Ms Mary-Anne Young

Conjoint Senior Lecturer
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine
  • Journal articles | 2024
    McInerny S; Mascarenhas L; Yanes T; Petelin L; Chenevix-Trench G; Southey MC; Young MA; James PA, 2024, 'Using polygenic risk modification to improve breast cancer prevention: study protocol for the PRiMo multicentre randomised controlled trial', BMJ open, 14, pp. e087874,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Pearce A; Mitchell LA; Best S; Young MA; Terrill B, 2024, 'Publics’ knowledge of, attitude to and motivation towards health-related genomics: a scoping review', European Journal of Human Genetics, 32, pp. 747 - 758,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wallingford CK; Kovilpillai H; Jacobs C; Turbitt E; Primiero CA; Young MA; Brockman DG; Soyer HP; McInerney-Leo AM; Yanes T, 2023, 'Models of communication for polygenic scores and associated psychosocial and behavioral effects on recipients: A systematic review', Genetics in Medicine, 25, pp. 1 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yanes T; Wallingford CK; Young MA; McInerney-Leo AM; Willis AM; McKnight L; Terrill B; McInerny S; Forrest LE; Cicciarelli L; Williams R; Keane H; James PA, 2023, 'Development and evaluation of a novel educational program for providers on the use of polygenic risk scores', Genetics in Medicine, 25,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Young MA; Yanes T; Cust AE; Dunlop K; Limb S; Newson AJ; Purvis R; Thiyagarajan L; Scott RJ; Verma K; James PA; Steinberg J, 2023, 'Human Genetics Society of Australasia Position Statement: Use of Polygenic Scores in Clinical Practice and Population Health', Twin Research and Human Genetics, 26, pp. 40 - 48,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Delahunty R; Nguyen L; Craig S; Creighton B; Ariyaratne D; Garsed DW; Christie E; Fereday S; Andrews L; Lewis A; Limb S; Pandey A; Hendley J; Traficante N; Carvajal N; Spurdle AB; Thompson B; Parsons MT; Beshay V; Volcheck M; Semple T; Lupat R; Doig K; Yu J; Chen XQ; Marsh A; Love C; Bilic S; Beilin M; Nichols CB; Greer C; Lee YC; Gerty S; Gill L; Newton E; Howard J; Williams R; Norris C; Stephens AN; Tutty E; Smyth C; O'connell S; Jobling T; Stewart CJR; Tan A; Fox SB; Pachter N; Li J; Ellul J; Mir Arnau G; Young MA; Gordon L; Forrest L; Harris M; Livingstone K; Hill J; Chenevix-Trench G; Cohen PA; Webb PM; Friedlander M; James P; Bowtell D; Alsop K, 2022, 'TRACEBACK: Testing of Historical Tubo-Ovarian Cancer Patients for Hereditary Risk Genes as a Cancer Prevention Strategy in Family Members', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40, pp. 2036 - 2047,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Forrest LE; Shepherd RF; Tutty E; Pearce A; Campbell I; Devereux L; Trainer AH; James PA; Young MA, 2022, 'The Clinical and Psychosocial Outcomes for Women Who Received Unexpected Clinically Actionable Germline Information Identified through Research: An Exploratory Sequential Mixed-Methods Comparative Study', Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gregory G; Das Gupta K; Meiser B; Barlow-Stewart K; Geelan-Small P; Kaur R; Scheepers-Joynt M; McInerny S; Taylor S; Antill Y; Salmon L; Smyth C; Young MA; James PA; Yanes T, 2022, 'Polygenic risk in familial breast cancer: Changing the dynamics of communicating genetic risk', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 31, pp. 120 - 129,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lacaze PA; Tiller J; Winship I; Brotchie A; McNeil J; Zalcberg J; Thomas D; Milne R; James P; Delatycki M; Young MA; Nowak K; Nguyen-Dumont T; Southey M; Ademi Z; Bruinsma F; Riaz M; Terrill B; Kirk J; Tucker K; Andrews L; Pachter N; Susman R; Poplawski N; Wallis M; Watts G; Nicholls S; Macrae F; Sturm A; Green R; Ahern S; Revote J; Von Saldern S; Powell S; Rice T, 2022, 'Population DNA screening for medically actionable disease risk in adults', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 278 - 280,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Meiser B; Butow P; Davies G; Napier CE; Schlub TE; Bartley N; Juraskova I; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM; Tucker K; Goldstein D; Biesecker BB; Best MC; Young M-A, 2022, 'Psychological predictors of advanced cancer patients’ preferences for return of results from comprehensive tumor genomic profiling', American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 188, pp. 725 - 734,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pearce A; Terrill B; Alffenaar JW; Patanwala AE; Kummerfeld S; Day R; Young MA; Stocker SL, 2022, 'Pharmacogenomic testing: perception of clinical utility, enablers and barriers to adoption in Australian hospitals', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 1135 - 1143,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Primiero CA; Baker AM; Wallingford CK; Maas EJ; Yanes T; Fowles L; Janda M; Young MA; Nisselle A; Terrill B; Lodge JM; Tiller JM; Lacaze P; Andersen H; McErlean G; Turbitt E; Soyer HP; McInerney-Leo AM, 2022, 'Attitudes of Australian dermatologists on the use of genetic testing: A cross-sectional survey with a focus on melanoma', Frontiers in Genetics, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Willis AM; Terrill B; Pearce A; McEwen A; Ballinger ML; Young MA, 2022, 'My Research Results: a program to facilitate return of clinically actionable genomic research findings', European Journal of Human Genetics, 30, pp. 363 - 366,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Butow P; Müller F; Napier CE; Bartley N; Ballinger ML; Biesecker B; Juraskova I; Meiser B; Schlub TE; Thomas DM; Goldstein D; Best MC; Newson A; Tucker K; Vines R; Vines K; Kirk J; Young MA; Savard J; Jacobs C, 2021, 'Longitudinal patterns in fear of cancer progression in patients with rare, advanced cancers undergoing comprehensive tumour genomic profiling', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 1920 - 1929,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Das Gupta K; Gregory G; Meiser B; Kaur R; Scheepers-Joynt M; McInerny S; Taylor S; Barlow-Stewart K; Antill Y; Salmon L; Smyth C; McInerney-Leo A; Young MA; James PA; Yanes T, 2021, 'Communicating polygenic risk scores in the familial breast cancer clinic', Patient Education and Counseling, 104, pp. 2512 - 2521,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Forbes Shepherd R; Forrest LE; Tutty E; Pearce A; Devereux L; James PA; Campbell IG; Trainer A; Young MA, 2021, 'Unselected Women's Experiences of Receiving Genetic Research Results for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: A Qualitative Study', Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, 25, pp. 741 - 748,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Forrest LE; Forbes Shepherd R; Young MA; Keogh LA; James PA, 2021, 'Finding the five-year window: A qualitative study examining young women's decision-making and experience of using tamoxifen to reduce BRCA1/2 breast cancer risk', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 159 - 166,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hemming P; Kaur R; Meiser B; McKinley J; Young MA; James PA; Forrest LE, 2021, 'Oncologists’ perspectives of telephone genetic counseling to facilitate germline BRCA1/2 testing for their patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer', Journal of Community Genetics, 12, pp. 449 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holland L; Young MA; Lewin J; Pearce A; Thompson K, 2021, 'Education in youth-friendly genetic counseling', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30, pp. 1133 - 1142,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hoskins C; Gaff C; McEwen A; Macciocca I; Pearn A; Shalhoub C; Salvemini H; Berkman J; Riley KE; Williams R; Milward M; Young MA, 2021, 'Professional regulation for Australasian genetic counselors', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30, pp. 361 - 369,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Leighton S; Forrest LE; Young MA; Delatycki MB; Lynch E, 2021, 'Social media usage in family communication about genetic information: ‘I no longer speak with my sister but she needed to know’', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30, pp. 180 - 190,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McKnight L; Pearce A; Willis A; Young MA; Terrill B, 2021, 'Supporting teachers to use genomics as a context in the classroom: an evaluation of learning resources for high school biology', Journal of Community Genetics, 12, pp. 653 - 662,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Meiser B; Kaur R; Morrow A; Peate M; Wong WKT; McPike E; Cops E; Nichols C; Austin R; Fine M; Thrupp L; Ward R; Macrae F; Hiller JE; Trainer AH; Mitchell G; Susman R; Pachter N; Goodwin A; James PA; Mascarenhas L; Morton C; Shanley S; Young MA; Andrews L; Morrow EA; Tucker K; Lindeman G; Mascarenhas L; Morton C; Field M; Goodwin A; Monnik M; Poplawski N; Delatycki M; John T; Harris M; Kerr R; Vora B, 2021, 'Impact of national guidelines on use of BRCA1/2 germline testing, risk management advice given to women with pathogenic BRCA1/2 variants and uptake of advice', Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 19,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Smit AK; Sharman AR; Espinoza D; Wallingford C; Young MA; Dunlop K; Tiller J; Newson AJ; Meiser B; Cust AE; Yanes T, 2021, 'Knowledge, views and expectations for cancer polygenic risk testing in clinical practice: A cross-sectional survey of health professionals', Clinical Genetics, 100, pp. 430 - 439,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Willis AM; Smith SK; Meiser B; James PA; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM; Yanes T; Young MA, 2021, 'Influence of lived experience on risk perception among women who received a breast cancer polygenic risk score: ‘Another piece of the pie’', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30, pp. 849 - 860,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yanes T; Meiser B; Kaur R; Young MA; Mitchell PB; Scheepers-Joynt M; McInerny S; Taylor S; Barlow-Stewart K; Antill Y; Salmon L; Smyth C; Betz-Stablein B; James PA, 2021, 'Breast cancer polygenic risk scores: a 12-month prospective study of patient reported outcomes and risk management behavior', Genetics in Medicine, 23, pp. 2316 - 2323,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Best MC; Butow P; Jacobs C; Savard J; Biesecker B; Ballinger ML; Bartley N; Davies G; Napier CE; Smit AK; Thomas DM; Newson AJ, 2020, 'Who should access germline genome sequencing? A mixed methods study of patient views', Clinical Genetics, 97, pp. 329 - 337,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Butow P; Davies G; Napier C; Thomas DM; Bartley N; Goldstein D; Ballinger ML; Juraskova I; Schlub TE; Tucker K; Meiser B; Young M-A, 2020, 'Return of results after somatic tumor mutation profiling in advanced cancer: Psychological impacts.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. 1541 - 1541,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Fachal L; Aschard H; Beesley J; Barnes DR; Allen J; Kar S; Pooley KA; Dennis J; Michailidou K; Turman C; Soucy P; Lemaçon A; Lush M; Tyrer JP; Ghoussaini M; Marjaneh MM; Jiang X; Agata S; Aittomäki K; Alonso MR; Andrulis IL; Anton-Culver H; Antonenkova NN; Arason A; Arndt V; Aronson KJ; Arun BK; Auber B; Auer PL; Azzollini J; Balmaña J; Barkardottir RB; Barrowdale D; Beeghly-Fadiel A; Benitez J; Bermisheva M; Bialkowska K; Blanco AM; Blomqvist C; Blot W; Bogdanova NV; Bojesen SE; Bolla MK; Bonanni B; Borg A; Bosse K; Brauch H; Brenner H; Briceno I; Brock IW; Brooks-Wilson A; Brüning T; Burwinkel B; Buys SS; Cai Q; Caldés T; Caligo MA; Camp NJ; Campbell I; Canzian F; Carroll JS; Carter BD; Castelao JE; Chiquette J; Christiansen H; Chung WK; Claes KBM; Clarke CL; Mari V; Berthet P; Castera L; Vaur D; Lallaoui H; Bignon YJ; Uhrhammer N; Bonadona V; Lasset C; Révillion F; Vennin P; Muller D; Gomes DM; Ingster O; Coupier I; Pujol P; Collonge-Rame MA; Mortemousque I; Bera O; Rose M; Baurand A; Bertolone G; Faivre L; Dreyfus H; Leroux D; Venat-Bouvet L; Bézieau S; Delnatte C; Chiesa J; Gilbert-Dussardier B; Gesta P; Prieur FP, 2020, 'Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes', Nature Genetics, 52, pp. 56 - 73,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Meiser B; Kaur R; Kirk J; Morrow A; Peate M; Wong WKT; McPike E; Cops E; Dowson C; Austin R; Fine M; Thrupp L; Ward R; Macrae F; Hiller JE; Trainer AH; Mitchell G; Susman R; Pachter N; Goodwin A; James P; Mascarenhas L; Morton C; Shanley S; Young MA; Andrews L; Morrow EA; Tucker K; Lindeman G; Field M; Monnik M; Poplawski N; Delatycki M; John T; Harris M; Kerr R; Vora B, 2020, 'Evaluation of implementation of risk management guidelines for carriers of pathogenic variants in mismatch repair genes: a nationwide audit of familial cancer clinics', Familial Cancer, 19, pp. 337 - 346,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yanes T; Kaur R; Meiser B; Scheepers-Joynt M; McInerny S; Barlow-Stewart K; Antill Y; Salmon L; Smyth C; James PA; Young MA, 2020, 'Women’s responses and understanding of polygenic breast cancer risk information', Familial Cancer, 19, pp. 297 - 306,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yanes T; Meiser B; Kaur R; Scheepers-Joynt M; McInerny S; Taylor S; Barlow-Stewart K; Antill Y; Salmon L; Smyth C; Young MA; James PA, 2020, 'Uptake of polygenic risk information among women at increased risk of breast cancer', Clinical Genetics, 97, pp. 492 - 501,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yanes T; Young MA; Meiser B; James PA, 2020, 'Clinical applications of polygenic breast cancer risk: A critical review and perspectives of an emerging field', Breast Cancer Research, 22, pp. 21,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Young MA; Thompson K; Lewin J; Holland L, 2020, 'A framework for youth-friendly genetic counseling', Journal of Community Genetics, 11, pp. 161 - 170,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Best MC; Bartley N; Jacobs C; Juraskova I; Goldstein D; Newson AJ; Savard J; Meiser B; Ballinger M; Napier C; Thomas D; Biesecker B; Butow P; Tucker K; Schlub T; Vines R; Vines K; Kirk J; Young MA, 2019, 'Patient perspectives on molecular tumor profiling: "why wouldn't you?"', BMC Cancer, 19, pp. 753,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Forrest LE; Sawyer SD; Hallowell N; James PA; Young MA, 2019, 'High-risk women’s risk perception after receiving personalized polygenic breast cancer risk information', Journal of Community Genetics, 10, pp. 197 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Li A; Geyer FC; Blecua P; Lee JY; Selenica P; Brown DN; Pareja F; Lee SSK; Kumar R; Rivera B; Bi R; Piscuoglio S; Wen HY; Lozada JR; Gularte-Mérida R; Cavallone L; Aghmesheh M; Amor D; Andrews L; Antill Y; Balleine R; Beesley J; Blackburn A; Bogwitz M; Brown M; Burgess M; Burke J; Butow P; Caldon L; Campbell I; Christian A; Clarke C; Cohen P; Crook A; Cui J; Cummings M; Dawson SJ; De Fazio A; Delatycki M; Dobrovic A; Dudding T; Duijf P; Edkins E; Edwards S; Farshid G; Fellows A; Field M; Flanagan J; Fong P; Forbes J; Forrest L; Fox S; French J; Friedlander M; Ortega DG; Gattas M; Giles G; Gill G; Gleeson M; Greening S; Haan E; Harris M; Hayward N; Hickie I; Hopper J; Hunt C; James P; Jenkins M; Kefford R; Kentwell M; Kirk J; Kollias J; Lakhani S; Lindeman G; Lipton L; Lobb L; Lok S; Macrea F; Mann G; Marsh D; McLachlan SA; Meiser B; Milne R; Nightingale S; O’Connell S; Pachter N; Patterson B; Phillips K; Saleh M; Salisbury E; Saunders C; Saunus J; Scott C; Scott R; Sexton A; Shelling A; Simpson P; Spigelman A; Spurdle M; Stone J, 2019, 'Homologous recombination DNA repair defects in PALB2-associated breast cancers', npj Breast Cancer, 5,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Li A; Geyer FC; Blecua P; Lee JY; Selenica P; Brown DN; Pareja F; Lee SSK; Kumar R; Rivera B; Bi R; Piscuoglio S; Wen HY; Lozada JR; Gularte-Mérida R; Cavallone L; Aghmesheh M; Amor D; Andrews L; Antill Y; Balleine R; Beesley J; Blackburn A; Bogwitz M; Brown M; Burgess M; Burke J; Butow P; Caldon L; Campbell I; Christian A; Clarke C; Cohen P; Crook A; Cui J; Cummings M; Dawson SJ; De Fazio A; Delatycki M; Dobrovic A; Dudding T; Duijf P; Edkins E; Edwards S; Farshid G; Fellows A; Field M; Flanagan J; Fong P; Forbes J; Forrest L; Fox S; French J; Friedlander M; Ortega DG; Gattas M; Giles G; Gill G; Gleeson M; Greening S; Haan E; Harris M; Hayward N; Hickie I; Hopper J; Hunt C; James P; Jenkins M; Kefford R; Kentwell M; Kirk J; Kollias J; Lakhani S; Lindeman G; Lipton L; Lobb L; Lok S; Macrea F; Mann G; Marsh D; McLachlan SA; Meiser B; Milne R; Nightingale S; O’Connell S; Pachter N; Patterson B; Phillips K; Saleh M; Salisbury E; Saunders C; Saunus J; Scott C; Scott R; Sexton A; Shelling A; Simpson P; Spigelman A; Spurdle M; Stone J, 2019, 'Publisher Correction: Homologous recombination DNA repair defects in PALB2-associated breast cancers (npj Breast Cancer, (2019), 5, 1, (23), 10.1038/s41523-019-0115-9)', npj Breast Cancer, 5,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Liu J; Li Z; Zhang X; Otake KI; Zhang L; Peters AW; Young MJ; Bedford NM; Letourneau SP; Mandia DJ; Elam JW; Farha OK; Hupp JT, 2019, 'Introducing Nonstructural Ligands to Zirconia-like Metal-Organic Framework Nodes to Tune the Activity of Node-Supported Nickel Catalysts for Ethylene Hydrogenation', ACS Catalysis, 9, pp. 3198 - 3207,
    Journal articles | 2019
    McCabe M; Gauthier M-E; Chan C-L; Thompson T; De Sousa S; Puttick C; Grady J; Gayevskiy V; Tao J; Ying K; Cipponi A; Deng N; Swarbrick A; Thomas M; kConFab ; Lord R; Johns A; Kohonen-Corish M; O'Toole S; Clark J; Mueller S; Gupta R; McCormack A; Dinger M; Cowley M; Bastick P; Friedlander M; Colley A; Andrews L; Young M-A; Tucker K; Williams R, 2019, 'Development and validation of a targeted gene sequencing panel for application to disparate cancers', Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 17052,
    Journal articles | 2019
    McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Barlow-Stewart K; Kasparian NA; Patenaude AF; Young MA; Cohn RJ; Tucker KM, 2019, 'Children and young people's understanding of inherited conditions and their attitudes towards genetic testing: A systematic review', Clinical Genetics, 95, pp. 10 - 22,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ostafe A; Young M, 2019, 'On algebraic integers of bounded house and preperiodicity in polynomial semigroup dynamics', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 00,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Rasmussen V; Forbes Shepherd R; Forrest LE; James PA; Young MA, 2019, 'Men's experiences of recontact about a potential increased risk of prostate cancer due to Lynch Syndrome: “Just another straw on the stack”', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28, pp. 750 - 759,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Rowley SM; Mascarenhas L; Devereux L; Li N; Amarasinghe KC; Zethoven M; Lee JEA; Lewis A; Morgan JA; Limb S; Young MA; James PA; Trainer AH; Campbell IG, 2019, 'Population-based genetic testing of asymptomatic women for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility', Genetics in Medicine, 21, pp. 913 - 922,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tutty E; Petelin L; McKinley J; Young MA; Meiser B; Rasmussen VM; Forbes Shepherd R; James PA; Forrest LE, 2019, 'Evaluation of telephone genetic counselling to facilitate germline BRCA1/2 testing in women with high-grade serous ovarian cancer', European Journal of Human Genetics, 27, pp. 1186 - 1196,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Best M; Newson AJ; Meiser B; Juraskova I; Goldstein D; Tucker K; Ballinger ML; Hess D; Schlub TE; Biesecker B; Vines R; Vines K; Thomas D; Young MA; Savard J; Jacobs C; Butow P, 2018, 'The PiGeOn project: Protocol of a longitudinal study examining psychosocial and ethical issues and outcomes in germline genomic sequencing for cancer', BMC Cancer, 18, pp. 389,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Forrest L; Mitchell G; Thrupp L; Petelin L; Richardson K; Mascarenhas L; Young MA, 2018, 'Consumer attitudes towards the establishment of a national Australian familial cancer research database by the Inherited Cancer Connect (ICCon) Partnership', Journal of Community Genetics, 9, pp. 57 - 64,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Joo JE; Dowty JG; Milne RL; Wong EM; Dugué PA; English D; Hopper JL; Goldgar DE; Giles GG; Southey MC; Sexton A; Christian A; Trainer A; Spigelman A; Fellows A; Shelling A; De Fazio A; Blackburn A; Crook A; Meiser B; Patterson B; Clarke C; Saunders C; Hunt C; Scott C; Amor D; Marsh D; Edkins E; Salisbury E; Haan E; Neidermayr E; Macrae F; Farshid G; Lindeman G; Chenevix-Trench G; Mann G; Gill G; Thorne H; Campbell I; Hickie I; Winship I; Goldblatt J; Flanagan J; Kollias J; Visvader J; Stone J; Taylor J; Burke J; Saunus J; Forbes J; Beesley J; Kirk J; French J; Tucker K; Wu K; Phillips K; Lipton L; Andrews L; Lobb E; Walker L; Kentwell M; Spurdle A; Cummings M; Gleeson M; Harris M; Jenkins M; Young MA; Delatycki M; Wallis M; Burgess M; Price M; Brown M; Bogwitz M; Field M; Friedlander M; Gattas M; Saleh M; Hayward N; Pachter N; Cohen P; Duijf P; James P; Simpson P; Fong P; Butow P; Williams R; Kefford R; Scott R; Balleine R; Dawson SJ; Lok S; O'Connell S; Greening S; Nightingale S; Edwards S; Fox S; McLachlan SA; Lakhani S; Thomas S; Antill Y, 2018, 'Heritable DNA methylation marks associated with susceptibility to breast cancer /631/67/69 /631/337/176/1988 /692/699/67/1347 /692/308/2056 /45 /45/61 article', Nature Communications, 9,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kaur R; Meiser B; Yanes T; Young M-A; Barlow-Stewart K; Roscioli T; Smith S; James PA, 2018, 'Development and pilot testing of a leaflet informing women with breast cancer about genomic testing for polygenic risk', Familial Cancer, 18, pp. 147 - 152,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Letourneau S; Young MJ; Bedford NM; Ren Y; Yanguas-Gil A; Mane AU; Elam JW; Graugnard E, 2018, 'Structural Evolution of Molybdenum Disulfide Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition for Realization of Large Scale Films in Microelectronic Applications', ACS Applied Nano Materials, 1, pp. 4028 - 4037,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Rasmussen V; Forrest LE; Rogasik M; Girodet M; Meeus P; Sunyach MP; Blay JY; Bally O; Brahmi M; Ballinger ML; Niedermayr E; Thomas DM; Halliday J; James P; Ray-Coquard I; Young MA, 2018, 'A comparison of Australian and French families affected by sarcoma: Perceptions of genetics and incidental findings', Personalized Medicine, 15, pp. 13 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Willis AM; Smith SK; Meiser B; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM; Tattersall M; Young MA, 2018, 'Development and Pilot Testing of a Decision Aid for Genomic Research Participants Notified of Clinically Actionable Research Findings for Cancer Risk', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27, pp. 1055 - 1066,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Young MA; Forrest LE; Rasmussen VM; James P; Mitchell G; Sawyer SD; Reeve K; Hallowell N, 2018, 'Making Sense of SNPs: Women’s Understanding and Experiences of Receiving a Personalized Profile of Their Breast Cancer Risks', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 27, pp. 702 - 708,
    Journal articles | 2017
    McBride KA; Ballinger ML; Schlub TE; Young MA; Tattersall MHN; Kirk J; Eeles R; Killick E; Walker LG; Shanley S; Thomas DM; Mitchell G, 2017, 'Psychosocial morbidity in TP53 mutation carriers: is whole-body cancer screening beneficial?', Familial Cancer, 16, pp. 423 - 432,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Willis AM; Smith SK; Meiser B; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM; Young MA, 2017, 'Sociodemographic, psychosocial and clinical factors associated with uptake of genetic counselling for hereditary cancer: a systematic review', Clinical Genetics, 92, pp. 121 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Yanes T; meiser B; Young MA; Kaur R; Mitchell G; Barlow-Stewart K; Roscioli T; Halliday J; James P, 2017, 'Psychosocial and behavioral impact of breast cancer risk assessed by testing for common risk variants: protocol of a prospective study', BMC Cancer, 17, pp. 491,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ballinger ML; Goode DL; Ray-Coquard I; James PA; Mitchell G; Niedermayr E; Puri A; Schiffman JD; Dite GS; Cipponi A; Maki RG; Brohl AS; Myklebost O; Stratford EW; Lorenz S; Ahn SM; Ahn JH; Kim JE; Shanley S; Beshay V; Randall RL; Judson I; Seddon B; Campbell IG; Young MA; Sarin R; Blay JY; O'Donoghue SI; Thomas DM, 2016, 'Monogenic and polygenic determinants of sarcoma risk: an international genetic study', The Lancet Oncology, 17, pp. 1261 - 1271,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Forrest LE; Young MA, 2016, 'Clinically significant germline mutations in cancer-causing genes identified through research studies should be offered to research participants by genetic counselors', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, pp. 898 - 901,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McBride KA; Hallowell N; Tattersall MHN; Kirk J; Ballinger ML; Thomas DM; Mitchell G; Young MA, 2016, 'Timing and context: important considerations in the return of genetic results to research participants', Journal of Community Genetics, 7, pp. 11 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Crook A; Plunkett L; Forrest LE; Hallowell N; Wake S; Alsop K; Gleeson M; Bowtell D; Mitchell G; Young MA, 2015, 'Connecting patients, researchers and clinical genetics services: The experiences of participants in the Australian ovarian cancer study (AOCS)', European Journal of Human Genetics, 23, pp. 152 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Farrelly A; White V; Young MA; Jefford M; Ieropoli S; Duffy J; Winship I; Meiser B, 2015, 'Implementing a telephone based peer support intervention for women with a BRCA1/2 mutation', Familial Cancer, 14, pp. 373 - 382,
    Journal articles | 2015
    James PA; Sawyer S; Boyle S; Young MA; Kovalenko S; Doherty R; McKinley J; Alsop K; Beshay V; Harris M; Fox S; Lindeman GJ; Mitchell G, 2015, 'Large genomic rearrangements in the familial breast and ovarian cancer gene BRCA1 are associated with an increased frequency of high risk features', Familial Cancer, 14, pp. 287 - 295,
    Journal articles | 2014
    White VM; Young MA; Farrelly A; Meiser B; Jefford M; Williamson E; Ieropoli S; Duffy J; Winship I, 2014, 'Randomized controlled trial of a telephone-based peer-support program for women carrying a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation: Impact on psychological distress', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32, pp. 4073 - 4080,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Duncan RE; Young MA, 2013, 'Tricky teens: Are they really tricky or do genetic health professionals simply require more training in adolescent health?', Personalized Medicine, 10, pp. 589 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Farrelly A; White V; Meiser B; Jefford M; Young MA; Ieropoli S; Winship I; Duffy J, 2013, 'Unmet support needs and distress among women with a BRCA1/2 mutation', Familial Cancer, 12, pp. 509 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Hallowell N; Alsop K; Gleeson M; Crook A; Plunkett L; Bowtell D; Mitchell G; Young MA, 2013, 'The responses of research participants and their next of kin to receiving feedback of genetic test results following participation in the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study', Genetics in Medicine, 15, pp. 458 - 465,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Mitchell G; Ballinger ML; Wong S; Hewitt C; James P; Young MA; Cipponi A; Pang T; Goode DL; Dobrovic A; Thomas DM; Porceddu S; Gattas M; Neuhaus S; Suthers G; Tattersall M; Tucker K; Lewis C; Carey-Smith R, 2013, 'High Frequency of Germline TP53 Mutations in a Prospective Adult-Onset Sarcoma Cohort', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Méniel V; Song F; Phesse T; Young M; Poetz O; Parry L; Jenkins JR; Williams GT; Dunwoodie SL; Watson A; Clarke AR, 2013, 'Cited1 Deficiency Suppresses Intestinal Tumorigenesis', PLoS Genetics, 9,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Young M-A; Herlihy A; Mitchell G; Thomas DM; Ballinger M; Tucker K; Lewis CR; Neuhaus S; Halliday J, 2013, 'The attitudes of people with sarcoma and their family towards genomics and incidental information arising from genetic research', Clinical Sarcoma Research, 3, pp. 11 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Kohut K; D'Mello L; Bancroft EK; Thomas S; Young MA; Myhill K; Shanley S; Briggs BHJ; Newman M; Saraf IM; Cox P; Scambler S; Wagman L; Wyndham MT; Eeles RA; Ferris M, 2012, 'Implications for cancer genetics practice of pro-actively assessing family history in a General Practice cohort in North West London', Familial Cancer, 11, pp. 107 - 113,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Lewis A; Cicciarelli L; Pandey D; Lovett CM; Driessen R; Sawyer S; Young MA; Mitchell G, 2012, 'An audit of treatment focussed BRCA1/2 mutation testing at an integrated Familial Cancer Clinic', Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 10, pp. A49 - A49,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Pezaro C; James P; McKinley J; Shanahan M; Young MA; Mitchell G, 2012, 'The consequences of risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy: The case for a coordinated approach to long-term follow up post surgical menopause', Familial Cancer, 11, pp. 403 - 410,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Sawyer S; Boyle S; Young MA; Kovalenko S; Doherty R; McKinley J; Alsop K; Rehfisch M; Macaskill S; Ha A; Beshay V; Lindeman G; Harris M; Fox S; Mitchell G; James P, 2012, 'The contribution of LARGE genomic rearrangements of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations in breast and ovarian cancer families in a clinical cohort', Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 10, pp. A89 - A89,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Shanahan M; Young MA; Mitchell G, 2012, 'Role of oncology/genetics nurse in management of individuals with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer', Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 10, pp. A70 - A70,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Young MA; Wake S; Alsop K; Bowtell D; Mitchell G; Plunkett L; Crook A; Gleeson M; Hallowell N, 2012, 'The experiences of research participants offered genetic test results as a result of taking part in a population based ovarian cancer research study?', Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice, 10, pp. A15 - A15,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Young MA, 2011, 'Ethical Tensions in Genetic Counselling Research', Monash Bioethics Review, 29, pp. 31 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Keogh LA; Van vliet CM; Studdert DM; Maskiell JA; Macrae FA; John DJS; Gaff CL; Young MA; Melissa c southey MC; Giles GG; giles DAR; Hopper JL; Jenkins MA, 2009, 'Is uptake of genetic testing for colorectal cancer influenced by knowledge of insurance implications?', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 255 - 258
    Journal articles | 2008
    Anagnostopoulos T; Pertesi M; Konstantopoulou I; Armaou S; Kamakari S; Nasioulas G; Athanasiou A; Dobrovic A; Young MA; Goldgar D; Fountzilas G; Yannoukakos D, 2008, 'G1738R is a BRCA1 founder mutation in Greek breast/ovarian cancer patients: Evaluation of its pathogenicity and inferences on its genealogical history', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 110, pp. 377 - 385,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wakefield CE; Meiser B; Homewood J; Peate ML; Taylor A; Lobb EA; Kirk J; Young M; Williams R; Dudding T; Tucker K, 2008, 'A randomized controlled trial of a decision aid for women considering genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer risk', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 107, pp. 289 - 301,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wakefield CE; Meiser B; Homewood J; Taylor A; Gleeson MA; Williams R; Tucker K; Ward RL, 2008, 'A randomized trial of a breast/ovarian cancer genetic testing decision aid used as a communication aid during genetic counseling', Psycho - Oncology, 17, pp. 844 - 854
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wakefield CE; Meiser B; Homewood J; Ward RL; O Donnell S; Kirk J, 2008, 'Randomized trial of a decision aid for individuals considering genetic testing for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer risk', Cancer, 113, pp. 956 - 965
    Journal articles | 2007
    Easton DF; Pooley KA; Dunning AM; Pharoah PDP; Thompson D; Ballinger DG; Struewing JP; Morrison J; Field H; Luben R; Wareham N; Ahmed S; Healey CS; Bowman R; Meyer KB; Haiman CA; Kolonel LK; Henderson BE; Le Marchand L; Brennan P; Sangrajrang S; Gaborieau V; Odefrey F; Shen CY; Wu PE; Wang HC; Eccles D; Evans DG; Peto J; Fletcher O; Johnson N; Seal S; Stratton MR; Rahman N; Chenevix-Trench G; Bojesen SE; Nordestgaard BG; Axelsson CK; Garcia-Closas M; Brinton L; Chanock S; Lissowska J; Peplonska B; Nevanlinna H; Fagerholm R; Eerola H; Kang D; Yoo KY; Noh DY; Ahn SH; Hunter DJ; Hankinson SE; Cox DG; Hall P; Wedren S; Liu J; Low YL; Bogdanova N; Schürmann P; Dörk T; Tollenaar RAEM; Jacobi CE; Devilee P; Klijn JGM; Sigurdson AJ; Doody MM; Alexander BH; Zhang J; Cox A; Brock IW; MacPherson G; Reed MWR; Couch FJ; Goode EL; Olson JE; Meijers-Heijboer H; Van Den Ouweland A; Uitterlinden A; Rivadeneira F; Milne RL; Ribas G; Gonzalez-Neira A; Benitez J; Hopper JL; McCredie M; Southey M; Giles G; Schroen C; Justenhoven C; Brauch H; Hamann U; Ko YD; Spurdle AB; Beesley J; Chen X; Mannermaa A; Kosma VM; Kataja V; Hartikainen J; Day NE, 2007, 'Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci', Nature, 447, pp. 1087 - 1093,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Loughrey MB; Waring PM; Tan A; Trivett M; Kovalenko S; Beshay V; Young MA; McArthur G; Boussioutas A; Dobrovic A, 2007, 'Incorporation of somatic BRAF mutation testing into an algorithm for the investigation of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer', Familial Cancer, 6, pp. 301 - 310,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Rees G; Gaff C; Young MA; Martin PR, 2007, 'Health beliefs and behaviors of women who have received genetic counseling for breast cancer', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 16, pp. 457 - 468,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Antill Y; Young M; Kirk J; Tucker K; Bogtstra T; Wong S; Dudding T; Di Iulio J; Phillips KA, 2006, 'Risk-reducing surgery in women with familial susceptibility for breast and/or ovarian cancer', European Journal of Cancer, 42, pp. 621 - 628,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Antill YC; Reynolds J; Young MA; Kirk JA; Tucker KM; Bogtstra TL; Wong SS; Dudding TE; Iulio JLD; Phillips KA, 2006, 'Screening behavior in women at increased familial risk for breast cancer', Familial Cancer, 5, pp. 359 - 368,
    Journal articles | 2006
    James PA; Doherty R; Harris M; Mukesh BN; Milner A; Young MA; Scott C, 2006, 'Optimal selection of individuals for BRCA mutation testing: A comparison of available methods', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24, pp. 707 - 715,
    Journal articles | 2006
    James PA; Doherty R; Harris M; Young MA; Scott C, 2006, 'In reply [6]', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 24, pp. 3311 - 3312,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Rees G; Young MA; Gaff C; Martin PR, 2006, 'A qualitative study of health professionals' views regarding provision of information about health-protective behaviors during genetic consultation for breast cancer', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 15, pp. 95 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Clarke A; Richards M; Kerzin-Storrar L; Halliday J; Young MA; Simpson SA; Featherstone K; Forrest K; Lucassen A; Morrison PJ; Quarrell OWJ; Stewart H; Ahmad A; Brennan P; Lynch SA; Wiles V; Zukowska-Wilcocks A, 2005, 'Genetic professionals' reports of nondisclosure of genetic risk information within families', European Journal of Human Genetics, 13, pp. 556 - 562,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Esplen M; Hunter J; Leszcz M; Warner E; Narod S; Butler K; Glendon G; Liedem A; Metcalfe K; DiProspero L; Kieffer S; Young M; Irwin E; Wong J, 2005, 'Supportive-expressive group therapy for women with brca1/2mutations: Results of a phase II trial', Nursing and Health Sciences, 7, pp. 146 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Sahhar MA; Young MA; Sheffield LJ; Aitken MA, 2005, 'Educating genetic counselors in Australia: Developing an international perspective', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 14, pp. 283 - 294,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Esplen MJ; Hunter J; Leszcz M; Warner E; Narod S; Metcalfe K; Glendon G; Butler K; Liede A; Young MA; Kieffer S; DiProspero L; Irwin E; Wong J, 2004, 'A multicenter study of supportive-expressive group therapy for women with BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations', Cancer, 101, pp. 2327 - 2340,
    Journal articles | 2004
    James P; Harris M; Doherty R; Young M; Niedermayr E; Hunter A; Scott C, 2004, 'Optimal selection of individuals for BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22, pp. 1009 - 1009,
    Journal articles | 2004
    James P; Harris M; Doherty R; Young M; Niedermayr E; Hunter A; Scott C, 2004, 'Optimal selection of individuals for BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene testing', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 22, pp. 1009 - 1009,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Keogh LA; Southey MC; Maskiell J; Young MA; Gaff CL; Kirk J; Tucker KM; Rosenthal D; McCredie MRE; Giles GG; Hopper JL, 2004, 'Uptake of offer to receive genetic information about BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in an Australian population-based study', Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 13, pp. 2258 - 2263
    Journal articles | 2004
    Lobb EA; Butow PN; Meiser B; Gaff C; Haan E; Suthers GK; Gattas M; Tucker K; Barratt A; Young M, 2004, 'Communication and information-giving in high-risk breast cancerconsultations: influence on patient outcomes', British Journal of Cancer, 90, pp. 321 - 327,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Meiser B; Collins V; Warren RP; Gaff C; St John D; Young M; Harrop K; Brown J; Halliday JA, 2004, 'Psychological impact of genetic testing for hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer', Clinical Geriatrics, 66, pp. 502 - 511,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Michels KB; Hankinson SE; Solomon CG; Young M; Bondy ML, 2004, 'Type 2 diabetes and subsequent incidence of breast cancer in the nurses' health study', Breast Diseases, 15, pp. 133 - 134
    Journal articles | 2003
    Lobb EA; Butow PN; Meiser B; Barratt A; Gaff C; Young M; Kirk J; Gattas M; Gleeson M; Tucker K, 2003, 'Women`s preferences and consultant`s communication of risk in consultations about familial breast cancer: impact on patient outcomes', Journal of Medical Genetics, 40
    Journal articles | 2003
    Southey MC; Tesoriero A; Young MA; Holloway AJ; Jenkins MA; Whitty J; Misfud S; kConFab ; McLachlan SA; Venter DJ; Armes JE, 2003, 'A specific GFP expression assay, penetrance estimate, and histological assessment for a putative splice site mutation in BRCA1', Human Mutation, 22, pp. 86 - 91,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Lobb E; Butow P; Meiser B; Barratt AJ; Gaff C; Tucker K; Young M-A, 2002, 'Tailoring communication in consultations with women from high risk breast cancer families', British Journal of Cancer, 87, pp. 502 - 508,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Southey MC; Young MA; Whitty J; Mifsud S; Keilar M; Mead L; Trute L; Aittomäki K; McLachlan SA; Debinski H; Venter DJ; Armes JE, 2001, 'Molecular pathologic analysis enhances the diagnosis and management of Muir-Torre syndrome and gives insight into its underlying molecular pathogenesis', American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 25, pp. 936 - 941,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Meiser B; Butow P; Schnieden V; Gattas M; Gaff C; Harrop K; Bankier A; Young MA; Tucker K, 2000, 'Psychological adjustment of women at increased risk of developing hereditary breast cancer', Psychology, Health and Medicine, 5, pp. 377 - 388,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Decker ML; Young MA; Kumar PN, 1997, 'Salmonella meningitis in an immunocompetent host: Case report and review of the literature', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 25, pp. 460
    Journal articles | 1997
    Young MA; Gardner R, 1997, 'Genetic counselling in high-risk breast cancer families', Cancer Forum, 21, pp. 152 - 154
    Journal articles | 1996
    Distante S; Nasioulas S; Somers GR; Cameron DJS; Young MA; Forrest SM; Gardner RJM, 1996, 'Familial adenomatous polyposis in a 5 year old child: A clinical, pathological, and molecular genetic study', Journal of Medical Genetics, 33, pp. 157 - 160,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Yanes T; Wallingford C; Young MA; McInerney-Leo AM; Willis A; McKnight L; Terrill B; McInerny S; Forrest L; Cicciarelli L; Williams R; Keane H; James PA, 2023, Development and evaluation of a novel educational program for providers on the use of polygenic risk scores,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Willis A; Terrill B; Pearce A; McEwen A; Ballinger M; Milne R; Bruinsma F; Tiller J; Lacaze P; Young M-A, 2021, 'My Research Results supporting researchers to return clinically actionable genetic research findings', in ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 17, pp. 36 - 37,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Butow P; Davies G; Napier C; Thomas DM; Bartley N; Goldstein D; Ballinger ML; Juraskova I; Schlub TE; Tucker K; Meiser B; Young M-A, 2020, 'Return of results after somatic tumor mutation profiling in advanced cancer: Psychological impacts.', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 38, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), ELECTR NETWORK, 29 May 2020 - 31 May 2020,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Campbell IG; Rowley S; Devereux L; McInerny S; Grewal N; Young M-A; Lee A; Trainer A; James P, 2018, 'Abstract PD1-07: Population genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility', in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), presented at Abstracts: 2017 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; December 5-9, 2017; San Antonio, Texas,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Lundie B; Ewans L; Lee E; Hollway G; Ohnesorg T; Statham A; Burnett L; Young M; Taouk H; Richardson E; Dinger M, 2018, 'Utility of clinical Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS): diagnostic success factors now and into the future', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, ITALY, Milan, Vol. 27, pp. 542 - 542, presented at 51st Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG) in conjunction with the European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics (EMPAG), ITALY, Milan, 16 June 2018 - 19 June 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Campbell IG; Trainer AH; Devereux L; Young M-A; Mitchell G; Rowley S; Li N; James PA; Thompson E, 2016, 'Abstract P2-09-03: Breast cancer prevention: Is it time for population-based mutation screening of high risk genes?', in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), presented at Abstracts: Thirty-Eighth Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; December 8-12, 2015; San Antonio, TX,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    McBride KA; Young M-A; Schlub TE; Kirk J; Tattersall MHN; Ballinger M; Thomas D; Mitchell G, 2015, 'THE PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS OF A WHOLE BODY MRI SCREENING TRIAL IN SARCOMA PATIENTS WITH A GERMLINE TP53 MUTATION', in Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 11, pp. 178 - 178,
    Conference Posters | 2014
    McBride KA; Young M-A; Schlub TE; Ballinger ML; Kirk J; Tattersall MH; Thomas DM; Mitchell G, 2014, 'THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF A PILOT WHOLE-BODY SCREENING TRIAL (SMOC) ON INDIVIDUALS WITH LI-FRAUMENI SYNDROME', Vol. 10, pp. 166 - 167,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    McEwen AR; Young MA; Wake SA, 2013, 'Genetic counseling training and certification in Australasia', in Journal of Genetic Counseling, pp. 875 - 884,