Research projects include:
- Coordination of distributed energy storage systems and renewable generation resources
- Virtual power plants
- Battery management systems
- Hybrid energy storage systems
- Characterisation of energy storage systems
- Integration of internet of electric vehicles into smart buildings
- Smart grids
- Reconfigurable power electronic converters
- Power converters for energy storage systems
For more information, contact Dr B Hredzak
In many distributed control systems communication bandwidth limits can compromise system stability and performance and a communication control trade-off must be managed.
Research projects include:
• Information and Control
• Networked Control Systems
• Robust Control under Limited Capacity ConstraintsFor more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Research projects include:
• Navigation and Guidance of Autonomous Mobile Robots
• Control of Mobile Wireless SystemsFor more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Research projects include:
• Control and Forecasting for Wind and PV Solar Power Systems
For more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Research projects include:
• Control of Physiological Variables during Kidney Dialysis
• Control of Implantable Blood Pumps for Heart Failure PatientsFor more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Research projects include:
- Navigation and deployment of aerial drones (UAVs)
- Navigation and control of mobile robots
For more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Research projects include:
- Control of wind/solar power systems
- Control and optimization of changing for electric vehicles
- Control of microgrids
For more information, contact Prof A Savkin
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is less than two decades old but has had a profound influence on the study of the brain and its diseases. This technology has in turn generated a fast growing demand for advanced statistical signal processing tools and thrown up novel problems in signal processing, distributed state estimation and multimodal imaging. This research is carried on mostly with colleagues at Harvard Medical School in the USA but also with colleagues in UNSW’s Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute (POWMRI).
Research Projects include:
- Modeling of Intrinsic Brain Networks
- Joint fMRI/MEG modelling
- Information Theoretic Causality
For more information, contact Prof V Solo
In the last decade and a half new micro measurement technologies involving multi-unit electrode recordings from the brains of awake animals such as monkeys and rats are allowing scientists to pursue fundamental studies of brain function. A potential engineering application is the development of true neural prosthetics. But the resultant need to analyse large volumes of data are generating new kinds of statistical signal processing and control problems that require new analysis tools. This research is carried on mostly with colleagues in the USA but also with colleagues at the University of Western Australia Medical School.
Research Projects include:
- System Identification for Multivariate Point Processes
- State Estimation for Point Process Systems
- Joint System Identification of Point Processes and Time Series
For more information, contact Prof V Solo
Many signal processing and control problems involve constraints that force parameters and or processes to lie in manifolds. Differential geometric methods are required to solve signal estimation, optimization and parameter estimation problems in such settings.
Research Projects include:
- Geodesic Principal Components Analysis
- Stochastic Attitude Estimation
- Signal Estimation in Riemannian Manifolds
For more information, contact Prof V Solo
In Econometrics the advent of large data sets has put stress on traditional methods of empirical dynamic analysis. New tools of analysis are under rapid development falling under the rubric of ‘dynamic factor models’.
Research Projects include:
• State Space approach to Dynamic Factor Models
• Sparse State Space Models
• Random Matrix theory for Stationary ProcessesFor more information, contact Prof V Solo
Research Projects include:
- Quantum dynamics for neuromorphic computing
- Quantum system identification
For more information, contact Dr Hendra Nurdin
Research Projects include:
Analysis and control of heterogeneous microgrids
For more information, contact Dr Hendra Nurdin