Dr Umut Ozguc
Umut Ozguc is a lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University and a visiting fellow at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra. She is a critical IR scholar working on critical border studies, settler colonialism, poststructuralism, posthumanism and security studies. Her work on borders was published in International Political Sociology, Security Dialogue, and the Disorder of Things. Her work cuts across several areas mainly international relations, political geography, continental philosophy, and history. Umut's previous writings focused on human security, racism and managing cultural diversity. Currently, she is completing a book on the construction of borders in settler-colonial states. Umut holds a BA in International Relations from Ankara University, and a MA (Research) in Politics and International Relations from the University of New South Wales. She completed her doctoral research at the same university. Umut previously worked as a researcher and a lecturer at several universities including the Australian National University, the University of New South Wales, and Sydney University. She is the co-founder of Australian Critical Border Studies Network.
- Ozguc, U. Borders (2019) "Detention, and the Disruptive Power of Noisy-Subject" International Political Sociology
- Mendonca, R. F., Ercan, S.A, Ozguc, U., Reis, S. and Simoes, P.G. (2019) Protests as “events”: The symbolic struggles in 2013 demonstrations in Turkey and Brazil. Revista de Sociologia e Política.
- Ozguc, U. (2017) (Book review) ‘Reece Jones, Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move, Verso, 2016, E-International Relations, available at
- Ozguc, U.(2011) ‘Remaking Canadian Identity: A critical analysis of Canada's human security discourse’ The Journal of Human Security, 7(3), 2011, 37-59.
- Dunn, K. M., Loosemore, M., and Phua, F, Ozguc, U. (2011) ‘Everyday ethnic diversity and racism on Australian construction sites’ International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations 10(6), 129-147.
- Loosemore, M., Phua, F. and Dunn, K. M., Ozguc, U. (2011) ‘The Politics of Sameness in the Australian Construction Industry’, Engineering, Construction & Architectural Management, 18 (4), 363-380.
- Loosemore, M., Phua, F. and Dunn, K. M., Ozguc, U. (2010) ‘Operatives’ Experiences of cultural diversity on Australian Construction sites’, Construction Management and Economics 28(2), 177-188.
Conference Papers (Selected)
- The New Materialist Conversations in Border Studies, Panel: Posthuman and Nonhuman in a Future Ecological Politics, Borders and Margins, The 25th World Congress, IPSA, Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 July 2018.
- ‘Border Walls as Assemblages’, Panel: Border Walls, Borders and Margins, The 25th World Congress, IPSA, Brisbane, Australia, 21-25 July 2018.
- ‘Borders as assemblages: Why do we need ‘new materialist’ conversations in border studies?’, The Interpretation of Global Politics: Methods and Epistemologies After the Event, Australian National University, 2-3 November 2017.
- ‘Politics of Becoming-Other: Alternative Spaces of the Border’, Inaugural Australian Political Theory/Philosophy Conference, The University of Melbourne, 17-18 February 2017.
- 'Walking on the lines with Deleuze and Connolly: Reading border walls as heterogeneous sites’, APSA: The Future of Politics and Political Science, University of Canberra, 28-30 September 2015.
- ‘Dwelling, enclosures and security’, APSA Continuity and Change in the Middle East and Central Asia, Australian National University, Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies (Middle East & Central Asia), 30 November-1 December 2012.
- 'Border acts: Performativity, undecidability and the Wall in the West Bank’, The Oceanic Conference on International Studies, University of Sydney, Sydney 18-20 July 2012.
- ‘Beyond the Panopticon: The Separation Wall and Israel’s Security Imagination, APSA: Connected Globe, University of Melbourne, 27-29 September 2010.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision