Dr Uphar Chamoli
BTech Mechanical Engineering (2008), Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad
MPhil Biological Sciences (2012), University of New South Wales, Sydney
PhD Spine Biomechanics (2016), University of New South Wales, Sydney
Uphar is a biomechanist with interests in musculoskeletal joints and structures. The overarching goal of his research is to better understand the biomechanics of various musculoskeletal joints and structures, in the intact and pathological states. He is a core member of Spine Labs, a multidisciplinary research group based at St. George Hospital (Kogarah), focusing on pathogenesis, diagnosis, and efficacy of treatment approaches for spinal pain. Over the last decade, he has worked on a wide range of orthopaedics biomechanics projects ranging from maxillofacial implants, shoulder joint pathologies, and spinal implants.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- AO Spine Discovery and Innovation Award 2019. Decay Variance: A Novel MRI Tool for Quantifying Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Low Back Pain. Sheldrick, K, Chamoli, U, Diwan, A
- Ian Potter Foundation Travel Grant 2018 to attend the 45th annual ISSLS meeting in Banff (Canada). Chamoli, U
- Society of Lateral Access Surgery Research Grant 2017. The mechanical burden on the facet-joint capsule and adjacent segments with the lateral placement of a lordotic cage with and without the release of the anterior longitudinal ligament. Chamoli, U and Diwan, A
- AO Spine Australia and New Zealand Research Grant 2016. The role of sacral slope and disc degeneration in the progression of vertebral slippage in low-grade isthmic spondylolisthesis of L5-S1: A finite element study. Chamoli, U, Tsafnat, N, Diwan, A
- Best Abstract and Presentation award. Asia-Pacific Society of Lateral Access Surgery meeting, Sydney, 2017
- Young Investigator Award in Basic Science category, St. George & Sutherland Medical Research Symposium, Sydney, 2014
- International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (PhD) from UNSW Sydney, 2012
- Postgraduate Writing Award from the Evolution & Ecology Research Centre, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences (BEES), UNSW Australia, 2011
- Comp Biomech International Summer Research Scholarship for undergraduates, School of BEES, UNSW Australia, 2008
- International Summer Research Scholarship for undergraduates, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 2007
Uphar is passionate about the translation of research into clinical practice. He works at the interface of academia and industry and helps medical device start-up companies to bring novel orthopaedic implants and technologies to clinical use.
Uphar uses a holistic approach in his research to examine clinically relevant biomechanics questions. He has developed novel image processing and finite element modelling techniques for developing patient-specific computer models of musculoskeletal joints using CT and MRI data. He has also developed in vitro biomechanical testing protocols for testing cadaveric specimens for investigating various clinically relevant biomechanics hypothesis in orthopaedics. He is routinely involved in clinical study design, diagnostic imaging studies, analysis of clinical outcomes data, and systematic reviews.
His research interests include
- Orthopaedics biomechanics
- Finite element modelling, multi-body mechanics
- In vitro biomechanical testing, motion metrics
- Image processing, Diagnostic imaging (CT, MR, Ultrasound, X-ray)
- Clinical study design, patient outcomes data
- Translational research
His current research is focused around the biomechanics of lumbar disc herniation, pathogenesis and pathophysiology, loss in segmental stiffness following herniation, the efficacy of surgical and non-surgical treatment approaches, and various factors leading to recurrent herniation.
Uphar serves as the Research Officer (2019-2022) for the AOSpine ANZ council, a leading global community of academics and clinicians for innovative education and research in spinal care.
My Research Supervision
PhD candidates:
- Vivek Ramakrishna (Scientia PhD candidate since February 2019) - Smart orthopaedic spinal implants for in-vivo load measurements
- Xiaolong Chen (PhD candidate since July 2018) - Studies on microdiscectomy for lumbar disc herniation
- Kyle Sheldrick (PhD candidate since February 2018) - Developing novel MRI post-processing algorithms for quantitative assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration
- Geoff Smith (PhD candidate since February 2018) - Studies on critical shoulder angle