Associate Professor Michelle Tye

Associate Professor Michelle Tye

Associate Professor

PhD in Public Health and Community Medicine: Awarded September 2015, without emendation, UNSW

Masters of Social Science (Criminology): 2011, Charles Sturt University 

Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology), Honours: 2004, UNSW

Medicine & Health
The Black Dog Institute

Dr Michelle Tye is an Associate Professor at the Black Dog Institute (UNSW) and a NHMRC Emerging Leader 2 Investigator. She is the lead of an innovative, interdisciplinary, translational research lab at the Black Dog Institute that aims to impact the lives of young Australians through the development of new ways of understanding and preventing suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Her vision is to develop an 'eco-system' approach for youth suicide prevention which ensures that effective interventions are delivered to young people in the right settings, at scale, and early enough to prevent suicidal crisis. She was the Deputy Director of the LifeSpan suicide prevention trial, which represents the first multi-strategy approach to suicide prevention ever to be tested in Australia. She is currently the principal investigator of a body of research on digital solutions for young people who experience suicidal ideation, and is working with the NSW Department of Education to embed early childhood universal prevention programs for mental health and wellbeing into primary schools. She has worked in academic research settings at UNSW for over 18 years (2005 to 2015: at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre; 2015 - present: Black Dog Institute) and had a leadership role of a number of epidemiological and clinical studies in both addiction and suicidology. She has a strong publication track record (>105 papers; H-index: 22), and has been named on more than $24 million of funding since  being awarded her PhD in September 2015. Her supervisory experience to date includes 4 PhD candidates and over 14 ILP students. She has a strong focus on the development of students and emerging researchers, and founded a training and development group for PhD candidates and early career researchers at the Black Dog Institute. She is a founding member of the SHAPE network, a national capacity building program for early-mid career researchers working across social sciences, arts, and humanities.  


+61-2-9065 9152
Black Dog Institute, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick NSW
  • Books | 2018
    Leschied AW; Saklofske DH; Flett GL, 2018, Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion An Evidence-Informed Framework for Implementation, Springer
    Books | 2009
    Darke S; Torok M; Kaye SS; Duflou J, 2009, Cardiovascular disease risk factors and symptoms among regular psychostimulant users, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia,
  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Werner-Seidler A; Beames JR; Torok M, 2022, 'Preventative Interventions for Childhood and Adolescent Disorders', in Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, Second Edition, pp. 196 - 216,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Calear A; Werner-Seidler A; Tye M; Christensen H, 2018, 'School-based prevention and early intervention programs for depression', in Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion, Springer
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Torok M; McGillivray L; Gan DZQ; Han J; Hetrick S; Wong QJJ, 2025, 'Adherence and efficacy outcomes in young Australians with suicidal ideation using a self-management app and digital engagement strategy compared with a sham app: a three-arm randomised controlled trial', eClinicalMedicine, 79,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Baffsky R; Rheinberger D; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2024, 'Factors that influence young people’s experiences of emergency suicide care in Australia: a qualitative study', International Journal of Mental Health,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Calear AL; McCallum SM; Kazan D; Torok M; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Morse A; Farrer L; Shand F; Batterham PJ, 2024, 'Randomised controlled trial of an online mental health and suicide gatekeeper resource for parents and caregivers: study protocol', BMJ Open, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Josifovski N; Torok M; Batterham P; Wong Q; Beames JR; Theobald A; Holland S; Huckvale K; Riley J; Cockayne N; Christensen H; Larsen M, 2024, 'Efficacy of BrighterSide, a Self-Guided App for Suicidal Ideation: Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kade SA; du Toit SA; Danielson CT; Schweizer S; Morrison AS; Ong DC; Prasad A; Holder LJ; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2024, 'Aberrant cognitive empathy in individuals with elevated social anxiety and regulation with emotional working memory training', Cognition and Emotion, 38, pp. 605 - 623,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kusuma K; Larsen M; Quiroz JC; Torok M, 2024, 'Age-stratified predictions of suicide attempts using machine learning in middle and late adolescence', Journal of Affective Disorders, 365, pp. 126 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Onie S; Armstrong SO; Josifovski N; Berlinquette P; Livingstone N; Holland S; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Theobald A; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2024, 'The Effect of Explicit Suicide Language in Engagement With a Suicide Prevention Search Page Help-Seeking Prompt: Nonrandomized Trial', JMIR Mental Health, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rheinberger D; Baffsky R; McGillivray L; Z Q Gan D; Larsen M; Torok M, 2024, 'Digital therapeutics in the hospital for suicide crisis – content and design recommendations from young people and hospital staff', Digital Health, 10,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walker N; Peden AE; Bestman A; Baffsky R; Willoughby M; Ma T; Moeller H; Torok M; Peden M; Ivers RQ; Cullen P, 2024, 'Interventions that address interpersonal violence experienced by adolescents globally: A systematic review of reviews', Injury Prevention,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zbukvic I; McKay S; Cooke S; Anderson R; Pilkington V; McGillivray L; Bailey A; Purcell R; Tye M, 2024, 'Evidence for Targeted and Universal Secondary School-Based Programs for Anxiety and Depression: An Overview of Systematic Reviews', Adolescent Research Review, 9, pp. 53 - 73,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; McGillivray L; Werner-Seidler A; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Toumbourou JW; Stokes R; Kotselas P; Prendergast T; Torok M, 2023, 'Co-design and Development of Implementation Strategies: Enhancing the PAX Good Behaviour Game in Australian Schools', Journal of Prevention, 44, pp. 679 - 704,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; Wang J; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2023, 'Strategies for Enhancing the Implementation of Universal Mental Health Prevention Programs in Schools: A Systematic Review', Prevention Science, 24, pp. 337 - 352,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Beames JR; Werner-Seidler A; Hodgins M; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Maston K; Huckvale K; Zbukvic I; Torok M; Christensen H; Batterham PJ; Calear AL; Lingam R; Boydell KM, 2023, 'Implementing a Digital Depression Prevention Program in Australian Secondary Schools: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study', JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 6,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Burnett ACR; Wong Q; Zeritis S; Deady M; Torok M, 2023, 'Occupational class suicide risk: 12-year study of national coronial data', British Journal of Psychiatry, 43,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chen NA; Mok K; McGillivray LJ; Konings P; Passioura J; Torok MH, 2023, 'Hotel Suicides in Australia 2006-2017: Examining the Frequency, Characteristics, and Spatial Clustering', Crisis, 44, pp. 380 - 388,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Bloomfield T; Torok M, 2023, 'Promoting Engagement With Smartphone Apps for Suicidal Ideation in Young People: Development of an Adjunctive Strategy Using a Lived Experience Participatory Design Approach', JMIR Formative Research, 7,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Torok M, 2023, 'Promoting engagement with self-guided digital therapeutics for mental health: Insights from a cross-sectional survey of end-users', Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79, pp. 1386 - 1397,
    Journal articles | 2023
    John JR; Thavalingam V; Tye M; Dean K; Barzman D; Sorter M; Lin PI, 2023, 'Appraising risk factors of aggression in children and adolescents at psychiatric inpatient units', Psychiatry Research, 327,
    Journal articles | 2023
    McGillivray L; Hui NKM; Wong QJJ; Han J; Qian J; Torok M, 2023, 'The Effectiveness of a Smartphone Intervention Targeting Suicidal Ideation in Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Loneliness', JMIR Mental Health, 10,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Onie S; Berlinquette P; Holland S; Livingstone N; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Armstrong SO; Theobald A; Josifovski N; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2023, 'Suicide Prevention Using Google Ads: Randomized Controlled Trial Measuring Engagement', JMIR Mental Health, 10,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Onie S; Li X; Glastonbury K; Hardy RC; Rakusin D; Wong I; Liang M; Josifovski N; Brooks A; Torok M; Sowmya A; Larsen ME, 2023, 'Understanding and detecting behaviours prior to a suicide attempt: A mixed-methods study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1016 - 1022,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Mills PPJR; Sells JRH; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Dingwall K, 2023, 'An emerging framework for digital mental health design with Indigenous young people: a scoping review of the involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions', Systematic Reviews, 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Qian J; Wong Q; Burnett A; McGillivray L; Han J; Larsen M; Torok M, 2023, 'Risk of repeat self-harm and suicide death following an episode of hospital self-harm presentation among adolescents and young adults', Journal of Affective Disorders, 321, pp. 191 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Qian J; Zeritis S; Larsen M; Torok M, 2023, 'The application of spatial analysis to understanding the association between area-level socio-economic factors and suicide: a systematic review', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 58, pp. 843 - 859,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rasmussen V; Spangaro J; Steel Z; Briggs N; Torok M, 2023, 'Trajectories to Suicide Following Intimate Partner Violence Victimization: Using Structural Equation Modelling to Examine Suicide and PTSD in Female Emergency Department Users', Journal of Family Violence,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rheinberger D; Baffsky R; McGillivray L; Zbukvic I; Dadich A; Larsen ME; Lin PI; Gan DZQ; Kaplun C; Wilcox HC; Eapen V; Middleton PM; Torok M, 2023, 'Examining the Feasibility of Implementing Digital Mental Health Innovations Into Hospitals to Support Youth in Suicide Crisis: Interview Study With Young People and Health Professionals', JMIR Formative Research, 7,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sharwood LN; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Torok M; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Zeritis S; Esgin T; Shand F, 2023, 'Exploring Sociodemographic Correlates of Suicide Stigma in Australia: Baseline Cross-Sectional Survey Findings from the Life-Span Suicide Prevention Trial Studies', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, pp. 2610,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Torok M; Burnett ACR; McGillivray L; Qian J; Gan DZQ; Baffsky R; Wong Q, 2023, 'Self-harm in 5-to-24 year olds: Retrospective examination of hospital presentations to emergency departments in New South Wales, Australia, 2012 to 2020', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Torok M; Passioura J; Konings P; Wong Q; Qian J; Larsen ME, 2023, 'A Spatial Analysis of Suicide Displacement at a High-Risk Cliff-Based Location Following Installation of a Means Restriction Initiative', Prevention Science, 24, pp. 1292 - 1301,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Torok M; White A; Field MB; Weiss J; Walter ES; Hewitson I; Jervis R, 2023, 'Barriers to stool specimen collection during foodborne and enteric illness outbreak investigations in Arizona and Colorado', JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, 86,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Werner-Seidler A; Li SH; Spanos S; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Ritterband L; Newby JM; Mackinnon AJ; Christensen H, 2023, 'The effects of a sleep-focused smartphone application on insomnia and depressive symptoms: a randomised controlled trial and mediation analysis', Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 64, pp. 1324 - 1335,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Larsen ME; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames JR; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson JL; Boydell KM; Mackinnon A; Christensen H; O'Dea B, 2023, 'The Future Proofing Study: Design, methods and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study of the mental health of Australian adolescents', International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32, pp. e1954,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wong QJJ; Boulton KA; Reyes N; Han J; Torok M, 2023, 'The English Version of the Schema Inventory for Children: Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure of Early Maladaptive Schemas in a Primary School-Aged Sample', Assessment, 30, pp. 251 - 263,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; Batterham PJ; Toumbourou J; Calear AL; Werner-Seidler A; McGillivray L; Torok M, 2022, 'A cluster randomised effectiveness-implementation trial of an intervention to increase the adoption of PAX Good Behaviour Game, a mental health prevention program, in Australian primary schools: Study protocol', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 28, pp. 100923,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Beames JR; Johnston L; O’Dea B; Torok M; Boydell K; Christensen H; Werner-Seidler A, 2022, 'Addressing the mental health of school students: Perspectives of secondary school teachers and counselors', International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 10, pp. 128 - 143,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Burnett A; Chen N; Zeritis S; Ware S; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Machine learning algorithms to classify self-harm behaviours in New South Wales Ambulance electronic medical records: A retrospective study', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 161,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Burnett ACR; Wong Q; Rheinberger D; Zeritis S; McGillivray L; Torok MH, 2022, 'Suicide among hospitality workers in Australia, 2006–2017', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57, pp. 1039 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Christensen H; Torok M, 2022, 'Technology-supported strategies for promoting user engagement with digital mental health interventions: A systematic review', Digital Health, 8,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Josifovski N; Shand F; Morley K; Chia J; Henshaw R; Petrie K; Reda B; Li E; Theobald A; Onie S; Torok M; Berrouiguet S; Batterham PJ; Carter G; Haber P; Christensen H; Larsen ME, 2022, 'A pilot study of a text message and online brief contact intervention following self-harm or a suicide attempt: A mixed methods evaluation', General Hospital Psychiatry, 76, pp. 1 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kusuma K; Larsen M; Quiroz JC; Gillies M; Burnett A; Qian J; Torok M, 2022, 'The performance of machine learning models in predicting suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths: A meta-analysis and systematic review', Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155, pp. 579 - 588,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Long JC; Ruane C; Ellis LA; Lake R; Le Roux A; Testa L; Shand F; Torok M; Zurynski Y, 2022, 'Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: the LifeSpan suicide prevention initiative', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McGillivray L; Gan DZQ; Wong Q; Han J; Hetrick S; Christensen H; Torok M, 2022, 'Three-arm randomised controlled trial of an m-health app and digital engagement strategy for improving treatment adherence and reducing suicidal ideation in young people: study protocol', BMJ Open, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Wang J; Burnett A; Torok M, 2022, 'Non-disclosing youth: a cross sectional study to understand why young people do not disclose suicidal thoughts to their mental health professional', BMC Psychiatry, 22,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McGillivray L; Shand F; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Chen NA; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Torok M, 2022, 'Profiles of Passive and Active Suicidal Ideation and Attempts Among Secondary School Students in Australia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis', Archives of Suicide Research, 26, pp. 1880 - 1894,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Rheinberger D; Wang J; McGillivray L; Shand F; Torok M; Maple M; Wayland S, 2022, 'Understanding Emergency Department Healthcare Professionals' Perspectives of Caring for Individuals in Suicidal Crisis: A Qualitative Study', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Rosebrock HY; Batterham PJ; Chen NA; McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Torok MH; Shand FL, 2022, 'Nonwillingness to Return to the Emergency Department and Nonattendance of Follow-Up Care Arrangements Following an Initial Suicide-Related Presentation', Crisis, 43, pp. 442 - 451,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Shand F; Duffy L; Torok M, 2022, 'Can government responses to unemployment reduce the impact of unemployment on suicide? A systematic review', Crisis, 43, pp. 59 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Shand F; Torok M, 2022, 'Schools are important for preventing suicide, but more needs to be done', Medical Journal of Australia, 216, pp. 516 - 517,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Simmons ML; Lee S; Torok M; Papalia N, 2022, 'A call to implement a multi-systems approach to suicide prevention in the justice system', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56, pp. 201,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Torok M; Han J; McGillivray L; Wong Q; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Calear A; Christensen H, 2022, 'The effect of a therapeutic smartphone application on suicidal ideation in young adults: Findings from a randomized controlled trial in Australia', PLoS Medicine, 19,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Beames JR; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Christensen H; Boydell KM; Werner-Seidler A, 2021, 'Factors that help and hinder the implementation of digital depression prevention programs: School-based cross-sectional study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Beames JR; Lingam R; Boydell K; Calear AL; Torok M; Maston K; Zbukvic I; Huckvale K; Batterham PJ; Christensen H; Werner-Seidler A, 2021, 'Protocol for the process evaluation of a complex intervention delivered in schools to prevent adolescent depression: The Future Proofing Study', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e042133,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Burnett ACR; Chen NA; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Torok M, 2021, 'Surveillance of suicide deaths involving gases in Australia using the National Coronial Information System, 2006 to 2017', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 242 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Torok M; McCallum S, 2021, 'Help-seeking attitudes and intentions for generalised anxiety disorder in adolescents: the role of anxiety literacy and stigma', European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 30, pp. 243 - 251,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Edwards T; Torok M; McGillivray L; Ford T; Mok K; Li E; Larsen ME, 2021, 'Social Media Responses to Online Suicide-Related News Articles', Crisis, 42, pp. 309 - 313,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Han J; Christensen H; Torok M, 2021, 'Effect of Engagement With Digital Interventions on Mental Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Frontiers in Digital Health, 3,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holder LJ; Prasad A; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2021, 'Shifting as a key executive function underlying cognitive restructuring for individuals with elevated social anxiety', Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 94, pp. 217 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McGillivray L; Shand F; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Rheinberger D; Chen NA; Burnett A; Torok M, 2021, 'The Youth Aware of Mental Health program in Australian Secondary Schools: 3- and 6-month outcomes', International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 15,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mok K; Chen N; Torok M; McGillivray L; Zbukvic I; Shand F, 2021, 'Factors associated with help-seeking for emotional or mental health problems in community members at risk of suicide', Advances in Mental Health, 19, pp. 236 - 246,
    Journal articles | 2021
    O'Dea B; Subotic-Kerry M; King C; Mackinnon AJ; Achilles MR; Anderson M; Parker B; Werner-Seidler A; Torok M; Cockayne N; Baker STE; Christensen H, 2021, 'A cluster randomised controlled trial of a web-based youth mental health service in Australian schools', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Mills PPJR; Dingwall K, 2021, 'Involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions: a scoping review protocol', Systematic Reviews, 10,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rasmussen V; Steel Z; Spangaro J; Torok M, 2021, 'Investigating the prevalence of intimate partner violence victimisation in women presenting to the emergency department in suicidal crisis', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 33, pp. 703 - 710,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rheinberger D; Macdonald D; McGillivray L; Maple M; Torok M; Nicolopoulos A; Shand F, 2021, '“A sustained, productive, constructive relationship with someone who can help”—A qualitative exploration of the experiences of help seekers and support persons using the emergency department during a suicide crisis', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 10262,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Rheinberger D; Shand F; Mok K; McGillivray L; Maple M; Burnett A; Sharwood LN; Chen NA; Torok M, 2021, 'A qualitative analysis of motivators to participation in suicide-focused research from a community-based australian sample', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 4705,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tang S; Werner-Seidler A; Torok M; Mackinnon AJ; Christensen H, 2021, 'The relationship between screen time and mental health in young people: A systematic review of longitudinal studies', Clinical Psychology Review, 86,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Torok M; Konings P; Passioura J; Chen NA; Hewett M; Phillips M; Burnett A; Shand F; Christensen H, 2021, 'Spatial Errors in Automated Geocoding of Incident Locations in Australian Suicide Mortality Data', Epidemiology, 32, pp. 896 - 903,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Werner-Seidler A; Spanos S; Calear AL; Perry Y; Torok M; O'Dea B; Christensen H; Newby JM, 2021, 'School-based depression and anxiety prevention programs: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis', Clinical Psychology Review, 89,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wong QJJ; Gregory B; Norton AR; Shikatani B; Boulton KA; Torok M; Porter MA; Peters L; Abbott MJ; Antony MM, 2021, 'Psychometric properties of the Self-Beliefs related to Social Anxiety (SBSA) scale in a sample of individuals with social anxiety disorder', Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 78,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Batterham PJ; Han J; Mackinnon AJ; Werner-Seidler A; Calear AL; Wong Q; Torok M; Christensen H, 2020, 'Factors associated with engagement in online self-help programs among people with suicidal thoughts', Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, pp. 402 - 409,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Beames JR; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Christensen H; Boydell KM; Werner-Seidler A, 2020, 'Factors That Help and Hinder the Implementation of Digital Depression Prevention Programs: School-Based Cross-sectional Study (Preprint)', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Büscher R; Torok M; Terhorst Y; Sander L, 2020, 'Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Suicidal Ideation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA Network Open, 3, pp. E203933,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Fritz CQ; Thomas J; Gambino J; Torok M; Brittan MS, 2020, 'Prevalence of Social Risks on Inpatient Screening and Their Impact on Pediatric Care Use.', Hosp Pediatr, 10, pp. 859 - 866,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Han J; McGillivray L; Wong QJJ; Werner-Seidler A; Wong I; Calear A; Christensen H; Torok M, 2020, 'A Mobile Health Intervention (LifeBuoy App) to Help Young People Manage Suicidal Thoughts: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint)', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Han J; McGillivray L; Wong QJJ; Werner-Seidler A; Wong I; Calear A; Christensen H; Torok M, 2020, 'A mobile health intervention (LifeBuoy App) to help young people manage suicidal thoughts: protocol for a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial', JMIR Research Protocols, 9, pp. e23655,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hill NTM; Spittal MJ; Pirkis J; Torok M; Robinson J, 2020, 'Risk factors associated with suicide clusters in Australian youth: Identifying who is at risk and the mechanisms associated with cluster membership', EClinicalMedicine, 29-30, pp. 100631,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Larsen M; Nicholas J; Han J; Lemon C; Okun K; Torok M; Wong D; Wong I; Wong Q; Huckvale K, 2020, 'Here's something i prepared earlier: A review of the time to publication of cross-sectional reviews of smartphone health apps', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e039817,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Larsen ME; Torok M; Onie S, 2020, 'Understanding the effects of a suicide prevention strategy at a jumping site', EClinicalMedicine, 19, pp. 100278,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lee S; Torok M; Shand F; Chen N; McGillivray L; Burnett A; Larsen ME; Mok K, 2020, 'Performance, cost-effectiveness, and representativeness of facebook recruitment to suicide prevention research: Online survey study', JMIR Mental Health, 7, pp. e18762,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McGillivray L; Torok M; Calear A; Shand F; Mackinnon A; Kuhnert RL; Batterham P; Rosebrock H; Mok K; Zbukvic I; Christensen H, 2020, 'Suicide prevention among young people: A study protocol for evaluating Youth Aware of Mental Health in Australian secondary schools.', Mental Health and Prevention, 17,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Reyes N; Boulton KA; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2020, 'Cognitive Bias Modification for the Induction of Negative Versus Benign Interpretations of the Self in Individuals with Elevated Social Anxiety: Effects on Self-related and Anxiety Outcomes', Cognitive Therapy and Research, 44, pp. 567 - 580,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rosebrock H; Chen N; Tye M; Mackinnon A; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Maple M; Rasmussen VM; Schroeder L; Cutler H; Shand F, 2020, 'Study protocol for a mixed methods prospective cohort study to explore experiences of care following a suicidal crisis in the Australian healthcare system', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e033814,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Shand F; Torok M; Cockayne N; Batterham PJ; Calear AL; MacKinnon A; Martin D; Zbukvic I; Mok K; Chen N; McGillivray L; Phillips M; Cutler H; Draper B; Sara G; Christensen H, 2020, 'Protocol for a stepped-wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial of the LifeSpan suicide prevention trial in four communities in New South Wales, Australia', Trials, 21, pp. 332,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Torok M; Han J; Baker S; Werner-Seidler A; Wong I; Larsen ME; Christensen H, 2020, 'Suicide prevention using self-guided digital interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials', The Lancet Digital Health, 2, pp. e25 - e36,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O'Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2020, 'A trial protocol for the effectiveness of digital interventions for preventing depression in adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', Trials, 21, pp. 2,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wong QJJ; Torok M; van Spijker BAJ; Werner-Seidler A; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Han J; Christensen H, 2020, 'Identifying subgroups within a sample of adults with a suicide attempt history using the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide', Psychiatry Research, 293,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zbukvic I; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Lim J; McGillivray L; Mok K; Stamate E; McGill K; Shand F; Torok M; Moullin JC, 2020, 'Developing a Tailored Implementation Action Plan for a Suicide Prevention Clinical Intervention in an Australian Mental Health Service: A Qualitative Study Using the EPIS Framework.', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zbukvic IC; Mok K; McGillivray L; Chen NA; Shand FL; Torok MH, 2020, 'Short report: Understanding the process of multilevel suicide prevention research trials', Evaluation and Program Planning, 82,
    Journal articles | 2020
    du Toit SA; Kade SA; Danielson CT; Schweizer S; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2020, 'The effect of emotional working memory training on emotional and cognitive outcomes in individuals with elevated social anxiety', Journal of Affective Disorders, 261, pp. 76 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2020
    2020, 'Performance, Cost-Effectiveness, and Representativeness of Facebook Recruitment to Suicide Prevention Research: Online Survey Study (Preprint)', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Buscher R; Torok M; Sander L, 2019, 'The effectiveness of internet-based self-help interventions to reduce suicidal ideation: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis', JMIR Research Protocols, 8,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Han J; Torok M; Gale N; Wong QJJ; Werner-Seidler A; Hetrick SE; Christensen H, 2019, 'Use of web conferencing technology for conducting online focus groups among young people with lived experience of suicidal thoughts: Mixed methods research', JMIR Mental Health, 6, pp. e14191,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hill NTM; Shand F; Torok M; Halliday L; Reavley NJ, 2019, 'Development of best practice guidelines for suicide-related crisis response and aftercare in the emergency department or other acute settings: A Delphi expert consensus study', BMC Psychiatry, 19, pp. 6,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sømme S; Shahi N; McLeod L; Torok M; McManus B; Ziegler MM, 2019, 'Neonatal surgery in low- vs. high-volume institutions: a KID inpatient database outcomes and cost study after repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal atresia, and gastroschisis', Pediatric Surgery International, 35, pp. 1293 - 1300,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Torok M; Calear AL; Smart A; Nicolopoulos A; Wong Q, 2019, 'Preventing adolescent suicide: A systematic review of the effectiveness and change mechanisms of suicide prevention gatekeeping training programs for teachers and parents', Journal of Adolescence, 73, pp. 100 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Torok M; Rasmussen V; Wong Q; Werner-Seidler A; O'Dea B; Toumbourou J; Calear A, 2019, 'Examining the impact of the Good Behaviour Game on emotional and behavioural problems in primary school children: A case for integrating well-being strategies into education', Australian Journal of Education, 63, pp. 292 - 306,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Torok M; Shand F; Phillips M; Meteoro N; Martin D; Larsen M, 2019, 'Data-informed targets for suicide prevention: a small-area analysis of high-risk suicide regions in Australia', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54, pp. 1209 - 1218,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen M; Calear A; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham P; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong Q; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon A; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Werner-Seidler A; Wong Q; Johnston L; O'Dea B; Torok M; Christensen H, 2019, 'Pilot evaluation of the Sleep Ninja: A smartphone application for adolescent insomnia symptoms', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e026502,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Willis AL; Moss A; Torok M; Lowary M; Klein JD; Wilson KM, 2019, 'Smoke exposure, cytokine levels, and asthma visits in children hospitalized for bronchiolitis', Hospital Pediatrics, 9, pp. 46 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wong QJJ; Werner-Seidler A; Torok M; Van Spijker B; Calear AL; Christensen H, 2019, 'Service use history of individuals enrolling in a web-based suicidal ideation treatment trial: Analysis of baseline data', JMIR Mental Health, 6, pp. e11521,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Brittan MS; Martin S; Anderson L; Moss A; Torok MR, 2018, 'An Electronic Health Record Tool Designed to Improve Pediatric Hospital Discharge has Low Predictive Utility for Readmissions', Journal of Hospital Medicine, 13, pp. 779 - 782,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Dudley RWR; Torok MR; Randall S; Béland B; Handler MH; Mulcahy-Levy JM; Liu AK; Hankinson TC, 2018, 'Pediatric versus adult meningioma: comparison of epidemiology, treatments, and outcomes using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database', Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 137, pp. 621 - 629,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Luthy SK; Moss AF; Torok MR; McLeod L; Wilson KM, 2018, 'Characteristics of children hospitalized for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures due to conversion disorder versus epilepsy', Hospital Pediatrics, 8, pp. 321 - 329,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Robinson LC; Anderson RCE; Brockmeyer DL; Torok MR; Hankinson TC, 2018, 'Comparison of Fusion Rates Based on Graft Material Following Occipitocervical and Atlantoaxial Arthrodesis in Adults and Children', Operative Neurosurgery, 15, pp. 530 - 537,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Torok MR; Lowary M; Ziniel SI; Rohde J; Kerby GS; Hovell MF; Winickoff JP; Klein JD; Wilson K, 2018, 'Perceptions of Parental Tobacco Dependence Treatment Among a Children's Hospital Staff', Hospital pediatrics, 8, pp. 724 - 728,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Wilson KM; Torok MR; Wei B; Wang L; Lowary M; Blount BC, 2018, 'Marijuana and tobacco coexposure in hospitalized children', Pediatrics, 142,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Darke S; Torok M; Ross J, 2017, 'Developmental trajectories to heroin dependence: Theoretical and clinical issues', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47, pp. 165 - 171,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rao S; Messacar K; Martin J; Ahern MA; Osborne C; Torok M; Dempsey A; Schreiner T; Dominguez S, 2017, 'Neurological Manifestations of Hospitalized Children with Influenza During the 2016–2017 Season', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 4, pp. S693 - S694,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Torok M; Calear A; Shand F; Christensen H, 2017, 'A Systematic Review of Mass Media Campaigns for Suicide Prevention: Understanding Their Efficacy and the Mechanisms Needed for Successful Behavioral and Literacy Change', Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 47, pp. 672 - 687,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Torok M; Konings P; Batterham PJ; Christensen H, 2017, 'Spatial clustering of fatal, and non-fatal, suicide in new South Wales, Australia: Implications for evidence-based prevention', BMC Psychiatry, 17, pp. 339,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Krysinska K; Batterham PJ; Tye M; Shand F; Calear AL; Cockayne N; Christensen H, 2016, 'Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 115 - 118,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Torok M; Darke S; Shand F; Kaye S, 2016, 'Investigating heterogeneity in violent offending liability among injection drug users from a developmental perspective', Addictive Behaviors, 60, pp. 165 - 170,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2015, 'The health consequences of injecting tablet preparations: Foreign body pulmonary embolization and pulmonary hypertension among deceased injecting drug users', Addiction, 110, pp. 1144 - 1151,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rao S; Holzberg J; Rick A-M; Montano A; Messacar K; Torok M; Bagdure D; Curtis D; Oberste S; Nix WA; Dominguez SR, 2015, 'Enterovirus D-68 in Critically-Ill Children: A Comparison to Pandemic H1N1 Influenza', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Torok M; Darke S; Kaye S; Shand F, 2015, 'The association of early-life and substance use risks to violent offending among injecting drug users', Drug and Alcohol Review, 34, pp. 10 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Brittan M; Tyler A; Martin S; Konieczny J; Torok M; Wheeler M; Boyer A, 2014, 'A Discharge Planning Template for the Electronic Medical Record Improves Scheduling of Neurology Follow-up for Comanaged Seizure Patients.', Hosp Pediatr, 4, pp. 366 - 371,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Chalmers DJ; Deakyne SJ; Payan ML; Torok MR; Kahn MG; Vemulakonda VM, 2014, 'Feasibility of integrating research data collection into routine clinical practice using the electronic health record', Journal of Urology, 192, pp. 1215 - 1220,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Darke S; Torok M; Duflou J, 2014, 'Circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving alprazolam', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 138, pp. 61 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Darke S; Torok M; Duflou J, 2014, 'Sudden or unnatural deaths involving anabolic-androgenic steroids', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59, pp. 1025 - 1028,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Darke S; Torok M, 2014, 'The association of childhood physical abuse with the onset and extent of drug use among regular injecting drug users', Addiction, 109, pp. 610 - 616,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rao S; Torok M; Williams J; Cunningham M; Glode M; Wilson K, 2014, '662Missed opportunities for influenza vaccination among inpatients with influenza', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 1, pp. S186 - S186,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Torok M; Darke S; Shand F; Kaye S, 2014, 'Violent offending severity among injecting drug users: Examining risk factors and issues around classification', Addictive Behaviors, 39, pp. 1773 - 1778,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M; Prolov T, 2013, 'Characteristics, circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving very high-range alcohol concentrations', Addiction, 108, pp. 1411 - 1417,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M; Prolov T, 2013, 'Toxicology, circumstances and pathology of deaths from acute alcohol toxicity', Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 20, pp. 1122 - 1125,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Darke S; Torok M; Duflou J, 2013, 'Contributory and incidental blood concentrations in deaths involving Citalopram', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 58, pp. 432 - 435,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Darke S; Torok M, 2013, 'Attitudes of regular injecting drug users towards the legal status of the major illicit drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, Advanced online publication, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Darke S; Torok M, 2013, 'Childhood physical abuse, non-suicidal self-harm and attempted suicide amongst regular injecting drug users', Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Kaye SS; Darke S; Torok M, 2013, 'Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among illicit psychostimulant users: a hidden disorder?', Addiction, 108, pp. 923 - 931,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Kaye SS; Darke S; Torok M, 2013, 'Diversion and misuse of pharmaceutical stimulants among illicit drug users', Addiction Research and Theory, Advanced online publication, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    McDonald S; Darke S; Kaye SS; Torok M, 2013, 'Deficits in social perception in opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users', Addiction, 108, pp. 566 - 574,
    Journal articles | 2013
    van de Glind G; Van den brink W; Koeter MWJ; Carpentier P-J; Van Emmerik-van Oortmerssen K; Kaye SS; Skutle A; Bu EH; Franck J; Konstenius ; Moggi F; Dom G; Verspreet ; Demetrovics Z; Kapitany-Foveny M; Fatseas M; Auriacombe M; Schillinger A; Seitz A; Johnson B; Faraone SV; Ramos-Quiroga JA; Casas M; Allsop S; Carruthers S; Barta C; Schoevers RA; Levin FR, 2013, 'Validity of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) as a screener for adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Advanced online publication, pp. 1 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Darke S; Kaye SS; Torok M, 2012, 'Age-related patterns of drug use initiation among polydrug using regular psychostimulant users', Drug and Alcohol Review, 31, pp. 784 - 789,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Darke S; McDonald S; Kaye SS; Torok M, 2012, 'Comparative patterns of cognitive performance amongst opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 126, pp. 309 - 315,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Darke S; McDonald S; Kaye SS; Torok M, 2012, 'Prevalence and correlates of traumatic brain injury amongst heroin users', Addiction Research and Theory, 20, pp. 522 - 528,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Journal articles | 2012
    Torok M; Darke S; Kaye SS, 2012, 'Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and severity of substance use: the role of comorbid psychopathology', Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 26, pp. 974 - 979,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Torok M; Darke S; Kaye SS, 2012, 'Predisposed violent drug users versus drug users who commit violence: Does the order of onset translate to differences in the severity of violent offending?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 31, pp. 558 - 565,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2011, 'Toxicology and characteristics of fatal oxycodone toxicity cases in New South Wales, Australia 1999-2008', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56, pp. 690 - 693,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Darke S; Torok M; McKetin R; Kaye SS; Ross JE, 2011, 'Patterns of psychological distress related to regular methamphetamine and opioid use', Addiction Research and Theory, 19, pp. 121 - 127
    Journal articles | 2011
    Journal articles | 2011
    Torok M; Darke S; Kaye SS; Ross JE, 2011, 'Conduct disorder as a risk factor for violent victimization and offending among regular illicit drug users', Journal of Drug Issues, 41, pp. 25 - 43
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2010, 'A reduction in blood morphine concentrations amongst heroin overdose fatalities associated with a sustained reduction in street heroin purity', Forensic Science International, 198, pp. 118 - 120,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2010, 'Comparitive Toxicology of Intentional and Accidental Heroin Overdose', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55, pp. 1015 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2010, 'The comparative toxicology and major organ pathology of fatal methadone and heroin toxicity cases', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 106, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Torok M; Kaye SS; Duflou J, 2010, 'Cardiovascular disease risk factors and symptoms among regular psychostimulant users', Drug and Alcohol Review, 29, pp. 371 - 377,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Torok M; Kaye SS; Ross JE; McKetin R, 2010, 'Comparitive rates of violent crime among regular methamphetamine and opioid users: offending and victimization', Addiction, 105, pp. 916 - 919,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Darke S; Torok M; Kaye SS; Ross JE, 2010, 'Attempted suicide, self-harm, and violent victimization among regular illicit drug users', Suicide and Life - Threatening Behavior, 40, pp. 587 - 596,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Eyles H; Gorton D; Mhurchu CN; Derraik JGB; Heath ACG; Rademaker M; McCallum L; Torok M; Dufour M; Hall A; Cramp G; Azariah S; Perkins N, 2010, 'This Issue in the Journal', NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL JOURNAL, 123, pp. 3 - 4,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2009, 'Drugs and violent death: comparative toxicology of homicide and non-substance toxicity suicide victims', Addiction, 104, pp. 1000 - 1005
    Journal articles | 2009
    Darke S; Duflou J; Torok M, 2009, 'Toxicology and circumstances of completed suicide by means other than overdose', Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54, pp. 490 - 494
  • Working Papers | 2020
    Lee S; Torok M; Shand F; Chen N; McGillivray L; Burnett A; Larsen ME; Mok K, 2020, Performance, Cost-Effectiveness, and Representativeness of Facebook Recruitment to Suicide Prevention Research: Online Survey Study (Preprint), http://dx.doi.org10.2196/preprints.18762,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Josifovski N; Torok M; Batterham P; Wong Q; Beames J; Theobald A; Holland S; Huckvale K; Riley J; Cockayne N; Christensen H; Larsen M, 2024, BrighterSide: A randomised controlled trial of a self-guided app for suicidal ideation (Preprint),
    Other | 2024
    O’Dea B; Subotic-Kerry M; Borchard T; Parker B; Vilus B; Iorfino F; Whitton AE; Harris-Roxas B; Wade TD; Valle MKD; Glozier N; Nicholas J; Torok M; Braund TA; Batterham PJ, 2024, The impact of service wait times on General Practitioners’ treatment of adolescent depression and anxiety, medRxiv,
    Preprints | 2024
    Wong QJJ; Onie S; McGillivray L; Burnett A; Theobald A; Shand F; Torok M; Larsen M, 2024, Exploring the unique and cumulative effects of individual-level and social determinants on suicidal ideation trajectories during health and environmental crises – a longitudinal study of Australians,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Baffsky R; Ivers R; Cullen P; Torok M, 2023, 'Implementation strategies for an Australian school-based mental health prevention program: Realist evaluation', in IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE, BMC
    Preprints | 2023
    Onie S; Armstrong SO; Josifovski N; Berlinquette P; Livingstone N; Holland S; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Theobald A; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2023, The Effect of Explicit Suicide Language in Engagement With a Suicide Prevention Search Page Help-Seeking Prompt: Nonrandomized Trial (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2023
    Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Mills PPJR; Sells JRH; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Dingwall KM, 2023, Involvement of Indigenous young people in the design and evaluation of digital mental health interventions: A scoping review of best practice principles,
    Preprints | 2023
    Rheinberger D; Baffsky R; McGillivray L; Zbukvic I; Dadich A; Larsen ME; Lin P-I; Gan DZQ; Kaplun C; Wilcox HC; Eapen V; Middleton PM; Torok M, 2023, Examining the Feasibility of Implementing Digital Mental Health Innovations Into Hospitals to Support Youth in Suicide Crisis: Interview Study With Young People and Health Professionals (Preprint),
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Preprints | 2022
    Beames JR; Werner-Seidler A; Hodgins M; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Maston K; Huckvale K; Zbukvic I; Torok M; Christensen H; Batterham PJ; Calear AL; Lingam R; Boydell KM, 2022, Implementing a Digital Depression Prevention Program in Australian Secondary Schools: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    Gan DZQ; McGillivray L; Larsen ME; Bloomfield T; Torok M, 2022, Promoting Engagement With Smartphone Apps for Suicidal Ideation in Young People: Development of an Adjunctive Strategy Using a Lived Experience Participatory Design Approach (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    McGillivray L; Keng-Meng Hui N; Wong QJJ; Han J; Qian J; Torok M, 2022, The Effectiveness of a Smartphone Intervention Targeting Suicidal Ideation in Young Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Loneliness (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    Onie S; Berlinquette P; Holland S; Livingstone N; Finemore C; Gale N; Elder E; Laggis G; Heffernan C; Armstrong SO; Theobald A; Josifovski N; Torok M; Shand F; Larsen M, 2022, Suicide Prevention Using Google Ads: Randomized Controlled Trial Measuring Engagement (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2022
    Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear A; Batterham P; Larsen M; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames J; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; oei J; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson J; Boydell K; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2022, The Future Proofing Study: Design, Methods and Baseline Characteristics of a Prospective Cohort Study of the Mental Health of Australian Adolescents,
    Preprints | 2021
    Long JC; Ruane C; Ellis LA; Lake R; Roux AL; Testa L; Shand F; Torok M; Zurynski Y, 2021, Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: The LifeSpan Suicide Prevention Initiative,
    Preprints | 2021
    McGillivray L; Rheinberger D; Wang J; Burnett A; Torok M, 2021, Non-disclosing youth: a cross sectional study to understand why young people do not disclose suicidal thoughts to their mental health professional.,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Sander LB; Torok M; Terhorst Y; Buscher R, 2021, 'Internet-based Interventions for Suicide Prevention - A systematic Review and Meta-analysis', in GESUNDHEITSWESEN, GEORG THIEME VERLAG KG, pp. 720 - 720,
    Preprints | 2021
    Zbukvic I; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Lim J; McGillivray L; Mok K; Stamate E; McGill K; Shand F; Torok M; Moullin JC, 2021, Developing a Tailored Implementation Action Plan for A Suicide Prevention Clinical Intervention in an Australian Mental Health Service: A Qualitative Study Using the EPIS Framework.,
    Preprints | 2021
    Zbukvic I; Rheinberger D; Rosebrock H; Lim J; McGillivray L; Mok K; Stamate E; McGill K; Shand F; Torok M; Moullin JC, 2021, Developing a Tailored Implementation Action Plan for A Suicide Prevention Clinical Intervention in an Australian Mental Health Service: A Qualitative Study Using the EPIS Framework., ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Beames JR; Lingam R; Boydell K; Calear AL; Torok M; Maston K; Zbukvic I; Huckvale K; Batterham PJ; Christensen H; Werner-Seidler A, 2020, Protocol for the Process Evaluation of a Complex Intervention Delivered in Schools to Prevent Adolescent Depression: The Future Proofing Study,
    Preprints | 2020
    Povey J; Raphiphatthana B; Torok M; Nagel T; Shand F; Sweet M; Lowell A; Dingwall K, 2020, Collaborative Involvement of Indigenous Youth in the Design and Evaluation of Digital Mental Health Interventions: A Scoping Review Protocol,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Larsen ME; Huckvale K; Reda B; Berrouiguet S; Christensen H; Tye M, 2019, 'Geospatial suicide clusters and emergency responses: An analysis of text messages to a crisis service', in 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 6109 - 6112,
    Other | 2016
    Batterham PJ; Torok M; Krysinska K; Shand F; Calear AL; Cockayne N; Christensen HM, 2016, Best strategies for reducing the suicide rate in Australia: Response to pirkis, SAGE Publications,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Dudley R; Torok M; Gallegos D; Liu A; Handler M; Hankinson T, 2014, 'PEDIATRIC CHOROID PLEXUS TUMORS: EPIDEMIOLOGY, TREATMENTS, AND OUTCOME ANALYSIS ON 204 CHILDREN FROM THE SEER DATABASE', in NEURO-ONCOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, SINGAPORE, Singapore, pp. 127 - 127, presented at 16th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO), SINGAPORE, Singapore, 28 June 2014 - 02 July 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Dudley R; Torok M; Gallegos D; Liu A; Handler M; Hankinson T, 2014, 'PEDIATRIC LOW GRADE GANGLIOGLIOMA: EPIDEMIOLOGY, TREATMENTS, AND OUTCOME ANALYSIS ON 331 CHILDREN FROM THE SEER DATASETS', in NEURO-ONCOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, SINGAPORE, Singapore, pp. 127 - 127, presented at 16th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO), SINGAPORE, Singapore, 28 June 2014 - 02 July 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Dudley RWR; Torok M; Gallegos D; Liu A; Handler M; Hankinson T, 2014, 'Pediatric Low Grade ganglioglioma: epidemiology, treatments, and outcome analysis on 331 children from the SEER datasets', in JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY, AMER ASSOC NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS, CA, San Francisco, pp. A1536 - A1537, presented at 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American-Association-of-Neurological-Surgeons, CA, San Francisco, 05 April 2014 - 09 April 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Hankinson T; Dudley R; Poonia S; Torok M; Handler M; Liu A, 2014, 'ONE MONTH MORTALITY FOLLOWING CRANIOTOMY FOR PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMORS: OUTCOME ANALYSIS REGARDING 3,130 CHILDREN FROM SEER', in NEURO-ONCOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, SINGAPORE, Singapore, pp. 107 - 107, presented at 16th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (ISPNO), SINGAPORE, Singapore, 28 June 2014 - 02 July 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Hankinson T; Gump J; Serrano-Almeida C; Torok M; Handler M; Liu A; Foreman N, 2013, 'VARIABILITY IN THE INITIAL SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA: SURVEY OF THE AANS MEMBERSHIP', in NEURO-ONCOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, FL, Fort Lauderdale, pp. 33 - 33, presented at 2nd Annual Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Basic and Translational Research Conference, FL, Fort Lauderdale, 16 May 2013 - 17 May 2013,
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Tye M, 1998, 'Externalism and memory - I', in ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, SUPPLEMENTARY VOL 72, ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, ENGLAND, UNIV HERTFORDSHIRE, HERTFORD, pp. 77 - 94, presented at Joint Session of the Aristotelian-Society / Mind-Association, ENGLAND, UNIV HERTFORDSHIRE, HERTFORD,


  • Shand, F., Larsen, M., Tye, M. Rapid review of aftercare. Sax Institute. Value $25,000.
  • Torok, M. Cyberbullying and suicide prevention. Black Dog Foundation. Value: $75,000
  • CIs: O’Dea, B., Larsen, M., MacKinnon, A., Glozier, N. AIs: Werner-Seidler, A., Torok, M. Using social media data to identify markers of depression risk among individuals: A longitudinal cohort study (APP1165233). NHMRC Project Grant. Value: $324,452.40
  • Torok, M. The Good Behaviour Game. IMPACT Philanthropy Application Program. Value: $27,456.
  • Cockayne, N., Eliff, K., Torok, M., Christensen, H. Development of an app for managing suicide risk in youth. SVA Diversified Impact Fund. Value: $165,400.
  • Centre for Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention: CRESP II. National Health and Medical Research Council Centre for Research Excellence (APP1152952). Chief Investigators:  Christensen, H., Venkatesh, S., Boydell, K., Shand, F., Harvey, S., Batterham, P., Calear, A., Carter, G., Larsen, M., Robinson, J. Associate Investigators: Teesson, M., O'Dea, B., Shaw, F., Cutler, H., Huckvale, K., Torok, M., Boonstra, T., Ooie, J., Proudfoot, J., Li, A., Epps, J. Value: $2.46M
  • Torok, M., Cockayne, N. Anika Foundation Scholarship for PhD in Suicide Prevention. $105,000. Anika Foundation.
  • Torok, M. National Health and Medical Research Council Early Career Fellowship (APP1138710): A developmental approach to suicide prevention and related harm among Australian youth. Value: $327,952.00.
  • Chief Investigators: Christensen, H., Venkatesh, S., Werner-Seidler, A., Calear, A., Mackinnon, A., Hudson, J., Oei, J-L., Larsen, M., Batterham, P. Associate Investigators: Torok, M., Patton, G., Ratcliffe, J., Shaw, F., Simpson, S., Skinner, S., Steinbeck, K., Teesson, M. A RCT of depression prevention in adolescents: The Future Proofing trial (APP1138405), NHMRC Project Grant (Category 1), Value: $2.18M
  • Torok, M. Society for Mental Health Research Early Career Scholar project grant for Exploring early pathways to mental illness and related harms. An implementation, feasibility, and acceptability study, Value; $20,000.
  • Torok, M. Black Dog Institute Seed Funding for Exploring early pathways to mental illness and related harms. An implementation, feasibility, and acceptability study, Value; $20,000
  • Christensen, H., Torok, M., Shand, F., Cockayne, Batterham, Calear. Paul Ramsay Foundation for the systems approach to suicide prevention (philanthropic grant). Value: $14.76m.
  • Christensen, H., Torok, M., Shand, F., Cockayne, N. Department of Health tender for the provision of a supporting resource for primary health networks on evidence-based suicide prevention strategies (Health/060/1516), Value: $98,000.00.


  • Tye, M. (2023). Tom Trauer Research and Evaluation Award for the LifeSpan team, led by A/Prof M Tye and A/Prof F Shand. The Mental Health Services Network. 
  • Tye, M. (2022). The Mid-Career "Rising Star" Award. Society for Mental Health Research. 
  • Tye, M. (2020). Paul Bourke Medal for early career research excellence. The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 
  • Tye, M. (2019). Early Career Research Award – Innovation. The Mental Health Services Awards.
  • Tye, M. (2018). NSW Young Tall Poppy. Australian Institute of Policy and Science.
  • Tye, M. (2018). Academic Women in Leadership Program (AWIL), UNSW.
  • Digital Dog team. (2017). UNSW Innovation of the Year Award - Black Dog Institute's Digital Dog, UNSW.
  • Torok, M. (2016). Black Dog Institute Travel Award to attend the International Association for Suicide Prevention Annual meeting, Tokyo, Japan: $3,500.00
  • Torok, M. Best poster presentation (runner up) at the Brain Sciences Symposium, Sydney: $250.00
  • Torok, M. Introductory Analysis of Linked Data (PUBH5215) Course, University of Sydney.
  • CRESP Research Group. Research Focus Award 2015 awarded to the NHMRC Centre of Research Exellence in Suicide Prevention for influential and enduring contribution to the evidence base for suicide prevention, The Mental Health Services (TheMHS).
  • CRESP Research Group. LiFE Award for Excellence in Research for the NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Suicide Prevention, Suicide Prevention Australia.
  • Torok, M. Recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Dean’s List Award for Outstanding Research, UNSW. 
  • Torok, M. UNSW Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Research Travel Scheme to present at the Society for Prevention Research 21st Annual Meeting, $2, 500. 

My Research Supervision

3 PhD candidates - joint supervisor

1 PhD candidate - secondary supervisor

2 ILP students