Congratulations to Dr Oren Griffiths who has been selected to receive the "best paper" award for 2012 by the Psychonomic Society's Learning & Behavior editorial team. Dr Griffiths will also receive $1000 as part of the award.
The article authored with Prof Fred Westbrook investigates extinction learning in humans. It shows that humans learn about disconfirming instances (e.g. I believe X, and then I find out "not X") differently to other animals, and differently to how formal learning models predict. The paper speculates that this difference might be a product of the ways in which humans and other animals represent their context, or parse their experience into different episodes.
Publication details:
Griffiths, O. & Westbrook, R. F. (2012) Common error term usage in human extinction learning. Learning & Behavior, 40, 207-221.