Associate Professor Yeh Chen Lee

Associate Professor Yeh Chen Lee

Conjoint Associate Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine


Dr Yeh Chen Lee is a Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales and a Consultant Medical Oncologist at the Prince of Wales Hospital and Royal Hospital for Women. She specialises in gynaecological cancers and soft tissue sarcoma and is a recognised leader in her field, serving on multiple national and international committees, including Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), the National Gynae-Oncology Registry (NGOR), the Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group (ANZGOG), the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA), eviQ Cancer Treatment Online, and International Gynaecologic Cancer Society (IGCS)

Associate Professor Lee’s research focuses on improving patient cancer care through advancing and translating knowledge in cancer genetics, drug development through clinical trials, and supportive care. She has led over 50 clinical trials, secured more than $5 million in research funding and published extensively, including in high-impact journals. A complete list of her publications can be found on ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2009-8263




  • Book Chapters | 2022
    Campbell R; King MT; Lee YC; Mileshkin L; Tait MA; Rutherford C, 2022, 'Quality of Life in Women with Ovarian Cancer', in Advances in Diagnosis and Management of Ovarian Cancer, Second Edition, pp. 225 - 241,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Lee YC; Lheureux S; Mirza MR; Oza AM, 2020, 'Targeted Therapy in Management of Endometrial Cancer', in Management of Endometrial Cancer, Springer International Publishing, pp. 249 - 276,
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Nahm SH; Kiely BE; O’Connell RL; Lee YC; Davis A; Avall-Lundqvist E; Berek JS; Berton D; Donnellan P; Hilpert F; Joly F; Lanceley A; Ledermann JA; Okamoto A; Oza A; Pignata S; Sehouli J; King MT; Friedlander M; Stockler MR; Roncolato FT, 2025, 'Prognostic significance and accuracy of oncologists’ estimates of survival time in recurrent ovarian cancer', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 35, pp. 100030 - 100030,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Colombo N; Biagioli E; Harano K; Galli F; Hudson E; Antill Y; Choi CH; Rabaglio M; Marmé F; Marth C; Parma G; Fariñas-Madrid L; Nishio S; Allan K; Lee YC; Piovano E; Pardo B; Nakagawa S; McQueen J; Zamagni C; Manso L; Takehara K; Tasca G; Ferrero A; Tognon G; Lissoni AA; Petrella M; Laudani ME; Rulli E; Uggeri S; Barretina Ginesta MP; Zola P; Casanova C; Arcangeli V; Antonuzzo L; Gadducci A; Cosio S; Clamp A; Persic M; McNeish I; Tookman L; Redondo Sanchez A; Baldini E; Palaia I; Benedetti Panici P; Takahashi N; Lombard J; Ardizzoia A; Bologna A; Herrero Ibáñez AM; Musolino A; Márquez Vázquez R; Pietzner K; Braicu E; Heinzelmann-Schwarz VA; Powell M; Yokoyama Y; Baron-Hay S; Abeni C; Martin Lorente C; Cueva JF; Trillsch F; Heitz F; Ataseven B; Petru E; Heubner ML; Sadozye AH; Dubey S; Tazbirkova A; Tiley S; Chrystal K; Kim SW; Fehr M; Scatchard K; Anand A; Taylor A; Watary H; Enomoto T; Yoshihara K; Selva-Nayagam S; Karki B; Harrison M; Wilkinson K; Goh J; Glasgow A; Chantrill L; Lee C; Bertolini A; Narducci F; Bellotti G; Fusco V; Aebi S; Del Grande M; Colombo I; Tokunaga H; Shigeta S; Goss G; Siow ZR; Steer C; Lin H, 2024, 'Atezolizumab and chemotherapy for advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer (AtTEnd): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial', The Lancet Oncology, 25, pp. 1135 - 1146,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Garg V; Alqaisi H; Soberanis Pina P; Veneziani A; Pannu AK; Grant B; Braik D; Wang C; Shukla A; Tesfu A; Odujoko O; Madariaga A; Lee YC; Wang L; Jivraj N; Bowering V; Grant RC; Dhani NC; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2024, 'Risk-stratified multidisciplinary ambulatory management of malignant bowel obstruction (MAMBO) program in women with advanced gynaecological cancers: A prospective study.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 12076 - 12076,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Giani C; Salawu A; Ljevar S; Denu RA; Napolitano A; Palmerini E; Connolly EA; Ogura K; Wong DD; Scanferla R; Rosenbaum E; Bajpai J; Li ZCC; Bae S; D'Ambrosio L; Bialick S; Wagner AJ; Lee ATJ; Koseła-Paterczyk H; Baldi GG; Brunello A; Lee YC; Loong HH; Boikos S; Campos F; Cicala CM; Maki RG; Hindi N; Figura C; Almohsen SS; Patel S; Jones RL; Ibrahim T; Karim R; Kawai A; Carey-Smith R; Boyle R; Taverna SM; Lazar AJ; Demicco EG; Bovee JVMG; Dei Tos AP; Fletcher C; Baumhoer D; Sbaraglia M; Schaefer IM; Miceli R; Gronchi A; Stacchiotti S, 2024, 'International Multicenter Retrospective Study From the Ultra-rare Sarcoma Working Group on Low-grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma, Sclerosing Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma, and Hybrid Forms: Outcome of Primary Localized Disease', American Journal of Surgical Pathology,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Grisham R; Monk BJ; Van Nieuwenhuysen E; Moore KN; Fabbro M; O'Malley DM; Oaknin A; Thaker P; Oza AM; Colombo N; Gershenson D; Aghajanian CA; Choi CH; Lee YC; Mirza MR; Coleman RL; Cobb L; Harter P; Lustgarten S; Youssoufian H; Banerjee S, 2024, 'GOG-3097/ENGOT-ov81/GTG-UK/RAMP 301: A phase 3, randomized trial evaluating avutometinib plus defactinib compared with investigator's choice of treatment in patients with recurrent low grade serous ovarian cancer', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Haggstrom L; Lee YC; Scott C; Harter P; Woelber L; Ledermann J; Gourley C; McNeish IA; Amant F; Ray-Coquard I; Leary A; Oza AM; Tinker A; González Martin A; Cecere SC; Pignata S; Colombo N; Yoshida H; Marth C; Rosengarten O; Moore KN; Gómez-García EM; Tan D; Friedlander ML, 2024, 'How long is long enough? An international survey exploring practice variations on the recommended duration of maintenance therapy with PARP inhibitors in patients with platinum sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer and long-term outcomes', International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society, 34, pp. 1932 - 1939,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Haggstrom LR; Lee YC; Scott CL; Ledermann JA; Gourley C; McNeish I; Amant F; Ray-Coquard IL; Leary A; Oza AM; Tinker A; González-Martín A; Cecere SC; Colombo N; Yoshida H; Marth C; Gomez Garcia EM; Tan DS; Moore KN; Friedlander ML, 2024, '764P How long is long enough? An international survey exploring practice variations on the recommended duration of maintenance therapy with PARP inhibitors in platinum sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer and long-term outcomes', Annals of Oncology, 35, pp. S578 - S579,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lee YC; Castellano T; Myers TKN; Barnes EH; Chase DM; McCormick C; Diamante K; Shannon CM; Huh WK; Lea JS; Walker JL; Small W; Miller K; Govindarajulu G; Monk BJ; Stockler MR; Moore KN; Mileshkin LR; Bae-Jump VL, 2024, 'Racial disparities and survival outcome of patients with locally advanced cervix cancer in the international randomised phase 3 OUTBACK trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 1594 - 1594,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lee YC; Whitely A; Burling M; Anderson L; Cohen PA; Naidoo M; Richardson G; Perera S; Scott CL; Friedlander M; Brand A; McNally O; Hyde S; Bunting M; Jobling T; Zalcberg J; Rome R, 2024, 'Patterns of care and development of quality indicators in patients with non-epithelial and rare ovarian tumours in Australia: insights from the National Gynae-Oncology Registry.', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, pp. 100052 - 100052,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lefkovits YR; Heriot N; Sporik A; Perera S; Friedlander M; Dixon C; Cohen PA; Lee YC; Hyde S; Richardson G; Webb P; Rome R; King M; Zalcberg J; Schofield P, 2024, 'Incorporating patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) into a clinical quality registry (CQR) for ovarian cancer: considerations and challenges', BMC Health Services Research, 24,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Naidoo M; Scott CL; McNally O; Rome R; Perera S; Lee YC; Whitely A; Burling M; Anderson L; Cohen P; Richardson GE; Friedlander M; Brand A; Hyde S; Bunting M; Jobling T; Zalcberg JR, 2024, 'Overall survival and patterns of care for women with rare ovarian cancers: A prospective study from the Australian National Gynae-Oncology Registry (NGOR).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. e17554 - e17554,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nicum S; Ledermann JA; Mileshkin L; Jayson GC; Gourley C; Michael A; Lord R; Mackay H; Hall M; Tookman L; Banerjee S; Harnett P; Macdonald I; Lee YC; Elyashiv O; Wilkinson K; Farrelly L; Counsell N, 2024, 'LBA33 ICON9: International phase III randomized study to evaluate the efficacy of maintenance therapy with olaparib and cediranib or olaparib alone in patients with relapsed platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer following a response to platinum-based chemotherapy', Annals of Oncology, 35, pp. S1225 - S1226,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Oaknin A; Lee J-Y; Cibula D; Lee YC; Schilder RJ; Auranen A; Gao B; Tan DSP; Oza AM; Miller R; Salutari V; Tasca G; O'Malley DM; Monk BJ; Pothuri B; Lu L; Berman C; Borgman A; Naumann RW, 2024, 'Efficacy and safety of luveltamab tazevibulin vs investigator’s choice of chemotherapy in patients with recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer (PROC) expressing folate receptor alpha (FRα): The REFRaME-01 (GOG-3086, ENGOT-79ov, and APGOT-OV9) phase 2/3 study.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. TPS5637 - TPS5637,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rajadevan N; Flinkier A; Saunders H; Lee YC; Scott C; Khaw P; Allan P; Davies C; Andrews J; Wilson M; Lombard JM; Harrison M; Nesfield H; DeFazio A; Meniawy T; Gorringe KL, 2024, 'Mucinous ovarian carcinoma: A survey of practice in Australia and New Zealand', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 64, pp. 319 - 325,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Roncolato F; King MT; O'Connell RL; Lee YC; Joly F; Hilpert F; Lanceley A; Yoshida Y; Bryce J; Donnellan P; Oza A; Avall-Lundqvist E; Berek JS; Ledermann JA; Berton D; Sehouli J; Kaminsky MC; Stockler MR; Friedlander M, 2024, 'Hidden in plain sight – Survival consequences of baseline symptom burden in women with recurrent ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 185, pp. 128 - 137,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Scott CL; Friedlander ML; Francis K; Kartikasari AER; Diamante K; Bound N; Davies C; O’Connell R; Lee YC; Lombard J; Baron-Hay SE; Antill Y; Shannon C; Selva-Nayagam S; Beale PJ; Shield-Artin K; Wakefield M; Vandenberg C; Plebanski M; Lee CK, 2024, '747P SOLACE2: A phase II randomized trial of olaparib (O) and durvalumab (D) with or without low dose cyclophosphamide (LDCy) in platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer (PSROC)', Annals of Oncology, 35, pp. S566 - S567,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Symons R; Heath F; Duggan J; Bui KT; Byun L; Friedlander M; Lee YC, 2024, 'Rates of paclitaxel hypersensitivity reactions using a modified Markman's infusion protocol as primary prophylaxis.', Support Care Cancer, 32, pp. 292,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Van Nieuwenhuysen E; Bouberhan S; Papadimitriou K; Arend RC; Lee J-Y; O'Cearbhaill RE; O'Malley DM; You B; Gonzalez Martin A; Michels J; Mileshkin LR; Lee YC; Miller R; Yoo S-Y; Peterman MJ; Schmidt T; Knorr D; Lowy I; Uldrick TS; Miller E, 2024, 'A phase 1/2 study of ubamatamab (REGN4018), a MUC16×CD3 bispecific antibody, administered alone or in combination with cemiplimab (anti–PD-1) in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer or MUC16+ endometrial cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. TPS5632 - TPS5632,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Werner B; Powell E; Duggan J; Cortesi M; Lee YC; Arora V; Athavale R; Dean M; Warton K; Ford C, 2024, 'Use of cell-free DNA from ascites to identify variants and tumour evolution in a cohort of patients with advanced ovarian cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 5547 - 5547,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Werner B; Powell E; Duggan J; Cortesi M; Lee YC; Arora V; Athavale R; Dean M; Warton K; Ford CE, 2024, 'Cell-free DNA from ascites identifies clinically relevant variants and tumour evolution in patients with advanced ovarian cancer', Molecular Oncology, 18, pp. 2668 - 2683,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Buchanan DD; Mahmood K; Georgeson P; Walker R; Robledo K; Cummins MM; Spurdle AB; Smith DS; Joo E; Clendenning M; Como J; Preston S; Yip S; Andrews J; Kok PS; Lee YC; Stockler MR; Mileshkin LR; Antill YC, 2023, 'The impact of cause of mismatch repair deficiency and other molecular markers on clinical outcomes with the use of durvalumab in advanced endometrial cancer in the phase 2 PHAEDRA trial (ANZGOG1601).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. 5604 - 5604,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Campbell R; King MT; Stockler MR; Lee YC; Roncolato FT; Friedlander ML, 2023, 'Patient-Reported Outcomes in Ovarian Cancer: Facilitating and Enhancing the Reporting of Symptoms, Adverse Events, and Subjective Benefit of Treatment in Clinical Trials and Clinical Practice.', Patient Relat Outcome Meas, 14, pp. 111 - 126,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cohen PA; Webb PM; King M; Obermair A; Gebski V; Butow P; Morton R; Lawson W; Yates P; Campbell R; Meniawy T; McMullen M; Dean A; Goh J; McNally O; Mileshkin L; Beale P; Beach R; Hill J; Dixon C; Hegarty S; Codde J; Ives A; Lee YC; Brand A; Mellon A; Bilic S; Black I; Jeffares S; Friedlander M, 2023, 'Getting the MOST out of follow-up: A randomized controlled trial comparing 3 monthly nurse led follow-up via telehealth, including monitoring CA125 and patient reported outcomes using the MOST (Measure of Ovarian Symptoms and Treatment concerns) with routine clinic based or telehealth follow-up, after completion of first line chemotherapy in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Colombo N; Harano K; Hudson E; Galli F; Antill Y; Choi CH; Rabaglio M; Marmé F; Petru E; Lai C-H; Biagioli E; Fariñas Madrid L; Takehara K; Allan K; Lee YC; Piovano E; Zamagni C; Tasca G; Ferrero A; Barretina Ginesta MP, 2023, 'LBA40 Phase III double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial of atezolizumab in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel in women with advanced/recurrent endometrial carcinoma', Annals of Oncology, 34, pp. S1281 - S1282,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Friedlander M; Lee YC; Tew WP, 2023, 'Managing Adverse Effects Associated With Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer: A Synthesis of Clinical Trial and Real-World Data.', Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book, 43, pp. e390876,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gonzalez-Ochoa E; Milosevic M; Corr B; Abbruzzese JL; Girda E; Miller RW; Croke J; Mackay H; Lee YC; Bowering V; Ramsahai J; Wang L; D'Souza A; Kunos CA; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2023, 'A phase i study of the Wee1 kinase inhibitor adavosertib (AZD1775) in combination with chemoradiation in cervical, upper vaginal, and uterine cancers', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 33, pp. 1208 - 1214,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hayes S; Obermair A; Mileshkin L; Davis A; Gordon LG; Eakin E; Janda M; Beesley VL; Barnes EH; Spence RR; Sandler C; Jones T; Vagenas D; Webb P; Andrews J; Brand A; Lee YC; Friedlander M; Pumpa K; O'Neille H; Williams M; Stockler M, 2023, 'Exercise during CHemotherapy for Ovarian cancer (ECHO) trial: Design and implementation of a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jivraj N; Lee YC; Tinker L; Bowering V; Ferguson SE; Croke J; Karakasis K; Chawla T; Lau J; Ng P; Dhar P; Shlomovitz E; Buchanan S; Dhani N; Oza AM; Stuart-Mcewan T; Lheureux S, 2023, 'Management of Malignant Bowel Obstruction: An Innovative Proactive Outpatient Nurse-Led Model of Care for Patients With Advanced Gynecologic Cancer', Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 38, pp. 69 - 75,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Klingberg D; Bae S; Zhou DDX; Sim HW; Cai R; Anazodo A; Grimison P; Lewis C; Lee YC, 2023, 'Association of chemotherapy dose intensity and age with outcomes in patients with Ewing's family sarcoma', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lindemann K; Liland H; Donner MS; Brew S; Lee YC; Vistad I; Berge Nilsen E; Lombard JM; Mirza MR; Madsen K; Hansson AM; Andrews J; Campbell R; Davis AJ, 2023, 'GCIG SB-001/NSGO-CTU-PEACE/ANZGOG 1923/2020: Palliation in gynae-oncology—Patients' expectations and assessment of care.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. TPS5635 - TPS5635,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mileshkin LR; Moore KN; Barnes EH; Gebski V; Narayan K; King MT; Bradshaw N; Lee YC; Diamante K; Fyles AW; Small W; Gaffney DK; Khaw P; Brooks S; Thompson JS; Huh WK; Mathews CA; Buck M; Suder A; Lad TE; Barani IJ; Holschneider CH; Van Dyk S; Quinn M; Rischin D; Monk BJ; Stockler MR, 2023, 'Adjuvant chemotherapy following chemoradiotherapy as primary treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer versus chemoradiotherapy alone (OUTBACK): an international, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial', The Lancet Oncology, 24, pp. 468 - 482,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mileshkin LR; Narayan K; Gaffney DK; Barnes EH; Lee YC; Monk BJ; Stockler MR, 2023, 'Adjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer – Authors’ reply', The Lancet Oncology, 24, pp. e290,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pitiyarachchi O; Lee YC; Sim HW; Srirangan S; Mapagu C; Kirk J; Harnett PR; Balleine RL; Bowtell DDL; Samimi G; Brand AH; Marsh DJ; Beale P; Anderson L; Bouantoun N; Provan P; Ramus SJ; DeFazio A; Friedlander M, 2023, 'Older age should not be a barrier to testing for somatic variants in homologous recombination DNA repair-related genes in patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma', Translational Oncology, 31,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Smith D; Robledo KP; Yip S; Cummins MM; Kok PS; Lee YC; Friedlander M; Baron-Hay S; Shannon C; Coward J; Beale P; Goss G; Meniawy T; Lombard J; Spurdle AB; Andrews J; Stockler MR; Mileshkin L; Antill Y, 2023, 'Results of PD-L1 Analysis of Women Treated with Durvalumab in Advanced Endometrial Carcinoma (PHAEDRA)', Cancers, 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Campbell R; Costa DSJ; Stockler MR; Lee YC; Ledermann JA; Berton D; Sehouli J; Roncolato FT; Connell RO; Okamoto A; Bryce J; Oza AM; Avall-Lundqvist E; Berek JS; Lanceley A; Joly F; Hilpert F; Feeney A; Kaminsky MC; Diamante K; Friedlander ML; King MT, 2022, 'Measure of Ovarian Symptoms and Treatment concerns (MOST) indexes and their associations with health-related quality of life in recurrent ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 166, pp. 254 - 262,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Delahunty R; Nguyen L; Craig S; Creighton B; Ariyaratne D; Garsed DW; Christie E; Fereday S; Andrews L; Lewis A; Limb S; Pandey A; Hendley J; Traficante N; Carvajal N; Spurdle AB; Thompson B; Parsons MT; Beshay V; Volcheck M; Semple T; Lupat R; Doig K; Yu J; Chen XQ; Marsh A; Love C; Bilic S; Beilin M; Nichols CB; Greer C; Lee YC; Gerty S; Gill L; Newton E; Howard J; Williams R; Norris C; Stephens AN; Tutty E; Smyth C; O'connell S; Jobling T; Stewart CJR; Tan A; Fox SB; Pachter N; Li J; Ellul J; Mir Arnau G; Young MA; Gordon L; Forrest L; Harris M; Livingstone K; Hill J; Chenevix-Trench G; Cohen PA; Webb PM; Friedlander M; James P; Bowtell D; Alsop K, 2022, 'TRACEBACK: Testing of Historical Tubo-Ovarian Cancer Patients for Hereditary Risk Genes as a Cancer Prevention Strategy in Family Members', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40, pp. 2036 - 2047,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Farrell R; Burling M; Lee YC; Pather S; Robledo K; Mercieca-Bebber R; Stockler M, 2022, 'Clinical trial protocol for HyNOVA: Hyperthermic and normothermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy following interval cytoreductive surgery for stage iii epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube and primary peritoneal cancer (ANZGOG1901/2020)', Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 33,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Krasovitsky M; Lee YC; Sim HW; Chawla T; Moore H; Moses D; Baker L; Mandel C; Kielar A; Hartery A; O'Malley M; Friedlander M; Oza AM; Wang L; Lheureux S; Wilson M, 2022, 'Interobserver and intraobserver variability of RECIST assessment in ovarian cancer', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 32, pp. 656 - 661,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lee YC; King MT; O'Connell RL; Lanceley A; Joly F; Hilpert F; Davis A; Roncolato FT; Okamoto A; Bryce J; Donnellan P; Oza AM; Avall-Lundqvist E; Berek JS; Ledermann JA; Berton D; Sehouli J; Feeney A; Kaminsky M-C; Diamante K; Stockler MR; Friedlander ML, 2022, 'Symptom Burden and Quality of Life With Chemotherapy for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: The Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup-Symptom Benefit Study', Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 77, pp. 531 - 533,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lee YC; King MT; O'Connell RL; Lanceley A; Joly F; Hilpert F; Davis A; Roncolato FT; Okamoto A; Bryce J; Donnellan P; Oza AM; Avall-Lundqvist E; Berek JS; Ledermann JA; Berton D; Sehouli J; Feeney A; Kaminsky MC; Diamante K; Stockler MR; Friedlander ML, 2022, 'Symptom Burden and Quality of Life With Chemotherapy for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: The Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup-Symptom Benefit Study', Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey, 77, pp. 531 - 533,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Sivakumaran T; Krasovitsky M; Freimund A; Lee YC; Webber K; So J; Norris C; Friedlander M; Mileshkin L; Au-Yeung G, 2022, 'Treatment patterns after poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in epithelial ovarian cancer patients', International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 32, pp. 906 - 912,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Woopen H; Sehouli J; Davis A; Lee YC; Cohen PA; Ferrero A; Gleeson N; Jhingran A; Kajimoto Y; Mayadev J; Barretina-Ginesta MP; Sundar S; Suzuki N; van Dorst E; Joly F, 2022, 'Erratum to “GCIG-Consensus guideline for long-term survivorship in gynecologic cancer: A position paper from the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup (GCIG) symptom benefit committee” [Cancer Treatm. Rev. 107 (2022) 102396] (Cancer Treatment Reviews (2022) 107, (S0305737222000603), (10.1016/j.ctrv.2022.102396))', Cancer Treatment Reviews, 109,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Woopen H; Sehouli J; Davis A; Lee YC; Cohen PA; Ferrero A; Gleeson N; Jhingran A; Kajimoto Y; Mayadev J; Barretina-Ginesta MP; Sundar S; Suzuki N; van Dorst E; Joly F, 2022, 'GCIG-Consensus guideline for Long-term survivorship in gynecologic Cancer: A position paper from the gynecologic cancer Intergroup (GCIG) symptom benefit committee', Cancer Treatment Reviews, 107,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Antill Y; Kok PS; Robledo K; Yip S; Cummins M; Smith D; Spurdle A; Barnes E; Lee YC; Friedlander M; Baron-Hay S; Shannon C; Coward J; Beale P; Goss G; Meniawy T; Lombard J; Andrews J; Stockler MR; Mileshkin L, 2021, 'Clinical activity of durvalumab for patients with advanced mismatch repair-deficient and repair-proficient endometrial cancer. A nonrandomized phase 2 clinical trial', Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mileshkin LR; Moore KN; Barnes E; Gebski V; Narayan K; Bradshaw N; Lee YC; Diamante K; Fyles AW; Small W; Gaffney DK; Khaw P; Brooks S; Thompson JS; Huh WK; Carlson M; Mathews CA; Rischin D; Stockler MR; Monk BJ, 2021, 'Adjuvant chemotherapy following chemoradiation as primary treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer compared to chemoradiation alone: The randomized phase III OUTBACK Trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274).', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 39,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Obermair A; Beale P; Scott CL; Beshay V; Kichenadasse G; Simcock B; Nicklin J; Lee YC; Cohen P; Meniawy T, 2021, 'Insights into ovarian cancer care: Report from the Anzgog ovarian cancer webinar series 2020', Journal of Gynecologic Oncology, 32,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Werner B; Yuwono N; Duggan J; Liu D; David C; Srirangan S; Provan P; DeFazio A; Arora V; Farrell R; Lee YC; Warton K; Ford C, 2021, 'Cell-free DNA is abundant in ascites and represents a liquid biopsy of ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 162, pp. 720 - 727,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bhat G; Jivraj N; Oza AM; Dhani N; Lee YC; Madariaga A; Kasherman L; McMullen M; Liu S; Bowering V; Ferguson SE; Croke J; Lheureux S, 2020, 'Proactive inter-professional program to manage malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) in women with advanced gynecological cancer: Improving quality of care, education and awareness of malignant bowel obstruction among patients and health care providers', Gynecologic Oncology, 159, pp. 55 - 56,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cusimano MC; Sajewycz K; Nelson M; Jivraj N; Bowering V; Lee YC; Lheureux S; Ferguson SE, 2020, 'Supported self-management as an innovative model of care for advanced gynecologic cancer patients with malignant bowel obstruction: A qualitative study', Gynecologic Oncology, 159, pp. 314 - 315,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cusimano MC; Sajewycz K; Nelson M; Jivraj N; Lee YC; Bowering V; Oza A; Lheureux S; Ferguson SE, 2020, 'Supported self-management as a model for end-of-life care in the setting of malignant bowel obstruction: A qualitative study', Gynecologic Oncology, 157, pp. 745 - 753,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lee YC; Wang L; Kohn EC; Rubinstein L; Ivy SP; Harris PJ; Lheureux S, 2020, 'Evaluation of toxicities related to novel therapy in clinical trials for women with gynecologic cancer', Cancer, 126, pp. 2139 - 2145,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lheureux S; Oaknin A; Garg S; Bruce JP; Madariaga A; Dhani NC; Bowering V; White J; Accardi S; Tan Q; Braunstein M; Karakasis K; Cirlan I; Pedersen S; Li T; Fariñas-Madrid L; Lee YC; Liu ZA; Pugh TJ; Oza AM, 2020, 'EVOLVE: A Multicenter Open-Label Single-Arm Clinical and Translational Phase II Trial of Cediranib plus Olaparib for Ovarian Cancer after PARP Inhibition Progression', Clinical Cancer Research, 26, pp. 4206 - 4215,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Liu SL; Lee YC; Jivraj N; Bowering V; Wang L; Bhat G; Madariaga A; Kasherman L; Nathwani K; Tesfu A; Lee S; Ferguson SE; Croke JM; O'Brien C; Lau J; Chawla T; Schlomovitz E; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2020, 'Risk stratified multidisciplinary ambulatory management of malignant bowel obstruction (MAMBO) program for women with gynecological cancers: Preliminary results from a prospective single-center study.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38, pp. 6062 - 6062,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Madariaga A; Garg S; Bruce J; Rath P; Mandilaras V; Thiryayi S; Oza AM; Dhani N; Lee YC; Clarke BA; Lheureux S, 2020, 'Biomarkers of outcome with weekly paclitaxel in platinum-resistant high-grade serous or endometrioid ovarian carcinoma', Gynecologic Oncology, 159, pp. 149 - 149,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Madariaga A; Garg S; Bruce JP; Thiryayi S; Mandilaras V; Rath P; Oza AM; Dhani NC; Cescon DW; Lee YC; Chen E; Wang L; Clarke B; Lheureux S, 2020, 'Biomarkers of outcome to weekly paclitaxel in epithelial ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 159, pp. 539 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bhat G; Madariaga A; Bonilla L; Lee YC; Dhani NC; Jivraj N; Chawla T; Buchanan S; Ferguson S; O'Brien C; Dhar P; Shlomovitz E; Lau J; Mulumba S; Karakasis K; Chllamma M; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2019, 'Implementation of malignant bowel obstruction multidisciplinary case conferences (MCCs) to improve clinical decision making in malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) in gynecologic oncology.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37, pp. e18322 - e18322,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bonilla L; Oza AM; Lheureux S; Saibil S; Chen S; Lee YC; Gray D; Colombo I; Madariaga A; Dhani NC; Bhat G; Bowering V; Garg S; Yokom D; Cyriac SL; Butler MO, 2019, 'Clinical outcome of sequential chemotherapy after immune checkpoint inhibitors in advanced ovarian cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37, pp. 5580 - 5580,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lee YC; Davis A, 2019, 'To treat or not to treat', JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 3, pp. pkz023,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lee YC; Jivraj N; Wang L; Chawla T; Lau J; Croke J; Allard JP; Stuart-McEwan T; Nathwani K; Bowering V; Karakasis K; O’Brien C; Shlomovitz E; Ferguson SE; Buchanan S; Ng P; Cyriac S; Tinker L; Dhani N; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2019, 'Optimizing the care of malignant bowel obstruction in patients with advanced gynecologic cancer', Journal of Oncology Practice, 15, pp. e1066 - e1075,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lheureux S; Oaknin A; Garg S; Bruce J; Dhani NC; Madariaga A; Bonilla L; Lee YC; Colombo I; Bhat G; Bowering V; White J; Accardi S; Tan S; Braunstein M; Karakasis K; Liu ZA; Pugh TJ; Oza AM, 2019, 'Evolve: A post PARP inhibitor clinical translational phase II trial of cediranib-olaparib in ovarian cancer—A Princess Margaret Consortium – GCIG Phase II Trial.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37, pp. 5521 - 5521,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Thomas R; Roy B; Maldonado F; Lee YCG, 2019, 'Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions-What Is New', SEMINARS IN RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 40, pp. 323 - 339,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cyriac SL; Wilson MK; Bowering VL; Hunt W; Gutierrez D; Lee YC; Colombo I; Bonilla L; Speers V; Ghai S; Dhani NC; Butler MO; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2018, 'Prospective assessment of tumor biopsies as part of clinical trials: Patients’ (pts) perspectives.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36, pp. 2539 - 2539,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kwan B, 2018, 'Aggressive versus symptom-guided drainage of malignant pleural effusion via indwelling pleural catheters (AMPLE-2): an open-label randomised trial', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 6, pp. 671 - 680,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lee YC; Jivraj N; O'brien C; Chawla T; Shlomovitz E; Buchanan S; Lau J; Croke J; Allard JP; Dhar P; Laframboise S; Ferguson SE; Dhani N; Butler M; Ng P; Stuart-Mcewan T; Savage P; Tinker L; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2018, 'Malignant Bowel Obstruction in Advanced Gynecologic Cancers: An Updated Review from a Multidisciplinary Perspective', Obstetrics and Gynecology International, 2018, pp. 1867238,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lee YC; Wang L; Kohn EC; Rubinstein L; Ivy SP; Harris P; Lheureux S, 2018, 'Toxicity profile of patients with gynecological cancers (Gyne) enrolled in phase I trials.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36, pp. 5572 - 5572,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Bressel M; Grant P; Russell P; Smith C; Picken S; Camm S; Kiely BE; Milne RL; McLachlan SA; Hickey M; Friedlander ML; Hopper JL; Phillips KA, 2017, 'Improved quality of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in Australasian women at high risk of pelvic serous cancer', Familial Cancer, 16, pp. 461 - 469,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Jivraj N; O'Brien C; Lau J; Chawla T; Shlomovitz E; Buchanan S; Croke J; Allard JP; Dhar P; Laframboise S; Ferguson SE; Dhani NC; Butler MO; Ng P; Stuart-McEwan T; Savage P; Tinker LM; Oza AM; Lheureux S, 2017, 'Novel malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) management program for women with advanced gynecological cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. 158 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Kroon R; Koczwara B; Haines I; Francis K; Millward M; Kefford R; Olver I; Mileshkin L, 2017, 'Survey of practices around pharmaceutical company funding for continuing professional development among medical oncologists and trainees in Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 47, pp. 888 - 893,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Lheureux S; Jivraj N; O'Brien C; Laframboise S; Tinker LM; Patel T; Stuart-McEwan T; Savage P; Easson AM; Croke J; Lau J; Shlomovitz E; Chawla T; Allard J; Buchanan S; Ng P; Karakasis K; Oza AM, 2017, 'Risk-stratified multidisciplinary ambulatory management of malignant bowel obstruction (MAMBO) program for women with advanced gynecological cancer.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. e18024 - e18024,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Lheureux S; Oza AM, 2017, 'Treatment strategies for endometrial cancer: Current practice and perspective', Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 29, pp. 47 - 58,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lee YC; Milne RL; Lheureux S; Friedlander M; McLachlan SA; Martin KL; Bernardini MQ; Smith C; Picken S; Nesci S; Hopper JL; Phillips KA, 2017, 'Risk of uterine cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers', European Journal of Cancer, 84, pp. 114 - 120,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Thomas R; Fysh ETH; Smith NA; Lee P; Kwan BCH; Yap E; Horwood FC; Piccolo F; Lam DCL; Garske LA; Shrestha R; Kosky C; Read CA; Murray K; Lee YCG, 2017, 'Effect of an indwelling pleural catheter vs talc pleurodesis on hospitalization days in patients with malignant pleural effusion: The AMPLE randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, pp. 1903 - 1912,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Williamson JP; Twaddell SH; Lee YCG; Salamonsen M; Hew M; Fielding D; Nguyen P; Steinfort D; Hopkins P; Smith N; Grainge C, 2017, 'Thoracic ultrasound recognition of competence: A position paper of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand', Respirology, 22, pp. 405 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Brown SGA; Ball EL; Perrin K; Read CA; Asha SE; Beasley R; Egerton-Warburton D; Jones PG; Keijzers G; Kinnear FB; Kwan BCH; Lee YCG; Smith JA; Summers QA; Simpson G; Lee YC, 2016, 'Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of invasive versus conservative management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e011826,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Birnie KA; Yip YY; Ng DCH; Kirschner MB; Reid G; Prêle CM; Musk AW; Lee YCG; Thompson PJ; Mutsaers SE; Badrian B, 2015, 'Loss of miR-223 and JNK signaling contribute to elevated stathmin in malignant pleural mesothelioma', Molecular Cancer Research, 13, pp. 1106 - 1118,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Lee YC; Michael M; Zalcberg JR, 2015, 'An overview of experimental and investigational multikinase inhibitors for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer', Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 24, pp. 1307 - 1320,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fysh ETH; Thomas R; Read CA; Lam BCH; Yap E; Horwood FC; Lee P; Piccolo F; Shrestha R; Garske LA; Lam DCL; Rosenstengel A; Bint M; Murray K; Smith NA; Lee YCG, 2014, 'Protocol of the Australasian Malignant Pleural Effusion (AMPLE) trial: a multicentre randomised study comparing indwelling pleural catheter versus talc pleurodesis', BMJ OPEN, 4,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Fysh ETH; Tremblay A; Feller-Kopman D; Mishra EK; Slade M; Garske L; Clive AO; Lamb C; Boshuizen R; Ng BJ; Rosenstengel AW; Yarmus L; Rahman NM; Maskell NA; Lee YCG, 2013, 'Clinical Outcomes of Indwelling Pleural Catheter-Related Pleural Infections An International Multicenter Study', CHEST, 144, pp. 1597 - 1602,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Oh SY; Griffiths D; John T; Lee YC; Yu LM; McCarthy N; Heath PT; Crook D; Ramsay M; Richard Moxon E; Pollard AJ, 2008, 'School-aged children: A reservoir for continued circulation of Haemophilus influenzae type b in the United Kingdom', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 197, pp. 1275 - 1281,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Yeh CL; Kelly DF; Yu LM; Slack MPE; Booy R; Heath PT; Siegrist CA; Moxon RE; Pollard AJ, 2008, 'Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine failure in children is associated with inadequate production of high-quality antibody', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 46, pp. 186 - 192,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Johnson NG; Ruggeberg JU; Balfour GF; Lee YC; Liddy H; Irving D; Sheldon J; Slack MPE; Pollard AJ; Heath PT, 2006, 'Haemophilus influenzae type b reemergence after combination immunization', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 12, pp. 937 - 941,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Lee YC; Newport MJ; Goetghebuer T; Siegrist CA; Weiss HA; Pollard AJ; Marchant A, 2006, 'Influence of genetic and environmental factors on the immunogenicity of Hib vaccine in Gambian twins', Vaccine, 24, pp. 5335 - 5340,
  • Conference Papers | 2024
    Buchanan D; Joo J-HE; Mahmood K; Georgeson P; Walker R; Robledo K; Cummins M; Spurdle AB; Smith D; Clendenning M; Como J; Preston S; Yip S; Andrews J; Kok P-S; Lee YC; Stockler M; Mileshkin L; Antill Y, 2024, '713 The impact of cause of mismatch repair deficiency and other molecular markers on clinical outcomes with the use of durvalumab in advanced endometrial cancer in the phase 2 PHAEDRA trial (ANZGOG1601)', in Poster and E-Posters, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A504.1 - A504, presented at ESGO 2024 Congress Abstracts,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Colombo N; Harano K; Hudson E; Galli F; Antill Y; Choi CH; Rabaglio M; Marmé F; Petru E; Lai C-H; Biagioli E; Fariñas-Madrid L; Takehara K; Allan K; Lee YC; Piovano E; Zamagni C; Tasca G; Ferrero A; Barretina-Ginesta M-P, 2024, '546 AtTEnd/ENGOT-EN7: phase III double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial of atezolizumab in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel in women with advanced/recurrent endometrial carcinoma', in Oral Sessions, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A21.1 - A21, presented at ESGO 2024 Congress Abstracts,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Nishio S; Pardo B; Hudson E; Rulli E; Antill Y; Lee C; Rabaglio M; Heitz F; Leitner K; Lai C-H; Uggeri S; Manso L; Harano K; Allan K; Lee YC; Tognon G; Canova S; Petrella MC; Gadducci A; Colombo N, 2024, '523 Phase III double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial of atezolizumab in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel in women with advanced/recurrent endometrial carcinoma: the Asian cohort of AtTEnd/ENGOT-EN7 trial', in Oral Sessions, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, presented at ESGO 2024 Congress Abstracts,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Oaknin A; Lorusso D; Pietzner K; Lee J-Y; Cibula D; Lee YC; Schilder R; Auranen A; Gao B; Tan D; Oza A; Miller R; Salutari V; Tasca G; O’Malley D; Monk B; Pothuri B; Lu L; Berman C; Borgman A; Wendel Naumann R, 2024, 'TP010/#1537  Efficacy and safety of luveltamab tazevibulin in patients with recurrent platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: the reframe-01 (GOG-3086, ENGOT-79ov, and APGOT-OV9) phase 2/3 study', in E-Poster Viewing Abstracts – Trials in Progress, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A351.1 - A351, presented at IGCS 2024 Annual Meeting Abstracts,
    Conference Abstracts | 2024
    Symons R; Heath F; Duggan J; Bui KT; Byun L; Friedlander M; Lee YC, 2024, 'Rates of paclitaxel hypersensitivity reactions using a modified Markman’s infusion protocol as primary prophylaxis', in Supportive Care in Cancer, Vol. 32,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Werner B; Powell E; Duggan J; Cortesi M; Lee YC; Arora V; Athavale R; Dean M; Warton K; Ford C, 2024, 'Use of cell-free DNA from ascites to identify variants and tumour evolution in a cohort of patients with advanced ovarian cancer', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ELECTR NETWORK, presented at Special Clinical Science Symposia, ELECTR NETWORK, 29 May 2024 - 29 May 2024
    Preprints | 2024
    Werner B; Powell E; Duggan J; Cortesi M; Lee YC; Arora V; Athavale R; Dean M; Warton K; Ford C, 2024, Cell-free DNA from ascites identifies clinically relevant variants and tumour evolution in patients with advanced ovarian cancer,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Au-Yeung G; Bressel M; Prall O; Opar P; Andrews J; Mongta S; Lee YC; Gao B; Meniawy T; Baron-Hay S; Black A; Kichenadasse G; Ananda S; Fox P; Bowtell D; Mileshkin L, 2023, 'PO003/#269  Ignite: a phase II signal-seeking trial of adavosertib targeting recurrent high grade serous ovarian cancer with cyclin E1 over-expression with and without gene amplification', in Plenary 01: Oral Abstract Presentations, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A2 - A3, presented at IGCS 2023 Annual Meeting Abstracts,
    Preprints | 2023
    Mileshkin LR; Moore KN; Barnes EH; Gebski V; Narayan K; King MT; Bradshaw N; Lee YC; Diamante K; Fyles AW; Small Jr. W; Gaffney DK; Khaw P; Brooks S; Thompson JS; Huh WK; Mathews CA; Buck M; Suder A; Lad TE; Barani IJ; Holschneider CH; Van Dyk S; Quinn M; Rischin D; Monk BJ; Stockler MR, 2023, Adjuvant Chemotherapy Following Chemo-Radiation as Primary Treatment for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer Compared to Chemo-Radiation Alone: The Randomised Phase 3 OUTBACK Trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274),
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Werner B; Powell E; Duggan J; Lee YC; Athavale R; Dean M; Warton K; Ford C, 2023, 'Cell-free DNA from ascites identifies clinically relevant variants and tumour evolution in a cohort of patients with advanced ovarian cancer', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, pp. A32 - A33,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Au-Yeung G; Bressel M; Prall O; Surace D; Andrews J; Mongta S; Lee YC; Gao B; Meniawy T; Baron-Hay SE; Black AJ; Kichenadasse G; Ananda S; Fox P; Bowtell D; Mileshkin LR, 2022, 'IGNITE: A phase II signal-seeking trial of adavosertib targeting recurrent high-grade, serous ovarian cancer with cyclin E1 overexpression with and without gene amplification.', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 5515 - 5515,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Klingberg D; Bae S; Zhou D; Sim H-W; Cai R; Anazodo A; Grimison PS; Lewis CR; Lee YC, 2022, 'Dose intensity and outcomes of VDC/IE chemotherapy for adolescent and adult patients with Ewing’s family sarcoma.', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 11570 - 11570,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Mileshkin LR; Moore KN; Barnes EH; Lee YC; Gebski V; Narayan K; Bradshaw N; Diamante K; Fyles AW; Small W; Gaffney DK; Khaw P; Brooks S; Thompson JS; Huh WK; Carlson M; Robison K; Rischin D; Stockler MR; Monk BJ, 2022, 'Staging locally advanced cervical cancer with FIGO 2018 versus FIGO 2008: Impact on overall survival and progression-free survival in the OUTBACK trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274).', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ELECTR NETWORK, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), ELECTR NETWORK, 03 June 2022 - 07 June 2022
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Mileshkin LR; Moore KN; Barnes EH; Lee YC; Gebski V; Narayan K; Bradshaw N; Diamante K; Fyles AW; Small W; Gaffney DK; Khaw P; Brooks S; Thompson JS; Huh WK; Carlson M; Robison K; Rischin D; Stockler MR; Monk BJ, 2022, 'Staging locally advanced cervical cancer with FIGO 2018 versus FIGO 2008: Impact on overall survival and progression-free survival in the OUTBACK trial (ANZGOG 0902, RTOG 1174, NRG 0274).', in Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 40, pp. 5531 - 5531,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Pitiyarachchi O; Lee YC; Ramus SJ; deFazio A; Friedlander M, 2022, 'Rates of somatic variants in homologous recombination DNA repair deficiency genes in older patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma', in ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 18, pp. 30 - 30
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Smith D; Robledo K; Yip S; Cummins M; Kok P-S; Lee YC; Friedlander M; Baron-Hay SE; Shannon CM; Coward J; Beale PJ; Goss G; Meniawy T; Lombard JM; Spurdle AB; Andrews J; Stockler MR; Mileshkin LR; Antill YC, 2021, 'Tumor-associated immune cells and progression-free survival in advanced endometrial cancer (EC), results from the PHAEDRA trial (ANZGOG 1601).', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 39, presented at Virtual Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), ELECTR NETWORK, 04 June 2021 - 08 June 2021,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Sivakumaran T; Krasovitsky M; Lee YC; Norris C; Friedlander M, 2020, '403 Treatment patterns post PARP inhibitor in epithelial ovarian cancer patients: results from an Australian, retrospective, multi-institute cohort study', in Poster, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A167.1 - A167, presented at IGCS 2020 Annual Meeting Abstracts,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Scott C; Lee CK; Lee YC; Friedlander M; Hollis S; Diamante K; Davies C; Stockler M; Plebanski M, 2019, 'SOLACE2: A phase II randomised trial of immune priming by olaparib-cyclophosphamide prior to olaparib-durvalumab in asymptomatic, platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian cancer', in ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 15, pp. 160 - 161,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Colombo I; Lien S; Yang C; Clouthier DL; Bonilla L; Cyriac S; Ethier J-L; Lee YC; Kanjanapan Y; Mandilaras V; Dhani NC; Butler MO; Oza AM; Quintos J; Chow H; Pugh TJ; Ohashi PS; Siu LL; Lheureux S, 2017, 'Immunologic and genomic characterization of high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) in patients (pts) treated with pembrolizumab (Pembro) in the phase II INSPIRE trial.', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, presented at 53rd Annual Clinical Science Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO) / Symposium on Old Targets, New Drugs - Her2 and MET, IL, Chicago, 02 June 2017 - 07 June 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Wilson MK; Lheureux S; Cyriac S; Dhani NC; Butler M; Gutierrez D; Mandilaras V; Ethier J-L; Colombo I; Lee YC; Kanjanapan Y; Bonilla L; Hunt W; Bowering V; Oza AM, 2017, 'Clinical trial of biopsies in oncology: Patient-reported impact (BIOPSY).', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, presented at 53rd Annual Clinical Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 02 June 2017 - 07 June 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Lee YC; Milne RL; Smith C; Picken S; Camm S; McLachlan S-A; Friedlander M; Hopper JL; Phillips K-A, 2016, 'Risk of uterine cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 03 June 2016 - 07 June 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Birnie KA; Yip Y; Ng D; Kirschner MB; Reid G; Thompson PJ; Lee YC; Badrian B; Mutsaers SE, 2015, 'LOSS OF MICRORNA-223 AND C-JUN-TERMINAL KINASE (JNK) SIGNALLING CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVER-EXPRESSION OF STATHMIN IN MALIGNANT PLEURAL MESOTHELIOMA', in RESPIROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, pp. 146 - 146, presented at Thoracic Society Australia New Zealand Australian New Zealand Society Respiratory Science Annual Scientific Meeting 2015, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, 27 March 2015 - 01 April 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Rosenstengel A; Tremblay A; Slade M; Garske L; Ng B; Lamb C; Clive A; Mishra E; Boshuizen R; Fysh E; Lee YCG, 2013, 'PLEURAL INFECTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH INDWELLING PLEURAL CATHETERS (IPC)', in RESPIROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 31 - 31,