Professor Nicholas Fisk
Emeritus Professor Nicholas Fisk AM FAHMS FRSN MBBS DDU PhD CMFM MBA GAICD FRCOG FRANZCOG is a clinical scientist and academic leader. Between 2016-2024 he was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) at UNSW Sydney. His background is as a clinician scientist and opinion leader in maternal-fetal medicine and developmental biology with a focus on perinatal stem cell biology and monochorionic intertwin transfusion and over 400 publications including editorials in Lancet/NEJM/JAMA/BMJ/MJA, and coverage in CNN, BBC, NYTimes etc.
After training in Australia Nick spent two decades at Imperial College London before leadership roles at the University of Queensland (Executive Dean, Institute Director). Nick has had a number of international and national leadership roles and current Board memberships include Scientia Clinical Research and Research Australia. Past directorships include NewSouth Innovations (Chair), TEDI-London, Association of Academic Health Centers (USA), UNSW China Advanced Technology Industrial Research Institute, Sydney Partnership for Health Education Research & Enterprise, Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute, Luminesce Alliance, Qld's Metro North Hospital & Health Service, and the Queensland Berghofer Medical Research Institute. Other former roles were as Chair of the Go8 DVCR’s Committee, Chair of Steering Committee of the Association of Academic Health Centers International, Chair of Go8 Deans of Medicine Committee, Chair of the RCOG Scientific Advisory Committee, & President of the International Fetal Medicine & Surgery Society.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision