Associate Professor Nicole Reilly

Associate Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Nicole is a Research Fellow at the Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong and Conjoint Senior Lecturer,  School of Psychiatry, UNSW Medicine. She has over 15 years experience in perinatal mental health research and evaluation. She has worked with leading experts in the field over the course of her career, including developing and co-writing the beyondblue National Action Plan for Perinatal Mental Health (2008) and collaboration with a health economist to estimate the Plan’s implementation costs. This National Action plan led to the implementation of the federally funded National Perinatal Depression Initiative ($85M; 2008-2013). 

Nicole has experience conducting prospective studies, including coordinating a five-year longitudinal study examining the impact of anxiety during pregnancy and early parenthood on maternal health, infant stress reactivity and child development. She has an ongoing interest in the role of perinatal mental health policy initiatives in improving outcomes for women and families, and in the use of population-based data to examine these issues. Nicole’s other research interests include the developmental origins of health and disease, the impact of mental health morbidity on the experience of parenting, and outcomes for women admitted to specialist mother-baby inpatient units.

02 9715 9224
Perinatal & Women's Mental Health Unit St John of God Burwood Hospital
  • Book Chapters | 2015
    Austin M-P; Fisher J; Reilly N, 2015, 'Psychosocial Assessment and Integrated Perinatal Care', in Milgrom J; Gemmill AW (ed.), Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety: Evidence-Based Practice in Screening, Psychosocial Assessment, and Management, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, pp. 121 - 138
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Protopopescu X; Austin M; Reilly N; Barnett BE, 2012, 'Screening and psychosocial assessment', in Martin CR (ed.), Perinatal Mental Health: A clinical guide, edn. First, M&K, United Kingdom, pp. 307 - 322,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Appleton J; Reilly N; Fowler C; Elliott D; Denney-Wilson E, 2024, 'Emotional health screening of mothers, preliminary validation of a 3-item instrument: A research brief', Applied Nursing Research, 78,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Austin MP; Ambrosi TL; Reilly N; Croft M; Hutchinson J; Donnolley N; Mihalopoulos C; Chatterton ML; Chambers GM; Sullivan E; Knox C; Xu F; Highet N; Morgan VA, 2022, 'Patterns of psychiatric admission in Australian pregnant and childbearing women', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57, pp. 611 - 621,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Austin MPV; Mule V; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Reilly N, 2022, 'Screening for anxiety disorders in third trimester pregnancy: a comparison of four brief measures', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 25, pp. 389 - 397,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Austin MPV; Reilly N; Mule V; Kingston D; Black E; Hadzi-Pavlovic D, 2022, 'Disclosure of sensitive material at routine antenatal psychosocial assessment: The role of psychosocial risk and mode of assessment', Women and Birth, 35, pp. e125 - e132,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chambers GM; Botha W; Reilly N; Black E; Kingston D; Austin MP, 2022, 'The clinical performance and cost-effectiveness of two psychosocial assessment models in maternity care: The Perinatal Integrated Psychosocial Assessment study', Women and Birth, 35, pp. e133 - e141,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Matthey S; Reilly N; Mule V; Robinson J; Della Vedova AM; Austin MP, 2022, 'Screening women for distress during pregnancy: the impact of including ‘Possibly’ as a response option', Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mule V; Reilly NM; Schmied V; Kingston D; Austin MPV, 2022, 'Why do some pregnant women not fully disclose at comprehensive psychosocial assessment with their midwife?', Women and Birth, 35, pp. 80 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Reilly N; Egan N; Austin MP; Forder PM; Loxton D, 2022, 'Increases in use of Medicare Benefits Schedule mental health items among women who gave birth in New South Wales, 2009–2015', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46, pp. 75 - 80,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Reilly N; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Loxton D; Black E; Mule V; Austin MP, 2022, 'Supporting routine psychosocial assessment in the perinatal period: The concurrent and predictive validity of the Antenatal Risk Questionnaire-Revised', Women and Birth, 35, pp. e118 - e124,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Reilly N; Austin MP, 2021, 'Attitudes and engagement of pregnant and postnatal women with a web-based emotional health tool (mummatters): Cross-sectional study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Reilly N; Loxton D; Black E; Austin MP, 2021, 'The antenatal risk questionnaire-revised: Development, use and test-retest reliability in a community sample of pregnant women in Australia', Journal of Affective Disorders, 293, pp. 43 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Brake E; Berle D; Reilly NM; Austin M-P, 2020, 'The Relationship between Emotion Dysregulation and Postnatal Attachment in Women Admitted to a Mother Baby Unit.', Australian Journal of Psychology, 72, pp. 283 - 292,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Coles E; Anderson J; Maxwell M; Harris FM; Gray NM; Milner G; MacGillivray S, 2020, 'The influence of contextual factors on healthcare quality improvement initiatives: a realist review', SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Forder PM; Rich J; Harris S; Chojenta C; Reilly N; Austin MP; Loxton D, 2020, 'Honesty and comfort levels in mothers when screened for perinatal depression and anxiety', Women and Birth, 33, pp. e142 - e150,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Moss KM; Reilly N; Dobson AJ; Loxton D; Tooth L; Mishra GD, 2020, 'How rates of perinatal mental health screening in Australia have changed over time and which women are missing out', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44, pp. 301 - 306,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Reilly N; Brake E; Kalra H; Austin MP, 2020, 'Insights into implementation of routine depression screening and psychosocial assessment in a private hospital setting: A qualitative study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60, pp. 419 - 424,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Reilly N; Kingston D; Loxton D; Talcevska K; Austin MP, 2020, 'A narrative review of studies addressing the clinical effectiveness of perinatal depression screening programs', Women and Birth, 33, pp. 51 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Schmied. V; Reilly N; Black E; Kingston D; Talcevska. K; Mule. V; Austin MP, 2020, 'Opening the door: Midwives' perceptions of two models of psychosocial assessment in pregnancy- a mixed methods study', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Reilly N; Brake E; Briggs N; Austin MP, 2019, 'Trajectories of clinical and parenting outcomes following admission to an inpatient mother-baby unit', BMC Psychiatry, 19, pp. 336,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Reilly N; Talcevska K; Black E; Matthey S; Austin MP, 2019, 'A comparison of the interviewer-administered phone and self-complete online versions of the computerized eMINI 6.0 in a sample of pregnant women', Journal of Affective Disorders, 242, pp. 265 - 269,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Reilly N; Turner G; Taouk J; Austin MP, 2019, '‘Singing with your baby’: an evaluation of group singing sessions for women admitted to a specialist mother-baby unit', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 22, pp. 123 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Farrell JM; Nee AF; Francis K; Reilly N, 2018, 'Measuring the impact of pastoral services on patients in a private psychiatric hospital', Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 6, pp. 95 - 113,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kalra H; Reilly N; Austin MP, 2018, 'An evaluation of routine antenatal depression screening and psychosocial assessment in a regional private maternity setting in Australia', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58, pp. 629 - 635,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Austin MP; Christl B; McMahon C; Kildea S; Reilly N; Yin C; Simcock G; Elgbeili G; Laplante DP; King S, 2017, 'Moderating effects of maternal emotional availability on language and cognitive development in toddlers of mothers exposed to a natural disaster in pregnancy: The QF2011 Queensland Flood Study', Infant Behavior and Development, 49, pp. 296 - 309,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chambers GM; Randall S; Mihalopoulos C; Reilly N; Sullivan EA; Highet N; Morgan VA; Croft ML; Chatterton ML; Austin MP, 2017, 'Mental health consultations in the perinatal period: a cost-analysis of Medicare services provided to women during a period of intense mental health reform in Australia', Australian Health Review, 42, pp. 514 - 521,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Reilly N; Black E; Chambers GM; Schmied V; Matthey S; Farrell J; Kingston D; Bisits A; Austin MP, 2017, 'Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness trial of two models of perinatal integrated psychosocial assessment: The PIPA project', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17, pp. 236,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Chambers GM; Randall S; Hoang VP; Sullivan EA; Highet N; Croft M; Mihalopoulos C; Morgan VA; Reilly N; Austin MP, 2016, 'The National Perinatal Depression Initiative: An evaluation of access to general practitioners, psychologists and psychiatrists through the Medicare Benefits Schedule', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 264 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Christl B; Reilly N; Yin C; Austin MP, 2015, 'Clinical profile and outcomes of women admitted to a psychiatric mother-baby unit', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 18, pp. 805 - 816,
    Journal articles | 2015
    King S; Kildea S; Austin MP; Brunet A; Cobham VE; Dawson PA; Harris M; Hurrion EM; Laplante DP; McDermott BM; McIntyre HD; O'Hara MW; Schmitz N; Stapleton H; Tracy SK; Vaillancourt C; Dancause KN; Kruske S; Reilly N; Shoo L; Simcock G; Turcotte-Tremblay AM; Yong Ping E, 2015, 'QF2011: A protocol to study the effects of the Queensland flood on pregnant women, their pregnancies, and their children's early development', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Reilly N; Yin C; Monterosso L; Bradshaw S; Neale K; Harrison B; Austin MP, 2015, 'Identifying psychosocial risk among mothers in an Australian private maternity setting: A pilot study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55, pp. 453 - 458,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Chojenta C; Harris S; Reilly N; Forder P; Austin MP; Loxton D, 2014, 'History of pregnancy loss increases the risk of mental health problems in subsequent pregnancies but not in the postpartum', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Reilly N; Harris S; Loxton D; Chojenta C; Forder P; Austin MP, 2014, 'The impact of routine assessment of past or current mental health on help-seeking in the perinatal period', Women and Birth, 27, pp. e20 - e27,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Xu F; Austin MP; Reilly N; Hilder L; Sullivan EA, 2014, 'Length of stay for mental and behavioural disorders postpartum in primiparous mothers: A cohort study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11, pp. 3540 - 3552,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Austin M; Reilly N; Middleton P; Highet N, 2013, 'Detection and management of mood disorders in the maternity setting: the Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines', Women and Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives, 26, pp. 2 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Christl B; Reilly N; Smith M; Sims D; Chavasse F; Austin MP, 2013, 'The mental health of mothers of unsettled infants: Is there value in routine psychosocial assessment in this context?', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 16, pp. 391 - 399,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Reilly N; Harris S; Loxton D; Chojenta C; Forder P; Milgrom J; Austin MP, 2013, 'Referral for management of emotional health issues during the perinatal period: Does mental health assessment make a difference?', Birth, 40, pp. 297 - 306,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sims D; Christl B; Reilly N; Smith M; Chavasse F; Austin M-P, 2013, 'Psychosocial assessment and mental health: Use of the Post Natal Risk Questionnaire (PNRQ) in an early parenting facility', WOMEN AND BIRTH, 26, pp. S19 - S19,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Austin M; Reilly N; Sullivan EA, 2012, 'The need to evaluate public health reforms: Australian perinatal mental health initiatives', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 36, pp. 208 - 211,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Grant KA; Bautovich A; McMahon C; Reilly N; Leader LR; Austin M, 2012, 'Parental care and control during childhood: Associations with maternal perinatal mood disturbance and parenting stress', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 15, pp. 297 - 305,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Xu F; Austin M; Reilly N; Hilder L; Sullivan EA, 2012, 'Major depressive disorder in the perinatal period: Using data linkage to inform perinatal mental health policy', Archives of Women's Mental Health, 15, pp. 333 - 341,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Austin M; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Priest SR; Reilly N; Wilhelm KA; Saint K; Parker GB, 2010, 'Depressive and anxiety disorders in the postpartum period: how prevalent are they and can we improve their detection?', Archives of Women`s Mental Health, 13, pp. 395 - 401,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Austin M; Reilly N; Milgrom J; Barnett BE, 2010, 'A national approach to perinatal mental health in Australia: exercising caution in the roll-out of a public health initiative', British Medical Journal: Clinical Research, 192, pp. 111 - 111
    Journal articles | 2010
    Grant K; McMahon C; Reilly N; Austin M, 2010, 'Maternal sensitivity moderates the impact of prenatal anxiety disorder on infant mental development', Early Human Development, 86, pp. 551 - 556,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Grant K; McMahon C; Reilly N; Austin M, 2010, 'Maternal sensitivity moderates the impact of prenatal anxiety disorder on infant responses to the still-face procedure.', Infant Behavior and Development, 33, pp. 453 - 462,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Grant K; Mcmahon C; Austin M; Reilly N; Leader LR; Ali S, 2009, 'Maternal prenatal anxiety, postnatal caregiving and infants' cortisol responses to the still-face procedure', Developmental Psychobiology, 51, pp. 625 - 637
    Journal articles | 2005
    Austin M; Leader LR; Reilly N, 2005, 'Prenatal stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and fetal and infant neurobehaviour', Early Human Development, 81, pp. 917 - 926
  • Preprints | 2020
    Reilly N; Austin M-P, 2020, Attitudes and Engagement of Pregnant and Postnatal Women With a Web-Based Emotional Health Tool (Mummatters): Cross-sectional Study (Preprint),
    Datasets | 2016
    Christl B; Reilly N; Yin C; Austin M-P, 2016, Postnatal Risk Questionnaire, ,