Associate Professor Richard Vickery
BSc Hons (Syd)
I am a researcher and educator focussed on understanding the internal language of the brain: its neural code, to enable us to improve brain-machine interfaces such as a bionic hand.
My broad aim is to understand the neural mechanisms that give rise to sensory perception. I work on tactile perception and cortical coding in the somatosensory system, and on tactile prostheses to restore touch to amputees. I use electrophysiological recordings to collect real-time neural data, and integrate this with behavioural and psychophysical studies to break the neural code.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
ARC Discovery Project $550 000 2020
Birznieks, Vickery, Potas & Shivdasani
The role of spike patterning in shaping human perception of tactile stimuli.
Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant, UNSW $25 000 2015
Pather, Velan & Vickery
Blended Learning: a framework for selection, implementation, and evaluation.
Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant, UNSW $20 000 2015
Velan, Vickery, Pather, Polly & Harris
Online knowledge maps: automated assessment and feedback to enhance learning in biomedical sciences.
Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant, UNSW $25 000 2015
Polly, Vickery, Cox & Thai
Aligning assessment to track development of graduate capabilities and life-long skills in the biomedical sciences.
Smart Sparrow / BEST Network Grant $15 000 2013
Gibson & Vickery
eModule for Regulation of Plasma Osmolality and volume in human subjects.
NHMRC Project Grant $231 175 2012
Birznieks, Vickery, Macefield & Krishnan
Information encoding by temporal structure of afferent spike trains evoked by complex vibrotactile stimuli.
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence - General category (2017)
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Australian Neuroscience Society, Society for Neuroscience (USA), Grant reviewer for NHMRC, ARC, NIH
My Research Supervision
Alwin So (PhD)
My Teaching
I teach medicine, health science, science and engineering students.
My major contributions are to:
SOMS1913 Human Systems 2 (Course convenor)
PHSL2101 Physiology 1A
NEUR2201 Fundamentals of Neuroscience
MFAC1526 Ageing and Endings B