GERRIC is the unit responsible for delivering gifted education programs at the School of Education. We deliver new knowledge and understanding of gifted students and education in Australia and internationally.
Much of our research success is built on our strong research relationships with international scholars and gifted education centres around the world.
Research is one of the GERRIC’s focal areas. Indeed, members of GERRIC are engaged in an extensive program of research in the field of gifted education, with a particular emphasis on the following:
- Acceleration/Ability grouping
- Career development
- Decision-making
- Differentiating curriculum and pedagogy
- Disadvantaged and culturally diverse populations
- Highly gifted populations
- Identification
- Indigenous populations
- Moral development
- Motivation
- Multi-literacies
- Rural gifted students
- Programs and provisions
- Socio-emotional development
- STEAM education
- Technology-enabled learning
- Twice exceptionality
- Underachievement
Learn more about our current research in gifted education and the people doing it.
Industry recognised
Our research has been published in ALL of the most prestigious international publication outlets in the field of gifted education, including Gifted Child Quarterly, Roeper Review, High Ability Studies, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Journal of Advanced Academics, Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, Routledge, Springer, and Oxford University Press. Furthermore, members of GERRIC sit on the editorial boards of these outlets, including Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, and the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education (as editor).
Success in grant funding
Our research has secured many sought after research grants from major bodies. We have had numerous successes in the securing of research grant funding from major bodies such as the Australian Research Council (a DECRA for a study on the career decisions of gifted adolescents), the United States-based John Templeton Foundation (a series of studies on academic acceleration), Mensa (a study on the educational and career decisions on International Mathematics Olympians), the Australian Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (a study on Gifted STEAM programs and a study on gifted international exchange students), Catholic Education South Australia (a study on gifted education provisions in a state education system), and the Gonski Institute of Education (a study on gifted rural education).
Award winning
External recognition of our research has come in the form of awards, including:
- Award for Excellence in Research from Mensa International/Mensa Education and Research Foundation
- Outstanding Research Award, Division E (Counseling and Human Development) of the American Educational Research Association
- International Lifetime Achievement Award by the Mensa Education and Research Foundation.
Underpinning GERRIC’s strength in research is our strong research relationships with international scholars and gifted education centres around the world, some of which are formalised through Memoranda of Understanding.
Gifted Program Evaluation
GERRIC is frequently approached by schools and school systems to undertake a research-informed evaluation of the programs and provisions they offer for gifted students.
As part of the GERRIC Gifted Program Evaluation, GERRIC researchers will assess the current status of gifted education at your school/school system, implement the GERRIC Gifted Education Program Evaluation Tool, make recommendations relating to the gifted program offerings at your school/school system and support the implementation of these recommendations.
If your school or school system is interested, please contact the Director of GERRIC, A/Professor Jae Yup Jared Jung (jae.jung@unsw.edu.au) for further information.