Mr Zhaohui Wang

Mr Zhaohui Wang

Research Associate
Climate Change Research Centre

I’m a postdoctoral research associate at CCRC (UNSW) and the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Sciences (ACEAS). My research focuses on the modulation of Antarctic surface winds by synoptic patterns and their association with large-scale climate modes. Prior to this, I worked as an experimental scientist at CSIRO, where I contributed to the simulation and development of Australia’s fully coupled climate model, with a focus on its atmospheric component. This role followed my Ph.D. at the University of Tasmania (UTAS), where I focused on polar meteorological modelling and air-sea ice interactions at the NWP scale. My broad research interests including:

  • Antarctic high-resolution atmospheric modelling
  • Antarctic paleoclimate reconstruction
  • Climate teleconnections between Antarctica and the mid-to-low latitudes
  • Antarctic sea ice variability and mean state under a new regime shift
  • Sea ice-wave interactions
+61 415508866
Level 4, Mathews Building
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Hobbs W; Spence P; Meyer A; Schroeter S; Fraser AD; Reid P; Tian TR; Wang Z; Liniger G; Doddridge EW; Boyd PW, 2024, 'Observational Evidence for a Regime Shift in Summer Antarctic Sea Ice', JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 37, pp. 2263 - 2275,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Schroeter S; Bi D; Law RM; Loughran TF; Rashid HA; Wang Z, 2024, 'Global-scale future climate projections from ACCESS model contributions to CMIP6', JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE EARTH SYSTEMS SCIENCE, 74,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang Z; Fraser AD; Reid P; Coleman R; O'farrell S, 2024, 'The Influence of Time-Varying Sea Ice Concentration on Antarctic and Southern Ocean Numerical Weather Prediction', WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 39, pp. 293 - 310,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang Z; Fraser AD; Reid P; O’Farrell S; Coleman R, 2024, 'Antarctic sea ice surface temperature bias in atmospheric reanalyses induced by the combined effects of sea ice and clouds', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Fraser AD; Massom RA; Handcock MS; Reid P; Ohshima K; Raphael MN; Cartwright J; Klekociuk AR; Wang Z; Porter-Smith R, 2021, 'Eighteen-year record of circum-Antarctic landfast-sea-ice distribution allows detailed baseline characterisation and reveals trends and variability', CRYOSPHERE, 15, pp. 5061 - 5077,
  • Preprints | 2021
    Fraser AD; Massom RA; Handcock MS; Reid P; Ohshima KI; Raphael MN; Cartwright J; Klekociuk AR; Wang Z; Porter-Smith R, 2021, 18 year record of circum-Antarctic landfast sea ice distribution allows detailed baseline characterisation, reveals trends and variability,