Dr Pankaj Garg
FRACP- Paediatrics and Child Health Division
MD (University of Delhi)
Qualification |
Name of University / College |
Country of qualification |
Year obtained |
PhD |
Australia |
December 2019 |
Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Paediatrics and Child Health Division)
Australia |
2013 |
MD |
University of Delhi |
India |
2003 |
Career: Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of New South Wales. Staff Specialist Paediatrician - Community and Developmental Disabilities, South Western Sydney LHD, Department of Community Paediatrics.
Teaching Experience
-Active participation in resident teaching, through power point presentations during rotations as basic and advanced trainee and staff specialist.
-Medications in children with challenging behaviors with DD (local presentation in SWSLHD)
- Caring for children with Developmental/Intellectual Disability- Agency for Clinical Innovation (Feb 2022)
- Managing health and care needs of people with Developmental/Intellectual Disability at General Practice- presented in partnership with South Western PHN in 2021
GP registrar teaching in August 2019 organised by GP synergy (Regional Training Provider)
Identifying children with Developmental delays at General Practice.
-“Acute Asthma in children: Scenarios, Clinical practice guidelines and Evidence” Presented on the Intern Education day at the Maitland hospital on 14th October 2014
-Phase 2 assignments of medical students from UNSW
-Evaluated self-directed learning projects in Paediatric Medicine of Year 4 medical students at University of Sydney.
-Teaching (Tutorials and bedside) year 4 medical students at University of Western Sydney (every Friday in the Clinical year 2012)
-Teaching Problem based learning to year 4 and 5 medical students of University of Newcastle
- Examined year four and final year medical students (University of Sydney) and University of Newcastle for OSCE and clinical exams
Clinical Medical Education Program of UNSW- completed 10 modules
Medical student Final year UNSW exams in Paediatrics
I have been an examiner for final year Paediatric UNSW medical students for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023.
Coordinating Medical students/Paediatric registrars teaching of UNSW in community Paediatrics
Regular support and teaching of medical students in developmental behavioural paediatrics and community paediatrics across SWSLHD district.
Research Support:
I hold a conjoint appointment as a senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales and have access to relevant university resources for research. Additionally, I am affiliated with Liverpool Hospital and the Ingham Research Institute, ensuring support for research.
Marking of RACP Advanced Training College Projects (Paediatrics and Child Health)
I have marked a number of advanced trainee college projects for specialist advisory committee General paediatrics and community child health in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
Co-supervisor PhD candidate (UNSW)- Patrick Hawker (Funding for the GMFG trial is provided by Growing Minds Australia (National Health and Medical Research Council; MRF2006438).
“Growing Minds Feeling Good (GMFG)” – An Integrated Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent the Adverse Physical Health Consequences of Antipsychotic Medications in Children and Youth.
Board award to SIDHT team project – SWSLHD Quality awards (Sep 2024)
Primary and Community Health
Hospital avoidance for bloods tests for children and young adults with severe disability and challenging behaviours - Innovative pathways in the community
Primary and Community Health has developed a new model of care allowing children and young adults with severe disability and challenging behaviours to undergo blood tests without the need for hospital care. These tests are unable to be collected for these patients in routine settings, which has previously meant they have required general anaesthetic in hospital. The team developed a pathway that allowed each patient to be assessed individually. They found a combination of different settings and interventions could be used to provide more equitable options for these patients. This process and community-based pathways have the potential for cost savings, improved patient outcomes and parental satisfaction.
Contribution to the Field:
I have made significant contributions to neurodevelopmental and behavioural paediatrics, particularly in the early identification of neurodevelopmental disorders amidst the rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorders. My work includes developing a deeper theoretical understanding and improving access to services for culturally and linguistically diverse families. I have also contributed to the development of community-based pathways for procedures such as venipuncture and dental assessments for children with special needs. Currently, I am working on a book aimed at enhancing practical understanding among the new generation of paediatricians in developmental and behavioural paediatrics. Over the past five years, I have published extensively and worked closely with vulnerable communities, including those in out-of-home care and developmental disabilities.
Professional/Community Engagement/Participation:
I have collaborated with Professor Valsamma Epen, Associate Professor David Dossetor, Associate Professor John Collins, Dr Natalie Ong, and Professor Shanti Raman on various projects. I have also worked with Professor John Eastwood, particularly in evaluating integrated programs for service delivery to vulnerable families.
Research Impact/Translation:
My research is currently translating into day-to-day improvements in equitable access to clinical services for children with neurodevelopmental disorders and disabilities.
PhD Thesis- UNSW awarded December 2019
Building a theoretical model of well-child care using a realist mixed-method study for early identification of developmental delays in the context of rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorders
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Board Award to SIDHT team - South Western Sydney LHD 2024
Co-supervisor UNSW ILP projects
I have co-supervised ILP projects of UNSW Medical students.
Research Supervisor for Advanced trainee registrar projects.
Grant applications
Integrated Kids Connect program: Addressing inequities in service access in the early years by "going to where the children go", Role- Associate Investigator , Project Lead Professor Valsamma Eapen
Supervisor Master of Research Project – ongoing (role- co-supervisors)
Co-supervisor PhD candidate (UNSW)- Patrick Hawker (Funding for the GMFG trial is provided by Growing Minds Australia (National Health and Medical Research Council; MRF2006438).
“Growing Minds Feeling Good (GMFG)” – An Integrated Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent the Adverse Physical Health Consequences of Antipsychotic Medications in Children and Youth.
Education project – Project coordinator at SWSLHD
Intellectual And Developmental Disability Training for Healthcare Providers: An educational training program for health professionals in Vietnam.
Partnership project. Administering Organisation UNSW Sydney, and Lead Prof Valsa Eapen
Child Development Unit (CDU), Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (SCHN)
South Western Sydney Local Health District
Centre for Disability Research and Policy (CDRP), University of Sydney (UoS)