Professor Rick Cavicchioli

Professor Rick Cavicchioli

Honorary Professor
School of Biotech & Biomolecular Science

About Me


My research area is environmental microbiology. I study Antarctic microorganisms, discovering which types live in and around Antarctica, learning how they evolve and grow in the cold, and assessing how they are likely to respond to ecosystem changes, including climate change. I have a special interest in Archaea – the third domain of life. The research is important because environmental microbes enable all other life forms on Earth to exist, and the vast majority of life on the planet grows at low temperatures.


  • University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Postdoctoral Fellow. 1991 – 1994. Molecular Microbiology
  • University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia. Ph.D. 1992. Molecular Microbiology
  • James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia. M.Sc. 1986. Microbiology
  • James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia. B.Sc. (Hons). 1984. Microbiology
  • James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia. B.Sc. 1983. Chemistry/Biochemistry


Research Goals

  • Determine what types of microbes are present in Antarctica and how diverse and unique they are.
  • Determine what processes Antarctic microbes perform, and how this affects ecosystem function.
  • Determine what interactions occur within communities, and how this affects ecosystem function.
  • Determine how gene exchange occurs, influences speciation, and enables dominance to arise.
  • Determine what factors control microbial biogeography in Antarctica.
  • Determine how Antarctic nanohaloarchaea interact with haloarchaea using a model system to study symbiosis in DPANN archaea.
  • Assess in what ways human activities (including climate change) impact Antarctic microbes and ecosystem function.

Research in Detail

My group recognizes the global importance of key and yet understudied environmental microbial groups, including cold-adapted Archaea. We choose model organisms to study and forge a new understanding of the molecular basis of adaptation through integrated studies of microbial physiology and ecology, protein biochemistry, genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics. This laboratory experimental approach flows on to environmental studies where we use approaches such as metagenomics and metaproteomics to examine whole Antarctic ecosystems (lake and Southern Ocean communities). The field-based projects have led to unexpected and novel insights about Antarctic microorganisms. The ‘peculiarities’ discovered have raised awareness of just how little is understood and how much remains to be learned about Antarctic biology.

The research has relevance because Antarctica is arguably the world’s most important continent for influencing the Earth’s climate and global ocean ecosystem. The uniqueness and sensitivity of Antarctica particularly demands that we rapidly improve our understanding of its biology. More so, most (~85%) of life on Earth lives at cold temperatures, and yet little is known about how the resident microbial communities drive critical biogeochemical processes (e.g. carbon cycle) that help to maintain the planet in a habitable state. The new insight we and other international groups of scientists are obtaining is timely as it is remedying critical gaps in our knowledge about Antarctic biology and has the potential to influence policy development aimed at mitigating and adapting to environmental change.

Selected articles

Research Grants

Current Student Projects

  • Metagenomics of Antarctic microbial communities – Pratibha Panwar (PhD)
  • Genomic reconstruction of a novel lineage of Antarctic haloarchaea – Josh Hamm (PhD)
  • Taxonomy of microorganisms in uncharacterized Antarctic lakes – Sabrina Haque (MSc)
  • Characterization of the evolution of Antarctic haloarchaea – Evan Landers (PhD)

Supervision Opportunities/Areas

Future students with an interest in undertaking Honours, MPhil, MSc or PhD studies within the stated Research Goals should contact me to discuss. Senior members of the group involved in supervision include Dr Timothy J. Williams, Dr Michelle A. Allen and Dr Liang Shen (Visiting Scholar). Specific projects available include:

  • grow and isolate new strains and previously uncultivated lineages of Antarctic life
  • study how and why microbes interact (e.g. host-virus, host-parasite, host-host)
  • identify microbial taxa present and the functions they perform in Antarctic lakes
  • study temporal changes (e.g. seasonal) and biogeographic distinctions in microbial populations
  • study genomic variation to determine what causes variation, what genes vary and why they vary

Advice for prospective students

Hons/MPhil/MSc/PhD/undergrad-project/volunteer studies provide opportunities for students to gain experience and achieve high level qualifications in research-based science. An inherent part of performing research is to probe the unknown – exploring and discovering to provide clarity to often complex, intricate and certainly novel areas of science. Within the overarching Research Goals, there are a broad range of research topics available for students to pursue their interests, express their individual aptitude, and grow and develop as scientists. Guided by prior achievements and access to novel data and resources, as well as state of the art facilities, students will perform strong hypothesis driven investigations, while keeping a sharp eye open for serendipitous discovery. Projects are tailored to individuals on the basis of being provided ‘sufficient rope to explore but not too much to hang yourself'. New students are typically linked to other established members of the group, providing support spanning from the conceptual framework of their studies through to the lab-bench, computer-console and field-work ‘coal faces’ of the research. Students interested in interacting in a multi-disciplinary environment with a multi-national cohort of students, staff and scientific collaborators, should get in touch with me to discuss a future in environmental microbiology and Antarctic research.

Teaching and Outreach

Courses I teach

  • MICR3621: Microbial Genetics Advanced (Course convenor)
  • BABS3021: Microbial Genetics (Course convenor)

Professional affiliations and service positions

Awards and Acheivements

  • 2005 Frank Fenner Research Award: in recognition of distinguished contributions in any area of Australian research in microbiology by a scientist in a formative stage of their career
  • 2011 Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology: recognition as an Australian microbiologist who has shown the highest level of achievement in the discipline
Room: 4105, E26
  • Books | 2007
    2007, Archaea: Molecular and Cellular Biology, Cavicchioli R, (ed.), ASM Press, USA
  • Book Chapters | 2007
    Woese CR, 2007, 'The Archaea: an Invitation to Evolution', in Cavicchioli R (ed.), ARCHAEA: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY, pp. 1 - 13,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Cavicchioli R; Curmi PMG; Siddiqui KS; Thomas T, 2006, '17 Proteins from Psychrophiles', in Methods in Microbiology, Elsevier, pp. 395 - 436,
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Cavicchioli R; Goodchild A; Raftery M, 2005, 'Proteomics of Archaea', in Microbial Proteomics: Functional Biology of Whole Organisms, pp. 57 - 72,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Crowther TW; Rappuoli R; Corinaldesi C; Danovaro R; Donohue TJ; Huisman J; Stein LY; Timmis JK; Timmis K; Anderson MZ; Bakken LR; Baylis M; Behrenfeld MJ; Boyd PW; Brettell I; Cavicchioli R; Delavaux CS; Foreman CM; Jansson JK; Koskella B; Milligan-McClellan K; North JA; Peterson D; Pizza M; Ramos JL; Reay D; Remais JV; Rich VI; Ripple WJ; Singh BK; Smith GR; Stewart FJ; Sullivan MB; van den Hoogen J; van Oppen MJH; Webster NS; Zohner CM; van Galen LG, 2024, 'Scientists’ call to action: Microbes, planetary health, and the Sustainable Development Goals', Cell, 187, pp. 5195 - 5216,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hamm JN; Liao Y; von Kügelgen A; Dombrowski N; Landers E; Brownlee C; Johansson EMV; Whan RM; Baker MAB; Baum B; Bharat TAM; Duggin IG; Spang A; Cavicchioli R, 2024, 'The parasitic lifestyle of an archaeal symbiont', Nature Communications, 15,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Williams TJ; Cavicchioli R, 2024, 'Extraction of Proteins from Marine Microbial Communities Sampled by Lab Filters', , 2820, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lappan R; Shelley G; Islam ZF; Leung PM; Lockwood S; Nauer PA; Jirapanjawat T; Ni G; Chen YJ; Kessler AJ; Williams TJ; Cavicchioli R; Baltar F; Cook PLM; Morales SE; Greening C, 2023, 'Molecular hydrogen in seawater supports growth of diverse marine bacteria', Nature Microbiology, 8, pp. 581 - 595,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Le Lay C; Hamm JN; Williams TJ; Shi M; Cavicchioli R; Holmes EC, 2023, 'Viral community composition of hypersaline lakes', Virus Evolution, 9,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pavlopoulos GA; Baltoumas FA; Liu S; Selvitopi O; Camargo AP; Nayfach S; Azad A; Roux S; Call L; Ivanova NN; Chen IM; Paez-Espino D; Karatzas E; Acinas SG; Ahlgren N; Attwood G; Baldrian P; Berry T; Bhatnagar JM; Bhaya D; Bidle KD; Blanchard JL; Boyd ES; Bowen JL; Bowman J; Brawley SH; Brodie EL; Brune A; Bryant DA; Buchan A; Cadillo-Quiroz H; Campbell BJ; Cavicchioli R; Chuckran PF; Coleman M; Crowe S; Colman DR; Currie CR; Dangl J; Delherbe N; Denef VJ; Dijkstra P; Distel DD; Eloe-Fadrosh E; Fisher K; Francis C; Garoutte A; Gaudin A; Gerwick L; Godoy-Vitorino F; Guerra P; Guo J; Habteselassie MY; Hallam SJ; Hatzenpichler R; Hentschel U; Hess M; Hirsch AM; Hug LA; Hultman J; Hunt DE; Huntemann M; Inskeep WP; James TY; Jansson J; Johnston ER; Kalyuzhnaya M; Kelly CN; Kelly RM; Klassen JL; Nüsslein K; Kostka JE; Lindow S; Lilleskov E; Lynes M; Mackelprang R; Martin FM; Mason OU; McKay RM; McMahon K; Mead DA; Medina M; Meredith LK; Mock T; Mohn WW; Moran MA; Murray A; Neufeld JD; Neumann R; Norton JM; Partida-Martinez LP; Pietrasiak N; Pelletier D; Reddy TBK; Reese BK; Reichart NJ; Reiss R; Saito MA; Schachtman DP; Seshadri R, 2023, 'Unraveling the functional dark matter through global metagenomics', Nature, 622, pp. 594 - 602,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fremin BJ; Bhatt AS; Kyrpides NC; Sengupta A; Sczyrba A; Maria da Silva A; Buchan A; Gaudin A; Brune A; Hirsch AM; Neumann A; Shade A; Visel A; Campbell B; Baker B; Hedlund BP; Crump BC; Currie C; Kelly C; Craft C; Hazard C; Francis C; Schadt CW; Averill C; Mobilian C; Buckley D; Hunt D; Noguera D; Beck D; Valentine DL; Walsh D; Sumner D; Lymperopoulou D; Bhaya D; Bryant DA; Morrison E; Brodie E; Young E; Lilleskov E; Högfors-Rönnholm E; Chen F; Stewart F; Nicol GW; Teeling H; Beller HR; Dionisi H; Liao HL; Beman JM; Stegen J; Tiedje J; Jansson J; VanderGheynst J; Norton J; Dangl J; Blanchard J; Bowen J; Macalady J; Pett-Ridge J; Rich J; Payet JP; Gladden JD; Raff JD; Klassen JL; Tarn J; Neufeld J; Gravuer K; Hofmockel K; Chen KH; Konstantinidis K; DeAngelis KM; Partida-Martinez LP; Meredith L; Chistoserdova L; Moran MA; Scarborough M; Schrenk M; Sullivan M; David M; O'Malley MA; Medina M; Habteselassie M; Ward ND; Pietrasiak N; Mason OU; Sorensen PO; Estrada de los Santos P; Baldrian P; McKay RM; Simister R; Stepanauskas R; Neumann R; Malmstrom R; Cavicchioli R; Kelly R; Hatzenpichler R; Stocker R; Cattolico RA; Ziels R; Vilgalys R; Blumer-Schuette S, 2022, 'Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes', Cell Reports, 39,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Panwar P; Williams TJ; Allen MA; Cavicchioli R, 2022, 'Population structure of an Antarctic aquatic cyanobacterium', Microbiome, 10,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Williams TJ; Allen MA; Panwar P; Cavicchioli R, 2022, 'Into the darkness: the ecologies of novel ‘microbial dark matter’ phyla in an Antarctic lake', Environmental Microbiology, 24, pp. 2576 - 2603,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nayfach S; Roux S; Seshadri R; Udwary D; Varghese N; Schulz F; Wu D; Paez-Espino D; Chen IM; Huntemann M; Palaniappan K; Ladau J; Mukherjee S; Reddy TBK; Nielsen T; Kirton E; Faria JP; Edirisinghe JN; Henry CS; Jungbluth SP; Chivian D; Dehal P; Wood-Charlson EM; Arkin AP; Tringe SG; Visel A; Abreu H; Acinas SG; Allen E; Allen MA; Alteio LV; Andersen G; Anesio AM; Attwood G; Avila-Magaña V; Badis Y; Bailey J; Baker B; Baldrian P; Barton HA; Beck DAC; Becraft ED; Beller HR; Beman JM; Bernier-Latmani R; Berry TD; Bertagnolli A; Bertilsson S; Bhatnagar JM; Bird JT; Blanchard JL; Blumer-Schuette SE; Bohannan B; Borton MA; Brady A; Brawley SH; Brodie J; Brown S; Brum JR; Brune A; Bryant DA; Buchan A; Buckley DH; Buongiorno J; Cadillo-Quiroz H; Caffrey SM; Campbell AN; Campbell B; Carr S; Carroll JL; Cary SC; Cates AM; Cattolico RA; Cavicchioli R; Chistoserdova L; Coleman ML; Constant P; Conway JM; Mac Cormack WP; Crowe S; Crump B; Currie C; Daly R; DeAngelis KM; Denef V; Denman SE; Desta A; Dionisi H; Dodsworth J; Dombrowski N; Donohue T; Dopson M; Driscoll T; Dunfield P; Dupont CL; Dynarski KA; Edgcomb V; Edwards EA; Elshahed MS; Figueroa I; Williams T; Thomas T, 2021, 'A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes', Nature Biotechnology, 39, pp. 499 - 509,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Panwar P; Allen MA; Williams TJ; Haque S; Brazendale S; Hancock AM; Paez-Espino D; Cavicchioli R, 2021, 'Remarkably coherent population structure for a dominant Antarctic Chlorobium species', Microbiome, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Roux S; Paul BG; Bagby SC; Nayfach S; Allen MA; Attwood G; Cavicchioli R; Chistoserdova L; Gruninger RJ; Hallam SJ; Hernandez ME; Hess M; Liu WT; McAllister TA; O’Malley MA; Peng X; Rich VI; Saleska SR; Eloe-Fadrosh EA, 2021, 'Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 3076,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Shen L; Liu Y; Allen MA; Xu B; Wang N; Williams TJ; Wang F; Zhou Y; Liu Q; Cavicchioli R, 2021, 'Linking genomic and physiological characteristics of psychrophilic Arthrobacter to metagenomic data to explain global environmental distribution', Microbiome, 9, pp. 136,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Williams TJ; Allen MA; Berengut JF; Cavicchioli R, 2021, 'Shedding Light on Microbial “Dark Matter”: Insights Into Novel Cloacimonadota and Omnitrophota From an Antarctic Lake', Frontiers in Microbiology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Williams TJ; Allen MA; Ivanova N; Huntemann M; Haque S; Hancock AM; Brazendale S; Cavicchioli R, 2021, 'Genome Analysis of a Verrucomicrobial Endosymbiont With a Tiny Genome Discovered in an Antarctic Lake', Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, pp. 674758,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Panwar P; Allen MA; Williams TJ; Hancock AM; Brazendale S; Bevington J; Roux S; Páez-Espino D; Nayfach S; Berg M; Schulz F; Chen IMA; Huntemann M; Shapiro N; Kyrpides NC; Woyke T; Eloe-Fadrosh EA; Cavicchioli R, 2020, 'Influence of the polar light cycle on seasonal dynamics of an Antarctic lake microbial community', Microbiome, 8, pp. 116,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Roux S; Paul BG; Bagby SC; Allen MA; Attwood G; Cavicchioli R; Chistoserdova L; Hallam SJ; Hernandez ME; Hess M; Liu W-T; O’Malley MA; Peng X; Rich VI; Saleska S; Eloe-Fadrosh EA, 2020, 'Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome', , pp. 2020.04.01.020958,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cavicchioli R; Ripple WJ; Timmis KN; Azam F; Bakken LR; Baylis M; Behrenfeld MJ; Boetius A; Boyd PW; Classen AT; Crowther TW; Danovaro R; Foreman CM; Huisman J; Hutchins DA; Jansson JK; Karl DM; Koskella B; Mark Welch DB; Martiny JBH; Moran MA; Orphan VJ; Reay DS; Remais JV; Rich VI; Singh BK; Stein LY; Stewart FJ; Sullivan MB; van Oppen MJH; Weaver SC; Webb EA; Webster NS, 2019, 'Scientists’ warning to humanity: microorganisms and climate change', Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17, pp. 569 - 586,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cavicchioli R, 2019, 'A vision for a ‘microbcentric’ future', Microbial Biotechnology, 12, pp. 26 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hamm JN; Erdmann S; Eloe-Fadrosh EA; Angeloni A; Zhong L; Brownlee C; Williams TJ; Barton K; Carswell S; Smith MA; Brazendale S; Hancock AM; Allen MA; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2019, 'Unexpected host dependency of Antarctic Nanohaloarchaeota', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, pp. 14661 - 14670,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Timmis K; Cavicchioli R; Garcia JL; Nogales B; Chavarría M; Stein L; McGenity TJ; Webster N; Singh BK; Handelsman J; de Lorenzo V; Pruzzo C; Timmis J; Martín JLR; Verstraete W; Jetten M; Danchin A; Huang W; Gilbert J; Lal R; Santos H; Lee SY; Sessitsch A; Bonfante P; Gram L; Lin RTP; Ron E; Karahan ZC; van der Meer JR; Artunkal S; Jahn D; Harper L, 2019, 'The urgent need for microbiology literacy in society', Environmental Microbiology, 21, pp. 1513 - 1528,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Williams TJ; Allen MA; Liao Y; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2019, 'Sucrose metabolism in haloarchaea: Reassessment using genomics, proteomics, and metagenomics', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85, pp. e02935 - e02918,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Tschitschko B; Erdmann S; DeMaere MZ; Roux S; Panwar P; Allen MA; Williams TJ; Brazendale S; Hancock AM; Eloe-Fadrosh EA; Cavicchioli R, 2018, 'Genomic variation and biogeography of Antarctic haloarchaea', Microbiome, 6, pp. 113,
    Journal articles | 2018
    2018, 'Extreme Excitement about Archaea', Cell, 172, pp. 1153 - 1154,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Allen MA; Cavicchioli R, 2017, 'Microbial communities of aquatic environments on Heard Island characterized by pyrotag sequencing and environmental data', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 44480,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Erdmann S; Tschitschko B; Zhong L; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2017, 'A plasmid from an Antarctic haloarchaeon uses specialized membrane vesicles to disseminate and infect plasmid-free cells', Nature Microbiology, 2, pp. 1446 - 1455,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jayawardena MB; Yee LH; Poljak A; Cavicchioli R; Kjelleberg SJ; Siddiqui KS, 2017, 'Enhancement of lipase stability and productivity through chemical modification and its application to latex-based polymer emulsions', Process Biochemistry, 57, pp. 131 - 140,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Paez-Espino D; Chen IMA; Palaniappan K; Ratner A; Chu K; Szeto E; Pillay M; Huang J; Markowitz VM; Nielsen T; Huntemann M; Reddy TBK; Pavlopoulos GA; Sullivan MB; Campbell BJ; Chen F; McMahon K; Hallam SJ; Denef V; Cavicchioli R; Caffrey SM; Streit WR; Webster J; Handley KM; Salekdeh GH; Tsesmetzis N; Setubal JC; Pope PB; Liu WT; Rivers AR; Ivanova NN; Kyrpides NC, 2017, 'IMG/VR: A database of cultured and uncultured DNA viruses and retroviruses', Nucleic Acids Research, 45, pp. D457 - D465,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Williams TJ; Allen M; Tschitschko B; Cavicchioli R, 2017, 'Glycerol metabolism of haloarchaea', Environmental Microbiology, 19, pp. 864 - 877,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Williams TJ; Liao Y; Ye J; Kuchel RP; Poljak A; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2017, 'Cold adaptation of the Antarctic haloarchaea Halohasta litchfieldiae and Halorubrum lacusprofundi', Environmental Microbiology, 19, pp. 2210 - 2227,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Anderson IJ; DasSarma P; Lucas S; Copeland A; Lapidus A; Del Rio TG; Tice H; Dalin E; Bruce DC; Goodwin L; Pitluck S; Sims D; Brettin TS; Detter JC; Han CS; Larimer F; Hauser L; Land M; Ivanova N; Richardson P; Cavicchioli R; DasSarma S; Woese CR; Kyrpides NC, 2016, 'Complete genome sequence of the Antarctic Halorubrum lacusprofundi type strain ACAM 34', Standards in Genomic Sciences, 11, pp. 70,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'On the concept of a psychrophile', ISME Journal, 10, pp. 793 - 795,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Danovaro R; Dell'anno A; Corinaldesi C; Rastelli E; Cavicchioli R; Krupovic M; Noble RT; Nunoura T; Prangishvili D, 2016, 'Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor', Science Advances, 2, pp. e1600492,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Liao Y; Williams TJ; Walsh JC; Ji M; Poljak A; Curmi PMG; Duggin IG; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Developing a genetic manipulation system for the Antarctic archaeon, Halorubrum lacusprofundi: Investigating acetamidase gene function', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 34639,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Liao Y; Williams TJ; Ye J; Charlesworth J; Burns BP; Poljak A; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Morphological and proteomic analysis of biofilms from the Antarctic archaeon, Halorubrum lacusprofundi', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 37454,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Najnin T; Siddiqui KS; Taha ; Elkaid N; Kornfeld G; Curmi PMG; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Characterization of a temperature-responsive two component regulatory system from the Antarctic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 24278,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Richards SL; Cawley AT; Cavicchioli R; Suann CJ; Pickford R; Raftery MJ, 2016, 'Aptamer based peptide enrichment for quantitative analysis of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by LC-MS/MS', Talanta, 150, pp. 671 - 680,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Taha ; Siddiqui KS; Campanaro S; Najnin T; Deshpande N; Williams TJ; Aldrich-Wright J; Wilkins M; Curmi PMG; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Single TRAM domain RNA-binding proteins in Archaea: functional insight from Ctr3 from the Antarctic methanogen Methanococcoides burtonii', Environmental microbiology, 18, pp. 2810 - 2824,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tschitschko B; Williams TJ; Allen MA; Zhong L; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2016, 'Ecophysiological distinctions of haloarchaea from a hypersaline Antarctic lake determined using metaproteomics.', Appl Environ Microbiol, 82, pp. 3165 - 3173,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cavicchioli R; Erdmann S, 2015, 'The discovery of Antarctic RNA viruses: A new game changer', Molecular Ecology, 24, pp. 4809 - 4811,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cavicchioli R, 2015, 'Microbial ecology of Antarctic aquatic systems', Nature Reviews Microbiology, 13, pp. 691 - 706,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ertan H; Cassel C; Verma A; Poljak A; Charlton T; Aldrich-Wright J; Omar SM; Siddiqui KS; Cavicchioli R, 2015, 'A new broad specificity alkaline metalloprotease from a Pseudomonas sp. isolated from refrigerated milk: Role of calcium in improving enzyme productivity', Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 113, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sun T; Socki RA; Bish DL; Harvey RP; Bao H; Niles PB; Cavicchioli R; Tonui E, 2015, 'Lost cold Antarctic deserts inferred from unusual sulfate formation and isotope signatures', Nature Communications, 6, pp. 7579,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Tschitschko B; Williams TJ; Allen MA; Páez-Espino D; Kyrpides N; Zhong L; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2015, 'Antarctic archaea–virus interactions: metaproteome-led analysis of invasion, evasion and adaptation', The ISME Journal, 9, pp. 2094 - 2107,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Luk AWS; Williams TJ; Erdmann S; Thane Papke R; Cavicchioli R, 2014, 'Viruses of haloarchaea', Life, 4, pp. 681 - 715,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Siddiqui KS; Ertan H; Charlton T; Poljakc A; Khaled AK; Yang X; Marshall G; Cavicchioli R; Poljak A, 2014, 'Versatile peroxidase degradation of humic substances: Use of isothermal titration calorimetry to assess kinetics, and applications to industrial wastes', Journal of Biotechnology, 178, pp. 1 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Williams TJ; Allen MA; DeMaere MZ; Kyrpides NC; Tringe SG; Woyke T; Cavicchioli R, 2014, 'Microbial ecology of an Antarctic hypersaline lake: genomic assessment of ecophysiology among dominant haloarchaea', ISME JOURNAL, 8, pp. 1645 - 1658,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Williams TJ; Cavicchioli R, 2014, 'Marine metaproteomics: Deciphering the microbial metabolic food web', Trends in Microbiology, 22, pp. 248 - 260,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Demaere MZ; Williams TJ; Allen MA; Brown MV; Gibson JAE; Rich J; Lauro FM; Dyall-Smith M; Davenport KW; Woyke T; Kyrpides NC; Tringe SG; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'High level of intergenera gene exchange shapes the evolution of haloarchaea in an isolated Antarctic lake', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 16939 - 16944,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Lagkouvardos I; Weinmaier T; Lauro FM; Cavicchioli R; Rattei T; Horn M, 2013, 'Integrating metagenomic and amplicon databases to resolve the phylogenetic and ecological diversity of the Chlamydiae', ISME Journal, 8, pp. 115 - 125,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Matallana Surget S; Cavicchioli R; Fauconnier C; Wattiez R; Joux F; Leroy B; Raftery MJ; Lebaron P, 2013, 'Shotgun redox proteomics: Identification and Quantitation of Carbonylated Proteins in the UVB-Resistant Marine Bacterium, Photobacterium angustum S14', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. 1 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Siddiqui KS; Williams TJ; Wilkins D; Yau S; Allen MA; Brown MV; Lauro FM; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'Psychrophiles', Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, pp. 87 - 115,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Swan B; Tupper B; Sczyrba A; Lauro FM; Martinez-Garcia M; González J; Luo H; Wright J; Landry Z; Hanson N; Thompson B; Poulton N; Schwientek P; Acinas S; Giovannoni S; Moran MA; Hallam S; Cavicchioli R; Woyke T; Stepanauskas R, 2013, 'Prevalent genome streamlining and latitudinal divergence of marine bacteria in the surface ocean', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 11463 - 11468,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wilkins D; Lauro FM; Williams TJ; De Maere M; Brown MV; Hoffman JM; Andrews-Pfannkoch C; McQuaid J; Riddle M; Rintoul S; Cavicchioli R; DeMaere M, 2013, 'Biogeographic partitioning of Southern Ocean microorganisms revealed by metagenomics', Environmental Microbiology, 15, pp. 1318 - 1333,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wilkins D; Van sebille E; Rintoul S; Lauro FM; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'Advection shapes Southern Ocean microbial assemblages independent of distance and environment effects', Nature communications, 4, pp. 2457,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wilkins D; Yau S; Williams TJ; Allen MA; Brown MV; Demaere MZ; Lauro FM; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'Key microbial drivers in Antarctic aquatic environments', FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 37, pp. 303 - 335,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Williams TJ; Wilkins D; Long E; Evans FF; De Maere MZ; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'The role of planktonic Flavobacteria in processing algal organic matter in coastal East Antarctica revealed using metagenomics and metaproteomics', Environmental Microbiology, 15, pp. 1302 - 1317,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yau S; Lauro FM; Williams TJ; Brown MV; Demaere MZ; Rich J; Gibson J; Cavicchioli R, 2013, 'Metagenomic insights into strategies of carbon conservation and unusual sulfur biogeochemistry in a hypersaline Antarctic lake', ISME Journal, 7, pp. 1944 - 1961,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Brown MV; Lauro FM; Demaere MZ; Muir L; Wilkins D; Thomas T; Riddle M; Fuhrman J; Andrews-Pfannkoch C; Hoffman JM; McQuaid J; Allen A; Rintoul S; Cavicchioli R, 2012, 'Global biogeography of SAR11 marine bacteria', Molecular Systems Biology, 8, pp. 595,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ertan H; Siddiqui KS; Muenchhoff J; Charlton TS; Cavicchioli R, 2012, 'Kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of the functional properties of a hybrid versatile peroxidase using isothermal titration calorimetry: insight into manganese peroxidase activation and lignin peroxidase inhibition', Biochimie, 94, pp. 1221 - 1231,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Grzymski J; Riesenfeld C; Williams TJ; Dussaq A; Ducklow H; Erickson M; Cavicchioli R; Murray A, 2012, 'A metagenomic assessment of winter and summer bacterioplankton from Antarctic Peninsula coastal surface waters', ISME Journal, 6, pp. 1901 - 1915,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Williams TJ; Long E; Evans F; DeMaere M; Lauro FM; Raftery MJ; Ducklow H; Grzymski J; Murray A; Cavicchioli R; De Maere M, 2012, 'A metaproteomic assessment of winter and summer bacterioplankton from Antarctic Peninsula coastal surface waters', ISME Journal, 6, pp. 1883 - 1900,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Burg DW; Ng SC; Ting LL; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Proteomics of extremophiles', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 1934 - 1955
    Journal articles | 2011
    Campanaro S; Williams TJ; Burg DW; De Francisci D; Treu L; Lauro FM; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Temperature-dependent global gene expression in the Antarctic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii.', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 2018 - 2038
    Journal articles | 2011
    Cavicchioli R; Amils R; Wagner D; McGenity T, 2011, 'Life and applications of extremophiles', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 1903 - 1907
    Journal articles | 2011
    Cavicchioli R; Charlton T; Ertan H; Mohd Omar S; Siddiqui KS; Williams TJ, 2011, 'Biotechnological uses of enzymes from psychrophiles', Microbial Biotechnology, 4, pp. 449 - 460,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Archaea – timeline of the third domain', Nature Reviews Microbiology, 9, pp. 51 - 61
    Journal articles | 2011
    De Francisci D; Campanaro S; Kornfeld GD; Siddiqui KS; Williams TJ; Ertan H; Treu L; Pilak O; Lauro FM; Harrop SJ; Curmi PM; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'The RNA polymerase subunits E/F from the Antarctic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii bind to specific classes of mRNA.', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 2039 - 2055,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Demaere MZ; Lauro FM; Thomas T; Yau S; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Simple high-throughput annotation pipeline (SHAP)', Bioinformatics, 27, pp. 2431 - 2432,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Lauro FM; Demaere MZ; Yau S; Brown MV; Wilkins D; Ng SC; Raftery MJ; Gibson JA; Andrews-Pfannkoch C; Lewis M; Hoffman JM; Thomas T; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'An integrative study of a meromictic lake ecosystem in Antarctica', ISME Journal, 5, pp. 879 - 895
    Journal articles | 2011
    Pilak O; Harrop SJ; Siddiqui KS; Chong K; De Francisci D; Burg DW; Williams TJ; Cavicchioli R; Curmi PM, 2011, 'Chaperonins from an Antarctic archaeon are predominantly monomeric: open state crystal structure.', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 2232 - 2249,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Williams TJ; Lauro FM; Ertan H; Burg DW; Poljak A; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Defining the response of a microorganism to temperatures that span its complete growth temperature range (-2°C to 28°C) using multiplex quantitative proteomics', Environmental Microbiology, 13, pp. 2186 - 2203,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Yau S; Cavicchioli R, 2011, 'Microbial communities in Antarctic lakes: entirely new perspectives from metagenomics and metaproteomics.', Microbiology Australia, 32, pp. 157 - 159,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Yau S; Lauro FM; Demaere MZ; Brown MV; Thomas T; Raftery MJ; Lewis M; Hoffman JM; Gibson J; Cavicchioli R; Andrews-Pfannkoch C, 2011, 'Virophage control of Antarctic algal host–virus dynamics', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, pp. 6163 - 6168,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Burg DW; Lauro FM; Williams TJ; Raftery MJ; Guilhaus M; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'Analyzing the hydrophobic proteome of the Antarctic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii using differential solubility fractionation', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 664 - 676
    Journal articles | 2010
    Matallana Surget S; Douki T; Meador J; Cavicchioli R; Joux F, 2010, 'Influence of growth temperature and starvation state on survival and DNA damage induction in the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis exposed to UV radiation.', Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B - Biology, 100, pp. 51 - 56
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ng SC; De Maere M; Williams TJ; Lauro FM; Raftery MJ; Gibson J; Andrews-Pfannkoch C; Lewis M; Hoffman J; Thomas T; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'Metaproteogenomic analysis of a dominant green sulfur bacterium from Ace Lake, Antarctica.', ISME Journal, 4, pp. 1002 - 1019
    Journal articles | 2010
    Siddiqui KS; Poljak A; De Francisci D; Guerriero G; Pilak O; Burg DW; Raftery MJ; Parkin DM; Trewhella J; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'A chemically modified alpha-amylase with a moltenglobule state has entropically driven enhanced thermal stability', Protein Engineering Design and Selection, 23, pp. 769 - 780
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ting LL; Williams TJ; Cowley MJ; Lauro FM; Guilhaus M; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'Cold adaptation in the marine bacterium, Sphingopyxis alaskensis assessed using quantitative proteomics.', Environmental Microbiology, 12, pp. 2658 - 2676
    Journal articles | 2010
    Williams TJ; Burg DW; Ertan H; Raftery MJ; Poljak A; Guilhaus M; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'Global proteomic analysis of the insoluble, soluble, and supernatant fractions of the psychrophilic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii. Part II: The effect of different methylated growth substrates', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 653 - 663
    Journal articles | 2010
    Williams TJ; Burg DW; Raftery MJ; Poljak A; Guilhaus M; Pilak O; Cavicchioli R, 2010, 'Global proteomic analysis of the insoluble, soluble, and supernatant fractions of the psychrophilic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii. Part I: The effect of growth temperature', Journal of Proteome Research, 9, pp. 640 - 652
    Journal articles | 2009
    Allen MA; Lauro FM; Williams TJ; Burg DW; Siddiqui KS; De Francisci D; Chong K; Pilak O; Chew H; De Maere M; Ting LL; Katrib M; Ng SC; Sowers KR; Galperin M; Anderson I; Ivanova N; Dalin E; Martinez MP; Lapidus A; Hauser L; Land MH; Thomas T; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: The role of genome evolution in cold adaptation', ISME Journal, 3, pp. 1012 - 1035
    Journal articles | 2009
    Journal articles | 2009
    Lauro FM; McDougald D; Thomas T; Williams TJ; Egan SG; Rice SA; Demaere MZ; Ting LL; Ertan H; Johnson J; Ferriera S; Lapidus A; Anderson IM; Kyrpides N; Munkf A; Detter C; Hang C; Brown M; Robb F; Kjelleberg S; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'The genomic basis of trophic strategy in marine bacteria', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, pp. 15527 - 15533
    Journal articles | 2009
    Matallana-Surget S; Douki T; Cavicchioli R; Joux F, 2009, 'Remarkable resistance to UVB of the marine bacterium Photobacterium angustum explained by an unexpected role of photolyase', Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 8, pp. 1313 - 1320
    Journal articles | 2009
    Matallana-Surget S; Joux F; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'The response of the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis to solar radiation assessed by quantitative proteomics', Environmental Microbiology, 11, pp. 2660 - 2675
    Journal articles | 2009
    Siddiqui KS; Parkin DM; Curmi PM; De Francisci D; Poljak A; Barrow KD; Noble M; Trewhella J; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'A novel approach for enhancing the catalytic efficiency of a protease at low temperature: Reduction in substrate inhibition by chemical modification', Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 103, pp. 676 - 686
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ting LL; Cowley MJ; Hoon S; Guilhaus M; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'Normalization and statistical analysis of quantitative proteomics data generated by metabolic labeling', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 8, pp. 2227 - 2242
    Journal articles | 2009
    Williams TJ; Ertan H; Ting LL; Cavicchioli R, 2009, 'Carbon and nitrogen substrate utilization in the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis strain RB2256', ISME Journal, 3, pp. 1036 - 1052
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cavicchioli R; Demaere MZ; Thomas T, 2007, 'Metagenomic studies reveal the critical and wide-ranging ecological importance of uncultivated archaea: the role of ammonia oxidizers', BioEssays, 29, pp. 11 - 14
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cavicchioli R, 2007, 'Antarctic metagenomics', Microbiology Australia, 28, pp. 98 - 103
    Journal articles | 2007
    Giaquinto L; Curmi PM; Siddiqui KS; Poljak A; DeLong E; DasSarma S; Cavicchioli R, 2007, 'Structure and function of cold shock proteins in archaea', Journal of Bacteriology, 189, pp. 5738 - 5748
    Journal articles | 2007
    Matallana Surget S; Joux F; Lebaron P; Cavicchioli R, 2007, 'Isolation and characterisation of marine oligotropic bacteria', Journal de la Societe de Biologie, 201, pp. 41 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Thomas T; Egan SG; Burg DW; Ng SC; Ting LL; Cavicchioli R, 2007, 'Integration of genomics and proteomics into marine microbial ecology', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 332, pp. 291 - 299
    Journal articles | 2006
    Cavicchioli R, 2006, 'Cold-adapted Archaea', Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4, pp. 331 - 343
    Journal articles | 2006
    Reid I; Sparks W; Lubow S; McGrath M; Livio M; Valenti J; Sowers KR; Shukal H; MacAuley S; Miller T; Suvanasuthi R; Belas R; Colman A; Robb F; DasSarma P; Muller J; Cocker J; Cavicchioli R; Chen F; DasSarma S, 2006, 'Terrestrial models for extra terrestrial life: methanogens and halophiles at Martian temperatures', International Journal of Astrobiology, 5, pp. 89 - 97
    Journal articles | 2006
    Saunders NF; Ng SC; Raftery MJ; Guilhaus M; Goodchild A; Cavicchioli R, 2006, 'Proteomic and computational analysis of secreted proteins with type 1 signal peptides from the antarctic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii', Journal of Proteome Research, 5, pp. 2457 - 2464
    Journal articles | 2006
    Siddiqui KS; Cavicchioli R, 2006, 'Cold-adapted enzymes', Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, pp. 403 - 433
    Journal articles | 2006
    Siddiqui KS; Poljak A; Guilhaus M; De Francisci D; Curmi PM; Feller G; D Amico S; Gerday C; Uversky V; Cavicchioli R, 2006, 'Role of lysine versus arginine in enzyme cold-adaptation: Modifying lysine to homo-arginine stabilizes the cold-adapted alpha-amylase from Pseudoalteramonas haloplanktis', Proteins - Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 64, pp. 486 - 501
    Journal articles | 2005
    Goodchild A; Raftery MJ; Saunders NF; Guilhaus M; Cavicchioli R, 2005, 'Cold adaptation of the Antarctic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii assessed by proteomics using ICAT', Journal of Proteome Research, 4, pp. 473 - 480
    Journal articles | 2005
    Saunders NF; Goodchild A; Raftery MJ; Guilhaus M; Curmi PM; Cavicchioli R, 2005, 'Predicted roles for hypothetical proteins in the low-temperature expressed proteome of the Antarctic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii', Journal of Proteome Research, 4, pp. 464 - 472
    Journal articles | 2005
    Siddiqui KS; Cavicchioli R, 2005, 'Improved thermal stability and activity in the cold-adapted lipase B from Candida antarctica following chemical modification with oxidized polysaccharides', Extremophiles, 9, pp. 471 - 476
    Journal articles | 2005
    Siddiqui KS; Feller G; D Amico S; Gerday C; Giaquinto L; Cavicchioli R, 2005, 'The active site is the least stable structure in the unfolding pathway of a multidomain cold-adapted alpha-amylase', Journal of Bacteriology, 187, pp. 6197 - 6205
    Journal articles | 2005
    Siddiqui KS; Poljak A; Guilhaus M; Feller G; D Amico S; Gerday C; Cavicchioli R, 2005, 'Role of disulfide bridges in the activity and stability of a cold-active alpha-amylase', Journal of Bacteriology, 187, pp. 6206 - 6212
    Journal articles | 2004
    Cavicchioli R; Curmi PM, 2004, 'Response to William Martin`s letter: Pathogenic archaebacteria: do they not exist because archaebacteria usedifferent vitamins? Response to William Martin`s letter', BioEssays, 26, pp. 593 - 593
    Journal articles | 2004
    Goodchild A; Raftery MJ; Saunders NF; Guilhaus M; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'Biology of the cold adapted archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii determined by proteomics using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry', Journal of Proteome Research, 3, pp. 1164 - 1176
    Journal articles | 2004
    Goodchild A; Saunders NF; Ertan H; Raftery MJ; Guilhaus M; Curmi PM; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'A proteomic determination of cold adaptation in the Antarctic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii', Molecular Microbiology, 53, pp. 309 - 321
    Journal articles | 2004
    Nichols D; Miller M; Davies NP; Goodchild A; Raftery MJ; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'Cold adaptation in the Antarctic archaeon Methanococcoides burtonii involves membrane lipid unsaturation', Journal of Bacteriology, 186, pp. 8508 - 8515
    Journal articles | 2004
    Ostrowski ML; Fegatella F; Wasinger VC; Guilhaus M; Corthals GL; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'Cross-species identification of proteins from proteome profiles of the marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium, Sphingopyxis alaskensis', Proteomics, 4, pp. 1779 - 1788
    Journal articles | 2004
    Roberts T; Hejgaard J; Saunders NF; Cavicchioli R; Curmi PM, 2004, 'Serpins in unicellular Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria: Sequence analysis and evolution', Journal of Molecular Evolution, 59, pp. 437 - 447
    Journal articles | 2004
    Saunders NF; Curmi PM; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'An online database for the detection of novel archaeal sequences inhuman ESTs', Bioinformatics, 20, pp. 2361 - 2362,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Siddiqui KS; Poljak A; Cavicchioli R, 2004, 'Improved activity and stability of alkaline phosphatases from psychrophilic and mesophilic organisms by chemically modifying aliphatic or amino groups using tetracarboxy-benzophenone derivatives', Cellular and Molecular Biology, 50, pp. 657 - 667
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cavicchioli R; Curmi PM; Saunders NF; Thomas T, 2003, 'Pathogenic archaea: do they exist?', BioEssays, 25, pp. 1119 - 1128
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cavicchioli R; Ostrowski ML; Fegatella F; Guixa-Boixereu N, 2003, 'Life under Nitrient Limitation in Oligotrophic Marine Environments: An Eco/Physiological Perspective of Sphingopyxis alaskensis (Formerly Sphingomonas alaskensis)', Microbial Ecology, 45, pp. 203 - 217
    Journal articles | 2003
    Noon KR; Guymon RR; Crain PF; McCloskey JA; Thomm M; Lim J; Cavicchioli R, 2003, 'Influence of Temperature on tRNA Modification in Archaea: Methanococcoides burtonii (Optimum Growth Temperature [Topt], 23oC) and Stetteria hydrogenophila (Topt,95oC)', Journal of Bacteriology, 185, pp. 5483 - 5490
    Journal articles | 2003
    Saunders NF; Thomas T; Curmi PM; Mattick JS; Kuczek E; Slade R; Davis J; Franzmann PD; Boone D; Rusterholtz K; Feldman R; Gates C; Bench S; Sowers KR; Kadner K; Aerts A; Dehal P; Detter C; Glavina T; Lucas S; Richardson P; Larimer F; Hauser L; Land M; Cavicchioli R, 2003, 'Mechanisms of Thermal Adaptation Revealed from the Genomes of the Antarctic Archaea Methanogenium frigidum and Methanococcoides burtonii', Genome Research, 13, pp. 1580 - 1588
    Journal articles | 2002
    Cavicchioli R; Sowers KR; Siddiqui KS; Andrews D, 2002, 'Low-temperature extremophiles and their applications', Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13, pp. 253 - 261
    Journal articles | 2002
    Cavicchioli R, 2002, 'Extremophiles and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life', Astrobiology, 2, pp. 281 - 292
    Journal articles | 2002
    Siddiqui KS; Cavicchioli R; Thomas T, 2002, 'Thermodynamic activation properties of elongation factor 2 (EF-2) proteins from psychrotolerant and thermophilic Archaea', Extremophiles, 6, pp. 143 - 150
    Journal articles | 2002
    Thomas T; Cavicchioli R, 2002, 'Cold adaptation of archaeal Elongation Factor 2 (EF-2) proteins', Current Protein and Peptide Science, 3, pp. 223 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Eguchi M; Ostrowski ML; Fegatella F; Bowman J; Nichol D; Nishino T; Cavicchioli R, 2001, 'Sphingomonas alaskensis Strain AFO1, an abundant oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium from the North Pacific', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67, pp. 4945 - 4954
    Journal articles | 2001
    Ostrowski ML; Cavicchioli R; Blaauw M; Gottschall J, 2001, 'Specific growth rate plays a critical role in hydrogen peroxide resistance ofr the marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas alaskensis Strain RB2256', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67, pp. 1292 - 1299
    Journal articles | 2001
    Thomas T; Kumar N; Cavicchioli R, 2001, 'Effects of ribosomes and intracellular solutes on activities and stabilities of elongation factor 2 proteins from psychrotolerant and thermophilic methanogens', Journal of Bacteriology, 183, pp. 1974 - 1982
    Journal articles | 2000
    Berchet V; Torsten T; Cavicchioli R; Russell NJ; Gounot A, 2000, 'Structural analysis of the elongation factor G protein from the low-temperature-adapted bacterium Arthrobacter globiformis S155', Extremophiles, 4, pp. 123 - 130,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Cavicchioli R; Torsten T; Curmi PM, 2000, 'Cold stress response in Archaea', Extremophiles, 4, pp. 321 - 331
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fegatella F; Cavicchioli R, 2000, 'Physiological responses to starvation in the marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas sp. Strain RB2256', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66, pp. 2037 - 2044
    Journal articles | 2000
    Lim J; Torsten T; Cavicchioli R, 2000, 'Low temperature regulated DEAD-box RNA Helicase from the Antarctic Archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii', Journal of Molecular Biology, 297, pp. 553 - 567
    Journal articles | 2000
    Torsten T; Cavicchioli R, 2000, 'Effect of temperature on the stability and activity of the elongation factor 2 proteins from low-temperature adapted and thermophilic methanogens', Journal of Bacteriology, 182, pp. 1328 - 1332
    Journal articles | 1999
    Cavicchioli R; Fegatella F; Ostrowski ML; Eguchi M; Gottschall J, 1999, 'Sphingomonads from marine environments', Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23, pp. 268 - 272
    Journal articles | 1999
    Fegatella F; Ostrowski ML; Cavicchioli R, 1999, 'An assessment of protein profiles from the marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium, Sphingomonas sp. strain RB2256', Electrophoresis, 20, pp. 2094 - 2098
    Journal articles | 1998
    Fegatella F; Lim J; Kjelleberg S; Cavicchioli R, 1998, 'Implications of rRNA operon copy number and ribosome content in the marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas sp., strain RB2256', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64, pp. 4433 - 4438
    Journal articles | 1998
    Torsten T; Cavicchioli R, 1998, 'Archaeal cold-adapted proteins: structural and evolutionary analysis of the elongation factor 2 proteins from psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic proteins', FEBS Letters, 439, pp. 281 - 286
    Journal articles | 1997
    Chiang R; Cavicchioli R; Gunsalus RP, 1997, '`Locked-on` and `locked-off` signal transduction mutants of Escherichia coli NarQ and NarX sensors for nitrate and nitrite: role of the P-box element', Molecular Microbiology, 24, pp. 1049 - 1060,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Cavicchioli R; Chaing RC; Kalman LV; Gunsalus RP, 1996, 'Role of the periplasmic domain of the Escherichia coli NarX sensor-transmitter protein in nitrate-dependent signal transduction and gene regulation', Molecular Microbiology, 21, pp. 901 - 911
    Journal articles | 1996
    Cavicchioli R; Kolesnikow T; Chaing RC; Gunsalus RP, 1996, 'Characterization of the aegA locus of Escherichia coli: control of gene expression in response to anaerobiosis and nitrate', Journal of Bacteriology, 178, pp. 6968 - 6974,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Eguchi M; Nishikawa M; Macdonald K; Cavicchioli R; Gottschall J; Kjelleberg S, 1996, 'Responses to stress and nutrient availability by the marine ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas sp strain RB2256', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62, pp. 1287 - 1294
    Journal articles | 1995
    Cavicchioli R; Schroder I; Constanti M; Gunsalus RP, 1995, 'The NarX and NarQ sensor-transmitter proteins of Escherichia coli each require two conserved histidines for nitrate-dependent signal transduction to NarL', Journal of Bacteriology, 177, pp. 2416 - 2424
    Journal articles | 1994
    Schroder I; Wolin C; Cavicchioli R; Gunsalus RP, 1994, 'Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the NarQ, NarX and NarL proteins of the nitrate-dependent two-component regulatory system of Escherichia coli', Journal of Bacteriology, 176, pp. 4985 - 4992
    Journal articles | 1992
    Chaing R; Cavicchioli R; Gunsalus R, 1992, 'Identification and characterisation of narQ, a second nitrate sensor for nitrate-dependent gene regulation in Escherichia coli', Molecular Microbiology, 6, pp. 1913 - 1923
    Journal articles | 1992
    Chaing RC; Cavicchioli R; Gunsalus R, 1992, 'Physical map location of the narQ gene of Escherichia coli', Journal of Bacteriology, 174, pp. 7882 - 7882
    Journal articles | 1991
    Cavicchioli R; East P; Watson K, 1991, 'FSendA, a novel family E endoglucanase gene from Fibrobacter succinogenes AR1', Journal of Bacteriology, 175, pp. 3265 - 3268
    Journal articles | 1991
    Cavicchioli R; Watson K, 1991, 'Molecular cloning, expression and characterisation of endoglucanase genes from Fibrobacter succinogenes AR1', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 57, pp. 359 - 365
    Journal articles | 1991
    Cavicchioli R; Watson K, 1991, 'The involvement of transcriptional read through from internal promoters in the expression of a novel endoglucanase gene FSendA, from Fibrobacter succinogenes AR1', Nucleic Acids Research, 19, pp. 1661 - 1669
    Journal articles | 1986
    Cavicchioli R; Watson K, 1986, 'Loss of heat shock acquisition of thermotolerance in yeast is not correlated with the loss of heat shock proteins', FEBS Letters, 207, pp. 149 - 152,
    Journal articles | 1984
    Watson K; Dunlop G; Cavicchioli R, 1984, 'Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic protein syntheses are not required for heat shock acquisition of ethanol and thermotolerance in yeast', FEBS Letters, 172, pp. 299 - 302
    Journal articles | 1983
    Watson K; Cavicchioli R, 1983, 'Acquisition of ethanol tolerance in yeast cells by heat shock', Biotechnology Letters, 5, pp. 683 - 688
  • Working Papers | 2020
    Roux S; Paul BG; Bagby SC; Allen MA; Attwood G; Cavicchioli R; Chistoserdova L; Hallam SJ; Hernandez ME; Hess M; Liu W-T; O’Malley MA; Peng X; Rich VI; Saleska S; Eloe-Fadrosh EA, 2020, Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2020.04.01.020958
  • Preprints | 2023
    Hamm J; Liao Y; Kügelgen AV; Dombrowski N; Landers E; Brownlee C; Johansson E; Whan R; Baker M; Baum B; Bharat T; Duggin I; Spang A; Cavicchioli R, 2023, The parasitic lifestyle of an archaeal symbiont,