Mr Nicholas Nguyen

Mr Nicholas Nguyen

Adjunct Lecturer

BOptom, PhD (UNSW)

Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science

Dr Nicholas Hoài Nam Nguyen (PhD) is a seasoned optometrist, clinical researcher and Adjunct Lecturer, working in the field of Optometry and Vision Science since 2003. Nicholas has an interest in holograms and their use for the measurement of human vision and refractive error. Nicholas completed his PhD titled "Applications of holograms for spherical refractive error measurements" in 2017 (UNSW). Nicholas now works primarily at Eye Focus, an optometry clinic in Cabramatta (Western Sydney). See Nicholas' research.

  • Journal articles | 2016
    Nguyen NHN, 2016, 'Holographic refraction and the measurement of spherical ametropia', Optometry and Vision Science, 93, pp. 1235 - 1242,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Avudainayagam KV, 2015, 'A Test for Progressive Myopia and the Role of Latent Accommodation in its Development', International Journal of Ophthalmology and Clinical Research, 2,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Nguyen N; Avudainayagam CS; Avudainayagam KV, 2013, 'Role of Mandelbaum-like effect in the differentiation of hyperopes and myopes using a hologram', Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Nguyen N; Avudainayagam CS; Avudainayagam KV, 2012, 'An experimental investigation of the vision of hyperopes and myopes using a hologram', Biomedical Optics Express, 3, pp. 1173 - 1181,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Avudainayagam KV; Avudainayagam CS; Nguyen N; Chiam KW; Truong C, 2007, 'Performance of the holographic multivergence target in the subjective measurement of spherical refractive error and amplitude of accommodation of the human eye', JOSA-A
  • Conference Presentations | 2017
    Nguyen, N; Roy M, 2017, 'A laser multi-vergence optometer induces the accommodation of myopes', presented at Arvo-Asia, Brisbane, 05 February 2017 - 08 February 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2008
    Avudainayagam KV; Avudainayagam CS; Nguyen N, 2008, 'Holographic target throws more light on the vision of hyperopes', presented at International Commission for Optics, Sydney, Australia