Mr Rafal Chomik

Mr Rafal Chomik

Senior Research Associate
Medicine & Health
Intl Ctr for Future Health Sys
  • Book Chapters | 2018
    Chomik R; Piggott J, 2018, 'Tax Expenditures on Pensions: Concepts, Concerns, and Misconceptions', in The Taxation of Pensions, The MIT Press, pp. 297 - 330,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Bateman H; Chomik R; Piggott J, 2017, 'Retirement Income', in O'Loughlin K; Browning C; Kendig H (ed.), Ageing in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities, Springer, pp. 149 - 172,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Bateman H; Chomik R; Piggott J, 2017, 'Retirement Income', in OLoughlin K; Browning C; Kendig H (ed.), Ageing in Australia Challenges and Opportunities, SPRINGER, pp. 149 - 172,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Piggott JR; Chomik R, 2016, 'The Australian Retirement Income System: Lessons for the United States', in Mitchell O; Shea R (ed.), Re-imagining Pensions: the next 40 years, Oxford University Press, pp. 274 - 297,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Campbell J; Ikegami N; Gori C; Barbabella F; Chomik R; D’amico F; Holder H; Ishibashi T; Johansson L; Komisar H; Ring M; Theobald H, 2015, 'How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users: A comparative snapshot', in Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries Successes and Failures, pp. 47 - 65
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Campbell J; Ikegami N; Gori C; Barbabella F; Chomik R; d’Amico F; Holder H; Ishibashi T; Johansson L; Komisar H; Ring M; Theobald H, 2015, 'How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users: a comparative snapshot', in , Bristol University Press, pp. 47 - 76,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Campbell J; Ikegami N; Gori C; Barbabella F; Chomik R; d’Amico F; Holder H; Ishibashi T; Johansson L; Komisar H; Ring M; Theobald H, 2015, 'How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users: a comparative snapshot', in Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries, Policy Press, pp. 47 - 76,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Campbell J; Ikegami N; Gori C; Barbabella F; Chomik R; d’Amico F; Holder H; Ishibashi T; Johansson L; Komisar H; Ring M; Theobald H, 2015, 'How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users: a comparative snapshot', in Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries, Policy Press, pp. 47 - 76,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Chomik R; Piggott J, 2014, 'Elderly Support Policies as Resource Contingent Loans', in Income Contingent Loans, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 172 - 179,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Chomik RL; Piggott J, 2014, 'Elderly Support Policies as Resource Contingent Loans', in Stiglitz JE; Higgins T; Chapman B (ed.), Income Contingent Loans, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 172 - 179
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Liu E; Atkins MT; Chomik R; Judd B, 2022, 'The World Health Organization's impacts on age-friendly policymaking: A case study on Australia', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 714 - 728,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chomik R; Piggott J, 2021, 'Population ageing, productivity and technological change in asia', China: An International Journal, 19, pp. 33 - 52,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ginnivan NA; Chomik R; Hwang YI; Piggott J; Butler T; Withall A; Hwang J, 2021, 'The ageing prisoner population: demographic shifts in Australia and implications for the economic and social costs of health care', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 18, pp. 325 - 334,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Khalatbari-Soltani S; Cumming RG; Chomik R; Blyth FM; Naganathan V; Handelsman DJ; Le Couteur DG; Waite LM; Stanaway F, 2021, 'The association between home ownership and the health of older men: Cross-sectional analysis of the Australian Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 40, pp. e199 - e206,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Chomik R; McDonald P; Piggott J, 2016, 'Population ageing in Asia and the Pacific: Dependency metrics for policy', Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 8, pp. 5 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Chomik R; Piggott J, 2016, 'Australian Superannuation: The Current State of Play', Australian Economic Review, 49, pp. 483 - 493,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Chomik R; Piggott J, 2015, 'Population ageing and social security in Asia', Asian Economic Policy Review, 10, pp. 199 - 222,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Piggott JR; Chomik R, 2015, 'Superannuation and retirement incomes', JASSA, 2015, pp. 43 - 49
    Journal articles | 2012
    Chomik RL; Piggott J, 2012, 'Pensions, Ageing and Retirement in Australia: Long-Term Projections and Policies', Australian Economic Review, 45, pp. 350 - 361,
    Journal articles | 2010
    , 2010, 'Trends in Pension Eligibility Ages and Life Expectancy, 1950-2050', ,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Whitehouse E; D'Addio A; Chomik R; Reilly A, 2009, 'Two decades of pension reform: What has been achieved and what remains to be done', Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, 34, pp. 515 - 535,
  • Working Papers | 2015
    Chomik R; Piggott J; Woodland A; Kudrna GJ; Cagri K, 2015, Means Testing Social Security: Modelling and Policy Analysis, CEPAR/UNSW, 35,,
  • Reports | 2024
    Chomik R; Khan FJ; Temple J, 2024, Migration and ageing: How cultural and linguistic diversity is set to boom among older Australians, CEPAR
    Reports | 2022
    Chomik R; Yan S; Bateman H; Anstey K, 2022, CEPAR Research Brief: Financial Decision Making for and in Old Age,,
    Reports | 2021
    Chomik R; Jacinto M, 2021, Peak Performance Age in Sport, CEPAR
    Reports | 2021
    Chomik R; Khan FJ; Cumming R, 2021, How Men Age: Insights From the CHAMP Study, CEPAR
    Reports | 2021
    Chomik R; Khan FJ, 2021, Tapping into Australia’s ageing workforce: Insights from recent research, CEPAR
    Reports | 2020
    Chomik R; Williams A; Baird M, 2020, Legal Protections for Mature Workers, CEPAR
    Reports | 2020
    Chomik R, 2020, COVID-19 and the Demographic Distribution of Health and Economic Risks, CEPAR
    Reports | 2020
    Kudrna G; Chomik R; Bateman H; Piggott J; Keane M; Sherris M; De Cure M; Woodland A, 2020, CEPAR Submission to the Retirement Income Review
    Other | 2020
    Liu E; Chomik R; Sisson A; Atkins M; Judd B, 2020, CityViz: Ageing in Australia 2006-2016,
    Reports | 2019
    Chomik R; Townley C, 2019, Aged Care Policy, Provision, and Prospects, CEPAR
    Reports | 2019
    Chomik R; Yan S, 2019, Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?, CEPAR
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Bateman H; Graham S; Yan S; Piggott J, 2018, Retirement Income in Australia: Part 1 - Overview, CEPAR, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Bateman H; Graham S; Yan S; Piggott J, 2018, Retirement Income in Australia: Part II - Public Support, CEPAR, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Bateman H; Graham S; Yan S; Piggott J, 2018, Retirement Income in Australia: Part III - Private Resources, CEPAR, Sydney,
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Graham S; Gawthorp R; Anstey K, 2018, Cognitive ageing and decline: Insights from recent research, CEPAR
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Rodgers D, 2018, Australian Life Tables: 150 years in the making, CEPAR
    Reports | 2018
    Chomik R; Rodgers D, 2018, Measuring Up? International Indices Of Ageing, CEPAR
    Reports | 2016
    Chomik R, 2016, The Constellations of Demography, CEPAR
    Reports | 2015
    Chomik R, 2015, A Visual History of Demographic Projections in Australia, CEPAR
    Reports | 2014
    Chomik R; Maclennan M, 2014, Aged Care in Australia: Part I - Policy, demand and funding, CEPAR
    Reports | 2014
    Chomik R; Maclennan M, 2014, Aged Care in Australia: Part II - Industry and Practice, CEPAR
    Reports | 2014
    Chomik R, 2014, A Statistical Portrait of the Older Australian, CEPAR
    Reports | 2013
    Chomik R, 2013, Asia in the Ageing Century: Part I Population Trends, CEPAR
    Reports | 2013
    Chomik R, 2013, Asia in the Ageing Century: Part II Retirement Income, CEPAR
    Reports | 2013
    Chomik R, 2013, Asia in the Ageing Century: Part III Healthcare, CEPAR
    Reports | 2013
    Chomik R, 2013, Population Ageing Fact Sheet, CEPAR
    Preprints |
    Chomik R; Piggott J; Kumru CS, Means Testing Social Security: Modeling and Policy Analysis,
    Preprints |
    Chomik R; Piggott J, The Australian and United States Retirement Income System: Comparisons with and Lessons for the United States,