Professor Simon Finfer

Conjoint Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Simon Finfer is a Professorial Fellow in the Critical Care and Trauma Division at The George Institute for Global Health. He is a practicing critical care physician with an appointment as a Senior Staff Specialist at Royal North Shore Hospital and Director of Intensive Care at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, the largest not-for-profit hospital in New South Wales.

Simon is an Professor at the University of New South Wales, and a Clinical Professor at the University of Sydney. He is a past-Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Clinical Trials Group. He chairs the Council of the International Sepsis Forum, and is a member (Treasurer) of the Global Sepsis Alliance Executive. Simon is a member of the World Sepsis Day Steering Committee and recently co-chaired the 1st World Sepsis Congress, a two-day free online congress that attracted 14,000 registrants.

His postgraduate qualifications include Fellowships of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the College of Intensive Care Medicine. He was elected to the ANZICS Honour Roll in 2011 and in 2012 he was awarded an honorary doctorate (Doctor of Medicine) by The Friedrich-Schiller University in Germany, an honour awarded once every 10 years. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.

Simon’s major research interest is the design and conduct of large scale randomised controlled trials in critical care. Simon is active in forging major international research collaborations that have conducted large scale clinical trials and epidemiological research to improve the treatment of critically ill and injured patients. He has published over 150 peer reviewed papers, many in the most prestigious journal in the world. He is frequently invited to lecture at major international conferences.

Simon is an Editor of The Oxford Textbook of Critical Care (2nd Ed.), the Critical Care Section Editor for The Oxford Textbook of Medicine (6th Ed.), and was a guest editor for The New England Journal of Medicine from 2012 - 2014.

  • Books | 2006
    DeVita M; Hillman KM; Bellomo R, 2006, Medical Emergency Teams - Implementation and Outcome Measurement, Original, Springer Science+Business Media, Inc, New York, NY
  • Book Chapters | 2016
    Hillman K; Chen J, 2016, 'Rapid Response Teams for the Critically Ill', in Webb A; Angus D; Finfer S; Gattinoni L; Singer M (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Critical Care, Oxford University Press
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Delaney A; Finfer S, 2013, 'Fluid and electrolyte therapy', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Seventh Edition, pp. 949 - 959,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2013, 'Clinical trials in critical care', in Oh's Intensive Care Manual, Seventh Edition, pp. 75 - 84,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Finfer S; Jones DA, 2008, 'Crystalloids and Colloids', in Critical Care Nephrology, Second Edition, pp. 571 - 575,
    Book Chapters |
    Cook D; Finfer S, 'Organizing Clinical Critical Care Research and Implementing the Results', in Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Springer-Verlag, pp. 311 - 323,
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Al-Dorzi HM; Arishi H; Al-Hameed FM; Burns KEA; Mehta S; Jose J; Alsolamy SJ; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Alshahrani MS; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi GA; Almaani M; Al Bshabshe A; Finfer S; Arshad Z; Khalid I; Mehta Y; Gaur A; Hawa H; Buscher H; Lababidi H; Al Aithan A; Al-Dawood A; Arabi YM, 2025, 'Performance of Risk Assessment Models for VTE in Patients Who Are Critically Ill Receiving Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis: A Post Hoc Analysis of the Pneumatic Compression for Preventing VTE Trial', Chest, 167, pp. 598 - 610,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Adigbli D; Li Y; Hammond N; Chatoor R; Devaux AG; Li Q; Billot L; Annane D; Arabi Y; Bilotta F; Bohé J; Brunkhorst FM; Cavalcanti AB; Cook D; Engel C; Green-LaRoche D; He W; Henderson W; Hoedemaekers C; Iapichino G; Kalfon P; de La Rosa G; Lahooti A; Mackenzie I; Mahendran S; Mélot C; Mitchell I; Oksanen T; Polli F; Preiser J-C; Garcia Soriano F; Vlok R; Wang L; Xu Y; Delaney AP; Di Tanna GL; Finfer S, 2024, 'A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Intensive Glucose Control in Critically Ill Adults.', NEJM Evid, 3, pp. EVIDoa2400082,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Adigbli D; Liu R; Meyer J; Cohen J; Di Tanna GL; Gianacas C; Bhattacharya A; Hammond N; Walsham J; Venkatesh B; Hotchkiss R; Finfer S, 2024, 'EARLY PERSISTENT LYMPHOPENIA AND RISK OF DEATH IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT SEPSIS', Shock, 61, pp. 197 - 203,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Adigbli DK; Hammond NE; Finfer S, 2024, 'Managing blood glucose in the intensive care unit', Intensive Care Medicine,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cook D; Deane A; Dionne JC; Lauzier F; Marshall JC; Arabi YM; Wilcox ME; Ostermann M; Al-Fares A; Heels-Ansdell D; Zytaruk N; Thabane L; Finfer S, 2024, 'Adjudication of a primary trial outcome: Results of a calibration exercise and protocol for a large international trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 39,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cook D; Deane A; Lauzier F; Zytaruk N; Guyatt G; Saunders L; Hardie M; Heels-Ansdell D; Alhazzani W; Marshall J; Muscedere J; Myburgh J; English S; Arabi YM; Ostermann M; Knowles S; Hammond N; Byrne KM; Chapman M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Al-Fares A; Reis G; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Hall R; Meade M; Hand L; Duan E; Clarke F; Dionne JC; Tsang JLY; Rochwerg B; Karachi T; Lamontagne F; D'Aragon F; St Arnaud C; Reeve B; Geagea A; Niven D; Vazquez-Grande G; Zarychanski R; Ovakim D; Wood G; Burns KEA; Goffi A; Wilcox ME; Henderson W; Forrest D; Fowler R; Adhikari NKJ; Ball I; Mele T; Binnie A; Trop S; Mehta S; Morgan I; Loubani O; Vanstone M; Fiest K; Charbonney E; Cavayas YA; Archambault P; Rewa OG; Lau V; Kristof AS; Khwaja K; Williamson D; Kanji S; Sy E; Dennis B; Reynolds S; Marquis F; Lellouche F; Rahman A; Hosek P; Barletta JF; Cirrone R; Tutschka M; Xie F; Billot L; Thabane L; Finfer S, 2024, 'Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis during Invasive Mechanical Ventilation', New England Journal of Medicine, 391, pp. 9 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Daubney ER; D'Urso S; Cuellar-Partida G; Rajbhandari D; Peach E; De Guzman E; McArthur C; Rhodes A; Meyer J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Cohen J; Schirra HJ; Venkatesh B; Evans DM, 2024, 'A Genome-Wide Association Study of Serum Metabolite Profiles in Septic Shock Patients', Critical Care Explorations, 6, pp. E1030,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dennis B; Deane A; Lauzier F; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Hammond N; Finfer S; Arabi Y; Marshall J; Saunders L; Heels-Ansdell D; Myburgh J; Knowles S; Muscedere J; Ostermann M; Rajbhandari D; English S; Matic K; Venkatesh B; Al Fares A; Guyatt G; Alhazzani W; Mumtaz H; Poole A; Xie F; Thabane L; Hall R; Cook D, 2024, 'Protocol implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from a randomized trial of stress ulcer prophylaxis', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dulhunty JM; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Rajbhandari D; Billot L; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; Liu X; McGuinness S; Mysore J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Myburgh JA; Lipman J, 2024, 'Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis: The BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 332, pp. 629 - 637,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gordon AC; Alipanah-Lechner N; Bos LD; Dianti J; Diaz JV; Finfer S; Fujii T; Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ; Goligher EC; Gong MN; Karakike E; Liu VX; Lumlertgul N; Marshall JC; Menon DK; Meyer NJ; Munroe ES; Myatra SN; Ostermann M; Prescott HC; Randolph AG; Schenck EJ; Seymour CW; Shankar-Hari M; Singer M; Smit MR; Tanaka A; Taccone FS; Thompson BT; Torres LK; van der Poll T; Vincent JL; Calfee CS, 2024, 'From ICU Syndromes to ICU Subphenotypes Consensus Report and Recommendations for Developing Precision Medicine in the ICU', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 210, pp. 155 - 166,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kumar A; Abbenbroek B; Hammond N; Finfer S, 2024, 'Trend in public awareness of sepsis in Australia between 2016 and 2022: An analysis of three national surveys’ data', Australian Critical Care, 37, pp. S3 - S4,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kumar A; Hammond N; Grattan S; Finfer S; Delaney A, 2024, 'Accuracy of International Classification of Disease Coding Methods to Estimate Sepsis Epidemiology: A Scoping Review', Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 3 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Shankar-Hari M; Calandra T; Soares MP; Bauer M; Wiersinga WJ; Prescott HC; Knight JC; Baillie KJ; Bos LDJ; Derde LPG; Finfer S; Hotchkiss RS; Marshall J; Openshaw PJM; Seymour CW; Venet F; Vincent JL; Le Tourneau C; Maitland-van der Zee AH; McInnes IB; van der Poll T, 2024, 'Reframing sepsis immunobiology for translation: towards informative subtyping and targeted immunomodulatory therapies', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12, pp. 323 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Spaeth B; Taylor S; Shephard M; Reed RL; Omond R; Karnon J; Bonevski B; Rissel C; Ullah S; Noutsos T; Stephens JH; Smith JA; Wilson A; Abbenbroek B; de Courcy-Ireland E; Finfer S, 2024, 'Point-of-care testing for sepsis in remote Australia and for First Nations peoples', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 2105 - 2106,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Thwaites L; Nasa P; Abbenbroek B; Dat VQ; Finfer S; Kwizera A; Ling L; Lobo SM; Sinto R; Aditianingsih D; Antonelli M; Arabi YM; Argent A; Azevedo L; Bennett E; Chakrabarti A; De Asis K; De Waele J; Divatia JV; Estenssoro E; Evans L; Faiz A; Hammond NE; Hashmi M; Herridge MS; Jacob ST; Jatsho J; Javeri Y; Khalid K; Chen LK; Levy M; Lundeg G; Machado FR; Mehta Y; Mer M; Son DN; Ospina-Tascón GA; Ostermann M; Permpikul C; Prescott HC; Reinhart K; Rodriguez Vega G; S-Kabara H; Shrestha GS; Waweru-Siika W; Tan TL; Todi S; Tripathy S; Venkatesh B; Vincent JL; Myatra SN, 2024, 'Management of adult sepsis in resource-limited settings: global expert consensus statements using a Delphi method', Intensive Care Medicine,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Vanstone MG; Krewulak K; Taneja S; Swinton M; Fiest K; Burns KEA; Debigare S; Dionne JC; Guyatt G; Marshall JC; Muscedere JG; Deane AM; Finfer S; Myburgh JA; Gouskos A; Rochwerg B; Ball I; Mele T; Niven DJ; English SW; Verhovsek M; Cook DJ, 2024, 'Patient-important upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU: A mixed-methods study of patient and family perspectives', Journal of Critical Care, 81,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walsham J; Hammond N; Blumenthal A; Cohen J; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Evans D; Peake S; Kruger P; McCullough J; Johnk L; Ghelani D; Billot L; Shan S; Meyer J; Rajbhandari D; Koch C; Bellomo R; Burrell LM; Young M; Roberts M; Mackenzie L; Medley G; Dalton J; Venkatesh B, 2024, 'Fludrocortisone dose–response relationship in septic shock: a randomised phase II trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 2050 - 2060,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang Y; Parpia S; Ge L; Heels-Ansdell D; Lai H; Esfahani MA; Pan B; Alhazzani W; Schandelmaier S; Lauzier F; Arabi Y; Barletta J; Deane A; Finfer S; Williamson D; Kanji S; Møller MH; Perner A; Krag M; Young PJ; Dionne JC; Hammond N; Ye Z; Ibrahim Q; Cook D, 2024, 'Proton-Pump Inhibitors to Prevent Gastrointestinal Bleeding - An Updated Meta-Analysis.', NEJM Evid, 3, pp. EVIDoa2400134,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Young PJ; Devaux A; Li Q; Billot L; Davis JS; Delaney A; Finfer SR; Hammond NE; Micallef S; Seppelt IM; Venkatesh B; Myburgh JA; Gordon A; Cuthbertson B; Fowler R; Murthy S; Pattison N; Iredell J; Taylor C; Young D; van der Poll T; Roberts I; Boschert C; Broadfield E; Chimunda T; Fletcher J; Knott C; Porwal S; Smith J; Bhonagiri D; Leijten M; Narayan S; Sanchez D; Saunders P; Sherriff C; Barrett J; Hanlon G; Jelly-Butterworth S; O’Donnell J; Watson J; Bihari S; Brown J; Comerford S; Laver R; McIntyre JA; Shrestha T; Xia J; Bates S; Fennessy G; French C; Kootayi S; Marshall F; McEldrew R; McGain F; Morgan R; Mulder J; Tippett A; Towns M; Barker E; Donovan S; Ellis K; Gaur A; Gibbons H; Gregory R; Hair E; Keehan M; Naumoff J; Turner E; Brinkerhoff G; Bush D; Cazzola F; Havill K; Healey P; Poulter A; Sunkara K; Aneman A; Choit R; Dobell-Brown K; Guo K; Lee J; Lombardo L; Manalil Z; Miller J; Rogers J; Stewart A; Yanga J; Gresham R; Lowrey J; Masters K; Whitehead C; Zaratan B; Grigg M; Harward M; Jones C; Mackay J; Meyer J; Saylor E, 2024, 'Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 56 - 67,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zampieri FG; Cavalcanti AB; Di Tanna GL; Damiani LP; Hammond NE; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Venkatesh B; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2024, 'Balanced crystalloids versus saline for critically ill patients (BEST-Living): a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12, pp. 237 - 246,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Adigbli D; Yang L; Hammond N; Annane D; Arabi Y; Bilotta F; Bohé J; Brunkhorst FM; Cavalcanti AB; Cook D; Engel C; Green-LaRoche D; He W; Henderson W; Hoedemaekers C; Iapichino G; Kalfon P; La Rosa GD; MacKenzie I; Mélot C; Mitchell I; Oksanen T; Polli F; Preiser J-C; Soriano FG; Wang L-C; Yuan J; Delaney A; Di Tanna GL; Finfer S, 2023, 'Controle intensivo da glicose em adultos em estado grave: um protocolo de revisão sistemática e metanálise de dados individuais de pacientes', Critical Care Science, 35,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Adigbli D; Yang L; Hammond N; Annane D; Arabi Y; Bilotta F; Bohé J; Brunkhorst FM; Cavalcanti AB; Cook D; Engel C; Green-Laroche D; He W; Henderson W; Hoedemaekers C; Iapichino G; Kalfon P; de La Rosa G; Mackenzie I; Mélot C; Mitchell I; Oksanen T; Polli F; Preiser JC; Soriano FG; Wang LC; Yuan J; Delaney A; Tanna GLD; Finfer S, 2023, 'Intensive glucose control in critically ill adults: a protocol for a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis', Critical Care Science, 35, pp. 345 - 354,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Al-Dorzi HM; AlQahtani S; Al-Dawood A; Al-Hameed FM; Burns KEA; Mehta S; Jose J; Alsolamy SJ; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Alshahrani MS; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi GA; Almaani M; Al Bshabshe A; Finfer S; Arshad Z; Khalid I; Mehta Y; Gaur A; Hawa H; Buscher H; Lababidi H; Al Aithan A; Arabi YM, 2023, 'Association of early mobility with the incidence of deep-vein thrombosis and mortality among critically ill patients: a post hoc analysis of PREVENT trial', Critical Care, 27,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bagshaw SM; Neto AS; Smith O; Weir M; Qiu H; Du B; Wang AY; Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Wald R; Adhikari NKJ; Dreyfuss D; Bin D; Gallagher MP; Gaudry S; Lamontagne F; Joannidis M; Liu KD; McAuley DF; McGuinness SP; Nichol AD; Ostermann M; Palevsky PM; Pettilä V; Schneider AG; Vaara ST; Eastwood GM; Peck L; Young H; Kruger P; Laurie G; Saylor E; Meyer J; Venz E; Wetzig K; French C; McGain F; Mulder J; Fennessy G; Koottayi S; Bates S; Towns M; Morgan R; Tippett A; Udy A; Mason C; Licari E; Gantner D; McClure J; McCracken P; Board J; Martin E; Vallance S; Young M; Vladic C; McGloughlin S; Gattas D; Buhr H; Coles J; Hutch D; Wun J; Cole L; Whitehead C; Lowrey J; Masters K; Gresham R; Campbell V; Gutierrez D; Brailsford J; Forbes L; Murray L; Maguire T; NiChonghaile M; Orford N; Bone A; Elderkin T; Salerno T; Chimunda T; Fletcher J; Broadfield E; Porwal S; Knott C; Boschert C; Smith J; Richardson A; Hill D; Duke G; Oziemski P; Cegarra S; Chan P; Welsh D; Hunter S; Roodenburg O; Dyett J; Kokotsis N; Moser M; Yang Y; Padayachee L; Vetro J, 2023, 'Correction: Impact of renal-replacement therapy strategies on outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of the STARRT-AKI trial (Intensive Care Medicine, (2022), 4 8, 12, (1736-1750), 10.1007/s00134-022-06912-w)', Intensive Care Medicine, 49, pp. 381 - 383,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond N; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis” [Crit Care Resusc 23(3) (2021) 273–284](10.51893/2021.3.oa4))', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 60,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Burns KEA; Heels-Ansdell D; Thabane L; Kahn SR; Lauzier F; Mehta S; Ostermann M; Bhuptani P; Crowther MA; Finfer S; Cook DJ, 2023, 'Sex differences in thromboprophylaxis of the critically ill: a secondary analysis of a randomized trial', Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 70, pp. 1008 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cook DJ; Swinton M; Krewulak KD; Fiest K; Dionne J; Debigare S; Guyatt G; Taneja S; Alhazzani W; Burns KEA; Marshall JC; Muscedere J; Gouskos A; Finfer S; Deane AM; Myburgh J; Rochwerg B; Ball I; Mele T; Niven D; English S; Verhovsek M; Vanstone M, 2023, 'What counts as patient-important upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU? A mixed-methods study protocol of patient and family perspectives', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Deane AM; Alhazzani W; Guyatt G; Finfer S; Marshall JC; Myburgh J; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Saunders L; Knowles S; Lauzier F; Chapman MJ; English S; Muscedere J; Arabi Y; Ostermann M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Thabane L; Billot L; Heels-Ansdell D; Al-Fares AA; Hammond NE; Hall R; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Reis G; Xie F; Cook DJ, 2023, 'REVISE: R e-Ev aluating the i nhibition of S tress e rosions in the ICU: A randomised trial protocol', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Delaney A; Tian DH; Higgins A; Presneill J; Peake S; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Thompson K; Taylor C; Donaldson L; Santos JA; Hammond N, 2023, 'The Association Between Days Alive and Out of Hospital and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Sepsis', CHEST Critical Care, 1, pp. 100024 - 100024,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dennis BB; Thabane L; Heels-Ansdell D; Dionne JC; Binnie A; Tsang J; Guyatt G; Ahmed A; Lauzier F; Deane A; Arabi Y; Marshall J; Zytaruk N; Saunders L; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Muscedere J; English S; Ostermann M; Hardie M; Knowles S; Cook D, 2023, 'Proton pump inhibitors in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19: protocol for a substudy of the Re-EValuating the Inhibition of Stress Erosions (REVISE) Trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Finfer S; Venkatesh B; Hotchkiss RS; Sasson SC, 2023, 'Lymphopenia in sepsis—an acquired immunodeficiency?', Immunology and Cell Biology, 101, pp. 535 - 544,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Friedrich JO; Harhay MO; Angus DC; Burns KEA; Cook DJ; Fergusson DA; Finfer S; Hébert P; Rowan K; Rubenfeld G; Marshall JC, 2023, 'Mortality As a Measure of Treatment Effect in Clinical Trials Recruiting Critically Ill Patients∗', Critical Care Medicine, 51, pp. 222 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hammond NE; Finfer S, 2023, 'Can we design better ARDS trials?', Thorax, 78, pp. 955 - 956,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Heels-Ansdell D; Billot L; Thabane L; Alhazzani W; Deane A; Guyatt G; Finfer S; Lauzier F; Myburgh J; Young P; Arabi Y; Marshall J; English S; Muscedere J; Ostermann M; Venkatesh B; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Hammond N; Knowles S; Saunders L; Poole A; Al-Fares A; Xie F; Hall R; Cook D, 2023, 'REVISE: re-evaluating the inhibition of stress erosions in the ICU—statistical analysis plan for a randomized trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kumar A; Abbenbroek B; Delaney A; Hammond N; Grattan S; Finfer S, 2023, 'Sepsis triggers and tools to support early identification in healthcare settings: An integrative review', Australian Critical Care, 36, pp. 1117 - 1128,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kumar A; Hammond N; Abbenbroek B; Thompson K; Taylor C; Venkatesh B; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2023, 'Sepsis-coded hospitalisations and associated costs in Australia: a retrospective analysis', BMC Health Services Research, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li W; Cornelius V; Finfer S; Venkatesh B; Billot L, 2023, 'Adaptive designs in critical care trials: a simulation study', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Myburgh JA; Seppelt IM; Finfer SR, 2023, 'Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract and Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation - Reply', JAMA, 329, pp. 1030 - 1031,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pirracchio R; Annane D; Waschka AK; Lamontagne F; Arabi YM; Bollaert P-E; Billot L; Du B; Briegel J; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Hyvernat H; Keh D; Li Y; Liu L; Meduri GU; Mirea L; Myburgh JA; Sprung CL; Tilouche N; Tongyoo S; Venkatesh B; Zheng R; Delaney A, 2023, 'Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Low-Dose Hydrocortisone in Adults with Septic Shock.', NEJM Evid, 2, pp. EVIDoa2300034,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Skrifvars MB; Luethi N; Bailey M; French C; Nichol A; Trapani T; McArthur C; Arabi YM; Bendel S; Cooper DJ; Bellomo R; Newby CMAL; Van Haren F; Spiller S; Nourse M; Brown JR; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Silverman D; Hutchinson R; Richards B; Tallott M; Field J; Vartiala H; Eliasson M; Koivikko M; Harrigan P; Hardie M; Tolfree A; Haddad S; Kishi MA; Deeb A; Harbi SA; Al-Swaidan L; Moammar TA; Lingling J; Caliwag S; Richi H; Jandan AA; Rahikainen S; Tam V; Robinson J; Micallef S; Cole L; Weisbrodt L; Gresham R; Nikas M; Richie A; Strickland R; Rivett J; Kloeden S; O’Connor S; McAllister R; Barge D; Presneill J; Finfer S; Yarad E; Bird S; O’Connor A; Hammond N; Bass F; Boardman M; Waterson S; Gattas D; Buhr H; Nair P; Reynolds C; Tantau R; Board J; Vallance S; McCracken P; Young M; Gordon G; Reeves S; Brennan S; Young P; Hunt A; Beehre N; Smellie H; Nayyar V; Whitehead C; Kong J; Bonovas G; Kong J, 2023, 'The effect of recombinant erythropoietin on long-term outcome after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury', Intensive Care Medicine, 49, pp. 831 - 839,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wald R; Gaudry S; da Costa BR; Adhikari NKJ; Bellomo R; Du B; Gallagher MP; Hoste EA; Lamontagne F; Joannidis M; Liu KD; McAuley DF; McGuinness SP; Nichol AD; Ostermann M; Palevsky PM; Qiu H; Pettilä V; Schneider AG; Smith OM; Vaara ST; Weir M; Dreyfuss D; Bagshaw SM; Du B; Hoste EA; Weir M; Eastwood GM; Peck L; Young H; Kruger P; Laurie G; Saylor E; Meyer J; Venz E; Wetzig K; French C; McGain F; Mulder J; Fennessy G; Koottayi S; Bates S; Towns M; Morgan R; Tippett A; Udy A; Mason C; Licari E; Gantner D; McClure J; McCracken P; Board J; Martin E; Vallance S; Young M; Vladic C; McGloughlin S; Gattas D; Buhr H; Coles J; Hutch D; Wun J; Cole L; Whitehead C; Lowrey J; Masters K; Gresham R; Campbell V; Gutierrez D; Brailsford J; Forbes L; Murray L; Maguire T; NiChonghaile M; Orford N; Bone A; Elderkin T; Salerno T; Chimunda T; Fletcher J; Broadfield E; Porwal S; Knott C; Boschert C; Smith J; Richardson A; Hill D, 2023, 'Initiation of continuous renal replacement therapy versus intermittent hemodialysis in critically ill patients with severe acute kidney injury: a secondary analysis of STARRT-AKI trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 49, pp. 1305 - 1316,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Young PJ; Hodgson CL; Mackle D; Mather AM; Beasley R; Bellomo R; Bernard S; Brickell K; Deane AM; Eastwood G; Finfer S; Higgins AM; Hunt A; Lawrence C; Linke NJ; Litton E; McDonald CF; Moore J; Nichol AD; Olatunji S; Parke RL; Peake S; Secombe P; Seppelt IM; Turner A; Trapani T; Udy A; Kasza J, 2023, 'Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for the low oxygen intervention for cardiac arrest injury limitation (LOGICAL) trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 140 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Al-Dorzi HM; Al-Dawood A; Al-Hameed FM; Burns KEA; Mehta S; Jose J; Alsolamy S; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Alshahrani MS; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi GA; Almaani M; Al Bshabshe A; Finfer S; Arshad Z; Khalid I; Mehta Y; Gaur A; Hawa H; Buscher H; Lababidi H; Al Aithan A; Arabi YM, 2022, 'The effect of intermittent pneumatic compression on deep-vein thrombosis and ventilation-free days in critically ill patients with heart failure', Scientific Reports, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Angriman F; Ferreyro BL; Angeloni N; da Costa BR; Wald R; Bagshaw SM; Adhikari NKJ, 2022, 'The Effect of an Accelerated Renal Replacement Therapy Initiation Is Not Modified by Baseline Risk', ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY, 19, pp. 1613 - 1618,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bagshaw SM; Neto AS; Smith O; Weir M; Qiu H; Du B; Wang AY; Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Wald R, 2022, 'Impact of renal-replacement therapy strategies on outcomes for patients with chronic kidney disease: a secondary analysis of the STARRT-AKI trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 48, pp. 1736 - 1750,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Feng Y; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Perkovic V; Jardine M; Wang AY; Gallagher M, 2022, 'A Novel Risk Prediction Model for Severe Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Fluid Resuscitation', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Finfer S; Micallef S; Hammond N; Navarra L; Bellomo R; Billot L; Delaney A; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Li Q; Biostat M; MacKle D; Mysore J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2022, 'Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults', New England Journal of Medicine, 386, pp. 815 - 826,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gantner D; Cooper DJ; Finfer S; Bragge P, 2022, 'Determinants of Adherence to Best Practice in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Qualitative Study', Neurocritical Care, 37, pp. 744 - 753,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gantner D; Wiegers E; Bragge P; Finfer S; Delaney A; Van Essen T; Peul W; Maas AIR; Jamie Cooper D, 2022, 'Decompressive Craniectomy Practice following Traumatic Brain Injury in Comparison with Randomized Trials: Harmonized, Multi-Center Cohort Studies in Europe, the United Kingdom, and Australia', Journal of Neurotrauma, 39, pp. 860 - 869,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hammond N; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2022, 'Balanced Electrolyte Solution or Saline in the Critically Ill. Reply', The New England journal of medicine, 386, pp. 2249 - 2249,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hammond NE; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Garside T; Vlok R; Mahendran S; Adigbli D; Finfer S; Gao Y; Goodman F; Guyatt G; Santos JA; Venkatesh B; Yao L; Di Tanna GL; Delaney A, 2022, 'Association between Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract and In-Hospital Mortality in Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis', JAMA, 328, pp. 1922 - 1934,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hammond NE; Zampieri FG; Di Tanna GL; Garside T; Adigbli D; Cavalcanti AB; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Delaney A, 2022, 'Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults - A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.', NEJM Evid, 1, pp. EVIDoa2100010,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hodgson CL; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Brickell K; Broadley T; Buhr H; Gabbe BJ; Gould DW; Harrold M; Higgins AM; Hurford S; Iwashyna TJ; Serpa Neto A; Nichol AD; Presneill JJ; Schaller SJ; Sivasuthan J; Tipping CJ; Webb S; Young PJ, 2022, 'Early Active Mobilization during Mechanical Ventilation in the ICU', New England Journal of Medicine, 387, pp. 1747 - 1758,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Jardine MJ; Kotwal SS; Bassi A; Hockham C; Jones M; Wilcox A; Pollock C; Burrell LM; McGree J; Rathore V; Jenkins CR; Gupta L; Ritchie A; Bangi A; D'Cruz S; McLachlan AJ; Finfer S; Cummins MM; Snelling T; Jha V, 2022, 'Angiotensin receptor blockers for the treatment of covid-19: Pragmatic, adaptive, multicentre, phase 3, randomised controlled trial', BMJ, 379, pp. e072175,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kumar A; Abbenbroek B; Hammond N; Vijayaraghavan BKT; Ling L; Thwaites L; Myatra SN; Finfer S, 2022, 'Critical care resources, disaster preparedness, and sepsis management: Survey results from the Asia Pacific region', Journal of Hospital Administration, 11, pp. 23 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuo NIH; Polizzotto MN; Finfer S; Garcia F; Sönnerborg A; Zazzi M; Böhm M; Kaiser R; Jorm L; Barbieri S, 2022, 'The Health Gym: synthetic health-related datasets for the development of reinforcement learning algorithms', Scientific Data, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Myburgh JA; Seppelt IM; Goodman F; Billot L; Correa M; Davis JS; Gordon AC; Hammond NE; Iredell J; Li Q; Micallef S; Miller J; Mysore J; Taylor C; Young PJ; Cuthbertson BH; Finfer SR, 2022, 'Effect of Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract on Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 328, pp. 1911 - 1921,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Nasa P; Azoulay E; Chakrabarti A; Divatia JV; Jain R; Rodrigues C; Rosenthal VD; Alhazzani W; Arabi YM; Bakker J; Bassetti M; De Waele J; Dimopoulos G; Du B; Einav S; Evans L; Finfer S; Guérin C; Hammond NE; Jaber S; Kleinpell RM; Koh Y; Kollef M; Levy MM; Machado FR; Mancebo J; Martin-Loeches I; Mer M; Niederman MS; Pelosi P; Perner A; Peter JV; Phua J; Piquilloud L; Pletz MW; Rhodes A; Schultz MJ; Singer M; Timsit JF; Venkatesh B; Vincent JL; Welte T; Myatra SN, 2022, 'Infection control in the intensive care unit: expert consensus statements for SARS-CoV-2 using a Delphi method', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22, pp. e74 - e87,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Poole AP; Finnis ME; Anstey J; Bellomo R; Bihari S; Biradar V; Doherty S; Eastwood G; Finfer S; French CJ; Heller S; Horowitz M; Kar P; Kruger PS; Maiden MJ; Mårtensson J; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Secombe PJ; Tobin AE; Udy AA; Young PJ; Deane AM, 2022, 'The Effect of a Liberal Approach to Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Multicenter, Parallel-Group, Open-Label Randomized Clinical Trial', American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 206, pp. 874 - 882,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Saha AS; Deopujari SB; Saha S, 2022, 'Balanced Electrolyte Solution or Saline in the Critically Ill.', N Engl J Med, 386, pp. 2248,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Thompson K; Vassallo A; Finfer S; Woodward M, 2022, 'Renewed rationale for sex- and gender-disaggregated research: A COVID-19 commentary review', Women's Health, 18, pp. 17455065221076738,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Thompson KJ; Finfer SR; Woodward M; Leong RNF; Liu B, 2022, 'Sex differences in sepsis hospitalisations and outcomes in older women and men: A prospective cohort study', Journal of Infection, 84, pp. 770 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Thompson KJ; Young PJ; Venkatesh B; Cohen J; Finfer SR; Grattan S; Hammond NE; Jan S; Li Q; Di Tanna GL; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Rajbhandari D; Taylor CB, 2022, 'Long-term costs and cost-effectiveness of adjunctive corticosteroids for patients with septic shock in New Zealand', Australian Critical Care, 35, pp. 241 - 250,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Young PJ; Mackle D; Hodgson C; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Beasley R; Deane AM; Eastwood G; Finfer S; Freebairn R; King V; Linke N; Litton E; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Panwar R, 2022, 'Conservative or liberal oxygen therapy for mechanically ventilated adults with acute brain pathologies: A post-hoc subgroup analysis', Journal of Critical Care, 71,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zampieri FG; Cavalcanti AB; Di Tanna GL; Damiani LP; Hammond NE; Machado FR; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Rice TW; Semler MW; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2022, 'Protocol for balanced versus saline trialists: living systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (BEST-Living study)', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 24, pp. 128 - 136,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zampieri FG; da Costa BR; Vaara ST; Lamontagne F; Rochwerg B; Nichol AD; McGuinness S; McAuley DF; Ostermann M; Wald R; Bagshaw SM, 2022, 'A Bayesian reanalysis of the Standard versus Accelerated Initiation of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Acute Kidney Injury (STARRT-AKI) trial', CRITICAL CARE, 26,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Hammond NE; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Navarra L; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2021, 'The plasma-lyte 148 versus saline (PLUS) statistical analysis plan: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of the effect of intensive care fluid therapy on mortality', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 24 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Finfer S; Goodman F; Gordon A; Myburgh J; Seppelt I, 2021, 'SuDDICU Protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Gordon A; Al-Beidh F; Correa M; Davis J; Finfer S; Glass P; Goodman F; Hammond N; Iredell J; Miller J; Murthy S; Rose L; Seppelt I; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2021, 'Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit Patients (SuDDICU) crossover, cluster randomized controlled trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 183 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2021, 'Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: A phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 273 - 284,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cohen J; Blumenthal A; Cuellar-Partida G; Evans DM; Finfer S; Li Q; Ljungberg J; Myburgh J; Peach E; Powell J; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Senabouth A; Venkatesh B, 2021, 'The relationship between adrenocortical candidate gene expression and clinical response to hydrocortisone in patients with septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 974 - 983,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Coopersmith CM; Connor MJ, 2021, 'Crystalloid Composition and Rate of Fluid Administration When Resuscitating Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Reply', JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 326, pp. 2532 - +,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Finfer S; Cook D; MacHado FR; Perner A, 2021, 'Clinical Research: From Case Reports to International Multicenter Clinical Trials', Critical Care Medicine, 49, pp. 1866 - 1882,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Finfer S; Hammond N; Vijayaraghavan BKT; Ling L; Thwaites L; Abbenbroek B, 2021, 'Critical Care Resources and Disaster Preparedness Survey 2020', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Finfer S; Zampieri FG; Young PJ, 2021, 'Crystalloid Composition and Rate of Fluid Administration When Resuscitating Patients in the Intensive Care Unit', JAMA, 326, pp. 2531 - 2532,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hammond N; Zampieri F; Garside T; Adigbli D; Di Tanna GL; Cavalcanti A; Machado F; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice T; Semler M; Young P; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Delaney A, 2021, 'Balanced crystalloids compared to normal saline for fluid therapy in critically ill adult patients: Systematic review and meta-analysis protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Reinhart K; Levy MM; Finfer SS; Machado F; Kaplan L; Kesecioglu J; Rhodes A; Daniels R; Kissoon N; Nsutebu E; Gorordo LA; Malik I; Alhawsawi A; Cecconi M; Giamarellos E; Martin G; Schlapbach L; The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) , 2021, 'Reducing the global burden of sepsis: a positive legacy for the COVID-19 pandemic?', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 733 - 736,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Taylor C; Yang L; Finfer S; Machado FR; YouZhong A; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; McIntyre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J; Thompson K; Hammond NE, 2021, 'An international comparison of the cost of fluid resuscitation therapies', Australian Critical Care, 34, pp. 23 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Thompson K; Venkatesh B; Hammond N; Taylor C; Finfer S; Bompoint S; Carcel C; Cohen J; Jan S; Myburgh J; Peters SAE; Rajbhandari D, 2021, 'Sex differences in response to adjunctive corticosteroid treatment for patients with septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 246 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Thompson KJ; Finfer SR; Coombes J; Eades S; Hunter K; Leong RNF; Lewis E; Liu B, 2021, 'Incidence and outcomes of sepsis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous residents of New South Wales: population-based cohort study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 337 - 345,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Freitas FGR; Hammond N; Li Y; de Azevedo LCP; Cavalcanti AB; Taniguchi L; Gobatto A; Japiassú AM; Bafi AT; Mazza BF; Noritomi DT; Dal-Pizzol F; Bozza F; Salluh JIF; Westphal GA; Soares M; de Assunção MSC; Lisboa T; Lobo SMA; Barbosa AR; Ventura AF; de Souza AF; Silva AF; Toledo A; Reis A; Cembranel A; Neto AR; Gut AL; Justo APP; Santos AP; de Albuquerque ACD; Scazufka A; Rodrigues AB; Fernandino BB; Silva BG; Vidal BS; Pinheiro BV; Pinto BVC; Feijo CAR; Filho CDA; Nunes Bosso CEDC; Moreira CEN; Ramos CHF; Tavares C; Arantes C; Grion C; Mendes CL; Kmohan C; Piras C; Castro CPP; Lins C; Beraldo D; Fontes D; Boni D; Castiglioni D; Paisani DDM; Pedroso DFF; Mattos ER; Sobrinho EDB; Troncoso EMV; Filho EMR; Nogueira EEF; Ferreira EL; Pacheco ES; Jodar E; Ferreira ELA; de Araujo FF; Trevisol FS; Amorim FF; Giannini FP; Santos FPM; Buarque F; Lima FG; Alvares da Costa FA; dos Anjos Sad FC; Aranha FG; Ganem F; Callil F; Costa Filho FF; Campo Dall'Arto FT; Moreno G; Friedman G; Moralez GM; da Silva GA; Costa G; Cavalcanti GS; Betônico GN; Reis H; Araujo HBN; Hortiz HA; Guimaraes HP; Urbano H; Maia I; Filho ILS; Júnior JF; Alvarez JR; Passos JT; da Rocha Paranhos JE, 2021, 'Resuscitation fluid practices in Brazilian intensive care units: A secondary analysis of Fluid-TRIPS', Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva, 33, pp. 206 - 218,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Annane D; Pirracchio R; Billot L; Waschka A; Chevret S; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B; Delaney A, 2020, 'Effects of low-dose hydrocortisone and hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone in adults with septic shock: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e040931,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bihari S; Prakash S; Barnes M; Finfer S; Hammond N, 2020, 'Why is a fluid bolus administered and has there been a change in practice? Results from SAFE, SAFE TRIPS and fluid TRIPS datasets', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1284 - 1285,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cohen J; Bellomo R; Billot L; Burrell LM; Evans DM; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Li Q; Liu D; McArthur C; McWhinney B; Moore J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Pretorius C; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Saxena M; Ungerer JPJ; Young MJ; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Plasma Cortisol, Aldosterone, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations in Patients with Septic Shock Do Not Predict Treatment Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality A Nested Cohort Study', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 202, pp. 700 - 707,
    Journal articles | 2020
    D'Urso S; Rajbhandari D; Peach E; De Guzman E; Li Q; Medland SE; Gordon SD; Martin NG; Ligthart S; Brown MA; Powell J; McArthur C; Rhodes A; Meyer J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Blumenthal A; Cohen J; Venkatesh B; Cuellar-Partida G; Evans DM, 2020, 'Septic Shock: A Genomewide Association Study and Polygenic Risk Score Analysis', Twin Research and Human Genetics, 23, pp. 204 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Gantner D; Bragge P; Finfer S; Gabbe B; Varma D; Webb S; Waterson S; Saxena M; Rengarajoo P; Reade MC; Coates T; Thomas P; Cooper J, 2020, 'Management of Australian Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Are Potentially Harmful Treatments Still Used?', Journal of Neurotrauma, 37, pp. 2686 - 2693,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hammond NE; Finfer SR; Li Q; Taylor C; Cohen J; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Harward M; Joyce C; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Perner A; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Venkatesh B; Cowdrey KA; Gilder E; Long S; McCarthy L; McGuinness S; Parke R; Benefield K; Chen Y; McConnochie R; Newby L; Eastwood G; Jones D; Peck L; Young H; Boschert C; Edington J; Fletcher J; Smith J; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Bewley J; Cole L; Grimmer L; Howie L; James S; Kozlowski M; Phillips V; Shah S; Sweet K; Webster D; Bailey I; Ellem K; McKenna T; Henderson S; Knight D; Mehrtens J; Minto E; Noble S; Ansari Z; Bates S; French C; Gantner D; Koottayi SV; McGain F; Mulder J; Tippett A; Towns M; Boyd C; Calder V; Harris K; Scott C; Wright S; De Keulenaer B; Litton E; Palermo A; Regli A; Bone A; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Fraser M; Chonghaile MN; Orford N; Salerno T; Gough M; Paxton J; Tallott M; Winearls J; Bastick M; Cameron R; Ellis K; Gaur A; Gregory R; Naumoff J; White M; Bhadange N; Bhende N; Bhutada U; Krishnan A; Nunn R; Ochola J, 2020, 'Health-related quality of life in survivors of septic shock: 6-month follow-up from the ADRENAL trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1696 - 1706,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mackle D; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Beasley R; Deane A; Eastwood G; Finfer S; Freebairn R; King V; Linke N; Litton E; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Panwar R; Young P, 2020, 'Conservative oxygen therapy during mechanical ventilation in the ICU', New England Journal of Medicine, 382, pp. 989 - 998,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Poole AP; Finnis ME; Anstey J; Bellomo R; Bihari S; Biradar V; Doherty S; Eastwood G; Finfer S; French CJ; Ghosh A; Heller S; Horowitz M; Kar P; Kruger PS; Maiden MJ; Mårtensson J; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Secombe PJ; Tobin AE; Udy AA; Young PJ; Deane AM, 2020, 'Study protocol and statistical analysis plan for the Liberal Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients with Pre-existing Type 2 Diabetes (LUCID) trial', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 22, pp. 133 - 141,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ramanan M; Billot L; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Does asymmetry in patient recruitment in large critical care trials follow the Pareto principle?', Trials, 21, pp. 378,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rudd KE; Johnson SC; Agesa KM; Shackelford KA; Tsoi D; Kievlan DR; Colombara DV; Ikuta KS; Kissoon N; Finfer S; Fleischmann-Struzek C; Machado FR; Reinhart KK; Rowan K; Seymour CW; Watson RS; West TE; Marinho F; Hay SI; Lozano R; Lopez AD; Angus DC; Murray CJL; Naghavi M, 2020, 'Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990–2017: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study', The Lancet, 395, pp. 200 - 211,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Schlapbach LJ; Kissoon N; Alhawsawi A; Aljuaid MH; Daniels R; Gorordo-Delsol LA; Machado F; Malik I; Nsutebu EF; Finfer S; Reinhart K, 2020, 'World Sepsis Day: a global agenda to target a leading cause of morbidity and mortality', American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, 319, pp. L518 - L522,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Thompson KJ; Taylor CB; Venkatesh B; Cohen J; Hammond NE; Jan S; Li Q; Myburgh J; Rajbhandari D; Saxena M; Kumar A; Finfer SR, 2020, 'The cost-effectiveness of adjunctive corticosteroids for patients with septic shock', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 22, pp. 191 - 199,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Venkatasubba Rao CP; Suarez JI; Martin RH; Bauza C; Georgiadis A; Calvillo E; Hemphill JC; Sung G; Oddo M; Taccone FS; LeRoux PD, 2020, 'Global Survey of Outcomes of Neurocritical Care Patients: Analysis of the PRINCE Study Part 2', Neurocritical Care, 32, pp. 88 - 103,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Vincent JL; Sakr Y; Singer M; Martin-Loeches I; MacHado FR; Marshall JC; Finfer S; Pelosi P; Brazzi L; Aditianingsih D; Timsit JF; Du B; Wittebole X; MácA J; Kannan S; Gorordo-Delsol LA; De Waele JJ; Mehta Y; Bonten MJM; Khanna AK; Kollef M; Human M; Angus DC, 2020, 'Prevalence and Outcomes of Infection among Patients in Intensive Care Units in 2017', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 323, pp. 1478 - 1487,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Young P; Mackle D; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Beasley R; Deane A; Eastwood G; Finfer S; Freebairn R; King V; Linke N; Litton E; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Panwar R; Baker T; Hurford S; La Pine M; McInnes C; Navarra L; Pritchard A; Cruz RS; Turner A; Broadley T; Lee D; Reid L; Murray L; Blakemore A; Butler M; Cowdrey KA; Gilder E; Hallion J; Long S; Neal P; Parke R; Wallace S; Chen Y; McConnochie R; Newby L; Simmonds C; Bowie D; Burke B; Closey D; Crombie R; Davidson N; Greer A; Henderson S; Hitchings L; Knight D; Mehrtens J; Miller K; Minto E; Morgan S; Morris A; Parker K; Ritzema-Carter J; Roberts J; Sahl C; Shaw G; Townend K; Chadwick L; Chalmers D; Park M; Park P; Rolls C; Chapman C; Stapleton A; Aguila J; Dias A; Kazemi A; Lai V; Song R; Williams T; Caniba S; Carpenter M; Dagooc R; Hacking D; Lawrey Y; Buehner U; Williams E; Albrett J; Jackson C; Marko P; Barry B; Beehre N; Dinsdale D; Edney S; Fitzjohn F; Hicks P; Hill G; Hunt A; Judd H; Latimer-Bell C; Lawrence C; Lesona E; McKay-Vucago A; Poynter C; Psirides A; Robertson Y, 2020, 'Conservative oxygen therapy for mechanically ventilated adults with suspected hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 2411 - 2422,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Young P; Mackle D; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Beasley R; Deane A; Eastwood G; Finfer S; Freebairn R; King V; Linke N; Litton E; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Panwar R, 2020, 'Conservative oxygen therapy for mechanically ventilated adults with sepsis: a post hoc analysis of data from the intensive care unit randomized trial comparing two approaches to oxygen therapy (ICU-ROX)', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 17 - 26,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Andersen CR; Fitzgerald E; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2019, 'A Systematic Review of Outcome Measures Employed in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) Clinical Research', Neurocritical Care, 30, pp. 534 - 541,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Arabi YM; Al-Hameed F; Burns KEA; Mehta S; Alsolamy SJ; Alshahrani MS; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi GA; Almaani M; Al Bshabshe A; Finfer S; Arshad Z; Khalid I; Mehta Y; Gaur A; Hawa H; Buscher H; Lababidi H; Al Aithan A; Abdukahil SAI; Jose J; Afesh LY; Al-Dawood A, 2019, 'Adjunctive intermittent pneumatic compression for venous thromboprophylaxis', New England Journal of Medicine, 380, pp. 1305 - 1315,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Arabi YM; Burns KEA; Finfer S, 2019, 'Pneumatic Compression in Venous Thromboprophylaxis. Reply', The New England journal of medicine, 381, pp. 95,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Elliott CG; Orme J; Weaver LK, 2019, 'Pneumatic Compression in Venous Thromboprophylaxis.', N Engl J Med, 381, pp. 94,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hammond NE; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Glass P; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Finfer S, 2019, 'The Plasma-Lyte 148 versus Saline (PLUS) study protocol amendment', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 21, pp. 284 - 286
    Journal articles | 2019
    Huang CY; Daniels R; Lembo A; Hartog C; O’Brien J; Heymann T; Reinhart K; Nguyen HB; Azevedo L; Finfer S; Fleischmann C; Foreman T; Kissoon N; Machado F; Martens C; Possagnoli I; Hanke R; Vroomen-Durning M, 2019, 'Life after sepsis: An international survey of survivors to understand the post-sepsis syndrome', International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 31, pp. 191 - 198,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Glass P; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Billot L; Dulhunty JM, 2019, 'A protocol for a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis: BLING III', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 21, pp. 63 - 68
    Journal articles | 2019
    Napolitano LM, 2019, 'Pneumatic Compression in Venous Thromboprophylaxis.', N Engl J Med, 381, pp. 94 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2019
    O'Brien Z; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Mårtensson J, 2019, 'Sex and mortality in septic severe acute kidney injury', Journal of Critical Care, 49, pp. 70 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Poole AP; Anstey J; Bellomo R; Biradar V; Deane AM; Finfer SR; Finnis ME; French CJ; Kar P; Kruger PS; Maiden MJ; Mårtensson J; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Secombe PJ; Tobin AE; Udy AA; Eastwood GM, 2019, 'Opinions and practices of blood glucose control in critically ill patients with pre-existing type 2 diabetes in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Australian Critical Care, 32, pp. 361 - 365,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Prescott HC; Iwashyna TJ; Blackwood B; Calandra T; Chlan LL; Choong K; Connolly B; Dark P; Ferrucci L; Finfer S; Girard TD; Hodgson C; Hopkins RO; Hough CL; Jackson JC; Machado FR; Marshall JC; Misak C; Needham DM; Panigrahi P; Reinhart K; Yende S; Zafonte R; Rowan KM; Angus DC, 2019, 'Understanding and enhancing sepsis survivorship priorities for research and practice', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 200, pp. 972 - 981,
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    Schlapbach LJ; Thompson K; Finfer SR, 2019, 'The WHO resolution on sepsis: what action is needed in Australia?', Medical Journal of Australia, 211, pp. 395 - 397.e1,
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    Thompson K; Venkatesh B; Finfer S, 2019, 'Sepsis and septic shock: current approaches to management', Internal Medicine Journal, 49, pp. 160 - 170,
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    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Glass P; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J, 2019, 'Hydrocortisone Compared with Placebo in Patients with Septic Shock Satisfying the Sepsis-3 Diagnostic Criteria and APROCCHSS Study Inclusion Criteria: A Post Hoc Analysis of the ADRENAL Trial', Anesthesiology, 131, pp. 1292 - 1300,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Alhazzani W; Alshamsi F; Belley-Cote E; Heels-Ansdell D; Brignardello-Petersen R; Alquraini M; Perner A; Møller MH; Krag M; Almenawer S; Rochwerg B; Dionne J; Jaeschke R; Alshahrani M; Deane A; Perri D; Thebane L; Al-Omari A; Finfer S; Cook D; Guyatt G, 2018, 'Correction to: Efficacy and safety of stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients: a network meta-analysis of randomized trials (Intensive Care Medicine, (2018), 44, 1, (1-11), 10.1007/s00134-017-5005-8)', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 277 - 278,
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    Alhazzani W; Alshamsi F; Belley-Cote E; Heels-Ansdell D; Brignardello-Petersen R; Alquraini M; Perner A; Møller MH; Krag M; Almenawer S; Rochwerg B; Dionne J; Jaeschke R; Alshahrani M; Deane A; Perri D; Thebane L; Al-Omari A; Finfer S; Cook D; Guyatt G, 2018, 'Efficacy and safety of stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients: a network meta-analysis of randomized trials', Intensive Care Medicine, 44,
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    Annane D; Renault A; Bellissant E, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 895 - 896,
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    Arabi Y; Al-Hameed F; Burns KEA; Mehta S; Alsolamy S; Almaani M; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi GA; Al Bshabshe A; Finfer S; Alshahrani M; Khalid I; Mehta Y; Gaur A; Hawa H; Buscher H; Arshad Z; Lababidi H; Al Aithan A; Jose J; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Dbsawy M; Al-Dawood A; Rowan K; Thabane L; Garcia DA; Hegazy M; Rasool G; Rifai J; Mohamed AS; Orabi OA; Sufiani DA; Amodi EA; Alkhader M; Awad S; Cabal MRC; Valerio JS; Hassan S; Alanazi B; Alharbi K; Alenazy A; Asonto LP; Loyola KLD; Albahar A; Alamri A; Bashir S; Abdulmuthalib H; Ntinika P; Pangilinan R; Jadkareem A; Bawazeer E; Bassi S; Qushmaq I; Maghrabi K; Hijazi M; Abdelhai M; Pagunsan EJ; Vinklerova M; Shah S; Tamberg E; Smith O; Santos M; Sandhu G; Hodder J; Salway K; Jacka M; McCoshen L; Baig N; Ellis K; White M; Gregory R; Cameron R; O'Connor A; Yarad E; Bass F; Hammond N; Reynolds C; McCann K; Srivastava SK; Singh A; George J; Mehta C; Kumar A, 2018, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Pneumatic CompREssion for PreVENting Venous Thromboembolism (PREVENT) trial: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 19, pp. 182,
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    Arafah BM, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 894 - 895,
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    Aubron C; Kandane-Rathnayake RK; Andrianopoulos N; Westbrook A; Engelbrecht S; Ozolins I; Bailey M; Murray L; Cooper DJ; Wood EM; McQuilten ZK; Pettilä V; Nichol A; Phillips LE; Street A; French C; Orford N; Santamaria J; Bellomo R; Vallance S; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Newby L; Simmonds C; Parke R; Buhr H; Goldsmith D; O'Sullivan K; Mercer I; Gazzard R; Tauschke C; Hill D; Fletcher J; Boschert C; Koch G; Ernest D; Eliott S; Howe B; Hawker F; Ellem K; Duff K; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Milliss D; O'Bree B; Shepherd K; Ihle B; Ho S; Graan M; Bernsten A; Ryan E; Botha J; Vuat J; Kinmonth A; Fraser M; Richards B; Tallott M; Whitbread R; Freebairn R; Thomas L; Parr M; Micallef S; Deshpande K; Wood J; Williams T; Tai J; Boase A; Galt P; King B; Price R; Tomlinson J; Cole L; Seppelt I; Weisbrodt L; Gresham R; Nikas M; Laing J; Bell J; McHugh G; Hancock D; Kirkham S; Shehabi Y; Campbell M; Stockdale V; Peake S; Williams P; Sharley P; O'Connor S; Stephens D; Thomas J; Sistla R; McAllister R; Marsden K; MacIsaac C; Barge D; Caf T; Finfer S; Tan L; Bird S; Webb S, 2018, 'Day or overnight transfusion in critically ill patients: does it matter?', Vox Sanguinis, 113, pp. 275 - 282,
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    Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Erratum to: Intravenous fluid therapy in critically ill adults (Nature Reviews Nephrology, (2018), 14, 9, (541-557), 10.1038/s41581-018-0044-0)', Nature Reviews Nephrology, 14, pp. 717,
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    Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Intravenous fluid therapy in critically ill adults', Nature Reviews Nephrology, 14, pp. 541 - 557,
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    Frankling CC; Finfer S; Lissauer D; Perner A; Patel JM; Gao F, 2018, 'The dark ages of maternal sepsis: time to be enlightened', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 120, pp. 626 - 628,
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    Gunst J; Van den Berghe G, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 894,
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    Gårdlund B; Dmitrieva NO; Pieper CF; Finfer S; Marshall JC; Taylor Thompson B, 2018, 'Six subphenotypes in septic shock: Latent class analysis of the PROWESS Shock study', Journal of Critical Care, 47, pp. 70 - 79,
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    Heldens M; Schout M; Hammond NE; Bass F; Delaney A; Finfer SR, 2018, 'Sepsis incidence and mortality are underestimated in Australian intensive care unit administrative data', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 255 - 260,
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    Mackle DM; Bailey MJ; Beasley RW; Bellomo R; Bennett VL; Deane AM; Eastwood GM; Finfer S; Freebairn RC; Litton E; Linke NJ; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Panwar R; Young PJ, 2018, 'Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for the intensive care unit randomised trial comparing two approaches to oxygen therapy (ICU-ROX)', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 20, pp. 22 - 32
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    O'Brien Z; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; McArthur C; McGuiness S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Mårtensson J, 2018, 'Higher versus Lower Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Intensity in Critically ill Patients with Liver Dysfunction', Blood Purification, 45, pp. 36 - 43,
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    Perner A; Finfer S, 2018, 'Do trials that report a neutral or negative treatment effect improve the care of critically ill patients? Yes', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1985 - 1988,
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    Roberts I; Shakur H; Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Hunt B; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2018, 'Hydroxyethyl starch solutions and patient harm', The Lancet, 391, pp. 736,
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    Roberts I; Shakur H; Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Hunt B; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2018, 'Should hydroxyethyl starch be banned? – Authors' reply', The Lancet, 392, pp. 119,
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    Rygård SL; Butler E; Granholm A; Møller MH; Cohen J; Finfer S; Perner A; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B; Delaney A, 2018, 'Low-dose corticosteroids for adult patients with septic shock: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1003 - 1016,
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    Scheer CS, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 893 - 894,
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    Schlegel A, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 893,
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    Shetty A; Macdonald SPJ; Keijzers G; Williams JM; Tang B; de Groot B; Thompson K; Fraser JF; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Iredell J, 2018, 'Review article: Sepsis in the emergency department – Part 2: Investigations and monitoring', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 30, pp. 4 - 12,
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    Simpson SQ, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock.', N Engl J Med, 379, pp. 894,
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    Thompson K; Taylor C; Jan S; Li Q; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Venkatesh B; Finfer S, 2018, 'Health-related outcomes of critically ill patients with and without sepsis', Intensive Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1249 - 1257,
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    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Correa M; Glass P; Harward M; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J; Saxena M, 2018, 'Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 797 - 808,
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    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Cohen J; Billot L, 2018, 'Long-Term outcomes of the ADRENAL trial', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 1744 - 1745,
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    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2018, 'Glucocorticoids with or without Fludrocortisone in Septic Shock Reply', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 379, pp. 895 - 895,
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    Venkatesh B; Mehta S; Angus DC; Finfer S; Machado FR; Marshall J; Mitchell I; Peake S; Zimmerman JL, 2018, 'Women in Intensive Care study: A preliminary assessment of international data on female representation in the ICU physician workforce, leadership and academic positions', Critical Care, 22,
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    Wang Y; Gallagher M; Li Q; Lo S; Cass A; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bouman C; Faulhaber-Walter R; Kellum JA; Palevsky PM; Ronco C; Saudan P; Tolwani A; Bellomo R, 2018, 'Renal replacement therapy intensity for acute kidney injury and recovery to dialysis independence: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 33, pp. 1017 - 1024,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Alhazzani W; Guyatt G; Alshahrani M; Deane AM; Marshall JC; Hall R; Muscedere J; English SW; Lauzier F; Thabane L; Arabi YM; Karachi T; Rochwerg B; Finfer S; Daneman N; Alshamsi F; Zytaruk N; Heel-Ansdell D; Cook D, 2017, 'Withholding Pantoprazole for Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Critically Ill Patients: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial and Meta-Analysis∗', Critical Care Medicine, 45, pp. 1121 - 1129,
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    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Cohen J; Webb S; McArthur C; Joyce C; Bellomo R; Rhodes A; Perner A; Arabi Y; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Thompson K; Correa M; Harward M, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock (Adrenal) trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 183 - 191
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    Fullerton JN; Thompson K; Shetty A; Iredell JR; Lander H; Myburgh JA; Finfer S, 2017, 'New sepsis definition changes incidence of sepsis in the intensive care unit', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 9 - 13.e21,
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    Fullerton JN; Thompson K; Shetty A; Iredell JR; Lander H; Myburgh JA; Finfer S, 2017, 'New sepsis definition changes incidence of sepsis in the intensive care unit', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 19, pp. 9 - 13
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    Gibson CM; Korjian S; Chi G; Daaboul Y; Jain P; Arbetter D; Goldhaber SZ; Hull R; Hernandez AF; Lopes RD; Gold A; Cohen AT; Harrington RA; Bello F; Ferrari AE; Jure H; Macin S; Oliva M; Parody M; Poy C; Baker R; Colquhoun D; Coughlin P; Finfer S; Hammerschlag G; Rubinfeld A; Huber K; König J; Mathies R; Pilger E; Schoenerr H; Adzerikho I; Koryk V; Mikhailova E; Mitkovskaya N; Pimanov S; Polonetsy L; Soroka N; Blockmans D; Delforge M; Dive A; Lienart F; Motte S; Annichino Bizzacchi J; Fiss E; Freire A; Manenti E; Ramacciotti E; Raymuno S; Rocha A; Saraiva JF; Dimov B; Grigorov M; Kalpachki R; Kamenova Z; Kostadinova M; Milanova M; Mincheva V; Pencheva G; Raev D; Runev N; Stoeva N; Stoyanov M; Syulemzova S; Todorov G; Tokmakova M; Dhar A; Douketis J; Kahn S; Le Gal G; Pearce M; Provencher S; Verreault S; Arias Alarcon M; Olivares Cañon C; Opazo Lazcano M; Potthoff Cardenas S; Butkovic-Soldo S; Car S; Ciglenecki N; Francetic I; Jakopovic M; Kalinic-Grgorinic H; Knezevic A; Malojcic B; Marusic S; Sikic Vagic J; Skerk V; Cermak O; Cervinka P; Chlumsky J; Chochola J; Cizek V; Dunaj M; Dusek J; Francek L; Havelka J; Herold M; Holaj R; Horny I; Anderson C, 2017, 'Comparison of fatal or irreversible events with extended-duration betrixaban versus standard dose enoxaparin in acutely Ill medical patients: An APEX trial substudy', Journal of the American Heart Association, 6, pp. e006015,
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    Hammond NE; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Glass P; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Finfer S, 2017, 'The plasma-lyte 148 v saline (PLUS) study protocol: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of the effect of intensive care fluid therapy on mortality', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 239 - 246
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    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Finfer S; Machado FR; An YZ; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; Li Y; McIntryre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Patterns of intravenous fluid resuscitation use in adult intensive care patients between 2007 and 2014: An international cross-sectional study', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0176292,
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    Hodgson CL; Turnbull AE; Iwashyna TJ; Parker A; Davis W; Bingham CO; Watts NR; Finfer S; Needham DM, 2017, 'Core domains in evaluating patient outcomes after acute respiratory failure: International multidisciplinary clinician consultation', Physical Therapy, 97, pp. 167 - 174,
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    Kissoon N; Reinhart K; Daniels R; Machado MFR; Schachter RD; Finfer S, 2017, 'Sepsis in Children: Global Implications of the World Health Assembly Resolution on Sepsis', Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 18, pp. e625 - e627,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Macdonald SPJ; Williams JM; Shetty A; Bellomo R; Finfer S; Shapiro N; Keijzers G, 2017, 'Review article: Sepsis in the emergency department – Part 1: Definitions and outcomes', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 29, pp. 619 - 625,
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    Machado FR; Nsutebu E; AbDulaziz S; Daniels R; Finfer S; Kissoon N; Lander H; Malik I; Papathanassoglou E; Reinhart K; Rooney K; Rüddel H; Toccafondi G; Tulli GO; Hamilton V, 2017, 'Sepsis 3 from the perspective of clinicians and quality improvement initiatives', Journal of Critical Care, 40, pp. 315 - 317,
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    Mehta S; Burns KEA; Machado FR; Fox-Robichaud AE; Cook DJ; Calfee CS; Ware LB; Burnham EL; Kissoon N; Marshall JC; Mancebo J; Finfer S; Hartog C; Reinhart K; Maitland K; Stapleton RD; Kwizera A; Amin P; Abroug F; Smith O; Laake JH; Shrestha GS; Herridge MS, 2017, 'Gender parity in critical care medicine', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 196, pp. 425 - 429,
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    Patel A; Pieper K; Myburgh JA; Perkovic V; Finfer S; Yang Q; Li Q; Billot L, 2017, 'Reanalysis of the crystalloid versus hydroxyethyl starch trial (CHEST)', New England Journal of Medicine, 377, pp. 298 - 300,
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    Reinhart K; Daniels R; Kissoon N; Machado FR; Schachter RD; Finfer S, 2017, 'Recognizing sepsis as a global health priority — A WHO Resolution', New England Journal of Medicine, 377, pp. 414 - 417,
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    Rudd KE; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2017, 'Counting sepsis, an imprecise but improving science', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, pp. 1228 - 1229,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Shetty A; MacDonald SPJ; Williams JM; van Bockxmeer J; de Groot B; Esteve Cuevas LM; Ansems A; Green M; Thompson K; Lander H; Greenslade J; Finfer S; Iredell J, 2017, 'Lactate ≥2 mmol/L plus qSOFA improves utility over qSOFA alone in emergency department patients presenting with suspected sepsis', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 29, pp. 626 - 634,
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    Suarez JI; Martin RH; Hohmann SF; Calvillo E; Bershad EM; Venkatasubba Rao CP; Georgiadis A; Flower O; Zygun D; Finfer S, 2017, 'Human Albumin Use in Adults in U.S. Academic Medical Centers', Critical Care Medicine, 45, pp. e16 - e22,
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    Taylor CB; Hammond NE; Laba TL; Watts N; Thompson K; Saxena M; Micallef S; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Drivers of choice of resuscitation fluid in the intensive care unit: A discrete choice experiment', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 134 - 141
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    Young PJ; Mackle DM; Bailey MJ; Beasley RW; Bennett V; Deane AM; Eastwood GM; Finfer S; Freebairn RC; Litton E; Linke N; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Panwar R; Bellomo R, 2017, 'Intensive care unit randomised trial comparing two approaches to oxygen therapy (ICU-ROX): results of the pilot phase', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 344 - 354,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Alhazzani W; Guyatt G; Marshall JC; Hall R; Muscedere J; Lauzier F; Thabane L; Alshahrani M; English SW; Arabi YM; Deane AM; Karachi T; Rochwerg B; Finfer S; Daneman N; Zytaruk N; Heel-Ansdell D; Cook D, 2016, 'Re-evaluating the Inhibition of Stress Erosions (REVISE): A protocol for pilot randomized controlled trial', Annals of Saudi Medicine, 36, pp. 427 - 433,
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    Arabi YM; Alsolamy S; Al-Dawood A; Al-Omari A; Al-Hameed F; Burns KEA; Almaani M; Lababidi H; Al Bshabshe A; Mehta S; Al-Aithan AM; Mandourah Y; Almekhlafi G; Finfer S; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Dbsawy M; Sadat M, 2016, 'Erratum to: Thromboprophylaxis using combined intermittent pneumatic compression and pharmacologic prophylaxis versus pharmacologic prophylaxis alone in critically ill patients: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial [Trials., 17 (2016) (390)]', Trials, 17,
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    Arabi YM; Alsolamy S; Al-Dawood A; Al-Omari A; Al-Hameed F; Burns KEA; Almaani M; Lababidi H; Al Bshabshe A; Mehta S; Al-Aithan AM; Mandourah Y; Mekhlafi G; Finfer S; Abdukahil SAI; Afesh LY; Dbsawy M; Sadat M, 2016, 'Thromboprophylaxis using combined intermittent pneumatic compression and pharmacologic prophylaxis versus pharmacologic prophylaxis alone in critically ill patients: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 17,
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    Bellomo R; Mårtensson J; Kaukonen KM; Lo S; Gallagher M; Cass A; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2016, 'Epidemiology of RBC transfusions in patients with severe acute kidney injury: Analysis from the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level study', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 892 - 900,
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    Cohen AT; Harrington RA; Goldhaber SZ; Hull RD; Wiens BL; Gold A; Hernandez AF; Gibson CM; Bello F; Ferrari AE; Jure H; Macin S; Oliva M; Parody M; Poy C; Baker R; Colquhoun D; Coughlin P; Finfer S; Rubinfeld A; Huber K; König J; Mathies R; Pilger E; Schoenerr H; Adzerikho I; Koryk V; Mikhailova E; Mitkovskaya N; Pimanov S; Polonetsy L; Soroka N; Blockmans D; Delforge M; Dive A; Lienart F; Motte S; Bizzacchi J; Fiss E; Freire A; Manenti E; Ramacciotti E; Raymuno S; Rocha A; Saraiva JF; Dimov B; Grigorov M; Kalpachki R; Kamenova Z; Kostadinova M; Milanova M; Mincheva V; Pencheva G; Raev D; Runev N; Stoeva N; Stoyanov M; Syulemzova S; Todorov G; Tokmakova M; Dhar A; Douketis J; Kahn S; Le Gal G; Pearce M; Provencher S; Verreault S; Alarcon M; Cañon C; Lazcano M; Cardenas S; Butkovic-Soldo S; Car S; Ciglenecki N; Francetic I; Jakopovic M; Kalinic-Grgorinic H; Knezevic A; Malojcic B; Marusic S; Vagic J; Skerk V; Cermak O; Chlumsky J; Chochola J; Cizek V; Dunaj M; Dusek J; Francek L; Havelka J; Herold M; Holaj R; Horny I; Hubac J; Jajtner P; Kolman P; Lang P; Mayer O; Mikulova J; Podpera I, 2016, 'Extended thromboprophylaxis with betrixaban in acutely ill medical patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 375, pp. 534 - 544,
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    Finfer S; Machado FR, 2016, 'The global epidemiology of sepsis does it matter that we know so little?', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 193, pp. 228 - 230,
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    Kissoon N; Daniels R; Van Der Poll T; Finfer S; Reinhart K, 2016, 'Sepsis - The final common pathway to death from multiple organ failure in infection', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. e446,
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    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2016, 'Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline for Fluid Resuscitation in Intensive Care (vol 367, pg 1901, 2012)', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 374, pp. 1298 - 1298
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    Ramanan M; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Venkatesh B, 2016, 'Publication of secondary analyses from randomized trials in critical care', New England Journal of Medicine, 375, pp. 2105 - 2106,
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    Taylor C; Thompson K; Finfer S; Higgins A; Jan S; Li Q; Liu B; Myburgh J, 2016, 'Hydroxyethyl starch versus saline for resuscitation of patients in intensive care: long-term outcomes and cost-effectiveness analysis of a cohort from CHEST', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 4, pp. 818 - 825,
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    Yende S; Austin S; Rhodes A; Finfer S; Opal S; Thompson T; Bozza FA; Larosa SP; Ranieri VM; Angus DC, 2016, 'Long-term quality of life among survivors of severe sepsis: Analyses of two international trials', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1461 - 1467,
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    Young P; Machado FR; Finfer S, 2016, 'What’s new on balanced crystalloid solutions?', Intensive Care Medicine, 42, pp. 2046 - 2048,
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    Bass F; Hammond N; Bird S; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2015, 'Changes in blood glucose concentrations over time when administering intravenous insulin in post cardiac surgery in adult intensive care patients', Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 3,
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    Carlet J; Aaron L; Abassi MS; Abbo L; Aboderin O; Abraham E; Abroug F; Acar J; Achour W; Adachi J; Al-Abri S; Al-Mousa H; Albaya-Moreno A; Alberti C; Alfandari S; Alnimr A; Aranda CA; de Lerma FA; Amer F; Andremont A; Angoulvant F; Anguill M; Antonelli M; Antoniadou E; Arlet G; Armaganidis A; Arnera A; Artigas A; Attali C; Auber F; Aubert JP; Augereau B; Aupée M; Bahri O; Ballereau F; Bapt G; Baquero F; Barkhan T; Barouti O; Barthelemy MA; Barton G; Bastoni D; Baussier M; Bavestrello L; Beger B; Benenson S; Bensalem F; Béraud G; Bergheau F; Bernard G; Berthelot P; Bertrand X; Beuhorry-Sassus F; Beuret P; Billington J; Birgé J; Biscardi S; Blanch L; Blanchard H; Bleck T; Blondeau J; Blot F; Borgey F; Bousquet-Mélou A; Brami J; Brard C; Bretagne S; Bretonnière C; Brink A; Brown S; Bruant-Rodier C; Brun-Buisson C; Bruneel F; de Carvalho FB; Buhot C; Bukharie H; Cabié A; Calandra T; Caniaux I; Caniça M2; Canton R; Carenco P; Carlet C; Carlet C; Carlet F; Carlet R; Cars O; Cassiano-Neves M; Castan B; Castellan V; Cazenave-Roblot F; Ceretti AM; Chakarian JC; Chalumeau-Lemoine L; Chandy J; Chanfreau B; Chastre J; Chausset R; Chavanet P; Cheadle W, 2015, 'World alliance against antibiotic resistance: The WAAAR declaration against antibiotic resistance', Medicina Intensiva, 39, pp. 34 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Finfer S; Chittock D; Li Y; Foster D; Dhingra V; Bellomo R; Cook D; Dodek P; Hebert P; Henderson W; Heyland D; Higgins A; McArthur C; Mitchell I; Myburgh J; Robinson B; Ronco J; Blair D; Norton R; Potter J; McDonald E; Peto R; Sandercock P; Sprung C; Young JD; Li Q; Bompoint S; Billot L; Crampton L; Darcy F; Jayne K; Kumarasinghe V; Little L; McEvoy S; MacMahon S; Pandey S; Ryan S; Shukla R; Vijayan B; Atherton S; Bell J; Hadfield L; Hourigan C; Newby L; Simmonds C; Buhr H; Eccleston M; McGuinness S; Parke R; Bates S; Goldsmith D; Mercer I; O’Sullivan K; Gazzard R; Hill D; Tauschke C; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Elliott S; Ernest D; Hamilton A; Ashley R; Bailey A; Crowfoot E; Gissane J; Ranse J; Whiting J; Douglas K; Milliss D; Tan J; Wong H; Blythe D; Palermo A; Hardie M; Harrigan P; McFadyen B; Micallef S; Parr M; Boase A; Tai J; Williams A; Cole L; Seppelt I; Weisbrodt L; Whereat S; Flanagan A; Liang J; Bass F; Campbell M; Hammond N; Nicholson L; Shehabi Y; Foote J; Peake S; Williams P; Deans R; Fourie C; Lassig-Smith M, 2015, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: long-term follow-up of a subgroup of patients from the NICE-SUGAR study', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1037 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Finfer SR, 2015, 'Flawed assumptions about clinical trials', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 114, pp. 847,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hammond N; Finfer S, 2015, 'Fluid resuscitation in the critically ill: What is the next challenge?', Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva, 27, pp. 309 - 311,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Saxena M; Liu B; Finfer S; Glass P; Seppelt I; Willenberg L; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Resuscitation fluid use in Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Units between 2007 and 2013', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1611 - 1619,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Li G; Cook DJ; Levine MAH; Guyatt G; Crowther M; Heels-Ansdell D; Holbrook A; Lamontagne F; Walter SD; Ferguson ND; Finfer S; Arabi YM; Bellomo R; Cooper DJ; Thabane L; Lesur O; Proulx S; Cloutier S; Bolduc B; Rousseau MP; Leblond J; Schmutz G; McIntyre L; Hebert P; Watpool I; McArdle T; Gaudert C; Marchand P; Davidson C; Dugal AM; Fetzer S; Shabana W; Castonguay M; Anwar S; Kozarenko V; Mohammad S; Sikalska S; Gauthier S; Mustafa A; Dodek P; Ashley BJ; Mans S; Pavan M; Leipsic J; Meiersdorf S; Yoong A; Flores FA; Mumtaz H; Ng P; Fix C; Meade M; Hand L; Biljan M; Patlas M; Broughton L; Degrow L; Connor D; Tuhy M; Whyte D; Jefferson M; Aarts K; Vooys L; Anzovino M; Skrobik Y; Harvey J; Chitu S; Quach M; Pinet L; Muscedere J; Fleury S; Godfrey N; Hammond S; Mann E; Myers M; Robinson A; Grey C; Saurbrei E; Cox J; Nugent A; Kolesar J; Fisher A; Northrup-St-Onge A; Paterson-Skeete M; Schlottke W; Bertrim W; Marshall C; McDonald E; Tkaczyk A; Clarke F; Wallace C; Schiff D; McDonald J; Todd S; Harkness P; Medic A; Andrews J; Sands M; Hall I; Boniakowski T; Lichty K, 2015, 'Competing risk analysis for evaluation of dalteparin versus unfractionated heparin for venous thromboembolism in medical-surgical critically ill patients', Medicine (United States), 94,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liang S; Saxena M; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Impact of high temperature on long-term outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review of observational studies', AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE, 28, pp. 42 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Lim W; Meade M; Lauzier F; Zarychanski R; Mehta S; Lamontagne F; Dodek P; McIntyre L; Hall R; Heels-Ansdell D; Fowler R; Pai M; Guyatt G; Crowther MA; Warkentin TE; Devereaux PJ; Walter SD; Muscedere J; Herridge M; Turgeon AF; Geerts W; Finfer S; Jacka M; Berwanger O; Ostermann M; Qushmaq I; Friedrich JO; Cook DJ, 2015, 'Failure of anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis: Risk factors in medical-surgical critically Ill patients', Critical Care Medicine, 43, pp. 401 - 410,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Macken L; Flower OJ; Bird S; Hammond N; Yarad E; Bass F; Fisher C; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2015, 'Continuous intra-arterial blood glucose monitoring using quenched fluorescence sensing in intensive care patients after cardiac surgery: Phase ii of a product development study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 17, pp. 190 - 196
    Journal articles | 2015
    Mees SMD; Algra A; Wong GKC; Poon WS; Bradford CM; Saver JL; Starkman S; Rinkel GJE; van den Bergh WM, 2015, 'Early Magnesium Treatment After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis', STROKE, 46, pp. 3190 - 3193,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Mortimer AM; Steinfort B; Faulder K; Bradford C; Finfer S; Assaad N; Harrington T, 2015, 'The detrimental clinical impact of severe angiographic vasospasm may be diminished by maximal medical therapy and intensive endovascular treatment', Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 7, pp. 881 - 887,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena M; Young P; Pilcher D; Bailey M; Harrison D; Bellomo R; Finfer S; Beasley R; Hyam J; Menon D; Rowan K; Myburgh J, 2015, 'Early temperature and mortality in critically ill patients with acute neurological diseases: trauma and stroke differ from infection', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 823 - 832,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Strasma PJ; Finfer S; Flower O; Hipszer B; Kosiborod M; Macken L; Sechterberger M; Van Der Voort PHJ; DeVries JH; Joseph JI, 2015, 'Use of an intravascular fluorescent continuous glucose sensor in ICU patients', Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 9, pp. 762 - 770,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Cass A; Finfer S; Gattas D; Myburgh J; Chadban S; Hirakawa Y; Ninomiya T; Li Q; Lo S; Barzi F; Sukkar L; Jardine M; Gallagher MP, 2015, 'Health-related quality of life in survivors of acute kidney injury: The Prolonged Outcomes Study of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented Level Replacement Therapy study outcomes', Nephrology, 20, pp. 492 - 498,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wang AY; Lo S; Gallagher M; Cass A; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bouman C; Faulhaber-Walter R; Kellum JA; Palevsky PM; Ronco C; Saudan P; Tolwani A; Bellomo R, 2015, 'RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY INTENSITY FOR ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AND RECOVERY TO DIALYSIS INDEPENDENCE', NEPHROLOGY, 20, pp. 86 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bass F; Bird S; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2014, 'Time-course evaluation of blood glucose changes in response to insulin delivery in critically ill patients', Critical care (London, England), 18, pp. P440 - P440,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2014, 'Open Letter to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency concerning the licensing of hydroxyethyl starch solutions for fluid resuscitation', Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 58, pp. 365 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Bion J; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K, 2014, 'Open letter to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency concerning the licensing of hydroxyethyl starch solutions for fluid resuscitation', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 112, pp. 595 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Kim I; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2014, 'Erratum: “The relationship between hypophosphataemia and outcomes during low-intensity and high-intensity continuous renal replacement therapy” in the March 2014 issue of the Journal (Crit Care Resusc 2014; 16: 34–41) (Critical Care and Resuscitation (2014) 16(1) (34–44), (S1441277223014412), (10.1016/S1441-2772(23)01441-2))', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 139,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Kim I; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2014, 'The relationship between hypophosphataemia and outcomes during low-intensity and high-intensity continuous renal replacement therapy', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 34 - 41
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Mitchell I; Ashley R; Gissane J; Malchukova K; Ranse J; Raza A; Nand K; Sara T; Millis D; Tan J; Wong H; Harrigan P; Crowfoot E; Hardie M; Bhonagiri D; Micallef S; Brieva J; Lintott M; Gresham R; Nikas M; Weisbrodt L; Shehabi Y; Bass F; Campbell M; Stockdale V; Ankers S; O'Connor A; Potter J; Totaro R; Rajbhandari D; Dhiacou V; Jovanovska A; Munster F; Nair P; Breeding J; Burns C; Banerjee A; Morrison M; Pfeffercorn C; Ritchie A; Buhr H; Eccleston M; Parke R; Bell J; Newby L; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Kalkoff M; West C; Morgan J; Rudder L; Sutton J; Garrett P; Groves N; McDonald S; Jennifer Palmer A; Joyce C; Harwood M; Helyar J; Mackie B; Lipman J; Boots R; Bertenshaw C; Deans R; Fourie C; Lassig-Smith M; Flabouris A; Edwards J; O'Connor S; Rivett J; Turner A; Field T; Marsden K; Mathlin C; Goldsmith D; Mercer I; O'Sullivan K; Edington J; Boschert C; Smith J; Ihle B; Graan M; Ho S; Botha J; Fowler N; McInness J; Pratt N; Orford N, 2014, 'Calorie intake and patient outcomes in severe acute kidney injury: Findings from The Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level of Replacement Therapy (RENAL) study trial', Critical Care, 18, pp. r45,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Sheinkestel C, 2014, 'Daily protein intake and patient outcomes in severe acute kidney injury: Findings of the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level of replacement therapy (RENAL) trial', Blood Purification, 37, pp. 325 - 334,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bellomo R; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Mortality in patients with hypovolemic shock treated with colloids or crystalloids [2]', JAMA, 311, pp. 1067 - 1068,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bion J; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2014, 'Hydroxyethyl starch: Putting patient safety first', Intensive Care Medicine, 40, pp. 256 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Crowther M; Cook D; Guyatt G; Zytaruk N; McDonald E; Williamson D; Albert M; Dodek P; Finfer S; Vallance S; Heels-Ansdell D; McIntyre L; Mehta S; Lamontagne F; Muscedere J; Jacka M; Lesur O; Kutsiogiannis J; Friedrich J; Klinger JR; Qushmaq I; Burry L; Khwaja K; Sheppard JA; Warkentin TE; Tkaczyk A; Clarke F; Hall R; Rocker G; Julien L; Wright D; Roy C; Theriault J; Pleasance S; Meade M; Hand L; Freitag A; Wynne C; Duffett M; Kho M; Granton J; Matte A; Farias P; Chu L; Brockest N; Go S; McGrath-Chong M; Dennis M; Lipkus M; Stern E; Albert R; Langevin S; Lauzier F; Turgeon AF; Blais M; Beauparlant M; Asselin J; Gagne C; Thibodeau M; Poirier G; Neas I; Spearson S; Hebert P; Watpool I; McArdle T; Gaudert C; Marchand P; Davidson C; Pagliarello J; Lewis MJ; Murphy E; Foxall J; Skrobik Y; Harvey J; Chitu S; Sirois C; Nadon C; Dolle S; Gosselin AA; Deroy P; Ethier C; Tirgari S; Steinberg L; McDonald R; Sivanantham V; Bandayrel K; Quittnat-Pelletier F; Kramer-Kile M; Brown M; Kim S; Fowler R; Marinoff N; Code K; Bojilov B; Parsotam D; Marshall J; Smith O; Fry B; Porretta K; Lee Y, 2014, 'Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the critically ill: Interpreting the 4Ts test in a randomized trial', Journal of Critical Care, 29, pp. 470.e7 - 470.e15,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Doig GS; Simpson F; Sweetman EA; Finfer SR; Cooper DJ; Heighes PT; Davies AR; O’Leary M; Solano T; Peake S, 2014, 'Early Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill Patients With Short-term Relative Contraindications to Early Enteral Nutrition', Survey of Anesthesiology, 58, pp. 10 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Finfer S; Wernerman J; Preiser JC; Cass T; Desaive T; Hovorka R; Joseph JI; Kosiborod M; Krinsley J; Mackenzie I; Mesotten D; Schultz MJ; Scott MG; Slingerland R; Van Den Berghe G; Van Herpe T, 2014, 'Clinical review: Consensus recommendations on measurement of blood glucose and reporting glycemic control in critically ill adults', Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 16,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Finfer S, 2014, 'Clinical controversies in the management of critically ill patients with severe sepsis: Resuscitation fluids and glucose control', Virulence, 5,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Finfer S, 2014, 'Expert consensus: A flawed process for producing guidelines for the management of fluid therapy in the critically ill', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 113, pp. 735 - 737,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Flannery AH; Hatton KW; Phillips B, 2014, 'Sedation and delirium in intensive care.', N Engl J Med, 370, pp. 1566 - 1567,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Flower OJ; Bird S; Macken L; Hammond N; Yarad E; Bass F; Fisher C; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2014, 'Continuous intra-arterial blood glucose monitoring using quenched fluorescence sensing: A product development study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 54 - 61
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fowler RA; Mittmann N; Geerts W; Heels-Ansdell D; Gould MK; Guyatt G; Krahn M; Finfer S; Pinto R; Chan B; Ormanidhi O; Arabi Y; Qushmaq I; Rocha MG; Dodek P; McIntyre L; Hall R; Ferguson ND; Mehta S; Marshall JC; James Doig C; Muscedere J; Jacka MJ; Klinger JR; Vlahakis N; Orford N; Seppelt I; Skrobik YK; Sud S; Cade JF; Cooper J; Cook D, 2014, 'Cost-effectiveness of Dalteparin vs Unfractionated heparin for the prevention of venous Thromboembolism in Critically Ill patients', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 312, pp. 2135 - 2145,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fowler RA; Mittmann N; Geerts WH; Heels-Ansdell D; Gould MK; Guyatt G; Krahn M; Finfer S; Pinto R; Chan B; Ormanidhi O; Arabi Y; Qushmaq I; Rocha MG; Dodek P; McIntyre L; Hall R; Ferguson ND; Mehta S; Marshall JC; Doig CJ; Muscedere J; Jacka MJ; Klinger JR; Vlahakis N; Orford N; Seppelt I; Skrobik YK; Sud S; Cade JF; Cooper J; Cook D, 2014, 'Economic evaluation of the prophylaxis for thromboembolism in critical care trial (E-PROTECT): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 15,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gallagher M; Cass A; Bellomo R; Finfer S; Gattas D; Lee J; Lo S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Parke R; Rajbhandari D; Mitchell I; Taylor E; Whyte R; Raza A; Nand K; Sara T; Millis D; Wong H; Harrigan P; Hardie M; Whitaker D; Bhonagiri D; Micallef S; Ellem K; Lintott M; Cole L; Cuzner C; Weisbrodt L; Whereat S; Shehabi Y; Bass F; Edhouse P; Jenkins M; Bird S; O'Connor A; Totaro R; Honeysett L; Inskip D; Sidoli R; Nair P; Reynolds C; Banerjee A; Kong J; Skelly C; Brown J; Gilder E; McArthur C; Newby L; Simmonds C; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Sugden D; Kalkoff M; McGregor K; Shaw C; Morgan J; Gregory K; Sutton J; Garrett P; Buckley A; McDonald S; Joyce C; Harward M; Sexton G; Perkins K; Lipman J; Dunlop R; Lassig-Smith M; Starr T; Flabouris A; O'Connor S; Rivett J; Turner A; McAllister R; Trubody V; Eastwood G; Peck L; Fletcher J; Ihle B; Ho S; Micallef J; Murray L; Botha J; Allsop S; Vuat J; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Walker C; Galt P; Gillies A; Harley N; Barge D; Caf T; Jordon A; Santamaria J; Holmes J; Smith R; Scheinkestel C; Donaldson H; Jun M, 2014, 'Long-Term Survival and Dialysis Dependency Following Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care: Extended Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial', PLoS Medicine, 11, pp. e1001601,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hammond NE; Billot L; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data comparative analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 v 4% albumin for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients: Statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 206 - 213
    Journal articles | 2014
    Reade MC; Finfer S, 2014, 'Sedation and delirium in intensive care.', The New England journal of medicine, 370, pp. 1567
    Journal articles | 2014
    Reade MC; Finfer S, 2014, 'Sedation and delirium in the intensive care unit', New England Journal of Medicine, 370, pp. 444 - 454,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Reade MC; Finfer S, 2014, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 370, pp. 1567,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Saxena MK; Hammond N; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data meta-analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4-0.42 versus crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in patients with severe sepsis: A statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 96 - 115,;res=IELHEA;dn=312745606203494
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wernerman J; Desaive T; Finfer S; Foubert L; Furnary A; Holzinger U; Hovorka R; Joseph J; Kosiborod M; Krinsley J; Mesotten D; Nasraway S; Rooyackers O; Schultz MJ; Van Herpe T; Vigersky RA; Preiser JC, 2014, 'Continuous glucose control in the ICU: Report of a 2013 round table meeting', Critical Care, 18,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bellomo R; Lipcsey M; Calzavacca P; Haase M; Haase-Fielitz A; Licari E; Tee A; Cole L; Cass A; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2013, 'Early acid-base and blood pressure effects of continuous renal replacement therapy intensity in patients with metabolic acidosis', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 429 - 436,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bion J; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch: putting patient safety first', Intensive Care Medicine, pp. 1 - 4,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bion JF; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2013, 'Open letter to EMA - Hydroxyethyl Starch', BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 111,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bird S; Macken L; Flower O; Bass F; Hammond N; Webb S; Kennedy N; Baker A; Yarad E; Chau C; Librande M; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2013, 'Continuous arterial and venous glucose monitoring by quenched chemical fluorescence in ICU patients after cardiac surgery', Critical care (London, England), 17, pp. P461 - P461,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bird S; Macken L; Flower O; Yarad E; Bass F; Hammond N; LaCour D; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2013, 'Successful use of a novel continuous intra-arterial blood glucose monitoring device under development in ICU patients following cardiac surgery', Australian Critical Care, 26, pp. 86 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bradford CM; Finfer S; O'Connor A; Yarad E; Firth R; McCallister R; Harrington T; Steinfort B; Faulder K; Assaad N; Morgan M, 2013, 'A randomised controlled trial of induced hypermagnesaemia following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 119 - 125
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cook D; McDonald E; Smith O; Zytaruk N; Heels-Ansdell D; Watpool I; McArdle T; Matte A; Clarke F; Vallance S; Finfer S; Galt P; Crozier T; Fowler R; Arabi Y; Woolfe C; Orford N; Hall R; Adhikari NKJ; Ferland MC; Marshall J; Meade M, 2013, 'Co-enrollment of critically ill patients into multiple studies: Patterns, predictors and consequences', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L; Vallance S, 2013, 'Albumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: Is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?', Journal of Neurotrauma, 30, pp. 512 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Doig GS; Simpson F; Sweetman EA; Finfer SR; Cooper J; Heighes PT; Davies AR; O'Leary M; Solano T; Peake S, 2013, 'Early parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients with short-term relative contraindications to early enteral nutrition: A randomized controlled trial', JAMA, 309, pp. 2130 - 2138,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'Managing blood glucose in critically ill patients with or without diabetes', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S; Vincent JL, 2013, 'Critical care - An all-encompassing specialty', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 669 - 670,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S; Wernerman J; Preiser JC; Cass T; Desaive T; Hovorka R; Joseph JI; Kosiborod M; Krinsley J; Mackenzie I; Mesotten D; Schultz MJ; Scott MG; Slingerland R; Van den Berghe G; Van Herpe T, 2013, 'Clinical review: Consensus recommendations on measurement of blood glucose and reporting glycemic control in critically ill adults', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S, 2013, 'Hypoglycemia was associated with increased mortality in ICU patients regardless of glucose control strategy', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S, 2013, 'Reappraising the role of albumin for resuscitation', Current Opinion in Critical Care, 19, pp. 315 - 320,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2013, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6 % hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4 and 130/0.42) in acutely ill patients: Systematic review of effects on mortality and treatment with renal replacement therapy', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 558 - 568,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Guidet B, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline in Intensive Care', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 368, pp. 774 - 774,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Kaukonen KM; Bailey M; Pilcher D; Orford N; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Glycaemic control in Australia and New Zealand before and after the NICE-SUGAR trial: A translational study', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Lauzier F; Arnold DM; Rabbat C; Heels-Ansdell D; Zarychanski R; Dodek P; Ashley BJ; Albert M; Khwaja K; Ostermann M; Skrobik Y; Fowler R; McIntyre L; Nates JL; Karachi T; Lopes RD; Zytaruk N; Finfer S; Crowther M; Cook D, 2013, 'Risk factors and impact of major bleeding in critically ill patients receiving heparin thromboprophylaxis', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 2135 - 2143,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Patient-centered outcomes and trials of hydroxyethyl starch', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2013, 'Causes of death after fluid bolus resuscitation: New insights from FEAST', BMC Medicine, 11,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and saline did not differ for mortality at 90 days in ICU patients', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Thomas E; Bhurawala H; Liu A, 2013, 'Medication for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and criminality [5]', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Webb SAR; Cohen J; Bellomo R; McArthur C; Joyce CJ; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Harward M, 2013, 'The ADRENAL study protocol: Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 83 - 88
    Journal articles | 2013
    Vincent J-L; De Backer D, 2013, 'Circulatory shock.', N Engl J Med, 369, pp. 1726 - 1734,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer SR; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; Mcarthur C; Mcguiness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C; Su S, 2012, 'An observational study fluid balance and patient outcomes in the randomized evaluation of normal vs. augmented level of replacement therapy trial', Critical Care Medicine, 40, pp. 1753 - 1760,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bird S; Macken L; Flower O; Yarad E; Bass F; Hammond N; LaCour D; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2012, 'Initial experience with continuous intra-arterial fluorescent glucose monitoring in patients in the ICU following cardiac surgery', Critical care (London, England), 16, pp. P174 - P174,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Davies AR; Morrison SS; Bailey MJ; Bellomo R; Cooper DJ; Doig GS; Finfer SR; Heyland DK, 2012, 'A multicenter, randomized controlled trial comparing early nasojejunal with nasogastric nutrition in critical illness', Critical Care Medicine, 40, pp. 2342 - 2348,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Finfer S, 2012, 'Hydroxyethyl starch in patients with trauma', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 108, pp. 159 - 160,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Finfer SR; Liu B; Chittock DR; Norton R; Myburgh J; Mcarthur CJ; Mitchell I; Foster DE; Dhingra VK; Henderson WR; Ronco JJ; Bellomo R; Cook D; Mcdonald E; Dodek PM; Hebert PC; Heyland DK; Robinson BG, 2012, 'Hypoglycemia and risk of death in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1108 - 1118,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Flower O; Finfer S, 2012, 'Glucose control in critically ill patients', Internal Medicine Journal, 42, pp. 4 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gattas D; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer SR; Collaborators , 2012, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6% hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4) in acutely ill patients: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.', Anesthesia and Analgesia, 114, pp. 159 - 169,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2012, 'Fluid Resuscitation With 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) in Acutely Ill Patients', Survey of Anesthesiology, 56, pp. 216 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2012
    McIntyre L; Fergusson DA; Rowe B; Cook DJ; Arabi Y; Bagshaw SM; Emond M; Finfer S; Fox-Robichaud A; Gray A; Green R; Hebert P; Lang E; Marshall J; Stiell I; Tinmouth A; Pagliarello J; Turgeon A; Walsh T; Worster A; Zarychanski R, 2012, 'The PRECISE RCT: Evolution of an Early Septic Shock Fluid Resuscitation Trial', Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 26, pp. 333 - 341,
    Journal articles | 2012
    McIntyre LA; Fergusson DA; Cook DJ; Rowe BH; Bagshaw SM; Easton D; Emond M; Finfer S; Fox-Robichaud A; Gaudert C; Green R; Hebert P; Marshall J; Rankin N; Stiell I; Tinmouth A; Pagliarello J; Turgeon AF; Worster A; Zarychanski R, 2012, 'Fluid Resuscitation with 5% albumin versus Normal Saline in Early Septic Shock: A pilot randomized, controlled trial', Journal of Critical Care, 27, pp. 317.e1 - 317.e6,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cass A; Parr MJ; et A, 2012, 'Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation in intensive care', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1901 - 1911,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J; Li Q; Heritier S; Dan A; Glass P, 2012, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Crystalloid Versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial (CHEST).', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 44 - 52
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ostermann M; McIntyre L; Lauzier F; Alhashemi J; Qushmaq I; Langevin S; Dodek P; Albert M; Khwaja K; Kutsiogiannis J; Burry L; Granton J; Friedrich J; Ferguson N; Marshall J; Finfer S; Heels-Ansdell D; Zytaruk N; Cook D; Sheppard J; Warkentin T; Crowther M, 2012, 'Consequences of suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the ICU', Critical Care, 16,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Ranieri VM; Thompson BT; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Finfer S; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A; Artigas A; Payen D; Tenhunen J; Al-Khalidi HR; Thompson V; Janes J; Macias WL; Vangerow B; Williams MD, 2012, 'Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in adults with septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 366, pp. 2055 - 2064,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Young P; Hodgson C; Dulhunty J; Saxena M; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Davies A; Finfer S; Kruger P; Lipman J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Seppelt I; Streat S; Tate R; Webb S, 2012, 'End points for Phase II trials in intensive care: Recommendations from the Australian and New Zealand clinical trials group consensus panel meeting', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 211 - 215
    Journal articles | 2012
    Young P; Saxena M; Beasley R; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Pilcher D; Finfer SR; Harrison DJ; Myburgh J; Rowan K, 2012, 'Early peak temperature and mortality in critically ill patients with or without infection.', Intensive Care Medicine, 38, pp. 437 - 444,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Chamorro C; Borrallo JM; Romera MA, 2011, 'Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest.', N Engl J Med, 364, pp. 185 - 186,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Crowther MA; Heels-Ansdell D; Williamson D; Granton J; Burry L; Lamontagne F; Finfer S; McDonald E; Vallance S; Klinger J; Friedrich J; Paunovic B; Walter S; Zytaruk N; Cook DJ; Warkentin TE, 2011, '4Ts HIT Scoring in the Medical-Surgical ICU', Blood, 118, pp. 4669 - 4669,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Delaney AP; Dan A; McCaffrey J; Finfer S, 2011, 'The role of albumin as a resuscitation fluid for patients with sepsis: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Critical Care Medicine, 39, pp. 386 - 391,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Donnino M; Chauhan A; Walsh M, 2011, 'Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest.', N Engl J Med, 364, pp. 187,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Egi M; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2011, 'Glycemic control in the ICU', Chest, 140, pp. 212 - 220,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Finfer S; Ranieri VM; Thompson BT; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2011, 'Erratum to: Design, conduct, analysis and reporting of a multi-national placebo-controlled trial of activated protein C for persistent septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 37, pp. 372,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Finfer S, 2011, 'Hypoglycemia in critically ill adults - association yes, causation not proven', Critical Care, 15,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Finfer SR; Mcevoy S; Bellomo R; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Norton R; etal , 2011, 'Impact of albumin compared to saline on organ function and mortality of patients with severe sepsis.', Intensive Care Medicine, 37, pp. 86 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Fitzharris M; Yu J; Hammond N; Taylor C; Wu Y; Finfer SR; Myburgh J; Hammond , 2011, 'Injury in China: a systematic review of injury surveillance studies conducted in Chinese hospital emergency departments', BMC Emergency Medicine, 11(1), pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Fitzharris M; Zhong W; Myburgh J; Xuezhong Y; Yu J; Hammond N; Finfer SR; Taylor C; Wu Y; Hammond , 2011, 'The status of trauma registry systems in Chinese hospitals', Injury Prevention, 17, pp. 419 - 421,
    Journal articles | 2011
    González-Chon O; Aguilar-Zapata D, 2011, 'Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest.', N Engl J Med, 364, pp. 186 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Cass A; Finfer SR; French J; Gattas D; Glass P; Lee J; Lipman J; Liu B; etal , 2011, 'The Crystalloid versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial: protocol for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial of fluid resuscitation with 6% hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4) compared to 0.9% sodium chloride (saline) in intensive care patients on mortality.', Intensive Care Medicine, 37, pp. 816 - 823,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Nielsen N; Wise MP; Finfer S, 2011, 'Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest [8]', New England Journal of Medicine, 364, pp. 186
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ranieri VM; Thompson BT; Finfer S; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2011, 'Unblinding plan of PROWESS-SHOCK trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 37, pp. 1384 - 1385,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Saxena M; Young P; Beasley R; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Pilcher D; Finfer S; Harrison D; Myburgh J; Rowan K, 2011, 'Early peak temperature and mortality in critically ill patients with or without infection', Critical Care, 15,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Zytaruk N; Heels-Ansdell D; Vallance S; Marshall J; Skrobik Y; Cooper DJ; Finfer S; Seppelt I; Ostermann M; Qushmaq I; Alsultan M; Arabi Y; Alhashemi J; Al-Hazmi M; Alzem A; Shaikh N; Mandourah Y; Cook DJ, 2011, 'Antiembolic stockings and pneumatic compression devices in a medical-surgical thromboprophylaxis trial', Critical Care, 15,
    Journal articles | 2010
    , 2010, 'Transfusion practice and guidelines in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Intensive Care Medicine, 36, pp. 1138 - 1146,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chen J; Bellomo R; Hillman KM; Flabouris A; Finfer SR, 2010, 'Triggers of the emergency team calls: A multicenter assessment', Journal of Critical Care, 25, pp. 359 e1 - 359 e7
    Journal articles | 2010
    Cook D; Burns K; Finfer S; Kissoon N; Bhagwanjee S; Annane D; Sprung CL; Fowler R; Latronico N; Marshall J, 2010, 'Clinical research ethics for critically ill patients: A pandemic proposal', Critical Care Medicine, 38,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Finfer S, 2010, 'The Surviving Sepsis Campaign: Robust evaluation and high-quality primary research is still needed', Critical Care Medicine, 38, pp. 683 - 684,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Finfer S, 2010, 'The surviving sepsis campaign: Robust evaluation and high-quality primary research is still needed', Intensive Care Medicine, 36, pp. 187 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Finfer SR; Liu B; Taylor C; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cook DL; Du B; McArthur C; Myburgh J, 2010, 'Resuscitation fluid use in critically ill adults: An international cross-sectional study in 391 intensive care units', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 14, pp. R185,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Flabouris A; Chen J; Hillman KM; Bellomo R; Finfer SR, 2010, 'Timing and interventions of emergency teams during the MERIT study.', Resuscitation, 81, pp. 25 - 30,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Jones D; Mcevoy S; Merz T; Higgins A; Bellomo R; Cooper J; Hollis SJ; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Taylor C; Liu B; Norton R; Finfer SR, 2010, 'International albumin use: 1995 to 2006', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 38
    Journal articles | 2010
    Jun M; Lambers Heerspink HJ; Ninomiya T; Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Palevsky PM; Kellum JA; Perkovic V; Cass A, 2010, 'Intensities of renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 5, pp. 956 - 963,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Marshall JC; Abraham E; Adikhari N; Aikawa N; al Rahma HN; Amin P; Angus DC; Annane D; Argent A; Bernard GR; Bertolini G; Bhagwanjee S; Burns KA; Calandra T; Ceraso D; Chan K; Chiche J-D; Cobb JP; Cook DJ; Cuthbertson BH; da Silva E; de Backer D; Dellinger RP; Divatia JV; Fedson D; Festa M; Ferguson ND; Finfer S; Fowler R; Gomerall C; Granton J; Hammer B; Hudson LD; Jimenez E; Kissoon N; Koh Y; Kumar A; Langer M; Latronico N; Levy MM; Lowry S; Mamdani M; Marsh B; McAuley DF; Meduri GU; Menon D; Mira J-P; Morales-Alava F; Moreno R; Morrison L; Myburgh J; Opal S; Perkins G; Perner A; Randolph A; Reinhart K; Rello J; Rice T; Rowan K; Sanchez-Nava VM; Schuettler J; Shukri K; Slutsky AS; Sprung C; Sybrecht GW; Taylor BI; Thompson AE; Thompson BT; Tomicic V; Ugarte S; van der Poll T; Vernon DD; Vincent J-L; Walsh T; Webb S; Welte T; Yung M, 2010, 'InFACT: a global critical care research response to H1N1', LANCET, 375, pp. 11 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2010
    PROWESS SHOCK Steering Committee ; Thompson BT; Ranieri VM; Finfer S; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2010, 'Statistical analysis plan of PROWESS SHOCK study.', Intensive care medicine, 36, pp. 1972 - 1973
    Journal articles | 2010
    Seppelt I; Sullivan EA; Bellomo R; Ellwood D; Finfer SR; Howe BD; Knight M; Mcarthur C; Mcdonnell N; McLintock C; Peek M; Vaughan G; Wang YA; Web S; Pollock W, 2010, 'Critical illness due to 2009 A/H1N1 influenza in pregnant and postpartum women: population based cohort study', British Medical Journal (BMJ), 340, pp. c1279,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Thompson BT; Ranieri VM; Finfer S; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gardlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2010, 'The prowess shock steering committee', Intensive Care Medicine, 36, pp. 1972 - 1973,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Goldsmith D; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Bhonagiri ABD; Blythe D; Botha J; Cade J; Dobb G; Eddington J; Flabouris A; French C; Garrett P; Henderson S; Ihle B; Joyce C; Kalkoff M; Lipman J; McArthur C; McGinness S; Milliss D; Mitchell I; Morgan J; Nair P; Orford N; Raza A; Shehabi Y; Tobin A; Totaro R; Turner A; Wright C, 2009, 'Screening and study enrolment in the randomized evaluation of normal vs. augmented level (RENAL) replacement therapy trial', Blood Purification, 27, pp. 199 - 205,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Su S, 2009, 'Intensity of continuous renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 1627 - 1638,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Morimatsu H; Presneill J; French C; Cole L; Story D; Uchino S; Naka T; Finfer S; Cooper DJ; Myburgh J, 2009, 'Effects of saline or albumin resuscitation on standard coagulation tests.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 250 - 256
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chen J; Bellomo R; Flabouris A; Hillman KM; Finfer SR, 2009, 'The relationship between early emergency team calls and serious adverse events', Critical Care Medicine, 37, pp. 148 - 153,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chen J; Flabouris A; Bellomo R; Hillman KM; Finfer SR; Doig G; Parr M, 2009, 'Baseline hospital perforamnce and the impact of medical emergency teams: Modeling vs conventional subgroup analysis', Trials, 10, pp. 117,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chen J; Hillman KM; Bellomo R; Flabouris A; Finfer SR; Cretikos MA, 2009, 'The impact of introducing medical emergency team system on the documentations of vital signs', Resuscitation, 80, pp. 35 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Bellomo R; Blair D; Su SYS; Foster D; Dhingra V; Cook D; Dodek P; Henderson WR; Hébert PC; Heyland DK; McArthur C; McDonald E; Mitchell I; Myburgh JA; Nor-ton R; Potte J; Robinson BG, 2009, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically Ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 360, pp. 1283 - 1297,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2009, 'Why publish statistical analysis plans?', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 5 - 6
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Cass A; Gallagher M; Lee J; Su S; Bellomo R, 2009, 'The RENAL (Randomised Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level of Replacement Therapy) study: statistical analysis plan.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 58 - 66
    Journal articles | 2009
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Chittock D, 2009, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 91 - 92
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Heritier S, 2009, 'The NICE-SUGAR (Normoglycaemia in Intensive Care Evaluation and Survival Using Glucose Algorithm Regulation) Study: statistical analysis plan.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 46 - 57
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Marco Ranieri V; Taylor Thompson B; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2009, 'The Prowess shock trial: Reply to Paramesh et al.', Intensive Care Medicine, 35, pp. 385,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S, 2009, 'Intensive glucose control increased risk for death and severe hypoglycemia in critically ill adults', ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 151,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Griesdale DEG; De Souza Rd RJ; Van Dam RM; Heyland DK; Cook DJ; Malhotra A; Dhaliwal R; Henderson WR; Chittock DR; Finfer S; Talmor D, 2009, 'Intensive insulin therapy and mortality among critically ill patients: A meta-analysis including NICE-SUGAR study data', CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 180, pp. 821 - 827,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Henderson WR; Finfer S, 2009, 'Differences in outcome between the NICE-SUGAR and Leuven trials: possible methodological explanations.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 11, pp. 175 - 177
    Journal articles | 2009
    Liu B; Finfer SR, 2009, 'Intravenous fluids in adults undergoing surgery', British Medical Journal: Clinical Research, 339, pp. 3 - 4,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Merz TM; Finfer S, 2009, 'Intensive insulin treatment', Minerva Anestesiologica, 75, pp. 703 - 709
    Journal articles | 2009
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR, 2009, 'Albumin is a blood product too - is it safe for all patients?', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 11, pp. 67 - 70
    Journal articles | 2009
    Peake SL; Bailey MR; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cross A; Delaney A; Finfer SR; Higgins A; Jones DA; Myburgh J; Syres GA; Webb S; Williams P, 2009, 'Australasian resuscitation of sepsis evaluation (ARISE): A multi-centre, prospective, inception cohort study', Resuscitation, 80, pp. 811 - 818
    Journal articles | 2009
    Webb SAR; Pettilä V; Seppelt I; Bellomo R; Bailey M; Cooper DJ; Cretikos M; Davies AR; Finfer S; Harrigan PWJ; Hart GK; Howe B; Iredell JR; McArthur C; Mitchell I; Morrison S; Nichol AD; Paterson DL; Peake S; Richards B; Stephens D; Turner A; Yung M, 2009, 'Critical care services and 2009 H1N1 influenza in Australia and New Zealand', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 1925 - 1934,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chen J; Flabouris A; Bellomo R; Hillman KM; Finfer SR, 2008, 'The Medical Emergency Team System and Not-for-Resuscitation Orders: Results from the MERIT Study', Resuscitation, 79, pp. 391 - 397
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cook D; Lauzier F; Rocha MG; Sayles MJ; Finfer S, 2008, 'Serious adverse events in academic critical care research', CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 178, pp. 1181 - 1184,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cretikos MA; Bellomo R; Hillman KM; Chen J; Finfer SR; Flabouris A, 2008, 'Respiratory rate: the neglected vital sign', Medical Journal of Australia, 188, pp. 657 - 659
    Journal articles | 2008
    Doig GS; Simpson F; Finfer S; Delaney A; Davies AR; Mitchell I; Dobb G, 2008, 'Effect of evidence-based feeding guidelines on mortality of critically ill adults: A cluster randomized controlled trial', JAMA, 300, pp. 2731 - 2741,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Dulhunty JM; Lipman J; Finfer S, 2008, 'Does severe non-infectious SIRS differ from severe sepsis? Results from a multi-centre Australian and New Zealand intensive care unit study', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 1654 - 1661,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2008, 'Tight Glucose Control in Critically Ill Adults Reply', JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 300, pp. 2727 - 2728,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2008, 'Tight glucose control in critically ill adults - Reply', JAMA, 300, pp. 2727 - 2728,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2008, 'Tight glycemic control in critically ill adults', JAMA, 300, pp. 963 - 965,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S; Ranieri VM; Thompson BT; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2008, 'Design, conduct, analysis and reporting of a multi-national placebo-controlled trial of activated protein C for persistent septic shock (Intensive Care Med (2008) 34 (1935-1947) DOI 10.1007/s00134-008-1266-6)', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 2319,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S; Ranieri VM; Thompson BT; Barie PS; Dhainaut JF; Douglas IS; Gårdlund B; Marshall JC; Rhodes A, 2008, 'Design, conduct, analysis and reporting of a multi-national placebo-controlled trial of activated protein C for persistent septic shock', Intensive Care Medicine, 34, pp. 1935 - 1947,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Finfer S, 2008, 'Corticosteroids in septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 358, pp. 188 - 190,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Merz TM; Finfer S, 2008, 'Pro/con debate: Is intensive insulin therapy targeting tight blood glucose control of benefit in critically ill patients?', Critical Care, 12,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Cooper DA; Finfer SR; Venkatesh B; Jones DR; Higgins A; Bishop N; Higlett T, 2008, 'Epidemiology and 12-month outcomes from traumatic brain injury in Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Trauma: Injury Infection and Critical Care, 64, pp. 854 - 862,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Delaney A; Angus D; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cooper DJ; Finfer SR; Harrison D; Huang D; Peake SL; Reade M; Webb S; Yealy D, 2008, 'bench-to-bedside review: The Evalution of Complex interventions in critical care', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 12, pp. 210 - 218
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR, 2008, 'Investigator-initiated research in Intensive Care Medicine : achievement through collaboration', Resuscitation, 78, pp. 245 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Myburgh J, 2008, 'Design and Challenges of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs Augmented level Replacement Therapy (RENAL)Trial: High dose vs Standard Dose Hemofiltration in Acute Renal Failure', Blood Purification, 26, pp. 407 - 416
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cretikos MA; Chen J; Hillman KM; Bellomo R; Finfer SR; Flabouris A, 2007, 'The effectiveness of implementation of the medical emergency team (MET) system and factors associated with use during the MERIT study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 205 - 212
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cretikos MA; Chen J; Hillman KM; Bellomo R; Finfer SR; Flabouris A, 2007, 'The objective medical emergency team activation criteria: A case-control study', Resuscitation, 73, pp. 62 - 72,
    Journal articles | 2007
    De Jonghe B; Finfer S, 2007, 'Critical illness neuromyopathy: From risk factors to prevention', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 175, pp. 424 - 425,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Finfer SR; Myburgh J; Bellomo R, 2007, 'Albumin supplementation and organ function', Critical Care Medicine, 35, pp. 987 - 988
    Journal articles | 2007
    Jones DA; Cooper J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Higgins A; Peake SL; Jenkins ID; Mcneil JJ, 2007, 'Advancing intensive care research in Australia and New Zealand: development of the binational ANZIC Research Centre', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 198 - 204
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh J; Cooper JS; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Norton R; Bishop N; Lo S; Vallance S, 2007, 'Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in patients with traumatic brain injury', New England Journal of Medicine, 357, pp. 874 - 884
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh JA; Cooper DJ; Finfer S, 2007, 'Saline or albumin for fluid resuscitation in traumatic brain injury - Reply', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 357, pp. 2635 - 2636
    Journal articles | 2007
    Myburgh JA; Cooper DJ; Finfer S, 2007, 'The authors reply [7]', New England Journal of Medicine, 357, pp. 2635 - 2636
    Journal articles | 2007
    Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron PA; Cross A; Delaney A; Finfer SR; George CP; Higgins A; Jones DA; Moran JL; Myburgh J; Syres GA; Webb S; Williamson P, 2007, 'The outcome of patients with sepsis and septic shock presenting to emergency departments in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 9, pp. 8 - 18
    Journal articles | 2006
    Felton TW; McCormick BA; Finfer SR; Fisher MM, 2006, 'Life-threatening pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure complicating calcium and phosphate replacement in the intensive care unit', Anaesthesia, 61, pp. 49 - 53,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2006, 'Erratum: Pulmonary artery catheters (British Medical Journal (November 4, 2006) 333 (930-931))', British Medical Journal, 333, pp. 1050
    Journal articles | 2006
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2006, 'Medical Emergency Teams: A Guide to Implementation and Outcome Measurement', Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 7, pp. 402 - 402,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Finfer S; Delaney A, 2006, 'Pulmonary artery catheters', British Medical Journal, 333, pp. 930 - 931,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Mitchell I; Knight E; Gissane J; Tamhane R; Kolli R; Leditschke IA; Bellomo R; Finfer S, 2006, 'A phase II randomised controlled trial of intensive insulin therapy in general intensive care patients.', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 8, pp. 289 - 293
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Felton T; Blundell A; Lipman J, 2006, 'Estimate of the Number of Patients Eligible for Treatment with Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated) Based on Differing International Indications: Post-hoc Analysis of an Inception Cohort Study in Australia and New Zealand', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 34, pp. 184 - 190
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J; Mitchell I; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Higlett T, 2006, 'Management of blood glucose in the critically ill in Australia and New Zealand: a practice survey and inception cohort study', Intensive Care Medicine, 32, pp. 867 - 874
    Journal articles | 2006
    Myburgh J, 2006, 'Effect of baseline serum albumin concentration on outcome of resuscitation with albumin or saline in patients in intensive care units: analysis of data from the saline versus albumin flud evaluation (SAFE) study', British Medical Journal: International, 333, pp. 1044 - 1046
    Journal articles | 2005
    Cooper DJ; Bishop N; Cade J; Finfer SR; Gallus AS; Myburgh J, 2005, 'Thromboprophylaxis for intensive care patients in Australia and New Zealand: a brief survey report', Journal of Critical Care, 20, pp. 354 - 356
    Journal articles | 2005
    Finfer S; Strauss RG, 2005, 'Current Management of the Anemia of Prematurity', Journal of the Japan Society of Blood Transfusion, 51, pp. 138 - 138,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Hillman KM; Chen J; Cretikos MA; Bellomo R; Brown DP; Doig G; Finfer SR; Flabouris A, 2005, 'Introduction of the medical emergency team (MET) system: a cluster-randomised controlled trial', Lancet, 365, pp. 2091 - 2097,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Ledoux D; Finfer S; McKinley S, 2005, 'Impact of operator expertise on collection of the APACHE II score and on the derived risk of death and standardized mortality ratio', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 33, pp. 585 - 590,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Cook DJ; Montori VM; McMullin JP; Finfer SR; Rocker GM, 2004, 'Improving patients' safety locally: Changing clinician behaviour', Lancet, 363, pp. 1224 - 1230,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer S; Bellomo R; Lipman J; French C; Dobb G; Myburgh J, 2004, 'Erratum: Adult-population incidence of severe sepsis in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units (Intensive Care Medicine (2004) 30 (589-596))', Intensive Care Medicine, 30, pp. 1252,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer S; Boyce N; Norton R, 2004, 'Fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit - The authors reply', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 351, pp. 1907 - 1908,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer S; Myburg J, 2004, 'Fluid resuscitation in the ITU: What's SAFE?', Care of the Critically Ill, 20, pp. 155 - 156
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer S; Norton R; Bellomo R; Boyce N; French J; Myburch J, 2004, 'Erratum: The SAFE study: Saline vs. albumin for fluid resuscitation in the critically ill (Vox Sanguinis (2004) 87 (Suppl. 2) (s123-s131))', Vox Sanguinis, 87, pp. 142,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Finfer SR; Boyce NW; Norton RN, 2004, 'The SAFE study: A landmark trial of the safety of albumin in intensive care', Medical Journal of Australia, 181, pp. 237 - 238,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Griffith L; Cook D; Hanna S; Rocker G; Sjokvist P; Dodek P; Marshall J; Levy M; Varon J; Finfer S; Jaeschke R; Buckingham L; Guyatt G, 2004, 'Clinician discomfort with life support plans for mechanically ventilated patients', Intensive Care Medicine, 30, pp. 1783 - 1790,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Haynes GR; Berman KE; Neff TA; Stocker R; Spahn DR; Barone JE; Primack WA; Estes K; Walter EC; Wendorf R; Kim Y; Finfer S; Boyce N; Norton R; Cook D, 2004, 'Fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit [1] (multiple letters)', New England Journal of Medicine, 351, pp. 1905 - 1908,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Haynes GR; Berman KE, 2004, 'Fluid resuscitation in the intensive care unit.', N Engl J Med, 351, pp. 1905 - 1908,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Lipman J; French CJ; Dobb GJ, 2004, 'Adult-population incidence of severe sepsis in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Intensive Care Medicine, 30, pp. 589 - 596
    Journal articles | 2004
    Myburgh J, 2004, 'A comparison of Saline and Albumin for Fluid Resuscitation in the Intensive Care Unit', New England Journal of Medicine, 350, pp. 2247 - 2256
    Journal articles | 2004
    Rocker G; Cook D; Sjokvist P; Weaver B; Finfer S; McDonald E; Marshall J; Kirby A; Levy M; Dodek P; Heyland D; Guyatt G, 2004, 'Clinician predictions of intensive care unit mortality', Critical Care Medicine, 32, pp. 1149 - 1154,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cairns CJS; Finfer SR; Harrington TJ; Cook R, 2003, 'Papaverine angioplasty to treat cerebral vasospasm following traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 31, pp. 87 - 91,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cook D; Rocker G; Marshall J; Sjokvist P; Dodek P; Griffith L; Freitag A; Varon J; Bradley C; Levy M; Finfer S; Hamielec C; McMullin J; Weaver B; Walter S; Guyatt G, 2003, 'Withdrawal of mechanical ventilation in anticipation of death in the intensive care unit', New England Journal of Medicine, 349, pp. 1123 - 1132,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Norton RS, 2003, 'Efficacy of albumin in critically ill patients', British Medical Journal: International, 326, pp. 559 - 560
    Journal articles | 2003
    Griffith L; Cook D; Hanna S; Rocker G; Sjokvist P; Dodek P; Marshall J; Levy M; Varon J; Finfer S; Jaeschke R; Buckingham L; Guyatt G, 2003, '', Critical Care, 7, pp. P252 - P252,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Morgan MK; Winder M; Little NS; Finfer S; Ritson E, 2003, 'Delayed hemorrhage following resection of an arteriovenous malformation in the brain', Journal of Neurosurgery, 99, pp. 967 - 971,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Cairns CJ; Thomas B; Fletcher S; Parr MJ; Finfer SR, 2002, 'Life-threatening hyperkalaemia following therapeutic barbiturate coma', Intensive Care Medicine, 28, pp. 1357 - 1360
    Journal articles | 2002
    French CJ; Bellomo R; Finfer SR; Lipman J; Chapman M; Boyce NW; Goldsmith D; Hawker F; Mitchell I; Whiting J; Bersten A; Hunt T; Richards B; Tallot M; Freebairn R; Clarke J; Dewse M; Joyce C; Limpus T; Sharley P; Creed S; Couchman B; Perrott J; Turner A; Robertson M; Boyce C; Marich A; Dobb G; Williams T; Pinder M; Roberts B; Myburgh J; Girling K; Green A; Rachakonda S; Simmons EG, 2002, 'Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusion in Australasian intensive care practice', Medical Journal of Australia, 177, pp. 548 - 551,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Cordato DJ; Herkes GK; Mather LE; Gross AS; Finfer S; Morgan MK, 2001, 'Prolonged thiopentone infusion for neurosurgical emergencies: Usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 29, pp. 339 - 348,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Finfer SR; Cohen J, 2001, 'Severe traumatic brain injury', Resuscitation, 48, pp. 77 - 90,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Margarson MP; Sazhin V; Magnaye M; Finfer S, 2001, 'Plasma sodium and sodium balance following sub-arachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)', Critical Care, 5, pp. P185 - P185,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Burger A; Bellomo R; Chapman M; Finfer S; Hickling K; Myburgh J, 2000, 'Low-dose dopamine in patients with early renal dysfunction: A placebo-controlled randomised trial', Lancet, 356, pp. 2139 - 2143,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Morgan MK; Jonker B; Finfer S; Harrington T; Dorsch NWC, 2000, 'Aggressive management of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage based on papaverine angioplasty protocol', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 7, pp. 305 - 308,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Finfer SR; Ferch R; Morgan MK, 1999, 'Barbiturate coma for severe, refractory vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage', Intensive Care Medicine, 25, pp. 406 - 409,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Finfer SR; O'Connor AM; Fisher MM, 1999, 'A prospective randomised pilot study of sedation regimens in a general ICU population: A reality-based medicine study', Critical Care, 3, pp. 79 - 83,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Joseph A; Finfer SR; Parr MJ, 1999, 'Auditing trauma outcomes: Australia needs a national approach', Medical Journal of Australia, 170, pp. 405 - 406,
    Journal articles | 1999
    McKinley S; Mackenzie A; Finfer S; Ward R; Penfold J, 1999, 'Incidence and predictors of central venous catheter related infection in intensive care patients', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 27, pp. 164 - 169,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Morgan MK; Sekhon LHS; Finfer S; Grinnell V, 1999, 'Delayed neurological deterioration following resection of arteriovenous malformations of the brain', Journal of Neurosurgery, 90, pp. 695 - 701,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Bellomo R; Bersten AD; Boots RJ; Bristow PJ; Dobb GJ; Finfer SR; McArthur CJ; Richards B; Skowronski GA, 1998, 'The use of antimicrobials in ten Australian and New Zealand intensive care units', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 26, pp. 648 - 653,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Gupta KJ; Finfer SR; Morgan MK, 1998, 'Intensive care for subarachnoid haemorrhage: The state of the art', Current Anaesthesia and Critical Care, 9, pp. 202 - 208,
    Journal articles | 1998
    McKinley S; Low H; Mackenzie A; Finfer S; O’Connor A; Green S, 1998, 'Gauze dressings, antiseptic-impregnated catheters and central venous catheter infections', Australian Critical Care, 11, pp. 57 - 57,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Finfer S, 1997, 'John Neville Shephard - Obituary', BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 315, pp. 193 - 193
    Journal articles | 1997
    Teoh N; Parr MJA; Finfer SR, 1997, 'Bacteraemia following percutaneous dilational tracheostomy', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 25, pp. 354 - 357,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Ward R; Penfold J; McKinley S; Finfer S, 1997, 'Incidence of CVC-related infection in ITU', Australian Critical Care, 10, pp. 30 - 30,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Benbow EW; Roberts ISD; Cairns A; Nichol N; Pieterse L; Beattie T; Byrne AJ; Finfer S; Hendra TJ; Gerrish SP; Forrest ARW, 1996, 'Fatal methadone overdose [5]', British Medical Journal, 313, pp. 1479 - 1480
    Journal articles | 1996
    Finfer S; Bohn D; Colpitts D; Cox P; Fleming F; Barker G, 1996, 'Intensive care management of paediatric organ donors and its effect on post-transplant organ function', Intensive Care Medicine, 22, pp. 1424 - 1432,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Finfer S; Rocker G, 1996, 'Alveolar overdistension is an important mechanism of persistent lung damage following severe protracted ARDS', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 24, pp. 569 - 573,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Finfer S, 1996, 'Advance directives are compatible with good medical practice [5]', British Medical Journal, 312, pp. 1538 - 1539,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Finfer S, 1996, 'Fatal methadone overdose. Close observation in intensive care unit is required when naloxone infusion ends.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 313, pp. 1480,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Parr MJA; Finfer SR; Morgan MK, 1996, 'Lesson of the Week: Reversible cardiogenic shock complicating subarachnoid haemorrhage', BMJ, 313, pp. 681 - 683,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Finfer S; Howell S; Miller J; Willett K; Wilson-Macdonald J, 1994, 'Managing patients who refuse blood transfusions: An ethical dilemma: Major trauma in two patients refusing blood transfusion', BMJ, 308, pp. 1423,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Finfer S; Howell S; Miller J; Willett K; Wilson-Macdonald J, 1994, 'Managing patients who refuse blood transfusions: An ethical dilemma: Major trauma in two patients refusing blood transfusion', BMJ, 308, pp. 1423,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Finfer S; Theaker N; Raper R; Fisher M, 1994, 'The Hippocratic oath updated. Surrogates' decisions in resuscitation are of limited value [5]', British Medical Journal, 309, pp. 953
    Journal articles | 1994
    Finfer S, 1994, 'Author's views', BMJ, 308, pp. 1425,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Hemming A; MacKenzie I; Finfer S, 1994, 'Response to ketamine in status asthmaticus resistant to maximal medical treatment', Thorax, 49, pp. 90 - 91,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Young JD; Brampton WJ; Knighton JD; Finfer SR, 1994, 'Inhaled nitric oxide in acute respiratory failure in adults', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 73, pp. 499 - 502,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Journal articles | 1993
    Finfer SR; Garrard CS, 1993, 'Ventilatory support in asthma.', British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 49, pp. 357 - 360
    Journal articles | 1993
    Finfer SR; Riley B; Baskett PJF, 1993, 'Advanced trauma life support', Anaesthesia, 48, pp. 439 - 440,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Journal articles | 1991
    Finfer SR, 1991, 'Management of labour and delivery in patients with intracranical neoplasms', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 67, pp. 784 - 787,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Finfer SR, 1991, 'Pacemaker failure on induction of anaesthesia', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 66, pp. 509 - 512,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Sidhu VS, 1991, 'Interference with pacemaker function', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 67, pp. 664,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Finfer SR; MacKenzie SI; Saddler JM; Watkins TG, 1989, 'Cardiovascular responses to tracheal intubation: a comparison of direct laryngoscopy and fibreoptic intubation.', Anaesthesia and intensive care, 17, pp. 44 - 48,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Journal articles | 1987
    Finfer SR; Wishaw KJ, 1987, 'Oximetry during transport', Anaesthesia, 42, pp. 900 - 900,
  • Conference Abstracts | 2024
    Preprints | 2024
    Thwaites L; Nasa P; Abbenbroek B; Dat VQ; Finfer S; Kwizera A; Ling L; Lobo S; Sinto R; Aditianingsih D; Antonelli M; Arabi Y; Argent A; Azevedo L; Bennett E; Chakrabarti A; De Asis K; De Waele J; Divatia JV; Estenssoro E; Evans L; Faiz A; Hammond N; Hashmi M; Herridge M; Jacob S; Jatsho J; Javeri Y; Khalid K; Chen LK; Levy M; Lundeg G; Machado F; Mehta Y; Mer M; Son DN; Ospina-Tascón G; Ostermann M; Permpikul C; Prescott H; Reinhart K; Vega GR; S-Kabara H; Shrestha G; Siika W; Tan TL; Todi S; Tripathy S; Venkatesh B; Vincent J-L; Myatra SN, 2024, Management of Adult Sepsis in Resource-Limited Settings: Global Expert Consensus Statements Using a Delphi Method,
    Preprints | 2023
    Adigbli D; Liu RP; Meyer J; Cohen J; Tanna GLD; Gianacas C; Bhattacharya A; Hammond N; Walsham J; Venkatesh B; Hotchkiss R; Finfer S, 2023, Early persistent lymphopenia and risk of death in critically ill patients with and without sepsis.,
    Preprints | 2023
    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Walsham J, 2023, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Fludrocortisone Dose Response Relationship in Septic Shock (FluDReSS) trial,
    Preprints | 2023
    Kumar A; Hammond N; Abbenbroek B; Thompson K; Taylor C; Venkatesh B; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2023, Sepsis-coded hospitalisations and associated costs in Australia: A retrospective analysis,
    Preprints | 2023
    Young P; Devaux A; Li Q; Billot L; Davis J; Delaney A; Finfer S; Hammond N; Micallef S; Seppelt I; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J, 2023, Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a Post-Hoc analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Feng Y; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Perkovic V; Jardine M; Wang AY; Gallagher M; Hong D, 2022, 'POS-019 A NOVEL RISK PREDICTION MODEL FOR SERVE ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS RECEIVING FLUID RESUSCITATION', in Kidney International Reports, Elsevier BV, Vol. 7, pp. S8 - S8,
    Preprints | 2022
    Hammond N; Myburgh J; Di Tanna GL; Garside T; Vlok R; Mahendran S; Adigbli D; Finfer S; Goodman F; Guyatt G; Venkatesh B; Seppelt I; Delaney A, 2022, Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Invasively Ventilated Patients in an Intensive Care Unit: A protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Preprints | 2022
    Kuo NI-H; Polizzotto MN; Finfer S; Garcia F; Sönnerborg A; Zazzi M; Böhm M; Jorm L; Barbieri S, 2022, The Health Gym: Synthetic Health-Related Datasets for the Development of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms,
    Preprints | 2022
    Zampieri F; Cavalcanti A; Tanna GLD; Damiani L; Hammond N; Machado F; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Ramanan M; Rice T; Semler M; Young P; Finfer S, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for Balanced versus Saline trialists living systematic review individual patient and aggregated data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (BEST-Living Study),
    Preprints | 2021
    Kuo NI-H; Polizzotto M; Finfer S; Jorm L; Barbieri S, 2021, Synthetic Acute Hypotension and Sepsis Datasets Based on MIMIC-III and Published as Part of the Health Gym Project,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Bihari S; Prakash S; Barnes M; Kholmurodova F; Woodman R; Finfer S; Hammond N, 2020, 'Why Is a Fluid Bolus Administered and Has There Been a Change in Practice? - Results from SAFE, SAFE TRIPS and Fluid TRIPS Dataset', in B49. CRITICAL CARE: HEMODYNAMICS AND AFFAIRS OF THE HEART, American Thoracic Society, pp. A3624 - A3624, presented at American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Bihari S; Prakash S; Barnes M; Kholmurodova F; Woodman R; Hammond N; Finfer S, 2020, 'Effect of Early Fluid Balance on Recovery of Organ Failure and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Requiring Fluid Resuscitation', in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, AMER THORACIC SOC, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 201, presented at Virtual International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society, ELECTR NETWORK, 05 August 2020 - 10 August 2020,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Bihari S; Prakash S; Barnes M; Kholmurodova F; Woodman R; Hammond N; Finfer S, 2020, 'Factors Predicting Survival in ICU Patients Requiring Fluid Resuscitation', in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, AMER THORACIC SOC, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 201, presented at International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society (ATS), ELECTR NETWORK, 10 November 2020,
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Finfer S; Micallef S, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Plasma-Lyte 148® versUs Saline Study (PLUS) trial,
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Myburgh J; Goodman F; Finfer S; Seppelt I; Gordon A; Cuthbertson B, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit (SuDDICU) study,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Vallance S; Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L, 2014, 'ALBUMIN RESUSCITATION FOR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: IS INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION THE CAUSE OF INCREASED MORTALITY?', in JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA, MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC, HUNGARY, Budapest, pp. A16 - A17, presented at 11th Symposium of the International-Neurotrauma-Society, HUNGARY, Budapest, 19 March 2014 - 23 March 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Cass A; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Gatta D; Chadban S; Jardine M; Lo S; Barzi F; Gallagher M, 2014, 'PREDICTORS OF HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN SURVIVORS FOLLOWING ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: A SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF POST-RENAL STUDY OUTCOMES', in NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. 107 - 108, presented at 51st Congress of the European-Renal-Association(ERA)/European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Association (EDTA), NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 31 May 2014 - 03 June 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Bird S; Macken L; Flower O; Bass F; Hammond N; Yarad E; Webb S; Kennedy N; Baker A; Chau C; Librande M; Strasma P; Finfer S, 2013, 'CONTINUOUS ARTERIAL GLUCOSE MONITORING BY QUENCHED CHEMICAL FLUORESCENCE IN ICU PATIENTS AFTER CARDIAC SURGERY', in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, SPRINGER, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S362 - S362, presented at ESICM 26th Annual Congress, FRANCE, Paris, 05 October 2013 - 09 October 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Liu B; Finfer S; Glass P; Saxena M; Seppelt I; Willenberg L; Myburgh J, 2013, 'A TIME SERIES EVALUATION OF CRYSTALLOID AND COLLOID RESUSCITATION PRACTICES IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND INTENSIVE CARE UNITS: PRELIMINARY DATA', in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, SPRINGER, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S213 - S213, presented at ESICM 26th Annual Congress, FRANCE, Paris, 05 October 2013 - 09 October 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Kaukonen K-M; Bailey M; Pilcher D; Orford N; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'GLYCAEMIC CONTROL IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BEFORE AND AFTER THE NICE-SUGAR TRIAL: A TRANSLATIONAL STUDY', in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, SPRINGER, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S362 - S362, presented at ESICM 26th Annual Congress, FRANCE, Paris, 05 October 2013 - 09 October 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Clarke F; McDonald E; Smith O; Zytaruk N; Heels-Ansdell D; Watpool I; McArdle T; Matte A; Vallance S; Finfer S; Galt P; Crozier T; Fowler R; Arabi Y; Woolfe C; Orford N; Hall R; Adhikari N; Ferland MC; Marshall J; Foster D; Farias P; Cook DJ; Meade M, 2012, 'Enrolling Critically Ill Patients Into Multiple Studies: A Case Study Of A Thromboprophylaxis Trial', in B15. CLINICAL OUTCOMES RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, American Thoracic Society, pp. A2458 - A2458, presented at American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Granton J; Friedrich J; Fergusson N; Finfer S; Kutsogiannis J; Lesur O; Lamontagne F; Jacka M; Guyatt G; Lellouche F; Qushmaq I; Alhashemi J; Alsultan M; Sharpe M; Davies A; Sheppard J; Zytaruk N; Crowther M; Warkentin TE; Cook DJ, 2012, 'Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia In The ICU: ELISA Versus SRA Testing', in A47. DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES AND MONITORING, American Thoracic Society, pp. A1669 - A1669, presented at American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Lee J; Lo S; Mcarthur C; Macguiness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Sheinkestel C, 2011, 'FLUID BALANCE AND PATIENT OUTCOMES IN AKI: ANALYSIS OF THE RENAL STUDY PARTICIPANTS', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 57 - 57,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    McIntyre LA; Turgeon A; Green R; Fox Robichaud A; Fergusson D; Tinmouth A; Cook DJ; Hebert P; Marshall J; Finfer S; Bagshaw S; Zarychanski R; Pagliarello J; Stiell I; Worster A; Rowe B; Easton D; Emond M; Rankin for the Canadian Critical Ca N, 2010, 'The PRECISE Fluid Resuscitation Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial: Study Design And Preliminary Feasibility Results', in D49. CLINICAL TRIALS IN CRITICAL CARE, American Thoracic Society, pp. A6038 - A6038, presented at American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference, May 14-19, 2010 • New Orleans,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Vallance S; Potter J; O'Connor A; O'Bree B; Rajbhandari D; McDonald E; Tkaczyk A; Finfer S; Barrett J; Woolfe C; Karachi T; Zytaruk N; Cooper J; Davies A; Cook DJ, 2010, 'Informed Consent For An International Thromboprophylaxis Trial', in D49. CLINICAL TRIALS IN CRITICAL CARE, American Thoracic Society, pp. A6046 - A6046, presented at American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference, May 14-19, 2010 • New Orleans,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Cook DJ; Rocker G; Meade M; Guyatt G; Geerts W; Anderson D; Skrobik Y; Hebert P; Albert M; Cooper J; Bates S; Caco C; Finfer S; Fowler R; Freitag A; Granton J; Jones G; Langevin S; Mehta S; Pagliarello G; Poirier G; Rabbat C; Schiff D; Griffith L; Crowther M, 2005, 'Prophylaxis of Thromboembolism in Critical Care (PROTECT) Trial: A pilot study', in Journal of Critical Care, pp. 364 - 372,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Finfer S; Norton R; Bellomo R; Boyce N; French J; Myburgh J, 2004, 'The SAFE study: Saline vs. albumin for fluid resuscitation in the critically ill (Retraction in: Vox Sanguinis (2004) 87:2 (142))', in Vox Sanguinis, Supplement
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Finfer SR; Lipman J; Bellomo R; French C; Chapman M, 2001, 'Incidence and outcome of severe SIRS and sepsis in Australasian Intensive Care Units: Provisional results of a prospective study of 3689 patient episodes', in INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE, SPRINGER, pp. S242 - S242,
    Conference Papers | 1988
    Conference Papers | 1988
    Preprints |
    Gantner D; Wiegers E; Bragge P; Finfer S; Delaney A; van Essen T; Peul W; Maas A; Cooper J; Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TB CEN, Decompressive Craniectomy Following Traumatic Brain Injury; Does International Practice Align with Evidence? Harmonised, Multi-Centre Cohort Studies in Europe, the United Kingdom and Australia,