Ms Natasha Naidu

Ms Natasha Naidu

Casual Academic

LLM (Class I), University of Cambridge; GDLP, College of Law Sydney; BA (Distinction) / LLB (Hons I), University of New South Wales

Law & Justice
School of Private & Commercial Law

 Natasha Naidu is a Teaching Fellow and Research Assistant in the Faculty of Law & Justice. She is also a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Law & Justice where she is a 2024 Westpac Future Leader Scholar. Previously, Natasha obtained her Masters of Law from the University of Cambridge as a Lionel Murphy Scholar. She is the Digital Officer of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, where she serves as the Editor of the Association's blog, Asian Currents, and Assistant Editor of the Asian Studies Review. Natasha is also a member of the Asia Law and Policy Forum and an Associate of the Australian Human Rights Institute

Natasha's previous roles include Research Associate at the Faculty of Law & Justice, Associate at the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and Legal Consultant at Project Expedite Justice, a Cambodian anti-human trafficking NGO. Natasha has previously served as editor for the UNSW Law Journal and the Cambridge Journal of International Law. Natasha has been published in the Journal of International Criminal Justice, New Mandala and more. 


  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Crouch M; Naidu N, 2021, 'The Feminisation of the Judiciary in the Asia-Pacific', in Women and the Judiciary in the Asia-Pacific, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1 - 28,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Crouch M; Naidu N, 2021, 'The Feminisation of the Judiciary in the Global South', in Crouch M (ed.), Women and the Judiciary in the Asia-Pacific, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Naidu N; Payne JA, 2021, 'The Criminalisation of Corporate Cartel Conduct', in Gvozdenovic M; Puttick S (ed.), Current Issues in Competition Law Volume II: Practice and Perspectives, The Federation Press, pp. 6 - 25
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Naidu N, 2023, 'The Nightingale Court Experiment: Lessons for Access to Justice in a Post-Pandemic World', Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 39, pp. 145 - 168,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Naidu N; Williams S, 2020, 'The function and dysfunction of the pre-trial chamber at the extraordinary chambers in the Courts of Cambodia', Journal of International Criminal Justice, 18, pp. 665 - 688,
  • Reports | 2024
    Crouch M; Naidu N, 2024, Executive Power in Times of Emergency: Executive Underreach and Overreach in Sri Lanka during COVID-19, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Sri Lanka

2024-7, Westpac Future Leader Scholarship

2021-22, Lionel Murphy Postgraduate Scholarship

2021-22, Masters Essay Prize, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge 

2019, UNSW Law Dean's List for Outstanding Academic Achievement 

2016, UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Dean's List for Outstanding Academic Achievement

2013, UNSW Academic Achievement Award

Natasha is involved as a research associate / research assistant on two projects:

Project on Constitutional Change in Authoritarian Regimes

Project on Rights and Vulnerability during Covid-19 in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Indonesia


Editor, Asian Currents

Assistant Editor, Asian Studies Review

Digital Officer, Asian Studies Association of Australia

Member, Southeast Asia Law & Policy Forum

Associate, Australian Human Rights Institute


Editorial Board Member, Cambridge Journal of International Law

Editorial Board Member, UNSW Law Journal

My Teaching

LAWS1055 Legal Research and Writing

LAWS1061 Torts