The Lake Disappointment Potash Project will have major and unacceptable environmental impacts on the nationally important Lake Disappointment. This lake is a significant national site for the breeding of banded stilts, and both the extent and frequency of breeding events will be affected by the proposed Lake Disappointment Potash Project. This Project will also impact two unique reptile species; the Lake Disappointment Dragon, the Lake Disappointment Ground Gecko, and the endangered Night parrot. Finally, it will have many other unknown effects on the broad ecology of this nationally important wetland, a wetland described as having both high conservation and anthropological value. 

Despite the short 20 year mine life, this project will have permanent effects on the hydrology and ecological functioning of Lake Disappointment. Reward Minerals’ own documents attest that Lake Disappointment is listed as a Nationally Important Wetland with high conservation and anthropological value, its main tributary watercourse the Savoury Creek is listed as a Wild River, having previously experienced no modification by modern human activities. Importantly, due to its location and climate, Lake Disappointment has a much higher frequency of flooding than others sites in inland Australia where Banded Stilts are known to breed.

The Lake Disappointment Potash Project has many forseen and unforeseen effects on the endemic engangered wildlife of the region. Lake Disappointment is a particularly important wetland to the region based on its size and flooding frequency, meaning it plays an irreplaceable role for desert wildlife, particularly birds and reptiles. We therefore cannot support this project due to its deleterious effect on Australian biodiversity.


To read the full submission see below!