sharing', in Clinical Proteomics, pp. 113 - 120
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Hernandez P; Binz PA; Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Protein Identification in Proteomics', in Wilkins M; Appel R; Williams K; Hochstrasser D (ed.), Proteome Research: concepts, technology and practice, Springer Publishing Company, Netherlands, pp. 41 - 67
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Packer N; Gooley AA; Wilkins MR, 2007, 'One gene, many proteins', in Wilkins M; Appel R; Williams K; Hochstrasser D (ed.), Proteome Research: concepts, technology and practice, Springer Publishing Company, Netherlands, pp. 95 - 121
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Pang CN; Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Online resources for the molecular contextualisation of disease', in Clinical Bioinformatics, Humana Press, USA
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Wilkins MR; Appel RD, 2007, 'Ten years of the proteome', in Wilkins M; Appel R; Williams K; Hochstrasser D (ed.), Proteome Research: concepts, technology and practice, Springer Publishing Company, Netherlands, pp. 1 - 13
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Biomarker Identification: The Role of Experimental Design, Statistics, and Data Sharing', in Clinical Proteomics, pp. 113 - 120
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Wilkins MR; Hunt S, 2006, 'Bioinformatics and Experimental Design for Biomarker Discovery', in Proteomics of Human Bodyfluids: Principles, Methods and Applications, Humana Press, USA, pp. 147
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Binz PA; Muller M; Walther D; Bienvenut WV; Gras R; Hoogland C; Bouchet G; Gasteiger E; Fabbretti R; Gay S; Palagi P; Wilkins MR; Rouge V; Tonella L; Paesano S; Rossellat G; Karmime A; Bairoch A; Sanchez JC; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 2005, 'Signal traitment and virtual images production (1/2): A molecular scanner to highly automate proteomic research and to display proteome images', in Acceleration and Improvement of Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry, pp. 151 - 168,
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Gasteiger E; Hoogland C; Gattiker A; Duvaud S; Wilkins MR; Appel R; Bairoch A, 2005, 'Protein Identification and Analysis Tools in the ExPASy Server', in Link AJ (ed.), 2-D Protein Gel Electrophoresis Protocols, Humana Press, Totowa, N.J., pp. 571 - 607
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Cooper CA; Joshi HJ; Harrison M; Wilkins MR; Packer N, 2003, 'Querying GlycosuiteDB', in Conn PM (ed.), Handbook of Proteomic Methods, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp. 233 - 240
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Cooper CA; Joshi HJ; Harrison MJ; Wilkins MR; Packer NH, 2003, 'Querying GlycoSuiteDB', in Handbook of Proteomic Methods, Humana Press, pp. 233 - 239,
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Tyler MI; Wilkins MR, 2000, 'Identification of Proteins by Amino Acid Composition After Acid Hydrolysis', in Principles and Practice, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 143 - 161,
    Book Chapters | 1999
    Binz P; Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Bairoch A; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1999, 'Internet Resources for Protein Identification and Characterization', in , Wiley, pp. 277 - 299,
    Book Chapters | 1999
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Bairoch A; Sanchez J-C; Williams KL; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1999, 'Protein Identification and Analysis Tools in the ExPASy Server', in 2-D Proteome Analysis Protocols, Springer Nature, pp. 531 - 552,
    Book Chapters | 1997
    Wilkins MR; Gooley AA, 1997, 'Protein Identification in Proteome Projects', in Principles and Practice, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 35 - 64,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Cheng Y; Jones JP; Yu TT; Olzomer EM; Su J; Katen A; Black DSC; Hart-Smith G; Childress ES; Beretta M; Wilkins MR; Mateos IA; Santos WL; Hoehn KL; Byrne FL; Kumar N, 2024, 'Corrigendum to “Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of glucose metabolism inhibitors as anticancer agents” [Bioorg. Chem. 151 (2024) 107665] (Bioorganic Chemistry (2024) 151, (S0045206824005704), (10.1016/j.bioorg.2024.107665))', Bioorganic Chemistry, 151,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheng Y; Jones JP; Yu TT; Olzomer EM; Su J; Katen A; Black DSC; Hart-Smith G; Childress ES; Wilkins MR; Mateos IA; Santos WL; Hoehn KL; Byrne FL; Kumar N, 2024, 'Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of glucose metabolism inhibitors as anticancer agents', Bioorganic Chemistry, 151,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hamey JJ; Nguyen A; Haddad M; Vázquez-Campos X; Pfeiffer PG; Wilkins MR, 2024, 'Methylation of elongation factor 1A by yeast Efm4 or human eEF1A-KMT2 involves a beta-hairpin recognition motif and crosstalks with phosphorylation', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hargett S; Lahiri S; Kowalski GM; Corley S; Nelson ME; Lackner C; Olzomer EM; Aleksovska I; Hearn BA; Shrestha R; Janitz M; Gorrell MD; Bruce CR; Wilkins M; Hoehn KL; Byrne FL, 2024, 'Bile acids mediate fructose-associated liver tumour growth in mice', Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1870,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hogg CJ; Edwards RJ; Farquharson KA; Silver LW; Brandies P; Peel E; Escalona M; Jaya FR; Thavornkanlapachai R; Batley K; Bradford TM; Chang JK; Chen Z; Deshpande N; Dziminski M; Ewart KM; Griffith OW; Marin Gual L; Moon KL; Travouillon KJ; Waters P; Whittington CM; Wilkins MR; Helgen KM; Lo N; Ho SYW; Ruiz Herrera A; Paltridge R; Marshall Graves JA; Renfree M; Shapiro B; Ottewell K; Belov K; Gibson C; Maxwell R; Spencer Z; Napangati Y; Butler M; West J; West J; James M; Napangati N; Gibson L; West P; Gibson A; West S; West K; Japaltjari W; Blackwood E, 2024, 'Correction to: Extant and extinct bilby genomes combined with Indigenous knowledge improve conservation of a unique Australian marsupial (Nature Ecology & Evolution, (2024), 8, 7, (1311-1326), 10.1038/s41559-024-02436-2)', Nature Ecology and Evolution,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hogg CJ; Edwards RJ; Farquharson KA; Silver LW; Brandies P; Peel E; Escalona M; Jaya FR; Thavornkanlapachai R; Batley K; Bradford TM; Chang JK; Chen Z; Deshpande N; Dziminski M; Ewart KM; Griffith OW; Marin Gual L; Moon KL; Travouillon KJ; Waters P; Whittington CM; Wilkins MR; Helgen KM; Lo N; Ho SYW; Ruiz Herrera A; Paltridge R; Marshall Graves JA; Renfree M; Shapiro B; Ottewell K; Belov K; Gibson C; Maxwell R; Spencer Z; Napangati Y; Butler M; West J; West J; James M; Napangati N; Gibson L; West P; Gibson A; West S; West K; Japaltjari W; Blackwood E, 2024, 'Extant and extinct bilby genomes combined with Indigenous knowledge improve conservation of a unique Australian marsupial', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8, pp. 1311 - 1326,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kopecky C; Haug M; Reischl B; Deshpande N; Manandhar B; King TW; Lee V; Wilkins MR; Morris M; Polly P; Friedrich O; Rye KA; Cochran BJ, 2024, 'Effect of insulin insufficiency on ultrastructure and function in skeletal muscle', Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 15, pp. 112 - 123,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Manandhar B; Pandzic E; Deshpande N; Chen SY; Wasinger VC; Kockx M; Glaros EN; Ong KL; Thomas SR; Wilkins MR; Whan RM; Cochran BJ; Rye KA, 2024, 'ApoA-I Protects Pancreatic β-Cells from Cholesterol-Induced Mitochondrial Damage and Restores Their Ability to Secrete Insulin', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 44, pp. E20 - E38,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bartolec TK; Vázquez-Campos X; Norman A; Luong C; Johnson M; Payne RJ; Wilkins MR; Mackay JP; Low JKK; Vazquez Campos X, 2023, 'Cross-linking mass spectrometry discovers, evaluates, and corroborates structures and protein–protein interactions in the human cell', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2023, 'The protein methylation network in yeast: A landmark in completeness for a eukaryotic post-translational modification', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kronen M; Vázquez-Campos X; Wilkins MR; Lee M; Manefield MJ; Vazquez Campos X, 2023, 'Evidence for a Putative Isoprene Reductase in Acetobacterium wieringae', mSystems, 8, pp. e00119 - e00123,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li Y; Wu B; Hossain MJ; Quagliata L; O’Meara C; Wilkins MR; Corley S; Khachigian LM, 2023, 'Flubendazole inhibits PD-1 and suppresses melanoma growth in immunocompetent mice', Journal of Translational Medicine, 21,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mu A; Klare WP; Baines SL; Ignatius Pang CN; Guérillot R; Harbison-Price N; Keller N; Wilksch J; Nhu NTK; Phan MD; Keller B; Nijagal B; Tull D; Dayalan S; Chua HHC; Skoneczny D; Koval J; Hachani A; Shah AD; Neha N; Jadhav S; Partridge SR; Cork AJ; Peters K; Bertolla O; Brouwer S; Hancock SJ; Álvarez-Fraga L; De Oliveira DMP; Forde B; Dale A; Mujchariyakul W; Walsh CJ; Monk I; Fitzgerald A; Lum M; Correa-Ospina C; Roy Chowdhury P; Parton RG; De Voss J; Beckett J; Monty F; McKinnon J; Song X; Stephen JR; Everest M; Bellgard MI; Tinning M; Leeming M; Hocking D; Jebeli L; Wang N; Ben Zakour N; Yasar SA; Vecchiarelli S; Russell T; Zaw T; Chen T; Teng D; Kassir Z; Lithgow T; Jenney A; Cole JN; Nizet V; Sorrell TC; Peleg AY; Paterson DL; Beatson SA; Wu J; Molloy MP; Syme AE; Goode RJA; Hunter AA; Bowland G; West NP; Wilkins MR; Djordjevic SP; Davies MR; Seemann T; Howden BP; Pascovici D; Tyagi S; Schittenhelm RB; De Souza DP; McConville MJ; Iredell JR; Cordwell SJ; Strugnell RA; Stinear TP; Schembri MA; Walker MJ; Pang I, 2023, 'Integrative omics identifies conserved and pathogen-specific responses of sepsis-causing bacteria', Nature Communications, 14, pp. 1530,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bartolec TK; Hamey JJ; Keller A; Chavez JD; Bruce JE; Wilkins MR, 2022, 'Differential Proteome and Interactome Analysis Reveal the Basis of Pleiotropy Associated With the Histidine Methyltransferase Hpm1p', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 21,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bell KJ; Saad S; Tillett BJ; McGuire HM; Bordbar S; Yap YA; Nguyen LT; Wilkins MR; Corley S; Brodie S; Duong S; Wright CJ; Twigg S; de St Groth BF; Harrison LC; Mackay CR; Gurzov EN; Hamilton-Williams EE; Mariño E, 2022, 'Metabolite-based dietary supplementation in human type 1 diabetes is associated with microbiota and immune modulation', Microbiome, 10,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Deshpande N; Wilkins MR; Khachigian LM, 2022, 'RNA sequencing identifies genes reliant upon Ser26 in the zinc finger transcription factor, early growth response-1', Vascular Pharmacology, 143,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kinsela AS; Payne TE; Bligh MW; Vázquez-Campos X; Wilkins MR; Comarmond MJ; Rowling B; Waite TD, 2022, 'Contaminant release, mixing and microbial fluctuations initiated by infiltrating water within a replica field-scale legacy radioactive waste trench', Science of the Total Environment, 851,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mediati DG; Wong JL; Gao W; McKellar S; Pang CNI; Wu S; Wu W; Sy B; Monk IR; Biazik JM; Wilkins MR; Howden BP; Stinear TP; Granneman S; Tree JJ, 2022, 'Publisher Correction: RNase III-CLASH of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus reveals a regulatory mRNA 3′UTR required for intermediate vancomycin resistance (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (3558), 10.1038/s41467-022-31177-8)', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mediati DG; Wong JL; Gao W; McKellar S; Pang CNI; Wu S; Wu W; Sy B; Monk IR; Biazik JM; Wilkins MR; Howden BP; Stinear TP; Granneman S; Tree JJ, 2022, 'RNase III-CLASH of multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus reveals a regulatory mRNA 3′UTR required for intermediate vancomycin resistance', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Separovich RJ; Wong MWM; Bartolec TK; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2022, 'Site-specific Phosphorylation of Histone H3K36 Methyltransferase Set2p and Demethylase Jhd1p is Required for Stress Responses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae', Journal of Molecular Biology, 434, pp. 167500,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tay AP; Hamey JJ; Martyn GE; Wilson LOW; Wilkins MR, 2022, 'Identification of Protein Isoforms Using Reference Databases Built from Long and Short Read RNA-Sequencing', Journal of Proteome Research, 21, pp. 1628 - 1639,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bӧhm JW; Sia KCS; Jones C; Evans K; Mariana A; Pang I; Failes T; Zhong L; Mayoh C; Landman R; Collins R; Erickson SW; Arndt G; Raftery MJ; Wilkins MR; Norris MD; Haber M; Marshall GM; Lock RB, 2021, 'Combination efficacy of ruxolitinib with standard-of-care drugs in CRLF2-rearranged Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Leukemia, 35, pp. 3101 - 3112,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Deshpande NP; Riordan SM; Gorman CJ; Nielsen S; Russell TL; Correa-Ospina C; Fernando BSM; Waters SA; Castaño-Rodríguez N; Man SM; Tedla N; Wilkins MR; Kaakoush NO, 2021, 'Multi-omics of the esophageal microenvironment identifies signatures associated with progression of Barrett’s esophagus', Genome Medicine, 13, pp. 133,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hamey JJ; Nguyen A; Wilkins MR, 2021, 'Discovery of Arginine Methylation, Phosphorylation, and Their Co-occurrence in Condensate-Associated Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae', Journal of Proteome Research, 20, pp. 2420 - 2434,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hamey JJ; Rakow S; Bouchard C; Senst JM; Kolb P; Bauer UM; Wilkins MR; Hart-Smith G, 2021, 'Systematic investigation of PRMT6 substrate recognition reveals broad specificity with a preference for an RG motif or basic and bulky residues', FEBS Journal, 288, pp. 5668 - 5691,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Khan MAM; Deshpande NP; Shuttleworth LA; Osborne T; Collins D; Wilkins MR; Gurr GM; Reynolds OL, 2021, 'Raspberry ketone diet supplement reduces attraction of sterile male Queensland fruit fly to cuelure by altering expression of chemoreceptor genes', Scientific Reports, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kim KW; Deveson IW; Pang CNI; Yeang M; Naing Z; Adikari T; Hammond JM; Stevanovski I; Beukers AG; Verich A; Yin S; McFarlane D; Wilkins MR; Stelzer-Braid S; Bull RA; Craig ME; van Hal SJ; Rawlinson WD, 2021, 'Respiratory viral co-infections among SARS-CoV-2 cases confirmed by virome capture sequencing', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 3934,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kinsela AS; Bligh MW; Vázquez-Campos X; Sun Y; Wilkins MR; Comarmond MJ; Rowling B; Payne TE; Waite TD, 2021, 'Biogeochemical Mobility of Contaminants from a Replica Radioactive Waste Trench in Response to Rainfall-Induced Redox Oscillations', Environmental Science and Technology, 55, pp. 8793 - 8805,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Lorenzi L; Chiu HS; Avila Cobos F; Gross S; Volders PJ; Cannoodt R; Nuytens J; Vanderheyden K; Anckaert J; Lefever S; Tay AP; de Bony EJ; Trypsteen W; Gysens F; Vromman M; Goovaerts T; Hansen TB; Kuersten S; Nijs N; Taghon T; Vermaelen K; Bracke KR; Saeys Y; De Meyer T; Deshpande NP; Anande G; Chen TW; Wilkins MR; Unnikrishnan A; De Preter K; Kjems J; Koster J; Schroth GP; Vandesompele J; Sumazin P; Mestdagh P, 2021, 'Publisher Correction: The RNA Atlas expands the catalog of human non-coding RNAs (Nature Biotechnology, (2021), 39, 11, (1453-1465), 10.1038/s41587-021-00936-1)', Nature Biotechnology, 39, pp. 1467,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Lorenzi L; Chiu HS; Avila Cobos F; Gross S; Volders PJ; Cannoodt R; Nuytens J; Vanderheyden K; Anckaert J; Lefever S; Tay AP; de Bony EJ; Trypsteen W; Gysens F; Vromman M; Goovaerts T; Hansen TB; Kuersten S; Nijs N; Taghon T; Vermaelen K; Bracke KR; Saeys Y; De Meyer T; Deshpande NP; Anande G; Chen TW; Wilkins MR; Unnikrishnan A; De Preter K; Kjems J; Koster J; Schroth GP; Vandesompele J; Sumazin P; Mestdagh P, 2021, 'The RNA Atlas expands the catalog of human non-coding RNAs', Nature Biotechnology, 39, pp. 1453 - 1465,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Manandhar B; Pandzic E; Deshpande N; Chen S-Y; Wasinger VC; Kockx M; Glaros E; Ong KL; Thomas S; Wilkins M; Whan R; Cochran BJ; Rye KA, 2021, 'The Anti-Oxidant Function Of Apolipoprotein A-I Rescues Pancreatic beta-Cells From Cholesterol-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction', ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY, 41,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Pang TCY; Xu Z; Mekapogu AR; Pothula S; Becker T; Corley S; Wilkins MR; Goldstein D; Pirola R; Wilson J; Apte M, 2021, 'Hgf/c-met inhibition as adjuvant therapy improves outcomes in an orthotopic mouse model of pancreatic cancer', Cancers, 13,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Separovich RJ; Wilkins MR, 2021, 'Ready, SET, Go: Post-translational regulation of the histone lysine methylation network in budding yeast', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 297,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Separovich RJ; Wong MWM; Chapman TR; Slavich E; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2021, 'Post-translational modification analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone methylation enzymes reveals phosphorylation sites of regulatory potential', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 296,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Vazquez Campos X; Kinsela A; Bligh M; Payne TE; Wilkins M; Waite D, 2021, 'Genomic Insights Into the Archaea Inhabiting an Australian Radioactive Legacy Site', Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, pp. 732575 - 732575,
    Journal articles | 2021
    You J; Corley SM; Wen L; Hodge C; Höllhumer R; Madigan MC; Wilkins MR; Sutton G, 2021, 'Author Correction: RNA-Seq analysis and comparison of corneal epithelium in keratoconus and myopia patients (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (389), 10.1038/s41598-017-18480-x)', Scientific Reports, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zaman MS; Barman SK; Corley SM; Wilkins MR; Malladi CS; Wu MJ, 2021, 'Transcriptomic insights into the zinc homeostasis of MCF-7 breast cancer cells via next-generation RNA sequencing', Metallomics, 13,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Adhikari S; Nice EC; Deutsch EW; Lane L; Omenn GS; Pennington SR; Paik YK; Overall CM; Corrales FJ; Cristea IM; Van Eyk JE; Uhlén M; Lindskog C; Chan DW; Bairoch A; Waddington JC; Justice JL; LaBaer J; Rodriguez H; He F; Kostrzewa M; Ping P; Gundry RL; Stewart P; Srivastava S; Srivastava S; Nogueira FCS; Domont GB; Vandenbrouck Y; Lam MPY; Wennersten S; Vizcaino JA; Wilkins M; Schwenk JM; Lundberg E; Bandeira N; Marko-Varga G; Weintraub ST; Pineau C; Kusebauch U; Moritz RL; Ahn SB; Palmblad M; Snyder MP; Aebersold R; Baker MS, 2020, 'A high-stringency blueprint of the human proteome', Nature Communications, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Anande G; Deshpande N; Mareschal S; Batcha A; Hampton H; Herold T; Lehmann S; Wilkins M; Wong JWH; Unnikrishnan A; Pimanda J, 2020, 'RNA splicing alterations induce a cellular stress response associated with poor prognosis in AML', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Anande G; Deshpande NP; Mareschal S; Batcha AMN; Hampton HR; Herold T; Lehmann S; Wilkins MR; Wong JWH; Unnikrishnan A; Pimanda JE, 2020, 'RNA Splicing Alterations Induce a Cellular Stress Response Associated with Poor Prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia', Clinical Cancer Research, 26, pp. 3597 - 3607,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bartolec TK; Smith DL; Pang CNI; Xu YD; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2020, 'Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry Analysis of the Yeast Nucleus Reveals Extensive Protein-Protein Interactions Not Detected by Systematic Two-Hybrid or Affinity Purification-Mass Spectrometry', Analytical Chemistry, 92, pp. 1874 - 1882,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bayat A; Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Parameswaran S, 2020, 'Fast Short Read De-Novo Assembly Using Overlap-Layout-Consensus Approach', IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 17, pp. 334 - 338,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Emery-Corbin SJ; Hamey JJ; Ansell BRE; Balan B; Tichkule S; Stroehlein AJ; Cooper C; McInerney BV; Hediyeh-Zadeh S; Vuong D; Crombie A; Lacey E; Davis MJ; Wilkins MR; Bahlo M; Svard SG; Gasser RB; Jex AR, 2020, 'Eukaryote-conserved methylarginine is absent in diplomonads and functionally compensated in Giardia', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37, pp. 3525 - 3549,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kim KW; Allen DW; Briese T; Couper JJ; Barry SC; Colman PG; Cotterill AM; Davis EA; Giles LC; Harrison LC; Harris M; Haynes A; Horton JL; Isaacs SR; Jain K; Lipkin WI; McGorm K; Morahan G; Morbey C; Pang ICN; Papenfuss AT; Penno MAS; Sinnott RO; Soldatos G; Thomson RL; Vuillermin P; Wentworth JM; Wilkins MR; Rawlinson WD; Craig ME, 2020, 'Higher frequency of vertebrate-infecting viruses in the gut of infants born to mothers with type 1 diabetes', Pediatric Diabetes, 21, pp. 271 - 279,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kim KW; Deveson I; Pang CN; Yeang M; Naing Z; Adikari T; Hammond J; Stevanovski I; Beukers A; Verich A; Yin S; McFarlane D; Wilkins M; Stelzer-Braid S; Bull R; Craig M; Hal SV; Rawlinson W, 2020, 'Respiratory viral co-infections among SARS-CoV-2 cases confirmed by virome capture sequencing', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Leitner A; Bonvin AMJJ; Borchers CH; Chalkley RJ; Chamot-Rooke J; Combe CW; Cox J; Dong MQ; Fischer L; Götze M; Gozzo FC; Heck AJR; Hoopmann MR; Huang L; Ishihama Y; Jones AR; Kalisman N; Kohlbacher O; Mechtler K; Moritz RL; Netz E; Novak P; Petrotchenko E; Sali A; Scheltema RA; Schmidt C; Schriemer D; Sinz A; Sobott F; Stengel F; Thalassinos K; Urlaub H; Viner R; Vizcaíno JA; Wilkins MR; Rappsilber J, 2020, 'Toward Increased Reliability, Transparency, and Accessibility in Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry', Structure, 28, pp. 1259 - 1268,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Nadkarni MA; Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Hunter N, 2020, 'Intra-species variation within Lactobacillus rhamnosus correlates to beneficial or harmful outcomes: lessons from the oral cavity', BMC genomics, 21, pp. 661,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Pang CNI; Ballouz S; Weissberger D; Thibaut LM; Hamey JJ; Gillis J; Wilkins MR; Hart-Smith G, 2020, 'Analytical Guidelines for co-fractionation Mass Spectrometry Obtained through Global Profiling of Gold Standard Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein Complexes', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 19, pp. 1876 - 1895,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Separovich RJ; Pang CNI; Wilkins MR, 2020, 'Controlling the Controllers: Regulation of Histone Methylation by Phosphosignalling', Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 45, pp. 1035 - 1048,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Separovich RJ; Wong MWM; Chapman TR; Slavich E; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2020, 'Post-translational modification analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone methylation enzymes reveals phosphorylation sites of regulatory potential.', J Biol Chem, pp. 100192,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Smith DL; Erce MA; Lai YW; Tomasetig F; Hart-Smith G; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2020, 'Crosstalk of Phosphorylation and Arginine Methylation in Disordered SRGG Repeats of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fibrillarin and Its Association with Nucleolar Localization', Journal of Molecular Biology, 432, pp. 448 - 466,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang L; Chen Z; Stout ES; Delerue F; Ittner LM; Wilkins MR; Quinlan KGR; Crossley M, 2020, 'Methylation of a CGATA element inhibits binding and regulation by GATA-1', Nature Communications, 11,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bertoldo MJ; Cheung MY; Sia ZK; Agapiou D; Corley SM; Wilkins MR; Richani D; Harrison CA; Gilchrist RB, 2019, 'Non-canonical cyclic AMP SMAD1/5/8 signalling in human granulosa cells', Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 490, pp. 37 - 46,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Corley SM; Troy NM; Bosco A; Wilkins MR, 2019, 'QuantSeq. 3′ Sequencing combined with Salmon provides a fast, reliable approach for high throughput RNA expression analysis', Scientific Reports, 9,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kim KW; Allen DW; Briese T; Couper JJ; Barry SC; Colman PG; Cotterill AM; Davis EA; Giles LC; Harrison LC; Harris M; Haynes A; Horton JL; Isaacs SR; Jain K; Lipkin WI; Morahan G; Morbey C; Pang ICN; Papenfuss AT; Penno MAS; Sinnott RO; Soldatos G; Thomson RL; Vuillermin PJ; Wentworth JM; Wilkins MR; Rawlinson WD; Craig ME, 2019, 'Distinct gut virome profile of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes in the ENDIA study', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 6,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kim KW; Horton JL; Pang CNI; Jain K; Leung P; Isaacs SR; Bull RA; Luciani F; Wilkins MR; Catteau J; Lipkin WI; Rawlinson WD; Briese T; Craig ME, 2019, 'Higher abundance of enterovirus A species in the gut of children with islet autoimmunity', Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 1749,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lai YW; Pang CNI; Campbell LT; Chen SCA; Wilkins MR; Carter DA, 2019, 'Different Pathways Mediate Amphotericin-Lactoferrin Drug Synergy in Cryptococcus and Saccharomyces', Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, pp. 2195,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lowe BR; Maxham LA; Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR; Partridge JF, 2019, 'Histone H3 mutations: An updated view of their role in chromatin deregulation and cancer', Cancers, 11, pp. 1 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Paramsothy S; Nielsen S; Kamm MA; Deshpande NP; Faith JJ; Clemente JC; Paramsothy R; Walsh AJ; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong RWL; Connor S; Ng W; Lin E; Borody TJ; Wilkins MR; Colombel JF; Mitchell HM; Kaakoush NO, 2019, 'Specific Bacteria and Metabolites Associated With Response to Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis', Gastroenterology, 156, pp. 1440 - 1454.e2,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schneider MV; Griffin PC; Tyagi S; Flannery M; Dayalan S; Gladman S; Watson-Haigh N; Bayer PE; Charleston M; Cooke I; Cook R; Edwards RJ; Edwards D; Gorse D; McConville M; Powell D; Wilkins MR; Lonie A, 2019, 'Establishing a distributed national research infrastructure providing bioinformatics support to life science researchers in Australia', Briefings in Bioinformatics, 20, pp. 384 - 389,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tay AP; Liang A; Hamey JJ; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2019, 'MS2-Deisotoper: A Tool for Deisotoping High-Resolution MS/MS Spectra in Normal and Heavy Isotope-Labelled Samples', Proteomics, 19, pp. e1800444,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tay AP; Liang A; Wilkins MR; Pang CNI, 2019, 'Visualizing Post-Translational Modifications in Protein Interaction Networks Using PTMOracle', Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, 66, pp. e71,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Uthicke S; Deshpande NP; Liddy M; Patel F; Lamare M; Wilkins MR, 2019, 'Little evidence of adaptation potential to ocean acidification in sea urchins living in “Future Ocean” conditions at a CO2 vent', Ecology and Evolution, 9, pp. 10004 - 10016,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Vázquez-Campos X; Kinsela A; Bligh M; Payne T; Wilkins M; Waite D, 2019, 'Genomic insights into the Archaea inhabiting an Australian radioactive legacy site', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Winter DL; Mastellone J; Kabir KMM; Wilkins MR; Donald WA, 2019, 'Separation of Isobaric Mono- And Dimethylated RGG-Repeat Peptides by Differential Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry', Analytical Chemistry, 91, pp. 11827 - 11833,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Winter DL; Wilkins MR; Donald WA, 2019, 'Differential Ion Mobility–Mass Spectrometry for Detailed Analysis of the Proteome', Trends in Biotechnology, 37, pp. 198 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Alshekaili J; Chand R; Lee CE; Corley S; Kwong K; Papa I; Fulcher DA; Randall KL; Leiding JW; Ma CS; Wilkins MR; Uzel G; Goodnow CC; Vinuesa CG; Tangye SG; Cook MC, 2018, 'STAT3 regulates cytotoxicity of human CD57+ CD4+ T cells in blood and lymphoid follicles', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 3529,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chia SZ; Lai YW; Yagoub D; Lev S; Hamey JJ; Ignatius Pang CN; Desmarini D; Chen Z; Djordjevic JT; Erce MA; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR; Pang I, 2018, 'Knockout of the Hmt1p arginine methyltransferase in saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to the dysregulation of phosphate-associated genes and processes', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 17, pp. 2462 - 2479,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Corley S; Mendoza-Reinoso V; Giles N; Singer ES; Common JE; Wilkins M; Beverdam A, 2018, 'Plau and Tgfbr3 are YAP-regulated genes that promote keratinocyte proliferation', Cell Death and Disease, 9, pp. 1106,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Deshpande NP; Riordan SM; Castaño-Rodríguez N; Wilkins MR; Kaakoush NO, 2018, 'Signatures within the esophageal microbiome are associated with host genetics, age, and disease', Microbiome, 6, pp. 227,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Edwards RJ; Tuipulotu DE; Amos TG; O'Meally D; Richardson MF; Russell TL; Vallinoto M; Carneiro M; Ferrand N; Wilkins MR; Sequeira F; Rollins LA; Holmes EC; Shine R; White PA, 2018, 'Draft genome assembly of the invasive cane toad, Rhinella marina', GigaScience, 7,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hamey JJ; Separovich RJ; Wilkins MR, 2018, 'MT-MAMS: Protein Methyltransferase Motif Analysis by Mass Spectrometry', Journal of Proteome Research, 17, pp. 3485 - 3491,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hamey JJ; Wilkins MR, 2018, 'Methylation of Elongation Factor 1A: Where, Who, and Why?', Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 43, pp. 211 - 223,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Johnson RN; O’Meally D; Chen Z; Etherington GJ; Ho SYW; Nash WJ; Grueber CE; Cheng Y; Whittington CM; Dennison S; Peel E; Haerty W; O’Neill RJ; Colgan D; Russell TL; Alquezar-Planas DE; Attenbrow V; Bragg JG; Brandies PA; Chong AYY; Deakin JE; Di Palma F; Duda Z; Eldridge MDB; Ewart KM; Hogg CJ; Frankham GJ; Georges A; Gillett AK; Govendir M; Greenwood AD; Hayakawa T; Helgen KM; Hobbs M; Holleley CE; Heider TN; Jones EA; King A; Madden D; Graves JAM; Morris KM; Neaves LE; Patel HR; Polkinghorne A; Renfree MB; Robin C; Salinas R; Tsangaras K; Waters PD; Waters SA; Wright B; Wilkins MR; Timms P; Belov K, 2018, 'Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome', Nature Genetics, 50, pp. 1102 - 1111,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Pang I; Goel A; Wilkins MR, 2018, 'Investigating the network basis of negative genetic interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with integrated biological networks and triplet motif analysis', Journal of Proteome Research, 17, pp. 1014 - 1030,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Paramsothy S; Kamm M; Nielsen S; Deshpande N; Faith J; Clemente J; Paramsothy R; Walsh A; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong R; Connor S; Ng W; Lin E; Wilkins M; Colombel J-F; Borody T; Mitchell H; Kaakoush N, 2018, 'OP019 In faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for ulcerative colitis, fusobacterium is associated with lack of remission, while metabolic shifts to starch degradation and short-chain fatty acid production are associated with remission (FOCUS study)', Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 12, pp. S013 - S014,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Paramsothy S; Kamm MA; Nielsen S; Deshpande N; Faith J; Clemente JC; Paramsothy R; Walsh A; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong RW; Connor SJ; Ng WSW; Lin E; Wilkins M; Colombel JF; Borody TJ; Mitchell HM; Kaakoush NO, 2018, '130 - In Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Ulcerative Colitis, Fusobacterium is Associated with Lack of Remission, while Metabolic Shifts to Starch Degradation and Short Chain Fatty Acid Production are Associated with Remission – Results from the Randomized Controlled Focus Study', Gastroenterology, 154, pp. S - 35,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Smith DL; Götze M; Bartolec TK; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2018, 'Characterization of the Interaction between Arginine Methyltransferase Hmt1 and Its Substrate Npl3: Use of Multiple Cross-Linkers, Mass Spectrometric Approaches, and Software Platforms', Analytical Chemistry, 90, pp. 9101 - 9108,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Tay AP; Geoghegan V; Yagoub D; Wilkins MR; Hart-Smith G, 2018, 'MethylQuant: A Tool for Sensitive Validation of Enzyme-Mediated Protein Methylation Sites from Heavy-Methyl SILAC Data', Journal of Proteome Research, 17, pp. 359 - 373,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Twine NA; Harkness L; Adjaye J; Aldahmash A; Wilkins MR; Kassem M, 2018, 'Molecular Phenotyping of Telomerized Human Bone Marrow Skeletal Stem Cells Reveals a Genetic Program of Enhanced Proliferation and Maintenance of Differentiation Responses', JBMR Plus, 2, pp. 257 - 267,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Varela C; Schmidt SA; Borneman AR; Pang CNI; Krömerx JO; Khan A; Song X; Hodson MP; Solomon M; Mayr CM; Hines W; Pretorius IS; Baker MS; Roessner U; Mercurio M; Henschke PA; Wilkins MR; Chambers PJ, 2018, 'Systems-based approaches enable identification of gene targets which improve the flavour profile of low-ethanol wine yeast strains', Metabolic Engineering, 49, pp. 178 - 191,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Winter DL; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2018, 'Characterization of Protein Methyltransferases Rkm1, Rkm4, Efm4, Efm7, Set5 and Hmt1 Reveals Extensive Post-Translational Modification', Journal of Molecular Biology, 430, pp. 102 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2018
    You J; Corley SM; Wen L; Hodge C; Höllhumer R; Madigan MC; Wilkins MR; Sutton G, 2018, 'RNA-Seq analysis and comparison of corneal epithelium in keratoconus and myopia patients', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 389,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Corley S; MacKenzie K; Beverdam A; Roddam LF; Wilkins , 2017, 'Differentially expressed genes from RNA-Seq and functional enrichment results are affected by the choice of single-end versus paired-end reads and stranded versus non-stranded protocols.', BMC Genomics, 18, pp. 399,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hamey JJ; Wienert B; Quinlan KGR; Wilkins MR, 2017, 'METTL21B Is a Novel Human lysine methyltransferase of translation elongation factor 1A: Discovery by CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 16, pp. 2229 - 2242,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hart-Smith G; Reis RS; Waterhouse PM; Wilkins MR, 2017, 'Improved quantitative plant proteomics via the combination of targeted and untargeted data acquisition', Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, pp. 1669,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hobbs M; King A; Salinas R; Chen Z; Tsangaras K; Greenwood AD; Johnson RN; Belov K; Wilkins MR; Timms P, 2017, 'Long-read genome sequence assembly provides insight into ongoing retroviral invasion of the koala germline', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 15838,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mendoza-Reinoso V; Corley S; Wilkins M; Beverdam A, 2017, 'Yap regulates wnt16 expression to activate the canonical wnt pathway in keratinocyte proliferation', MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT, 145, pp. S50 - S50,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Noorian P; Hu J; Chen Z; Kjelleberg S; Wilkins MR; Sun S; McDougald D, 2017, 'Pyomelanin produced by Vibrio cholerae confers resistance to predation by Acanthamoeba castellanii', FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 93,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pang CNI; Lai YW; Campbell LT; Chen SC; Carter DA; Wilkins MR, 2017, 'Transcriptome and network analyses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveal that amphotericin B and lactoferrin synergy disrupt metal homeostasis and stress response.', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 40232 - 40232,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Soboleva TA; Parker BJ; Nekrasov M; Hart-Smith G; Tay YJ; Tng WQ; Wilkins M; Ryan D; Tremethick DJ, 2017, 'A new link between transcriptional initiation and pre-mRNA splicing: The RNA binding histone variant H2A.B', PLoS Genetics, 13, pp. e1006633,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Tay AP; Pang CNI; Winter DL; Wilkins MR, 2017, 'PTMOracle: A Cytoscape App for Covisualizing and Coanalyzing Post-Translational Modifications in Protein Interaction Networks', Journal of Proteome Research, 16, pp. 1988 - 2003,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Unnikrishnan A; Papaemmanuil E; Beck D; Deshpande NP; Verma A; Kumari A; Woll PS; Richards LA; Knezevic K; Chandrakanthan V; Thoms JAI; Tursky ML; Huang Y; Ali Z; Olivier J; Galbraith S; Kulasekararaj AG; Tobiasson M; Karimi M; Pellagatti A; Wilson SR; Lindeman R; Young B; Ramakrishna R; Arthur C; Stark R; Crispin P; Curnow J; Warburton P; Roncolato F; Boultwood J; Lynch K; Jacobsen SEW; Mufti GJ; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Wilkins MR; MacKenzie KL; Wong JWH; Campbell PJ; Pimanda JE, 2017, 'Integrative Genomics Identifies the Molecular Basis of Resistance to Azacitidine Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndromes', Cell Reports, 20, pp. 572 - 585,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Waters SA; McAteer SP; Kudla G; Pang I; Deshpande NP; Amos TG; Leong KW; Wilkins MR; Strugnell R; Gally DL; Tollervey D; Tree JJ, 2017, 'Small RNA interactome of pathogenic E. coli revealed through crosslinking of RNase E', EMBO Journal, 36, pp. 374 - 387,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Corley SM; Canales CP; Carmona-Mora P; Mendoza-Reinosa V; Beverdam A; Hardeman EC; Wilkins MR; Palmer SJ; Carmona Mora P; Mendoza Reinoso V, 2016, 'RNA-Seq analysis of Gtf2ird1 knockout epidermal tissue provides potential insights into molecular mechanisms underpinning Williams-Beuren syndrome', BMC Genomics, 17, pp. 450,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Corley SM; Tsai SY; Wilkins MR; Weickert CS, 2016, 'Transcriptomic analysis shows decreased cortical expression of nr4a1, nr4a2 and rxrb in schizophrenia and provides evidence for nuclear receptor dysregulation', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0166944,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Castaño-Rodríguez N; Bainbridge E; Sodhi N; Riordan SM; Mitchell HM; Kaakoush NO, 2016, 'Campylobacter concisus pathotypes induce distinct global responses in intestinal epithelial cells', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 34288,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hamey JJ; Hart-Smith G; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'The activity of a yeast Family 16 methyltransferase, Efm2, is affected by a conserved tryptophan and its N-terminal region', FEBS Open Bio, 6, pp. 1320 - 1330,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hamey JJ; Winter DL; Yagoub D; Overall CM; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Novel N-terminal and lysine methyltransferases that target translation elongation factor 1A in yeast and human', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 15, pp. 164 - 176,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hart-Smith G; Yagoub D; Tay AP; Pickford R; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Large scale mass spectrometry-based identifications of enzyme-mediated protein methylation are subject to high false discovery rates', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 15, pp. 989 - 1006,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kasumovic MM; Chen Z; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Australian black field crickets show changes in neural gene expression associated with socially-induced morphological, life-history, and behavioral plasticity', BMC Genomics, 17, pp. 827,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lai YW; Campbell LT; Wilkins MR; Pang CNI; Chen S; Carter DA, 2016, 'Synergy and antagonism between iron chelators and antifungal drugs in Cryptococcus', International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 48, pp. 388 - 394,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Low JKK; Im H; Erce MA; Hart-Smith G; Snyder MP; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Protein substrates of the arginine methyltransferase Hmt1 identified by proteome arrays', Proteomics, 16, pp. 465 - 476,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McGill M; Shum A; Mahendradatta T; Bentley N; Chan E; Chen Z; Wilkins M; Tan T; Polly P, 2016, 'Expression Patterns of APLN and OSMR, Potential Novel Modulators of Cancer-induced Cardiac Cachexia, are Altered due to Elevated Inflammatory Cytokines', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S108 - S109,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McGill M; Shum A; Mahendradatta T; Bentley N; Chan E; Chen Z; Wilkins M; Tan T; Polly P, 2016, 'Expression Patterns of APLN and OSMR, Potential Novel Regulators of Cancer-Induced Cardiac Cachexia, are Altered due to Elevated Inflammatory Cytokines', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. S109 - S109,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Taha ; Siddiqui KS; Campanaro S; Najnin T; Deshpande N; Williams TJ; Aldrich-Wright J; Wilkins M; Curmi PMG; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Single TRAM domain RNA-binding proteins in Archaea: functional insight from Ctr3 from the Antarctic methanogen Methanococcoides burtonii', Environmental microbiology, 18, pp. 2810 - 2824,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tan MK; Raman H; Chambers G; Sharma I; Chen Z; Deshpande N; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Characterization of SNP and structural variations in the mitochondrial genomes of Tilletia indica and its closely related species formed basis for a simple diagnostic assay', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0166086,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Twine NA; Harkness L; Kassem M; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'Transcription factor ZNF25 is associated with osteoblast differentiation of human skeletal stem cells', BMC Genomics, 17, pp. 872,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Mitchell HM; Kaakoush NO, 2015, 'Novel genetic markers define a subgroup of pathogenic Escherichia coli strains belonging to the B2 phylogenetic group', FEMS Microbiology Letters, 362,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Harkness L; Twine NA; Abu Dawud R; Jafari A; Aldahmash A; Wilkins MR; Adjaye J; Kassem M, 2015, 'Molecular characterisation of stromal populations derived from human embryonic stem cells: Similarities to immortalised bone marrow derived stromal stem cells', Bone Reports, 3, pp. 32 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kaakoush NO; Deshpande NP; Man SM; Burgos-Portugal JA; Khattak FA; Raftery MJ; Wilkins MR; Mitchell HM, 2015, 'Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses reveal key innate immune signatures in the host response to the gastrointestinal pathogen Campylobacter concisus', Infection and Immunity, 83, pp. 832 - 845,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nahidi L; Corley SM; Wilkins MR; Wei J; Alhagamhmad M; Day AS; Lemberg DA; Leach ST, 2015, 'The major pathway by which polymeric formula reduces inflammation in intestinal epithelial cells: a microarray-based analysis', Genes and Nutrition, 10,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Reis RS; Hart-Smith G; Eamens AL; Wilkins MR; Waterhouse PM, 2015, 'Gene regulation by translational inhibition is determined by Dicer partnering proteins', Nature Plants, 1, pp. 14027 - 14027,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Reis RS; Hart-Smith G; Eamens AL; Wilkins MR; Waterhouse PM, 2015, 'MicroRNA regulatory mechanisms play different roles in arabidopsis', Journal of Proteome Research, 14, pp. 4743 - 4751,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Shum AMY; Fung DCY; Corley SM; McGill MC; Bentley NL; Tan TC; Wilkins MR; Polly P, 2015, 'Cardiac and skeletal muscles show molecularly distinct responses to cancer cachexia', Physiological Genomics, 47, pp. 588 - 599,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Tay AP; Pang CNI; Twine NA; Hart-Smith G; Harkness L; Kassem M; Wilkins MR, 2015, 'Proteomic validation of transcript isoforms, including those assembled from RNA-Seq data', Journal of Proteome Research, 14, pp. 3541 - 3554,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Winter DL; Abeygunawardena D; Hart-Smith G; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2015, 'Lysine methylation modulates the protein-protein interactions of yeast cytochrome C Cyc1p', Proteomics, 15, pp. 2166 - 2176,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yagoub D; Hart-Smith G; Moecking J; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2015, 'Yeast proteins Gar1p, Nop1p, Npl3p, Nsr1p, and Rps2p are natively methylated and are substrates of the arginine methyltransferase Hmt1p', Proteomics, 15, pp. 3209 - 3218,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yagoub D; Tay AP; Chen Z; Hamey JJ; Cai C; Chia SZ; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2015, 'Proteogenomic Discovery of a Small, Novel Protein in Yeast Reveals a Strategy for the Detection of Unannotated Short Open Reading Frames', Journal of Proteome Research, 14, pp. 5038 - 5047,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yap JYS; Rohner T; Greenfield A; Van Der Merwe M; McPherson H; Glenn W; Kornfeld G; Marendy E; Pan AYH; Wilton A; Wilkins MR; Rossetto M; Delaney SK; Yap J-Y, 2015, 'Complete chloroplast genome of the Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis): Structure and evolution', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0128126,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gilchrist AS; Shearman DCA; Frommer M; Raphael KA; Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Sherwin WB; Sved JA, 2014, 'The draft genome of the pest tephritid fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni: Resources for the genomic analysis of hybridising species', BMC Genomics, 15, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gilchrist AS; Shearman DCA; Frommer M; Raphael KA; Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Sherwin WB; Sved JA, 2014, 'The draft genome of the pest tephritid fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni: Resources for the genomic analysis of hybridising species', BMC Genomics, 15,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hart-Smith G; Chia SZ; Low JKK; McKay MJ; Molloy MP; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'Stoichiometry of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lysine methylation: Insights into non-histone protein lysine methyltransferase activity', Journal of Proteome Research, 13, pp. 1744 - 1756,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hobbs M; Pavasovic A; King AG; Prentis PJ; Eldridge MDB; Chen Z; Colgan DJ; Polkinghorne A; Wilkins MR; Flanagan C; Gillett A; Hanger J; Johnson RN; Timms P, 2014, 'A transcriptome resource for the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus): Insights into koala retrovirus transcription and sequence diversity', BMC Genomics, 15,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hook SE; Osborn HL; Gissi F; Moncuquet P; Twine NA; Wilkins MR; Adams MS, 2014, 'RNA-Seq analysis of the toxicant-induced transcriptome of the marine diatom, Ceratoneis closterium', Marine Genomics,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hook SE; Osborn HL; Gissi F; Moncuquet P; Twine NA; Wilkins MR; Adams MS, 2014, 'RNA-Seq analysis of the toxicant-induced transcriptome of the marine diatom, Ceratoneis closterium', Marine Genomics, 16, pp. 45 - 53,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hook SE; Simpson SL; Spadaro DA; Twine NA; Wilkins MR; Moncuquet P, 2014, '454 pyrosequencing-based analysis of gene expression profiles in the amphipod Melita plumulosa: Transcriptome assembly and toxicant induced changes', Aquatic Toxicology,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hook SE; Simpson SL; Spadaro DA; Twine NA; Wilkins MR; Moncuquet P, 2014, '454 pyrosequencing-based analysis of gene expression profiles in the amphipod Melita plumulosa: Transcriptome assembly and toxicant induced changes', Aquatic Toxicology, 153, pp. 73 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Johnson RN; Hobbs M; Eldridge MDB; King AG; Colgan DJ; Wilkins MR; Chen Z; Prentis PJ; Pavasovic A; Polkinghorne A; Timms P, 2014, 'The Koala Genome Consortium', Technical Reports of the Australian Museum, Online, 24, pp. 91 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Low JKK; Hart-Smith G; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'The Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A)-binding protein is subject to multiple post-translational modifications, including the methylation of glutamic acid', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 443, pp. 543 - 548,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Nadkarni MA; Chen Z; Wilkins MR; Hunter N, 2014, 'Comparative genome analysis of Lactobacillus rhamnosus clinical isolates from initial stages of dental pulp infection: Identification of a new exopolysaccharide cluster', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Pang CNI; Tay AP; Aya C; Twine NA; Harkness L; Hart-Smith G; Chia SZ; Chen Z; Deshpande NP; Kaakoush NO; Mitchell HM; Kassem M; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'Tools to covisualize and coanalyze proteomic data with genomes and transcriptomes: Validation of genes and Alternative mRNA splicing', Journal of Proteome Research, 13, pp. 84 - 98,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Tan M; Collins D; Chen Z; Englezou A; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'A brief overview of the size and composition of the myrtle rust genome and its taxonomic status', Mycology: an International Journal on Fungal Biology, 5, pp. 52 - 63,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Twine NA; Chen L; Pang CN; Wilkins MR; Kassem M, 2014, 'Identification of differentiation-stage specific markers that define the ex vivo osteoblastic phenotype', Bone, 67, pp. 23 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Winter DL; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'A web of possibilities: Network-based discovery of protein interaction codes', Journal of Proteome Research, 13, pp. 5333 - 5338,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Yagoub D; Wilkins MR; Lay AJ; Kaczorowski DC; Hatoum D; Bajan S; Hutvagner G; Lai JH; Wu W; Martiniello-Wilks R; Xia P; McGowan EM, 2014, 'Sphingosine kinase 1 Isoform-Specific interactions in breast cancer', Molecular Endocrinology, 28, pp. 1899 - 1915,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zhang L; Hamey JJ; Hart-Smith G; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2014, 'Elongation factor methyltransferase 3 - A novel eukaryotic lysine methyltransferase', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 451, pp. 229 - 234,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Chen Z; Wilkins MR; Hunter N; Nadkarni M, 2013, 'Draft Genome Sequences of Two Clinical Isolates of Lactobacillus rhamnosus from Initial Stages of Dental Pulp Infection', Genome Announcements, 1,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Deshpande NP; Kaakoush NO; Wilkins MR; Mitchell HM, 2013, 'Comparative genomics of Campylobacter concisus isolates reveals genetic diversity and provides insights into disease association', BMC Genomics, 14,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Deshpande NP; Wong YK; Manefield M; Wilkins MR; Lee M, 2013, 'Genome Sequence of Dehalobacter UNSWDHB, a Chloroform-Dechlorinating Bacterium', GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Deshpande NP; Wong YK; Manefield M; Wilkins MR; Lee M, 2013, 'Genome sequence of Dehalobacter UNSWDHB, a chloroform-dechlorinating bacterium', Genome Announcements, 1,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Erce MA; Abeygunawardena D; Low JKK; Hart-Smith G; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Interactions affected by arginine methylation in the yeast protein-protein interaction network', Molecular & Cellular Proteomics,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Erce MA; Low JKK; Hart-Smith GO; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'A conditional two-hybrid (C2H) system for the detection of protein-protein interactions that are mediated by post-translational modification', Proteomics, 13, pp. 1059 - 1064,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Funnell APW; Mak KS; Twine NA; Pelka GJ; Norton LJ; Radziewic T; Power M; Wilkins MR; Bell-Anderson KS; Fraser ST; Perkins AC; Tam PP; Pearson RCM; Crossley M, 2013, 'Generation of Mice Deficient in both KLF3/BKLF and KLF8 Reveals a Genetic Interaction and a Role for These Factors in Embryonic Globin Gene Silencing', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 33, pp. 2976 - 2987,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Jayaswal V; Schramm SJ; Mann GJ; Wilkins MR; Yang YH, 2013, 'VAN: An R package for identifying biologically perturbed networks via differential variability analysis', BMC Research Notes, 6,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Low JKK; Hart-Smith G; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Analysis of the proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for methylarginine', Journal of Proteome Research, 12, pp. 3884 - 3899,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schramm S-J; Li SS; Jayaswal V; Fung D; Campain AE; Pang CNI; Scolyer RA; Yang YH; Mann GJ; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Disturbed protein-protein interaction networks in metastatic melanoma are associated with worse prognosis and increased functional mutation burden', Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 26, pp. 708 - 722,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schramm SJ; Jayaswal V; Goel A; Li SS; Yang YH; Mann GJ; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Molecular interaction networks for the analysis of human disease: Utility, limitations, and considerations', Proteomics, 13, pp. 3393 - 3405,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tay AP; Kaakoush NO; Deshpande NP; Chen Z; Mitchell H; Wilkins MR, 2013, 'Genome sequence of Campylobacter showae UNSWCD, isolated from a patient with Crohn's disease', Genome Announcements, 1,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Twine NA; Janitz C; Wilkins MR; Janitz M, 2013, 'Sequencing of hippocampal and cerebellar transcriptomes provides new insights into the complexity of gene regulation in the human brain.', Neuroscience Letters, 541, pp. 263 - 268,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Chong HS; Campbell LT; Padula MP; Hill CJ; Harry EJ; Li SS; Wilkins MR; Herbert BR; Carter DA, 2012, 'Time-course proteome analysis reveals the dynamic response of cryptococcus gattii cells to fluconazole', PLoS One, 7, pp. August - Article numbere42835,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Couttas TA; Raftery MJ; Padula M; Herbert BR; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Methylation of translation-associated proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Identification of methylated lysines and their methyltransferases', Proteomics, 12, pp. 960 - 972,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Erce MA; Pang CN; Hart-Smith GO; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'The methylproteome and the intracellular methylation network.', Proteomics, 12, pp. 564 - 586,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Fung DCY; Li SS; Goel A; Hong S-H; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Visualization of the interactome: what are we looking at?', Proteomics, 12, pp. 1669 - 1686,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Funnell AP; Norton LJ; Mak KS; Burdach J; Artuz CM; Twine NA; Wilkins MR; Power C; Hung TT; Perdomo JS; Bell-Anderson K; Orkin SH; Pearson RC; Crossley M, 2012, 'The CACCC-binding protein KLF3/BKLF represses a subset of KLF1/EKLF target genes and is required for proper erythroid maturation in vivo', Molecular and Cellular Biology, 32, pp. 3281 - 3292,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Goel A; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Dynamic hubs show competitive and static hubs non-competitive regulation of their interaction partners.', PLoS One, 7, pp. e48209,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Hart-Smith GO; Low JKK; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Enhanced methylarginine characterization by post-translational modification-specific targeted data acquisition and electron-transfer dissociation mass spectrometry', Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 23, pp. 1376 - 1389,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Low JKK; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'Protein arginine methylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae', FEBS Journal, 279, pp. 4423 - 4443,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Pang CNI; Goel A; Li SS; Wilkins MR, 2012, 'A multidimensional matrix for systems biology research and its application to interaction networks.', Journal of Proteome Research, 11, pp. 5204 - 5220,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Scott GM; Chow SS; Craig ME; Pang CN; Hall B; Wilkins MR; Jones C; Lloyd AR; Rawlinson WD; hall B, 2012, 'Cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy with maternofetal transmission induces a proinflammatory cytokine bias in placenta and amniotic fluid', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 205, pp. 1305 - 1310,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Webster R; Blaber SP; Herbert BR; Wilkins MR; Vesey G, 2012, 'The role of mesenchymal stem cells in veterinary therapeutics - A Review', New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 60, pp. 265 - 272,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Yeung WCG; Pang CNI; Wilkins MR; Catteau J; Howard N; Rawlinson WD; Craig ME; Al-Shabeeb A, 2012, 'Children with islet autoimmunity and enterovirus infection demonstrate a distinct cytokine profile', Diabetes, 61, pp. 1500 - 1508,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Campbell M; Hayes C; Struwe WB; Wilkins MR; Aoki-kinoshita K; Harvey D; Rudd P; Kolarich D; Karlsson N; Packer N, 2011, 'UniCarbKB: putting the pieces together for glycomics research.', Proteomics, 11, pp. 4117 - 4121,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Couttas TA; Raftery MJ; Erce MA; Wilkins MR, 2011, 'Monitoring cytoplasmic protein complexes with blue native gel electrophoresis and stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture: analysis of changes in the 20S proteasome', Electrophoresis, 32, pp. 1819 - 1823,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Deshpande NP; Kaakoush NO; Mitchell HM; Janitz K; Raftery MJ; Li SS; Wilkins MR, 2011, 'Sequencing and validation of the genome of a Campylobacter concisus reveals intra-species diversity', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e22170,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Goel A; Li SS; Wilkins MR, 2011, 'Four-dimensional visualisation and analysis of protein-protein interaction networks', Proteomics, 11, pp. 2672 - 2682
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kaakoush NO; Deshpande N; Wilkins MR; Raftery MJ; Janitz K; Mitchell HM, 2011, 'Comparative analyses of Campylobacter concisusstrains reveal the genome of the reference strain BAA-1457 is not representative of the species.', Gut Pathogens, 3, pp. 15,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kaakoush NO; Deshpande NP; Wilkins MR; Tan C; Burgos-Portugal J; Raftery MJ; Day AS; Lemberg DA; Mitchell HM, 2011, 'The pathogenic potential of campylobacter concisus strains associated with chronic intestinal diseases', PLoS One, 6, pp. e29045,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Li SS; Xu K; Wilkins MR, 2011, 'Visualization and analysis of the complexome network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae', Journal of Proteome Research, 10, pp. 4744 - 4756,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Twine NA; Janitz K; Wilkins MR; Janitz M, 2011, 'Whole transcriptome sequencing reveals gene expression and splicing differences in brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease', PLoS One, 6, pp. e16266,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Erce MA; Low J; Wilkins MR, 2010, 'Analysis of the RNA degradosome complex in Vibrio angustum S14', FEBS Journal, 277, pp. 5161 - 5173,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Fung DCY; Wilkins MR; Hart D; Hong S-H, 2010, 'Using the clustered circular layout as an informative method for visualizing protein-protein interaction networks.', Proteomics, 10, pp. 2327 - 2723,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kaakoush NO; Man SM; Lamb S; Raftery MJ; Wilkins MR; Kovach Z; Mitchell HM, 2010, 'The secretome of Campylobacter concisus.', FEBS Journal, 277, pp. 1606 - 1617
    Journal articles | 2010
    Okoli AS; Wilkins MR; Raftery MJ; Mendz GL, 2010, 'Response of Helicobacter hepaticus to bovine bile', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 1374 - 1384
    Journal articles | 2010
    Wilkins MR; Pang I, 2010, 'Identification of arginine- and lysine-methylation in the proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its functional implications', BMC Genomics, 11, pp. 92,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Wilkins MR, 2010, 'GlycoViewer: a tool for visual summary and comparative analysis of the glycome.', Nucleic Acids Research, 38, pp. 667 - 670
    Journal articles | 2010
    Wilkins MR, 2010, 'Proteins deleterious on overexpression are associated with high intrinsic disorder, specific interaction domains, and low abundance.', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 1218 - 1225
    Journal articles | 2009
    Erce MA; Low J; March P; Wilkins MR; Takayama KM, 2009, 'Identification and functional analysis of RNase E of Vibrio angustum S14 and two-hybrid analysis of its interaction partners', Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA - Proteins and Proteomics, 1794, pp. 1107 - 1114
    Journal articles | 2009
    Huang K; Filarsky M; Padula M; Raftery MJ; Herbert B; Wilkins MR, 2009, 'Micropreparative fractionation of the complexome by blue native continuous elution electrophoresis', Proteomics, 9, pp. 2494 - 2502
    Journal articles | 2009
    Little P; Williams RA; Wilkins MR, 2009, 'Inter-individual variation in expression: a missing link in biomarker biology?', Trends in Biotechnology, 27, pp. 5 - 10
    Journal articles | 2009
    Widjaja YY; Pang CN; Wilkins MR; Lambert TD; Li SS, 2009, 'The Interactorium: visualising proteins, complexes and interaction networks in a virtual 3-D cell.', Proteomics, 9, pp. 5309 - 5315
    Journal articles | 2009
    Wilkins M, 2009, 'A celebration of protein-protein interactions', Proteomics, 9, pp. 5207 - 5208,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Wilkins MR, 2009, 'Hares and tortoises: The high- versus low-throughput proteomic race', Electrophoresis, 30, pp. S150 - S155,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Wilkins MR, 2009, 'Proteomic data mining', Expert Review of Proteomics, 6, pp. 599 - 603
    Journal articles | 2008
    Couttas TA; Raftery MJ; Bernardini G; Wilkins MR, 2008, 'Immonium ion scanning for the discovery of post-translational modifications and its application to histones', Journal of Proteome Research, 7, pp. 2632 - 2641
    Journal articles | 2008
    Deshpande N; Wilkins MR; Packer N; Nevalainen H, 2008, 'Protein glycosylation pathways in filamentous fungi', Glycobiology, 18, pp. 626 - 637
    Journal articles | 2008
    Ho E; Webber R; Wilkins MR, 2008, 'Interactive three-dimensional visualization and contextual analysis of protein interaction networks', Journal of Proteome Research, 7, pp. 104 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Krycer JR; Pang CN; Wilkins MR, 2008, 'High throughput protein-protein interaction data: clues for the architecture of protein complexes', Proteome Science, 6, pp. 32 - 32
    Journal articles | 2008
    Pang CN; Krycer JR; Lek A; Wilkins MR, 2008, 'Are protein complexes made of cores, modules and attachments?', Proteomics, 8, pp. 425 - 434,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wilkins MR; Arthur J; Junius F; Harrison M; Traini M; Bizannes P; Doggett P; McDonald W, 2008, 'Information management for proteomics: a perspective', Expert Review of Proteomics, 5, pp. 663 - 678
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wilkins MR; Kummerfeld SK, 2008, 'Sticking together? Falling apart? Exploring the dynamics of the interactome', Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 33, pp. 195 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Hsu W; Pang CN; Sheetal J; Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Protein-protein interactions and disease: Use of S-cerevisiae as a model system', Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA - Proteins and Proteomics, 1774, pp. 838 - 847
    Journal articles | 2007
    Okoli AS; Wilkins MR; Raftery M; Mendz GL, 2007, 'Comparative proteomics study of effects of Helicobacter bilis on Huh7, Huh7 NNeo3-5B(RG), and cured-Huh7 NNeo3-SB(RG) cell lines', Helicobacter, 12, pp. 382 - 383
    Journal articles | 2007
    Pang CN; Hayen A; Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Surface accessibility of protein post-translational modifications', Journal of Proteome Research, 6, pp. 1833 - 1845
    Journal articles | 2007
    Taylor C; Paton N; Lilley K; Binz P; Julian R; Jones AR; Zhu W; Apweiler R; Aebersold R; Deutsch E; Dunn MJ; Heck A; Leitner A; Macht M; Mann M; Martens L; Neubert T; Patterson S; Ping P; Seymour S; Souda P; Tsugita A; Vandekerckhove J; Vondriska T; Whitelegge J; Wilkins MR; Xenarios I; Yates J; Hermjakob H, 2007, 'The minimum information about a proteomics experiment (MIAPE)', Nature Biotechnology, 25, pp. 887 - 893
    Journal articles | 2007
    Wilkins MR, 2007, 'Lower-order versus higher-order proteomics: Time to move up?', Journal of Proteome Research, 6, pp. 2403
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ho E; Hayen A; Wilkins MR, 2006, 'Characterisation of organellar proteomes: A guide to subcellular proteomic fractionation and analysis', Proteomics, 6, pp. 5746 - 5757
    Journal articles | 2006
    Wilkins MR; Appel R; Van Eyk J; Chung M; Gorg A; Hecker M; Huber L; Langen H; Link A; Paik Y; Patterson S; Pennington S; Rabilloud T; Simpson RJ; Weiss WA; Dunn MJ, 2006, 'Guidelines for the next 10 years of proteomics', Proteomics, 6, pp. 4 - 8
    Journal articles | 2006
    Wilkins MR, 2006, 'How proteomics can assist in the detection and avoidance of adverse drug reactions', Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 33, pp. 97 - 105
    Journal articles | 2005
    Hunt S; Thomas MR; Sebastian LT; Pedersen SK; Harcourt RL; Sloane AJ; Wilkins MR, 2005, 'Optimal replication and the importance of experimental design for gel-based quantitative proteomics', Journal of Proteome Research, 4, pp. 663
    Journal articles | 2004
    Arthur J; Wilkins MR, 2004, 'Using proteomics to mine genome sequences', Journal of Proteome Research, 3, pp. 393 - 402
    Journal articles | 2003
    Breen EJ; Holstein WL; Hopwood FG; Smith PE; Thomas ML; Wilkins MR, 2003, 'Automated peak harvesting of MALDI-MS spectra for high throughput proteomics', Spectroscopy-An International Journal, 17, pp. 579 - 596
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cooper CA; Joshi HJ; Harrison M; Wilkins MR; Packer N, 2003, 'GlycosuiteDB : a curated relational database of glycoprotein glycan structures and their biological sources', Nucleic Acids Research, 31, pp. 511 - 513
    Journal articles | 2003
    Pedersen SK; Harry JL; Sebastian LT; Baker J; Traini M; McCarthy JT; Manoharan A; Wilkins MR; Gooley AA; Righetti PG; Packer N; Williams KL; Herbert B, 2003, 'Unseen proteome: mining below the tip of the iceberg to find low abundance and membrane proteins', Journal of Proteome Research, 2, pp. 303 - 311,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Van Dyk DD; Misztal DD; Wilkins MR; Poljak A; Mackintosh JA; Varnai JC; Teber E; Walsh B; Gray PP, 2003, 'Identification of cellular changes associated with increased production of human growth hormone in a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cell line.', Proteomics, 3, pp. 147 - 156
    Journal articles | 2002
    Cooper CA; Harrison MJ; Webster JM; Wilkins MR; Packer NH, 2002, 'Data standardisation in GlycoSuiteDB.', Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, pp. 297 - 309
    Journal articles | 2001
    Cooper CA; Harrison MJ; Wilkins MR; Packer NH, 2001, 'GlycoSuiteDB: A new curated relational database of glycoprotein glycan structures and their biological sources', Nucleic Acids Research, 29, pp. 332 - 335,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Lisacek FC; Traini MD; Sexton D; Harry JL; Wilkins MR, 2001, 'Strategy for protein isoform identification from expressed sequence tags and its application to peptide mass fingerprinting', Proteomics, 1, pp. 186 - 193,<186::AID-PROT186>3.0.CO;2-G
    Journal articles | 2000
    Breen EJ; Hopwood FG; Williams KL; Wilkins MR, 2000, 'Automatic Poisson peak harvesting for high throughput protein identification', Electrophoresis, 21, pp. 2243 - 2251,<2243::AID-ELPS2243>3.0.CO;2-K
    Journal articles | 2000
    Emslie KR; Molloy MP; Barardi CRM; Jardine D; Wilkins MR; Bellamy AR; Williams KL, 2000, 'Serotype classification and characterisation of the rotavirus SA11 VP6 protein using mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis', Functional and Integrative Genomics, 1, pp. 12 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Harry JL; Wilkins MR; Herbert BR; Packer NH; Gooley AA; Williams KL, 2000, 'Proteomics: Capacity versus utility', Electrophoresis, 21, pp. 1071 - 1081,<1071::AID-ELPS1071>3.0.CO;2-M
    Journal articles | 2000
    Kojima T; Andersen E; Sanchez JC; Wilkins MR; Hochstrasser DF; Pralong WF; Cimasoni G, 2000, 'Human gingival crevicular fluid contains mrp8 (s100a8) and mrp 14 (s100a9), two calcium-binding proteins of the s100 family', Journal of Dental Research, 79, pp. 740 - 747,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Wilkins M, 2000, 'Proteomic paradigms for perceiving purpose', Trends in Biotechnology, 18, pp. 91 - 92,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Binz PA; Muller M; Walther D; Bienvenut WV; Gras R; Hoogland C; Bouchet G; Gasteiger E; Fabbretti R; Gay S; Palagi P; Wilkins MR; Rouge V; Tonella L; Paesano S; Rossellat G; Karmime A; Bairoch A; Sanchez JC; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1999, 'A molecular scanner to automate proteomic research and to display proteome images', Analytical Chemistry, 71, pp. 4981 - 4988,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Cooper CA; Wilkins MR; Williams KL; Packer NH, 1999, 'BOLD - A biological O-linked glycan database', Electrophoresis, 20, pp. 3589 - 3598,<3589::AID-ELPS3589>3.0.CO;2-M
    Journal articles | 1999
    Ou K; Wilkins MR; Gooley AA; Tonella L; Sanchez JC; Tyler M; Walsh BJ; Pasquali C; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1999, 'Rapid identification and quantitation of Escherichia coli proteins separated by 2-D electrophoresis', American Biotechnology Laboratory, 17, pp. 16 - 20
    Journal articles | 1999
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Bairoch A; Sanchez JC; Williams KL; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1999, 'Protein identification and analysis tools in the ExPASy server.', Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 112, pp. 531 - 552
    Journal articles | 1999
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Gooley AA; Herbert BR; Molloy MP; Binz PA; Ou K; Sanchez JC; Bairoch A; Williams KL; Hochstrasser DF, 1999, 'High-throughput mass spectrometric discovery of protein post-translational modifications', Journal of Molecular Biology, 289, pp. 645 - 657,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Wilkins MR; Yan JX; Gooley AA, 1999, '2-DE spot amino acid analysis with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate.', Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 112, pp. 445 - 460
    Journal articles | 1998
    Tonella L; Walsh BJ; Sanchez JC; Ou K; Wilkins MR; Tyler M; Frutiger S; Gooley AA; Pescaru I; Appel RD; Yan JX; Bairoch A; Hoogland C; Morch FS; Hughes GJ; Williams KL; Hochstrasser DF, 1998, ''98 Escherichia coli SWISS-2DPAGE database update', Electrophoresis, 19, pp. 1960 - 1971,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Traini M; Gooley AA; Ou K; Wilkins MR; Tonella L; Sanchez JC; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1998, 'Towards an automated approach for protein identification in proteome projects', Electrophoresis, 19, pp. 1941 - 1949,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Sanchez JC; Bairoch A; Hochstrasser DF, 1998, 'Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis for proteome projects: The effects of protein hydrophobicity and copy number', Electrophoresis, 19, pp. 1501 - 1505,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Tonella L; Ou K; Tyler M; Sanchez JC; Gooley AA; Walsh BJ; Bairoch A; Appel RD; Williams KL; Hochstrasser DF, 1998, 'Protein identification with N and C-terminal sequence tags in proteome projects', Journal of Molecular Biology, 278, pp. 599 - 608,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Wheeler CH; Lindskog I; Sanchez JC; Bairoch A; Appel RD; Dunn MJ; Hochstrasser DF, 1998, 'Multiple parameter cross-species protein identification using MultiIdent - A world-wide web accessible tool', Electrophoresis, 19, pp. 3199 - 3206,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Gooley AA; Ou K; Russell J; Wilkins MR; Sanchez JC; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1997, 'A role for Edman degradation in proteome studies', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 1068 - 1072,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Hochstrasser DF; Frutiger S; Wilkins MR; Hughes G; Sanchez JC, 1997, 'Elevation of apolipoprotein E in the CSF of cattle affected by BSE', FEBS Letters, 416, pp. 161 - 163,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Liberatori S; Bini L; De Felice C; Magi B; Marzocchi B; Raggiaschi R; Frutiger S; Sanchez JC; Wilkins MR; Hughes G; Hochstrasser DF; Bracci R; Pallini V, 1997, 'A two-dimensional protein map of human amniotic fluid at 17 weeks' gestation', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 2816 - 2822,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Peitsch MC; Wilkins MR; Tonella L; Sanchez JC; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1997, 'Large-scale protein modelling and integration with the SWISS-PROT and SWISS-2DPAGE databases: The example of Escherichia coli', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 498 - 501,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Pennington SR; Wilkins MR; Hochstrasser DF; Dunn MJ, 1997, 'Proteome analysis: From protein characterization to biological function', Trends in Cell Biology, 7, pp. 168 - 173,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Sanchez JC; Rouge V; Pisteur M; Ravier F; Tonella L; Moosmayer M; Wilkins MR; Hochstrasser DF, 1997, 'Improved and simplified in-gel sample application using reswelling of dry immobilized pH gradients', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 324 - 327,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Sanchez JC; Schaller D; Ravier F; Golaz O; Jaccoud S; Belet M; Wilkins MR; James R; Deshusses J; Hochstrasser D, 1997, 'Translationally condrolled tumor protein: A protein identified in several nontumoral cells including erythrocytes', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 150 - 155,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Sanchez JC; Wirth P; Jaccoud S; Appel RD; Sarto C; Wilkins MR; Hochstrasser DF, 1997, 'Simultaneous analysis of cyclin and oncogene expression using multiple monoclonal antibody immunoblots', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 638 - 641,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Sarto C; Marocchi A; Sanchez JC; Giannone D; Frutiger S; Golaz O; Wilkins MR; Doro G; Cappellano F; Hughes G; Hochstrasser DF; Mocarelli P, 1997, 'Renal cell carcinoma and normal kidney protein expression', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 599 - 604,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Wilkins MR; Lindskog I; Gasteiger E; Bairoch A; Sanchez JC; Hochstrasser DF; Appel RD, 1997, 'Detailed peptide characterization using PEPTIDEMASS - A World-Wide-Web-accessible tool', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 403 - 408,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Wilkins MR; Williams KL, 1997, 'Cross-species protein identification using amino acid composition, peptide mass fingerprinting, isoelectric point and molecular mass: A theoretical evaluation', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 186, pp. 7 - 15,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Yan JX; Packer NH; Tonella L; Ou K; Wilkins MR; Sanchez JC; Gooley AA; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1997, 'High sample throughput phosphoamino acid analysis of proteins separated by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis', Journal of Chromatography A, 764, pp. 201 - 210,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Yan JX; Tonella L; Sanchez JC; Wilkins MR; Packer NH; Gooley AA; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1997, 'The Dictyostelium discoideum proteome - The SWISS-2DPAGE database of the multicellular aggregate (slug)', Electrophoresis, 18, pp. 491 - 497,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Golaz O; Wilkins MR; Sanchez JC; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1996, 'Identification of proteins by their amino acid composition: An evaluation of the method', Electrophoresis, 17, pp. 573 - 579,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Ou K; Wilkins MR; Yan JX; Gooley AA; Fung Y; Sheumack D; Williams KL, 1996, 'Improved high-performance liquid chromatography of amino acids derivatised with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate', Journal of Chromatography A, 723, pp. 219 - 225,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Packer NH; Wilkins MR; Golaz O; Lawson MA; Gooley AA; Hochstrasser DF; Redmond JW; Williams KL, 1996, 'Characterization of human plasma glycoproteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis', Bio/Technology, 14, pp. 66 - 70,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Pasquali C; Frutiger S; Wilkins MR; Hughes GJ; Appel RD; Bairoch A; Schaller D; Sanchez JC; Hochstrasser DF, 1996, 'Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of Escherichia coli homogenates: The Escherichia coli SWISS-2DPAGE database', Electrophoresis, 17, pp. 547 - 555,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wheeler CH; Berry SL; Wilkins MR; Corbett JM; Ou K; Gooley AA; Humphery-Smith I; Williams KL; Dunn MJ, 1996, 'Characterisation of proteins from two-dimensional electrophoresis gels by matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry and amino acid compositional analysis', Electrophoresis, 17, pp. 580 - 587,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Gasteiger E; Sanchez JC; Appel RD; Hochstrasser DF, 1996, 'Protein identification with sequence tags', Current Biology, 6, pp. 1543 - 1544,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Hochstrasser DF; Sanchez JC; Bairoch A; Appel RD, 1996, 'Integrating two-dimensional gel databases using the Melanie II software', Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 21, pp. 496 - 497,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Ou K; Appel RD; Sanchez JC; Yan JX; Golaz O; Farnsworth V; Cartier P; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL; Gooley AA, 1996, 'Rapid protein identification using N-terminal "Sequence tag" and amino acid analysis', Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 221, pp. 609 - 613,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Pasquali C; Appel RD; Ou K; Golaz O; Sanchez JC; Yan JX; Gooley AA; Hughes G; Humphery-Smith I; Williams KL; Hochstrasser DF, 1996, 'From proteins to proteomes: Large scale protein identification by two-dimensional electrophoresis and amino acid analysis', Bio/Technology, 14, pp. 61 - 65,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Sanchez JC; Gooley AA; Appel RD; Humphery-Smith I; Hochstrasser DF; Williams KL, 1996, 'Progress with proteome projects: Why all proteins expressed by a genome should be identified and how to do it', Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 13, pp. 19 - 50,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Wilkins MR; Sanchez JC; Williams KL; Hochstrasser DF, 1996, 'Current challenges and future applications for protein maps and post-translational vector maps in proteome projects', Electrophoresis, 17, pp. 830 - 838,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Yan JX; Wilkins MR; Ou K; Gooley AA; Williams KL; Sanchez JC; Golaz O; Pasquali C; Hochstrasser DF, 1996, 'Large-scale amino-acid analysis for proteome studies', Journal of Chromatography A, 736, pp. 291 - 302,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Cordwell SJ; Wilkins MR; Poljak A; Gooley AA; Duncan MW; Williams KM; Humphery-Smith I, 1995, 'Cross-species identification of proteins separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and amino acid composition', Electrophoresis, 16, pp. 438 - 443
    Journal articles | 1995
    Wasinger VC; Cordwell SJ; Poljak A; Yan JX; Gooley AA; Wilkins MR; Duncan MW; Harris RI; Williams KM; Humphery-Smith I, 1995, 'Progress with gene-product mapping of the mollicutes: mycroplasma genitalium', Electrophoresis, 16, pp. 1090 - 1094
    Journal articles | 1995
    Wilkins MR; Williams KL, 1995, 'The extracellular matrix of the Dictyostelium discoideum slug', Experientia, 51, pp. 1189 - 1196,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Zhou-Chou T; Wilkins MR; Vabdy PH; Gooley AA; Williams KL, 1995, 'Glycoprotein complexes interacting with cellulose in the "cell print" zones of the Dictyostelium discoideum extracellular matrix', Developmental Biology, 168, pp. 332 - 341,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Hunt SMN; Wilkins MR; Stokes HW; Daggard GE; Frankham R, 1992, 'Induced expression of a Drosophila hsp70 promoter-fusion transgene is reduced after repeated heat shocks', Genetical Research, 59, pp. 183 - 188,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Su G; Wang H; Zhang Y; Coster ACF; Wilkins MR; Canete PF; Yu D; Yang Y; Zhang W, 2024, Inferring gene regulatory networks by hypergraph variational autoencoder,
    Preprints | 2023
    Manandhar B; Pandzic E; Deshpande N; Chen S-Y; Wasinger V; Kockx M; Glaros E; Ong KL; Thomas SR; Wilkins MR; Whan RM; Cochran BJ; Rye K-A, 2023, ApoA-I Protects Pancreatic β-cells from Cholesterol-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Restores their Ability to Secrete Insulin,
    Preprints | 2022
    Bartolec TK; Vázquez-Campos X; Norman A; Luong C; Payne RJ; Wilkins MR; Mackay JP; Low JKK, 2022, Cross-linking mass spectrometry discovers, evaluates, and validates the experimental and predicted structural proteome,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Katelaris A; Canagasingham A; Ni J; Deshpande N; Malouf D; Bucci J; Thompson J; Bai X; Pang B; Zhu Y; Wilkins M; Graham P; Li Y, 2022, 'Isolation of exosomal microRNA to serve as a diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer: A provisional analysis of 12 patients', in BJU INTERNATIONAL, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, Vol. 129, pp. 140 - 140, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Urological-Society-of-Australia-and-New Zealand, AUSTRALIA, Gold Coast, 25 June 2022 - 28 June 2022,
    Preprints | 2022
    Kopecky C; Haug M; Reischl B; Deshpande N; Manandhar B; King T; Lee V; Wilkins M; Morris M; Polly P; Friedrich O; Rye K-A; Cochran B, 2022, Effect of insulin insufficiency on ultrastructure and function in skeletal muscle,
    Preprints | 2022
    Kronen M; Vázquez-Campos X; Wilkins M; Lee M; Manefield M, 2022, Evidence for a putative isoprene reductase inAcetobacterium wieringae, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Bell KJ; Saad S; Tillett BJ; McGuire HM; Bordbar S; Yap YA; Nguyen LT; Wilkins MR; Corley S; Brodie S; Duong S; Wright CJ; Twigg S; de St Groth BF; Harrison LC; Mackay CR; Gurzov EN; Hamilton-Williams EE; Mariño E, 2021, Metabolite-based dietary supplementation in human type 1 diabetes is associated with microbiota and immune modulation, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Bayat A; Gamaarachchi H; Deshpande N; Wilkins M; Parameswaran S, 2020, Methods for De-novo Genome Assembly,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Anande G; Unnikrishnan A; Deshpande N; Mareschal S; Batcha AMN; Herold T; Lehmann S; Wilkins M; Wong J; Pimanda J, 2019, 'Identification of Recurrent Alternative RNA Splicing in Adverse-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, presented at 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), FL, Orlando, 07 December 2019 - 10 December 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Paramsothy S; Kamm M; Nielsen S; Deshpande N; Faith J; Clemente J; Paramsothy R; Walsh A; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong R; Connor S; Ng W; Lin E; Wilkins M; Colombel J-F; Borody T; Mitchell H; Kaakoush N, 2018, 'In faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for ulcerative colitis, fusobacterium is associated with lack of remission, while metabolic shifts to starch degradation and short-chain fatty acid production are associated with remission (FOCUS study)', in JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, Vol. 12, pp. S13 - S14
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Paramsothy S; Kamm MA; Nielsen S; Deshpande N; Faith J; Clemente JC; Paramsothy R; Walsh A; van den Bogaerde J; Samuel D; Leong RW; Connor SJ; Ng WSW; Lin E; Wilkins M; Colombel JF; Borody TJ; Mitchell HM; Kaakoush NO, 2018, 'IN FECAL MICROBIOTA TRANSPLANTATION (FMT) FOR ULCERATIVE COLITIS, FUSOBACTERIUM IS ASSOCIATED WITH LACK OF REMISSION, WHILE METABOLIC SHIFTS TO STARCH DEGRADATION AND SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACID PRODUCTION ARE ASSOCIATED WITH REMISSION - RESULTS FROM THE RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED FOCUS STUDY', in GASTROENTEROLOGY, W B SAUNDERS CO-ELSEVIER INC, DC, Washington, pp. S35 - S35, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Gastrointestinal-Endoscopy / Digestive Disease Week, DC, Washington, 02 June 2018 - 05 June 2018,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Dong C; Vazquez Campos X; Deshpande NANDAN; Zhang P; Wilkins M; Park RF, 2017, 'Understanding oat stem rust pathogen genome by PacBio sequencing', Sydney, Australia, presented at Sydney Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2017, Sydney, Australia, 13 June 2017 - 13 June 2017
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Horton JL; Kim KW; Pang CN; Jain K; Leung P; Isaacs SR; Bull RA; Luciani F; Wilkins MR; Lipkin WI; Rawlinson WD; Briese T; Craig ME, 2017, 'Virome-Capture Sequencing of the Gut and Plasma Virome in Children with Islet Autoimmunity', in DIABETES, AMER DIABETES ASSOC, pp. LB51 - LB52,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Kim KW; Allen DW; Briese T; Pang CN; Jain K; Horton JL; Isaacs SR; Wilkins MR; Couper J; Penno MAS; Harrison LC; Morahan G; Harris M; Cotterill AM; Morbey C; Barry SC; Haynes A; Davis E; Colman P; Giles L; Dodd J; Wentworth J; Sinnott R; Papenfuss TA; Vuillermin P; Lipkin WI; Rawlinson WD; Craig ME, 2017, 'Gut Virome Dynamics during Pregnancy in Mothers with Type 1 Diabetes', in DIABETES, AMER DIABETES ASSOC, pp. LB51 - LB51,
    Conference Posters | 2017
    Vazquez Campos X; Kinsela AS; Wilkins MR; Payne TE; Waite D, 2017, 'Phylogenomics of a radioactive legacy site reveals new Archaea phyla of unknown function', Sydney, Australia, presented at Sydney Bioinformatics Research Symposium 2017, Sydney, Australia, 13 June 2017 - 13 June 2017
    Conference Posters | 2016
    CORLEY SM; Wilkins MR, 2016, 'RNA-Seq: Is paired-end sequencing always better for gene expression analysis', Sydney, presented at SBRS 2016, Sydney, 22 July 2016 - 22 July 2016
    Conference Posters | 2016
    Deshpande N; Wilkins M; Mitchell H; Kaakoush N, 2016, 'Deciphering the role of Campylobacter concisus in host pathogenesis using multi-omics techniques', Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, presented at SBRS 2016, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, 22 July 2016 - 22 July 2016
    Conference Posters | 2016
    Deshpande N; Wilkins M; Mitchell H; Kaakoush NO, 2016, 'SBRS 2016', Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, presented at SBRS 2016, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, 22 July 2016 - 22 July 2016,
    Preprints | 2016
    Kasumovic M; Chen Z; Wilkins MR, 2016, Australian black field crickets show changes in neural gene expression associated with socially-induced morphological, life-history, and behavioral plasticity, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Kasumovic M; Chen Z; Wilkins MR, 2016, Australian black field crickets show changes in neural gene expression associated with socially-induced morphological, life-history, and behavioral plasticity, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Carter A; Lai YW; Pang CNI; Campbell LT; Truong M; Chen S; Wilkins M, 2014, 'Understanding synergy between iron chelators and antifungals using gene co-expression networks',
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Al-Shabeeb A; ALSHABEEB AKIL AS; FINLAY A; HARDIKAR A; PANG C; WILKINS MR; RAWLINSON WD; Craig ME, 2013, 'MicroRNA Expression Profiling Reveals Disease-Associated Signatures in Type 1 Diabetes Cellular Models', AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION, Chicago, USA, pp. A556 - A587, presented at American Diabetes Association 37th Scientific meeting, Chicago, USA, 21 June 2013 - 25 June 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Chia S; Wilkins M, 2013, 'Post-translational arginine methylation during yeast quiescence', in YEAST, WILEY-BLACKWELL, GERMANY, Frankfurt Main, pp. 187 - 187, presented at 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology, GERMANY, Frankfurt Main, 29 August 2013 - 03 September 2013,
    Conference Posters | 2013
    Kaakoush NO; Mitchell H; Wilkins M; Deshpande N, 2013, 'Comparative genomics of eight Campylobacter concisus isolates provides insights into pathogenesis', presented at Lorne Genome Conference 2013, 17 February 2013 - 19 February 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Twine N; Pang C; Chen L; Wilkins M; Kassem M, 2013, 'Identification of differentiation-stage specific molecular markers for the osteoblastic phenotype', in JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, WILEY-BLACKWELL, MD, Baltimore, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, MD, Baltimore, 04 October 2013 - 07 October 2013,
    Preprints | 2009
    Wilkins MR; Appel RD; Van Eyk JE; Chung MCM; Görg A; Hecker M; Huber LA; Langen H; Link AJ; Paik Y-K; Patterson SD; Pennington SR; Rabilloud T; Simpson RJ; Weiss W; Dunn MJ, 2009, Guidelines for the next 10 years of proteomics, ,
    Software / Code | 1999
    Van Dyk DD; Misztal D; Wilkins MR; Mackintosh JA; Walsh BR; Gray PP, 1999, Chinese hamster ovary two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophonesis database, Video, Published: 1999, Software / Code