Dr Shadi Abpeikar
Shadi Abpeikar is a senior research associate in the School of Engineering and Technology at the University of New South Wales, Canberra.
Shadi completed her Bachelor's in Applied Mathematics in Iran. She got her Master's and PhD in Computer Science from the AmirKabir University of Technology in Iran, in 2013 and 2019, respectively. She received the award of the highest graduation score for her bachelor's degree from the Iran University of Science and Technology in 2011, and the award of the best master's thesis from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the AmirKabir University of Technology in 2013. Also, Shadi completed her sabbatical research at the University of Udine, in Italy in 2017. She started her career as a research associate at the University of New South Wales in July 2019. Her technical skills are computer programming with C#, Python, Java, Android, MATLAB, and HTML. Also, her research interests are machine learning, swarm robotics, swarm intelligence algorithms, big data, feature selection, decision support systems, neural networks, neural trees, and intelligent transportation systems.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- Abpeikar, S., 2022. Travel funding for the Australia and New Zealand IEEE Student and Young Professional Conference, $750
- Abpeikar, S., Ghodrat, M., Frankcombe, T., Wang, M., 2024, $45,000, Li-Ion Battery Fire Risk Mitigation using Deep Learning Approach.
- Kasmarik, K., Garratt, M., Anavatti, S., Lakshika, E., Abpeikar, S., Debie, E., Arachchige, D., Wang, B., Perera, A., Yang, S., Abbass, H., Baker, D., Liu, X., Hattori, H., Woolley, M., Plested, J., El-Fiqi, H., Hossny, M., Hussein, A., Tran, P., Miroshnichenko, A., 2023, Heterogeneous Robot Swarms, $68,645, UNSW Research Infrastructure Scheme
- Kasmarik, K., Garratt, M., Ravi, S., Anavatti, S., Abpeikar, S., 2022-23, Trusted Autonomy Self Forming Research Group Bid, School of Engineering and IT, UNSW Canberra, $27,911
- Ghodrat, M., Sharples, J., Kasmarik, K., Abpeikar, S., Plested, J., Hattori, H., Miroshnichenko, A., 2022, Using AI in modelling bushfire propagation in complex environments, AI Hub Seed Funding, $45,000
- Garratt, M., Kasmarik, K., Anavatti, S., Lynar, T., Ravi, S., Abpeikar, S., Tran, P., Khan, M., Muthusamy, P., 2021, Trusted Autonomy, SEIT Self-Forming Research Grant Bid, $55,133.
- Garratt, M., Kasmarik, K., Abpeikar, S., Hunjet, R., 2020, Self-Generating Collective Behaviours in Swarms, UNSW Defence Related Research Scheme, $20,000.
- Best paper award in IEEE TenSYMP conference, Canberra, Australia, 2023.
- Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), AdvanceHE. UK in 2021.
- Graduated with the highest score for a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Iran University of Science and Technology.
- Best master thesis of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of AmirKabir University of Technology, in 2013.
- IEEE ACT Section Young Professional Executive Committee, 2023.
- Publicity chair of Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA) 2023.
- Organizing committee of the "Bio-Inspired Robot Navigation and Control in Unknown and Limited Visibility Environments" workshop of Ubiquitous Robots (UR) 2023.
- Activity lead in Young Women in Engineering (YoWIE), since 2020.
- Scientific committee member for the Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicles (ICAISV 2023) Conference, Tehran, Iran.
- Executive member of Early Career Academic Network (ECAN) in UNSW Canberra, since 2021.
Professional Memberships:
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS)
IEEE Woman in Engineering (WIE)
My Research Supervision
Mrs Mahtab Mohtasham Khani (PhD)
Mr Ryan Locke (PhD)