Dr Susan Hardy

Honorary Lecturer
DipEd Moray House CAE Edinbugh, BA Hons PhD UNSW
Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Humanities & Languages

I was born in Edinburgh and have a Diploma in Education from Moray House CAE. After teaching in London for several years I came to Sydney with my Australian husband, had four children and then returned to tertiary study at UNSW where I obtained a BA in History and and PhD in the History and Philosophy of Medicine. I have compiled and taught courses in European history, the history of medicine and health care in Europe and Australia and the history of forensic medicine at UNSW and supervised honours and post-graduate students in these fields. I have also taught courses at the Universities of Sydney and Melbourne. Professional activities have included: positions on the committee of the NSW Society of the History of Medicine and the Council of the Australian Society of the History of Medicine, membership of the editorial board of Metascience and acting as an advisor on historical aspects of 19th century health for the ABC series 'Outback House'. I have also given lectures on Australian medical history at the Australian Museum in Sydney and at the Museum of Human Disease at UNSW. Currently I have an honorary lectureship in the School of Humanities and Languages.

9385 2351
318 Morven Brown
  • Journal articles | 2016
    Hardy S; Corones A, 2016, 'Dressed to heal: The changing semiotics of surgical dress', Fashion Theory - Journal of Dress Body and Culture, 20, pp. 27 - 49, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1362704X.2015.1077653
    Journal articles | 2015
    Corones A; Hardy S, 2015, 'The Infamous Frock Coat: A Function for Exaggeration in the History of Surgery', ISAA NSW, Papers and Proceedings 2014, pp. 21 - 35
    Journal articles | 2009
    Corones A; Hardy PS, 2009, 'En-Gendered Surveillance: Women on the Edge of a Watched Cervix', Surveillance and Society, 6, pp. 388 - 397, http://www.surveillance-and-society.org/
    Journal articles | 2009
    Hardy PS, 2009, 'Bewitched Balls', Metascience, 18, pp. 281, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11016-009-9275-9
    Journal articles | 2006
    Hardy PS; Corones A, 2006, 'Colonising the Past? History, Medicine and Reality Television', Health and History, 8, pp. 124 - 146
    Journal articles | 2001
    Hardy PS, 2001, '`Another big thick book`?', Metascience, 10, pp. 416 - 418
    Journal articles | 2000
    Hardy PS, 2000, 'Review of Michael Roe, Life over death: Tasmanians and tuberculosis', Labour History, pp. 253 - 254

My Teaching

GENT 0911: Maniacs, Murderers and Medical Detectives
GENT 0902: Witches, Quacks and Lunatics
HPSC 2660: Cheating Death: A History of Medicine

Consultation Times
Susan is available for consultation at the following time:
Tuesday: 10-11 pm
Thursday: 10-11 pm
Wednesday 2-4pm