Dr Xiongcai Cai

Dr Xiongcai Cai

Adjunct Associate Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Dr Xiongcai Cai is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering. His current research interests include:

  • Machine Learning
  • Recommender Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Generative AI
  • Deep Learning
+61 2 9385 8858
  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Yi P; Cai X; Li Z, 2023, 'A U-Shaped Hierarchical Recommender by Multi-resolution Collaborative Signal Modeling', in , pp. 558 - 573, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26387-3_34
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Wearing MJ, 2011, 'Preface', in Wearing M (ed.), Social Identity, Nova Science Publishers, 2011, pp. vii - xvii, https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=20455
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Yi P; Cai X; Li Z, 2023, 'Difference embedding for recommender systems', Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 37, pp. 948 - 969, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10618-022-00899-0
    Journal articles | 2016
    Anne H; David G; Jashelle C; Cai X, 2016, 'Development of patient decision support tools for motor neuron disease using stakeholder consultation: a study protocol', BMJ Open, 6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010532
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cai X; Perez-Concha O; Coiera E; Martin-Sanchez F; Day R; Roffe D; Gallego B, 2016, 'Real-time prediction of mortality, readmission, and length of stay using electronic health record data', Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23, pp. 553 - 561, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocv110
    Journal articles | 2016
    Luo C; Cai X, 2016, 'Bayesian Wishart Matrix Factorization', Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10618-016-0474-x
    Journal articles | 2015
    Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Cai X; Bain M; Mahidadia A; Compton P, 2015, 'Collaborative Filtering for people-to-people recommendation in online dating: Data analysis and user trial', International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 76, pp. 50 - 66, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2014.12.003
    Journal articles | 2015
    wobcke W; Krzywicki A; Kim Y; Cai X; Bain M; Compton P; Mahidadia A, 2015, 'A Deployed People-to-People Recommender System in Online Dating', AI Magazine, 36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1609/aimag.v36i3.2599
  • Conference Papers | 2020
    Jinnovart T; Cai X; Thonglek K, 2020, 'Abnormal Gait Recognition in Real-Time using Recurrent Neural Networks', in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 972 - 977, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304106
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Dang S; Cai X; Wang Y; Zhang J; Chen F, 2017, 'Unsupervised matrix-valued kernel learning for one class classification', in International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings, Singapore, pp. 2031 - 2034, presented at 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Singapore, 06 November 2017 - 10 November 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3132847.3133114
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Chowdhury N; Cai X, 2016, 'Nonparametric Bayesian probabilistic latent factor model for group recommender systems', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 61 - 76, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48740-3_5
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Chowdhury N; Cai X; Luo C, 2015, 'BoostMF: Boosted Matrix Factorisation for Collaborative Ranking', in Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2015, presented at Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, 07 September 2015 - 11 September 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Chowdhury N; Cai X; Luo C, 2015, 'Learning Factor Selection for Boosted Matrix Factorisation in Recommender Systems', in Chai Y (ed.), The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE) 2015, Beijing, China, presented at The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE) 2015, Beijing, China, 23 October 2015 - 25 October 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Luo C; Cai X; Chowdhury N, 2015, 'Towards Solving the Cold Start Transition Problem in Dynamic Recommender Systems', in Chai Y; Chuang J (ed.), presented at IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 23 October 2015 - 25 October 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Luo C; Cai, Xiongcai ; Chowdhury, Nipa , 2015, 'Probabilistic Temporal Bilinear Model for Temporal Dynamic Recommender Systems', presented at IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 12 July 2015 - 17 July 2015
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Cai X; Bain M; Compton P; Mahidadia A; Kim YS, 2014, 'Evaluation and deployment of a people-to-peopie recommender in online dating', in Proceedings of The Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-14), Quebec, Canada, pp. 2914 - 2921, presented at Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-14), Quebec, Canada, 29 July 2014 - 31 July 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Luo C; Cai X; Chowdhury N, 2014, 'Self-training Temporal Dynamic Collaborative Filtering', in Tseng V; Ho T; Zhou Z; Chen A; Kao H (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 461 - 472, presented at PAKDD2014, Tainan, Taiwan, 13 May 2014 - 16 May 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-06608-0_38
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Compton PJ; Mahidadia AJ, 2013, 'ProCF: Probabilistic Collaborative Filtering for Reciprocal Recommendation', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Springer, Gold Coast, Australia, presented at The 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 April 2013 - 17 April 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Chowdhury N; Cai X, 2013, 'GWMF: Gradient weighted matrix factorisation for recommender systems', in Web Technologies and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Sydney, pp. 758 - 769, presented at 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference on Web Technologies and Applications, APWeb 2013, Sydney, 04 April 2013 - 06 April 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-37401-2_73
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Zhang B; Cai ; Sowmya , 2013, 'ROBUST HUMAN APPEARANCE MATCHING ACROSS MULTI-CAMERAS', in Konrad Schindler P (ed.), Image Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE International Conference on, IEEE Signal Processing Society, Piscataway, NJ, USA, presented at International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Melbourne, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 18 September 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738458
    Conference Papers | 2012
    An F; Cai X; Sowmya A, 2012, 'Perceptual Evaluation of Automatic 2.5D Cartoon Modelling', in Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Springer, Kuching, Malaysia, pp. 28 - 42, presented at Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (PKAW`12) 2012, Kuching, Malaysia, 05 September 2012 - 06 September 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32541-0_3
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Compton PJ; Mahidadia AJ, 2012, 'Reciprocal and Heterogeneous Link Prediction in Social Networks', in Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Springer, German, pp. 193 - 204, presented at The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 May 2012
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Kim YS; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Mahidadia AJ; Compton PJ; Cai X; Bain ME, 2012, 'Hybrid techniques to address cold start problems for people to people recommendation in social networks', in PRICAI 2012: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, springer, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp. 206 - 217, presented at 12th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 03 September 2012 - 07 September 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32695-0_20
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Kim YS; Mahidadia AJ; Compton PJ; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Cai X; Bain ME, 2012, 'People-to-People Recommendation Using Multiple Compatible Subgroups', in LNAI, Springer, Gemerny, pp. 61 - 72, presented at 25th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia, 04 December 2012 - 07 December 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35101-3_6
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Cai X; Bain ME; Mahidadia AJ; Compton PJ; Kim YS, 2012, 'Using a Critic to Promote Less Popular Candidates in a People-to-People Recommender System', in Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Press, Toronto, Canada, pp. 2305 - 2310, presented at Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, 22 July 2012 - 26 July 2012
    Conference Papers | 2011
    An F; Cai X; Sowmya A, 2011, 'Automatic 2.5D Cartoon Modelling', in Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, New Zealand, pp. 149 - 154, presented at International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Compton PJ; Mahidadia AJ, 2011, 'Learning to Make Social Recommendations: A Model-Based Approach', in Advanced Data Mining and Applications: Third International Conference, ADMA 2007, Harbin, China, August 6-8, 2007 Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 124 - 137, presented at 7th International Conference on Advanced data mining and applications, ADMA 2011, Beijing, China, 17 December 2011 - 19 December 2011, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-25856-5_10
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Cai X; Sowmya A, 2011, 'Learning to tune level set methods', in Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2009, IEEE, Wellington, NZ, presented at International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2011, Auckland, New Zealand, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IVCNZ.2009.5378391
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Chen Y; Cai X; Sowmya A, 2011, 'Boosted Dynamic Mixture Active Shape Model For Multi-View Face Alignment', in Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, New Zealand, pp. 30 - 35, presented at International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, IVCNZ 2011, Auckland, New Zealand
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Papapetrou P; Pizzato LA; Gionis A; Cai X, 2011, 'IEEE ICDM Workshop on Community Mining and People Recommenders', Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. xxxi - xxxii, presented at 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdmw.2011.192
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Compton PJ; Mahidadia AJ, 2010, 'Collaborative Filtering for People to People Recommendation in Social Networks', in AI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 476 - 485, presented at 23rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Adelaide Australia, 07 December 2010 - 10 December 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17432-2_48
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Kim YS; Compton PJ; Mahidadia AJ, 2010, 'Learning Collaborative Filtering and Its Application on People-to-People Recommendation in Social Networks', in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, IEEE, Sydney, pp. 743 - 748, presented at The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Sydney, 14 December 2010 - 17 December 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICDM.2010.159
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Kim YS; Mahidadia AJ; Compton PJ; Cai X; Bain ME; Krzywicki A; Wobcke W, 2010, 'People Recommendation based on Aggregated Bidirectional Intentions in Social Network Site', in AICI - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Germany, pp. 247 - 260, presented at The 11th International Workshop on Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Services (PKAW 2010), Daegu, 31 August 2010 - 03 September 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15037-1_21
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Krzywicki A; Wobcke W; Cai X; Mahidadia AJ; Bain ME; Compton PJ; Kim YS, 2010, 'Interaction-based collaborative filtering methods for recommendation in online dating', in Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2010, Springer, Germany, pp. 342 - 356, presented at 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2010, Hong Kong, 12 December 2010 - 14 December 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17616-6_31
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Chen Y; Cai X; Sowmya A, 2009, 'Boosted Dynamic Active Shape Model', in Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2009, IEEE, Wellington, NZ, presented at Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2009, Wellington, New Zealand, 23 November 2009 - 25 November 2009, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IVCNZ.2009.5378408
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Goldsmith BE; Cai X; Sowmya A, 2008, 'Is International Trade Associated with Peace or War? Some New Measures and Methods', in APSA Annual Meeting 2008, The American Political Science Association, Boston, USA, presented at APSA Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p279189_index.html
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Luo C; Cai X; Zhang J, 2008, 'GATE: a novel robust object level tracking method using the particle filtering and level set method', in Conference Proceedings: Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2008), Canberra, Australia, presented at Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications 2008, Canberra, Australia, 01 December 2008 - 03 December 2008
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Luo C; Cai X; Zhang J, 2008, 'Robust object tracking using the particle filtering and level set methods: a comparative experiment', in 2008 10th IEEE International workshop on multimedia signal processing, Cairns, Qld, presented at 10th IEEE International workshop on multimedia signal processing 2008, Cairns, Qld, 08 October 2008 - 10 October 2008
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Cai X; Sowmya A, 2007, 'Level learning set: A novel classifier based on active contour models', in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advances in Natural Computation (ICNC 2005), Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3612/2005, Springer, Berlin, Germany, presented at 18th European conference on machine learning, Warsaw, Poland, 17 September 2007 - 21 September 2007
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Cai X; Sowmya A; Trinder JC, 2006, 'A Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Road Extraction', in A Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Road Extraction, ASPRS Convention, Reno, Nevada, USA, presented at ASPRS Convention, Reno, Nevada, USA
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Cai X; Sowmya A; Trinder JC, 2006, 'Learning parameter tuning for object extraction', in 7th Asian conference on computer science, Hyderabad, India, presented at 7th Asian conference on computer science, Hyderabad, India, 13 January 2006 - 16 January 2006
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Cai X; Sowmya A, 2006, 'Active Contour with Neural Networks-Based Information Fusion Kernel', in 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Hong Kong, presented at 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Hong Kong, 03 October 2006 - 06 October 2006
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Cai X; Sowmya A; Trinder JC, 2005, 'Learning to recognise road from high resolution remotely sensed images', in 2005 international conference on intelligent sensors, sensor networks and information processing, Melbourne, presented at international conference on intelligent sensors, sensor networks and information processing 2005, Melbourne, 05 December 2005 - 08 December 2005
    Conference Papers |
    X. Cai, O. Perez-Concha, F. Martin-Sanchez, B. Gallego. , 'Modelling of Time Series Health Data using Dynamic Bayesian Networks: An application to predictions of patient outcomes after multiple surgeries.', in Proceedings of the Big Data Conference 2014, Melbourne