Dr Sirojan Tharmakulasingam
- Doctor of Philosophy (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia)
- Bachelor of the Science of Engineering (University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka)
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications
Dr Sirojan Tharmakulasingam is a Lecturer | Research and Development Coordinator with the Signals, Information & Machine Intelligence lab, UNSW Sydney. His primary research interests are in the fields of Machine Intelligence, Data Analytics, Edge Computing and High Performance Computing. Actively working on developing Artificial Intelligence based next generation inference models via integrating the knowledge in machine learning, signal processing, mathematical modelling and computing into various forms of Data such as image, video, audio and atomic data in Quantum molecules.
Room 447, EE&T Building (G17), UNSW Sydney
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- Teaching and Supervision
Research Interests include:
- Developing Artificial Intelligence based inference models
- Developing low latency data analytics solutions for monitoring systems