Borrowing information
Whether you’re a student, staff or alumni, once you’ve got your ADFA card, you can borrow items from the UNSW Canberra Library and a number of other university libraries under the University Libraries Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) scheme. Find the information you’ll need to start.

Borrowing UNSW Canberra:
ADFA Personnel
UNSW Canberra:
(Coursework)UNSW Alumni Non-UNSW Maximum Items
20 Loan Period
180 days
(unless recalled)28 days
(unless recalled)28 days
(unless recalled)28 days
(unless recalled)Automatic Renewal
(unless recalled or overdue)
for a maximum of 24 monthsYes
(unless recalled or overdue)
for a maximum of 112 daysYes
(unless recalled or overdue)
for a maximum of 112 daysNo automatic renewal.
Renewals may be requested by calling 0434 369 043 or through AskUs.
Online Resources
Library computers only
No Document Supply
No Course Readings
Yes – 4hr loan
(no renewal – 2 items at a time)Yes – 4hr loan
(no renewal – 2 items at a time)No
No Current Periodicals
Yes – 3-day loan
Yes – 3-day loan
No Multimedia
Yes – 28-day loan
Yes – 28-day loan
Yes – 28-day loan Store
Request via Inter Campus Loan
No Special Collections
* by appointment only
Yes *
Yes *
Yes *
Yes * -
Your ADFA card is also your Library card. When borrowing, it's your responsibility to abide by the conditions of Card use:
- Always present your ADFA Card when borrowing.
- Your card is not transferable.
- You agree to accept responsibility for all items issued on your card and agree to return all items by the due date/s. The due date/s may change if the item is recalled.
- If your card is lost or stolen immediately notify the staff at the Academy Library on 0434 369 043. Until the Library is notified, you're responsible for items borrowed with the card.
- Replacement cards can be obtained through the ICTS Service Desk.
Additional borrowing responsibilities are as follows:
- Return items including recalled items by the due date/s. If items are overdue, you'll be unable to borrow any further items and may be fined.
- Ensure any items on loan are returned to the Library before you travel and/or are on extended leave or deployment.
- Pay any accrued fines and penalties. You'll be blocked from borrowing once your Library fines reach $20. You'll be blocked from enrolling or graduating once your Library fines reach $100.
Log in to myLibrary to check your borrowing information and communications from the Library.
Further conditions for using library facilities, study spaces and resources are outlined in the Library Conditions of Use.
Notices from the Academy Library about loans, recalls, requests and fines are sent to your official UNSW staff or student email address. For non-UNSW clients, notifications are sent to the email address provided when applying for membership.
These notifications* include information about:
- the availability of requested materials
- due date changes (recalled items) and overdue items
- courtesy messages about approaching due dates.
*Library notices are a courtesy. You are responsible for returning or renewing loans on time, regardless of receipt of library notices. Check your myLibrary account regularly to keep track of your loans, holds and any recalls.
Subject line of email notice: Sent: Library – Your requested item is ready for collection
When an item is ready for you to pick up Library – Your borrowed item is due back soon
Three days before an item is due Library – Items due today
On the day the item is due Library – New due date on your borrowed item When an item is recalled/request by another borrower
Note: fines are incurred if item is not returned by the due date
Library – Lost item fines
30 days after an item is due/when an item is deemed 'Lost' Library – Personal delivery notification
When a home delivery request has been processed Library - Cancellation of your request
When the request/recall you placed has been cancelled Facilitating the receipt of notices
If you use a SPAM filter, we recommend you include "" as a legitimate sender of emails.
How do I avoid fines?
To avoid fines we would recommend the following:
- return borrowed items by the due date
- ensure the items on loan to you are returned to the Library before travelling, leave or deployment
- keep your contact details up to date
- review myLibrary regularly and check your email for Library notifications. If you have any questions regarding fines, submit an Ask Us query.
Note: Library notifications are sent as a courtesy only and are not a substitute for checking myLibrary regularly.
General conditions for fines & penalties
If items are not returned by their due date borrowing privileges are suspended until the overdue items are returned. Fines and penalties only apply on items that are of high use (Course Readings), required by others (Recalls), supplied by other libraries (Interlibrary loans/Document Supply), or lost or damaged. The fine or penalty charged varies in accordance with type of item.
The following fines and penalties may apply on items not returned by their due date/time.
Overdue Fees Blocks Course readings $3 per hour or part thereof Borrowing suspended until returned Recalled items $2 per day Borrowing suspended until returned Document supply $1 per day Borrowing suspended until returned Standard loan See: Lost Item replacement fee Borrowing suspended until returned Lost item replacement fee
Once an item is overdue by 30 days, a Lost item replacement fee is applied. This is comprised of a $120 replacement fee and a $35 administration fee. Currently for Canberra, both fees are waived once the item is returned. If the lost item is a UNSW Sydney library resource, the administration fee of $35 is still payable even if the item is returned or replaced.
- Any fine on your account will block graduation.
- Any fine below $20 will still allow borrowing.
Note: If you return overdue items outside of staffed library hours, you may not be able to borrow again until the next working day.
To pay fines & penalties
For staff: Fill in the UNSW@ADFA Library Payments form (available at the Library Service Desk). Take the form and cash to the Defence Bank. Pay the fine or fee and bring the receipt back to the Library. Please note there is no option to pay with a credit/debit card.
For students: Go to the UNSW Online Payments page and select 'Other Payments', then 'Library Fines & Fees'.
Please note it may take up to 48 hours for fines to be cleared once payment has been made.
Students can also pay using the UNSW@ADFA Library Payments form (available at the Library Service Desk) if the Online Payments system isn't available.
Maximum renewal periods
The following borrower groups can access automatic renewals:
- undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students (maximum renewal period: 16 weeks)
- postgraduate research students (maximum renewal period 24 months)
- UNSW staff (maximum renewal period 24 months)
When will loans be renewed?
Items that can normally be renewed through myLibrary are renewed seven days before their due date, if your loan(s) and account satisfy the automatic loan renewal criteria. You are also welcome to manually renew items prior to their due dates via myLibrary.
Please note, items can still be recalled at any time and the due date will change if the book is recalled by another borrower.
How will I be notified & what do I need to do?
Eligible borrowers will not receive a Library notification for a loan being automatically renewed (except seven days before the maximum renewal period is reached). As a user, you must check your myLibrary account regularly for the most up-to-date information on your borrowing status.
Non-UNSW members are not usually able to renew online. To renew items, please call the Library on 0434 369 043, or contact us via our Ask Us service. Please note, recalled items cannot be renewed. The Library requires you to return these instead.
During opening hours, return items via the returns chute near the Library Service Desk.
After hours, return items using the external chute just to the left of the main door.
Off-campus students/clients can return any home delivered items by post to:
Academy Library
UNSW Canberra
PO Box 7955
Canberra BC ACT 2610It is your responsibility to return items safely to the Academy Library by the due date.
We support online students with electronic material wherever possible.
We mail library materials upon request to students registered in the Student Administration System as ‘Off-Campus’.
Eligible materials
Off-campus students can request delivery of any item within the Academy Library general collections and the UNSW Sydney Libraries main collections.
The collections excluded from this service are:
- Course Reading
- Special Collections
- Defence Collection
Items that are checked out to another person can be recalled and delivered to your home, however expect that there will be delays as items need to be returned to the Library once recalled before being sent to the next requestor.
As part of the University Libraries Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) scheme, UNSW Canberra staff and students can register for borrowing privileges at most other Australian university libraries.
Visit University Libraries Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) for a listing of participating libraries.
You can then apply directly to the participating library upon proof of UNSW Canberra enrolment/employment.
Canberra has a number of publicly accessible libraries that staff and students can visit and join, These include the
National Library of Australia and ACT Libraries Services.