Associate Professor Wei Wen

Associate Professor Wei Wen

Associate Professor

BE, Ph.D.

Medicine & Health
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing

Research Interests:
Computational neuroanatomy is about a comprehensive structural and functional model of the brain. The distribution of structural changes of human brain reflects the underlying pathology. The increasing sophistication of MRI allows neuroanatomical structures to be visualized in vivo in unprecedented detail. Clinical MRI is able to give good soft-tissue contrast and high spatial (<1 mm) resolution. Due to rapid advances in computing power and algorithm development, we are now well placed to study the extraordinary MRI-visible morphological variability of the human brain through mathematical models sensitive to subtle changes in neuroanatomical shape, complexity and tissue characteristics. One of the key requirements of neuroimaging research is the multi-disciplinary collaborations between neuroscience, engineering and medicine and a host of sub-disciplines. While the research subjects and the clinical needs are provided by medicine, the theoretical underpinnings come from mathematics and statistics, and the methodological approaches from computer science and biomedical engineering, all forming critical components of the enterprise. Our recent work includes mapping and modeling of cerebral white matter hyperintensities, algorithm development for examining the shapes and sizes of brain structures and cortical atrophy. fMRI, pMRI, MRS, and PET are also currently being used as brain imaging modalities in various studies.

Broad Research Areas:
Neurosciences, Brain Ageing, NeuroImaging / Neuro-radiology, Medical Informatics, Pattern Recognition & Data Mining, Markov models

Ph.D. (Engineering, Sydney University)

Specific Research Keywords:
Computational neuroanatomy, Brain Anatomy, MRI, Mathematical Modelling, Medical Imaging

Meet Our Researcher
Click here to read Associate Professor Wei Wen's ‘Meet Our Researcher’ interview

+61 2 9385 0438
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, Level 1, AGSM Building UNSW Sydney 2052, NSW
  • Book Chapters | 2001
    Sachdev PS; Loo CK; Mitchell PB; Gandevia SC; Taylor JL; Mcbride RS; Malhi GS; Wen W; Croker V; Elsayed H, 2001, 'Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for psychiatric disorders: The Sydney Studies', in Miyoshi K; Shapiro CM; Gaviria M; Morita Y (ed.), Contemporary Neuropsychiatry, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, pp. 247 - 251
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Boen R; Kaufmann T; van der Meer D; Frei O; Agartz I; Ames D; Andersson M; Armstrong NJ; Artiges E; Atkins JR; Bauer J; Benedetti F; Boomsma DI; Brodaty H; Brosch K; Buckner RL; Cairns MJ; Calhoun V; Caspers S; Cichon S; Corvin AP; Crespo-Facorro B; Dannlowski U; David FS; de Geus EJC; de Zubicaray GI; Desrivières S; Doherty JL; Donohoe G; Ehrlich S; Eising E; Espeseth T; Fisher SE; Forstner AJ; Fortaner-Uyà L; Frouin V; Fukunaga M; Ge T; Glahn DC; Goltermann J; Grabe HJ; Green MJ; Groenewold NA; Grotegerd D; Grøntvedt GR; Hahn T; Hashimoto R; Hehir-Kwa JY; Henskens FA; Holmes AJ; Håberg AK; Haavik J; Jacquemont S; Jansen A; Jockwitz C; Jönsson EG; Kikuchi M; Kircher T; Kumar K; Le Hellard S; Leu C; Linden DE; Liu J; Loughnan R; Mather KA; McMahon KL; McRae AF; Medland SE; Meinert S; Moreau CA; Morris DW; Mowry BJ; Mühleisen TW; Nenadić I; Nöthen MM; Nyberg L; Ophoff RA; Owen MJ; Pantelis C; Paolini M; Paus T; Pausova Z; Persson K; Quidé Y; Marques TR; Sachdev PS; Sando SB; Schall U; Scott RJ; Selbæk G; Shumskaya E; Silva AI; Sisodiya SM; Stein F; Stein DJ; Straube B; Streit F; Strike LT; Teumer A; Teutenberg L; Quide Y; Wen W; Trollor J; Thalamuthu A, 2024, 'Beyond the Global Brain Differences: Intraindividual Variability Differences in 1q21.1 Distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Deletion Carriers', Biological Psychiatry, 95, pp. 147 - 160,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dietze LMF; McWhinney SR; Favre P; Abé C; Alexander N; Barkhau C; Benedetti F; Berk M; Bøen E; Boye B; Brosch K; Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Cannon DM; Carruthers SP; Corkum ELV; Dannlowski U; Díaz-Zuluaga AM; Dohm K; Elvsåshagen T; Flinkenflügel K; Fortea L; Furlong LS; Goldstein BI; Grotegerd D; Gruber M; Haarman BCM; Howells FM; Jahanshad N; Jamalabadi H; Jansen A; Karantonis JA; Kennedy KG; Kircher TTJ; Klahn AL; Kochunov P; Kraus A; Landén M; López-Jaramillo C; MacIntosh BJ; Mazza E; McDonald C; McIntosh AM; Meinert H; Meinert S; Melloni EMT; Mitchell PB; Nenadić I; Opel N; Phillips M; Piguet C; Polosan M; Pomarol-Clotet E; Pouchon A; Radua J; Roberts G; Ross AJ; Rossell SL; Salvador R; Sim K; Soares JC; Zunta-Soares GB; Stein F; Straube B; Suo C; Teutenberg L; Thomas-Odenthal F; Thomopoulos SI; Usemann P; Van Rheenen TE; Versace A; Vieta E; Vilajosana E; Mwangi B; Wen W; Whalley HC; Wu MJ; Andreassen OA; Ching CRK; Thompson PM; Houenou J; Hajek T, 2024, 'White matter microstructure in obesity and bipolar disorders: an ENIGMA bipolar disorder working group study in 2186 individuals', Molecular Psychiatry,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dong C; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Mather KA; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2024, 'Brain structural covariances in the ageing brain in the UK Biobank', Brain Structure and Function, 229, pp. 1165 - 1177,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Du J; Pan Y; Jiang J; Lam BCP; Thalamuthu A; Chen R; Tsang IW; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2024, 'White matter brain age as a biomarker of cerebrovascular burden in the ageing brain', European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, pp. 1 - 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Du J; Pan Y; Jiang J; Liu Y; Lam BCP; Schutte AE; Tsang IW; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2024, 'Association of Blood Pressure With Brain Ages: A Cohort Study of Gray and White Matter Aging Discrepancy in Mid-to-Older Adults From UK Biobank', Hypertension, 81, pp. 906 - 916,
    Journal articles | 2024
    García-Marín LM; Campos AI; Diaz-Torres S; Rabinowitz JA; Ceja Z; Mitchell BL; Grasby KL; Thorp JG; Agartz I; Alhusaini S; Ames D; Amouyel P; Andreassen OA; Arfanakis K; Arias-Vasquez A; Armstrong NJ; Athanasiu L; Bastin ME; Beiser AS; Bennett DA; Bis JC; Boks MPM; Boomsma DI; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buitelaar JK; Burkhardt R; Cahn W; Calhoun VD; Carmichael OT; Chakravarty M; Chen Q; Ching CRK; Cichon S; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Dale AM; Smith GD; de Geus EJC; De Jager PL; de Zubicaray GI; Debette S; DeCarli C; Depondt C; Desrivières S; Djurovic S; Ehrlich S; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fernández G; Filippi I; Fisher SE; Fleischman DA; Fletcher E; Fornage M; Forstner AJ; Francks C; Franke B; Ge T; Goldman AL; Grabe HJ; Green RC; Grimm O; Groenewold NA; Gruber O; Gudnason V; Håberg AK; Haukvik UK; Heinz A; Hibar DP; Hilal S; Himali JJ; Ho BC; Hoehn DF; Hoekstra PJ; Hofer E; Hoffmann W; Holmes AJ; Homuth G; Hosten N; Ikram MK; Ipser JC; Jack CR; Jahanshad N; Jönsson EG; Kahn RS; Kanai R; Klein M; Knol MJ; Launer LJ; Lawrie SM; Hellard SL; Lee PH; Lemaître H; Li S; Liewald DCM; Lin H; Longstreth WT; Lopez OL; Luciano M, 2024, 'Genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes yields polygenic scores accounting for variation across ancestries', Nature Genetics, 56, pp. 2333 - 2344,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ge R; Yu Y; Qi YX; Fan YN; Chen S; Gao C; Haas SS; New F; Boomsma DI; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buckner R; Caseras X; Crivello F; Crone EA; Erk S; Fisher SE; Franke B; Glahn DC; Dannlowski U; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Hulshoff Pol HE; Schumann G; Tamnes CK; Walter H; Wierenga LM; Jahanshad N; Thompson PM; Frangou S; Agartz I; Asherson P; Ayesa-Arriola R; Banaj N; Banaschewski T; Baumeister S; Bertolino A; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; Brandeis D; Breier A; Buitelaar JK; Cannon DM; Cervenka S; Conrod PJ; Crespo-Facorro B; Davey CG; de Haan L; de Zubicaray GI; Di Giorgio A; Frodl T; Gruner P; Gur RE; Gur RC; Harrison BJ; Hatton SN; Hickie I; Howells FM; Huyser C; Jernigan TL; Jiang J; Joska JA; Kahn RS; Kalnin AJ; Kochan NA; Koops S; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lazaro L; Lebedeva IS; Lochner C; Martin NG; Mazoyer B; McDonald BC; McDonald C; McMahon KL; Medland S; Modabbernia A; Mwangi B; Nakao T; Nyberg L; Piras F; Portella MJ; Qiu J; Roffman JL; Sachdev PS; Sanford N; Satterthwaite TD; Saykin AJ; Sellgren CM; Sim K; Smoller JW; Soares JC; Sommer IE; Spalletta G; Stein DJ; Thomopoulos SI; Tomyshev AS; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Trollor JN; Wen W, 2024, 'Normative modelling of brain morphometry across the lifespan with CentileBrain: algorithm benchmarking and model optimisation', The Lancet Digital Health, 6, pp. e211 - e221,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Knol MJ; Poot RA; Evans TE; Satizabal CL; Mishra A; Sargurupremraj M; van der Auwera S; Duperron MG; Jian X; Hostettler IC; van Dam-Nolen DHK; Lamballais S; Pawlak MA; Lewis CE; Carrion-Castillo A; van Erp TGM; Reinbold CS; Shin J; Scholz M; Håberg AK; Kämpe A; Li GHY; Avinun R; Atkins JR; Hsu FC; Amod AR; Lam M; Tsuchida A; Teunissen MWA; Aygün N; Patel Y; Liang D; Beiser AS; Beyer F; Bis JC; Bos D; Bryan RN; Bülow R; Caspers S; Catheline G; Cecil CAM; Dalvie S; Dartigues JF; DeCarli C; Enlund-Cerullo M; Ford JM; Franke B; Freedman BI; Friedrich N; Green MJ; Haworth S; Helmer C; Hoffmann P; Homuth G; Ikram MK; Jack CR; Jahanshad N; Jockwitz C; Kamatani Y; Knodt AR; Li S; Lim K; Longstreth WT; Macciardi F; Amouyel P; Arfanakis K; Aribisala BS; Bastin ME; Chauhan G; Chen C; Cheng CY; de Jager PL; Deary IJ; Fleischman DA; Gottesman RF; Gudnason V; Hilal S; Hofer E; Janowitz D; Jukema JW; Liewald DCM; Lopez LM; Lopez O; Luciano M; Martinez O; Niessen WJ; Nyquist P; Rotter JI; Rundek T; Sacco RL; Schmidt H; Tiemeier H; Trompet S; van der Grond J; Völzke H; Wardlaw JM; Yanek L; Yang J; Agartz I; Alhusaini S; Quide Y; Reppermund S; Carr V; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2024, 'Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer', Cell Reports Medicine, 5, pp. 101529,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lennon MJ; Lipnicki DM; Lam BCP; Crawford JD; Schutte AE; Peters R; Rydberg-Sterner T; Najar J; Skoog I; Riedel-Heller SG; Röhr S; Pabst A; Lobo A; De-La-Cámara C; Lobo E; Lipton RB; Katz MJ; Derby CA; Kim KW; Han JW; Oh DJ; Rolandi E; Davin A; Rossi M; Scarmeas N; Yannakoulia M; Dardiotis T; Hendrie HC; Gao S; Carriere I; Ritchie K; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Xiao S; Yue L; Li W; Guerchet M; Preux PM; Aboyans V; Haan MN; Aiello A; Scazufca M; Sachdev PS; Llibre-Rodriguez JJ; Acosta D; Sosa AL; Arteaga MG; Jimenez-Velazquez IZ; Salas A; Turana Y; Del Brutto OH; Costa E; Noel S; Larijani B; Nabipour I; Rockwood K; Shifu X; Brayne C; D'Orsi E; Ancelin ML; Petersen MS; Au R; Scarmeas N; Ninimiya T; Lam L; Gureje O; Paddick SM; Walker R; Chen LK; Auais M; Guerra RO; Hever A; Kenny RA; Kim KW; Meguro K; Gussekloo J; Shahar S; Koehler S; Deckers K; Dominguez J; Ganguli M; Krishna M; Custodio N; McGuinness B; Kee F; Ansteyi KJ; Crowe M; Aiello A; Narazaki K; Ding D; Ho R, 2024, 'Blood Pressure, Antihypertensive Use, and Late-Life Alzheimer and Non-Alzheimer Dementia Risk: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis', Neurology, 103,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lin K; Wen W; Lipnicki DM; Mewton L; Chen R; Du J; Wang D; Skoog I; Sterner TR; Najar J; Kim KW; Han JW; Kim JS; Ng TP; Ho R; Chua DQL; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Mortby ME; Brodaty H; Kochan N; Sachdev PS; Jiang J, 2024, 'Risk factors and cognitive correlates of white matter hyperintensities in ethnically diverse populations without dementia: The COSMIC consortium', Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 16, pp. e12567,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu C; Jing J; Jiang J; Wen W; Zhu W; Li Z; Pan Y; Cai X; Liu H; Zhou Y; Meng X; Zhang J; Wang Y; Li H; Jiang Y; Zheng H; Wang S; Niu H; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Wei T; Sachdev P; Liu T; Wang Y, 2024, 'Relationships between brain structure-function coupling in normal aging and cognition: A cross-ethnicity population-based study', NeuroImage, 299,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu H; Jing J; Jiang J; Wen W; Zhu W; Li Z; Pan Y; Cai X; Liu C; Zhou Y; Meng X; Wang Y; Li H; Jiang Y; Zheng H; Wang S; Niu H; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Wei T; Sachdev PS; Fan Y; Liu T; Wang Y, 2024, 'Exploring the link between brain topological resilience and cognitive performance in the context of aging and vascular risk factors: A cross-ethnicity population-based study', Science Bulletin, 69, pp. 2735 - 2744,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mewton L; Visontay R; Hughes G; Browning C; Wen W; Topiwala A; Draper B; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2024, 'Longitudinal alcohol-related brain changes in older adults: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', Addiction Biology, 29,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rootes-Murdy K; Panta S; Kelly R; Romero J; Quidé Y; Cairns MJ; Loughland C; Carr VJ; Catts SV; Jablensky A; Green MJ; Henskens F; Kiltschewskij D; Michie PT; Mowry B; Pantelis C; Rasser PE; Reay WR; Schall U; Scott RJ; Watkeys OJ; Roberts G; Mitchell PB; Fullerton JM; Overs BJ; Kikuchi M; Hashimoto R; Matsumoto J; Fukunaga M; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Wen W; Jiang J; Fani N; Ely TD; Lorio A; Stevens JS; Ressler K; Jovanovic T; van Rooij SJH; Federmann LM; Jockwitz C; Teumer A; Forstner AJ; Caspers S; Cichon S; Plis SM; Sarwate AD; Calhoun VD; Quide Y, 2024, 'Cortical similarities in psychiatric and mood disorders identified in federated VBM analysis via COINSTAC', Patterns, 5, pp. 100987 - 100987,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Saks DG; Bajorek B; Catts VS; Bentvelzen AC; Jiang J; Wen W; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Huang-Lung J; Nivison-Smith L; Griffiths LR; Smith RA; Sexton A; James P; Jayasena T; Poljak A; Hansra GK; Hosoki S; Park A; Hillenbrand CM; van Wijngaarden P; Chander RJ; Humphrey S; Chen R; Kochan NA; Helman TJ; Levi C; Brodtmann A; O'Sullivan MJ; Markus R; Butcher K; Parsons M; Kovacic JC; Sachdev PS, 2024, 'The protocol for an observational Australian cohort study of CADASIL: The AusCADASIL study', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 6,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Shen T; Sheriff S; You Y; Jiang J; Schulz A; Francis H; Mirzaei M; Saks D; Palanivel V; Basavarajappa D; Chitranshi N; Gupta V; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Jia H; Sun X; Graham SL; Gupta VK, 2024, 'Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met is Associated with Variation in Cortical Structure in Healthy Aging Subjects', Aging and Disease, 15, pp. 2315 - 2327,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yu Y; Cui HQ; Haas SS; New F; Sanford N; Yu K; Zhan D; Yang G; Gao JH; Wei D; Qiu J; Banaj N; Boomsma DI; Breier A; Brodaty H; Buckner RL; Buitelaar JK; Cannon DM; Caseras X; Clark VP; Conrod PJ; Crivello F; Crone EA; Dannlowski U; Davey CG; de Haan L; de Zubicaray GI; Di Giorgio A; Fisch L; Fisher SE; Franke B; Glahn DC; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Gur RE; Gur RC; Hahn T; Harrison BJ; Hatton S; Hickie IB; Hulshoff Pol HE; Jamieson AJ; Jernigan TL; Jiang J; Kalnin AJ; Kang S; Kochan NA; Kraus A; Lagopoulos J; Lazaro L; McDonald BC; McDonald C; McMahon KL; Mwangi B; Piras F; Rodriguez-Cruces R; Royer J; Sachdev PS; Satterthwaite TD; Saykin AJ; Schumann G; Sevaggi P; Smoller JW; Soares JC; Spalletta G; Tamnes CK; Trollor JN; Van't Ent D; Vecchio D; Walter H; Wang Y; Weber B; Wen W; Wierenga LM; Williams SCR; Wu MJ; Zunta-Soares GB; Bernhardt B; Thompson P; Frangou S; Ge R, 2024, 'Brain-age prediction: Systematic evaluation of site effects, and sample age range and size', Human Brain Mapping, 45,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhou Y; Jing J; Zhang Z; Pan Y; Cai X; Zhu W; Li Z; Liu C; Liu H; Meng X; Cheng J; Wang Y; Li H; Wang S; Niu H; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Wei T; Liu T; Wang Y, 2024, 'Disrupted pattern of rich-club organization in structural brain network from prediabetes to diabetes: A population-based study', Human Brain Mapping, 45,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Alqarni A; Wen W; Lam BCP; Crawford JD; Sachdev PS; Jiang J, 2023, 'Hormonal factors moderate the associations between vascular risk factors and white matter hyperintensities', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 17, pp. 172 - 184,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Duperron MG; Knol MJ; Le Grand Q; Evans TE; Mishra A; Tsuchida A; Roshchupkin G; Konuma T; Trégouët DA; Romero JR; Frenzel S; Luciano M; Hofer E; Bourgey M; Dueker ND; Delgado P; Hilal S; Tankard RM; Dubost F; Shin J; Saba Y; Armstrong NJ; Bordes C; Bastin ME; Beiser A; Brodaty H; Bülow R; Carrera C; Chen C; Cheng CY; Deary IJ; Gampawar PG; Himali JJ; Jiang J; Kawaguchi T; Li S; Macalli M; Marquis P; Morris Z; Muñoz Maniega S; Miyamoto S; Okawa M; Paradise M; Parva P; Rundek T; Sargurupremraj M; Schilling S; Setoh K; Soukarieh O; Tabara Y; Teumer A; Thalamuthu A; Trollor JN; Valdés Hernández MC; Vernooij MW; Völker U; Wittfeld K; Wong TY; Wright MJ; Zhang J; Zhao W; Zhu YC; Schmidt H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Yoshida K; Joutel A; Satizabal CL; Sacco RL; Bourque G; Lathrop M; Paus T; Fernandez-Cadenas I; Yang Q; Mazoyer B; Boutinaud P; Okada Y; Grabe HJ; Mather KA; Schmidt R; Joliot M; Ikram MA; Matsuda F; Tzourio C; Wardlaw JM; Seshadri S; Adams HHH; Debette S, 2023, 'Genomics of perivascular space burden unravels early mechanisms of cerebral small vessel disease', Nature Medicine, 29, pp. 950 - 962,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jing J; Liu C; Zhu W; Pan Y; Jiang J; Cai X; Zhang Z; Li Z; Zhou Y; Meng X; Cheng J; Wang Y; Li H; Jiang Y; Zheng H; Wang S; Niu H; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Wei T; Liu T; Wang Y, 2023, 'Increased Resting-State Functional Connectivity as a Compensatory Mechanism for Reduced Brain Volume in Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes', Diabetes Care, 46, pp. 819 - 827,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jing J; Liu Z; Guan H; Zhu W; Zhang Z; Meng X; Cheng J; Pan Y; Jiang Y; Wang Y; Niu H; Zhao X; Wen W; Lin J; Li W; Li H; Sachdev PS; Liu T; Li Z; Tao D; Wang Y, 2023, 'A Deep Learning System to Predict Recurrence and Disability Outcomes in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack or Ischemic Stroke', Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sheriff S; Shen T; Saks D; Schultz A; Francis H; Wen W; Jiang J; Mirzaei M; Gupta V; Fiatarone Singh M; Sachdev PS; Graham SL; Gupta V, 2023, 'The Association of APOE ε4 Allele with Retinal Layer Thickness and Microvasculature in Older Adults: Optic Nerve Decline and Cognitive Change Study', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ulanova M; Gloag L; Bongers A; Kim CK; Duong HTK; Kim HN; Gooding JJ; Tilley RD; Biazik J; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Braidy N, 2023, 'Evaluation of Dimercaptosuccinic Acid-Coated Iron Nanoparticles Immunotargeted to Amyloid Beta as MRI Contrast Agents for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease', Cells, 12, pp. 2279,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yang (Joey) Z; Shen F; Yin P; Tang X; Wen W; Li Y, 2023, 'A new approach for improving lateral performance of pile foundations in seasonally frozen regions', COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 207,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zeng L; Yang Z-R; Zha H-Y; Wen W; Liu J, 2023, 'Experimental study on vegetation performance improvement of carbonaceous mudstone aggregate vegetation concrete with its micromechanism', EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhao H; Wen W; Cheng J; Jiang J; Kochan N; Niu H; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Liu T, 2023, 'An accelerated degeneration of white matter microstructure and networks in the nondemented old–old', Cerebral Cortex, 33, pp. 4688 - 4698,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Brouwer RM; Klein M; Grasby KL; Schnack HG; Jahanshad N; Teeuw J; Thomopoulos SI; Sprooten E; Franz CE; Gogtay N; Kremen WS; Panizzon MS; Olde Loohuis LM; Whelan CD; Aghajani M; Alloza C; Alnæs D; Artiges E; Ayesa-Arriola R; Barker GJ; Bastin ME; Blok E; Bøen E; Breukelaar IA; Bright JK; Buimer EEL; Bülow R; Cannon DM; Ciufolini S; Crossley NA; Damatac CG; Dazzan P; de Mol CL; de Zwarte SMC; Desrivières S; Díaz-Caneja CM; Doan NT; Dohm K; Fröhner JH; Goltermann J; Grigis A; Grotegerd D; Han LKM; Harris MA; Hartman CA; Heany SJ; Heindel W; Heslenfeld DJ; Hohmann S; Ittermann B; Jansen PR; Janssen J; Jia T; Jiang J; Jockwitz C; Karali T; Keeser D; Koevoets MGJC; Lenroot RK; Malchow B; Mandl RCW; Medel V; Meinert S; Morgan CA; Mühleisen TW; Nabulsi L; Opel N; de la Foz VOG; Overs BJ; Paillère Martinot ML; Redlich R; Marques TR; Repple J; Roberts G; Roshchupkin GV; Setiaman N; Shumskaya E; Stein F; Sudre G; Takahashi S; Thalamuthu A; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; van der Lugt A; van Haren NEM; Wardlaw JM; Wen W; Westeneng HJ; Wittfeld K; Zhu AH; Zugman A; Armstrong NJ; Bonfiglio G; Bralten J; Dalvie S; Davies G; Di Forti M; Ding L; Donohoe G; Forstner AJ; Gonzalez-Peñas J; Trollor J; Fullerton J; Schofield P; Mather K; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Mitchell P, 2022, 'Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan', Nature Neuroscience, 25, pp. 421 - 432,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dima D; Modabbernia A; Papachristou E; Doucet GE; Agartz I; Aghajani M; Akudjedu TN; Albajes-Eizagirre A; Alnæs D; Alpert KI; Andersson M; Andreasen NC; Andreassen OA; Asherson P; Banaschewski T; Bargallo N; Baumeister S; Baur-Streubel R; Bertolino A; Bonvino A; Boomsma DI; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buitelaar JK; Busatto GF; Buckner RL; Calhoun V; Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Cannon DM; Caseras X; Castellanos FX; Cervenka S; Chaim-Avancini TM; Ching CRK; Chubar V; Clark VP; Conrod P; Conzelmann A; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Crone EA; Dannlowski U; Dale AM; Davey C; de Geus EJC; de Haan L; de Zubicaray GI; den Braber A; Dickie EW; Di Giorgio A; Doan NT; Dørum ES; Ehrlich S; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fatouros-Bergman H; Fisher SE; Fouche JP; Franke B; Frodl T; Fuentes-Claramonte P; Glahn DC; Gotlib IH; Grabe HJ; Grimm O; Groenewold NA; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur RE; Gur RC; Hahn T; Harrison BJ; Hartman CA; Hatton SN; Heinz A; Heslenfeld DJ; Hibar DP; Hickie IB; Ho BC; Hoekstra PJ; Hohmann S; Holmes AJ; Hoogman M; Hosten N; Howells FM; Hulshoff Pol HE; Huyser C; Jahanshad N; James A; Jernigan TL; Jiang J; Jönsson EG; Joska JA; Kahn R; Kalnin A, 2022, 'Subcortical volumes across the lifespan: Data from 18,605 healthy individuals aged 3–90 years', Human Brain Mapping, 43, pp. 452 - 469,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dong C; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Mather KA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2022, 'Parental Life Span and Polygenic Risk Score of Longevity Are Associated With White Matter Hyperintensities', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77, pp. 689 - 696,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fan D; Liu T; Jiang J; Kochan NA; Wang Y; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2022, 'Cognitive decline is associated with frequency-specific resting state functional changes in normal aging', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, pp. 2120 - 2132,
    Journal articles | 2022
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    Fu H-Y; Yang Q-Y; Zeng L; Gao Q-F; Wen W; Chen L, 2022, 'Disintegration Mechanism and Swelling-Consolidation Characteristics of Saturated Disintegrated Carbonaceous Mudstone', ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 48, pp. 4531 - 4543,
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    Hairu R; Close JCT; Lord SR; Delbaere K; Wen W; Jiang J; Taylor ME, 2022, 'The association between white matter hyperintensity volume and cognitive/physical decline in older people with dementia: A one-year longitudinal study', Aging and Mental Health, 26, pp. 2503 - 2510,
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    Jiang J; Wang D; Song Y; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2022, 'Computer-aided extraction of select MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease: A systematic review', NeuroImage, 261, pp. 119528,
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    Jing J; Zhou Y; Pan Y; Cai X; Zhu W; Zhang Z; Li Z; Liu C; Meng X; Cheng J; Wang Y; Li H; Wu Z; Wang S; Niu H; Wen W; Liu T; Wei T; Wang Y; Sachdev PS, 2022, 'Reduced white matter microstructural integrity in prediabetes and diabetes: A population-based study', eBioMedicine, 82,
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    Koncz R; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Catts VS; Dore V; Lee T; Mather KA; Slavin MJ; Wegner EA; Jiang J; Trollor JN; Ames D; Villemagne VL; Rowe CC; Sachdev PS, 2022, 'The heritability of amyloid burden in older adults: the Older Australian Twins Study', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 93, pp. 303 - 308,
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    Koncz R; Wen W; Makkar SR; Lam BCP; Crawford JD; Rowe CC; Sachdev P, 2022, 'The Interaction Between Vascular Risk Factors, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, and Amyloid Burden in Older Adults', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 86, pp. 1617 - 1628,
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    Li X; Zhao Y; Jiang J; Cheng J; Zhu W; Wu Z; Jing J; Zhang Z; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Wang Y; Liu T; Li Z, 2022, 'White matter hyperintensities segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks', Human Brain Mapping, 43, pp. 929 - 939,
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    Roberts G; Wen W; Ridgway K; Ho C; Gooch P; Leung V; Williams T; Breakspear M; Mitchell PB, 2022, 'Hippocampal cingulum white matter increases over time in young people at high genetic risk for bipolar disorder', Journal of Affective Disorders, 314, pp. 325 - 332,
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    Shen T; Sheriff S; You Y; Jiang J; Schulz A; Francis H; Mirzaei M; Saks D; Chitranshi N; Gupta V; Singh MF; Klistorner A; Wen W; Sachdev P; Gupta VK; Graham SL, 2022, 'Evaluating associations of RNFL thickness and multifocal VEP with cognitive assessment and brain MRI volumes in older adults: Optic nerve decline and cognitive change (ONDCC) initiative', Aging Brain, 2,
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    Sønderby IE; Ching CRK; Thomopoulos SI; van der Meer D; Sun D; Villalon-Reina JE; Agartz I; Amunts K; Arango C; Armstrong NJ; Ayesa-Arriola R; Bakker G; Bassett AS; Boomsma DI; Bülow R; Butcher NJ; Calhoun VD; Caspers S; Chow EWC; Cichon S; Ciufolini S; Craig MC; Crespo-Facorro B; Cunningham AC; Dale AM; Dazzan P; de Zubicaray GI; Djurovic S; Doherty JL; Donohoe G; Draganski B; Durdle CA; Ehrlich S; Emanuel BS; Espeseth T; Fisher SE; Ge T; Glahn DC; Grabe HJ; Gur RE; Gutman BA; Haavik J; Håberg AK; Hansen LA; Hashimoto R; Hibar DP; Holmes AJ; Hottenga JJ; Hulshoff Pol HE; Jalbrzikowski M; Knowles EEM; Kushan L; Linden DEJ; Liu J; Lundervold AJ; Martin-Brevet S; Martínez K; Mather KA; Mathias SR; McDonald-McGinn DM; McRae AF; Medland SE; Moberget T; Modenato C; Monereo Sánchez J; Moreau CA; Mühleisen TW; Paus T; Pausova Z; Prieto C; Ragothaman A; Reinbold CS; Reis Marques T; Repetto GM; Reymond A; Roalf DR; Rodriguez-Herreros B; Rucker JJ; Sachdev PS; Schmitt JE; Schofield PR; Silva AI; Stefansson H; Stein DJ; Tamnes CK; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Ulfarsson MO; Vajdi A; van 't Ent D; van den Bree MBM; Vassos E; Vázquez-Bourgon J; Vila-Rodriguez F; Walters GB; Wen W; Westlye LT; Wittfeld K; Zackai EH; Stefánsson K; Jacquemont S, 2022, 'Effects of copy number variations on brain structure and risk for psychiatric illness: Large-scale studies from the ENIGMA working groups on CNVs', Human Brain Mapping, 43, pp. 300 - 328,
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    Valenzuela T; Coombes JS; Liu-Ambrose T; Mavros Y; Kochan N; Sachdev PS; Hausdorff J; Smith EC; Hollings M; Hawkins TC; Ashley NJ; Feter N; Wilson GC; Shih IHE; Guerrero Y; Jiang J; Wen W; Bailey T; Stensvold D; Wisløff U; Falck RS; Fiatarone Singh M, 2022, 'Study protocol for the BRAIN Training Trial: A randomised controlled trial of Balance, Resistance, and INterval training on cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment', BMJ Open, 12,
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    Wierenga LM; Doucet GE; Dima D; Agartz I; Aghajani M; Akudjedu TN; Albajes-Eizagirre A; Alnæs D; Alpert KI; Andreassen OA; Anticevic A; Asherson P; Banaschewski T; Bargallo N; Baumeister S; Baur-Streubel R; Bertolino A; Bonvino A; Boomsma DI; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; den Braber A; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buitelaar JK; Busatto GF; Calhoun VD; Canales-Rodríguez EJ; Cannon DM; Caseras X; Castellanos FX; Chaim-Avancini TM; Ching CRK; Clark VP; Conrod PJ; Conzelmann A; Crivello F; Davey CG; Dickie EW; Ehrlich S; van't Ent D; Fisher SE; Fouche JP; Franke B; Fuentes-Claramonte P; de Geus EJC; Di Giorgio A; Glahn DC; Gotlib IH; Grabe HJ; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur RE; Gur RC; Gurholt TP; de Haan L; Haatveit B; Harrison BJ; Hartman CA; Hatton SN; Heslenfeld DJ; van den Heuvel OA; Hickie IB; Hoekstra PJ; Hohmann S; Holmes AJ; Hoogman M; Hosten N; Howells FM; Hulshoff Pol HE; Huyser C; Jahanshad N; James AC; Jiang J; Jönsson EG; Joska JA; Kalnin AJ; Klein M; Koenders L; Kolskår KK; Krämer B; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lazaro L; Lebedeva IS; Lee PH; Lochner C; Machielsen MWJ; Maingault S; Martin NG; Martínez-Zalacaín I; Mataix-Cols D; Mazoyer B; McDonald BC; McDonald C; McIntosh AM; McMahon KL; McPhilemy G, 2022, 'Greater male than female variability in regional brain structure across the lifespan', Human Brain Mapping, 43, pp. 470 - 499,
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    Alqarni A; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Koch F; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2021, 'Sex differences in risk factors for white matter hyperintensities in non-demented older individuals', Neurobiology of Aging, 98, pp. 197 - 204,
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    Batouli SAH; Sisakhti M; Haghshenas S; Dehghani H; Sachdev P; Ekhtiari H; Kochan N; Wen W; Leemans A; Kohanpour M; Oghabian MA, 2021, 'Iranian brain imaging database: A neuropsychiatric database of healthy brain', Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 12, pp. 115 - 132,
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    Braidy N; Wen W; Bongers A; Sachdev PS, 2021, 'Applications of magnetic particle imaging in the dementias', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 34, pp. 186 - 192,
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    Cao X; Liu T; Jiang J; Liu H; Zhang J; Kochan NA; Niu H; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2021, 'Alternation in Effective Connectivity With Cognitive Aging: A Longitudinal Study of Elderly Populations', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13,
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    Doborjeh M; Doborjeh Z; Merkin A; Bahrami H; Sumich A; Krishnamurthi R; Medvedev ON; Crook-Rumsey M; Morgan C; Kirk I; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Kang K; Wen W; Feigin V; Kasabov N, 2021, 'Personalised predictive modelling with brain-inspired spiking neural networks of longitudinal MRI neuroimaging data and the case study of dementia', Neural Networks, 144, pp. 522 - 539,
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    Du J; Koch FC; Xia A; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Lam BCP; Thalamuthu A; Lee T; Kochan N; Fawns-Ritchie C; Brodaty H; Xu Q; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2021, 'Difference in distribution functions: A new diffusion weighted imaging metric for estimating white matter integrity', NeuroImage, 240,
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    Foo H; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Koch F; Mather KA; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2021, 'Age- and Sex-Related Topological Organization of Human Brain Functional Networks and Their Relationship to Cognition', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13,
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    Foo H; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Koch F; Mather KA; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2021, 'Associations between Alzheimer's disease polygenic risk scores and hippocampal subfield volumes in 17,161 UK Biobank participants', Neurobiology of Aging, 98, pp. 108 - 115,
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    Geng C; Sun T; Wang Z; Wu JM; Gu YJ; Kobayashi H; Yang P; Hai J; Wen W, 2021, 'Surface-Induced Desolvation of Hydronium Ion Enables Anatase TiO2as an Efficient Anode for Proton Batteries', Nano Letters, 21, pp. 7021 - 7029,
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    Paradise M; Crawford JD; Lam BCP; Wen W; Kochan NA; Makkar S; Dawes L; Trollor J; Draper B; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2021, 'Association of Dilated Perivascular Spaces With Cognitive Decline and Incident Dementia', Neurology, 96, pp. E1501 - E1511,
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    Zhao H; Cheng J; Liu T; Jiang J; Koch F; Sachdev PS; Basser PJ; Wen W, 2021, 'Orientational changes of white matter fibers in Alzheimer's disease and amnestic mild cognitive impairment', Human Brain Mapping, 42, pp. 5397 - 5408,
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    Armstrong NJ; Mather KA; Sargurupremraj M; Knol MJ; Malik R; Satizabal CL; Yanek LR; Wen W; Gudnason VG; Dueker ND; Elliott LT; Hofer E; Bis J; Jahanshad N; Li S; Logue MA; Luciano M; Scholz M; Smith AV; Trompet S; Vojinovic D; Xia R; Alfaro-Almagro F; Ames D; Amin N; Amouyel P; Beiser AS; Brodaty H; Deary IJ; Fennema-Notestine C; Gampawar PG; Gottesman R; Griffanti L; Jack CR; Jenkinson M; Jiang J; Kral BG; Kwok JB; Lampe L; Liewald DCM; Maillard P; Marchini J; Bastin ME; Mazoyer B; Pirpamer L; Romero JR; Roshchupkin GV; Schofield PR; Schroeter ML; Stott DJ; Thalamuthu A; Trollor J; Tzourio C; van der Grond J; Vernooij MW; Witte VA; Wright MJ; Yang Q; Morris Z; Siggurdsson S; Psaty B; Villringer A; Schmidt H; Haberg AK; van Duijn CM; Wouter Jukema J; Dichgans M; Sacco RL; Wright CB; Kremen WS; Becker LC; Thompson PM; Mosley TH; Wardlaw JM; Ikram MA; Adams HHH; Seshadri S; Sachdev PS; Smith SM; Launer L; Longstreth W; DeCarli C; Schmidt R; Fornage M; Debette S; Nyquist PA, 2020, 'Common genetic variation indicates separate causes for periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities', Stroke, 51, pp. 2112 - 2121,
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    Beaudet G; Tsuchida A; Petit L; Tzourio C; Caspers S; Schreiber J; Pausova Z; Patel Y; Paus T; Schmidt R; Pirpamer L; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Kochan N; Trollor J; Wen W; Armstrong NJ; Deary IJ; Bastin ME; Wardlaw JM; Munõz Maniega S; Witte AV; Villringer A; Duering M; Debette S; Mazoyer B, 2020, 'Age-Related Changes of Peak Width Skeletonized Mean Diffusivity (PSMD) Across the Adult Lifespan: A Multi-Cohort Study', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, pp. 342,
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    Broadhouse KM; Singh MF; Suo C; Gates N; Wen W; Brodaty H; Jain N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Singh N; Baune BT; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Kochan N; Ashton K; Brown M; Li Z; Mavros Y; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela M, 2020, 'Hippocampal plasticity underpins long-term cognitive gains from resistance exercise in MCI', NeuroImage: Clinical, 25, pp. 102182 - 102182,
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    Brouwer R; Klein M; Grasby K; Schnack H; Jahanshad N; Teeuw J; Thomopoulos S; Sprooten E; Franz C; Gogtay N; Kremen W; Panizzon M; Olde Loohuis L; Whelan C; Aghajani M; Alloza C; Alnæs D; Artiges E; Ayesa-Arriola R; Barker G; Bastin M; Blok E; Bøen E; Breukelaar I; Bright J; Buimer E; Bülow R; Cannon D; Ciufolini S; Crossley N; Damatac C; Dazzan P; de Mol C; de Zwarte S; Desrivières S; Díaz-Caneja C; Doan NT; Dohm K; Fröhner J; Goltermann J; Grigis A; Grotegerd D; Han L; Harris M; Hartman C; Heany S; Heindel W; Heslenfeld D; Hohmann S; Ittermann B; Jansen P; Janssen J; Jia T; Jiang J; Jockwitz C; Karali T; Keeser D; Koevoets M; Lenroot R; Malchow B; Mandl R; Medel V; Meinert S; Morgan C; Mühleisen T; Nabulsi L; Opel N; de la Foz VO-G; Overs B; Martinot M-LP; Quinlan E; Redlich R; Marques TR; Repple J; Roberts G; Roshchupkin G; Setiaman N; Shumskaya E; Stein F; Sudre G; Takahashi S; Thalamuthu A; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; van der Lugt A; van Haren N; Wardlaw J; Wen W; Westeneng H-J; Wittfeld K; Zhu A; Zugman A; Armstrong N; Bonfiglio G; Bralten J; Dalvie S; Davies G; Di Forti M; Ding L; Donohoe G; Forstner A; Gonzalez-Peñas J; Guimaraes J; Homuth G; Hottenga J-J; Knol M; Kwok J; Le Hellard S; Mather K; Milaneschi Y; Morris D; Nöthen M; Papiol S; Rietschel M; Santoro M; Steen V; Stein J; Streit F; Tankard R; Teumer A; van ‘t Ent D; van der Meer D; van Eijk K; Vassos E; Vázquez-Bourgon J; Witt S; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative ; the IMAGEN consortium ; Adams H; Agartz I; Ames D; Amunts K; Andreassen O; Arango C; Banaschewski T; Baune B; Belangero S; Bokde A; Boomsma D; Bressan R; Brodaty H; Buitelaar J; Cahn W; Caspers S; Cichon S; Facorro BC; Cox S; Dannlowski U; Elvsåshagen T; Espeseth T; Falkai P; Fisher S; Flor H; Fullerton J; Fullerton J; Garavan H; Gowland P; Grabe H; Hahn T; Heinz A; Hillegers M; Hoare J; Hoekstra P; Ikram M; Jackowski A; Jansen A; Jönsson E; Kahn R; Kircher T; Korgaonkar M; Krug A; Lemaitre H; Malt U; Martinot J-L; McDonald C; Mitchell P; Muetzel R; Murray R; Nees F; Nenadic I; Oosterlaan J; Ophoff R; Pan P; Penninx B; Poustka L; Sachdev P; Salum G; Schofield P; Schumann G; Shaw P; Sim K; Smolka M; Stein D; Trollor J; van den Berg L; Veldink J; Walter H; Westlye L; Whelan R; White T; Wright M; Medland S; Franke B; Thompson P; Hulshoff Pol H, 2020, 'Age-dependent genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan', ,
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    Ding H; Wen W; Ding Q; Zhao X, 2020, 'Diagnostic Valuation of Serum miR-184 and miR-191 in Patients With Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer', Cancer Control, 27,
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    Foo H; Mather KA; Jiang J; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2020, 'Genetic influence on ageing-related changes in resting-state brain functional networks in healthy adults: a systematic review', Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,
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    Foo H; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Koch F; Mather K; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2020, 'Associations between Alzheimer’s disease polygenic risk scores and hippocampal subfield volumes in 17,161 UK Biobank participants', ,
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    Foo H; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Koch F; Mather K; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2020, 'Novel genetic variants associated with brain functional networks in 18,445 adults from the UK Biobank', ,
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    Grasby KL; Jahanshad N; Painter JN; Colodro-Conde L; Bralten J; Hibar DP; Lind PA; Pizzagalli F; Ching CRK; McMahon MAB; Shatokhina N; Zsembik LCP; Thomopoulos SI; Zhu AH; Strike LT; Agartz I; Alhusaini S; Almeida MAA; Alnæs D; Amlien IK; Andersson M; Ard T; Armstrong NJ; Ashley-Koch A; Atkins JR; Bernard M; Brouwer RM; Buimer EEL; Bülow R; Bürger C; Cannon DM; Chakravarty M; Chen Q; Cheung JW; Couvy-Duchesne B; Dale AM; Dalvie S; de Araujo TK; de Zubicaray GI; de Zwarte SMC; den Braber A; Doan NT; Dohm K; Ehrlich S; Engelbrecht HR; Erk S; Fan CC; Fedko IO; Foley SF; Ford JM; Fukunaga M; Garrett ME; Ge T; Giddaluru S; Goldman AL; Green MJ; Groenewold NA; Grotegerd D; Gurholt TP; Gutman BA; Hansell NK; Harris MA; Harrison MB; Haswell CC; Hauser M; Herms S; Heslenfeld DJ; Ho NF; Hoehn D; Hoffmann P; Holleran L; Hoogman M; Hottenga JJ; Ikeda M; Janowitz D; Jansen IE; Jia T; Jockwitz C; Kanai R; Karama S; Kasperaviciute D; Kaufmann T; Kelly S; Kikuchi M; Klein M; Knapp M; Knodt AR; Krämer B; Lam M; Lancaster TM; Lee PH; Lett TA; Lewis LB; Lopes-Cendes I; Luciano M; Macciardi F; Marquand AF; Mathias SR; Melzer TR; Milaneschi Y; Quide Y; Schofield P; Carr V; Thalamuthu A; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wen W; Trollor J; Kwok J; Reppermund S; Mather K, 2020, 'The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex', Science, 367, pp. 1340 - +,
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    Gu YJ; Wen W; Zheng S; Wu JM, 2020, 'Monocrystalline FeMnO3on Carbon Cloth for Extremely High-Areal-Capacitance Supercapacitors', ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3, pp. 11863 - 11872,
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    Gu YJ; Wen W; Zheng S; Wu JM, 2020, 'Rapid synthesis of high-areal-capacitance ultrathin hexagon Fe2O3nanoplates on carbon cloth: Via a versatile molten salt method', Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 4, pp. 2744 - 2753,
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    Hofer E; Roshchupkin GV; Adams HHH; Knol MJ; Lin H; Li S; Zare H; Ahmad S; Armstrong NJ; Satizabal CL; Bernard M; Bis JC; Gillespie NA; Luciano M; Mishra A; Scholz M; Teumer A; Xia R; Jian X; Mosley TH; Saba Y; Pirpamer L; Seiler S; Becker JT; Carmichael O; Rotter JI; Psaty BM; Lopez OL; Amin N; van der Lee SJ; Yang Q; Himali JJ; Maillard P; Beiser AS; Decarli C; Karama S; Lewis L; Harris M; Bastin ME; Deary IJ; Witte AV; Beyer F; Loeffler M; Mather KA; Schofield PR; Thalamuthu A; Kwok JB; Wright MJ; Ames D; Trollor J; Jiang J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Vernooij MW; Hofman A; Uitterlinden AG; Niessen WJ; Wittfeld K; Bülow R; Völker U; Pausova Z; Pike GB; Maingault S; Crivello F; Tzourio C; Amouyel P; Mazoyer B; Neale MC; Franz CE; Lyons MJ; Panizzon MS; Andreassen OA; Dale AM; Logue M; Grasby KL; Jahanshad N; Painter JN; Colodro-Conde L; Bralten J; Hibar DP; Lind PA; Pizzagalli F; Stein JL; Thompson PM; Medland SE; Sachdev PS; Kremen WS; Wardlaw JM; Villringer A; van Duijn CM; Grabe HJ; Longstreth WT; Fornage M; Paus T; Debette S; Ikram MA; Schmidt H; Schmidt R; Seshadri S; Ching CRK; Sachdev P; Reppermund S, 2020, 'Genetic correlations and genome-wide associations of cortical structure in general population samples of 22,824 adults', Nature Communications, 11, pp. 4796,
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    Jiang J; Liu T; Crawford JD; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2020, 'Stronger bilateral functional connectivity of the frontoparietal control network in near-centenarians and centenarians without dementia', NeuroImage, 215, pp. 116855,
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    Jin Q; Wen W; Zheng S; Wu JM, 2020, 'Enhanced isopropanol sensing of coral-like ZnO-ZrO2 composites', Nanotechnology, 31,
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    Knol M; Poot R; Evans T; Satizabal C; Mishra A; van der Auwera S; Duperron M-G; Jian X; Hostettler I; van Dam-Nolen DHK; Lamballais S; Pawlak M; Lewis C; Carrion-Castillo A; van Erp TGM; Reinbold C; Shin J; Scholz M; Håberg A; Kämpe A; Li GHY; Avinun R; Atkins J; Hsu F-C; Amod A; Lam M; Tsuchida A; Teunissen MWA; Beiser A; Beyer F; Bis J; Bos D; Bryan N; Bülow R; Caspers S; Catheline G; Cecil CAM; Dalvie S; Dartigues J-F; DeCarli C; Enlund-Cerullo M; Ford J; Franke B; Freedman B; Friedrich N; Green M; Haworth S; Helmer C; Hoffmann P; Homuth G; Ikram K; Jack C; Jahanshad N; Jockwitz C; Kamatani Y; Knodt A; Li S; Lim K; Longstreth WT; Macciardi F; The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium ; The Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium ; Mäkitie O; Mazoyer B; Medland S; Miyamoto S; Moebus S; Mosley T; Muetzel R; Mühleisen T; Nagata M; Nakahara S; Palmer N; Pausova Z; Preda A; Quidé Y; Reay W; Roshchupkin G; Schmidt R; Schreiner P; Setoh K; Shapland CY; Sidney S; Pourcain BS; Stein J; Tabara Y; Teumer A; Uhlmann A; van der Lugt A; Vernooij M; Werring D; Windham G; Veronica Witte A; Wittfeld K; Yang Q; Yoshida K; Brunner H; Le Grand Q; Sim K; Stein D; Bowden D; Cairns M; Hariri A; Cheung C-L; Andersson S; Villringer A; Paus T; Cichon S; Calhoun V; Crivello F; Launer L; White T; Koudstaal P; Houlden H; Fornage M; Matsuda F; Grabe H; Ikram A; Debette S; Thompson P; Seshadri S; Adams HHH, 2020, 'Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer', ,
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    Li Q; Dong C; Liu T; Chen X; Perry A; Jiang J; Cheng J; Niu H; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2020, 'Longitudinal Changes in Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Strength Patterns and the Relationship With the Global Cognitive Decline in Older Adults', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 12, pp. 71,
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    Li Y; Yao S; Zhang C; He Y; Wang Y; Liang Y; Shen X; Li T; Qin S; Wen W, 2020, 'Molybdenum carbide nanocrystals modified carbon nanofibers as electrocatalyst for enhancing polysulfides redox reactions in lithium-sulfur batteries', International Journal of Energy Research, 44, pp. 8388 - 8398,
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    Liu H; Liu T; Jiang J; Cheng J; Liu Y; Li D; Dong C; Niu H; Li S; Zhang J; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2020, 'Differential longitudinal changes in structural complexity and volumetric measures in community-dwelling older individuals', Neurobiology of Aging, 91, pp. 26 - 35,
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    Liu Y; Chan DKY; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Jiang J; Paradise M; Lee T; Crawford J; Wai Kin Wong M; Hua Xu Y; Poljak A; Pickford R; Sachdev PS; Braidy N; Xu Y-H, 2020, 'Plasma lipidomic biomarker analysis reveals distinct lipid changes in vascular dementia', Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 18, pp. 1613 - 1624,
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    Mao M; Wen W; Geng C, 2020, 'Effects of perioperative pulmonary rehabilitation training on postoperative pulmonary function and prognosis in elderly patients with lung cancer', Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 35, pp. 825 - 829,
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    Samaras K; Makkar S; Crawford JD; Kochan NA; Wen W; Draper B; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2020, 'Metformin use is associated with slowed cognitive decline and reduced incident dementia in older adults with type 2 diabetes: The Sydney memory and ageing study', Diabetes Care, 43, pp. 2691 - 2701,
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    Sargurupremraj M; Suzuki H; Jian X; Sarnowski C; Evans TE; Bis JC; Eiriksdottir G; Sakaue S; Terzikhan N; Habes M; Zhao W; Armstrong NJ; Hofer E; Yanek LR; Hagenaars SP; Kumar RB; van den Akker EB; McWhirter RE; Trompet S; Mishra A; Saba Y; Satizabal CL; Beaudet G; Petit L; Tsuchida A; Zago L; Schilling S; Sigurdsson S; Gottesman RF; Lewis CE; Aggarwal NT; Lopez OL; Smith JA; Valdés Hernández MC; van der Grond J; Wright MJ; Knol MJ; Dörr M; Thomson RJ; Bordes C; Le Grand Q; Duperron MG; Smith AV; Knopman DS; Schreiner PJ; Evans DA; Rotter JI; Beiser AS; Maniega SM; Beekman M; Trollor J; Stott DJ; Vernooij MW; Wittfeld K; Niessen WJ; Soumaré A; Boerwinkle E; Sidney S; Turner ST; Davies G; Thalamuthu A; Völker U; van Buchem MA; Bryan RN; Dupuis J; Bastin ME; Ames D; Teumer A; Amouyel P; Kwok JB; Bülow R; Deary IJ; Schofield PR; Brodaty H; Jiang J; Tabara Y; Setoh K; Miyamoto S; Yoshida K; Nagata M; Kamatani Y; Matsuda F; Psaty BM; Bennett DA; De Jager PL; Mosley TH; Sachdev PS; Schmidt R; Warren HR; Evangelou E; Trégouët DA; de Andrade M; Basu S; Berr C; Brody JA; Chasman DI; Dartigues JF; Folsom AR; Germain M; Wen W; Mather K, 2020, 'Cerebral small vessel disease genomics and its implications across the lifespan', Nature Communications, 11, pp. 6285,
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    Shan X; Zhang L; Zhu DX; Zhou X; Zhang H; Liu QX; Tang JW; Wen W; Wang TS; Zhu W; Liu P; Lyu P, 2020, 'Serum microRNA expression profiling revealing potential diagnostic biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma', Chinese Medical Journal, 133, pp. 2532 - 2542,
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    Shin J; Ma S; Hofer E; Patel Y; Vosberg DE; Tilley S; Roshchupkin GV; Sousa AMM; Jian X; Gottesman R; Mosley TH; Fornage M; Saba Y; Pirpamer L; Schmidt R; Schmidt H; Carrion-Castillo A; Crivello F; Mazoyer B; Bis JC; Li S; Yang Q; Luciano M; Karama S; Lewis L; Bastin ME; Harris MA; Wardlaw JM; Deary IE; Scholz M; Loeffler M; Witte AV; Beyer F; Villringer A; Armstrong NJ; Mather KA; Ames D; Jiang J; Kwok JB; Schofield PR; Thalamuthu A; Trollor JN; Wright MJ; Brodaty H; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Terzikhan N; Evans TE; Adams HHHH; Ikram MA; Frenzel S; van der Auwera-Palitschka S; Wittfeld K; Bülow R; Grabe HJ; Tzourio C; Mishra A; Maingault S; Debette S; Gillespie NA; Franz CE; Kremen WS; Ding L; Jahanshad N; Sestan N; Pausova Z; Seshadri S; Paus T, 2020, 'Global and regional development of the human cerebral cortex: Molecular architecture and occupational aptitudes', Cerebral Cortex, 30, pp. 4121 - 4139,
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    Sønderby IE; Gústafsson Ó; Doan NT; Hibar DP; Martin-Brevet S; Abdellaoui A; Ames D; Amunts K; Andersson M; Armstrong NJ; Bernard M; Blackburn N; Blangero J; Boomsma DI; Bralten J; Brattbak HR; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Bülow R; Calhoun V; Caspers S; Cavalleri G; Chen CH; Cichon S; Ciufolini S; Corvin A; Crespo-Facorro B; Curran JE; Dale AM; Dalvie S; Dazzan P; de Geus EJC; de Zubicaray GI; de Zwarte SMC; Delanty N; den Braber A; Desrivières S; Donohoe G; Draganski B; Ehrlich S; Espeseth T; Fisher SE; Franke B; Frouin V; Fukunaga M; Gareau T; Glahn DC; Grabe H; Groenewold NA; Haavik J; Håberg A; Hashimoto R; Hehir-Kwa JY; Heinz A; Hillegers MHJ; Hoffmann P; Holleran L; Hottenga JJ; Hulshoff HE; Ikeda M; Jahanshad N; Jernigan T; Jockwitz C; Johansson S; Jonsdottir GA; Jönsson EG; Kahn R; Kaufmann T; Kelly S; Kikuchi M; Knowles EEM; Kolskår KK; Kwok JB; Hellard SL; Leu C; Liu J; Lundervold AJ; Lundervold A; Martin NG; Mather K; Mathias SR; McCormack M; McMahon KL; McRae A; Milaneschi Y; Moreau C; Morris D; Mothersill D; Mühleisen TW; Murray R; Nordvik JE; Nyberg L; Olde Loohuis LM; Ophoff R; Paus T; Pausova Z; Penninx B; Peralta JM; Pike B; Prieto C, 2020, 'Correction: Dose response of the 16p11.2 distal copy number variant on intracranial volume and basal ganglia (Molecular Psychiatry, (2020), 25, 3, (584-602), 10.1038/s41380-018-0118-1)', Molecular Psychiatry, 25, pp. 692 - 695,
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    Sønderby IE; Gústafsson Ó; Doan NT; Hibar DP; Martin-Brevet S; Abdellaoui A; Ames D; Amunts K; Andersson M; Armstrong NJ; Bernard M; Blackburn N; Blangero J; Boomsma DI; Bralten J; Brattbak HR; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Bülow R; Calhoun V; Caspers S; Cavalleri G; Chen CH; Cichon S; Ciufolini S; Corvin A; Crespo-Facorro B; Curran JE; Dale AM; Dalvie S; Dazzan P; de Geus EJC; de Zubicaray GI; de Zwarte SMC; Delanty N; den Braber A; Desrivières S; Donohoe G; Draganski B; Ehrlich S; Espeseth T; Fisher SE; Franke B; Frouin V; Fukunaga M; Gareau T; Glahn DC; Grabe H; Groenewold NA; Haavik J; Håberg A; Hashimoto R; Hehir-Kwa JY; Heinz A; Hillegers MHJ; Hoffmann P; Holleran L; Hottenga JJ; Hulshoff HE; Ikeda M; Jahanshad N; Jernigan T; Jockwitz C; Johansson S; Jonsdottir GA; Jönsson EG; Kahn R; Kaufmann T; Kelly S; Kikuchi M; Knowles EEM; Kolskår KK; Kwok JB; Hellard SL; Leu C; Liu J; Lundervold AJ; Lundervold A; Martin NG; Mather K; Mathias SR; McCormack M; McMahon KL; McRae A; Milaneschi Y; Moreau C; Morris D; Mothersill D; Mühleisen TW; Murray R; Nordvik JE; Nyberg L; Olde Loohuis LM; Ophoff R; Paus T; Pausova Z; Penninx B; Peralta JM; Pike B; Prieto C, 2020, 'Dose response of the 16p11.2 distal copy number variant on intracranial volume and basal ganglia', Molecular Psychiatry, 25, pp. 584 - 602,
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    Tang J; Li Z; Zhu Q; Wen W; Wang J; Xu J; Wu W; Zhu Y; Xu H; Chen L, 2020, 'miR-204-5p regulates cell proliferation, invasion, and apoptosis by targeting IL-11 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma', Journal of Cellular Physiology, 235, pp. 3043 - 3055,
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    Ulanova M; Poljak A; Wen W; Bongers A; Gloag L; Gooding J; Tilley R; Sachdev P; Braidy N, 2020, 'Nanoparticles as contrast agents for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review', Nanomedicine, 15, pp. 725 - 743,
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    Van Der Meer D; Sønderby IE; Kaufmann T; Walters GB; Abdellaoui A; Ames D; Amunts K; Andersson M; Armstrong NJ; Bernard M; Blackburn NB; Blangero J; Boomsma DI; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Bülow R; Cahn W; Calhoun VD; Caspers S; Cavalleri GL; Ching CRK; Cichon S; Ciufolini S; Corvin A; Crespo-Facorro B; Curran JE; Dalvie S; Dazzan P; De Geus EJC; De Zubicaray GI; De Zwarte SMC; Delanty N; Den Braber A; Desrivieres S; Di Forti M; Doherty JL; Donohoe G; Ehrlich S; Eising E; Espeseth T; Fisher SE; Fladby T; Frei O; Frouin V; Fukunaga M; Gareau T; Glahn DC; Grabe HJ; Groenewold NA; Gústafsson Ó; Haavik J; Haberg AK; Hashimoto R; Hehir-Kwa JY; Hibar DP; Hillegers MHJ; Hoffmann P; Holleran L; Hottenga JJ; Hulshoff Pol HE; Ikeda M; Jacquemont S; Jahanshad N; Jockwitz C; Johansson S; Jönsson EG; Kikuchi M; Knowles EEM; Kwok JB; Le Hellard S; Linden DEJ; Liu J; Lundervold A; Lundervold AJ; Martin NG; Mather KA; Mathias SR; McMahon KL; McRae AF; Medland SE; Moberget T; Moreau C; Morris DW; Mühleisen TW; Murray RM; Nordvik JE; Nyberg L; Olde Loohuis LM; Ophoff RA; Owen MJ; Paus T; Pausova Z; Peralta JM; Pike B; Prieto C; Quinlan EB; Reinbold CS; Reis Marques T; Rucker JJH; Sachdev PS, 2020, 'Association of Copy Number Variation of the 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Region with Cortical and Subcortical Morphology and Cognition', JAMA Psychiatry, 77, pp. 420 - 430,
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    Xia Y; Wei K; Hu LQ; Zhou CR; Lu ZB; Zhan GS; Pan XL; Pan CF; Wang J; Wen W; Xu J; He ZC; Huang CJ; Chen L, 2020, 'Exosome-mediated transfer of miR-1260b promotes cell invasion through Wnt/β–catenin signaling pathway in lung adenocarcinoma', Journal of Cellular Physiology, 235, pp. 6843 - 6853,
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    Xia Y; Wei K; Yang FM; Hu LQ; Pan CF; Pan XL; Wu WB; Wang J; Wen W; He ZC; Xu J; Xu XF; Zhu Q; Chen L, 2020, 'Correction: miR-1260b, mediated by YY1, activates KIT signaling by targeting SOCS6 to regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis in NSCLC (Cell Death & Disease, (2019), 10, 2, (112), 10.1038/s41419-019-1390-y)', Cell Death and Disease, 11,
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    Xu H; Zhang W; Chen L; Wen W; Wang J; Xu X; Zhu Q, 2020, 'Application of sealing materials for preventing air leakage in segmentectomy', Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery, 37, pp. 2014 - 2014,
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    Yao S; Wang Y; He Y; Majeed A; Liang Y; Shen X; Li T; Qin S; Wen W, 2020, 'Synergistic effect of titanium-oxide integrated with graphitic nitride hybrid for enhanced electrochemical performance in lithium-sulfur batteries', International Journal of Energy Research, 44, pp. 10937 - 10945,
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    Zhang J; Li Z; Cao X; Zuo L; Wen W; Zhu W; Jiang J; Cheng J; Sachdev P; Liu T; Wang Y, 2020, 'Altered Prefrontal-Basal Ganglia Effective Connectivity in Patients With Poststroke Cognitive Impairment', FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY, 11,
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    Zhang W; Xu H; Wen W; Wang J; Chen L; Zhu Q, 2020, 'A retrospective study of microporous polysaccharide hemostatic powder combined with other repair materials for reducing postoperative pulmonary air leakage during pulmonary segmentectomy', Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer, 23, pp. 852 - 857,
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    Chauhan G; Adams HHH; Satizabal CL; Bis JC; Teumer A; Sargurupremraj M; Hofer E; Trompet S; Hilal S; Smith AV; Jian X; Malik R; Traylor M; Pulit SL; Amouyel P; Mazoyer B; Zhu YC; Kaffashian S; Schilling S; Beecham GW; Montine TJ; Schellenberg GD; Kjartansson O; Guðnason V; Knopman DS; Griswold ME; Windham BG; Gottesman RF; Mosley TH; Schmidt R; Saba Y; Schmidt H; Takeuchi F; Yamaguchi S; Nabika T; Kato N; Rajan KB; Aggarwal NT; De Jager PL; Evans DA; Psaty BM; Rotter JI; Rice K; Lopez OL; Liao J; Chen C; Cheng CY; Wong TY; Ikram MK; van der Lee SJ; Amin N; Chouraki V; Destefano AL; Aparicio HJ; Romero JR; Maillard P; Decarli C; Wardlaw JM; Del C Valdés Hernández M; Luciano M; Liewald D; Deary IJ; Starr JM; Bastin ME; Maniega SM; Slagboom PE; Beekman M; Deelen J; Uh HW; Lemmens R; Brodaty H; Wright MJ; Ames D; Boncoraglio GB; Hopewell JC; Beecham AH; Blanton SH; Wright CB; Sacco RL; Wen W; Thalamuthu A; Armstrong NJ; Chong E; Schofield PR; Kwok JB; van der Grond J; Stott DJ; Ford I; Jukema JW; Vernooij MW; Hofman A; Uitterlinden AG; van der Lugt A; Wittfeld K; Grabe HJ; Hosten N; von Sarnowski B; Völker U; Levi C; Jimenez-Conde J; Sachdev P; Mather K, 2019, 'Genetic and lifestyle risk factors for MRI-defined brain infarcts in a population-based setting', Neurology, 92, pp. E486 - E503,
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    Cvejic RC; Hocking DR; Wen W; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Cornish KM; Godler DE; Rogers C; Trollor JN, 2019, 'Reduced caudate volume and cognitive slowing in men at risk of fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13, pp. 1128 - 1134,
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    Du J; Wang Y; Zhi N; Geng J; Cao W; Yu L; Mi J; Zhou Y; Xu Q; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2019, 'Structural brain network measures are superior to vascular burden scores in predicting early cognitive impairment in post stroke patients with small vessel disease', NeuroImage: Clinical, 22, pp. 101712,
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    Jiang J; Thalamuthu A; Koch FC; Liu T; Xu Q; Trollor JN; Ames D; Wright MJ; Catts V; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2019, 'Cerebral Blood Flow in Community-Based Older Twins Is Moderately Heritable: An Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Imaging Study', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11, pp. 169 - 169,
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    Mewton L; Reppermund S; Crawford J; Bunce D; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2019, 'Cross-sectional and prospective inter-relationships between depressive symptoms, vascular disease and cognition in older adults', Psychological Medicine, 49, pp. 2168 - 2176,
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    Paradise M; Seruga A; Crawford JD; Chaganti J; Thalamuthu A; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2019, 'The relationship of cerebral microbleeds to cognition and incident dementia in non-demented older individuals', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13, pp. 750 - 761,
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    Paradise MB; Beaudoin MS; Dawes L; Crawford JD; Wen W; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2019, 'Development and validation of a rating scale for perivascular spaces on 3T MRI', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 409, pp. 116621 - 116621,
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    Parker N; Vidal-Pineiro D; French L; Shin J; Adams HHH; Brodaty H; Cox SR; Deary IJ; Fjell AM; Frenzel S; Grabe H; Hosten N; Ikram MA; Jiang J; Knol MJ; Mazoyer B; Mishra A; Sachdev PS; Salum G; Satizabal CL; Schmidt H; Schmidt R; Seshadri S; Schumann G; Völzke H; Walhovd KB; Wen W; Wittfeld K; Yang Q; Debette S; Pausova Z; Paus T, 2019, 'Corticosteroids and Regional Variations in Thickness of the Human Cerebral Cortex across the Lifespan', Cerebral Cortex, 30, pp. 575 - 586,
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    Samaras K; Makkar SR; Crawford JD; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Wen W; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2019, 'Effects of Statins on Memory, Cognition, and Brain Volume in the Elderly', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74, pp. 2554 - 2568,
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    Satizabal CL; Adams HHH; Hibar DP; White CC; Knol MJ; Stein JL; Scholz M; Sargurupremraj M; Jahanshad N; Roshchupkin GV; Smith AV; Bis JC; Jian X; Luciano M; Hofer E; Teumer A; van der Lee SJ; Yang J; Yanek LR; Lee TV; Li S; Hu Y; Koh JY; Eicher JD; Desrivières S; Arias-Vasquez A; Chauhan G; Athanasiu L; Rentería ME; Kim S; Hoehn D; Armstrong NJ; Chen Q; Holmes AJ; den Braber A; Kloszewska I; Andersson M; Espeseth T; Grimm O; Abramovic L; Alhusaini S; Milaneschi Y; Papmeyer M; Axelsson T; Ehrlich S; Roiz-Santiañez R; Kraemer B; Håberg AK; Jones HJ; Pike GB; Stein DJ; Stevens A; Bralten J; Vernooij MW; Harris TB; Filippi I; Witte AV; Guadalupe T; Wittfeld K; Mosley TH; Becker JT; Doan NT; Hagenaars SP; Saba Y; Cuellar-Partida G; Amin N; Hilal S; Nho K; Mirza-Schreiber N; Arfanakis K; Becker DM; Ames D; Goldman AL; Lee PH; Boomsma DI; Lovestone S; Giddaluru S; Le Hellard S; Mattheisen M; Bohlken MM; Kasperaviciute D; Schmaal L; Lawrie SM; Agartz I; Walton E; Tordesillas-Gutierrez D; Davies GE; Shin J; Ipser JC; Vinke LN; Hoogman M; Jia T; Burkhardt R; Klein M; Crivello F; Janowitz D; Carmichael O; Haukvik UK; Aribisala BS; Schmidt H, 2019, 'Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals', Nature Genetics, 51, pp. 1624 - 1636,
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    Taylor ME; Lord SR; Delbaere K; Wen W; Jiang J; Brodaty H; Kurrle SE; Stefanie Mikolaizak A; Close JCT, 2019, 'White matter hyperintensities are associated with falls in older people with dementia', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13, pp. 1265 - 1272,
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    Wu WB; Xia Y; Pan XL; Wang J; He ZC; Xu J; Wen W; Xu XF; Zhu Q; Chen L, 2019, 'Three-dimensional navigation-guided thoracoscopic combined subsegmentectomy for intersegmental pulmonary nodules', Thoracic Cancer, 10, pp. 41 - 46,
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    Hocking DR; Birch RC; Bui QM; Menant JC; Lord SR; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Godler DE; Wen W; Hackett A; Rogers C; Trollor JN, 2017, 'Cerebellar volume mediates the relationship between FMR1 mRNA levels and voluntary step initiation in males with the premutation', Neurobiology of Aging, 50, pp. 5 - 12,
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    Jiang R; Wen W; Luo Y; Wu JM, 2017, 'Low temperature synthesis of few-layer titanate nanobelts on Ti mesh and the hot-water induced transformations to highly photocatalytic active titania nanorods', Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5, pp. 4676 - 4683,
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    Koncz R; Mohan A; Dawes L; Thalamuthu A; Wright M; Ames D; Lee T; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Trollor J, 2017, 'Incidental findings on cerebral MRI in twins: the Older Australian Twins Study', Brain Imaging and Behavior: an international journal, 12, pp. 860 - 869,
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    Franke B; van Hulzen KJE; Arias-Vasquez A; Bralten J; Hoogman M; Klein M; van Donkelaar MMJ; Hakobjan MMH; Heister AJGAM; Makkinje RRR; Naber MAM; van der Marel SSL; Mostert JC; Brunner HG; van Bokhoven H; Zwiers MP; Buitelaar JK; Fernández G; Fisher SE; Francks C; Stein JL; Hibar DP; Thompson PM; Ripke S; Anttila V; Neale BM; Farh KH; Bulik-Sullivan B; Huang H; Fromer M; Goldstein JI; Daly MJ; Walters RK; Smoller JW; Lee P; Belliveau RA; Bergen SE; Bevilacqua E; Chambert KD; Genovese G; O'Dushlaine C; Scolnick EM; McCarroll SA; Moran JL; Palotie A; Petryshen TL; Erk S; Heinz A; Mohnke S; Romanczuk-Seiferth N; Walter H; DeLisi LE; McCarley RW; Mesholam-Gately RI; Seidman LJ; Nichols TE; Neale MC; McIntosh AM; Papmeyer M; Sprooten E; Lawrie SM; Sussmann JE; McMahon FJ; Yao Y; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Schwarz E; Grimm O; Mattheisen M; Agerbo E; Demontis D; Hansen T; Mors O; Olsen L; Rasmussen HB; Børglum AD; Mortensen PB; Werge T; Andreassen OA; Brown AA; Athanasiu L; Hartberg CB; Haukvik U; Melle I; Gruber O; Kraemer B; Keil M; Sachdev PS; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Armstrong NJ; Assareh AA; Brodaty H; Reppermund S; Wen W; Roiz-Santiañez R; Perez-Iglesias R; Saykin AJ; Kim S; Nho K; Risacher SL; Schofield P; Carr V; Kwok J; Schofield P, 2016, 'Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: Large-scale proof of concept', Nature Neuroscience, 19, pp. 420 - 431,
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    Ge X; Wang Y; Wen W; Zhu H; Ye H; Yang X; Chen J; Cao Y; Zhang S; Mu Q; Cheng H; Ma J; Dai S; Guo Q; Yang B; Cai J; Yang M; Sun X, 2016, 'Recombinant human endostatin combined with definitive chemoradiotherapy for patients with locally advanced esophageal carcinoma', International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 9, pp. 20137 - 20144
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    Jiang J; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1/growth differentiation factor 15 as a marker of cognitive ageing and dementia', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 29, pp. 181 - 186,
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    Lai LL; Wen W; Fu B; Qian XY; Liu JB; Wu JM, 2016, 'Surface roughening and top opening of single crystalline TiO2 nanowires for enhanced photocatalytic activity', Materials and Design, 108, pp. 581 - 589,
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    Lai LL; Wen W; Wu JM, 2016, 'Ni-doped rutile TiO2 nanoflowers: Low-temperature solution synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic efficiency', RSC Advances, 6, pp. 25511 - 25518,
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    Lupton MK; Strike L; Hansell NK; Wen W; Mather KA; Armstrong NJ; Thalamuthu A; McMahon KL; de Zubicaray GI; Assareh AA; Simmons A; Proitsi P; Powell JF; Montgomery GW; Hibar DP; Westman E; Tsolaki M; Kloszewska I; Soininen H; Mecocci P; Velas B; Lovestone S; Brodaty H; Ames D; Trollor JN; Martin NG; Thompson PM; Sachdev PS; Wright MJ, 2016, 'The effect of increased genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease on hippocampal and amygdala volume', Neurobiology of Aging, 40, pp. 68 - 77,
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    Poljak A; Crawford JD; Smythe GA; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Wen W; Mather KA; Assareh AA; Ng PC; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'The relationship between plasma aβ levels, cognitive function and brain volumetrics: Sydney memory and ageing study', Current Alzheimer Research, 13, pp. 243 - 255,
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    Roberts G; Lenroot R; Frankland A; Yeung PK; Gale N; Wright A; Lau P; Levy F; Wen W; Mitchell PB, 2016, 'Abnormalities in left inferior frontal gyral thickness and parahippocampal gyral volume in young people at high genetic risk for bipolar disorder', Psychological Medicine, 46, pp. 2083 - 2096,
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    Roberts G; Wen W; Frankland A; Perich T; Holmes-Preston E; Levy F; Lenroot RK; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Nurnberger JI; Breakspear M; Mitchell PB, 2016, 'Interhemispheric white matter integrity in young people with bipolar disorder and at high genetic risk', Psychological Medicine, 46, pp. 2385 - 2396,
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    Sachdev PS; Thalamuthu A; Mather KA; Ames D; Wright MJ; Wen W; Bowden J; Lee T; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Duckworth T; Kang K; Garden N; Martin N; Lemmon C; Schofield P, 2016, 'White Matter Hyperintensities Are under Strong Genetic Influence', Stroke, 47, pp. 1422 - 1428,
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    Suo C; Singh MF; Gates N; Wen W; Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Singh N; Baune BT; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Mavros Y; Lampit A; Leung I; Valenzuela MJ, 2016, 'Erratum: Therapeutically relevant structural and functional mechanisms triggered by physical and cognitive exercise', Molecular Psychiatry,
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    Suo C; Singh MF; Gates N; Wen W; Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Singh N; Baune BT; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Mavros Y; Lampit A; Leung I; Valenzuela MJ, 2016, 'Therapeutically relevant structural and functional mechanisms triggered by physical and cognitive exercise', Molecular Psychiatry, 21, pp. 1633 - 1642,
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    Wen W; Liang D; Cheng JP; Wu JM, 2016, 'CoOOH ultrafine nanoparticles for supercapacitors', RSC Advances, 6, pp. 70947 - 70951,
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    Wen W; Liang D; Lai LL; Wu JM, 2016, 'Template-free synthesis of macroporous Co34 for lithium storage', Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 37, pp. 22 - 28
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    Wen W; Ma LM; He W; Tang XW; Zhang Y; Wang X; Liu L; Fan ZN, 2016, 'Silver-nanoparticle-coated biliary stent inhibits bacterial adhesion in bacterial cholangitis in swine', Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International, 15, pp. 87 - 92,
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    Wen W; Thalamuthu A; Mather KA; Zhu W; Jiang J; De Micheaux PL; Wright MJ; Ames D; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Distinct Genetic Influences on Cortical and Subcortical Brain Structures', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 32760 - 32760,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Jiang YZ; Bai JQ; Lai LL, 2016, 'Titanium dioxide nanotrees for high-capacity lithium-ion microbatteries', Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, pp. 10593 - 10600,
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    Wu WB; Xu XF; Wen W; Xu J; Zhu Q; Chen L, 2016, 'Thoracoscopic Pulmonary Sub-Subsegmentectomy Based on Three-Dimensional Images', Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 102, pp. e389 - e391,
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    Wu WB; Xu XF; Wen W; Xu J; Zhu Q; Pan XL; Xia Y; Chen L, 2016, 'Three-dimensional computed tomography bronchography and angiography in the preoperative evaluation of thoracoscopic segmentectomy and subsegmentectomy', Journal of Thoracic Disease, 8, pp. S710 - S715,
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    Xing H; Wen W; Wu JM, 2016, 'One-pot low-temperature synthesis of TiO2 nanowire/rGO composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity', RSC Advances, 6, pp. 94092 - 94097,
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    Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Reppermund S; Levitan C; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Age-associated differences on structural brain MRI in nondemented individuals from 71 to 103 years', Neurobiology of Aging, 40, pp. 86 - 97,
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    Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford JD; Reppermund S; Levitan C; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Structural MRI biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment from young elders to centenarians', Current Alzheimer Research, 13, pp. 256 - 267,
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    Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2016, 'The relationship between inflammatory markers and voxel-based gray matter volumes in nondemented older adults', Neurobiology of Aging, 37, pp. 138 - 146,
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    Birch RC; Hocking DR; Cornish KM; Menant JC; Georgiou-Karistianis N; Godler DE; Wen W; Hackett A; Rogers C; Trollor JN, 2015, 'Preliminary evidence of an effect of cerebellar volume on postural sway in FMR1 premutation males', Genes, Brain and Behavior, 14, pp. 251 - 259,
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    Boraxbekk CJ; Ames D; Kochan NA; Lee T; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Armstrong NJ; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR; Reppermund S; Wright MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Mather KA; Schofield P, 2015, 'Investigating the influence of KIBRA and CLSTN2 genetic polymorphisms on cross-sectional and longitudinal measures of memory performance and hippocampal volume in older individuals', Neuropsychologia, 78, pp. 10 - 17,
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    Deng S; Xiao X; Xing X; Wu J; Wen W; Wang Y, 2015, 'Structure and catalytic activity of 3D macro/mesoporous Co3O4 for CO oxidation prepared by a facile self-sustained decomposition of metal-organic complexes', Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 398, pp. 79 - 85,
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    Fiatarone Singh MA; Gates N; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Singh N; Baune BT; Suo C; Baker MK; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela M, 2015, 'Reply to the Letter to the Editor by O'Caoimh et al', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16, pp. 999 - 1001,
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    Gautam P; Anstey KJ; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Cherbuin N, 2015, 'Cortical gyrification and its relationships with cortical volume, cortical thickness, and cognitive performance in healthy mid-life adults', Behavioural Brain Research, 287, pp. 331 - 339,
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    Ge X; Yang X; Lu X; Wen W; Zhen F; Ye H; Zhu H; Cao Y; Zhang S; Cheng H; Ma J; Yang B; Dai S; Guo Q; Cai J; Sun X, 2015, 'Long-term clinical outcome of intensity-modulated radiation therapy for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma', Tumori, 101, pp. 168 - 173,
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    Hibar DP; Stein JL; Renteria ME; Arias-Vasquez A; Desrivières S; Jahanshad N; Toro R; Wittfeld K; Abramovic L; Andersson M; Aribisala BS; Armstrong NJ; Bernard M; Bohlken MM; Boks MP; Bralten J; Brown AA; Mallar Chakravarty M; Chen Q; Ching CRK; Cuellar-Partida G; Den Braber A; Giddaluru S; Goldman AL; Grimm O; Guadalupe T; Hass J; Woldehawariat G; Holmes AJ; Hoogman M; Janowitz D; Jia T; Kim S; Klein M; Kraemer B; Lee PH; Olde Loohuis LM; Luciano M; MacAre C; Mather KA; Mattheisen M; Milaneschi Y; Nho K; Papmeyer M; Ramasamy A; Risacher SL; Roiz-Santiañez R; Rose EJ; Salami A; Sämann PG; Schmaal L; Schork AJ; Shin J; Strike LT; Teumer A; Van Donkelaar MMJ; Van Eijk KR; Walters RK; Westlye LT; Whelan CD; Winkler AM; Zwiers MP; Alhusaini S; Athanasiu L; Ehrlich S; Hakobjan MMH; Hartberg CB; Haukvik UK; Heister AJGAM; Hoehn D; Kasperaviciute D; Liewald DCM; Lopez LM; Makkinje RRR; Matarin M; Naber MAM; Reese McKay D; Needham M; Nugent AC; Pütz B; Royle NA; Shen L; Sprooten E; Trabzuni D; Van Der Marel SSL; Van Hulzen KJE; Walton E; Wolf C; Almasy L; Ames D; Arepalli S; Assareh AA; Bastin ME; Brodaty H; Bulayeva KB; Carless MA; Cichon S; Corvin A; Curran JE; Czisch M; Schofield P; Sachdev P; Wen W; Kwok J; Thalamuthu A; Reppermund S; Schofield P, 2015, 'Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures', Nature, 520, pp. 224 - 229,
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    Jiang J; Trollor JN; Brown DA; Crawford JD; Thalamuthu A; Smith E; Breit SN; Liu T; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2015, 'An inverse relationship between serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 levels and brain white matter integrity incommunity-dwelling older individuals', Psychoneuroendocrinology, 62, pp. 80 - 88,
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    Jiang J; Wen W; Brown DA; Crawford J; Thalamuthu A; Smith E; Breit SN; Liu T; Zhu W; Brodaty H; Baune BT; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2015, 'The relationship of serum macrophage inhibitory cytokine - 1 levels with gray matter volumes in community-dwelling older individuals', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0123399,
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    Mather KA; Armstrong NJ; Wen W; Kwok JB; Assareh AA; Thalamuthu A; Reppermund S; Duesing K; Wright MJ; Ames D; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Schofield PR; Sachdev PS; Schofield P, 2015, 'Investigating the genetics of hippocampal volume in older adults without dementia', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0116920,
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    Perry A; Wen W; Lord A; Thalamuthu A; Roberts G; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS; Breakspear M, 2015, 'The organisation of the elderly connectome', NeuroImage, 114, pp. 414 - 426,
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    Tuerk C; Zhang H; Sachdev P; Lord SR; Brodaty H; Wen W; Delbaere K, 2015, 'Regional Gray Matter Volumes Are Related to Concern about Falling in Older People: A Voxel-Based Morphometric Study', Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 71, pp. 138 - 144,
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    Valenzuela MJ; Turner AJF; Kochan NA; Wen W; Suo C; Hallock H; Mcintosh RA; Sachdev P; Breakspear M, 2015, 'Posterior compensatory network in cognitively intact elders with hippocampal atrophy', Hippocampus, 25, pp. 581 - 593,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Jiang YZ; Yu SL; Bai JQ; Cao MH; Cui J, 2015, 'Anatase TiO2 ultrathin nanobelts derived from room-temperature-synthesized titanates for fast and safe lithium storage', Scientific Reports, 5,
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    Zhou X; Wen W; Shan X; Qian J; Li H; Jiang T; Wang W; Cheng W; Wang F; Qi L; Ding Y; Liu P; Zhu W; Chen Y, 2015, 'MiR-28-3p as a potential plasma marker in diagnosis of pulmonary embolism', Thrombosis Research, 138, pp. 91 - 95,
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    Zhou X; Zhu W; Li H; Wen W; Cheng W; Wang F; Wu Y; Qi L; Fan Y; Chen Y; Ding Y; Xu J; Qian J; Huang Z; Wang T; Zhu D; Shu Y; Liu P, 2015, 'Diagnostic value of a plasma microRNA signature in gastric cancer: A microRNA expression analysis', Scientific Reports, 5,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Assareh AA; Mather KA; Crawford JD; Wen W; Anstey KJ; Easteal S; Tan X; Mack HA; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR; Sachdev PS; Schofield P, 2014, 'Renin-angiotensin system genetic polymorphisms and brain white matter lesions in older australians', American Journal of Hypertension, 27, pp. 1191 - 1198,
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    Batouli SAH; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Trollor JN; Wright MJ; Ames D, 2014, 'Heritability of brain volumes in older adults: The Older Australian Twins Study', Neurobiology of Aging, 35, pp. 937e5 - 937e18,
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    Batouli SAH; Trollor JN; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'The heritability of volumes of brain structures and its relationship to age: A review of twin and family studies', Ageing Research Reviews, 13, pp. 1 - 9,
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    Callisaya ML; Srikanth VK; Lord SR; Close JC; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Phan T; Beare R; Trollor J; Wen W; Zheng JJ; Delbaere K, 2014, 'Sub-cortical infarcts and the risk of falls in older people: Combined results of TASCOG and Sydney MAS studies', International Journal of Stroke, 9, pp. 55 - 60,
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    Fiatarone Singh MA; Gates N; Saigal N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Singh N; Baune BT; Suo C; Baker MK; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela M, 2014, 'The Study of Mental and Resistance Training (SMART) Study-Resistance Training and/or Cognitive Training in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Sham Controlled Trial', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15, pp. 873 - 880,
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    Huang J; Wen W; Tang X; Fan Z; Song H; Wang K, 2014, 'Cap-assisted clip closure of large esophageal perforations caused by a duodenoscope during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (with video)', Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, 24,
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    Jiang J; Sachdev P; Lipnicki DM; Zhang H; Liu T; Suo C; Zhuang L; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Trollor J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Zhu W, 2014, 'A longitudinal study of brain atrophy over two years in community-dwelling older individuals', NeuroImage, 86, pp. 203 - 211,
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    Kanchibhotla SC; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Zhuang L; Schofield PR; Kwok JBJ; Ames D; Wright MJ; Trollor JN; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Schofield P, 2014, 'Genetics of microstructure of the corpus callosum in older adults', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e113181,
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    Li B; Wu JM; Guo TT; Tang MZ; Wen W, 2014, 'A facile solution route to deposit TiO2 nanowire arrays on arbitrary substrates', Nanoscale, 6, pp. 3046 - 3050,
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    Raamana PR; Wen W; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wang L; Beg MF, 2014, 'Novel ThickNet features for the discrimination of amnestic MCI subtypes', NeuroImage: Clinical, 6, pp. 284 - 295,
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    Raamana PR; Wen W; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Wang L; Beg MF, 2014, 'The sub-classification of amnestic mild cognitive impairment using MRI-based cortical thickness measures', Frontiers in Neurology, 5 MAY, pp. 76,
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    Reppermund S; Zhuang L; Wen W; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'White matter integrity and late-life depression in community-dwelling individuals: Diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics', British Journal of Psychiatry, 205, pp. 315 - 320,
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    Sachdev PS; Lipnicki DM; Crawford JD; Wen W; Brodaty H, 2014, 'Progression of cognitive impairment in stroke/TIA patients over 3 years', Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 85, pp. 1324 - 1330,
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    Samaras K; Lutgers HL; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Campbell LV; Wen W; Slavin MJ; Baune BT; Lipnicki DM; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'The impact of glucose disorders on cognition and brain volumes in the elderly: the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study', AGE, 36, pp. 977 - 993,
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    Thompson PM; Stein JL; Medland SE; Hibar DP; Vasquez AA; Renteria ME; Toro R; Jahanshad N; Schumann G; Franke B; Wright MJ; Martin NG; Agartz I; Alda M; Alhusaini S; Almasy L; Almeida J; Alpert K; Andreasen NC; Andreassen OA; Apostolova LG; Appel K; Armstrong NJ; Aribisala B; Bastin ME; Bauer M; Bearden CE; Bergmann Ø; Binder EB; Blangero J; Bockholt HJ; Bøen E; Bois C; Boomsma DI; Booth T; Bowman IJ; Bralten J; Brouwer RM; Brunner HG; Brohawn DG; Buckner RL; Buitelaar J; Bulayeva K; Bustillo JR; Calhoun VD; Cannon DM; Cantor RM; Carless MA; Caseras X; Cavalleri GL; Chakravarty MM; Chang KD; Ching CRK; Christoforou A; Cichon S; Clark VP; Conrod P; Coppola G; Crespo-Facorro B; Curran JE; Czisch M; Deary IJ; de Geus EJC; den Braber A; Delvecchio G; Depondt C; de Haan L; de Zubicaray GI; Dima D; Dimitrova R; Djurovic S; Dong H; Donohoe G; Duggirala R; Dyer TD; Ehrlich S; Ekman CJ; Elvsåshagen T; Emsell L; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fagerness J; Fears S; Fedko I; Fernández G; Fisher SE; Foroud T; Fox PT; Francks C; Frangou S; Frey EM; Frodl T; Frouin V; Garavan H; Giddaluru S; Glahn DC; Godlewska B; Goldstein RZ; Gollub RL; Grabe HJ, 2014, 'The ENIGMA Consortium: Large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data', Brain Imaging and Behavior, 8, pp. 153 - 182,
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    Wen W; Liu W; Shao Y; Chen L, 2014, 'VER-155008, a small molecule inhibitor of HSP70 with potent anti-cancer activity on lung cancer cell lines', Experimental Biology and Medicine, 239, pp. 638 - 645,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Cao MH, 2014, 'Facile synthesis of a mesoporous Co3O4 network for Li-storage via thermal decomposition of an amorphous metal complex', Nanoscale, 6, pp. 12476 - 12481,
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    Wen W; Wu JM, 2014, 'Nanomaterials via solution combustion synthesis: A step nearer to controllability', RSC Advances, 4, pp. 58090 - 58100,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Anstey KJ; Bunce D; Bielak AAM; Cherbuin N; Batterham P; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2013, 'The utility of intraindividual reaction time variability measures to predict neuropathology in cognitively normal adults: A potential assessment tool for clinical contexts', Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9, pp. 1 - 6,
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    Bunce D; Cherbuin N; Anstey KJ; Bielak AAM; Batterham PJ; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2013, 'Utility of intraindividual reaction time variability to predict white matter hyperintensities: A potential assessment tool for clinical contexts?', Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19, pp. 971 - 976,
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    Dobson-Stone C; Polly P; Korgaonkar M; Williams LM; Gordon E; Schofield PR; Mather KA; Armstrong N; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Kwok JB; Schofield P, 2013, 'GSK3B and MAPT polymorphisms are associated with grey matter and intracranial volume in healthy individuals', PLoS One, 8, pp. e71750,
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    Gautam P; Cherbuin N; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2013, 'Sex differences in cortical thickness in middle aged and early old-aged adults: Personality and Total Health Through Life study', Neuroradiology, 55, pp. 697 - 707,
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    He Z; Zhu Q; Wen W; Chen L; Xu H; Li H, 2013, 'Surgical approaches for stage I and II thymoma-associated myasthenia gravis: Feasibility of complete video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) thymectomy in comparison with trans-sternal resection', Journal of Biomedical Research, 27, pp. 62 - 70,
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    Kanchibhotla SC; Mather KA; Wen W; Schofield PR; Kwok J; Sachdev PS; Schofield P, 2013, 'Genetics of ageing-related changes in brain white matter integrity - a review', Ageing Research Reviews, 12, pp. 391 - 401,
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    Liu T; Sachdev PS; Lipnicki DM; Jiang J; Geng G; Zhu W; Reppermund S; Tao D; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2013, 'Limited relationships between two-year changes in sulcal morphology and other common neuroimaging indices in the elderly', NeuroImage, 83, pp. 12 - 17,
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    Quah-Smith I; Wen W; Chen X; Williams MA; Sachdev PS; Bäumler P, 2013, 'The brain effects of laser acupuncture in depressed individuals: An fMRI investigation', Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur, 56, pp. 27 - 28,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sachdev P; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Trollor J; Wen W; Draper B; Slavin M; Kang K; Lux O; Mather K; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Factors predicting reversion from mild cognitive impairment to normal cognition: a population-based study.', PLoS One, 8, pp. e59649,
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    Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Levitan C; Slavin MJ; Richmond RL; Kochan NA; Wen W; Kang K; Mather KA; Crawford J, 2013, 'The Sydney Centenarian Study: methodology and profile of centenarians and near-centenarians', International Psychogeriatrics, 25, pp. 993 - 1005,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Sachdev PS; Lee T; Wen W; Ames D; Batouli AH; Bowden J; Brodaty H; Chong E; Crawford J; Kang K; Mather K; Lammel A; Slavin MJ; Thalamuthu A; Trollor J; Wright MJ; OATS Research Team ; Kumfor F; Kwok J; Menant J, 2013, 'The contribution of twins to the study of cognitive ageing and dementia: The Older Australian Twins Study', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 738 - 747,
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    Sachdev PS; Zhuang L; Braidy N; Wen W, 2013, 'Is Alzheimer’s a disease of the white matter?', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 26, pp. 244 - 251,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schilling S; DeStefano AL; Sachdev PS; Choi SH; Mather KA; DeCarli CD; Wen W; Høgh P; Raz N; Au R; Beiser A; Wolf PA; Romero JR; Zhu YC; Lunetta KL; Farrer L; Dufouil C; Kuller LH; Mazoyer B; Seshadri S; Tzourio C; Debette S, 2013, 'APOE genotype and MRI markers of cerebrovascular disease', Neurology, 81, pp. 292 - 300,
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    Sun J; Wen W; Wu JM, 2013, 'Low-temperature transformation of titania thin films from amorphous nanowires to crystallized nanoflowers for heterogeneous photocatalysis', Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96, pp. 2109 - 2116,
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    Tsang R; Sachdev P; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Kang K; Crawford J; Wen W; Draper B; Trollor J; Slavin M; Mather K; Assareh A; Seeher K; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Sydney Memory and Ageing Study: an epidemiological cohort study of brain ageing and dementia', International Review of Psychiatry, 25, pp. 711 - 725,
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    Wang XH; Wen H; You SH; Xu XF; Wen W, 2013, 'An experimental study of using Chai Lai Prescription to treat in vitro rabbit models of reflux esophagitis', Chinese Medical Journal, 126, pp. 4557 - 4561,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Cao MH, 2013, 'NiO/Ni powders with effective architectures as anode materials in Li-ion batteries', Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1, pp. 3881 - 3885,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Cao MH, 2013, 'Rapid one-step synthesis and electrochemical performance of nio/ni with tunable macroporous architectures', Nano Energy, 2, pp. 1383 - 1390,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Wang YD, 2013, 'Flash synthesis of macro-/mesoporous ZnO for gas sensors via self-sustained decomposition of a Zn-based complex', RSC Advances, 3, pp. 12052 - 12055,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Wang YD, 2013, 'Gas-sensing property of a nitrogen-doped zinc oxide fabricated by combustion synthesis', Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 184, pp. 78 - 84,
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    Wijeratne C; Sachdev S; Wen W; Piguet O; Lipnicki D; Malhi G; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS, 2013, 'Hippocampal and amygdala volumes in an older bipolar disorder sample', International Psychogeriatrics, 25, pp. 54 - 60,
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    Zhang F; Shi Y; Wen W; Shi C; Ji G; Fan Z, 2013, 'Sa1397 A Pilot Clinical Study of Endoscopic Submucosal Injection by Autologous Blood Solution for EMR and ESD', Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 77, pp. AB191 - AB191,
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    Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2013, 'Grey matter correlates of three language tests in non-demented older adults', PLoS One, 8, pp. e80215 - e80215,
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    Zhuang L; Sachdev PS; Trollor JN; Reppermund S; Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2013, 'Microstructural white matter changes, not hippocampal atrophy, detect early amnestic mild cognitive impairment', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e58887,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Batouli S; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Wright MJ; Suo C; Ames D; Trollor JN, 2012, 'The heritability of brain metabolites on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in older individuals', NeuroImage, 62, pp. 281 - 289,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Cui Y; Sachdev PS; Lipnicki D; Jin JS; Luo S; Zhu W; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Liu T; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2012, 'Predicting the development of mild cognitive impairment: A new use of pattern recognition', Neuroimage, 60, pp. 894 - 901,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Quah-Smith JI; Wen W; Chen X; Williams ML; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'The brain effects of laser acupuncture in depressed individuals: an fMRI investigation', Medical Acupuncture, 24, pp. 161 - 171,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Trollor J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Lipnicki D; Crawford J; Draper B; Slavin M; Kang K; Lux O; Mather K; Wen W, 2012, 'P2‐168: Recent findings from the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study (Sydney MAS)', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 8,
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    Song F; Poljak A; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Wen W; Cameron B; Lux O; Brodaty H; Mather K; Smythe GA; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Plasma apolipoprotein levels are associated with cognitive status and decline in a community cohort of older individuals', PLoS One, 7, pp. e34078 - e34078,
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    Suo C; Leon I; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela MJ, 2012, 'Supervisory experience at work is linked to low rate of hippocampal atrophy in late life', Neuroimage, 63, pp. 1542 - 1551,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Thillainadesan S; Wen W; Zhuang L; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Changes in mild cognitive impairment and its subtypes as seen on diffusion tensor imaging', International Psychogeriatrics, 24, pp. 1483 - 1489,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wen W; Lipnicki D; Beg MF; Jin JS; Luo SH; Zhu W; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Zhuang L; Raamana PR; Liu T; Trollor JN; Wang L; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Cui Y, 2012, 'Automated detection of amnestic mild cognitive impairment in community-dwelling elderly adults: A combined spatial atrophy and white matter alteration approach', NeuroImage, 59, pp. 1209 - 1217,
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    Wen W; Shi C; Shi Y; Ji G; Wu P; Fan Z; Zhang F, 2012, 'A pilot animal and clinical study of autologous blood solution compared with normal saline for use as an endoscopic submucosal cushion', Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 4, pp. 419 - 424,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Lai LL; Ling GP; Cao MH, 2012, 'Hydrothermal synthesis of needle-like hyperbranched Ni(SO4) 0.3(OH)1.4 bundles and their morphology-retentive decompositions to NiO for lithium storage', CrystEngComm, 14, pp. 6565 - 6572,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Tu JP, 2012, 'A novel solution combustion synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles as negative-electrode materials for lithium ion batteries', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 513, pp. 592 - 596,
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    Wen W; Wu JM; Wang YD, 2012, 'Large-size porous ZnO flakes with superior gas-sensing performance', Applied Physics Letters, 100,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Zhang H; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford J; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Draper B; Zhu W; Kang K, 2012, 'Gray Matter Atrophy Patterns of Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 315, pp. 26 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Zheng J; Delbaere K; Close J; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Lord SR, 2012, 'White matter hyperintensities and impaired choice stepping reaction time in older people', Neurobiology of Aging, 33, pp. 1177 - 1185,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Zheng JJJ; Delbaere K; Close J; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Brodaty H; Lord SR, 2012, 'White matter hyperintensities are an independent predictor of physical decline in community-dwelling older people', Gerontology, 58, pp. 398 - 406,
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    Zheng JJJ; Lord SR; Close JCT; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Brodaty H; Delbaere K, 2012, 'Brain white matter hyperintensities, executive dysfunction, instability, and falls in older people: A prospective cohort study', Journals of Gerontology, Series A : Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 67, pp. 1085 - 1091,
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    Zhu W; Wen W; He Y; Xia A; Anstey KJ; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Changing topological patterns in normal aging using large-scale structural networks', Neurobiology of Aging, 33, pp. 899 - 913,
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    Zhuang L; Sachdev PS; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2012, 'Microstructural white matter changes in cognitively normal individuals at risk of cognitive decline', Neurology, 79, pp. 748 - 754,
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    Zhuang L; Wen W; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2012, 'Abnormalities of the fornix in mild cognitive impairment are related to episodic memory loss', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 29, pp. 629 - 639,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Gautam P; Cherbuin N; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2011, 'Relationships between cognitive function and frontal grey matter volumes and thickness in middle aged and early old-aged adults: The PATH Through Life Study', Neuroimage, 55, pp. 845 - 855,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Khan AR; Cherbuin N; Wen W; Anstey KJ; Sachdev PS; Beg MF, 2011, 'Optimal weights for local multi-atlas fusion using supervised learning and dynamic information (SuperDyn): Validation on hippocampus segmentation', Neuroimage, 56, pp. 126 - 139,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kochan N; Breakspear M; Valenzuela M; Slavin M; Brodaty H; Wen W; Trollor J; Turner A; Crawford J; Sachdev P, 2011, 'P1‐319: Neural response to a graded working memory challenge predicts decline in everyday function in mild cognitive impairment', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 7,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kochan NA; Breakspear MJ; Valenzuela MJ; Slavin MJ; Brodaty H; Wen W; Trollor JN; Turner A; Crawford J; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'Cortical Responses to a Graded Working Memory Challenge Predict Functional Decline in Mild Cognitive Impairment', Biological Psychiatry, 70, pp. 123 - 130,
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    Liu T; Wen W; Zhu W; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Reppermund S; Jin JS; Luo SH; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'The relationship between cortical sulcal variability and cognitive performance in the elderly', Neuroimage, 56, pp. 865 - 873,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Quah-Smith I; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Chen X; Williams MA; Musil R, 2011, 'The brain effects of laser acupuncture in healthy individuals: an FMRI investigation', DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AKUPUNKTUR, 54, pp. 22 - 23,
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    Wen W; Cui Y; Liu B; Zhen X; Fan M; Luo S; Liu T; Zhu W; Park M; Jiang T; Jin J, 2011, 'P1‐074: Tracking progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease using multivariate biomarkers and pattern classification', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 7,
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    Wen W; He Y; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'Structural brain networks and neuropsychiatric disorders', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 24, pp. 219 - 225,
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    Wen W; Wu JM, 2011, 'Eruption combustion synthesis of NiO/Ni nanocomposites with enhanced properties for dye-absorption and lithium storage', ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 3, pp. 4112 - 4119,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Wen W; Zhu W; He Y; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Slavin MJ; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Xia A; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'Discrete Neuroanatomical Networks Are Associated with Specific Cognitive Abilities in Old Age', Journal of Neuroscience, 31, pp. 1204 - 1212
    Journal articles | 2011
    Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Zhu W; Crawford J; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2011, 'Neuroanatomical Correlates of Cognitive Performance in Late Life', Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 32, pp. 216 - 226,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Zhang H; Trollor JN; Wen W; Zhu W; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Brodaty H; Reppermund S; Kang K; Mather K; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'Grey matter atrophy of basal forebrain and hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment', Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 82, pp. 487 - 493,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Javadapour A; Malhi ; Ivanoski B; Chen X; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2010, 'Hippocampal volumes in adults with bipolar disorder', Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22, pp. 55 - 62,
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    Javadapour A; Malhi GS; Ivanovski B; Chen X; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2010, 'Hippocampal Volumes in Adults With Bipolar Disorder', The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 22, pp. 55 - 62,
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    Li Y; Yao S; Wen W; Xue L; Yan Y, 2010, 'Sol-gel combustion synthesis and visible-light-driven photocatalytic property of perovskite LaNiO3', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 491, pp. 560 - 564,
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    de Quintana-Schmidt C; Casajuana-Garreta E; Molet-Teixido J; Garcia-Bach M; Roig C; Clavel-Laria P; Rodriguez-Rodriguez R; Oliver-Abadal B; Bartumeus-Jene F, 2010, 'Stimulation of the occipital nerve in the treatment of drug-resistant cluster headache', REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA, 51, pp. 19 - 26,
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    Chen X; Wen W; Anstey KJ; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of lacunar infarcts in a community sample', Neurology, 73, pp. 266 - 272,
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    Christensen HM; Batterham PJ; Mackinnon A; Anstey KJ; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Education, atrophy, and cognitive change in an epidemiological sample in early old age', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, pp. 218 - 226,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Chua TC; Wen W; Chen X; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Diffusion tensor imaging of the posterior cingulate is a useful biomarker of mild cognitive impairment', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 17, pp. 602 - 613,
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    Liu T; Wen W; Zhu W; Jin JS; Luo S; Sachdev P, 2009, 'The influence of memory on cortical correlations in the elderly', NeuroImage, 47, pp. S166 - S166,
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    Looi J; Tatham V; Kumar R; Maller JJ; Millard E; Wen W; Chen X; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Caudate nucleus volumes in stroke and vascular dementia', Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section, 174, pp. 67 - 75,
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    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Brodaty H; Thompson C; Altendorf A; Wen W, 2009, 'The determinants and longitudinal course of post-stroke mild cognitive impairment', Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 117, pp. 55 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2009, 'Corrigendum to "Light to moderate alcohol use is associated with increased cortical gray matter in middle-aged men: A voxel-based morphometric study" [Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 163(1) (2008) 61-69] (DOI:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2007.08.009)', Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging, 172, pp. 173,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Sachdev PS; Lammel A; Trollor JN; Lee T; Wright MJ; Ames D; Wen W; Martin NG; Brodaty H; Schofield PR; Lammel A; Lux O; Halliday G; Kumfor F; Broe G; Schofield P, 2009, 'A comprehensive neuropsychiatric study of elderly twins: the older australian twin study', Twin research and human genetics, 12, pp. 573 - 582,
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    Sachdev PS; Parslow R; Wen W; Anstey KJ; Easteal S, 2009, 'Sex differences in the causes and consequences of white matter hyperintensities', Neurobiology of Aging, 30, pp. 946 - 956,
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    Wen W; Sachdev PS; Li JJ; Chen X; Anstey KJ, 2009, 'White matter hyperintensities in the forties: Their prevalence and topography in an epidemiological sample aged 44-48', Human Brain Mapping, 30, pp. 1155 - 1167,
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    Wen W; Zhu WL; He Y; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'The impact of white matter hyperintensity volumes on the topological patterns structural cortical network', NeuroImage, 47, pp. S80 - S80,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cherbuin N; Anstey K; Sachdev PS; Maller J; Meslin C; Mack H; Wen W; Easteal S, 2008, 'Total and regional gray matter volume is not related to APOE*E4 status in a community sample of middle-aged individuals', Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 63, pp. 501 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chua TC; Wen W; Slavin MJ; Sachdev PS, 2008, 'Diffusion tensor imaging in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a review', Current Opinion in Neurology, 21, pp. 83 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Kumar R; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2008, 'Association of type 2 diabetes with depression, brain atrophy and reduced fine motor speed in a 60-64 year old community sample', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 16, pp. 989 - 997,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Miao L; Fan ZN; Ji GZ; Wen W; Wang X; Xiong GY; Jiang GB; Wang M; Liu Z; Wu P, 2008, 'Comparative study of ultrasonography, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in common duct stones', Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery], 46, pp. 1465 - 1467
    Journal articles | 2008
    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Wen W; Anstey K, 2008, 'Light to moderate alcohol use is associated with increased cortical gray matter in middle-aged men: A voxel-based morphometric study', Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section, 163, pp. 61 - 69,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Wen W; Anstry K, 2008, 'White matter hyperintensities in mid-adult life', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 21, pp. 268 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Sachdev PS; Mondraty NK; Wen W; Gulliford K, 2008, 'Brains of anorexia nervosa patients process self-images differently from non-self-images: an fMRI study', Neuropsychologia, 46, pp. 2161 - 2168,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Valenzuela MJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Chen X; Brodaty H, 2008, 'Lifespan mental activity predicts diminished rate of hippocampal atrophy', PLoS One, 3, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wen W; Wang M; Fan ZN; Jiang GB; Wu P, 2008, 'Applicative value of intraductal ultrasonography in the removal of calculus by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatgraphy', World Chinese Journal of Digestology, 16, pp. 787 - 791,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Bunce D; Anstey KJ; Christensen H; Dear K; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2007, 'White matter hyperintensities and within-person variability in community-dwelling adults aged 60-64 years', Neuropsychologia, 45, pp. 2009 - 2015,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Chen X; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2007, 'Sex differences in regional gray matter in healthy individuals aged 44-48 years: a voxel-based morphometric study', Neuroimage, 36, pp. 691 - 699,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Chen X; Wen W; Malhi GS; Ivanovski B; Sachdev PS, 2007, 'Regional gray matter changes in bipolar disorder: a voxel-based morphometric study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, pp. 327 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Javadpour A; Malhi GS; Ivanovski B; Chen X; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2007, 'Increased anterior cingulate cortex volume in bipolar I disorder', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41, pp. 910 - 916,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Jorm AF; Butterworth P; Anstey KJ; Christensen H; Easteal S; Maller J; Mather KA; Turakulov RI; Sachdev P, 2007, 'Memory complaints in a community sample aged 60-64 years: Associations with cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptoms, medical conditions, APOE genotype, hippocampus and amygdala volumes, and white-matter hyperintensities (vol 34, pg 1495, 2004)', PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, 37, pp. 763 - 763,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Malhi GS; Ivanovski B; Wen W; Lagopoulos J; Moss K; Sachdev P, 2007, 'Measuring mania metabolites: a longitudinal proton spectroscopy study of hypomania', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 116, pp. 57 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Maller JJ; Anstey KJ; Reglade-Meslin C; Christensen H; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2007, 'Hippocampus and amygdala volumes in a random community-based sample of 60-64 year olds and their relationship to cognition', Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section, 156, pp. 185 - 197,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Joscelyne A; Wen W; Altendorf A; Brodaty H, 2007, 'Hippocampal size and dementia in stroke patients: the Sydney stroke study', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 260, pp. 71 - 77,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Sachdev PS; Chen X; Joscelyne A; Wen W; Brodaty H, 2007, 'Amygdala in stroke/transient ischemic attack patients and its relationship to cognitive impairment and psychopathology: The Sydney Stroke Study', American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15, pp. 487 - 496,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Sachdev PS; Wen W; Chen X; Brodaty H, 2007, 'Progression of white matter hyperintensities in elderly individuals over 3 years', Neurology, 68, pp. 214 - 222,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Anstey K; Jorm A; Reglade-Meslin C; Maller J; Kumar R; von Sanden C; Windsor T; Rodgers B; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Weekly alcohol consumption, brain atrophy, and white matter hyperintensities in a community-based sample aged 60 to 64 years', Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, pp. 778 - 785,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Chen X; Wen W; Anstey K; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Effects of cerebrovascular risk factors on gray matter volume in adults aged 60-64 years: A voxel-based morphometric study', Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section, 147, pp. 105 - 114,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fan ZN; Liu XL; Xiong GY; Wen W; Miao L, 2006, 'Change of acinar cell apoptosis in rats with acute pancreatitis induced by bile-pancreatic-duct obstruction', World Chinese Journal of Digestology, 14, pp. 912 - 915,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Low L; Anstey KJ; Maller JJ; Kumar R; Wen W; Lux O; Salonikas C; Naidoo D; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Hormone replacement therapy,brain volumes and white matter in postmenopausal women aged 60-64 years', Neuroreport, 17, pp. 101 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Brodaty H; Joscelyne A; Lorentz L, 2006, 'Prediction of cognitive decline after stroke using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 251, pp. 62 - 69,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Brodaty H, 2006, 'Longitudinal changes during aging using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy', Journals of Gerontology, Series A : Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61, pp. 291 - 298
    Journal articles | 2006
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Valenzuela MJ; Brodaty H, 2006, '1H MRS in stroke patients with and without cognitive impairment', Neurobiology of Aging, 27, pp. 513 - 513,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Sachdev P; Parslow R; Wen W; Anstey K; Easteal S, 2006, 'Why do women have more white matter hyperintensities? Sex differences in the extent, aetiology and consequences of leukoaraiosis', Annals of General Psychiatry, 5,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Sachdev PS; Anstey KJ; Parslow R; Wen W; Maller JJ; Kumar R; Christensen H; Jorm AF, 2006, 'Pulmonary function, cognitive impairment and brain atrophy in a middle-aged community sample', Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 21, pp. 300 - 308,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Looi JC; Berman K; Ross AJ; Wen W; Zagami AS, 2006, 'Clinical determinants of dementia and mild cognitive impairment following ischaemic stroke: The Sydney Stroke Study', Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 21, pp. 275 - 283,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Haindl W; Brodaty H; Wen W; Walker BM, 2006, 'A high-resolution single photon emission computed tomography study of verbal recognition memory in Alzheimer's disease', Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 21, pp. 267 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Haindl W; Brodaty H; Wen W; Walker BM, 2006, 'Combined cerebral blood flow effects of a cholinergic agonist (milameline) and a verbal recognition task in early Alzheimer`s disease', Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 60, pp. 616 - 625,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Wen W; Sachdev PS; Chen X; Anstey KJ, 2006, 'Gray matter reduction is correlated with white matter hyperintensity volume: A voxel-based morphometric study in a large epidemiological sample', Neuroimage, 29, pp. 1031 - 1039,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Jorm AF; Anstey KJ; Christensen HM; de Plater G; Kumar R; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2005, 'MRI hyperintensities and depressive symptoms in a community sample of individuals 60-64 years old', American Journal of Psychiatry, 162, pp. 699 - 704,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Valenzuela MJ; Brodaty H, 2005, '1H MRS in stroke patients with and without cognitive impairment', Neurobiology of Aging, 26, pp. 873 - 882,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Valenzuela MJ; Brodaty H, 2005, 'Cognitive correlates of 1H MRS measures in the healthy elderly brain', Brain Research Bulletin, 66, pp. 9 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Sachdev PS; Parslow R; Lux O; Salonikas C; Wen W; Naidoo D; Christensen H; Jorm AF, 2005, 'Relationships of homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin B12 with depression in a middle-aged community sample', Psychological Medicine, 35, pp. 529 - 538,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Sachdev PS; Wen W; Christensen H; Jorm AF, 2005, 'White matter hyperintensities are related to physical disability and poor motor function', Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76, pp. 362 - 367,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Sachdev PS, 2005, 'Should we distinguish between periventricular and deep white matter hyperintensities?', Stroke, 36, pp. 2342 - 2343,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Sachdey P; Parslow R; Salonikas C; Lux O; Wen W; Maller J; Kumar R; Naidoo D; Christensen H; Jorm A, 2005, 'Erratum: Homocysteine and the brain in midadult life: Evidence for an increased risk of leukoaraiosis in men (Archives of Neurology (September 2004) 61 (1369-1376))', Archives of Neurology, 62, pp. 691,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Trollor JN; Sachdev PS; Haindl W; Brodaty H; Wen W; Walker BM, 2005, 'Regional cerebral blood flow deficits in mild Alzheimer's disease using high resolution single photon emission computerized tomography', Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 59, pp. 280 - 290,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Anstey KJ; Maller J; Meslin C; Christensen H; Jorm AF; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2004, 'Hippocampal and amygdalar volumes in relation to handedness in adults aged 60-64', Neuroreport, 15, pp. 2825 - 2829
    Journal articles | 2004
    Jorm AF; Butterworth P; Anstey KJ; Christensen H; Easteal S; Maller J; Mather KA; Turakulov RI; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2004, 'Memory complaints in a community sample aged 60-64 years: associations with cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptoms, medical conditions, APOE genotype, hippocampus and amygdala volumes, and white-matter hyperintensities', Psychological Medicine, 34, pp. 1495 - 1506,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Miao L; Fan ZN; Ji GZ; Wen W; Jiang GB; Wu P; Liu Z; Huang GM, 2004, 'Endoscopic stent for palliating malignant and benign biliary obstruction', Chinese Journal of Cancer Research, 16, pp. 118 - 122,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Sachdev P; Wen W; Shnier R; Brodaty H, 2004, 'Cerebral Blood Volume in T2-Weighted White Matter Hyperintensities Using Exogenous Contrast Based Perfusion MRI', The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 16, pp. 83 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Looi JC; Wen W; Zagami AS, 2004, 'The neuropsychological profile of vascular cognitive impairment in stroke and TIA patients', Neurology, 62, pp. 912 - 919,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Sachdev PS; Parslow R; Salonikas C; Lux O; Wen W; Kumar R; Naidoo D; Christensen H; Jorm AF, 2004, 'Homocysteine and the brain in midadult life: evidence for an increased risk of leukoaraiosis in men', Archives of Neurology, 61, pp. 1369 - 1376,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Sachdev PS; Wen W; Shnier RL; Brodaty H, 2004, 'Cerebral blood volume in T2-weighted white matter hyperintensities using exogenous contrast based perfusion MRI', Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 16, pp. 83 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Wen W; Sachdev PS; Shnier R; Brodaty H, 2004, 'Effect of white matter hyperintensities on cortical cerebral blood volume using perfusion MRI', Neuroimage, 21, pp. 1350 - 1356,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2004, 'Extent and distribution of white matter hyperintensities in stroke patients: the Sydney Stroke Study', Stroke, 35, pp. 2813 - 2819,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2004, 'The topography of white matter hyperintensities on brain MRI in healthy 60- to 64-year-old individuals', Neuroimage, 22, pp. 144 - 154,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Feredoes EA; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2003, 'Disruption of the neural correlates of working memory using high- and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a negative study', Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology, 56, pp. 187 - 197,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Loo CK; Mitchell PB; Croker V; Malhi GS; Wen W; Gandevia SC; Sachdev PS, 2003, 'Double-blind controlled investigation of bilateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of resistant major depression', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 33 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Loo CK; Sachdev PS; Haindl W; Wen W; Mitchell PB; Croker V; Malhi GS, 2003, 'High (15 Hz) and low (1 Hz) frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation have different acute effects on regional cerebral blood flow in depressed patients', Psychological Medicine, 33, pp. 997 - 1006,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Valenzuela MJ; Jones M; Wen W; Rae CD; Graham SL; Schnier R; Sachdev PS, 2003, 'Memory training alters hippocampal neurochemistry in healthy elderly', Neuroreport, 14, pp. 1333 - 1337,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Malhi GS; Valenzuela MJ; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2002, 'Magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its applications in psychiatry', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36, pp. 31 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Sachdev P; Trollor J; Walker A; Wen W; Fulham M; Smith JS; Matheson J, 2001, 'Bilateral orbitomedial leucotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a single-case study using positron emission tomography', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, pp. 684 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Sachdev PS; Trollor JN; Walker A; Wen W; Fulham MJ; Smith JS; Matheson JM, 2001, 'Bilateral orbitomedial leucotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a single-case study using positron emission tomography', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, pp. 684 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Valenzuela MJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Shnier RL; Brodaty H; Gillies DA, 2000, 'Dual Voxel Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Healthy Elderly: Subcortical-Frontal Axonal N-Acetylaspartate Levels Are Correlated with Fluid Cognitive Abilities Independent of Structual Brain Changes', Neuroimage, 12, pp. 747 - 756,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Sachdev PS; Cathcart S; Shnier RL; Wen W; Brodaty H, 1999, 'Reliability and validity of ratings of signal hyperintensities on MRI by visual inspection and computerised measurement', Psychiatry Research, 92, pp. 103 - 105,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Wen W; Xia A, 1999, 'Veriftying edges for visual inspection purposes', Pattern Recognition Letters, 20, pp. 315 - 328
    Journal articles | 1999
    Wen W; Xia A, 1999, 'Verifying edges for visual inspection purposes', Pattern Recognition Letters, 20, pp. 315 - 328
    Journal articles | 1997
    Hoang K; Wen W; Nachimuthu A; Jiang X, 1997, 'Achieving automation in leather surface inspection', Computers in Industry, pp. 43 - 54
    Journal articles | 1993
    Wen W; Lozzi A, 1993, 'Recognition and inspection of manufactured parts using line moments of their boundaries', Pattern Recognition, 26, pp. 1461 - 1471,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Wen W; Lozzi A, 1992, 'Recognition and inspection of two-dimensional industrial parts using subpolygons', Pattern Recognition, 25, pp. 1427 - 1434,
    Journal articles |
    Dong C; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Mather KA; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 'Brain Structural Covariances in the Ageing Brain in the UK Biobank', SSRN Electronic Journal,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Dong C; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Mather K; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2021, Parental lifespan and polygenic risk score of longevity are associated with white matter hyperintensities, http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2021.02.02.21251026
  • Preprints | 2025
    Ho M; Song Y; Sachdev P; Jiang J; Wen W, 2025, An Enhanced Conditional Variational Autoencoder-Based Normative Model for Neuroimaging Analysis,
    Preprints | 2024
    Dong C; Pan Y; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Du J; Mather K; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2024, Deep learning-derived age of hippocampus-centred regions is influenced by APOE genotype and modifiable risk factors,
    Preprints | 2024
    García-Marín LM; Campos AI; Diaz-Torres S; Rabinowitz JA; Ceja Z; Mitchell BL; Grasby KL; Thorp JG; Agartz I; Alhusaini S; Ames D; Amouyel P; Andreassen OA; Arfanakis K; Vasquez AA; Armstrong NJ; Athanasiu L; Bastin ME; Beiser AS; Bennett DA; Bis JC; Boks MP; Boomsma DI; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buitelaar JK; Burkhardt R; Cahn W; Calhoun VD; Carmichael OT; Chakravarty M; Chen Q; Ching CRK; Cichon S; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Dale AM; Smith GD; de Geus EJ; De Jager PL; de Zubicaray GI; Debette S; DeCarli C; Depondt C; Desrivières S; Djurovic S; Ehrlich S; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fernández G; Filippi I; Fisher SE; Fleischman DA; Fletcher E; Fornage M; Forstner AJ; Francks C; Franke B; Ge T; Goldman AL; Grabe HJ; Green RC; Grimm O; Groenewold NA; Gruber O; Gudnason V; Håberg AK; Haukvik UK; Heinz A; Hibar DP; Hilal S; Himali JJ; Ho B-C; Hoehn DF; Hoekstra PJ; Hofer E; Hoffmann W; Holmes AJ; Homuth G; Hosten N; Ikram MK; Ipser JC; Jack CR; Jahanshad N; Jönsson EG; Kahn RS; Kanai R; Klein M; Knol MJ; Launer LJ; Lawrie SM; Hellard SL; Lee PH; Lemaître H; Li S; Liewald DC; Lin H; Longstreth WT; Lopez OL; Luciano M; Maillard P; Marquand AF; Martin NG; Martinot J-L; Mather KA; Mattay VS; McMahon KL; Mecocci P; Melle I; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Mirza-Schreiber N; Milaneschi Y; Mosley TH; Mühleisen TW; Müller-Myhsok B; Muñoz Maniega S; Nauck M; Nho K; Niessen WJ; Nöthen MM; Nyquist PA; Oosterlaan J; Pandolfo M; Paus T; Pausova Z; Penninx BW; Pike GB; Psaty BM; Pütz B; Reppermund S; Rietschel MD; Risacher SL; Romanczuk-Seiferth N; Romero-Garcia R; Roshchupkin GV; Rotter JI; Sachdev PS; Sämann PG; Saremi A; Sargurupremraj M; Saykin AJ; Schmaal L; Schmidt H; Schmidt R; Schofield PR; Scholz M; Schumann G; Schwarz E; Shen L; Shin J; Sisodiya SM; Smith AV; Smoller JW; Soininen HS; Steen VM; Stein DJ; Stein JL; Thomopoulos SI; Toga AW; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Trollor JN; Valdes-Hernandez MC; van 't Ent D; van Bokhoven H; van der Meer D; van der Wee NJ; Vázquez-Bourgon J; Veltman DJ; Vernooij MW; Villringer A; Vinke LN; Völzke H; Walter H; Wardlaw JM; Weinberger DR; Weiner MW; Wen W; Westlye LT; Westman E; White T; Witte AV; Wolf C; Yang J; Zwiers MP; Ikram MA; Seshadri S; Thompson PM; Satizabal CL; Medland SE; Rentería ME, 2024, Genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes yields polygenic scores accounting for variation across ancestries.,
    Preprints | 2024
    Liu D; Talevi V; Tavares JF; Wang R; Imtiaz MA; Melas K; Teumer A; Wittfeld K; Hillary RF; Vojinovic D; Beekman M; Armstrong NJ; Estrada S; Völzke H; Bülow R; Royle NA; Wardlaw JM; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Mather KA; Slagboom PE; Cox SR; Grabe HJ; Yang Q; Aziz NA; Breteler MMB, 2024, Integrative cross-omics analysis identifies DNA methylation signatures associated with bilateral hippocampal volume, asymmetry and atrophy rate in the general population,
    Preprints | 2023
    Ge R; Yu Y; Qi YX; Fan YV; Chen S; Gao C; Haas SS; Modabbernia A; New F; Agartz I; Asherson P; Ayesa-Arriola R; Banaj N; Banaschewski T; Baumeister S; Bertolino A; Boomsma DI; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer RM; Buckner R; Buitelaar JK; Cannon DM; Caseras X; Cervenka S; Conrod PJ; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Crone EA; de Haan L; de Zubicaray GI; Di Giorgio A; Erk S; Fisher SE; Franke B; Frodl T; Glahn DC; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur RE; Gur RC; Harrison BJ; Hatton SN; Hickie I; Howells FM; Pol HEH; Huyser C; Jernigan TL; Jiang J; Joska JA; Kahn RS; Kalnin AJ; Kochan NA; Koops S; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lazaro L; Lebedeva IS; Lochner C; Martin NG; Mazoyer B; McDonald BC; McDonald C; McMahon KL; Nakao T; Nyberg L; Piras F; Portella MJ; Qiu J; Roffman JL; Sachdev PS; Sanford N; Satterthwaite TD; Saykin AJ; Schumann G; Sellgren CM; Sim K; Smoller JW; Soares J; Sommer IE; Spalletta G; Stein DJ; Tamnes CK; Thomopolous SI; Tomyshev AS; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Trollor JN; van 't Ent D; van den Heuvel OA; van Erp TG; van Haren NE; Vecchio D; Veltman DJ; Walter H; Wang Y; Weber B; Wei D; Wen W; Westlye LT; Wierenga LM; Williams SC; Wright MJ; Medland S; Wu M-J; Yu K; Jahanshad N; Thompson PM; Frangou S, 2023, Normative Modeling of Brain Morphometry Across the Lifespan Using CentileBrain: Algorithm Benchmarking and Model Optimization.,
    Preprints | 2023
    Lin K; Wen W; Lipnicki DM; Mewton L; Chen R; Du J; Wang D; Skoog I; Sterner TR; Najar J; Kim KW; Han JW; Kim JS; Ng TP; Ho R; Chua DQL; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Mortby ME; Brodaty H; Kochan N; Sachdev PS; Jiang J; Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium (COSMIC) , 2023, Risk factors and cognitive correlates of white matter hyperintensities in ethnically diverse populations without dementia: the COSMIC consortium.,
    Preprints | 2023
    Rootes-Murdy K; Panta S; Kelly R; Romero J; Quidé Y; Cairns M; Loughland C; Carr V; Catts S; Jablensky A; Green M; Henskens F; Kiltschewskij D; Michie P; Mowry B; Pantelis C; Rasser P; Reay W; Schall U; Scott R; Watkeys O; Cairns M; Roberts G; Mitchell P; Fullerton J; Overs B; Kikuchi M; Hashimoto R; Matsumoto J; Fukunaga M; Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Wen W; Jiang J; Fani N; Ely T; Lorio A; Stevens J; Ressler K; Jovanovic T; van Rooij S; Plis S; Sarwate A; Calhoun V, 2023, Cortical Similarities in Psychiatric and Mood Disorders Identified in Federated VBM Analysis via COINSTAC,
    Preprints | 2023
    Tang H; Liu H; Zhao H; Jiang J; Kochan N; Jing J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Liu T, 2023, Structural Damage-Driven Brain Compensation in Near-Centenarians and Centenarians Without Dementia,
    Preprints | 2022
    Alqarni A; Wen W; Lam BCP; Crawford JD; Sachdev PS; Jiang J, 2022, Hormonal Factors Moderate the Associations Between Vascular Risk Factors and White Matter Hyperintensities,
    Preprints | 2022
    Dong C; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Mather K; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2022, Brain structural covariances in the ageing brain in the UK Biobank,
    Preprints | 2022
    Du J; Pan Y; Jiang J; Lam B; Thalamuthu A; Chen R; Tsang I; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2022, White matter brain age as a biomarker of cerebrovascular burden in the ageing brain,
    Preprints | 2022
    Fan D; Liu T; Jiang J; Kochan N; Wang Y; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2022, Cognitive decline is associated with frequency-specific resting state functional changes in normal aging,
    Preprints | 2022
    Modabbernia A; Vidal-Pineiro D; Agartz I; Andreassen O; Ayesa-Arriola R; Bertolino A; Boomsma D; Bourque J; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer R; Buitelaar J; Canales-Rodriguez E; Caseras X; Conrod P; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Crone E; De Zubicaray G; Dickie E; Dima D; Espeseth T; Frenzel S; Fisher S; Franke B; Glahn D; Grabe H; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Guerrero-Pedraza A; Gur R; Gur R; Hartman C; Hoekstra P; Pol HH; Jahanshad N; Jernigan T; Jiang J; Kalnin A; Kochan N; Mazoyer B; McDonald B; McMahon K; Nyberg L; Oosterlaan J; Pomarol-Clotet E; Radua J; Roffman J; Sachdev P; Satterthwaite T; Salvador R; Sarró S; Saykin A; Schumann G; Smoller J; Sommer I; Tamnes C; Thomopoulos S; Trollor J; Ent DVT; Voineskos A; Wang Y; Weber B; Wen W; Westlye L; Whalley H; wierenga L; Williams S; Wittfeld K; Wright M; Thompson P; Paus T; Frangou S, 2022, Dissociable Cellular and Genetic Mechanisms of Cortical Thinning at Different Life Stages,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Shen T; Sheriff S; Schulz A; Jiang J; Wen W; Sachdev P; You Y; Graham SL; Gupta VK, 2022, 'Magnetic resonance imaging analysis reveals intracranial volume is associated with multifocal VEP and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurements', in CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 49, pp. 856 - 857,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Wang T; Wen W; Yin X; Hu M, 2022, 'Strategies to Promote Cooperation in Mobile Networks', in 2022 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND APPLICATIONS (ICARA 2022), IEEE, ELECTR NETWORK, pp. 140 - 145, presented at 8th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA), ELECTR NETWORK, 18 February 2022 - 20 February 2022,
    Preprints | 2021
    Foo H; Thalamuthu A; Jiang J; Koch F; Mather K; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2021, Age- and sex-related topological organisation of human brain functional networks and their relationship to cognition,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Wen W; Xia F; Xia L, 2021, 'Real-time personnel counting of indoor area division based on improved YOLOV4-Tiny', in IECON 2021 - 47TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY, IEEE, ELECTR NETWORK, presented at 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON), ELECTR NETWORK, 13 October 2021 - 16 October 2021,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Zhang Q; Wang B; Wen W; Li H; Liu J, 2021, 'Line Art Correlation Matching Feature Transfer Network for Automatic Animation Colorization', in 2021 IEEE WINTER CONFERENCE ON APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTER VISION WACV 2021, IEEE, ELECTR NETWORK, pp. 3871 - 3880, presented at IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), ELECTR NETWORK, 05 January 2021 - 09 January 2021,
    Preprints | 2020
    Beaudet G; Tsuchida A; Petit L; Tzourio C; Caspers S; Schreiber J; Pausova Z; Patel Y; Paus T; Schmidt R; Pirpamer L; Sachdev P; Brodathy H; Kochan N; Trollor J; Wen W; Armstrong N; Deary I; Bastin M; Wardlaw J; Maniega SM; Witte V; Villringer A; Duering M; Debette S; Mazoyer B, 2020, Age-related changes of Peak width Skeletonized Mean Diffusivity (PSMD) across the adult life span: a multi-cohort study,
    Preprints | 2020
    Dima D; Papachristou E; Modabbernia A; Doucet G; Agartz I; Aghajani M; Akudjedu T; Albajes-Eizagirre A; Alnæs D; Alpert K; Andersson M; Andreasen N; Andreassen O; Asherson P; Banaschewski T; Bargallo N; Baumeister S; Baur-Streubel R; Bertolino A; Bonvino A; Boomsma D; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer R; Buitelaar J; Busatto G; Buckner R; Calhoun V; Canales-Rodríguez E; Cannon D; Caseras X; Castellanos F; Cervenka S; Chaim-Avancini T; Ching CRK; Clark V; Conrod P; Conzelmann A; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Crone EAM; Dale A; Davey C; de Geus EJC; de Haan L; de Zubicaray G; den Braber A; Dickie E; Di Giorgio A; Doan NT; Dørum E; Ehrlich S; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fatouros-Bergman H; Fisher S; Fouche J-P; Franke B; Frodl T; Fuentes-Claramonte P; Glahn D; Gotlib I; Grabe H-J; Grimm O; Groenewold N; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur R; Gur R; Harrison B; Hartman C; Hatton S; Heinz A; Heslenfeld D; Hibar D; Hickie I; Ho B-C; Hoekstra P; Hohmann S; Holmes A; Hoogman M; Hosten N; Howells F; Hulshoff Pol H; Huyser C; Jahanshad N; James A; Jiang J; Jönsson E; Joska J; Kahn R; Kalnin A; Kanai R; Kang S; Klein M; Klushnik T; Koenders L; Koops S; Krämer B; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lázaro L; Lebedeva I; Lee WH; Lesch K-P; Lochner C; Machielsen MWJ; Maingault S; Martin N; Martínez-Zalacaín I; Mataix-Cols D; Mazoyer B; McDonald C; McDonald B; McIntosh A; McMahon K; McPhilemy G; Menchón J; Medland S; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Naaijen J; Najt P; Nakao T; Nordvik J; Nyberg L; Oosterlaan J; de la Foz VO-G; Paloyelis Y; Pauli P; Pergola G; Pomarol-Clotet E; Portella M; Potkin S; Radua J; Reif A; Roffman J; Rosa PGP; Sacchet M; Sachdev P; Salvador R; Sánchez-Juan P; Sarró S; Satterthwaite T; Saykin A; Serpa M; Schmaal L; Schnell K; Schumann G; Smoller J; Sommer I; Soriano-Mas C; Stein D; Strike L; Swagerman S; Tamnes C; Temmingh H; Thomopoulos S; Tomyshev A; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Trollor J; Turner J; Uhlmann A; van den Heuvel O; van den Meer D; van der Wee NJA; van Haren NEM; van ’t Ent D; van Erp TGM; Veer I; Veltman D; Völzke H; Walter H; Walton E; Wang L; Wang Y; Wassink T; Weber B; Wen W; West J; Westlye L; Whalley H; Wierenga L; Williams SCR; Wittfeld K; Wolf D; Worker A; Wright M; Yang K; Yoncheva Y; Zanetti M; Ziegler G; Thompson P; Frangou S, 2020, Subcortical Volume Trajectories across the Lifespan: Data from 18,605 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years,
    Preprints | 2020
    Frangou S; Modabbernia A; Doucet G; Papachristou E; Williams SCR; Agartz I; Aghajani M; Akudjedu T; Albajes-Eizagirre A; Alnæs D; Alpert K; Andersson M; Andreasen N; Andreassen O; Asherson P; Banaschewski T; Bargallo N; Baumeister S; Baur-Streubel R; Bertolino A; Bonvino A; Boomsma D; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer R; Buitelaar J; Busatto G; Buckner R; Calhoun V; Canales-Rodríguez E; Cannon D; Caseras X; Castellanos F; Cervenka S; Chaim-Avancini T; Ching CRK; Clark V; Conrod P; Conzelmann A; Crespo-Facorro B; Crivello F; Crone EAM; Dale A; Davey C; de Geus EJC; de Haan L; de Zubicaray G; Braber AD; Dickie E; Di Giorgio A; Doan NT; Dørum E; Ehrlich S; Erk S; Espeseth T; Fatouros-Bergman H; Fisher S; Fouche J-P; Franke B; Frodl T; Fuentes-Claramonte P; Glahn D; Gotlib I; Grabe H-J; Grimm O; Groenewold N; Grotegerd D; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur R; Gur R; Harrison B; Hartman C; Hatton S; Heinz A; Heslenfeld D; Hibar D; Hickie I; Ho B-C; Hoekstra P; Hohmann S; Holmes A; Hoogman M; Hosten N; Howells F; Hulshoff Pol H; Huyser C; Jahanshad N; James A; Jiang J; Jönsson E; Joska J; Kahn R; Kalnin A; Kanai R; Kang S; Klein M; Klushnik T; Koenders L; Koops S; Krämer B; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lázaro L; Lebedeva I; Lee WH; Lesch K-P; Lochner C; Machielsen MWJ; Maingault S; Martin N; Martínez-Zalacaín I; Mataix-Cols D; Mazoyer B; McDonald C; McDonald B; McIntosh A; McMahon K; McPhilemy G; Menchón J; Medland S; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Naaijen J; Najt P; Nakao T; Nordvik J; Nyberg L; Oosterlaan J; de la Foz VO-G; Paloyelis Y; Pauli P; Pergola G; Pomarol-Clotet E; Portella M; Potkin S; Radua J; Reif A; Roffman J; Rosa PGP; Sacchet M; Sachdev P; Salvador R; Sánchez-Juan P; Sarró S; Satterthwaite T; Saykin A; Serpa M; Schmaal L; Schnell K; Schumann G; Smoller J; Sommer I; Soriano-Mas C; Stein D; Strike L; Swagerman S; Tamnes C; Temmingh H; Thomopoulos S; Tomyshev A; Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D; Trollor J; Turner J; Uhlmann A; van den Heuvel O; van den Meer D; van der Wee NJA; van Haren NEM; van ’t Ent D; van Erp TGM; Veer I; Veltman D; Völzke H; Walter H; Walton E; Wang L; Wang Y; Wassink T; Weber B; Wen W; West J; Westlye L; Whalley H; Wierenga L; Wittfeld K; Wolf D; Wright M; Yang K; Yoncheva Y; Zanetti M; Ziegler G; Thompson P; Dima D, 2020, Cortical Thickness Trajectories across the Lifespan: Data from 17,075 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Samaras K; Makkar S; Crawford JD; Kochan NA; Wen W; Brian D; Trollor JN; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2020, 'Metformin-Use Is Associated With Slowed Cognitive Decline and Reduced Incident Dementia in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study [Abstract SAT-LB115]', in Journal of the Endocrine Society, The Endocrine Society, San Francisco, CA, USA, Vol. 4, pp. A1035 - A1035, presented at Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, San Francisco, CA, USA, 28 March 2020 - 31 March 2020,
    Preprints | 2020
    Wierenga L; Doucet G; Dima D; Agartz I; Aghajani M; Akudjedu T; Albajes-Eizagirre A; Alnæs D; Alpert K; Andreassen O; Anticevic A; Asherson P; Banaschewski T; Bargallo N; Baumeister S; Baur-Streubel R; Bertolino A; Bonvino A; Boomsma D; Borgwardt S; Bourque J; den Braber A; Brandeis D; Breier A; Brodaty H; Brouwer R; Buitelaar J; Busatto G; Calhoun V; Canales-Rodríguez E; Cannon D; Caseras X; Castellanos F; Chaim-Avancini T; Ching CRK; Clark V; Conrod P; Conzelmann A; Crivello F; Davey C; Dickie E; Ehrlich S; van ’t Ent D; Fisher S; Fouche J-P; Franke B; Fuentes-Claramonte P; de Geus EJC; Di Giorgio A; Glahn D; Gotlib I; Grabe H; Gruber O; Gruner P; Gur R; Gur R; Gurholt T; de Haan L; Haatveit B; Harrison B; Hartman C; Hatton S; Heslenfeld D; van den Heuvel O; Hickie I; Hoekstra P; Hohmann S; Holmes A; Hoogman M; Hosten N; Howells F; Hulshoff Pol H; Huyser C; Jahanshad N; James A; Jiang J; Jönsson E; Joska J; Kalnin A; Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP) Consortium ; Klein M; Koenders L; Kolskår K; Krämer B; Kuntsi J; Lagopoulos J; Lazaro L; Lebedeva I; Lee P; Lochner C; Machielsen MWJ; Maingault S; Martin N; Martínez-Zalacaín I; Mataix-Cols D; Mazoyer B; McDonald B; McDonald C; McIntosh A; McMahon K; McPhilemy G; van der Meer D; Menchón J; Naaijen J; Nyberg L; Oosterlaan J; Paloyelis Y; Pauli P; Pergola G; Pomarol-Clotet E; Portella M; Radua J; Reif A; Richard G; Roffman J; Rosa PGP; Sacchet M; Sachdev P; Salvador R; Sarró S; Satterthwaite T; Saykin A; Serpa M; Sim K; Simmons A; Smoller J; Sommer I; Soriano-Mas C; Stein D; Strike L; Szeszko P; Temmingh H; Thomopoulos S; Tomyshev A; Trollor J; Uhlmann A; Veer I; Veltman D; Voineskos A; Völzke H; Walter H; Wang L; Wang Y; Weber B; Wen W; West J; Westlye L; Whalley H; Williams SCR; Wittfeld K; Wolf D; Wright M; Yoncheva Y; Zanetti M; Ziegler G; de Zubicaray G; Thompson P; Crone E; Frangou S; Tamnes C, 2020, Greater male than female variability in regional brain structure across the lifespan,
    Preprints | 2019
    Hawkins T; Samuel R; Fiatarone Singh M; Gates N; Wilson G; Jain N; Meiklejohn J; Brodaty H; Wen W; Singh N; Baune B; Suo C; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Sachdev P; Valenzuela M; Hausdorff J; Mavros Y, 2019, Impairment of dual-task gait dynamics in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: Relationships to neuropsychological status, fitness and brain morphology,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Paradise MB; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2019, 'Perivascular spaces are associated with longitudinal cognitive decline and incident dementia in a healthy older cohort [Poster Abstract P3-311]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Elsevier BV, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Vol. 15, pp. P1410 - P1411, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2019, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 14 July 2019 - 16 July 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Roberts G; Wen W; Leung V; Stuart A; Frankland A; Levy F; Lenroot R; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Breakspear M; Mitchell P, 2019, 'Longitudinal differences in white matter integrity in young people at high genetic risk for bipolar disorder', in BIPOLAR DISORDERS, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, pp. 85 - 85, presented at 21st Annual ISBD Conference on Global Advances in Bipolar Disorder and Depression, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, 20 March 2019 - 23 March 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Koncz R; Wen W; Crawford JD; Rowe CC; Sachdev PS, 2018, 'Amyloid burden is independent of cerebrovascular burden, but hypertension promotes amyloid accumulation over time [Abstract P1-465]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Elsevier BV, Chicago, USA, Vol. 14, pp. P499 - P499, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2018, Chicago, USA, 22 July 2018 - 26 July 2018,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Sachdev PS; Rowe CC; Thalamuthu A; Slavin MJ; Wen W, 2017, 'The heritability of Amyloid deposition inthe brains of older people: the Older Australian Twins Study [Poster Abstract P1-163]', in Alzheimer's and Dementia, Elsevier, London, UK, Vol. 13, pp. P305 - P306, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2017, London, UK, 16 July 2017 - 20 July 2017,
    Preprints | 2017
    Satizabal C; Adams HHH; Hibar D; White C; Stein J; Scholz M; Sargurupremraj M; Jahanshad N; Smith A; Bis J; Jian X; Luciano M; Hofer E; Teumer A; van der Lee S; Yang J; Yanek L; Lee T; Li S; Hu Y; Koh JY; Eicher J; Desrivières S; Arias-Vasquez A; Chauhan G; Athanasiu L; Renteria M; Kim S; Höhn D; Armstrong N; Chen Q; Holmes A; Braber AD; Kloszewska I; Andersson M; Espeseth T; Grimm O; Abramovic L; Alhusaini S; Milaneschi Y; Papmeyer M; Axelsson T; Ehrlich S; Roiz-Santiañez R; Kraemer B; Håberg A; Jones H; Pike B; Stein D; Stevens A; Bralten J; Vernooij M; Harris T; Filippi I; Witte V; Guadalupe T; Wittfeld K; Mosley T; Becker J; Doan NT; Hagenaars S; Saba Y; Cuellar-Partida G; Amin N; Hilal S; Nho K; Karbalai N; Arfanakis K; Becker D; Ames D; Goldman A; Lee P; Boomsma D; Lovestone S; Giddaluru S; Le Hellard S; Mattheisen M; Bohlken M; Kasperaviciute D; Schmaal L; Lawrie S; Agartz I; Walton E; Tordesillas-Gutierrez D; Davies G; Shin J; Ipser J; Vinke L; Hoogman M; Knol M; Jia T; Burkhardt R; Klein M; Crivello F; Janowitz D; Carmichael O; Haukvik U; Aribisala B; Schmidt H; Strike L; Cheng C-Y; Risacher S; Pütz B; Fleischman D; Assareh A; Mattay V; Buckner R; Mecocci P; Dale A; Cichon S; Boks M; Matarin M; Penninx BWJH; Calhoun V; Chakravarty M; Marquand A; Macare C; Masouleh SK; Oosterlaan J; Amouyel P; Hegenscheid K; Rotter J; Schork A; Liewald DCM; De Zubicaray G; Wong TY; Shen L; Sämann P; Brodaty H; Roffman J; De Geus EJC; Tsolaki M; Erk S; Van Eijk K; Cavalleri G; Van der Wee NJA; McIntosh A; Gollub R; Bulayeva K; Bernard M; Richards J; Himali J; Loeffler M; Rommelse N; Hoffmann W; Westlye L; Valdés Hernández M; Hansell N; Van Erp TGM; Wolf C; Kwok JBJ; Vellas B; Heinz A; Loohuis LO; Delanty N; Ho B-C; Ching CRK; Shumskaya E; Hofman A; Van der Meer D; Homuth G; Psaty B; Bastin M; Montgomery G; Foroud T; Reppermund S; Hottenga J-J; Simmons A; Meyer-Lindenberg A; Cahn W; Whelan C; Van Donkelaar MMJ; Yang Q; Hosten N; Green R; Thalamuthu A; Mohnke S; Pol HH; Lin H; Jack C; Schofield P; Mühleisen T; Maillard P; Potkin S; Wen W; Fletcher E; Toga A; Gruber O; Huentelman M; Smith GD; Launer L; Nyberg L; Jönsson E; Crespo-Facorro B; Koen N; Greve D; Uitterlinden A; Weinberger D; Steen V; Fedko I; Groenewold N; Niessen W; Toro R; Tzourio C; Longstreth W; Ikram K; Smoller J; Van Tol M-J; Sussmann J; Paus T; Lemaître H; Mazoyer B; Andreassen O; Holsboer F; Veltman D; Turner J; Pausova Z; Schumann G; Van Rooij D; Djurovic S; Deary I; McMahon K; McMahon K; Müller-Myhsok B; Brouwer R; Soininen H; Pandolfo M; Wassink T; Cheung J; Wolfers T; Martinot J-L; Zwiers M; Nauck M; Melle I; Nicho , 2017, Genetic Architecture of Subcortical Brain Structures in Over 40,000 Individuals Worldwide,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Senanayake U; Sowmya A; Dawes L; Kochan N; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2017, 'Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes', in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Method (ICPRAM), Porto, Portugal, pp. 655 - 662, presented at 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Method (ICPRAM), Porto, Portugal, 24 February 2017 - 26 February 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Valenzuela M; Broadhouse KM; Suo C; Fiatarone Singh MA; Gates N; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Jain N; Wilson G; Meiklejohn J; Singh N; Baune BT; Baker M; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Mavros Y, 2017, 'What happens to the hippocampus 12 months after training? Longitudinal linear mixed-effects model analysis of mild cognitive impairment in the SMART trial [Abstract IC-03-01]', in Alzheimer's and Dementia, Elsevier, London, UK, Vol. 13, pp. P7 - P8, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2017, London, UK, 16 July 2017 - 20 July 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Brouwer RM; Panizzon MS; Glahn DC; Hibar DP; Hua X; Jahanshad N; Abramovic L; de Zubicaray G; Franz CE; Hansell NK; Koenis MMG; Mather K; McMahon K; Strike LT; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Boomsma DI; Gilmore DH; Gogtay N; Kahn RS; Kremen WS; Sachdev PS; Wright MJ; Thompson PM; Pol HEH, 2016, 'Genetic influences on longitudinal changes in brain volumes from the ENIGMA Plasticity Working Group [Poster Abstract 3469]', in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland, presented at 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland, 26 June 2016 - 30 June 2016
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Lee T; Bowden J; Ames D; Wright M; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Genetic and environmental influences on verbal ability in older adults: findings from the Older Australian Twins Study [Abstract]', in Behavior Genetics, Springer Verlag (Germany), Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 46, pp. 793 - 793, presented at Behavior Genetics Association 46th Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 20 June 2016 - 23 June 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Li S; Wong EM; Dugue P-A; Kim E; Joo J-HE; McRae AF; Milne RL; Apicella C; Armstrong NJ; Sachdev PS; Mather KA; Thalamuthu A; Wright MJ; Ames D; Wray N; Montgomery G; Spector TD; Sung J; Craig JM; Saffery R; Dongen JV; Giles GG; Southey MC; Hoppe JL, 2016, 'A measure of genome-wide average DNA methylation, which is also a risk factor for breast cancer, is determined in utero: insights from seven twin and family studies of different stages of the lifespan [Abstract]', in Twin Research and Human Genetics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 19, pp. 517 - 517, presented at ISTS Satellite Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 20 June 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Perry A; Wen W; Kochan N; Crawford J; Breakspear M; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Age and education bear independent effects on functional brain networks [Abstract 20575]', in Proceedings of the Resting State and Brain Connectivity Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria, presented at Resting State and Brain Connectivity 2016, Vienna, Austria, 21 September 2016 - 23 September 2016
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Perry A; Wen W; Kochan N; Crawford J; Sachdev PS; Breakspear M, 2016, 'The Weighting of Demographic and Behavioural Factors to the Elderly Functional Connectome [Poster Abstract 3766]', in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland, presented at 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva, Switzerland, 26 June 2016 - 30 June 2016
    Conference Posters | 2016
    Perry A; Wen W; Kochan N; Sachdev PS; Breakspear , 2016, 'The independent influences of age and education on functional brain networks and cognition in healthy older adults [Poster]', Vienna, Austria, presented at Resting State and Brain Connectivity 2016, Vienna, Austria, 21 September 2016 - 23 September 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Sachdev P; Thalamuthu A; Mather K; Ames D; Wright M; Wen W, 2016, 'White matter hyperintensities have a strong genetic influence', in BEHAVIOR GENETICS, SPRINGER, AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, pp. 804 - 804, presented at 46th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, 20 June 2016 - 23 June 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Sachdev PS; Bowden JL; Lee T; Wen W; Ames D; Baune BT; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Kang K; Mather K; Lammel A; Samaras K; Schofield PR; Thalamuthu A; Trollor JN; Wright MJ, 2016, 'The Older Australian Twins Study - findings from the first 10 years [Oral Abstract]', in Twin Research and Human Genetics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), Vol. 19, pp. 519 - 519, presented at ISTS Satellite Meeting, 20 June 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Sachdev PS; Thalamuthu A; Mather K; Ames D; Wright M; Wen W, 2016, 'White matter hyperintensities have a strong genetic influence [Abstract]', in Behavior Genetics, Brisbane, Australia, Vol. 46, pp. 804 - 804, presented at Behavior Genetics Association 46th Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 20 June 2016 - 23 June 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Senanayake U; Sowmya A; Dawes L; Kochan NA; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2016, 'Classification of mild cognitive impairment subtypes using neuropsychological data', in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Rome, Italy, pp. 620 - 629, presented at 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), Rome, Italy, 24 February 2016 - 26 February 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Yang Z; Wen ; Jiang J; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Levitan ; Slavin ; Kochan ; Richmond RL; Brodaty ; Trollor ; Sachdev , 2016, 'MRI markers of dementia in the eighth to eleventh decades of life.', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 12, pp. P334 - P335, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2016,, Toronto, Canada, 24 July 2016 - 28 July 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Brouwer RM; Glahn DC; Hibar DP; Hua X; Jahanshad N; Abramovic L; Franz CE; Hansell NK; Koenis MMG; Mather K; Panizzon MS; Strike LT; Swagerman SC; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Boomsma DI; Gilmore JH; Gogtay N; Kahn RS; Kremen WS; Sachdev PS; Wright MJ; Pol HEH; Thompson PM, 2015, 'Genetic influences on longitudinal changes in subcortical volumes: results from the ENIGMA Plasticity Group [Poster Abstract 4095]', in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, presented at 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 14 June 2015 - 18 June 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Brouwer RM; Glahn DC; Hibar DP; Hua X; Jahanshad N; Franz CE; Koenis MMG; Mather K; Swagerman S; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Boomsma DI; Gilmore JH; Gogtay N; Kahn RS; Kremen WS; Sachdev PS; Wright MJ; Thompson PM; Pol HEH, 2015, 'Genetic Influences on Brain Plasticity: First Results of the ENIGMA Plasticity Working Group [Abstract 223]', in Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 77, pp. 84S - 84S, presented at 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry on Stress, Emotion, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology, Toronto, Canada, 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Cherbuin N; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Anstey KJ, 2015, 'Fasting blood glucose levels are associated with white matter hyperintensities’ burden in older individuals with and without type 2 diabetes [Abstract 113 WFN15-0783]', in Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Elsevier, Santiago, Chile, Vol. 357, pp. e44 - e44, presented at XXII World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2015), Santiago, Chile, 31 October 2015 - 05 November 2015,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Jahanshad N; Kochunov P; Armstrong N; Bastin M; Bearden C; Brouwer R; Cannon D; Caseras X; Costa Rica - Colombia Bipolar Consortium ; Crespo-Facorro B; Dreary I; den Braber A; de Zubicaray G; Donohoe G; Fears S; Franke B; Fullerton J; Hariri A; Hashimoto R; Hibar D; Pol H; Kelly S; Knickmeyer R; Knodt A; Le Hellard S; Lemaitre H; Mandl R; Mitchell P; McDonald C; McMahon K; McIntosh A; Nichols T; Nyberg L; Roberts G; Sachdev PS; Schumann G; Sprooten E; Stein E; Szeszko P; Tordesillas-Gutierrez D; van Hulzen K; vant Ent D; Yang Y; Wardlaw J; Wen W; Zwiers M; The ADNI ; Håberg AK; Wright M; Thompson P; Glahn D, 2015, 'Meta-analyzing genome-wide associations with white matter microstructure - the ENIGMA-DTI group [Poster abstract 3407]', in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, presented at 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 14 June 2015 - 18 June 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Jiang J; Trollor J; Crawford J; Thalamuthu A; Brown D; Baune B; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2015, 'Peripheral Inflammatory Markers and Age-related Brain Atrophy: Is There a Diagnostic Utility? [Poster Abstract 3370]', in Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, presented at 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 14 June 2015 - 18 June 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Mitchell P; Roberts G; Breakspear M; Lenroot R; Green M; Lord A; Wen W; Frankland A, 2015, 'Australian Longitudinal Cohort: Focus on Structural and Functional Neuroimaging', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CANADA, Toronto, Vol. 77, presented at 70th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry on Stress, Emotion, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology, CANADA, Toronto, 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Mitchell P; Roberts G; Breakspear MLR; Green M; Lord A; Wen W; Frankland A, 2015, 'Australian longitudinal cohort: focus on structural and functional neuroimaging', in BIPOLAR DISORDERS, WILEY-BLACKWELL, Vol. 17, pp. 11 - 12,
    Preprints | 2015
    Perry A; Wen W; Lord A; Thalamuthu A; Sachdev P; Breakspear M, 2015, The Organisation of the Elderly Connectome,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Pol HH; Brouwer R; Glahn D; Hibar D; Hua X; Jahanshad N; Abramovic L; Franz C; Hansell N; Koenis M; Mather K; Panizzon M; Strike L; Swagerman S; Wen W; Boomsma D; Gilmore J; Gogtay N; Kahn RS; Kremen W; Sachdev P; Wright M; Thompson P, 2015, 'Genetic influences on longitudinal changes in subcortical volumes: results of the ENIGMA Plasticity Working Group [Abstract]', in Behavior Genetics, Springer Verlag (Germany), San Diego, CA, Vol. 45, pp. 662 - 663, presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, San Diego, CA, 20 June 2015,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Roberts G; Breakspear M; Wen W; Frankland A; Lau P; Wright A; Perich T; Levy F; Lenroot R; Mitchell P, 2015, 'White Matter Integrity in Young People with Bipolar Disorder are at High Genetic Risk: Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Probabilistic Tractography', presented at 70th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry on Stress, Emotion, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology, CANADA, Toronto, 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Slavin M; Levitan C; Trollor J; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Sachdev P, 2015, 'Brain changes on structural MRI from the eighth to eleventh decades of life.', presented at Alzheimer Association International Conference, Washington, US., 18 July 2015 - 23 July 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Yang Z; Wen W; Jiang J; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Levitan C; Slavin M; Kochan N; Richmond RL; Brodaty H; Trollor J; Sachdev P, 2015, 'Brain changes on structural MRI from the eighth to eleventh decades of life [Abstract O1-01-05]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Washington, USA, Vol. 11, pp. P125 - P126, presented at Alzheimer Association International Conference (AAIC) 2015, Washington, USA, 18 July 2015 - 23 July 2015,
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Batouli SAH; Wen W; Trollor J; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'A longitudinal study of brain volume heritability in older adults: the Older Australian Twins Study [Poster Abstract 3399]', in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany, presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany, 08 June 2014 - 12 June 2014
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Callisaya M; Srikanth V; Lord S; Close J; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Thanh P; Beare R; Trollor J; Wen W; Zheng J; Delbaere K, 2014, 'Sub-cortical infarcts and the risk of falls in older people: Combined results of TASCOG and Sydney MAS studies [Abstract OR51]', in Australasian Journal on Ageing, Wiley: 12 months, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Vol. 33, pp. 37 - 38, presented at Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 28 May 2014 - 30 May 2014,
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Callisaya ML; Srikanth VK; Lord SR; Close JC; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Phan T; Beare R; Trollor J; Wen W; Zheng J; Delbaere K; Hohenberg M; Brennan N, 2014, 'Sub-cortical infarcts and the risk of falls in older people: Combined results of TASCOG and Sydney MAS studies [Abstract OR51]', in Australasian Journal of Ageing, Australian Journal on Ageing, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 33, pp. 37 - 38, presented at Australia and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 28 May 2014 - 30 May 2014,
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Jiang J; Sachdev PS; Brown DA; Breit S; Crawford J; Smith E; Liu T; Trollor J; Wen W, 2014, 'Macrophage Inhibitory Cytokine-1 Is Linked to Brain Volume in Older Individuals [Poster Abstract 3194]', in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany, presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germany, 08 June 2014 - 12 June 2014
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Liquet B; Sachdev PS; Thalamuthu A; Wen W, 2014, 'New statistical tools to study heritability of the brain', in Proceedings of the Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2014, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2014, Sydney, Australia, 07 July 2014 - 10 July 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Wen B; Wang C; Yi X; Wen W; Zhu A, 2014, 'Precursor for bifurcation of axial compression system via deterministic learning', in Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2014, pp. 6752 - 6757,
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Wen W; Mather K; Thalamuthu A; Zhu W; Jiang J; Sachdev PS, 2014, 'Heritability and lateralized genetic influence of brain structures in a population aged over 65 [Poster Abstract 3413]', in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germanry, presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Hamburg, Germanry, 08 June 2014 - 12 June 2014
    Other | 2014
    Zhang H; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Kochan NA; Crawford JD; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Kang K; Trollor JN, 2014, Correction: Grey matter correlates of three language tests in non-demented older adults (PLoS ONE),
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Bhardwaj AK; Trollor J; Evans E; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Schofield P; Mowat D; Wen W; Crawford J; Iacono T; Torr J, 2013, 'Successful ageing in older adults with intellectual disabilities: Predictors and correlates of cognitive decline [Abstract]', in Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, Wiley: 24 months, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 10, pp. 107 - 108, presented at 3rd IASSIDD Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 22 August 2013 - 24 August 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Callisaya ML; Srikanth VK; Lord SR; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Phan TG; Beare R; Trollor JN; Wen W; Zheng JJ; Delbaere K, 2013, 'What factors mediate or modify the association between white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and falls - pooled analysis of TASCOG and Sydney MAS [Abstract]', in Cerebrovascular Diseases, Karger, London, UK, Vol. 35, pp. 243 - 243, presented at 22nd European Stroke Conference, London, UK, 28 May 2013 - 30 May 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Mitchell P; Roberts G; Fullerton JM; Green M; Breakspear M; Frankland A; Levy F; Lenroot R; Wen W; Lau P; Joslyn C; Schofield P, 2013, 'Imaging and genetic studies in youth at high risk for bipolar disorder', in BIPOLAR DISORDERS, WILEY-BLACKWELL, FL, Miami Beach, pp. 41 - 41, presented at 10th International Conference on Bipolar Disorder of the International-Society-for-Bipolar-Disorders, FL, Miami Beach, 13 June 2013 - 16 June 2013
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Poljak A; Crawford J; Slavin M; Kochan N; Trollor J; Wen W; Mather K; Assareh A; Smythe GA; Brodaty H; Ng PC; Sachdev P, 2013, 'Plasma beta-amyloid correlates with cognition and brain volumetrics in mild cognitive impairment [Abstract P1-242]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 9, pp. P241 - P241, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013, Boston, MA, USA, 13 July 2013 - 18 July 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Raamana P; Wen W; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wang L; Beg MF, 2013, 'The subclassifcation of amnestic MCI using MRI-based cortical thickness measures [Abstract IC-P-097]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 9, pp. P55 - P56, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013, Boston, MA, USA, 13 July 2013 - 18 July 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Raamana P; Wen W; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Sachdev P; Wang L; Beg MF, 2013, 'The subclassification of amnestic MCI using MRI-based cortical thickness measures [Abstract P2-155]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 9, pp. P402 - P404, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013, Boston, MA, USA, 13 July 2013 - 18 July 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Roberts G; Wen W; Lenroot R; Jiang J; Breakspear M; Green M; Joslyn C; McCormack C; Frankland A; Mitchell P, 2013, 'Size and Shape of the Thalamus and Hippocampus in Young People at High Genetic Risk of Developing Bipolar Disorder', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. 188S - 188S, presented at 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, CA, San Francisco, 16 May 2013 - 18 May 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Yang Z; Wen W; Slavin M; Crawford J; Sachdev PS; Levitan C; Brodaty H, 2013, 'Accelerated ageing of the brain from 70 to 101 years old [Abstract SS25 125-C-5]', in Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, Seoul, Korea, Vol. 17, pp. S155 - S155, presented at 20th IAGG Congress of Gerotology and Geriatrics, Seoul, Korea, 23 June 2013 - 27 June 2013
    Conference Abstracts | 2013
    Zhuang L; Sachdev P; Trollor J; Reppermund S; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2013, 'Staging of microstructural white matter damage in early Alzheimer's disease [Abstract P3-088]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Boston, MA, USA, Vol. 9, pp. P582 - P582, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2013, Boston, MA, USA, 13 July 2013 - 18 July 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Batouli SAH; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Trollor J, 2012, 'The heritability of brain structure in the elderly: results from the Older Australian Twin Study [Abstract Poster 380]', in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, presented at 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Gates N; Jain N; Wilson GC; Meiklejohn J; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Wen W; Singh N; Baune BT; Suo C; Crawford JD; Baker MK; Foroughi N; Wang Y; Wang Y; Fiatarone Singh MA; Valenzuela M, 2012, 'Cognitive and memory function in daily life but not subjective memory complaint predict quality of life and psychological wellbeing in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment [Abstract - Free Oral Paper]', in Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Hong Kong, Vol. 7, pp. 53 - 53, presented at Asia Pacific Geriatric Conference (APGC) 2012, Hong Kong, 20 October 2012 - 21 October 2012
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Levitan C; Sachdev P; Brodaty H; Crawford J; Slavin M; Sidhu M; Kochan N; Richmond RL; Wen W; Kang K; Mather K; Sydney Centenarian Study Team , 2012, 'Rates of dementia amongst an exceptionally old cohort of Australians: The Sydney Centenarian Study [Abstract P1-080]', in Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)., Wiley, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 8, pp. P134 - P134, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Vancouver, Canada, 14 July 2012 - 19 July 2012,
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Liu T; Lipnicki D; Zhu W; Tao D; Cui Y; Jin J; Jiang J; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2012, 'Abnormalities of Cortical Sulci in Early Stage Alzheimer’s disease [Abstract Poster 34]', in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, presented at 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Sachdev P; Trollor J; Lammel A; Lee T; Wright M; Ames D; Brodaty H; Wen W, 2012, 'Recent findings from the Older Australian Twins Study (OATS) [Abstract P4-124]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 8, pp. P675 - P675, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2012, Vancouver, Canada, 14 July 2012 - 19 July 2012,
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Suo C; Leon I; Brodaty H; Trollor J; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Valenzuela M, 2012, 'Supervisory Experience in Midlife Slows Rate of Hippocampal Atrophy in Late Life (O-Th4) [Abstract Poster 945]', in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, presented at 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Wentz J; Wang L; Faisal Beg M; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Trollor J; Ratnanather T, 2012, 'Cortical Thickness of the Cingulate Gyrus in Memory & Ageing Study [Abstract Poster 58]', in Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, presented at 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Beijing, China, 10 June 2012 - 14 June 2012
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Zheng JJ; Lord SR; Close JCT; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Brodaty H; Delbaere K, 2012, 'Brain white matter hyperintensities, executive dysfunction, instability and falls in older people: A prospective cohort study [Abstract Oral 28 S14-14]', in Australian journal on ageing, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 31, pp. 29 - 29, presented at The Australian and New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2012. Dementia: Managing Not to Forget, Sydney, Australia, 02 May 2012 - 04 February 2012,
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Assareh A; Mather K; Armstrong N; Kwok J; Wen W; Brodaty H; Schofield P; Sachdev P, 2011, 'Genome-wide association study of white matter lesions in older individuals [Abstract P4-335]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Paris, France, Vol. 7, pp. e27 - e27, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) on Alzheimer’s disease 2011, Paris, France, 16 July 2011 - 21 July 2011,
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Assareh A; Mather K; Wen W; Anstey K; Easteal SE; Tan X; Mack H; Kwok J; Schofield P; Sachdev P, 2011, 'Association of PON2 Ser311Cys Polymorphism with Brain White Matter Lesions [Abstract P1-208]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Paris, France, Vol. 7, pp. S177 - S178, presented at lzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2011, Paris, France, 16 July 2011 - 21 July 2011,
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Assareh A; Mather KA; Kwok J; Crawford J; Wen W; Brodaty H; Schofield PR; Sachdev PS, 2011, 'Interaction between APOE E4, hypertension and brain white matter lesions [Abstract POS-TUE-121]', in Proceedings of the 31st ANS Annual Meeting, Australian Neuroscience Society, online, pp. 117 - 117, presented at Australian Neuroscience Society 31st Annual Meeting, Auckland, 31 January 2011 - 03 February 2011
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Kochan NA; Breakspear MJ; Valenzuela MJ; Slavin MJ; Brodaty H; Wen W; Trollor JN; Turner A; Crawford J; Sachdev PS, (ed.), 2011, 'Neural response to a graded working memory challenge predicts decline in everyday function in MCI [Abstract P1-319]', in Alzheimer's and Dementia, Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 7, pp. S213 - S213, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Paris, France, 16 July 2011 - 21 July 2011
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Valenzuela M; Turner A; Kochan N; Wen W; McIntosh R; Sachdev P; Breakspear M, 2011, 'Posterior compensatory network mediates spatial working memory in those with proficient cognition despite hippocampal atrophy [Abstract P4-365]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Paris, France, Vol. 7, pp. e41 - e42, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2011, Paris, France, 16 July 2011 - 21 July 2011,
    Conference Abstracts | 2011
    Zhuang L; Wen W; Trollor JN; Kochan NA; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, (ed.), 2011, 'Abnormal connectivity of the hippocampus in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A diffusion tensor tractography study [Abstract P4-124]', in Alzheimer's and Dementia, Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 7, pp. S748 - S748, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Paris, France, 16 July 2011 - 21 July 2011,
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Chen X; Wen W; Trollor JN; Beg MF; Reddy P; Khan AR; Kochan N; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2010, 'Subcortical Nuclei Shrinkage in Mild Cognitive Impairment: a volumetric study [Abstract 357 WTh-AM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Gautam P; Cherbuin N; Anstey K; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2010, 'Sex-based differences in cortical thickness in middle-aged and older adults: PATH Through Life Study [Abstract 588 MT-PM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Khan AR; Cherbuin N; Wen W; Anstey K; Sachdev PS; Beg MF, 2010, 'Improved Hippocampal Segmentation by Learning Optimal Weights in Local Multi-Atlas Fusion [Abstract 1371 WTh-AM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Liu J; Pham TD; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2010, 'Spatially constrained fuzzy hyper-prototype clustering with application to brain tissue segmentation [Short Paper–B243]', in 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. Bioinformatics & Biomedicine, IEEE, USA, pp. 397 - 400, presented at 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. Bioinformatics & Biomedicine, Hong Kong, 18 December 2010 - 21 December 2010,
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Slavin MJ; Draper B; Wen W; Brodaty H; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Sachdev PS, (ed.), 2010, 'The Relationship of White Matter Hyperintensities to depression and apathy in Mild Cognitive Impairment [Abstract P1-415]', in Alzheimers and Dementia, Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 6, pp. S296 - S296, presented at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 10 July 2010 - 15 July 2010,
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Valenzuela M; Suo C; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Singh N; Brodaty H; Baune B; Gates N; Fiatorone Singh M, 2010, 'Active Cognitive Lifestyle is Linked to Structural and Functional Brain Integrity [Abstract 155 WTh-AM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Zhang H; Trollor J; Wen W; Zhu W; Crawford J; Kochan NA; Mather KA; Brodaty H; Reppermund S; Kang K; Slavin MJ; Sachdev PS, 2010, 'Gray matter atrophy of basal forebrain and hippocampus in mild cognitive impairment [Abstract 304 WTh-PM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    Zhuang L; Wen W; Zhu W; Trollor J; Kochan N; Crawford J; Reppermund S; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, 2010, 'White matter integrity in mild cognitive impairment: a tract-based spatial statistics study [Abstract 302 WTh-PM]', in Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelon, Spain, 06 June 2010 - 10 June 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Chen X; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Anstey K, 2009, 'Effects of hypertension on grey matter volumes over 4 years in health adults aged 60-64: a voxel based morphometry study [Abstract 606 M-PM]', in Neuroimage, Elsevier, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 41, pp. S74 - S74, presented at 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, 15 June 2009 - 19 June 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Gates N; Valenzuela M; Singh N; Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Wen W; Fiatorone Singh M, 2009, 'Stimulating neural plasticity in at risk elderly: the SMART Study [Abstract]', in Combined Abstracts of 2009 Australian Psychology Conferences, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 175 - 176, presented at 15th Annual Conference of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychology, Brisbane, Australia, 30 October 2009 - 01 November 2009
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Kochan NA; Brodaty H; Trollor JN; Draper B; Wen W; Slavin MJ; Reppermund S; Crawford J; Kang K; Broe T; Schofield P; Sachdev PS, (ed.), 2009, 'The Sydney memory and Ageing Study (MAS): A population-based longitudinal investigation of cognitive health in the elderly [Abstract P2-097]', in Alzheimers and Dementia, Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 5, pp. P290 - P291, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 11 July 2009 - 16 July 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Loo CK; Taylor J; Mcdarmont B; Mitchell PB; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Sham TMS in controlled studies: Is it really “sham”? [Abstract 397]', in Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, USA, Vol. 45, pp. 123S - 123S, presented at Society of Biological Psychiatry 54th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 13 May 2009 - 15 May 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Poljak A; Song F; Jayasena T; Smythe GA; Raftery MJ; Brodaty H; Slavin MJ; Kochan NA; Trollor JN; Crawford J; Wen W; Ng LL; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Diagnostic biomarkers of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: A plasma proteomics approach [Oral Abstract]', in Australasian Journal of Ageing, Canberra, Vol. 28, pp. A71 - A72, presented at 42nd National Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Canberra, 25 November 2009 - 27 November 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Valenzuela M; Brodaty H; Wen W; Chen X; Sachdev P, 2009, 'Lifespan mental activity predicts diminished rate of hippocampal atrophy [Abstract 33]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 5, pp. e9 - e9, presented at National Dementia Research Forum 2009, Sydney, Australia, 24 September 2009 - 25 September 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Wen W; Brodaty H; Kochan N; Sachdev P; Trollor JN, 2009, 'The neuroimaging component of the Memory and Ageing Study program - the acquisition and analysis [Oral Abstract]', in Australasian Journal of Ageing, Canberra, Australia, Vol. 28, pp. A85 - A86, presented at 42nd National Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Canberra, Australia, 25 November 2009 - 27 November 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Wen W; Brodaty H; Kochan N; Sachdev P; Trollor JN, 2009, 'The neuroimaging component of the memory and ageing study program - the acquisition and analysis [Oral Abstract]', in Australasian Journal of Ageing, Canberra, Australia, Vol. 28, pp. A85 - A86, presented at 42nd National Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Canberra, Australia, 25 November 2009 - 27 November 2009,
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Zhang H; Trollor J; Wen W; Zhu W; Crawford J; Kochan N; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Structural MRI correlates of verbal fluency performance in late life - a DARTEL-based VBM study [Abstract]', in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Barcelona, Spain, 18 June 2009 - 23 June 2009
    Conference Abstracts | 2009
    Zhang H; Trollor J; Wen W; Zhu W; Crawford JD; Kochan N; Sachdev PS, 2009, 'Measurement of grey matter atrophy in mild cognitive impairment using MRI [Abstract]', in Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), San Francisco, CA, USA, presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), San Francisco, CA, USA, 18 June 2009 - 23 June 2009
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Chen X; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2008, 'Incidental lacunar infarcts, brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensities in a community population: The path through life study [Abstract P1-337]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 4, pp. T317 - T317, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 July 2008 - 31 July 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Chua T; Wen W; Chen X; Sachdev PS, 2008, 'The substantia innominata in mild cognitive impairment: implications as a potential biomarker [Abstract 143 T-AM]', in Neuroimage, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 41, pp. S81 - S81, presented at 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, 15 June 2008 - 19 June 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Lee N; Mori S; Oishi K; Faria A; Ratnanather JT; Wen W; Trollor J; Sachdev P, 2008, 'Automated localization of white matter hyperintensities (WHM) on DTI white matter tract atlas [Abstract 298 W-PM]', in NeuroImage, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 41, pp. S138 - S138, presented at 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, 15 June 2008 - 19 June 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Sachdev P; Wen W; Parslow R; Anstey K, 2008, 'White matter hyperintensities are related to cognitive and motor function in middle-aged healthy individuals [Abstract IC-P3-210]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 4, pp. T90 - T90, presented at Alzheimers Association International Conference (AAIC) 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 July 2008 - 31 July 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Sachdev PS; Chua T; Chen X; Wen W; Kochan N; Slavin M; Trollor J; Brodaty H, 2008, 'Diffusion tensor imaging as a biomarker of mild cognitive impairment [Abstract P1-286]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 4, pp. T301 - T301, presented at Alzheimers Association International Conference (AAIC) 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 July 2008 - 31 July 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Valenzuela M; Brodaty H; Wen W; Chen X; Sachdev P, 2008, 'Lifespan mental activity predicts diminished rate of hippocampal atrophy [Abstract IC-02-03]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 4, pp. T5 - T5, presented at Alzheimers Association International Conference (AAIC) 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 July 2008 - 31 July 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Valenzuela M; Singh MF; Singh N; Baune B; Wen W; Brodaty H; Sachdev P, 2008, 'The somatotrophics, memory and aging research trial (SMART): Study of mental activity & resistance training for the prevention of cognitive impairment in at-risk older individuals [Abstract P4-399]', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 4, pp. T791 - T792, presented at Alzheimers Association International Conference (AAIC) 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 26 July 2008 - 31 July 2008,
    Conference Abstracts | 2008
    Zhu W; Wen W; Xia A; Sachdev PS, 2008, 'Image intensity correction for detecting white matter hyperintensity (WMH) progression in longitudinal fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) whole brain scan [Abstract 492 T-PM]', in Neuroimage, Elsevier, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. 41, pp. S107 - S107, presented at 14th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Melbourne, Australia, 15 June 2008 - 19 June 2008,
    Conference Proceedings (Editor of) | 2008
    Sachdev PS; Chua TC; Chen X; Wen W; Kochan NA; Slavin MJ; Trollor JN; Brodaty H, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
    Conference Proceedings (Editor of) | 2008
    Valenzuela MJ; Singh M; Singh N; Baune B; Wen W; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS, (eds.), 2008, 'Alzheimers and Dementia', Elsevier, Orlando, Florida, presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease, Chicago, USA, 23 July 2008 - 31 July 2008
    Conference Abstracts | 2007
    Chen X; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Anstey KJ, 2007, 'Risk factors of incidental lacunar infarcts in a community population aged 60-64 years: The path through life study [Abstract]', in Journal of Neurological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 283, pp. 310 - 310, presented at 5th International Congress on Vascular Dementia, Budapest, Hungary, 08 November 2007 - 11 November 2007,
    Other | 2007
    Jorm AF; Butterworth P; Anstey KJ; Christensen H; Easteal S; Maller J; Mather KA; Turakulov RI; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2007, Erratum: Memory complaints in a community sample aged 60-64 years: Associations with cognitive functioning, psychiatric symptoms, medical conditions, APOE genotype, hippocampus and amygdala volumes, and white-matter hyperintensities (Psychological Medicine (2004) vol. 34 (1495-1506)),
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Chen X; Wen W; Anstey K; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Effects of cerebrovascular risk factors on gray matter volume in adults aged 60-64 years: A voxel-based morphometric study', in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dove Medical Press, Cheshire, UK, Vol. 2, pp. S149 - S149, presented at 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, 10 September 2006 - 14 September 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Chen X; Wen W; Malhi GS; Ivanovski B; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Regional gray matter changes in bipolar disorder: a voxel-based morphometry study [Abstract Poster PO051]', in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dove Medical Press, Cheshire, UK, Vol. 2, pp. S135 - S135, presented at 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, 10 September 2006 - 14 September 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Cherbuin N; Anstey K; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2006, 'White matter hyperintensities: lateralization effects [Abstract]', in Acta Neuropsychiatr, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 18, pp. 246 - 246, presented at The Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research Annual Meeting 2006 - "Brainwaves", Sydney, Australia, 06 December 2006 - 08 December 2006,
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Looi JCL; Shattuek DW; Toga AW; Wen W; Brodaty H; Saehdev PS, 2006, 'Fully automated quantitative methods for mapping the 3-D distribution of white matter hyperintensities in the Sydney stroke study', in NEUROLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, CA, San Diego, pp. A109 - A110, presented at 58th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology, CA, San Diego, 01 April 2006 - 08 April 2006,
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Mondraty NK; Sachdev PS; Wen W, (ed.), 2006, 'Self and non-self image processing by anorexics: an fMRI study [Abstract SY061]', in 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, Vol. 2, pp. S53 - S53, presented at 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, 10 September 2006 - 14 September 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Wen W; Li J; Chen X; Anstey K; Sachdev PS, 2006, 'Sizes and shapes of corpus callosum: exploring sex differences with a large data set and a new computational algorithm [Abstract Poster PO080]', in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dove Medical Press, Cheshire, UK, Vol. 2, pp. S150 - S150, presented at 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, 10 September 2006 - 14 September 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2006
    Wen W; Sachdev PS; Chen X; Anstey K, 2006, 'Brain atrophy and white matter hyperintensity: a voxel-based morphometric study in a large epidemiological sample [Abstract Poster PO079]', in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Dove Medical Press, Cheshire, UK, Vol. 2, pp. S150 - S150, presented at 6th International Neuropsychiatric Association Congress, Sydney, 10 September 2006 - 14 September 2006
    Conference Abstracts | 2005
    Looi J; Shattuck DW; Toga AW; Wen W; Brodaty H; Sachdev P, 2005, 'Piloting a method for longitudinal quantitation of white matter hyperintensities in the Sydney Stroke Study [Abstract FC8:1]', in International Psychogeriatrics, Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 17, pp. 158 - 159, presented at 12th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 September 2005 - 24 September 2005,
    Conference Abstracts | 2004
    Maller JJ; Anstey KJ; Jorm AF; Christensen H; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2004, 'Intracranial volume and cognition in 60- to 64-year-old individuals [Abstract 72686]', in Brain Impairment, Australian Academic Press, Bowen Hills, Qld, Australia, Vol. 5, pp. 42 - 42, presented at Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) / International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Conference, Brisbane, Qld, 07 July 2004 - 10 July 2004,
    Conference Abstracts | 2004
    Reutens SG; Malhi GS; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Ivanovski B, 2004, 'Magnetic resonance spectroscopy in depression – preliminary data [Abstract 6072]', in World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, W F S B P-World Federation Socbiological Psychiatr, Glasgow, Scotland, Vol. 5, pp. 73 - 73, presented at World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, 09 February 2004 - 13 February 2004
    Conference Abstracts | 2004
    Sachdev PS; Ross AJ; Wen W; Valenzuela MJ; Brodaty H, 2004, 'MRS in the study of vascular cognitive impairment [Abstract 6073]', in World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, W F S B P-World Federation Socbiological Psychiatr, Glasgow, Scotland, Vol. 5, pp. 73 - 73, presented at World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, 09 February 2004 - 13 February 2004
    Conference Abstracts | 2004
    Sachdev PS; Wen W; Parslow R; Naidoo D; Christensen H; Jorm T; Brodaty H, 2004, 'Homocysteine, cerebrovascular disease and brain atrophy [Abstract 5012]', in World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, W F S B P-World Federation Socbiological Psychiatr, Glasgow, Scotland, Vol. 5, pp. 9 - 9, presented at World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry International Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Sydney, 09 February 2004 - 13 February 2004
    Conference Abstracts | 2003
    Feredoes EA; Sachdev P; Wen W, 2003, 'Disruption of the neuronal circuitry subserving working memory by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A negative study [Abstract]', in Australian Journal of Psychology, Wiley: 12 months, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 55, pp. 17 - 17, presented at 12th Australasian Society for Psychophysiology Conference and 6th Australian Functional Brain Mapping Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 29 November 2003 - 03 December 2003,
    Conference Abstracts | 2003
    Ross AJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Shnier R; Brodaty H, 2003, 'Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in stroke patients with and without cognitive impairment [Abstract]', in Australian Journal of Psychology, Wiley: 12 months, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 55, pp. 25 - 26, presented at 12th Australasian Society for Psychophysiology Conference and 6th Australian Functional Brain Mapping Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 29 November 2003 - 03 December 2003,
    Conference Abstracts | 2003
    Sachdev PS; Brodaty H; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Wen W; Ross A; Howard L; Koschera A; Berman K; Jones M; Zagami A, 2003, 'The neuropsychological profile of vascular cognitive impairment in stroke patients: the Sydney stroke study [Abstract P146]', in Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG 2003), Goteborg, Sweden, presented at 1st Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG 2003), Goteborg, Sweden, 28 August 2003 - 31 August 2003
    Conference Abstracts | 2003
    Sachdev PS; Wen W; Christensen H; Jorm A, 2003, 'The topography and determinants of white matter hyperintensities in a middle-aged community sample [Abstract S093-005]', in International Psychogeriatrics, Cambridge University Press (CUP): STM Journals, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Vol. 15, pp. 203 - 204, presented at 11th Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 17 August 2003 - 22 August 2003
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Looi JC; Valenzuela MJ; Brodaty H; Wen W; Lorentz L; Sims J; Kinch J; Gillies DA; Schnier R, 2002, 'Neuroimaging and frontal-subcortical dysfunction in a stroke cohort [Abstract P13.02]', in European Psychiatry, Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, Paris, France, Vol. 17, pp. 132 - 132, presented at European Psychiatry,
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Malhi GS; Lagopolous J; Ward PB; Little C; Mitchell PB; Parker GB; Wen W; Ivanovski B; Kumari V; Teasdale JD; Sachdev P, 2002, 'Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of cognitive generation of affect in bipolar depression [Abstract F-5.5]', in Journal of Affective Disorders, Elsevier, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Vol. 68, pp. 123 - 124, presented at Australian Society for Psychiatric Research, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Sachdev P; Valenzuela M; Brodaty H; Looi J; Gillies D; Wilcken D; Wang XL; Lorentz L; Howard L; Jones M; Sims J, 2002, 'Homocysteine as a risk factor for cognitive impairment in stroke patients [Abstract 1626]', in Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier, Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 23, pp. S445 - S445, presented at 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden,
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Sachdev PS; Looi JC; Wen W; Brodaty H; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Howard L; Jones M; Sims J; Schnier R; Zagami AS; Gillies DA, 2002, 'A neuropsychological, MR spectroscopic and MR perfusion study of signal hyperintensities on T2-weighted MRI [Abstract A1339]', in Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, USA, Vol. 23, pp. 363 - 363, presented at 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ICAD), Stockholm, Sweden, 20 July 2002 - 25 July 2002,
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Sachdev PS; Looi JC; Wen W; Brodaty H; Valenzuela MJ; Lorentz L; Howard L; Jones M; Sims J; Shnier RL; Zagami AS; Gillies DA, 2002, 'The matter of white matter: A neuropsychological neurometabolic and perfusion study of white matter hyperintensities [Abstract]', in Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Sage Publications, United Kingdom, Vol. 36, pp. A34 - A34, presented at Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Valenzuela M; Jones M; Wen W; Sachdev P, 2002, 'Short-term memory intervention improves hippocampal biochemistry of healthy elderly', in NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, pp. S123 - S123,
    Conference Abstracts | 2002
    Valenzuela MJ; Jones M; Wen W; Sachdev PS, 2002, 'Short-term memory intervention improves hippocampal biochemistry of healthy elderly [Abstract A464]', in Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier, Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 23, pp. S123 - S123, presented at 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders (ICAD), Stockholm, Sweden, 20 July 2002 - 25 July 2002,
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Loo C; Haindl W; Sachdev P; Wen W; Mitchell P; McBride R; Croker V; Malhi G, 2001, 'Regional CBF changes during prefrontal rTMS in depressed patients', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, pp. 81S - 82S,
    Conference Abstracts | 2001
    Malhi G; Reutens S; Wen W; Ivanovski B; Sachdev PS, 2001, 'A neurochemical comparison of bipolar and unipolar depression using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) [Abstract]', in Abstracts of the nnual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR) 2001, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (ASPR) 2001, Melbourne, Australia
    Conference Abstracts | 2000
    Valenzuela MJ; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2000, 'Frontal white matter N-acetylaspartate levels are correlated with executive cognition in the healthy elderly [Abstract 38E]', in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press): STM Titles, pp. 114 - 114, presented at ???
    Conference Papers |
    Wei Wen ; Lozzi A, 'Transformation independent recognition of 2-D industrial parts', in [1992] Proceedings. 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, presented at [1992] Proceedings. 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition,

1. Chief Investigator A (CIA): One ARC Discovery project ( ); and three NHMRC projects ( ).

2. Chief Investigator (CIx): NHMRC projects.


Current Research Themes:

  • Connectome of older brains – both structural and functional descriptions.
  • Longitudinal study of brain in older brains – atrophy, connectivity and functionality.
  • Predicting brain ageing trajectory using imaging, genetics and clinical data.
  • Mapping genetic influences on brain structures and functions with twins design.
  • Functional and structural connectivity and its cognitive relevance.
  • Development of computational algorithms to segment brain lesions – development of a pipeline for automatic lesion detection and computation.
  • Construction of a MRI index for measuring cerebrovascular disease (CVD) burden: a computational approach (together with Dr. Anbu Thalamuthu)

My Research Supervision

Ph.D. and Master's students, ILP and Honours students, and Postdoc fellows.