Dr Natasha Kumar
BMedSc (Hons1) USYD, PhD USYD
My lab investigates cellular and physiological mechanisms used by autonomic systems; cardiovascular, respiratory and glucoregulatory. Physiological reflexes (e.g. baroreflex, chemoreflex, glucose counterregulation) function to maintain homeostasis in the healthy state. They are integrated by neuronal circuits in the brain, and their long term and short term patency is continually regulated by genetic and environmental factors. Pathological regulation can form the basis for disease (respiratory disorders, hypertension, diabetes). How do homeostatic systems - which are vital for survival - adapt to changing environmental conditions? How do environmental challenges contribute to neuronal excitability, physiological processes and drug action?
We have expertise in cutting-edge tools and techniques (molecular methods, mouse genetics, imaging techniques, viral mediated gene rescue and knockdown) that are currently revolutionizing neuroscience. We use these skills to interrogate alterations in autonomic systems following physiological/environmental stress and provide avenues for therapy based on molecular understanding of disease processes.
Qualifications: BMedSc (Hons1) USYD, PhD USYD
PhD and Honours projects/topics available include:
TOPIC - Respiratory chemoreception: Inhibitory neuropeptides in respiratory chemoreceptors: what is their contribution to ventilatory behaviour? How is this role altered during chronic respiratory/environmental stress (e.g. sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, apnea of prematurity).
Project 1: This project will investigate human infant brain chemoreceptor populations. The effects of acute versus chronic intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia on protein expression in these chemoreceptor populations will be determined. Finally, protein expression changes in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), compared to control infants will be investigated.
Project 2: Does chronic hypercapnia exposure cause neuroinflammation? Implications for sleep apnea and apnea of prematurity
Project 3: Does chronic hypercapnia exposure alter neuropeptide protein expression in brain respiratory chemoreceptor populations? Implications for sleep apnea
TOPIC - Glucose counterregulation: Nearly all sympathetic preganglionic neurons that are activated by hypoglycaemia, to execute adrenalin release via adrenal chromaffin cells, are enkephalinergic. In human studies, the similarities between hypoglycemia associated autonomic failure (HAAF) and exercise associated autonomic failure (EAAF) suggest that they share a common pathophysiology. How do endogenous opioid neuropeptides regulate the glucose countergulatory response to hypoglycemia? How is deterioration in the response to hypoglycemia seen in Type 1 diabetic patients also induced by exercise?
Teaching: Contributions to pharmacology teaching for both science and medical students. Particular areas of expertise are autonomic neuroscience, animal behaviour and cardiorespiratory physiology.
Society Memberships & Professional Activities: Society for Neuroscience, American Physiological Society, Australasian Neuroscience Society, Franklin Women.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2018-2020 NN Kumar, J Power, S McMullan, SBG Abbott. Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant. Adaptation of respiratory chemoreception: role of inhibitory neuropeptides. $400,000
- 2018-2019 NN Kumar Rebecca Cooper Foundation project grant $100,000
- 2020-2021 NN Kumar NHMRC (65%) and UNSW Medicine/MWAC RIS (35%) infrastructure project grant. Zeiss microscope, ApoTome and MicroBrightfield software- fully integrated system $377,566
My Research Supervision
PhD students:
2016 - 2020 Ayse Dereli (The role of galanin in long term adaptation of respiratory chemoreception)
2018 -2022- Latifa Bulbul (The role of neuropeptide co-release and co-signalling on the respiratory chemoreflex)
2020 - Yazhou (Susanne) Liu (Investigation of chemoreceptors in post-mortem brain tissue from patients with respiratory disorders)
2023 - Alice (Yunsu) Oh (Investigation of neuropeptide co-transmission in brainstem respiratory pattern generation, respiratory chemoreception, and the effects of hypercapnic/hypoxic conditions on them, in rodents)
Honours students:
2023 - Dana Kim (1st Class Honours awarded)
2021 - Anthony Taylor (1st Class Honours awarded)
2021 - Alice Oh (1st Class Honours awarded)
2020 - Emma O'Rourke (1st Class Honours awarded)
2020 - June Sun (1st Class Honours awarded)
2018 - Zarwa Yaseen (1st Class Honours awarded)
2018 - Alex Ruhoff (Honours - co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)
2018 - Josh Dunn (Honours co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)
2017 - Felicity Duong (Honours - co-supervision with A/Prof Pascal Carrive)
2017 - Giuliana Connor (Honours- co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)
2017 - Meghety Zaitounian (Honours- co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)
ILP students:
2019: Erin Wright (ILP mark ranked 2nd out of Medicine cohort)
2019: Fasya Fazlan
My Teaching
Undergraduate teaching
Dr Natasha Kumar completed the Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Program in 2016.
Dr Natasha Kumar is Honours convenor for the School of Medical Sciences (Neuroscience specialisation).
Other contributions include pharmacology and neurosciences teaching for both science and medical students at UNSW. Particular areas of expertise are autonomic neuroscience, animal behaviour and cardiorespiratory physiology. I have contributed teaching to the following courses: PHAR3101 (co-convenor), PHAR3102, PHAR3251, PHAR3202 (co-convenor), NEUR2201, NEUR3211, SOMS4001, NEUR4401, SOMS3001, PHAR3306 (convenor), Neuroscience Honours (convenor).